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Last visit: 2024-09-27 06:49:37

Srour and Shams witness the Signing of Cooperation Agreement with ILO

Dr. Gamal Srour, the Minister of Manpower and Dr. Ali Shams El Din, the President of Benha University have witnessed the signing of cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Agriculture in Moshtohor, Benha University and the International Labour Organization (ILO), Cairo to establish the Unit of Agricultural Projects Development by the attendance of Dr. Gamal Ismail, the University Vice-president for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs; Dr. Mahmoud Iraqi, the Dean of the Faculty; Mr. Peter Van, the Director of ILO Cairo; and Ms. Nashwa Belal, the Director of Decent Jobs for Egypt's Young People “DANIDA”.
Srour and Shams witness the Signing of Cooperation Agreement with ILO

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