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Benha University progresses 125 Rank in the Spanish Ranking “Webmetrics –July 2019”

The final results of Webmetrics have been announced to show that Benha University has progressed 125 ranks as it obtains 1681 rank among 28.000 universities in the world. Prof.Dr. Gamal El-Saied, the University president says that this achievement has been fulfilled due to the exerted efforts of the E-Portal team, the IT teams, the University's faculties members and the employees. This progress has guaranteed a prestigious position for the University at the global, Arab, African and local apparatuses respectively. Prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the vice president of the educational and students affairs says that the University's' rank in the global ranking systems comes in accordance with the University's policy to achieve great accomplishments in the other widely- accredited ranking systems. Prof.Dr. Tarek El-Shistawy, the IT advisor says that these results are the fruits of the university's support under the auspices of the university president prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Saied.
Benha University participates in the executive committee meeting of the university alliance of the new Silk Road

In the frame of the strategic run of Egypt to reinforce the relationship with China, Benha University participates, under the presidency of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the president of Benha University, in the executive committee meeting of the university alliance of the new Silk Road which is presided by Shian university in China and the many Chinese universities. Such meeting is hosted by EL-Faraby University at the city of Almaty in Kazakhstan (24-7-2017). The delegation includes prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the university's president chancellor of the international relationship and prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the dean of the applied arts. The meeting tackles many Silk Road universities- related topics: ... More
Srour and Shams witness the Signing of Cooperation Agreement with ILO

Dr. Gamal Srour, the Minister of Manpower and Dr. Ali Shams El Din, the President of Benha University have witnessed the signing of cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Agriculture in Moshtohor, Benha University and the International Labour Organization (ILO), Cairo to establish the Unit of Agricultural Projects Development by the attendance of Dr. Gamal Ismail, the University Vice-president for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs; Dr. Mahmoud Iraqi, the Dean of the Faculty; Mr. Peter Van, the Director of ILO Cairo; and Ms. Nashwa Belal, the Director of Decent Jobs for Egypt's Young People “DANIDA”.
Benha University organizes Solidarity Stand for Supporting Egyptian State and Palestine Cause

On Saturday morning, Benha University organized Solidarity Stand for Supporting Egyptian State and Palestine Cause in presence of Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University President, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the Vice President of Community Service and Environment Development, Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs
Signing a cooperation protocol between Benha University and the Egyptian Family Household

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president and Prof.Dr. Mohamed Abu Zaid, AL-Azhur University vice president of Lower Egypt and the general coordinator of the Egyptian Family Household, the Archbishop/ Aramia, the general Archbishop, the head of the Christian cultural center and the assistant secretary-general of the Egyptian Family Household signs a cooperation protocol between Benha University and the Egyptian Family Household in the presence of the Archbishop/ Maximus of Qwisna and Benha... more details

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