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Last visit: 2024-09-27 06:49:30

Benha University is among 1500 Global Universities in the American Ranking US News 2020

Prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Saied, the university president says that being among 1500 global Universities according to the American ranking US NEWS 2020 is a great accomplishment. He stresses that the University has obtained 1162 rank on the global apparatus and it also obtained 37 rank on the African apparatus in addition to obtaining 12 rank on the local apparatus. The university president says that Benha University has exerted a lot of efforts in order to achieve quality and excellence in the international ranking systems by paying a great attention to the scientific research. EL-Saied contends that this progress comes in accordance with the University policy to hone its scientific production in addition to improving the abilities of the young researchers. The university president congratulates the faculties' members and the employees on such great accomplishment.
Benha University is among 1500 Global Universities in the American Ranking US News 2020

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