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Search Word: Award

  El Gizawy congratulates Mohamed Hamdy after winning The State Encouragement Award in Engineering Sciences

El Gizawy congratulates Mohamed Hamdy after winning The State Encouragement Award in Engineering Sciences

  • 7 Aug. 2024

Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University President congratulated Dr.Mohamed Magdy, the Assistant Professor at Shubra Faculty of Engineering after winning the State Encouragement Award in Engineering Sciences.

BU Council announces the winners of the University's awards

BU Council announces the winners of the University's awards

  • 27 Jul. 2023

president congratulates the winners stressing that they win these awards as per the reviewers' reports and organizing regulations of the University awards.

Benha University wins 3 awards in the third round of Egypt award for governmental excellence

Benha University wins 3 awards in the third round of Egypt award for governmental excellence

  • 15 Mar. 2023

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president announces that the University has won 3 awards in the third round of Egypt award for governmental excellence.

Benha University wins 3 awards in the third round of Egypt award for governmental excellence

Benha University wins 3 awards in the third round of Egypt award for governmental excellence

  • 15 Mar. 2023

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president announces that the University has won 3 awards in the third round of Egypt award for governmental excellence.

Benha University President congratulates the Winners' Scientists of the State Incentive Award

Benha University President congratulates the Winners' Scientists of the State Incentive Award

  • 12 Apr. 2022

Benha University President has announces that Benha University won two awards of the State Incentive Awards in2021.

Egypt Government Excellence Award launched

Egypt Government Excellence Award launched

  • 1 Feb. 2022

The Higher Committee of Egypt Government Excellence Award at Benha University announces the opening of the nomination for the Award for the following categories: - Institutional Creativity and Innovation Award.

BU President Honors Dr. Hala Jamal Al Daous After getting Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers

BU President Honors Dr. Hala Jamal Al Daous After getting Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers

  • 2 Feb. 2022

Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa , Benha University President has honored Dr. Hala Jamal Al Daous , the Lecturer at Health and Veterinary Care Department after winning the 2021 Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers , which provided by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). The meeting was held in presence of Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice President for Post graduate Studies and Scientific Research and Dr.Amany Abbas, The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine dean.

Nominations open for State Awards 2021

Nominations open for State Awards 2021

  • 15 Oct. 2020

The Supreme Council of Culture "SCC" announces that the applying for the State Awards 20201 has been opened. The Awards in the fields of Arts, Literature, Social Sciences in addition of Economic and Legal Sciences.

Opening the Nominations of BU Awards 2020

Opening the Nominations of BU Awards 2020

  • 15 Oct. 2020

Based on the vision and mission of Benha University and its strategic objectives, and to achieve the highest quality of scientific research outputs and intellectual production for researchers and link it to the industry to improve its international classification; the Sector of Postgraduate Studies and Researches' Affairs announces for opening the nominations of the University Awards 2020.

BU President congratulates Azar for Shoman Arab Researchers Award

BU President congratulates Azar for Shoman Arab Researchers Award

  • 9 Oct. 2020

Dr. Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President congratulated Dr. Ahmed Taher Saleh Azar, the Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence for getting "Shoman Arab Researchers Award 2020"equally on the subject of machine learning (computers) and major analytical data.

Extending the Nomination Period of Egypt Government Excellence Award

Extending the Nomination Period of Egypt Government Excellence Award

  • 22 Sep. 2020

The Higher Committee of Egypt Government Excellence Award at Benha University announces that the deadline of nominations for the Award has been extended to Thursday, September 24, 2020 to provide an opportunity for applying as the following categories:
- Institutional Creativity and Innovation Award.
- Distinguished Government Leaders Award.
- Individual Excellence Award (Best Government Employee - Best Teamwork).

Egypt Government Excellence Award launched

Egypt Government Excellence Award launched

  • 18 Sep. 2020

The Higher Committee of Egypt Government Excellence Award at Benha University announces the opening of the nomination for the Award for the following categories:
- Institutional Creativity and Innovation Award.
- Distinguished Government Leaders Award.
- Individual Excellence Award (Best Government Employee - Best Teamwork).

CSC grants the Distinguished Student Award 2019 to a Researcher from Benha University

CSC grants the Distinguished Student Award 2019 to a Researcher from Benha University

  • 5 Sep. 2020

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs said that the China Scholarship Council (CSC) has granted the Distinguished Student Award 2019 to the Researcher/ Ibrahim Khalifa, the Lecturer at the Department of Food Industries at the Faculty of Agriculture in Moshtohor. It is worth mentioning that Khalifa had been granted a scholarship to get the PhD from Central China University upon cooperation with Benha University in the duration from 2016 to 2019.

Benha University Council approves to form The University Awards Committee

Benha University Council approves to form The University Awards Committee

  • 5 Nov. 2019

Benha University Council approved in its last session that was held under presidency of Dr Gamal El Saeed , Benha University President and Prof.Dr Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students ' affairs and deans of faculties to from the University Awards Committee. The committee includes Dr Adel Adawy, Dr Maher Hassab El Naby Khalil, Dr Ahmed Soliman Hazin, Dr Alaa El Sayed Amin, and Dr Ashraf Tawfik Shams El Din. On the other hand, Dr Nasser El Gezawy said that the committee is going to apply applicants for awards from October till the end of December every year.

Benha University president wins the award of 2017 public figure in “shababik” website referendum

Benha University president wins the award of 2017 public figure in “shababik” website referendum

  • 2 Jan. 2018

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president wins the award of 2017 public figure in “shababik” website referendum as he tops the ranking from the beginning of the competition till the declaration of the final result. The referendum is published on the Facebook page of the website to choose the best University president and choosing Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady is a great indicator of the University president's impact on the community this year.

The faculty of engineering and the faculty of science win the awards of the contest of the best faculties' members' links in October 2017

The faculty of engineering and the faculty of science win the awards of the contest of the best faculties' members' links in October 2017

  • 19 Dec. 2017

Prof.Dr. Shady El-Mashad, the head of IT portal that the winners are as follows:
1- Prof.Dr. Bassem Ahmed Zoheir, the professor in the faculty of science.
2- Prof.Dr. Mustafa Yassin Nassar, the assistant professor in the faculty of science.
3- Prof.Dr. Taha Awad Allah EL-Sayed Ibrahim, the lecturer in the faculty of engineering.
4- Eng. Ali Muhammad Ismail EL-Gazar, the teaching assistant in the faculty of engineering.

The faculty of science wins the state award of individuals and organizations

The faculty of science wins the state award of individuals and organizations

  • 13 Dec. 2017

Prof.Dr. Emad Muhammad Muhammad Youssef Masood, the associate professor at the chemistry department in the faculty of science wins the state award of individuals and organizations that is announced by prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gafer, the minister of higher education and scientific research during his presidency of the board council of the scientific research academy and technology on Tuesday, 28-11-2017 in the presence of the members of the academy and prof.Dr. Mahmoud Sakr, the head of the Academy.

The veterinary medicine syndicate honors the top scholars in the faculty of veterinary medicine

The veterinary medicine syndicate honors the top scholars in the faculty of veterinary medicine

  • 12 Dec. 2017

The veterinary medicine syndicate honors the top scholars in the faculty of veterinary medicine. It honors prof.Dr. Abd EL-Fattah Monged, the professor in the faculty of veterinary medicine for winning the award of the individuals and organizations 2016.

Prof.Dr. Abdel Fattah Monged wins the organizations and individuals award

Prof.Dr. Abdel Fattah Monged wins the organizations and individuals award

  • 5 Dec. 2017

Prof.Dr. Abdel Fattah Monged, the assistant professor in the faculty of veterinary medicine wins the organizations and individuals award (2016) which was announced by prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gafer, the minister of higher education during his visit to the academy of scientific research and technology.

 Abd EL-Halim EL-Kasaby is nominated to win Benha University's award

Abd EL-Halim EL-Kasaby is nominated to win Benha University's award

  • 19 Nov. 2017

The faculty's council approves, under the presidency of prof.Dr. Muhammad Abu Salim, the faculty's dean to nominate prof.Dr. Abd EL-Halim EL-Kasaby, the lecturer of the faculty to win Benha University's award.

Inventing a robot for curing the patients by the student of the faculty of engineering

Inventing a robot for curing the patients by the student of the faculty of engineering

  • 5 Nov. 2017

The team of the faculty of engineering manages to invent a robot used to diagnose the different diseases and cure the patients accurately and properly. The team wins the excellence award in the robot field for innovation and creation from China.

The university's council congratulates Hasb EL-Naby on the winning the state award

The university's council congratulates Hasb EL-Naby on the winning the state award

  • 18 Oct. 2017

The university's council, under the presidency of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady congratulates prof.Dr. Maher Hasb EL-Naby on winning the state's award in the agricultural sciences 2015.

EL-Kady congratulates Hasb EL-Naby on the agricultural science award

EL-Kady congratulates Hasb EL-Naby on the agricultural science award

  • 7 Aug. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, his deputies, the deans of the faculties, the faculties' members and the university president's chancellors congratulate prof.Dr. Maher Hasb EL-Naby, the former dean of the faculty of agriculture , the Emeritus professor at the faculty and the university president's chancellor of scientific research for winning the agricultural science award in science day in which the Egyptian president / Abd EL-Fattah EL-Sisi, the prime minster/ Shiref Ismail, prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gafer, the minister of higher education, prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-kady and other universities presidents take part in.

Launching the Fifth Round of the International Publishing and Citations awards in 19 February 2017

Launching the Fifth Round of the International Publishing and Citations awards in 19 February 2017

  • 19 Feb. 2017

Prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research states, in the meeting of the supreme committee of the international ranking on Wednesday 15-2-2017, that it has been approved, Under the auspices of prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, to open the door to apply for the fourth round to win the international publishing and citations awards for one month starting from Sunday, 19-2-2017. Prof.Dr. Maher Hasb El-Naby, the university president chancellor of the scientific research says that the faculty's members can apply for this round via an application that is available on Benha university portal.

Benha university's awards in the student's families festival in Suez Canal

Benha university's awards in the student's families festival in Suez Canal

  • 12 Feb. 2017

The students of Benha University manage to win three medals in the week of the student's families of the Egyptian universities that is held in the Sue canal university from 6-2-2017 to 10-2-2017. The student/ Ahmed Abd el-Azim from the faculty of applied arts obtains the gold medal in the religious recital contest, the student /Zeniab from the faculty of medicine obtains the silver medal in the Holy Quran contest, the football team obtains the second place by winning the silver medal and the university obtains the fourth place in the information league and the solo singing. Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president attends the inauguration ceremony in the covered hall of the Suez Canal authority in the presence of prof.Dr. Ashraf El-Shihy, the minister of the higher education and scientific research, general/ Yassin Taher, the governor of Ismailia. Some students of Benha University visit Ismailia tunnel, which is considered one of the big projects, and they listen to the explanation of colonel/ Kamel El-Wazier, the head of the geometrical authority and the lieutenant general/ Mohab mamiesh, the head of Suez Canal authority.

Egypt Innovate ICT Award to be given from the Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center for the Infant Companies and the Innovators

Egypt Innovate ICT Award to be given from the Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center for the Infant Companies and the Innovators

  • 29 Jan. 2017

The technological innovation and entrepreneurship center announces the Egypt Innovate ICT Award to be given to the innovators in technology and communications. This award is in the frame of the continuing initiatives of the center to support the innovation on the part of individuals and companies. The deadline is 10-2-2017 on Friday. For more information, kindly visit the following website;

The University Council approves on the Faculties Nominations for the Sates Awards

The University Council approves on the Faculties Nominations for the Sates Awards

  • 28 Dec. 2016

Benha university council, under the presidency of Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president, approves on the faculties nominations of the state awards 2016. The nominations are as follows: prof.Dr. Gamal Ahmed Hosni, the professor of the faculty of medicine, prof.Dr. Saleh Muhammad Abd- EL-Halim, the professor of the faculty of science, prof.Dr. Hasan Naser Ismail, the professor Emeritus of the faculty of engineering/ Benha, prof.Dr. Sohair El-Sayed Negm, the professor emeritus of the faculty of engineering / Shubra. As for the excellence awards, the nominations include; prof. Dr. Alaa El-Sayed Amin, the professor of the faculty of science, prof.Dr. Sameh Muhammad Nada, the professor of the faculty of engineering/ Benha and the faculty's dean, prof.Dr. Hanem Fathy Khater, the professor of the veterinary medicine.

At the End of the Faculties' League in Benha University: Sport Festival and Awards

At the End of the Faculties' League in Benha University: Sport Festival and Awards

  • 13 Dec. 2016

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president honors the winners in the league of games which was organized in the youth care general administration under the supervision of prof.Dr. Moshbeh EL-khily. The ceremony was attended by prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development, the faculties' deans and faculties' members. The university president asserts that the university pays a great attention to the student activities, supports the ideas of the youth and encourages the fruitful student initiatives. The university president urges the students to practices sport to be healthy and capable of serving their country. Prof.Dr. Khalid Esawi, the general coordinator of student activities announces the final results of the faculties' league in the university.

Honoring the Winners with the Year's Awards at the Faculty of Commerce

Honoring the Winners with the Year's Awards at the Faculty of Commerce

  • 29 Nov. 2016

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president attends the ceremony which is held at the faculty of commerce to announce the winners of the academic year 2015/2016. Prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development and prof.Dr. Eid Hemida, the faculty dean honor the winners in the following fields; accounting, auditing and economics. There are also awards to be given to the best master thesis and doctoral dissertation in the previous fields. The university president asserts that the university is keen on developing the research abilities for the young researchers by the faculty and leadership development center.

Prof. Dr. Maher Khalil gets the State Merit Award in Agriculture 2015

Prof. Dr. Maher Khalil gets the State Merit Award in Agriculture 2015

  • 17 May 2016

Benha University congratulates Prof. Dr. Maher Hasab El Naby Khali, the supervisor of the University Scientific Researches Fund and the Advisor to the University President for the Scientific Research for getting the State Merit Award in the agriculture science field 2015.

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