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Last visit: 2025-03-07 04:22:29
Prof.Dr Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs inspected Benha Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science. El Maghraby was accompanied by Dr Aref Soliman , Benha Faculty of Engineering dean , Dr Lotfy Abu Salim , Faculty of Science dean and Dr Khalid El Esawy , the general coordinator of students activities . El Maghraby met several students and motivated them to participate at the students activities and acquire new skills
Prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research and the acting vice president of the students and the educational affairs inspect the exams in the faculty of science where he is welcomed by prof.Dr. Ashraf Farouk, the acting dean of the faculty and they also visit the faculty of engineering where they are welcomed by prof.Dr. Aref Soliman, the faculty's deputy of the students and educational affairs.
Prof.Dr. Shady El-Mashad, the head of IT portal that the winners are as follows:
1- Prof.Dr. Bassem Ahmed Zoheir, the professor in the faculty of science.
2- Prof.Dr. Mustafa Yassin Nassar, the assistant professor in the faculty of science.
3- Prof.Dr. Taha Awad Allah EL-Sayed Ibrahim, the lecturer in the faculty of engineering.
4- Eng. Ali Muhammad Ismail EL-Gazar, the teaching assistant in the faculty of engineering.
Prof.Dr. Emad Muhammad Muhammad Youssef Masood, the associate professor at the chemistry department in the faculty of science wins the state award of individuals and organizations that is announced by prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gafer, the minister of higher education and scientific research during his presidency of the board council of the scientific research academy and technology on Tuesday, 28-11-2017 in the presence of the members of the academy and prof.Dr. Mahmoud Sakr, the head of the Academy.
It has been agreed to form 3 teams to supervise the strategic plan of Benha University in the fields of post-graduate studies and the computerization of the University, the field of the students and alumni, the governance of the institutional performance and the continuous development and increasing the resources and the university's capacity to accommodate more students. The teams are presided by prof.Dr. Alaa Amin, the former dean of the faculty of science, prof.Dr. Ibrahim Fouda, the dean of the faculty of education and prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the acting dean of the faculty of specific education.
The strategic planning unit announces that the strategic plan has been carried out at the following faculties: the faculty of medicine, the faculty of law and the faculty of science after the committees revise the plans that the three faculties present and these plans are a good match to the strategic plan of the university 2017/2022.
Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president inaugurates, in the presence of the Chinese universities presidents who participate in the Sino-Egyptian conference, the university products exhibition in which five faculties participate and they are as follows: the faculty of engineering, the faculty of agriculture, the faculty of veterinary medicine, the faculty of science, the faculty of specific education and the projects development unit. This exhibition will last for weeks after the conference.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-Kady, the university president goes on a tour in a number of faculties including; the faculty of agriculture, the faculty of veterinary medicine, the faculty of computer and informatics, the faculty of applied arts, the faculty of nursing, the faulty of education, the faculty of engineering and the faculty of science. He also visits the new buildings at the services compound, the exams building, the new building of the faculty of physical education to make sure that everything is up and running and the faculties are prepared to welcome the new academic year.
Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president issued a decree to appoint prof.Dr. Ashraf Farouk as the acting dean of the faculty of science. It is important to say that prof.Dr. Ashraf Farouk is the faculty's deputy of the post-graduate studies and research. The university president also thanks prof.Dr. Abd EL-Azim Mehna, the former dean of the faculty of science for his efforts.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president inaugurates the first scientific forum of green chemistry which is organized by the faculty of science and it is attended by several scientists in the field of chemistry from many Egyptian universities, such as Cairo University, Ein-shams University, El-Monifya University, Helwan University and the national center of researches. After his word, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president honors five scientists in the field of chemistry by giving them the armor of Benha University as follows: prof.Dr. Muhammad Youssef EL-Kady, prof.Dr. Saad Hasan, prof.Dr. Mahasen Saad Amin, prof.Dr. Galal EL-Gemiey and prof.Dr. Farouk Fahmy. The forum is attended by prof.Dr. Abd EL-Azim Mehna, the faculty's dean and prof.Dr. Alaa Amin, the head of chemistry department and the rapporteur of the forum.
The training unit at the faculty of science in Benha University in cooperation with the projects administration unit in Benha University and under the auspices of Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president that there are training courses in the educational and technological fields which are related to the labor market. These courses will be held on Monday, 10-4-2017 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The general administration of youth care organizes the university's competition of athletics among the students which includes running for 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500 meters, long jumping and the Javelin. Mr. Ibrahim Abd EL-Allah, the head of the general administration of sport activities in the university says that the faculty of physical education wins the first place, the faculty of education wins the second place and the faculty of science wins the third place.
The Faculty of science announces the nominees for the deanship position as follows:
1- Prof.Dr. alla el-Sayed Amin.
2- Prof.Dr. Nasser alla Hasan Abd El-Megeed.
3- Prof.Dr. Lotfy Ibrahim abu Salim.
4- Prof.Dr. Muhammad Abd alla el-fakarany.
5- Prof.Dr. Ashraf Abd el-Hamed wasfy.
6- Prof.Dr. elham Muhammad Ahmed Salama.
7- Prof.Dr. zakaria el-Sayed abd Allaa.
8- Prof.Dr. Saied el-Sayed Abd El- Ghany.
The leaders' council, headed by prof.Dr. EL-Syed El-Kady, the university president approves on the bulletin of the faculty of science council regarding 1.6 tons of cleaners which will be donated for the comprehensive convoy. This convoy will be sent to “Arab- El-Atiat” village in Assiout and it lasts from Friday 17-2-2017 to Sunday, 19-2-2017. This convoy is in the frame of the initiatives of prof.Dr. EL-Syed El-Kady, the university president to serve the community. The convoy is organized in cooperation with Mr. Yasser Desoky, the Governor of Assiout and prof.Dr. Ahmed abdo, the president of Assiout University.
The university leaders' council, headed by Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president, approves on the bulletin of the faculty of science's council to choose the members of the dean-electing Committee. Prof.Dr. Abd-EL-Azim Mehna, the acting dean of the faculty of science announces the recommendations of the faculty's council which results in choosing prof.Dr. Nabil El-Nagar, prof.Dr. Muhammad Mousa as primary members with the number of 21 votes for each one of them in addition to choosing prof.Dr. Sabry El-Serafy as a reserve member in the committee. It is important to say that three members have filled the position of the deanship before. The university leaders' council decides to refer to prof.Dr. Ashraf EL-Shihy, the minister of the higher education and scientific research to take the final decision regarding the final formation of the committee to begin the process of electing the new dean of the faculty and opens the door for nomination for the deanship position. Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president receives the ministerial decree that was issued by prof.Dr. Ashraf EL-Shihy, the minister of the higher education and scientific research to form the new dean-electing committee in the faculty of engineering and the faculty of veterinary medicine.
The university leaders' council, headed by Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president, approves on the bulletin of the faculty of science's council to choose the members of the dean-electing Committee. Prof.Dr. Abd-EL-Azim Mehna, the acting dean of the faculty of science announces the recommendations of the faculty's council which results in choosing prof.Dr. Nabil El-Nagar, prof.Dr. Muhammad Mousa as primary members with the number of 21 votes for each one of them in addition to choosing prof.Dr. Sabry El-Serafy as a reserve member in the committee. It is important to say that three members have filled the position of the deanship before. The university leaders' council decides to refer to prof.Dr. Ashraf EL-Shihy, the minister of the higher education and scientific research to take the final decision regarding the final formation of the committee to begin the process of electing the new dean of the faculty and opens the door for nomination for the deanship position. Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president receives the ministerial decree that was issued by prof.Dr. Ashraf EL-Shihy, the minister of the higher education and scientific research to form the new dean-electing committee in the faculty of engineering and the faculty of veterinary medicine.
Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president announces that the university inaugurates outlets to sell the products of the Industrial Cleaners Unit in the faculty of science at a cheap costa. This unit is in the frame of university's role to serve the surrounding community. prof.Dr. Abd-Azim Mehna, the faculty dean asserts that this unit provides the university and its hostels with their needs of the Industrial Cleaners stressing that this unit is non-profitable one.
Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president inspects that the exams are up and running in the faculty of science. The university president is accompanied by prof.Dr. Abd-Azim Mehna, the faculty dean and makes sure that exams are nicely-up and running and the rules set forth by the university council are strictly followed.
Benha university council mourns the death of several professors and colleagues in the university who passed away in the last period. They are the following: the sister of prof.Dr. Ibrahim Fouda, the dean of the faculty of education, the sister of prof.Dr. Abu El-Soud Muhammad, the former dean of the faculty of education, the sister of prof.Dr. Saleh El-Din Eraqi, the professor of the faculty of education, prof.Dr. Muhammad Atia, the professor Emeritus of mechanical engineering in the faculty of engineering/ Benha, prof.Dr. Farid Nagib Gerges, the professor of the faculty of commerce, the wife of prof.Dr. Muhammad Shafi Abu Ras, the professor of the faculty of law, the father of prof.Dr. Ahmedi Ismail, the professor of the faculty of medicine, the mother of prof.Dr. Sabry Anis Abdou, the professor of the faculty of medicine, the hushand of prof.Dr. Ola Gaber Hagag, the professor of the faculty of medicine, the father of prof.Dr. Abu Seri Ahmed Hasb, the lecturer of the faculty of agriculture and Mrs. Hafsa Hafez Zaki, the employee of the faculty of science.
Prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research hosts prof.Dr. Dario Dilafollow, the professor at the University of Rome in Italy in the frame of mutual cooperation, visits and stduents exchange to study the characteristics of rocks that are used in the ancient pharaonic or byzantine civilizations. The vice president states that the university seeks to get the European fund by presenting research projects in the field of Geology and applied arts. Prof. Dilafollow visits the faculty of science to deliver a lecture for the students of the Geology department.
The university council, headed by prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-kady, approved that a new building for the faculty of science will be established beside the old one.
The architectural and geometrical designs will be started as soon as possible. This statement was uttered by prof.Dr. Abd-El-Azim Mehna, the faculty dean and he adds that the university president asked his technical and geometrical chancellor to choose the team that will take over the project.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president asserts that the faculty should be well-cleaned, the food should not be expired in addition that the faculty has to take care of the student activities. This statement concurs with the university president's visit to the faculty of science with prof.Dr. Abd-el-Azim Mehna, the faculty dean. This visit is in the frame of the university president's sudden visits to the faculties, the university hostels and the university hospital.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady stresses that he wants to encourage the scientific and research cooperation between the university and the various organizations in Egypt for the mutual benefit, training students and researchers and making use of our natural resources. To achieve these aims, an agreement was signed between the faculty of science and the E.M.R.A for the reciprocal training and mutual scientific research projects.
Prof. Dr. El Sayed Yusuf El Kady, the President of Benha University inspected Faculty of Science in presence of Prof. Dr. Abd El Azeem Mehanna, the Faculty dean, Prof.Dr.Alaa Amin, the manager of Projects Management Unit and faculty members' staff. The University President congratulated students on occasion of the new academic year 2016-2017 and encouraged them to do their best to achieve their goals. He also confirmed on the important role of the Faculty in developing the society and raising the standard of quality through the continuous development especially in power and electricity sector.
The Faculty of Science, Tanta University is very pleased to invite you to take part in the Ninth International Symposium on Geophysics (ISG-9) which will be held in the duration from 21 to 22 November, 2016 under the title of “Geophysical Advances in Prospection for Conventional and Unconventional Economic Resources”. It is worth mentioning that the Symposium will be held under the auspices of Prof. Ashraf El Shihy, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
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