Publication From Year: Publication TO Year:


Total number of Publications in the Department of HEPATOLOGY GASTROENTEROLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES - Faculty of Medicine is 537

Magdy Abdelmawgood Gad Ahmed
Local Publication (13)
International Publication (0)
Total (13)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A GAD (2002). Studyof airway hyperreactivity in patients with Nematode infestations. Zagazig U MJ.8(3 ):67-77 Sherif A. eisa ,Ali A.Okab,Elsalahy, Mahmoud A Elsalahy,mahamed E Abdalla and Magdy 2002 Local
2 Assessment of predisposing factors of fatty liver and the pathogenic role of HCV.Egyptian J of Gastroenterology.7(2)225-236 Abdel baset MZ, Amany H Lashin, El Kady MS, Magdy A GAD and Shaban M 2002 Local
3 Characteristic differferences of hepatocellular carcinoma in Qalyubia Brovince(2001). Zagazig U MJ.7(5 Amany H Lashin, Kabil SM, Younis YS ,Mohamed A Ali and Magdy A GAD 2001 Local
4 Des gamma carboxy prothrombin as screening marker forde novo hepatocellular carcinoma. Benha MJ.26(3):381-399. Magdy A GAD, Gamal Elewa and Adel Z El-saidy 2009 Local
5 diagnosis and treatmetment of Cryptospordiosis.Benha MJ.17(3):339-348 Kabil SM, El-Kady MS,Younis YS and GAD MA 2000 Local
6 evaluation of renal hemodynamic changes in patients with heptic ascites. Zagazig U MJ.10(2 ):835-843. Magdy A GAD,Feday M Abbas and Gamal Elewa 2004 Local
7 Hepatic schistosomaisis amd chronic viral heptitis associated nephropathy.Zagazig U MJ.7(5) Abass FM, Magdy A GAD,Mohamed A Ali, Entsar H Elsharqawy and Adel Z El-saidy 2001 Local
8 Local ablative therapy in hepatocellular carcinoma. Local ablative therapy in hepatocellular carcinoma. Zagazig U MJ.15(1 ):417 -431 Nassar AK, Fatema M. Abdelsalam , El-Kady MS , Magdy A GAD , Entsar H Elsharqawy ,Manfrid Singer and Nashwa M Emara 2009 Local
9 non invasive prediction of oesphageal variceal presence and bleeding by Duplex ultrasonogaphy. Zagazig U MJ.8(1 ):346-361. Atta MM,Abdu SA,Fathy EM and Magdy A GAD 2002 Local
10 Prevalance of hepatitis B and C vruses among medical and paramedical personnel. Zagazig U MJ.14(4 ):2510-2522 Asal AH, Magdy A GAD, Mohamed S Soliman and Farrag AS 2008 Local
11 Role of circulating schistosomal antigen, antibodies,ultrasonography in assessment of cure from schistosoma mansni infection . Egyp.J of Med. Sci. 29 (2): 403-416. Amina I Abdelmaboud and Magdy A GAD 2008 Local
12 Thoracoscopic talc powder insuffilation in selected patients with hepatic hydrothorax. Egyp.J of chest and tuberculosis. 76(2): 65-69 Al-Halafawy A, Hamdy AB,Gad M and Mahdy M 2007 Local
13 Utility of chest CT imaging in diagnosis of pathological changes associating bilharzial corpulmonale. Zagazig U MJ.8(1 ):571-591. Sherif A. eisa,Fatema M. Abdelsalam, Eman M. Fathy, Magdy A GAD,Hesham Abo elenin amd Alla Elfakharany 2001 Local
Adel Awad Mustafa Abdelaziz
Local Publication (14)
International Publication (0)
Total (14)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Bleeding esophageal varices associated with schistosomiasis in Egypt. May (19-23) Can Cun, Mexico 1994 Local
2 Diagnosis of Recent Toxoplasmosis Vol 26, No. 3, December 1996 By detection of Low AVID IgG Zag. Med. Ass.J. , Vol 8, No. 4, October . 1995 Local
3 Effect of LABETALOL on Portal Pressure and estimated hepatic blood flow in patients with schistosomal hepatic fibrosis 1950 Local
4 Effect of type of treatment of bleeding esophageal varices on liver functions 1950 Local
5 Effect of type of treatment of bleeding esophageal varices on survival 1950 Local
6 Evaluating the detection of circulating filarial antigen in diagnosis of Bancroftian Filariasis & Filarial hydrocele. (Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology . Vol 26, No. 3). 1996 Local
7 Evaluation of Sclerotherapy in treatment of bleeding esophageal varices 1950 Local
8 Evaluation of surgical management of bleeding esophageal varices. 1950 Local
9 Incidence of Oesophageal Varices as a cause of upper G.I.T Bleeding in Upper Egypt. (The Egyptian journal of Internal Medicine). 1950 Local
10 Medical Treatment of Portal Hypertension eith Chronic Liver Disease. A new approach. (The Egyptian journal of Internal Medicine, Vol 3, No. 2 April 15-163, ). 1994 Local
11 Pattern of schistosoma haematobium in El Minya governorate in Egypt N.B Abstracts from (2-9) accepted in world congress of gastroenterology October (2-7), 1994 Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. 1993 Local
12 Rebleeding after different type of treatment of bleeding esophageal varices in Egypt 1950 Local
13 The importance of detecting circulating toxoplasma antigen in human cases. (Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology Vol 27, No. 1 April 1997 Local
14 The value of laparoscopy in diagnosis of liver diseases 1950 Local
almotawaly abdelbasat
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (17)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Plasma Alpha Gluthione-S-Transferase In Patients With Chronic Viral Hepatitis Fawzy Mugahid, Metwally Zakaria Abdel Baset, and Mahmoud El Azzoni 2000 International
2 Circulating T-Cell Subsets And immunoglobulins Level In Patients With Pulmonary Tuberculosis Ali Okab MD, Ahdaf Enan MD, Sawsan A. A. Yousef MD, El-Metwally Z. Abdel Baset MD, Ashraf Nassar MD, Tawheed Mowafy MD, Ahmed Saleh MD, Sameh Bahgat MD, and Hatem Fathi MD 1994 International
3 Clostridium Difficile Infection Of The GUT: Diagnostic Value Of Culture And Enterotoxin A Assay Maha R. Abd El-Wahed, Eman M. Fathy, &El-Metwally Z. Abd El-Baset 1998 International
4 Determination of tumor necrosis alpha level in cerebrospinal fluid as differentiating parameter between bacterial and non bacterial meningitis El-Metwally Z. Abdel Baset, Mahmoud Abdel Sabour, Mosaad A Morgan , and Ali Shaltout 1994 International
5 Endoscopic And Histopathologic Appearance Of The Gastric Mucosa In Patients With Chronic Liver Diseases Kabil S M. , Al-Taweel A., Atta M.M., Asal A, Ashraf K. Nassar, El-Metwally Zakaria Abdel-Baset and Tawheed M. Mowafy, 1993 International
6 Endoscopic Mucosal Lesions In Diagnosis Of Giardiasis Kabil SM, Samia Haggag, Atta MM, Elshaer O, Asal A, Nassar AK, Abdel-Baset MZ, Anis S and Amany Lashin 1993 International
7 Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Versus Endosonography In The Diagnosis Of Biliary And Pancereatic Disorders Megahid, F., Salem M., Mowafy T., and Abd El Baset, E., Nabil Abd El-Rahman 2002 International
8 Evaluation Of C3, C4 levels In Serum And Ascitic Fluid In Cirrhotic Patients After Selective Intestinal Decontamination 3. Roshdan M.I. Arafa PhD, Ahmed M. El-Gazzar MD, Wafaa A. El-Mosllamy MD, Amal M. Matta MD, Nor El-Din Amin MBBCH, Tawheed M. Mowafy MD, Ashraf K. Nassar MD, Al-Metwally Z. Abd El-Baset MD and Ateff E. Awad MD., 1993 International
9 Gastroesophageal Endoscopic Features In Patients With Chronic Liver Disease: Interassociations And Relationship To Hepatic Dysfunction Kabil S M, Asal A, Nassar Am Abd El- Baset M, Nawar M and Abdu S., 1992 International
10 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibodies In Patients With Chronic Renal Failure On Continuous Haemo Or Peritoneal Dialysis Ahmed Saleh MD, Sameh Bahgat MD, Alaa Ibrahim MD, Nabil Khattab MD, Yehia Saddik MD, Tawheed Mowafy MD, and Al Metwally Abdel Baset MD, 1993 Local
11 Increased Lesser Omentum Thickness As A Sonogrophic Marker For Portal Hypertension In Children Hassanien B, Abdul Monem A, Amer E, Abdul Baset ME 1994 International
12 Present situation of druge resistance of mycobacterium TB. At Dakhlia governorate in 1994 El Morsi A, Elkenawy F, Eldesouky M, Abdel Baset E. Z., Abd Elmaksoud A, and Khaled A, 1995 International
13 Responders and non-responders to interferon in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection: A comparative retrospective study Abdou S A, Nassar A K, Abdel Baset M Z, and Atta M M 1994 International
14 Schistosomiasis – Associated glomerulopathy a field study from Nile Delta" African Kabil SM, Abdel-Baset MZ, Eman MF Farag, Soliman HH, Atta MM and Sobh MA, 1999 International
15 Study Of Serum Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Activity In Children With Acute And Chronic Liver Diseases 2. Magda Zidan MD, Shaheen Dabour MD, El Sayed Amer MD, Abdul-Hamid Abdul-Monem MD, Saffia Galal MD, and El-Metwally Zakaria Abdel-Baset MD., 1993 International
16 Surveillance Of Antibodies To Rubella Virus In School Girls In Kaliobiya Magda Zidan MD, El Metwally Abdel Baset MD, Abdul Hamid Abdul Monem MD, Sawsan Abdul Rahman, 1994 International
17 The Effect Of Serum Zinc Level On T-Lymphocyte Functions In Chronic Renal Failure Patients Associated With Active Schistosomiasis Tawheed Mowafy, Ahmed Saleh, Ahmed EL Gazzar, Mahmoud Abdel Sabour, El Metwally Abdel Baset, and Ashraf Nassar 1994 International
18 The Effect Of Treatment On Circulating Schistosomal Antigens And Hepatic Periportal Fibrosis In Children With Schistomiasis Mansoni Kabil SM, Hassan MM, Atta M, El-Khashab MN, Abdel-Fattah MM, Soliman HH, Kamel F, Nassar A Kh and Abdel-Baset M 1994 International
Amany Helmy Mahmoud Lashin
Local Publication (31)
International Publication (0)
Total (31)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 )Leishmania D infantum from the spleen of an adult patient with Hepatosplenomegally. Journal of Egyptian society of parasitology 1988 vol.18 no.2 p.:711-715 1950 Local
2 A case of Human Fascioliasis in Qulyobia Governorate Journal of Egyptian society of parasitology Aug.1993 vol.23 no.2 p.:599-600 1950 Local
3 A comparative study of different Procedures for the diagnosis of Tuberculous Ascites Egyptian Journal for Immunity 1999 vol.6 no.1 p.:75-84 1950 Local
4 A study of serum Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha in patients with chronic viral hepatitis Journal of Benha Faculty of Medicine May 1998 vol.15 no.2 p.:21-28 1950 Local
5 Alternation in Serum Leptin in Liver Cirrhosis Journal of Benha Faculty of Medicine sept.2000 vol.17 no.3 p.:949-958 1950 Local
6 An unusually severe Bee-sting allergic reaction in bee keeper boy Journal of Egyptian society of parasitology Aug. 1996 vol.26 no.2 p.:539-542 1950 Local
7 APS (AntiPhospholipid Syndrome) associated viruses can we add HCV to To the list? Journal of Zagazig Faculty of Medicine Jan 1997 vol.3 no.1 p.:277-297 1950 Local
8 Blood gases profile in Cirrhotic patients Journal of Benha Faculty of Medicine sept. 2000 vol.17 no.3 p.:987-998 1950 Local
9 Blunt Response of Erythropoietin Production to chronic anaemia in Cirrhotic patients Journal of Benha Faculty of Medicine sept.1996 vol.13 no.3 p.:401-412 1950 Local
10 Cardiac Abnormalities in Schistosomal epatic fibrosis an Electrocardiographic&ECHOcardiographic study Journal of Benha Faculty of Medicine Sept.1996 vol.13 no.3 p.:469-487 1950 Local
11 Characteristic difference of Hepatocellular carcinoma in Qulyobia Governorate Journal of Benha Faculty of Medicine Sept.2000 vol.7 no.5 p.:1922-1934 1950 Local
12 Endoscopic Mucosal Lesions in diagnosis of Giardiasis Journal of Tropical Medicine Oct.1993 vol.2 no.5 p.:91-94 1950 Local
13 EVALUATION OF ELISA IN DETECTION OF CIRCULATION ANTIGEN OF BANCROFTIAN FILARIASIS Journal of Hepatology & Gastroentrology & Infectious Diseases Dec. 1995 vol.4 no.1 p.:87-93 1950 Local
14 Evaluation of Response to Hepatitis B VACCINE-ASSOCIATION WITH HLA GENO TYPING AND IMMUNOLOGICAL EFFECT IN THE EGYPTIANS Journal of Benha Faculty of Medicine vol.13 no.3 p.:413-435 1996 Local
15 Evaluation of some Liver Fibrosis Markers in CLD Journal of Egyptian society of parasitology Jan.2007 vol.24 no.1 p.:4 1950 Local
16 Helicobacter Pylori as a risk factor for chronic hepatic encephalopathy Journal of Hepatology & Gastroentrology & Infectious Diseases Dec.1995 vol.4 no.1 p.:1-8 1950 Local
17 Helicobacter Pylori, Evaluation of diagnostic technique & study of disease associations Journal of Hepatology & Gastroentrology & Infectious Diseases 1950 Local
18 Human Nasopharyngeal Linguatuliasis (Pentasomida) caused by Linguatula Serrata Journal of Egyptian society of parasitology Dec.1999 vol.29 no.3 p.:787-790 1950 Local
19 Intestinal Parasites among food handlers in Qulyobia Governorate with the refrence to the pathogenic parasite Blastocystis Hominis Journal of Egyptian society of parasitology Aug.1997 vol.27 no.3 p.:471-478 1950 Local
20 Leishmania Major in an Egyptian patient manifested as diffuse cutaneous Leishmaniasis Journal of Egyptian society of parasitology April 1997 vol.27 no.1 p.:205-210 1950 Local
21 Neurophysiological & Psychosomatic changes in patients with Liver cirrhosis Journal of Benha Faculty of Medicine Sept. 2006 vol.23 no.3 p.:807-819 2006 Local
22 New Modalities for Early, Rapid, & Accurate diagnosis of Typhoid Fever Journal of Zagazig Faculty of Medicine nov.2004 p.:1464-1474 1950 Local
23 On the Efficacy of Co-trimoxazole as oral treatment for Pediculosis Capetis infestation Journal of Egyptian society of parasitology April 1996 vol.26 no.1 p.:73-77 1950 Local
24 Pattern of Meningitis in Qulyobia Governorate , EGYPT in the last 13 years (1984-1996) Journal of Benha Faculty of Medicine sept.1998 vol.15 no.3 p.:45-59 1950 Local
25 Prevelance of Intrahepatic cholestasis among patients with CLD in Egypt & evaluation of therapy / Risk factors for pathogenesis of Fatty liver in Egypt Have been selected for poster presentation at FALK symposium No.132 Oct.2002 1950 Local
26 Risk factors for pathogenesis of Fatty liver in Egypt 28)IgG Isitypes in Schistosomiasis before & after PRAZIQUANTEL Journal of Egyptian society of parasitology Dec.2002 vol.32 no.3 p.:931-952 1950 Local
27 Sero-epidemiological studies for Toxoplasmosis among out & in patients in Benha University hospitals Qulyobia Governorate Journal of Egyptian society of parasitology April 1997 vol.27 no.1 p.: 223-231 1950 Local
28 Some Clinical Features of Pediculosis among school children Journal of Egyptian society of parasitology April 1994 vol.24 no.1 p.:121-125 1950 Local
29 The Diagnostic & predictive value of Ascites Nitric Oxide level in patients with SBP Journal of Hepatology & Gastroentrology & Infectious Diseases 2000 1950 Local
30 Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis patients with Pentostam via Intralasion Infiltration Journal of Egyptian society of parasitology April 2000 vol.30 no.1 p.:177-182 1950 Local
31 Urinary Excretion of Endothelines in Liver Cirrhosis Journal of Benha Faculty of Medicine March 2000 vol.6 no.2 p.:185-198 1950 Local
Ashraf k. Nassar
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Atef Hamed Mohamed Asal
Local Publication (16)
International Publication (0)
Total (16)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A comparative study of the pegylated interferon and conventional interferon in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C genotype 4 .Zagazig university medical journal vol X Kabil S,Salwa M ,Asal A, EL Kady M,Entesar S ,Abdel Mawgood M Moawad G and Reda EB. 2000 Local
2 A study of Helicobacter pylori in patients with and without chronic liver disease. Journal of hepatology, gastroenterology and infectious diseases vol 3 no 4 page 77-85. Kabil SM,Salwa EL Hadad,Atta MM,Asal AH,Abdou SA and Fatma Abdel Salam. 1999 Local
3 A study of interleukin-10 in serum and CSF in meningococcal meningitis.Banha medical journal vol17 Marzouk S and Asal A. 2000 Local
4 A study of serum tumor necrosis factor alpha in patients with chronic viral hepatitis.Banha medical journal vol 15 Samir M. Kabil, Amany H.M.Lashin, Yehia S Younis, Sabry A.Abdo, Mahasen Abdelsattar* Atef Asal,Ashraf K.Nassar, 1998 Local
5 Acute phase proteins, cytokines and circulating immune complexes in human brucellosis.journal of the medical research institute vol 20 Saad A,Mohamed Z ,Atef A, Safwat K ,and Sabry A. 1999 Local
6 Anti fasciola IgG isotypes in children and adolescents with fascioliasis. Banha medical journal vol 16 Mohsen H,Asal A,and Sash A. 1999 Local
7 Comprative study between arrial naturetic peptide ( ANP ) ,phenylephrine and prazosin as regards effect on portal pressure and blood electrolytes in anaesthetized dogs.journal of hepatology ,gastroenterology and infectious diseases. vol 6 . Asal A and EL Shamy EA. 1999 Local
8 E. Endothelin -1 (ET-1 ) level:The relationship with hepatic haemodynamics in cases of schistosomal hepatic fibrosis ( SHF )with and without ascites.journal of hepatology ,gastroenterology and infectious diseases.vol 6 Asal A and EL Shamy 1999 Local
9 Evaluation of response to hepatitis B vaccine:Association with HLA genotyping and immunological effect. Banha medical journal vol 13 no 3 page 413-435. Samir M. Kabil, Salwa yousif*,Hamdy Soliman**, Atef Asal, Ashraf K.Nassar, Amany H.M.Lashin & Yehia S Younis . 1996 Local
10 High prevalence of hepatitis C virus RNA in saliva of patients with chronic HCV infection.journal of hepatology , gastroenterology and infectious diseases vol 4 Kabil SM, Salwa M Youssef , Atta MME ,Nawar MA ,Abdou SA ,Asal A and Nassar A K. 1999 Local
11 HLA class 1 antigen expression on the hepatocytes of patients with mixed chronic HBV infection and hepatic schistosomiasis. Journal of hepatology ,gastroenterology and infectious diseases vol 4 no 1 page 37-41 .1995 Abazza H,Seham AR,Mahrosa KH, Helmy M, Mohy EL Din KH, Nawar M and Asal A. 2005 Local
12 Oral enzymes as a treatment of chronic HCV. Journal of hepatology gastroenterology and infectious diseases vol 4 Kabil SM ,Stauder G ,Salwa M Youssef ,Asal AH ,Anis SA ,Fatma Abdel Salam and Abdel hahid M. 1996 Local
13 Prospective randomized study of elastic band ligation versus injection sclerotherapy in patients with oesophageal varices.journal of hepatology ,gastroenterology and infectious diseases.vol 5 Asal A and Nassif Y. 1999 Local
14 Samir M. Kabil, Mohamed Atia*, Mohsen Hasan*, Mohamed Magdy.S Ata, Sabry A.Abdo, Amany H.M.Lashin,Hamdy H.Soliman**, Atef Asal & Ashraf K.Nassar . Evaluation of ELISA in detection of circulating antigen of BANCROFTI FILARIASIS.joural of hepatology,gastroenterology and infectious diseases.vol 4 El-Badawy, R., El-Abd, A.M. and El-Balshy, A. 1999 Local
15 Samir M. Kabil, Samia M.Hagag*, Mohamed Magdy.S Ata, Osama Alshaier**, Atef Asal Ashraf K.Nassar, Elmetwally Z.Abdelbaset, Sabry A.Abdo,& Amany H.M.Lashin Mucoasal lesion in diagnosis of giardiasis . Journal of tropical medicine vol 2 pag 91-94 1993 Local
16 study of some factors affecting glucose homeostasis in patients with hepatitis c virus infection.Banha medical journal vol 17 Asal A ,Noeman S, and EL Shamy E.A 2000 Local
Eman mohamed fathy farag
Local Publication (19)
International Publication (0)
Total (19)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Comparative Study of Different Procedures For the Diagnosis of Tuberculous Ascites Eman M Fathy - Fatma Abd EL-Salam – Amany H Lashin – Gamal Kenawy - Wafaa A. El-Mosallamy 1999 Local
2 A study of plasma adiponectin in patients with hepatitis with liver cirrhosis associated with hepatitis C Infection Eman M Fathy - Salah Fouad – Ahmed AbdulMuttaleb – Thanaa Hamed – Mohamed Al-Bindary 2005 Local
3 Antiphospholipid Syndrome- Associated viruses:Can we add hepatitis C Virus to the list ? Hamdy H Soliman - Eman M Fathy – Abdullah A Abdullah - Amany H Lashin - Abdel-Baset MZ – Somaya M Desouky 1997 Local
4 Assessment of the relation between serum –ascites albumin concentration gradient with esophageal varices and its complication Entessar EL-Sharkawy –Reda EL Badawy - Eman M Fathy –Ibrahim EL-Attar – Hossam Amin 2005 Local
5 Association of high serum ferritin to insulin resistance and beta-cell dysfunction in non diabetic chronic HCV male patients Eman M Fathy – Entessar EL-Sharkawy – Abdullah A Abdullah – Azza EL-Sebaaey – Yasser Ismail 2005 Local
6 Bancroftian Filariasis among children Inguinal Lymphadenopathy In Qaliyobia Governorate El-Hamshary.A.S – Saliem M.S – Salah EL-Din A.M.- Fathy E.M. 1999 Local
7 Clostridium difficile Infection of The Gut:Diagnostic Value of Culture and Enterotoxin A Assay Maha Abd- Elwahed - Eman M Fathy - Abdel-Baset M 1998 Local
8 Evaluation of urine-screening leucocyte strips in the diagnosis and follow up of response in spontaneous bacterial peritonitis Atta MM - Eman M Fathy – Mohamed A Ali – Mohamed Abd EL-Aziz - Soheir Abd EL-Rahman – Yasser Esmai 2005 Local
9 Helicobacter Pylori: Has A Role In Portal Hypertensive Congestive Gastropathy EL-Shafey MM - Eman M Fathy – Mostafa El-Kady – Fayza M Fathi 1998 Local
10 Hyperfibrinolysis In Advanced Liver Disease: Does Ascites Have A Role? Safeya M Deyab – Eman M Fathy – Hamdy H Soliman – Salah Fouad – Sahar G Zaghloul 2004 Local
11 Non invasive prediction of esophageal variceal presence and bleeding by duplex ultrasonography Mohamed M EL-Sadek – Sabry A Abdou - Eman M Fathy – Magdy abdel Mawgood – Mohamed E EL-Shewi – Entessar EL-Sharkawy 2002 Local
12 Schistosomiasis-associated Glomerulopathy: A Field Study From Nile Delta Kabil SM – Abdel-Baset MZ – Eman MF Farag – Soliman HH – Atta MM – Sobh MA 1998 Local
13 Serum And Ascitic Fluid Soluble Adhesion Molecules In Patients With Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis: Diagnostic And PrognosticImplications Hamdy H Soliman - Eman M Fathy – Safeya M Deyab – Sawsan A Youssef – Mahasen A Sattar 2002 Local
14 Soluble Adhesion Molecules: New Insight into The Histological Changes In Chronic HCV Infection Hamdy H Soliman – Eman M Fathy – Safeya M Deyab – Fatma Abd EL-Salam – Mahmoud M EL-Shafey 1998 Local
15 Splenic Dysfunction In Egyptian Patients With Chronic Liver Diseases Soheir Abd EL-Rahman - Hamdy H Soliman - Eman M Fathy - EL-Shafey MM 2004 Local
16 The Prevalence Of Cryptosporidium In Patients With Diarrhea Using Merifluor Direct Immunofluroescent Technique Kabil SM - Fatma Abd EL-Salam - Eman M Fathy – Safeya M Deyab - Salah EL-Din A.M 1998 Local
17 The Spectrum of Autoantibodies in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection:The Importance of Autoimmune Association Hamdy H Soliman – Wafaa A. El-Mosallamy – Eman M.F. Farag – Somaya M. Desouky 1999 Local
18 Urinary Immunoreactive Endothelins In Patients With Liver Cirrhosis Eman M Fathy – Maha Abd- Elwahed - Safeya M Deyab 1998 Local
19 Utility of Chest CT Imaging in Diagnosis of Pathological Changes associating Bilharzial Core-pulmonale Sherif A Eisa - Fatma M Abd EL-Salam - Eman M Fathy – Magdy A Gad – Hesham Abo Eleineen – Alaa EL-Fakharan 2002 Local
Entesar Husien Morsy EL Sharqawy
Local Publication (11)
International Publication (0)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Al Metwally Abdel Baset , Amany lashin , Azza A Abou senna, Hosam Amin Biomy, Entesar El Sharqawy, Mohamed A Metwally, Ebada M Saied and Ali Al Hindawy EVALUATION OF SOME LIVER FIBROSIS MRKERS IN CHRONIC LIVER DISEASES. Benha Medical Journal EGYPT (2006). 2006 Local
3 Body mass index, hepatic fibrosis and inflammation in chronic hepatitis C: a retrospective study. Zagazig U MJ. El- Badawy RM., Abdo S.A, Glalal Mawad, Magdy A. Gad, Entesar H. El-Sharqawy, 2003 Local
4 Evaluation Of Plasma Adiponectin Level In Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Fatma Abd El-Salam, Mostafa El-Kady, Mahasen Abd El-Sattar, Intesar El- Sharkawy, Reda El-Badawy and Yasser Shaheen 2007 Local
5 Hepatic schistosomaisis amd chronic viral heptitis associated nephropathy.Zagazig U MJ.7(5):1816-1831. Abass FM, Magdy A GAD, Mohamed A Ali, Entesar H Elsharqawy and Adel Z El-saidy 2001 Local
7 Local ablative therapy in hepatocellular carcinoma. Zagazig U MJ.15(1 ):417 -431. Nassar AK, Fatema M. Abdelsalam , El-Kady MS, Magdy A GAD , Entesar H Elsharqawy ,Manfrid Singer and Nashwa M Emara 2009 Local
8 non invasive prediction of oesphageal variceal presence and bleeding by Duplex ultrasonogaphy. Zagazig U MJ.8(1 ):346-361. Atta MM,Abdu SA,Fathy EM, Magdy A GAD, Mohammad El Shewi and Entesar H Elsharqawy 2002 Local
9 STUDY ON ARTERIAL BLOOD GASES PROFILE IN CHRONIC LIVER DISEASES. Benha Medical Journal EGYPT Vol 17(3) sept. p 987-998. Kabil S.M., Nassar A . K., Amany Lashin, EL-Gazzar A. G., Intesar El- Sharkawy and Shahin W. A. 2000 Local
10 The Effect Of Modified Lytic Cocktai Mixture On Hyperpyrexia. Benha Medical Journal EGYPT Vol 15(3) sept. p 639-648. Mostafa S. El-kady, Yasser M. El-Naggar and Intesar El-Sharkawy 1998 Local
Fatma Mohamed Abdelsalam
Local Publication (22)
International Publication (0)
Total (22)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Diagnostic and prognostic values of some Biochemical markers in meningitic CSF. 1950 Local
2 Study of immunoglobulin M antibodies to hepatitis c-virus infection 1950 Local
3 A comparitive study of deferent procedures for the diagnosis of tuberculous ascitis 1950 Local
4 A population based study of H pylori in Egypt 1950 Local
5 A study of the correlation between urinary neopptrin and knoels histological activity index in chronic hepatitis C virus infection 1950 Local
6 Alpha interferon in chronic viral hepatitis A controlled study . 1950 Local
7 Astudy oh Hpylori in patients with and without chronic liver diseases 1997 Local
8 Bacteriological changes after fibrooptic colonoscopy in patients with intestinal Schistosomiasis . 1950 Local
9 Bancroftian filariasis among children with inguinal lymphadenopathy in Kalubia government 1950 Local
10 Endoscopic and histopathogenic appearance of Gastric mucosa in patients with chronic liver diseases.. 1950 Local
11 Evaluation of oncogenes Bcl-2AND tgf-alpha in chronic hepatitis C patients in relationship to heppatocellular carcinoma 1950 Local
12 Evaluation of response to to HBV vaccine: Association with HLA Genotyping and immunological effects in Egyptians. 1950 Local
13 H. pylory evaluation of diagnostic techniques and study of disease assotiation. 1950 Local
14 Intestinal parasites among food handeler in Quolubia Govern ate with references to the pathogenic parasite Blastocytosis huminis . 1950 Local
15 Molecular fingerprint of salmonella typhi using APCR generated probe for IS 200as an epidemiological marker. 1950 Local
16 Phase II : Effect of Nitozoxanide on the treatmentof common human helminthic and protozoal infections . 1950 Local
17 Significance of serum lipid peroxides total and lipid – bound sialic acid as marker for liver diseases 1950 Local
18 Soluble adhesion molecules : new insights into the histopathological changes in the chronic HCV infection 1950 Local
19 Study of lipid peroxidases in some liver diseases 1950 Local
20 The prevalence of cryptosporidium in patients with diarrhea using Merifluor direct immunofluorescent techniques 1950 Local
21 Utility of chest CT imaging in diagnosis of pathological changes associating bilharzial cor pulmonare 1950 Local
22 Venoocclusive procedures for control of bleeding oesophageal varices 1950 Local
mohamed magdy elsadek atta
Local Publication (41)
International Publication (16)
Total (57)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Early rebleeding and mortality in post HCV cirrhotic patients with esophageal variceal bleeding after band ligation: predictive factors and value of vascular endothelial growth factor. Mohamed Magdi E. Atta, Maha .Omar 2015 Local
2 A study of Helicobact pylori in patients with and without chronic liver disease. 1995 Local
3 A study of the hormonal immunity and (HLA) tissue typing in different clinical forms of amoebiasis. 1993 Local
4 Alpha interferon in chronic viral hepatitis: A controlled study. 1994 Local
5 Assessment of eight non-invasive markers of liver fibrosis in Egyptian patients with chronic hepatitis C. Mohamed Magdi E. Atta, Entesar H. El Sharkawy, Ebada Said, Hala M. El Feky, Naglaa El Toukhy 2011 Local
6 Atypical virus B hepatitis in Egypt. 1991 Local
7 Bleeding oesophageal varices associated with hepatic schistosomiasis in Egypt. 1994 International
8 Bleeding oesophageal varices in Egypt: Analysis of 362 patients. 1994 Local
9 Clinical significance of vascular endothelial growth factor in hepatitis C related hepatocellular carcinoma in Egyptian patients ohamed Magdi El-Sadek Ali Atta,1,2 Hazem Mahmoud Atta,3,4 Magdy Abdel-Mawgoud Gad,2 Laila Ahmad Rashed,4 Ebada M Said,2 Sharaf El-Sayed Ali Hassanien,2 Ahmed O Kaseb5 2016 International
10 Detection of Ccryptosporidium antigen in stool sample among diarrhoeic children. M M Hassan, M Atta, M A el-Meniawy, F el-Mahrouky, L el-Mahrouky 1995 Local
11 Effect of labetalol on portal pressure and estimated hepatic blood flow in patients with schistosomal hepatic fibrosis. 1994 Local
12 Effect of sclerotherapy versus splenectomy – devascularization on haemostatic picture of patients with bleeding oesophageal varices. 1991 Local
13 Effects of propranolol therapy on portal haemodynamics in patient with hepatic schistosomiasis. 1994 Local
14 Efficacy of two different dose levels of ofloxacin in drug resistant cases of enteric fever. 1992 Local
15 ELISA in detection of Entamoeba histolytica antigens in stools. 1990 Local
16 Endoscopic and histopathologic appearance of the gastric mucosa in patients with chronic liver diseases. 1993 Local
17 Endoscopic and immunohistopathological study of gastric, duodenal, and colonic mucosa in schistosomal polyposis Dr/ Mohamed Atta 1982 International
18 Endoscopic mucosal lesions in diagnosis of giardiasis. 1993 Local
19 Eosinophilia and schistomal egg count. 1987 Local
20 Evaluating the detection of circulating filarial antigen in diagnosis of bancroftian filariasis and filarial hydrocele. Hassan MM1, Ata M, Ramzy RM, el-Gendi AE, Hegab MH, Gabr NS, el-Chourbagy AF, Mostafa AA, Naguib AM. 1996 Local
21 Evaluation of different doses of praziquantel in the cure of intestinal schistosomiasis. 1990 Local
22 Evaluation of ELISA in detection of circulating antigen of bancroftian filariasis. S M Kabil, M M Hassan, M Atta, O el Ghysha 1995 Local
23 Evaluation of the different methods of diagnosing schistosomiasis. 1987 International
24 Gastric fluid acidity in peptic lesions. 1990 Local
25 Gastroesophageal endoscopic features in patients with chronic liver disease. 1992 Local
26 Hepatitis B surface antigenemia in hepatosplenic patients with active schistosomiasis. 1987 International
27 High prevalence of hepatitis C virus RNA in saliva of patients with chronic HCV infection. 1996 Local
28 Hypothyroidism is the prevalent thyroid dysfunction encountered during combined Interferon / Ribavirin (IFN / RBV) therapy in chronic hepatitis C patient. Mohamed Magdi E. Atta 2014 Local
29 Low Incidence of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Patients with Duodenal Ulcer and Chronic Liver Disease Scandinavian W A Shahin, E Z Abdel-Baset, A K Nassar, M M Atta, S M Kabil, J A Murray 2001 International
30 Lymphocyte subgroups , tumour necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-6 in ascitic fluid and serum of patients with and sontaneous bacterial peritonitis at Benha university hospital.Egyptian Mohamed Magdi E. Atta 2012 Local
31 Non-invasive prediction of esophageal variceal presence and bleeding by duplex ultrasonography. 2002 International
32 Peptic ulcer in chronic liver disease patients: A novel approach. 1991 Local
33 Prevelance of hepatitis B surface antigen in serum and ascetic fluid of patients with chronic liver diseases. 1990 Local
34 Prognostic value of serum anti- P53 antibody in Egyptian patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. 2007 International
35 Responders and non-responders to interferon in patient with hepatitis C infection: A comparative retrospective study. 1994 Local
36 Sensitivity and specificity of alpha-L-fucosidase as a tumor marker in early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. 1995 International
37 Serological and parasitological examination of some patients with manifestations suggestive leishmaniasis. 1990 Local
38 Seroprevelance of Toxoplasmosis among Females in Rural Areas, Qalubeya Governorate. Mohamed Magdi E. Atta 2011 Local
39 Serum hepatocyte growth factor in shistosomal and non shistosomal chronic liver diseases. 1998 International
40 Serum prealbumin concentrations in acute and chronic liver diseases. 1992 Local
41 Shistosomiases-Associated glomerulopathy a field studies from Nile delta. African 1999 International
42 Signficance of alfa-fucosidase and n-acetylneuraminic acid as markers for hepatocellular carcinoma. 1997 Local
43 Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: a clinical and microbiological study. 2006 International
44 Study of HBV markers and HLA typing in chronic liver diseases (CLD). 1991 Local
45 Study of Helicobacter Pylori in dyspepsia with and without non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) intake and/or chronic liver disease (CLD) with the effect of therapy. 1999 International
46 Study of pancreatic enzymes in patients with liver diseases. 2006 International
47 Study of plasma level of fibronectin in different stages of schistosomiasis. 1990 Local
48 The effect of propranolol on portal hypertension and prevention of recurrent variceal bleeding in schistosomal and non-schistosomal patients. 1989 International
49 The effect of treatment on circulating schistosomal antigens and hepatic periportal fibrosis in children with schistosomiasis mansoni. 1994 Local
50 The importance of detecting circulating Toxoplasma antigens in human cases. M M Hassan, S A Mansour, M Atta, M M Shalaby, M A Seksaka, A Awad 1997 Local
51 The value of salt restriction in the treatment of hepatic ascites. 1990 Local
52 The value of splenomegaly in predicting the source of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. 1995 Local
53 Tolemerase Reverse Transcriptase Gene Expression as a Tumor Marker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. 1 Amal Abou El-Fadle, 1 Naglaa Fathy Al Husseini 1 Adel F. Al-Kholy, 1 Omnia Al-Said, 2 Naglaa Al-Toukhy and 2 M. Magdi Atta 2011 International
54 Toxoplasma infections distinguished by avidity of IgG. 1995 Local
55 Urinary infections associated with chronic salmonellosis. 1987 Local
56 Value of duplex ultrasonography in schistosomal hepatic lesions. 1991 Local
57 Value of serum anti-p53 antibodies as a prognostic factor in Egyptian patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Mohamed M Atta, Samir A el-Masry, Mohamed Abdel-Hameed, Hosam A Baiomy, Naglaa E Ramadan 2008 Local
Mostafa Soliman Abdel-Fattah El-Kady
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (27)
Total (28)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
2 Alkrebtospordim parasite diagnosis and treatment 2001 International
3 Alvascheola liver: methods of treatment 2001 International
4 Analytical Study of Liver Cancer 2016 International
5 Assess the role of paved factors for patients with fatty liver in Egypt 2002 International
7 Changes In Blood Glucose Levels In Chronic Hepatitis C Egyptian Patients Treated With Antiviral Therapy And Its Impact On Virological Response mostafa el kady, ibrahim ahmed awden, maha zein el abedin, wael shahin 2013 Local
8 Comparison between improved interferon study (long-acting) normal in the treatment of chronic hepatitis viral and interferon Sen of Type IV. 2004 International
9 Concentrations serological Ike and M1-tumor necrosis factor-alpha in patients with interleukin -6 Albulharsba intestinal condition linked to the disease 2001 International
10 Effectiveness and Safety of Amaryl M in Every day Practice on Egyptian Patients Sanovy Aventis 2011 International
11 Evaluation of esophageal motility morbidity in patients with chronic renal failure 2006 International
12 Evaluation of transient Elastography in diagnosis of oesophageal varices in cCHC patients Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Liver Fibrosis 2015 International
13 Interplay Between Tumor Necrosis Factor-α, Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Chronic Hepatitis C Egyptian Patients Mostafa S Elkady1, Maha Z Omar1, Mona M Elbehisy2, Mohamed Ao Mohamed3 2015 International
14 Mix the role of the joint rate cut in temperature 1998 International
15 Peripheral neuropathy in patients with C virus 2006 International
16 Prepare for bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis. Is there a catalyst for the growth of the role of vascular endothelial 2005 International
17 Study Eladibounktin level in the blood plasma in the greasiness liver disease 2006 International
18 Study hyaluronic acid level as a function of the degree of diagnostic liver cirrhosis 2006 International
19 Study spiral bacteria to patients with indigestion addict and non-injecting drug against non-articular inflammation in patients Kurtizonbh associated and non-hepatic diseases accompanying them and evaluate chronic treatment 1999 International
20 study the level of IFN-gamma (IL-18) in the blood serum in patients with chronic liver disease 2006 International
21 Sustained Virological Response is Low in Diabetic Egyptian Chronic Falk 2014 International
22 The discovery of the disease, wheat allergy in children 2005 International
23 The qualitative study of the pattern of the hepatitis virus (HCV) to severe acute and chronic hepatitis and liver cancer in sucking 2001 International
24 The relationship between clinical phenotypes and genetic factions of the parasite giardia 2007 International
25 The role of bacteria in the events spiral stomach congestion resulting from the high pressure portal vein 1998 International
26 The study of pancreatic enzymes in patients with chronic liver disease 2006 International
27 The study of the spread of recession bile rate in patients with chronic liver disease, with the assessment of treatment 2002 International
28 Ultrasonic acoustic colored safe way for early diagnosis in patients with renal failure Career 2003 International
Sabry Anis Abdou Awad
Local Publication (14)
International Publication (0)
Total (14)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 1950 Local
2 1950 Local
3 1950 Local
4 1950 Local
5 1950 Local
6 1950 Local
7 1950 Local
8 1950 Local
9 Amin H., Aza A. Senna 1950 Local
10 1950 Local
11 1950 Local
12 1950 Local
13 A Study of Helicobacter Pylori in Patients with and without Chronic Liver Disease. Journal of Hepatology, Gastroenterology & Infectious Diseases; Vol. 3 S M Kabil; Salwa I El Haddad; M M Atta; A H Asal; S A Abdou and Fatma Abdel Salam 1994 Local
14 Responders and Non-Responders to Interferon in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection: A Comparative Retrospective Study. Journal of Tropical Medicine; Vol. 3; S A Abdou; A K Nassar; M Z Abdel Baset & M M Atta 1994 Local
Samir Mohamed Abd El-Megied Kabil
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Yehia Sadek Younis
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Ebada Mohamed Said Abd El Hameed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (19)
Total (19)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of Eight Non-Invasive Markers of Liver Fibrosis in Egyptian Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Entesar El- Sharqawy, Said EM, Hala Elfeky, Naglaa El-Toukhy and Atta MME 2011 International
2 Assessment of Liver Fibrosis in Egyptian Chronic Hepatitis B Patients: A Comparative Study Including 5 Noninvasive Indexes Mohammed Tag-Adeen, MD, PhDa,∗, Maha Zeinelabedin Omar, MD, PhDb, Fatma Mohamed Abd-Elsalam, MD, PhDb, Ali Hasaneen, MD, PhDc, Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed, MD, PhDc, Hala Mohamed Elfeky, MD, PhDb, Ebada Mohamed Said, MD, PhDb, Badawy Abdul-Aziz, MD, PhDb, Amir 2018 International
3 Bone Mineral Density in Non-Cirrhotic Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C EL-KADY MS, GAD MA, SAID EM, AWADIN I*, EL-BADAWY RM, EL-FEKY HM AGINAH HA**, AND KANDIL WA*** 2010 International
4 Circulating Micro RNA- 21 and - 92a as Biomarkers of Colorectal Cancer Ebada Said1, Ahmed Zidan2, Ahmed Nawar2, Naglaa Alhusseini3, Elwy Soliman4, Rasha Shaker5, Waleed Naguib6, Kamal Rady7 and Hosam Baiumy1. 2017 International
5 Clinical Significance of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Hepatitis C Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Egyptian Patients Mohamed Magdi El-Sadek Ali Atta1,2, Hazem Mahmoud Atta3,4, Magdy Abdel-Mawgoud Gad2, Laila Ahmad Rashed4, Ebada M Said2, Sharaf El-Sayed Ali Hassanien2, Ahmed O Kaseb5 2016 International
7 Evaluation of Fibrosacn in Assessment of liver Fibrosis in Egyptian Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C virus Infection Amany H Lashin*, Magdy A Gad*, Yaser A Shaheen*, Mohamad S Soliman*, Ebada M Said * and Ahmad Elnaser** 2010 International
8 Faecal Tumour M2-Pyruvate Kinase ™ (ScheBo Test) for Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Detection in Adult Egyptians. Amany H Lashin, Said EM, *Gad ZS, **Issa HA, ***Aamer RZ, °Ahmed AM, °°Mohamed MA and °°°El-taher SM. 2015 International
9 Hepatic Deterioration in Patients with Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis the Role of Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha and Interleukin-6 mohamed elasal, eada said, jehan sary 2010 International
10 Increased Serum Apoptotic Cytokeratin-18 Fragments In Chronic Hepatitis C Patients with Normal Alanine Aminotransferase ABO SENNA A.A., EISA H.A., ABD ALLAH W.M., SAID E.M.*,EL-SHARKAWY S.A.** and ABD EL FATTAH G.A. *** 2012 International
11 Interleukin-18 and its gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) influence chronic hepatitis C progression Ebada Mohamed Said1, Mohamed Saed Soliman1, Hend Ibrahim Shousha2, Mohamed Sanad Rashed1, Abeer Abo Elazm3, Rania Zakaria Aamer4, Mai Hamed Kamel5, Fatma Mohamed Abdelsalam1 2018 International
12 Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 , Hyaluronic Acid and Other Serum Fibrotic Markers for Staging of Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Abd El-Baset MZ , Esmat GE* , Younis YS, Entesar EL-Sharqawy, Said EM , Olfat Shaker** and Khatab HM*** 2009 International
13 Response to Hepatitis B Vaccine in Egyptian Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Ebada Said1, Mohamed Metwally1, Dalia Abd El Hassib2, Rasha Elsawi3 and Mohamed Atta1&4 2017 International
14 Rising Endogenous Interferon–α and Declining Transaminases during Pregnancy in Egyptian Women with Chronic Hepatitis C Ashraf k.Nassar1, Ebada M. Said1, Elwy M. Soliman2,*, Ahmad W. Anwar3, Neveen A. Soliman4, Amaal I. Aly5, Kandil A. Foad6 2016 International
15 Sequential Assessment of Superoxide Dismutase Serum Level During Treatment of Acute Brucellosis MOSTAFA A.A., ENTESAR H.E., SAID E.M. and ABO SENNA A.A.⃰ 2011 International
16 Serum Interleukin-18 and Its Gene Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) Influence Chronic Hepatitis C Progression Ebada M. Said1, Mohamed S. Soliman1, Hend I. Shousha2, Mohamed S. Rashed1, Ab Aboelazm3, Rania Z. Aamer4 and Fatma M. Abdelsalam1 2018 International
17 Serum Prohepcidin and Iron Indices in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients: Impact on Early Virologic Response to Pegylated-Interferon / Ribavirin Therapy MOWAFY T.M., SAID E.M.*, ABO SENNA A.A.** and EL-SHARKAWY S.A. 2012 International
18 Serum Vitamin D Levels in Treatment-Naïve Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Ebada Said1, Waleed El Agawy2, Rehab Ahmed2, Mohamed Hassany2, Amal Ahmed3, Hanan Fouad4, Hosam Baiumy1 2017 International
19 THE DECREASE PREVALENCE OF HEPATITIS B AND C IN EGYPTIAN BLOOD DONORS IN THE LAST DECADE Samir Kabil, Ebada said, salwa mohamed, yehisa sadek, ibrahim elatar 2010 International
Hala Mohamad El Feky
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (10)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of Eight Non-Invasive Markers of Liver Fibrosis in Egyptian Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C dr hala elfeky, dr entsar elsharqawy, dr eada said, dr naglaa eltokhy, dr mohamed magdy elsadek 2011 International
2 Bone Mineral Density in Non-Cirrhotic Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C dr hala elfeky, dr mostafa elkady, dr magdy gad, dr eada said, dr ibrahim mohamed, dr reda elbadawy, dr hala agena, dr wael kandel 2010 International
3 Efficacy of Some Biochemical Markers in Diagnosis of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis dr/ hala elfeky, dr/ mohamed abd elhamid, dr/ ebada said, dr/ gamiel mohamed, dr/ gamal abd elhay 2012 International
5 Evaluation of Rapid Oral HCV Antibody Test For Diagnosis Of HCV Infection dr hala elfeky, dr samir kabel, dr salwa mohamed, dr mohamed said, dr galal mowad 2012 International
6 Incidence and Predictors of Heamatological Side Effects in Chronic HCV Egyptian Patients Treated With Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin dr/ hala elfeky, dr amany lashin, dr yaser shahin, dr mohamed abd elaziz, dr mohamed fawzy, dr sabry mowad abas 2013 International
7 Prediction of relapse Among Chronic HCV Genotype 4 Patients Treated With PEG-IFN and Ribavirin dr hala elfeky, dr yaser shahin, dr sabry moawad, dr mohamed abd elaziz 2011 International
8 Predictors of Early Non Virological Response to Peginterferon Plus Ribavirin Combination Therapy For Egyptian Patients Infected With Hepatitis C Virus dr hala elfeky, dr gamal sheha, dr yaser shahin 2012 International
9 Serum Levels of Soluble Fas Ligand and Resistin as Predictors of Hepatitis C Virus- Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma dr hala elfeky, dr mohamed reda, dr amaal ahmed, dr ibrahim helmy, dr marwa elshaiekh 2012 International
10 Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis in Egyptian Cirrhotic Patients with Nucleotide-binding Oligomerization Domain Containing 2 (NOD2) Gene Variants dr hala elfeky, dr hala tabl, dr amal mohamed said 2013 International
11 The association between model for End-stage liver diseases (MELD) and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) in patients with liver cirrhosis dr hala elfeky, dr samir kabel, dr hossam amin, dr magdy gad, dr mohamed said, dr yaser ismaiel 2008 International
Hatem S. Abd El-Raouf Alegaily
Local Publication (6)
International Publication (10)
Total (16)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 "Evaluation of hepatocellular carcinoma-vascular endothelial growth factor score for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma among hepatitis C virus patients" Ashraf Khames Nassar , Hatem Samir Abd El-Raouf , Enas Sebaey Ahmed, Hany Ragheb Abd El-baky and Mona SalahAbdel-Hamid 2016 International
2 A Retrospective Study about the Serum Ferritin Level between Responder and Non-Responder Patients with Chronic HCV to Treatment by [PEG Interferon & Ribavirin Therapy] دراسة معدل الفريتين المصلي وعلاقته بالاستجابة لعلاج الفيوس الكبدي "سي" بعقار الانترفيرن والريبافيرين Mustafa Soliman El-Kady1, Reda Mohammed El- Badawy1, Yasser Ahmed Shaheen1, Ibrahim Ahmed Awadin2 and Hatem Samir Abd El-raouf1 2013 International
3 Addition of Sofosbuvir to the Standard Pegylated Interferon-Ribavirin Therapy in Treatment-naive & - experienced Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Infection Mostafa Soliman El-Kady1 ; Mohamed Hatem Wali2 ; Hatem Samir Abd El Raouf1 ; Hany Ragheb Elkholy1 ; Mohamed Morsi Sheta1 2017 International
4 Association Between Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and Helicobacter Pylori Infection Amal A. Mohamed1 , Shorouk Moussa2 , Mahmoud M. Shaheen2 , Sherief Abd-Elsalam3,* , Rehab Ahmed4 , Sahar M. Mostafa5 , Amina Fouad6 , Hatem S. Alegaily7 , Samah A. Megahed8 and Yousry E. Abo-Amer9 2020 International
5 Correlation between HBsAg Quantitation Assay, Histopathology and Viral - DNA Level in Chronic HBV Patients Adel A.Mostafa, Mohammed E.El-Shewi, Hatem S. Abd El-Raouf ,Waleed A. Elagawy, Mohammed A.El-Rashidy,Hala G.Shouman 2015 International
6 CSF Lactate: A Rapid Accurate Diagnostic test for Acute Bacterial Meningitis (ABM) Metwally MA., Abd El-Raouf HS., Abd El Aal MS and Shehata FO.,* Hepatology,Gastroenterology and Infectious Diseases Department, Benha University and Abbassia Fever Hospital Laboratory director * 2013 International
7 Insulin Resistance as Predictor for Esophageal Varices in Hepatitis C Virus Cirrhosis Fatma Mohamed Abd El-Salam1, Hatem Samir Abd El-Raouf1, Salama Mohamed El Shinawy2 and Mohamed Shawky Mostafa3 2015 Local
8 Is Interleukin - 28B Polymorphisms Associated with Clinical Recurrence of Chronic HCV Patients after Living Donor Liver Transplantation? Amany Helmy Lashin, Entisar Hussien. El-Sharqawy, Mohamed Abd El-Aziz. Metwally, Hatem Samir Abd El-Raouf and Essam Anwar Morsy Department of Hepatology, Gastroenterology and Infecttious Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, University of Benha, Egypt 2016 International
9 Mean Platelet Volume and Hepatic Stellate Cells Activity as Fibrosis Markers in Egyptian Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C MAHA Z. OMAR, M.D.*; RANIH Z. AMER, M.D.**; HATEM S. ABD ELRAOUF, M.D.* and MONA M. ELBEHISY, M.D.*** 2014 International
10 Percutaneous Microwave Ablation versus Partial Splenic Embolization for Treatment of Hypersplenism in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis Yousef Mohammed Asar1 , Mostafa Soliman El Kady1 , Hatem Samir Alegaily1 , Waleed Ahmed El Agawy2 , Tamer El Eraki1 , Wessam Mostafa Abd El Latif3 2019 Local
11 Percutaneous Microwave Ablation versus Partial Splenic Embolization for Treatment of Hypersplenism in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis Yousef Mohammed Asar1 , Mostafa Soliman El Kady1 , Hatem Samir Alegaily1 , Waleed Ahmed El Agawy2 , Tamer El Eraki1 , Wessam Mostafa Abd El Latif3 2019 Local
12 Quadruple Therapy Offers High SVR Rates in Patients with HCV Genotype 4 with Previous Treatment Failure Yousry Esam-Eldin Abo-amer,1 Rehab Badawi,2 Mohamed El-Abgeegy,3 Heba Fadl Elsergany,3 Ahmed Abdelhaleem Mohamed,3 Sahar Mohamed Mostafa,3 Hatem Samir Alegaily,4 Shaimaa Soliman,5 Sally Elnawasany,2 and Sherief Abd-Elsalam 2 2020 International
13 Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation versus Microwave Ablation for Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma Mohamed Abd El-Hamid Mohamed1, Hatem Samir Abd El-Raouf1, Waleed Ahmed El Agawy2, Mohamed Elsayed Elshewi1, Esam Elsaid Hamed2 2015 Local
14 Risk of Ischemic Heart Disease in Patients with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Mostafa Soliman Elkady1 , Hatem Samir Abd El-Raouf1 , Hany Ragheb Elkholy1 , Badawy Abdul Khalek Abdul Aziz1 , Wael Ahmed Maklad2 , Ahmed Abd El-Allah Turkey3 , Hayam Abd EL-Hameed El-sayed1 2018 Local
15 Serum Dickopff 1 as a Novel Biomarker in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Diagnosis and Follow Up After Ablative Therapy Yehia Sadek Younis1 Hatem Samir Alegaily1 Waleed Elagawy2 Atteyat Aboelmaged Semeya3 Yousry Esam-Eldin Abo-Amer 3 Mohamed El-Abgeegy4 Sahar Mohamed Mostafa4 Heba Fadl Elsergany4 Sherief Abd-Elsalam 5 2019 International
16 Study of Frequency of Prediabetes in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection Mostafa Soliman El-Kady1 , Hatem Samir Abd El-Raouf1 , Eman Gamal Behiry2 , Tamer E. Eleraky1 and Amr Mohamed Abdel-Ati1 2017 Local
Hosam Amen Baiomy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Maha Zein El-Abedin Omar
Local Publication (14)
International Publication (17)
Total (31)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Mean Platelet Volume and Mean Platelet Volume/Platelet Count Ratio as Diagnostic Markers for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Maha Z. Omar1, Mohebat H. Gouda2, Mona M. Elbehisy3 2018 Local
2 A Retrospective Comparative Study of post Living Donor Liver Transplanation between Cirrhotic Patients with and without Hepatocellular Carcinoma Moahmed A Mohamed, Maha Z.Omar, Essam A.Morsy, Ali M.Darwish 2017 International
3 Assessment of Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein as a new Biomarker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Badawy A. Abdul Aziz1, Maha Zein-Elabedin Omar1, Abdelmoneam Ahmed2, Medhat A. Khalil2 and Amira MN Abdelrahman3 2018 Local
4 Assessment of Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein as a new Biomarker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Badawy A. Abdul Aziz1, Maha Zein-Elabedin Omar1, Abdelmoneam Ahmed2, Medhat A. Khalil2 and Amira MN Abdelrahman3 2018 International
5 Assessment of liver fibrosis in Egyptian chronic hepatitis B patients Mohammed Tag-Adeen, MD, PhDa,∗, Maha Zeinelabedin Omar, MD, PhDb,Fatma Mohamed Abd-Elsalam, MD, PhDb, Ali Hasaneen, MD, PhDc, Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed, MD, PhDc,Hala Mohamed Elfeky, MD, PhDb, Ebada Mohamed Said, MD, PhDb, Badawy Abdul-Aziz, MD, PhDb,Am 2018 International
7 Clinical Significance of Serum Midkine Level as a Biomarker in Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Maha Z. Omar a, Tamer E. Elazab a, Amira M. Abdelrahmanb, Elham F. Mohamed 2020 Local
8 Critical flickering frequency test: a diagnostic tool for minimal hepatic encephalopathy Mohamed A. Metwally, Hosam A. Biomy, Maha Z. Omar and Ahmed I. Sakr 2019 International
9 Diagnostic Significance of Serum Serotonin Levels in Prediction of Esophageal and Fundal Varices in Cirrhotic Patients MAHA Z. OMAR, M.D.*; EMAN G. BEHIRY, M.D.** and MOHAMED A. MOHAMED, M.D.*** 2020 Local
10 Evaluation of Response to Sofosbuvir based treatment Regimens in Chronic HCV patients Mohamed A mohamed, Mahmoud A. Khedr, Maha Z.omar, Azza H. El-Shiekh 2017 International
11 Evaluation of Serum Autotaxin as a Novel Noninvasive Marker for Assessment of Hepatic Fibrosis in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Mahmoud A. Al-Azoony1, Jehan H.Sabry2, Hisham A. Issa3, Maha Z. Omar4, Abdelmoneam Ahmed5, Doaa M. Abd Almoneim6 2016 Local
12 Evaluation of Serum autotaxin as a novel noninvasive marker for assessment of hepatic fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C patientst Mahmoud A. Elazoony, Jehan H.Sabry, Hisham A.Issa, Maha Z.Omar, Abdelmoneam Ahmed, Doaa M.Abd Almoneim 2016 International
13 Evaluation of Transforming Growth Factor- β 1 Gene Expression and Polymorphism in Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in HCV-Infected Patients Fatma M. Abdel Salam a, Maha Z. Omar a, Shuzan A. Mohammed b, Abeer M. El- Bahy a 2020 Local
14 Evaluation of Transient Elastography in Diagnosis of Esophageal Vances in Chronic. Hepatitis C Patients adel awad, mostafa el kady, maha zein elabedin, mohamed elbasiony, reham soliman, seham seif 2015 Local
15 Impact of Heliobacter pylori eradication on absolute telomere length in gastric mucosa Maha Z.Omar, Abeer A. Aboelazm, Reem R. Abd El-Glil 2016 International
16 interleukin-10 as a predictor of response to interferon therapy in egyptian patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection abd el salam FM, Gad MA, Maha Z.Omar, Amin AM and Abofaddan AA 2014 Local
17 Interplay Between Tumor Necrosis Factor-α, Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Chronic Hepatitis C Egyptian Patients Elkady MS MD, Omar MZ MD, Elehisy MM MD, Mohamed MA 2015 International
18 Mean platelet Volume and Hepatic Stellate Cells Activity as Fibrosis Markers in Egyptian Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C maha z.omar, ranih z. amer, hatem s. abd elraouf, mona m. elbehisy 2014 Local
19 Mean Platelet Volume and Mean Platelet Volume/Platelet Count Ratio as Diagnostic Markers for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Maha Z. Omar1, Mohebat H. Gouda2, Mona M. Elbehisy 2018 International
20 Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 Gene Expression in Blood and Ascitic Fluid of Cirrhotic Patients with Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis Maha Z. Omar1 and Shuzan A Mohammed2 2016 Local
21 Monocyte Chemotactic protein-1 gene expression in blood and ascitic fluid of cirrhotic patients with spontaneous bactrial peritonitis maha z. omar, shuzan a mohammed 2016 International
23 Role of intrafamilial transmission in high prevalence of hepatitis C virus in Egypt Maha Z.Omar, Mohamed A.Metwally, Hala M Elfeky, Inas A Ahmed, Mohamed A Ismail, Amal Idris 2017 International
25 Serum human endothelial cell-specific molecule-1 (endocan) and vascular endothelial growth factor in cirrhotic HCV patients with hepatocellular carcinoma as predictors of mortality Anas A Youssef1 Hisham A Issa1 Maha Z Omar2 Eman G Behiry1 Asmaa A Elfallah1 Ali Hasaneen3 Mohamed Darwish3 Dalia B Ibrahim4 2018 International
26 Serum human endothelial cell-specific molecule-1 (endocan) and vascular endothelial growth factor in cirrhotic HCV patients with hepatocellular carcinoma as predictors of mortality Anas A Youssef1 Hisham A Issa1 Maha Z Omar2 Eman G Behiry1 Asmaa A Elfallah1 Ali Hasaneen3 Mohamed Darwish3 Dalia B Ibrahim4 2018 International
27 Serum human endothelial cell-specific molecule-1 (Endocan) and vascular endothelial growth factor in cirrhotic HCV patients with hepatocellular carcinoma as predictors of mortality Anas A Youssef1, Hisham A Issa1, Maha Z Omar2, Eman G Behiry1, Asmaa A Elfallah1, Ali Hasaneen3, Mohamed Darwish3, Dalia B Ibrahim4 2018 International
28 Significance of Antinuclear Antibody Positivity in Chronic HCV Patients and Impact on Early Response to Combined Antiviral Therapy Yehia S. Younes1MD, Yasser A. Shaheen1MD, Hala M. El Feky`1MD, Maha Z. Omar1MD, Rasha SH. Eldesouky2MD, Rania Z. Amer3MD, Eman G.Behiry4 MD, Rania I. Mabrouk5 2015 International
29 Significance of Serum Hepatocyte Growth Factor Level in Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Maha Z. Omar*, Eman G. Behiry** 2015 International
30 Study of the Helcobacter pylori infection in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Sheref A.Eisa, Gehan F.Almehy, Hisahm A.Eisa, Maha Z.Omar, Tarek S.Essawy, Amal A.Abou Elnass 2018 International
31 The Effect of Liver Cirrhosis Severity on Left Ventricular Systolic and Diastolic Functions shaimaa mostafa, maha zein elabedin 2014 Local
Mohamed Abd Elaziz Metwally Ali
Local Publication (10)
International Publication (24)
Total (34)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Does High Body Mass Index Affect Hepatic Fibrosis, Steatosis, and Inflammation in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C? Gastroenterology 2002; 123, 1 Suppl: Pg. 52 A M1632. (Presented in the Digestive Disease Week annual meeting, 2002, San Fransisco, California, USA). Primary author Metwally MA, Zein CO, Zein NN 2002 International
2 Does Normal ALT Exclude Severe Hepatic Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C? Gastroenterology 2002; Suppl A 631. (Oral presentation in the Digestive Disease Week annual meeting, 2002, San Fransisco, California, USA) Primary author Metwally MA, Zein CO, Zein NN 2002 International
3 Reliability and validity of urine screening leukocyte esterase strips in diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. M M Atta, I Fathi, M Ali, H Alfiky, M Metwally. 2006 International
4 . Predictors and non invasive identification of severe liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C Metwally MA, Zein CO, Zein NN 2007 International
5 A population based epidemiological study of Helicobacter Pylori in Egypt. Metwally MA, Kabil SM, Rossignol JF, Montasser NA, Abdel-salam FM, Zein CO, Zein NN. 2001 International
6 A randomized controlled trial to assess the safety and efficacy of silymarin on symptoms, signs and biomarkers of acute hepatitis. El-Kamary SS, Shardell MD, Abdel-Hamid M, Ismail S, El-Ateek M, Metwally M, Mikhail N, Hashem M, Mousa A, Aboul-Fotouh A, El-Kassas M, Esmat G, Strickland GT 2009 International
7 A scoring model for prediction of relapse among chronic HCV genotype 4 patients treated with peginterferon and ribavirin. Y. Shahin, M.A. Metwally, W. Shaheen, H. El Fiky, S. Moawad. 2014 International
8 A Simple Non-invasive Scoring System for Prediction of Severe Hepatic Fibrosis in Chronic HCV Patients Co-infected with HIV Metwally MA, Hassanein TI, Zein CO, Selim K, Oliver D, Behling C, Zein NN 2014 Local
9 A Simple Non-invasive Scoring System for Prediction of Severe Hepatic Fibrosis in Chronic HCV Patients Co-infected with HIV. Gastroenterology 2002; 123, 1 Suppl: pg. 50 A M1621. (Presented in the Digestive Disease Week annual meeting, 2002, San Fransisco, California, USA). Primary author Metwally MA, Hassanein TI, Zein CO, Selim K, Oliver D, Behling C, Zein NN 2002 International
10 Clinical Significance of Hepatic Iron Deposition and Serum Iron Values in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Infection Metwally MA, Zein CO, Zein NN 2004 International
11 Comparison of Detection of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) by Transcription-Mediated Amplification (TMA) versus COBAS AMPLICOR™ HCV Test, version 2.0 (AMPLICOR) in Patients Undergoing Antiviral Therapy. (Presented in the American Association of Study of Liver Diseases annual meeting, 2002, Boston, Massachusetts, USA). Co-author. Jeff J. Germer, Nizar N. Zein, Mohamed A. Metwally, Thomas F. Smith, W. Scott Harmsen, Tanya L. Hoskin, and Robin Patel. 2002 International
12 Comparison of the VERSANT HCV RNA qualitative assay (transcription-mediated amplification) and the COBAS AMPLICOR hepatitis C virus test, version 2.0, in patients undergoing interferon-ribavirin therapy Germer JJ, Zein NN, Metwally MA, Hoskin TL, Scott Harmsen W, Smith TF, Patel R 2003 International
13 CSF lactate: A rapid accurate diagnostic test for acute bacterial meningitis. M.A. Metwally, H.S. Abd El-Raouf, M.S. Abdelaal, F.O. Shehata. 2012 Local
14 Elevation of pancreatic enzymes in patients with chronic liver diseases. (Presented at the IASL/AFASLD meeting, 2006, Cairo, Egypt) M M Atta, M Alkady, Y Shaheen, A Abu Alfadl, M Omar, M Metwally. 2006 International
15 Evaluation of serum biomarkers of fibrosis and injury in Egyptian patients with chronic hepatitis C. Esmat G, Metwally M, Zalata KR, Gadalla S, Abdel-Hamid M, Abouzied A, Shaheen AA, El-Raziky M, Khatab H, El-Kafrawy S, Mikhail N, Magder LS, Afdhal NH, Strickland GT 2007 International
16 Hepatitis C virus infection as a risk factor for development of type 2 diabetes mellitus: A prospective cross-sectional study. Zein CO, Basu A, Metwally M, Zein NN. 2002 International
17 High body mass index is associated with advanced hepatic fibrosis in patients chronic hepatitis C. Journal of Hepatology 2002; 36, Suppl 1, 240. (Presented in the Eurobean Association of Study of Liver Diseases and Intenational Association of Study of Liver Disease annual meeting, 2001, Madrid, Spain). Primary author Metwally MA, Zein CO, Zein NN 2014 International
18 High insulin resistance is associated with low rapid virological response in chronic HCV patients. M.A. Metwally, R. Khalaf Allah, I.A. Ahmed. 2013 Local
19 Histopathological characterization of genotype 4 chronic hepatitis C. M Metwally , G Esmat, K Zalata, M K Mohamed, H Khattab, M El Batanouni, M El Daly, M Anwar, A Hassan, S Ismail, M Said, A Shaheen, M Sjogren, T Strickland. 2006 International
20 Improvement of steatosis after interferon therapy in HCV genotype 4 is related to weight loss. Esmat G, El Akel W, Metwally M, Soliman A, Doss W, Hamid MA, Kamal M, Zalata K, Khattab H, El-Kassas M, Esmat M, Hasan A, El-Raziky M 2009 International
21 Incidence and predictors of hematological side effects in chronic HCV Egyptian patients treated with PEGylated interferon and ribavirin Lashin AH, Shaheen YA, Metwally MA, El-Feky HM, Hegab MF, Abbas SM 2013 International
22 Independent predictors of severe liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C. Metwally MA, Angulo P, Zein CO, Zein NN 2001 International
23 Neurophysiologic and psychometric changes in patients with liver cirrhosis. S. A. Awad, A.H. Lashin, Y.A. Shahin, M.A. Metwally, H. Alsayed. 2006 Local
24 Prediction of relapse among chronic HCV genotype 4 patients treated with PEG-IFN and Ribavirine. Y.A. Shaheen, W.Z. Shahin, H.M. El-Feky, S.M. Abbas, M.A. Metwally. 2011 Local
25 Prevalence and risk factors of hepatitis C among pregnant females in Egypt. (Presented at the IASL/AFASLD meeting, 2006, Cairo, Egypt) Liver International Vol 26 (Suppl 1) September 2006. Primary Author. M Metwally , A Youssif, K Qawi, I Rageh, M Abdel Hamid, A Shaheen, G Esmat. 2006 International
26 Previous and silent hepatitis B infection in patients with chronic hepatitis C: Risk factors for severe hepatic fibrosis. Metwally M, Roberts L, Petrovic LM, Zein CO, Montoya DP, Zein NN. 2014 Local
27 Prospective study of prevalence and risk factors for hepatitis C in pregnant Egyptian women and its transmission to their infants. AbdulQawi K, Youssef A, Metwally MA, Ragih I, AbdulHamid M, Shaheen A. 2010 International
28 Pulmonary functions after injection sclerotherapy of esophageal varices and after band ligation. M.A.Metwally, A.A. Mohamed, G.M. Mohamed. 2013 Local
29 Regression of Fibrosis and Cirrhosis in Chronic HCV Patients Treated with Interferon Based Therapy Metwally MA, Zein CO, Zein NN 2003 International
30 Role of serum leptin in patients with liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma complicating chronic viral hepatitis. M.A. Metwally, M.A. El Shewi, H.A. Eisa. 2014 Local
31 Serum ferritin level as a predictor of response to pegylated interferon/ribavirin therapy in Egyptian chronic hepatitis C patients. Y.A. Shaheen, M.Z. El-Seesy, W.A. Shahin, M.A. Metwally, G. Shiha. 2012 Local
32 Serum level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in patients with hepatic encephalopathy due to chronic liver diseases. A.H. Asal, M.A. Ali, Y.A. Shaheen, M.A. Metwally, Y.M. Ismail. 2006 Local
33 Significance of Hepatic Iron Deposition and Serum Iron Indices in Liver Fibrosis Associated with Chronic Hepatitis C. Metwally MA, Angulo P, Zein CO, Zein NN 2001 International
34 Tumor necrosis alpha promoter gene polymorphisms and diabetes in patients with chronic hepatitis C: Evidence in favor of an association. Zein, CO, Metwally M, Zein, NN. 2002 International
Mohamed Abdel-Hamed Mohamed Ahmed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Antral nitric oxide in patients with duodenal ulcer with and without chronic liver diseases. Benha M. journal 7(55)1922-1934. Mohamed A Ali, Tarek I Saker and Adel Elsaeidy 2000 Local
Naglaa El-Toukhy Ramadan El-Toukhy
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (16)
Total (17)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Clinical Relevance of the cagA,vacA and babA2 Virulence Factors ofHelicobacter pylori in Egyptian Patients with Gastroduodenal Diseases. Naglaa El-Toukhy1*, Amal M. Saeed2 and Nashwa M. Emara3 2019 International
2 Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in the Gastric Mucosa of Patients with Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy Naglaa El-Toukhy1 and Naglaa Al-Husseini2 2018 International
3 Value of serum anti-p53 antibodies as a prognostic factor in Egyptian patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Department of Hepatology, Gastroenterology and Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt.Clin Biochem. 2008 Jun 20; : 18616935 (P,S,G,E,B,D) Mohamed M Atta, Samir A El-Masry, Mohamed Abdel-Hameed, Hosam A Baiomy, Naglaa E Ramadan 2008 Local
4 Assessment of Eight Non-Invasive Markers of Liver Fibrosis in Egyptian Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Entesar El- Sharqawy,Said EM, Hala Elfeky, Naglaa El-Toukhy and Atta 2011 International
5 Diagnostic and Prognostic Values of Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 in Ascitic Fluid of Patients with Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis 1Naglaa El-Toukhy and 2Sherin M. Emam 2016 International
6 Evaluation of MELD Scores and Intrarenal Arterial Resistive Index in Cirrhotic Patients with Hepatorenal Syndrome Entesar El- Sharqawy,Naglaa El-Toukhy 2010 International
7 Fas and Fas-Ligand as Markers for Response to Interferon plus Ribavirin Therapy in Egyptian Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Amal A. Mohamed,Naglaa EL-Toukhy, Ahmed Ebrahim,Doaa Mohamed,Asmaa kamal,Naglaa F. Ghoname,Manal Mohamoud 2014 International
8 Glypican-3 as a Tumor Marker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Amal A. Mohamed, Naglaa El-Toukhy, M. Magdi Atta, Salah M. Ahmed 2013 International
9 Lymphocyte Subgroups and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α and Interleukin-6 in Ascitic Fluid and Serum of Patients with Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis at Benha University Hospital Naglaa El-Toukhy,Amal Mohammed Saeed,Sherin Mohmed Emam, Mohamed Magdi Atta 2012 International
10 Osteopontin as A Tumor Marker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Amal Ahmed Mohamed, Naglaa El-Toukhy, Ayman Abdel-Hady Alkhalegy, Sherif Boraii 2016 International
11 Predictive and Prognostic Value of Von Willebrand Factor in Patients with Cirrhosis and Esophageal Varices Naglaa El-Toukhy1 and Hisham Issa2 2019 International
12 Prevalence of Hydatidosis in Qualubia Governorate Amany F.El Fakahany,Mysa A.Eraky, Rabab F.Selem,Amina I.Abdel-Maboud,Nagwa S.M.Ali,Naglaa El-Toukhy,Neven A.Abdel-Hafez 2011 International
13 RECK gene polymorphism in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma Ashraf Khamis Nassara, Naglaa El-Toukhy Ramadan El-Toukhya, Mohamed Ali Mokhlesa,Amal Ahmed Mohamedb, Reham Ibrahim Siddika, Hadeel El-Hanafic, Sherief Abd-Elsalamd,⁎ 2019 International
14 Serum Interleukin-6 Concentration Associated with Response to Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Amal Ahmed Mohamed, Naglaa El-Toukhy, Ehab M Reyad, Noha Abd El Rahman El Desoky 2017 International
15 Serum Sodium Concentration Profile in Cirrhotic Patients and its Effect on the Prognostic Value of the MELD Score Mostafa Soliman Elkady, Naglaa El-Toukhy Ramadan El-Toukhy, Sanaa El-sayed Ahmad Rashed 2016 International
16 Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Gene Expression as a Tumor Marker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Amal Abou El-Fadle, Naglaa Fathy Al Husseini, Adel F. Al-Kholy, Omnia Al-Said, Naglaa Al-Toukhy,M. Magdi Atta 2011 International
17 The Potential Beneficial Effects of Melatonin on Hepatic Fibrosis in Rats Hanan Tawfeek Emam,Naglaa El-Toukhy 2011 International
Reda Mohamed Salem Al Badawy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (6)
Total (6)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A study of cases of Influenza A H1 N1 Infection in Qalubia during the st 2009 pandemic. Yehia Y*,Amin H*,Entesar El –Sharqawy,* Reda El –badawy *, Abeer M Rawy ** and Zeinb M Heddalah*** 2011 International
2 Concepts in Leptin and liver Disease Reda Mohammed El-badawy,Abdullah Saeed Al Ghamd Ibrahim Abdulljarim Al-Mofle 2004 International
3 Epidemiology and outcome ofCrohn’sdisease in a teaching hospital in Riyadh Abdullah S. Al-Ghamdi, Ibrahim A. Al-Mofleh, Rashed S. Al-Rashed, Saleh M. Al-Amri, Abdulrahman M. Aljebreen, Arthur C. Isnani, Reda El-Badawi 2004 International
4 Insulin Resistantance and Hyper leptinemia in Non Diabetic patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection and their Relations to steat steatosis and Fibrosis Progresio Reda El-badawy1 , Awad El-Abd 2 and Abd-El-Latef ElBalshy 2005 International
5 Molecular markers as a prognostic system for hepatocellular carcinoma Hanan H.Foud a ,*, Ahmed B .Demery b, Hussein M Yehia c , Reda M.El-Badawy d 2011 International
6 STUDY THE ROLE OF UROTENSIN II AS A PREDICTOR FOR HEPATORENAL SYNDROME Reda M.EL-Badawy٭,Amal Al-Mahdy, Howyda M. Kamal and Eman R. Abd EL-Gawad 2015 International
Wael Ahmed Zaki Abd Elhamid Hossam Eldin Shahin
Local Publication (17)
International Publication (4)
Total (21)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Biphasic nerve-mediated relaxations of the opossum lower esophageal sphincter: are they mediated by cGMP? Gastroenterology 114(4)2: G3432 (abstract). W. Shahin, J. A Murray, E. Clark and J. L. Conklin 1998 International
2 Esophageal cancer and Barrett's esophagus, How to approach surveillance, treatment, and palliation. Postgraduate Medicine 105(7). W. Shahin and J.A. Murray 1999 Local
3 1. Low incidence of H. pylori infection in patients with duodenal ulcer and chronic liver disease. Gastroenterology 114(4)2: G1163 (abstract) W. Shahin, M.Z. Abdel-Baset, A.K. Nassar, M.M. Atta and S.M. Kabil (1998): 1998 International
4 3. Does cGMP mediate the off response of circular smooth muscle from the esophagus of the opossum? Gastroenterology 114(4)2: G3433. (abstract). (With a special reward). W. Shahin, J. A Murray, E. Clark and J. L. Conklin 1998 International
5 : Hepatic Schistosomiasis and chronic viral hepatitis associated nephropathy. Zagazig University Medical Journal 7(5): 1816-1831. F. Abbas, M. Abdel-Mawgood, M.A. Ali, W. Shahin, I. Al-Sharkawi and A. Al-Saiedi 2001 Local
6 Can patient's nutritional status and nationality predict the cause of admission and hospital length of stay of Hajj patients admitted at the medical department in a tertiary hospital, Makkah. الملتقى العلمي الرابع عشر لأبحاث الحج والعمرة والزيارة" معهد خادم الحرمين الشريفين لأبحاث الحج والعمرة والزيارة- مكة الكرمة- مارس 2014 2014 Local
7 Characteristics of endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) patients and predictors of common bile duct (CBD) stones in a tertiary hospital, saudi arabia المجلة الدولية للصحة العامة و الاحصاء - نوفمبر 2012- عدد (1)- رقم (2)- ص (14 – 19) 2012 International
8 Dengue fever in a tertiary hospital in Makkah, Saudi Arabia نشرة حمى الضنك ( منظمة الصحة العالمية) العدد 33 ص 34- 44 سنة 2009 2014 Local
9 Endoscopic management of esophageal foreign bodies: Report on a series of 108 patients 2003 Local
10 Epidemiological and Clinical study of kawasaki Disease in a tertiary Medical Centre in Makkah 2005 Local
11 IgG Isotypes in Schistosomiasis patients before and after Praziquantel 2002 Local
12 Non invasive prediction of gastro-esophageal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis 2002 Local
13 Prediction Of Relapse Among Chronic HCV Genotype 4 Patients Treated With Peg-IFN And Ribavirin :. مجلة الكبد والجهاز الهضمي والأمراض المعدية- ديسمبر 2011- عدد (12)- رقم (2)- ص (1-9) ونشر ملخص البحث بمؤتمر الجمعية الأوروبية لأمراض الكبد26 ابريل2013 برقم 873 بعنوان. A scoring Model for Prediction of Relapse among Chronic HCV Genotype 4 Patients Treat 2014 Local
14 Predictors of Death and Prolonged Hospital Length of Stay in Dengue Fever Patients Admitted to a Tertiary Hospital in Makkah. المجلة الافريقية المصرية للامراض المعدية والمتوطنة 2013; Dec 3(4): 127-134 2013 Local
15 Role of cGMP as a Mediator of nerve-induced motor functions of the opossum esophagus. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 279(3): G567 – G574. W. Shahin, J. A Murray, E. Clark and J. L. Conklin 2000 Local
16 Serum and ascetic fluid nitric oxide and IL-6 in liver cirrhosis and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis 2003 Local
17 Serum Thrombopoietin levels in Patients with chronic liver disaeses 2001 Local
18 Soluble adhesion molecules as a marker of disease severity in Human Fascioliasis 2002 Local
19 The Relation between Visceral Adiposity Index, Viral Load and Early Virological Response in Chronic Hepatitis C treated by Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin in Egypt. مجلة كلية طب بنها يناير 2013, مجلد (30) رقم (1)، صـ (183-199). 2013 Local
20 Thyroid Dysfunction and Autoimmunity among patients with chronic hepatitis C receiving Interferon –alpha Therapy المجلة الطبية لجامعة القاهرة - عدد 77- رقم (4) - يونيو2009 – صـ (243-248). 2009 Local
21 Value of magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography (MRCP) in diagnosis of post-cholecystectomy biliary complications المجلة المصرية للاشعة و الطب النووي – 2008 – عدد (39) رقم (2) – صفحة (472-465). 2008 Local
Yasser Ahmed Shaien
Local Publication (6)
International Publication (4)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 -The Relation between Visceral Adiposity Index, Viral Load and Early Virological Response in Chronic Hepatitis C treated by Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin in Egypt. 2015 International
2 Elevation of pancreatic enzymes in patients with chronic liver diseases. M M Atta, M Alkady, Y Shaheen, A Abu Alfadl, M Omar, M Metwally. 2006 International
3 Evaluation of plasma adiponectin in patients with non alcoholic fatty liver diseases Abd Elsalam FM, Alkady MS, Abd Elsattar M, Alsharkawy I, Albadawy RM, & Shaheen YA 2007 Local
4 MMA : Association of rheumatic manifestations and cryoglobulins with hepatitis C infection; Ali AY,Abd Elhamed ME, Shaheen YA ,and Nader 2004 Local
5 Neurophysiologic and psychometric changes in patients with liver cirrhosis; Abdou SA, Lashin AH, Shaheen YA,Metwally MA & Elsayed H 2006 Local
6 Q-T interval prolongation in cirrhosis : relationship with severity and etiologyof liver disease and age and gender of the patients; Aladl AR, and Shaheen YA 2003 Local
7 STUDY OF NV VIRAEMIA AMONG PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LIVER DISEASE yaser ahmed shahin, samir mohamed kabil, ashraf nassar, neveen ahmed, atef hamed asal, mohamed abdel-razik el- farrash 2001 International
8 Study of pancreatic enzymes in patients with Chronic Liver Disease Atta MM,Abo Alfadl A,Alkady MS, Shaheen YA, & Metwally MA, 2006 International
9 Tumor necrosis factor- alpha in patients with hepatic encephalopathy due to chronic liver diseases. Asal AH, Mohamed MA, Shaheen YA, Metwally MA, and Ismael Y 2006 Local
10 YA: Age related changes of the cardiac responses to liver cirrhosis. Aladl AR,Yakot MA ,& Shaheen 2003 Local
Badawy Abdel- Khalik Abdel - Aziz
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (19)
Total (23)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein as A new Biomarker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Badawy A. Abdul Aziz1, MahaZein-Elabedin Omar1, Abdelmoneam Ahmed2, Medhat A. Khalil 2Amira MN Abdelrahman3. 2018 International
2 Assessment of Liver Fatty Acid Binding Protein (L-FABP) as a Diagnostic Marker in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Badawy A. Abdulaziz1*, Sabry Anis Abdu1, Ahmed Mostafa Amin2, Ahmed Khayri Abdel Hamid El Menyawi3, Abdelmoneam Ahmed4, Medhat A. Khalil4, Walid A. Abdel Halim5 2019 International
3 Assessment of Spleen Stiffness for Prediction of Varices in Patients with Hepatitis C Related Cirrhosis Using Transient Elastography Naglaa El-Toukhy Ramadan El-Toukhy1, Sharaf Elsayed Ali Hassanien1, Ramy A. Metwaly2, Medhat A. Khalil2 and Badawy A. Abdulaziz1* 2020 International
4 Clinical and Hematological Effects of Dengue Viruses Infection Badawy A. Abdul Aziz1,*, Sharaf Elsayed Ali Hassanien1, Adel Mahmoud Abdou 2016 International
5 Combined Albumin-Bilirubin Grade and Platelets (ALBI-PLT) Score and Albumin-Bilirubin Score (ALBI) as Simple Noninvasive Laboratory Markers for Prediction of Esophageal Varices in Cirrhotic Patients Hatem S. Alegaily1 , Medhat A. Khalil2 , Aida Thabet3 , Badawy A. Abdulaziz* 2022 International
6 Comparison of Endoscopic Ultrasonography Evaluation of Suspected Pancreaticobiliary Malignancy in Patient with orwithout Biliary Decompression Badawy A. Abdulaziz a , Mona S. Abdelhamid a , Mohamed E. Sarhan b , Ayman M. Elsaka c , Shiemaa K. Dawad , Azza H. Elshiekhe , Ahmed F. Selim 2023 Local
7 Early Outcomes of Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication for Morbid Obesity: Early Experience in Benha University HISHAM AHMED, M.D.*; EL-SAYED A. ABD EL-MABOOD, M.D.*; REFAAT S. SALAMA, M.D.*; BADAWY A. ABDUL AZIZ, M.D.** and AMER M. ABD EL-HAMID, M.D.*** 2016 International
8 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography through laparoscopically created gastrotomy for the management of biliary complications of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Mustafa Bayoumia, Hisham Husseina, Badawy A. Abdul Azizb, Hatem S. Abd El-Raoufb 2017 International
9 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography through laparoscopically created gastrotomy for the management of biliary complications of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Mustafa Bayoumia, Hisham Husseina, Badawy A. Abdul Azizb, Hatem S. Abd El-Raouf 2016 International
10 Fecal Calgranulin C a Novel Noninvasive Marker in Predicting Activity and Severity of Ulcerative Colitis Compared with Colonoscopy Badawy A. Abdulaziz1 , Magdy A. Gad1 , Esam Elsaid Hamed Abd Elaziz* 2 , Walid A. Abdel Halim4 , Rehab Ahmed Abdel Hameed3 2023 International
11 Fecal Calprotectin in Assessment of Ulcerative Colitis Activity Badawy A. Abdul Aziz and Enas Sh. Khater 2016 International
12 Fetuin A as a Non-Invasive Serum Biomarker for Diagnosis and Assessment of Severity of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Badawy A. Abdulaziz a , Mohamed A. Mohamed a , Mohamed M. Elhoseenyb , Haitham H. Mostafac , Radwa M. Elsharabyc , Ghadeer M.Rashad 2023 Local
13 Helicobacter pylori Infection as a Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease Enas Sh. Khater and Badawy A. Abdul Aziz 2016 International
15 Insulin-Like Growth Factor-IIAs A Tumour Marker In Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma Naglaa El-Toukhy1, Badawy A. Abdul Aziz,1Abdelmoneam Ahmed2 and Asmaa Adel3 2017 International
16 Is Laparoscopic Splenectomy (LS) of Benefits for Hypersplenism Secondary to Portal Hypertension? EL-SAYED A. ABD EL-MABOOD, M.D.*; REFAAT S. SALAMA, M.D.* and BADAWY A. ABDUL AZIZ, M.D.** 2018 International
17 Novel predictors of early atherosclerosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Badawy Abdulkhalik Abdulaziz1 , Ahmed Mahmoud Bendary2 , Aida Thabet3 , Eman Gamal Behery3 , Mona Salah1 , Medhat A Khalil4 , Ghadeer Rashad1 2023 International
18 Real Time Elastography is an Easy Tool for Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Badawy A. Abdulaziz1*, Mohamed EL-Tantawy Ibrahim2, Medhat A. Khalil2, Walid A. Abdel Halim3 2020 International
19 Real Time Elastography is an Easy Tool for Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Badawy A. Abdulaziz1*, Mohamed EL-Tantawy Ibrahim2, Medhat A. Khalil2, Walid A. Abdel Halim 2020 Local
20 Risk of Ischemic Heart Disease in Patients with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Mostafa Soliman Elkady1, Hatem Samir Abd El-Raouf1, Hany Ragheb Elkholy1 , Badawy Abdul Khalek Abdul Aziz1, Wael Ahmed Maklad2 , Ahmed Abd El-Allah Turkey3, Hayam Abd EL-Hameed El-sayed1 2018 International
21 Significance of Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9 as a biomarker in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Cholangiocarcinoma Badawy A. Abdulaziz1,* , Waleed El Agawy2 , Mohamed El-Tantawy Ibrahim3 , Medhat A. Khalil3 and Walid A. Abdel Halim4 2021 International
22 The Association of Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 1Member B10 with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Badawy A. Abdulaziza , Fatma M. Abd Elsalama , Gamel E. Elshishtawya , Reham H. Aminb , Waleed A. Abdelaleemc , Ahmed Saafan 2023 Local
23 Vitamin D-Binding Protein as a Diagnostic Biomarker for Acute Meningitis Badawy A. AbdulAziz1 , Magdy Abdul Mawgoud Gad1 , Mahmoud Ali Khalil2 , Lamyaa Mohmed Kamal3 , Mohamed Ahmed AbdelMonem1 2023 International
Galal Mouawad Mohamed Almorsy
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (0)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A compartive study of the pegylated interferon and the conventional interferon in the treatment of chronic heptitis C genotype 4 Dr/ Samir Kabil, Dr/ Salwa Yousef, Dr/ Atef Asal, Dr/ Mostafa Elkady, Dr/ Entsar Elsharkawy, Dr/ Galal Mowaed, Dr/ Magdy Abd Elmaogod, Dr/ Reda El Badwy 2004 Local
2 Body mass index, hepatic fibrosis and infalmmation in chronic hepatitis C:a retrospective study Dr/ Sabry Anis, Dr/ Reda El Badwy, Dr/ Galal Mowaed, Dr/ Entsar El sharkawy, Dr/ Magdy Gad, Dr/ Hossam Amin, Dr/ Aza Abo Sena 2004 Local
3 effect of interavenous bolus somatostsin on the incidence of pancreatitis associated with therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Dr/ Galal Moawed, Dr/ Abd Elrahman Ashe 2003 Local
4 effect of treatment of helicobacter pylori on gastro-oesophageal reflux disease Dr/ Galal Moawed, Dr/ Ahmed Mekawy 2002 Local
5 helicobacter pylori stool antigen (HPSA) versus gastric mucosal biopsy in diagnosis and follow up of treatment of helicobacter pylori infection Dr/ Galal Moawed, Dr, Osama Elshaer 2002 Local
6 significance of elevated anticardiolipin antibodies in children with portal vein thrombosis Dr/ Mohsen Elkafrawy, Dr/ Galal Mowaed, Dr/ Nabiel Fayek 2003 Local
7 soluble adhesion molecules as a marker of disease severity in human fascioliasis Dr/ Mahmoud Mostafa Bendary, Dr/ Wael Shahen, Dr/ Galal Moawed, Dr/ Hosam Zaghlol 2002 Local
8 spot incidence, risk factors, early detection and management of gastrointestinal bleeding in pediatric intensive care unit Dr/ Galal Mowaed, Dr/ Alaa Ibrahem, Dr/ Fayza El Gohry 2003 Local
Ibrahim hussien ibrahim elatar
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (0)
Total (7)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 aspartate aminotransferase to platelets ratio index (APRI) as indicator for hepatic fibro inflammation and predictor for interferon therapy outcomes in chronic hepatitis C patients Dr/ Ali El Sayed, Dr/ Hesham Abd Elrazek, Dr/ Ibrahem El Ataar, Dr/ Mohamed El Atek, Dr/ Abd latef El Balshy 2009 Local
2 assessment of the relation between serum ascites albumin concentration gradient with esophageal varices and its complication Dr/ Entsar El Sharkawy, Dr/ Reda El Badwy, Dr/ Eman Fathi, Dr/ Ibrahem El Ataar, Dr/ Hosam Amin 2007 Local
3 histological features of chronic hepatitis C with persistently normal serum ALT level Dr/ Yehia Sadek, Dr/ Mohamed Abd Elhamed, Dr/ Ibrahem El Ataar, Dr/ Medhat El Sahar, Dr/ Gamal Sleem 2009 Local
4 lamivudine therapy in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B Dr/ Samer kabil, Dr/ Mostafa El Kady, Dr/ Reda El bawdy, Dr/ Ibrahem El Ataar, Dr/ Ahmed Eliwa 2010 Local
5 study of invasive and some non invasive methods for diagnosis of heucobacter pylori in patients with dyspepsia Dr/ Ibrahem El Ataar, Dr/ magy fawzy 2009 Local
6 the effect of proton pump inhibtors on post endoscopic variceal band ligation complications Al Metwaly Zakria, Dr/ Mohamed Abd Elhamed, Dr/ Mohamed Abd Elaziz, Dr/ Ibrahem El Ataar 2008 Local
7 the impact of splenectomy on the patients susceptibility to infections Dr/ Sabry Anis, Dr/ Mohamed Abd Elhamed, Dr/ Hosam Amin, Dr/ Ibrahem El Ataar, Dr/ Ahmed Omar Shafek 2008 Local
mohamed elsayed elsayed ahmed elshewi
Local Publication (15)
International Publication (5)
Total (20)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Application of DC Beads in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Clinical and Radiological Results of a Drug Delivery Device for Transcatheter Superselective Arterial Embolization Sadick M.a · Haas S.b · Loehr M.c · Elshwi M. Singer M.V.b · Brade J.d · Schoenberg S.O.a · Diehl S.J. 2010 International
2 Assessment of CD163 as a Predictor of Esophageal Varices in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis, del Awad Mostafa1, Mohammed El-Sayed El-Shewi2, Ahmed Mostafa Amin3 and Shaban Hassan Abdel Aziz Alibiary4 2016 International
3 Assessment of Fungal Infection of Peritoneal Fluid in Cirrhotic Ascites Adel Awwad1, Mohammed El Shewi1, Mohammed Tareif2, Adham Mostafa3 2017 Local
4 Association Between Gut Flora and Response to Antiviral Therapy in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients eda Mohamed Salem El-Badawy, MD1, Mohammed El-Sayed El-Shewi, MD1, Naglaa Fathy Ebrahim Al-Husseini, PhD2, Rasha Abdel-Hameed El-Sayed Ali, PhD3, Ebrahim Mohammedy Ebrahim Mohammed, 2019 Local
5 Association between Serum L-Carnitine Level and Thrombocytopenia in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients ASHRAF K. NASSAR, M.D.*; MUHAMMAD E. EL-SHEWI, M.D.*; EMAN G. BEHIRY, M.D.** and MOSTAFA A. EL-SAYED, M.Sc 2017 Local
6 Combined Transarterial Chemoembolization with Microwave Ablation versus Microwave Alone for Treatment of Medium Sized Hepatocellular Carcinoma Waleed El-Agawy1, Sara Ahmed El-Ganainy2, Magdy Abd Almawgoud Gad3, Sherief Abd-Elsalam4,*, Wessam Abd Alltaif Mostafa5 and Mohammed El-Sayed El-Shewi3 2022 International
7 Correlation between HBsAg Quantitation Assay, Histopathology and Viral - DNA Level in Chronic HBV Patients. Adel A.Mostafa ⃰ , Mohammed E.El-Shewi ⃰ , Hatem S. Abd El-Raouf ⃰, Waleed A. Elagawy #, Mohammed A.El- Rashidy " and Hala Shouman 2015 Local
8 Evaluation of Granulocyte Elastase Enzyme in Diagnosis of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis Mohamed Abed El-Aziz Metwally 1, Mohammad El-Sayed El-Shewi 1, Jehan Hassan Sabry 2, Mahmoud M Abed El Magid 2016 Local
9 Gastric Flora in Patients with Helicobacter Pylori Infection with and without Dyspepsia Samir M. kabil a, Ahmed D. Ali b, Amany Abd El-Kader Ghazyc, Mohamed El-Shewi 2022 Local
10 Mean Platelet Volume and Platelet Function as Indicators for Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis and Ascites Amany H. Lashin1, Mohammed E. Elshewi1, Eman G. Behiry 2016 International
11 Noninvasive prediction of esophageal variceal presence and bleeding by Duplex ultrasonography. Mohamed M. El-Sadek, Sabry A.Abdou, Eman M.Fathy, Magdy Abdel Mawgood, Mohamed E. El-Shewi and Entessar El-Sharkawy. 2002 Local
12 Prophylactic cyanoacrylate injection for gastric extension of esophageal varices: a randomized controlled trial Mohamed A. Metwally1, Mohammed E. El-Shewi1, Mohammad M. Abd El-Ghaffar2, Ayman R. Ahmed2, Shaimaa I. Seleem2 2022 International
13 Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation versus Microwave Ablation for Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma Mohamed Abd El-Hamid Mohamed1, Hatem Samir Abd El-Raouf1, Mohamed Elsayed Elshewi1, Waleed Ahmed El Agawy2, Esam Elsaid Hamed3 2015 Local
14 Role of Calprotectin in Diagnosis of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis in Cirrhotic Patients with Ascites Magdy A Gad 1, Mohammad E EL-Shewi 1, Jehan H Sabry 2 , Abdelmonem M ME Zawawy 2015 Local
15 Role of Different Types of MELD Sore in Prediction of Short-Term Morbidity and Mortality after Living Donor Liver Transplantation: A Single Center Experience in Egypt. Mohamed Abed El-Aziz Metwally, Mohammad El-Sayed El-Shewi 2016 Local
16 Role of Serum Leptin in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Complicating Chronic Viral Hepatitis Mohammad A. Metwally, MD* Mohammad E. El-Shewi, MD* and Hisham Ali Esa 2013 Local
17 Serum Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase “GGT” Level as an Indicator of Liver Histopathology in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients. Mohammad Abd Elhamid, MD, Mohammad E. El-Shewi, MD and Mohabat, H. Goda MD. 2016 Local
18 Tumor Suppressor genes (P16 and RASSF1A) Hypermethylation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Chronic Hepatitis C Patients. Mohammad,M. Atta, MD.; Amal Edris Aly MD; Magdy, A.Gad, MD; Talal El-Hefnawy MD; Mohammad, E.El-Shewi, MD. and Enas A. Ahmad, MD 2016 Local
19 Value of Endoscopic Ultrasound in Detection of Hepatic Occult Metastasis during Staging of Pancreatic and Upper Gastro Intestinal Malignancies. Yehia S. Younisa, Hussein H. Okashab , Mohammed A. Gada , Mohamed El Shewi 2022 Local
20 Value of Multi-Detector Computed Tomography in Diagnosis of Esophageal and Fundal Varices in Cirrhotic Patients Magdy Abdel Mawgod ᵃ, Mohammed E. El-Shewi, Mohammad A. Al-Shatouri ᵇ, Mohamed Abozeid ᵃ 2021 Local
Mohamed Said Moustafa Soliman
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (0)
Total (4)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Cryptosporidiosis in Benha, study of some recent modalities in diagnosis and treatment. Abdel-Maboud AI, Rossignol JF, el-Kady MS, Mostafa MS and Kabil SM 2000 Local
2 Effect of nitazoxanide in persistent diarrhea and enteritis associated with Blastocystis hominis. Rossignol JF, Kabil SM, Said M, Samir H, Younis AM. 2005 Local
3 Hepatitis C Virus Associated Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Non-Cirrhotic Liver. Mazen Albeldawi, Mohamed Soliman, Rocio Lopez, Nizar Zein 2009 Local
4 Risk factors, recurrence, and survival after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma in non- cirrhotic livers. Mazen Albeldawi, Mohamed Soliman, Ibrahim Hanouneh, Rocio Lopez, Nizar Zein 2009 Local
Abeer Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed Elbahy
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of Transforming Growth Factor-- β 1 Gene Expression and Polymorphism in Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in HCV-Infected Patients Abeer Mahmoud Mohamed El- Bahy, Fatma Mohamed Abdel Salam, Maha Zein ElAbedin Omar, Shuzan Ali Mohammed 2019 Local
2 Evaluation of vascular endothelial cell growth factor in patients with cirrhosis associated with gastrointestinal injury due to hepatic portal vein pressure Dr/ Abeer Elbahy, Dr/ Fatma Abd Elsalam, Dr/ Naglaa Eltokhy, Dr/ Naglaa Fathy 2017 International
ahmed mohammed abd el mawla ameen
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Detection of Eosinophilic Esophagitis in Patients with Non-specific Upper GIT Symptoms Ahmed Mohammed Abdel Mawla Amin, Mostafa Soliman El-Kady , Mohammed El-Sayed El- Shewi, Mohebat Helmy Goda, Hany Ragheb El-Kholy 2019 Local
Ahmed Salah Ahmed Ata Elgazar
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Diagnostic Value of Serum and Bile Tumor Markers in Patients with Biliary Obstructions Mohamed Abd El Hamid Mohamed1, Magdy Abd El Mawgoud Gad1, Hala Mohamad El Feky1, Shuzan Ali Mohammed2 & Ahmed Salah Elgazar1 2019 Local
2 Predictors of in-hospital mortality in cirrhotic patients with acute variceal bleeding Ahmed Salah Elgazar, Ashraf khamis Nassar, Hosam Amin Baiomy, Mohamed Said Soliman 2013 International
Alaa Eldin Ibrahim Atia Mahmoud
Local Publication (6)
International Publication (2)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease by Abdominal ultrasound and Color Doppler Techniques Rehab Ahmed1, Hossam Debian2, Mohamed Fawzi2, Heba Fadl Elsergany1, Moataz Yousry Soliman3, Ahmed Abdelhaleem Mohmed1, Alaa Kandil4, Mostafa Bedair Elmaghraby5, Sherief Abd-Elsalam6,* and Yousry Esam-Eldin Abo-Amer3 2020 International
2 Efficacy and Safety of Sofosbuvir Based Therapy in Hepatitis C Genotype 4 Infection: Retrospective Review Medical Record 1S.M. Kabil , 2A.M.El-Sawy ,3R.S. El-Desouky , 1E.El Kharbotly , 1A.kandil and 4I.A.Badr 2017 Local
3 Evaluation of Ascitic Fluid Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin in Patients with Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis Hossam A. Biomy a, Naglaa El –Toukhy a, Alaa El Din I. Kandil a, Seham Gouda b, Zainab W. Galal 2021 Local
4 Model for end stage liver disease ( MELD) and integrated MELD (IMELD) impact on hospital mortality of patients with Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis. Alaa Eldin Ibrahim Kandil, Samir Mohamed Kabil, Mostafa Soliman El Kady, Amal Abou El-Fadle Hassan, Hala Mohamed El Feky 2017 International
6 Serum Endotoxin Level in Cirrhotic Patiants With Hepatic Encephalopathy H.S.Alegaily ,1M.A.Mohamed, 2Z.M.Alaa, 1A.T.Mohamed, 1A.Kandil 2021 Local
7 Studying the Role of IMP3 and P53 in Detection of Dysplastic Changes in Barrett's Esophagus GHADA A. ABD EL-FATTAH, M.D.*; RASHA M. ABDRABUH, M.D.* and ALAA KANDILL, M.D.** 2021 Local
8 The Relationship between Helicobacter pylori anti-cagAIgG and AntivacAIgG and the Treatment Response Tamer Haydara1, Amany A. Ghazy2, Alaa Kandil3 and Yousry Esam-Eldin Abo-Amer4 2017 Local
Asmaa Adly Mustafa Slamah
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Ghader Mohamed Rashad abd elrazec
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessement The Role of Ghrelin and Adiponutrin Gene Polymorphism in Diagnosis of HCV – Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma Ghadeer Mohamed Rashad, Adel Awad Moustafa, Maha Zein Elabedin Omar, Shuzan Ali Mohamed 2017 International
Hany Ragheb Abdelbaky Ahmed Elkholy
Local Publication (11)
International Publication (2)
Total (13)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Addition of Sofosbuvir to the Standard Pegylated Interferon-Ribavirin Therapy in Treatment-naive &-experienced Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Infection Mostafa Soliman El-Kady, Mohamed Hatem Wali, Hatem Samir Abd El Raouf, Hany Ragheb Elkholy, Mohamed Morsi Sheta 2017 International
2 Evaluation of hepatocellular carcinoma-vascular endothelial growth factor score for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma among hepatitis C virus patients Hany Ragheb Abd Elbaky1and Mona SalahAbdel-Hamid Ashraf Khames Nassar1 , Hatem Samir Abd El-Raouf1 , Enas Sebaey Ahmed2 2016 International
3 Evaluation of Serum Levels and Significance of Soluble CD40 Ligand in Screening Patients with Hepatitis C Virus-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma S. M. Eltaher 1, R. El-Gil 2, N. Fouad 2, R. Mitwali 3 and H. El-Kholy 4 2016 Local
4 Homocysteine as a Diagnostic Marker in Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis S Kabeel, H Elkholy, S Atef, A Regheb 2022 Local
5 Neuropilin1 as a diagnostic marker for Hepato-cellular Carcinoma Mostafa ElKady, Hany Elkholy, Yasser Ismail, Ahmed Mohamed El Sayed 2022 Local
6 Patient and Microbial Factors Affecting Culture of Helicobacter Pylori Raghda R. Ibrahim a, Hasnaa Abd El Hamid b, Nashwa M. Emara c, Mohamed A. Metwally a, Hany R. Elkholy a 2022 Local
7 Risk of Ischemic Heart Disease in Patients with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Mostafa Soliman Elkady1, Hatem Samir Abd El-Raouf1, Hany Ragheb Elkholy1 , Badawy Abdul Khalek Abdul Aziz1, Wael Ahmed Maklad2 , Ahmed Abd El-Allah Turkey3, Hayam Abd EL-Hameed El-sayed1 2018 Local
8 Role of Procalcitonin in Diagnosis of Meningitis ENTESAR H. EL-SHARQAWY, M.D.*; HANY R. ELKHOLY, M.D.*; AZZA A. ABO-SENNA, M.D.** and WALAA M. SHARAF 2017 Local
9 Safety and Efficacy af Sofosbuvir and Simiprevir Regimen Versus Sofosbuvir, Peginterferon and Ribavirin Regimen for Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus M.D.* AMANY H. LASHIN, M.D.** MOHAMED S. ABDELAZIZ, M.D.* HATEM S. ABD EL-RAOUF, M.Sc.* HANY R. EL-KHOLY, M.D.* and MARWA E. SAID 2017 Local
10 Serum Interleukin 5 as an Indicator of Eosinophilic Esophagitis in Patients with ‎Chronic Upper GIT Symptoms‎ Mohammed E. El Shewi1, Mohebat H. Goda2, Walid A. Abdel Halim3, Hany R. Elkholy1 2022 Local
11 Serum Level of Cluster of Differentiation 166 in Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Marwa Shabaan a, Amany H. Lashin a, Shuzan A. Mohamed b, Hany R. Elkholy a 2022 Local
12 Serum Vitamin D in Patients with Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Mustafa s. Elkady a, Hatem S. Alegaily a, Hany R. ElKholy a, Shorouk Z. Abd-Elshafy b, Amal A. Qayed c 2021 Local
13 Studying the Association between Non Alcoholic Fatty Pancreatic Disease and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Reda M. El-Badawya , Ahmed F. Yousefb , Hany R. Elkholya , Ahmed Mustafac 2020 Local
hoda mohamed rabie awad ahmed gabal
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Bacteriological profile and antimicrobial resistance in ascitic fluid of patients with community acquired and nosocomial spontaneous bacterial peritonitis Fatma M. Abd-Elsalam,Maha Z. Omar, Soheir A. Abd-Elsamie, Hoda M.R. Gabal 2022 Local
2 Hepatitis C virus: efficacy of new DAAs regimens Amal A Mohamed, Naglaa El-Toukhy Ramadan El-Toukhy, Ebada Mohamed Said, Hoda MR Gabal, Hossameldin AbdelAziz, Wahid Doss, Hadeel El-Hanafi, Hala H El Deeb, Seham Mahmoud, Mahmoud Elkadeem, Hassan Salama Shalby, Sherief Abd-Elsalam 2020 International
Mona Abdelazim Ibrahim Mohammed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 PREVALENCE OF MICROSCOPIC COLITIS IN PATIENTS WITH NORMAL OR NONSPECIFIC COLONOSCOPIC FINDINGS 1. Ashraf Khamis Nassar (MD) , 2. Mohamed El Sayd El Shewi (MD) , 3. Mona Abdelazim Ibrahim Mohammed (Msc) , 4. Mohebat Helmy Gouda (MD) , 5. Tamer Eleraky Elazab (MD) 2023 Local
2 Study of Plasma Cyclase-Associated Protein 2 in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Mona Abdel Azim Ibrahim Mohammed,Magdy Abdel Mawgod Gad,Mohammed El-Sayd El-Shewi,Shuzan Ali Mohammed 2016 International
mona salah eid abdelhamid
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Score for Early Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma among Hepatitis C Virus Patients Mona Salah Eid Abdel-Hamid, Ashraf Khames Nassar, Hatem Samir Abd El-Raouf , Enas Sebaey Ahmed 2016 International
2 Relation between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and atherosclerosis M.S.Abdelhamid1 , A. H.Lashin1, B.A.AbdelAziz1, E.G.Behery2, A.M.Bendary3 2022 Local
Sharaf El-Sayed Ali Hassanien
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Clinical and Hematological Effects of Dengue Viruses Infection Badawy A. Abdul Aziz1,*, Sharaf Elsayed Ali Hassanien1, Adel Mahmoud Abdou2 2016 International
Tamer Eleraky Elazb
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (1)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative Study between Triple Therapy (Peginterferon /Ribavirin/Sofosbuvir) and Dual Therapy (Simeprevir /Sofosbuvir) in Treatment of Chronic HCV Patients Adel Awaad1, No’omaan El Garem2, Tamer E. ELeraky1, Hosam A. El Dahrouty4 2017 Local
2 Effect of Direct Acting antivirals (DAAs) on Improvement of Liver Fibrosis Assessed by Transient Elastography and Associated Risk Factors for Accelerating Liver Fibrosis Mostafa S. El-Kady a , Medhat H. El-Sahhar b , Tamer E. El-Azab a , Abdel-Rahman A. AbdelAzeem a 2021 Local
3 Efficacy of Endoscopic Band Ligation versus Argon Plasma Coagulation in Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia Management Ashraf K. Nassar, Hisham S. Mohammed, Mostafa M. Soliman, Tamer E. Eleraky 2022 Local
4 Fecal Calprotectin in Patients with Hepatic Encephalopathy Amany Lashin1, Tamer E. El-Eraky1, Waleed El-Eraky Al Azab2, Amira Nour Eldin3 and Ahmed Abd Almaksoud Amer4 2018 Local
5 Musculoskeletal Manifestations and Bone Mineral Density in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Samy El-saeed Egelaa , Yasser A. Abed El-Hamid a , Marwa Y. Mahgouba , Tamer E. El-Azabb Basma Goda a 2021 Local
6 Response to Hepatitis B Vaccine in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Treated with Direct Acting Antivirals Ebada M. Saied a, Dalia M. Abd Elhasseb b, Mona A. Elawady c, Shimaa Y. Ragab a, Tamer E. Eleraky a 2022 Local
7 Role of Real-Time Shear-Wave Elastogarphy in Differentiating Hepatocellular Carcinoma from other Hepatic Focal Lesions Magdy A. Mawgood Gada, Tamer E. Erakya, Hazem M. Omarb and Hazem Maarouf Abosheaishaaa 2021 International
8 Serum Interleukin 6 in Egyptian Cirrhotic Patients with Chronic hepatitis C related Hepatocellular carcinoma Hossam A. Biomy a , Mona M. Elbehisy b , Sally W. Mohameda , Tamer E. ELeraky a 2022 Local
Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed Sakr
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of Critical Flickering Frequency test as a Diagnostic Tool of Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy. HOSAM AMIN BIOMY 1 , MOHAMED ABD EL- AZIZ METWALLY 1 , MAHA Z OMAR 1,Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed Sakr1 2016 International
Alshimaa Hossam Eldin Lotfy
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Association between Abnormalities of Serum Lipid Profile and The Aggressiveness Of HCV Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) MOSTAFA S. EL KADY 1, HESHAM A. EISA (may god have mercy on him) 2, AL SHIMAA H. LOTFY1 TAMER E. EL ERAKY 2022 Local
Amr Mohamed AbdelAty Mohamed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Study of Frequency of Prediabetes in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection Mostafa Soliman El-Kady1, Hatem Samir Abd El-Raouf1, Eman Gamal Behiry2, Tamer E. Eleraky1 and Amr Mohamed Abdel-Ati1 2017 International
Islam Nasr Eldin Gouda ElToukhy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Mean Platelet Volume and Mean Platelet Volume/Platelet Count Ratio as Diagnostic Markers for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Chronic Liver Diseased Patients Islam Nasr Eldin Gouda, Hossam Ameen Bioumy,Maha Zein Elabedin Omar, Mohebat Helmy Gouda, . Mona Mohammed Elbehisy. 2017 International
Magy Abd Elkade Abd Elkalek Elnory
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Value of Serum Free Serotonin (5-HT ( Levels in Prediction of Esophageal and Fundal Varices in Cirrhotic Patients Yehia S. Younis*, Maha Z.Omar*, Eman G. Behiry**, Magy A. EL-Nory 2018 International
maha el said abd allah ali
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment the association of liver Fatty Acid Binding Protein with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Maha Elsayed Abdallah Azzam, Reda Mohamed El Badawy, Badawy Abd El-Khalek Abd El-Aziz, Eman Gamal Behery 2019 Local
mahmoud ahmed mohamed eissa
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Types and Patterns of Colorectal Polyps Detected During Colonoscopy 2023 Local
marwa shaban mohamed el said
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Serum Level of Cluster of Differentiation 166 in Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Thesis Marwa Shaban Mohamed, Amany Helmy Lashin,Hany Ragheb Abdelbaky Elkholy,Shuzan Ali Mohammed 2019 Local
Mostafa Elateek Fouad Mohammed Mosa
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Colonoscopic Findings in Patients Fulfilling ROME IV Criteria of Irritable Bowel Syndrome with or without Recently Discovered Alarming Features Prof. Dr Hala Mohamed Elfeky, (MD) Assis. Prof. Dr Tamer Eleraky Elazab, (MD) Assis. Prof. Dr Rasha Mahmoud Abd Rabh, (MD) Mostafa Elateek Fouad 2024 Local
rasha soliman
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Antenatal Screening for Hepatitis B Virus Infection Dr/ Rasha Anwar Abd El-LatefPROF. Magdy Abdel Mawgoud GadPROF. Mohamed Abdel Aziz Metwally DR. Hesham Ali Eissa DR. Mahmoud Ahmed Gehad 2013 International
Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Ali Hamoud
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Colonic Polyps: A Cross-Sectional Study Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Ali Hamoud Magdy Abd Elmawgoud Gad Alaa Kandil 2024 Local
amani Abdel-Gawad Mohamed Amer
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Serum Vitamin D Level in Lean and Obese Patients with Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease: a comparative study 1 Ebada Mohamed Said, 2 Nadia Abdelaaty Abdelkader, 3 Yasser Mahroos Fouad ,4 Dalia Mohamed Abd El-Hassib , 1 Amany Abdelgawad Mohamed and 1 Ghadeer Mohamed Rashad 2024 Local
Asmaa Emad Abdelfattah Eltokhy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Gehad Ragab Mahmoud Soliman Elshawarbi
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Changes in Serum and Ascitic Interleukin-10 levels in Cirrhotic Egyptian Patients with Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis Gehad Ragab Mahmoud ELshawarbi, Ashraf Khames Nassar, Maha Zein ELabedin Omar, Shuzan Ali Mohammed 2016 International
islam nasr eldin gouda eltoukhy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Raghda Ragab Ibrahim Ismail
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Patient and Microbial Factors Affecting Culture of Helicobacter Pylori Mohamed A. Metwally a , Nashwa M. Emara b , Hany R. Elkholy a , Hasnaa Abd El Hamid c , Raghda R. Ibrahim a 2022 Local
Shimaa Yahia Ragab Ab El -Hamid
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Response to Hepatitis B Vaccine in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Treated with Direct Acting Antivirals 1 Said E.M, 2Dalia.M.Nour El Din ,3Elawady.MA, 1 S.Y.Ragab, 1Tamer.E.Eleraky 2022 Local
Zainab Wageeh Galal
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of Ascitic Fluid Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin in Patients with Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis Hossam A. Biomy a , Naglaa El –Toukhy a , Alaa El Din I. Kandil a , Seham Gouda b , Zainab W. Galal 2021 Local
Tarek ibrahim mohamed sakar
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (0)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A study of nitric oxide in the lower part of the stomach in duodenal ulcer disease with or without chronic liver disease. Dr/ Mohamed abdelhamed, Dr/ Tarek Ibrahim Sakr, Dr/ Adel Elseedy 2000 Local
2 Assessing endocrine Antagonism excretory worm Alvascheola in the diagnosis of infection Dr/ Atef Elshazly, Dr/ Nors Mowafy, Dr/ Tarek Sakr 2002 Local
3 Cellular immune response to infection parasite giardia Dr/ Atef El Shazly, Dr/ Mahmoud Elbendary, Dr/ Tarek Sakr 2003 Local
4 Giardia study the effect of the abdominal membrane of duodenal ulcer disease Dr/ Atef El Shazly, Dr/ Hasan Rezk, Dr/ Tarek Sakr 2003 Local
5 Study Althermbobiotin level in the serum of patients with chronic liver disease Dr/ Tarek Ibrahim Sakr, Dr/ Mohamed abdelhamed, Dr/ Wael Ahmed Shahin, Dr/ Nader Elseedy 2001 Local
6 Study the extent of the spread of hepatitis C virus in chronic liver disease Dr/ Samir Mohamed Kabel, Dr/ Ashraf Nasar, Dr/ Mohamed Abdelhamed, Dr/ Tarek Sakr, Dr/ Neven Abd Elhafez, Dr/ Mohamed Elfrash 2002 Local
7 Study to identify positive blood ANKA-b in different situations Colitis Dr/ Tarek Sakr, Dr/ Ibrahim Rageh 2002 Local
8 The use of another window means for predicting the presence of varicose stomach and esophagus in patients with hepatic ossification Dr/ Atef Hamed Asal, Dr/ Yehia Sadek, Dr/ Mohamed Abdelhamed, Dr/ Wael Ahmed Shahin, Dr/ Tarek Ibrahim Sakr 2002 Local