Publication From Year: Publication TO Year:

Faculty of Medicine: Department of Biochemistry

Total number of Publications in the Department of Biochemistry - Faculty of Medicine is 351

Naglaa Ibrahim Mohamed Azab
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (7)
Total (12)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Blood Ras-Association Domain Family 1 A Gene Methylation Status In Some Liver Diseases Naglaa Ibrahim Azab*1, Heba Mohamed Abd El Kariem1, Tawheed Mowafi2, Hanan F. Fouad3, Awad M. El Abd1 2011 International
2 Breast Cancer Gene 1 (BRCA 1) Mutation in Female Patients with or without Family History in Qalubia Governorate Fouad El-said El-Debaky1, Naglaa Ibrahim Azab*1, Naglaa Fathy Alhusseini1, Sanya khairy Eliwa1 and Hamed Rashsad Musalam2 2011 International
3 Comparison Between Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells And Hematopoietic Stem Cells In Β-Islet Transdifferentiation Naglaa Ibrahim Azab*1, Adel F. Al Kholy1,Rabab Fawzi Salem1, Hala Gabr2, Awad M. El Abd1 2011 International
4 Correlation of serum resistin level with insulin resistance and severity of retinopathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus Naglaa Azaba, 2013 International
5 Correlation of Triglycerides to High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Ratio with Insulin Resistance Taher Abdel-Aziz, Naglaa Azab, Mossad Odah I.M. Eldeen, 2013 International
6 Cross Reactivity And Diagnostic Value Of PCR Amplifying The 121bp Tandem Repeat Of Schistosoma And The 18S rDNA Of Fasciola Rabab Fawzi Selem1, Naglaa Ibrahim Azab2 2011 Local
7 Diagnostic value of PCR in the detection of Schistosoma mansoni DNA in stool of clinically suspected individuals Maysa Ahmad Eraky1, Naglaa Ibrahim Azab*2, Reda Mohamed El-Badawy4 and Amal Idris Ali 2,3 2011 Local
8 HLA-DRB1 alleles in Egyptian rheumatoid arthritis patients: Relations to anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, disease activity and severity 2017 International
9 Imbalance between free radical propagation and some antioxidants in patients with cataract. Benha Medical Journal, 18(2):67-87. Hassan, A.A., Belal, T.H., El-Abd, A.M., El-Sawy, A.F. and Azab, N.I. 2001 Local
10 Interferon inducible protein-10 level and il28b gene polymorphism as predictors of the response to pegylated interferon / ribavirin therapy in egyptian HCV patients. Naglaa Ibrahim Azab, Naglaa Fathy Alhusseini, Walaa Bayomie El-Gazzar, Fatma Mohamed Abdel Salam, Amr Ahmed Hassan. 2017 International
11 Soluble FAS/FASL serum levels as possible diagnostic biomarkers of cancer breast. Benha Medical Journal, 22(2):729-40. Mahdi Z,Abd El-Satar M,Shawki Ahmed, El-Balshy and Azab A 2005 Local
Adel Farag Farag Mustafa Al-Kholy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (8)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparison Between Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells And Hematopoietic Stem Cells In Β-Islet Transdifferentiation Naglaa Ibrahim Azab*1, Adel F. Al Kholy1,Rabab Fawzi Salem1, Hala Gabr2, Awad M. El Abd1 2011 International
2 INTERVENTION PROGRAM FOR IMPROVING INSULIN SENSITIVITY AND AMELIORATING ADIPOKINES ALTERED SERUM LEVELS IN OBESE AND TYPE-2 DIABETIC CHILDREN. Adel F. Al-Kholy1, Omminea A. Abdullah1, Manal M. Hassaan2, Ashraf M. Shaheen3, Yehia H. Abdel Maqsoud3, Maha M Hagras4, Emtethal A. Said5, Shereen M. Wahab MD6 and Eman M. Shaheen 2016 International
3 Maternal Serum soluble Endoglin Level as Early Predictor for Pre-eclampsia Mohamed A. Al-Nory; Adel F. Al-Kholy, Mamdouh Z. Abadier and Ibrahim Rageh 2011 International
4 Screening for Helicobacter pylori Infection among Patients with Otorhinolaryngological Diseases May Spare Need for Surgical Interference: A PCR Confirmed Study Adel F. Al-Kholy, Mamdouh Z. Abadier, Manal M. Hassaan†, Ebrahem M. Rageh*, Mohamed F. Shindy 2012 International
5 Serum Visfatin as Predictor for Rheumatoid arthritis Severity: A Radiologically-controlled Comparative Study Adel F. Al-Kholy MD, Manal M. Hassaan MD†, Faysal Omran 2012 International
6 Sevoflurane Ameliorates Local Immune Response to One lung Ventilation during Chest Surgery for Cancer Lung Ibrahim Kasb; Talal Reda; Ahmed Abdalla; Adel El-Khouly 2016 International
7 Tissue Extract Fluid Cytokine Levels as Markers for Wound Vitality Adel F. Al-Kholy1, Manal Hassan2, Mohamed A. Mansour3, Ahmed H. Rizk4 2016 International
8 Tolemerase Reverse Transcriptase Gene Expression as a Tumor Marker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma 1Amal Abou El-Fadle, 1Naglaa Fathy Al Husseini 1Adel F. Al-Kholy, 1Omnia Al-Said, 2Naglaa Al-Toukhy and 2M. Magdi Atta 2011 International
Ahmed Hisham Attia Hassan
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Amal Abou El-Fadle Hassan Aly
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (4)
Total (12)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparison of cytokeratin 20 RNA and angiogenin in voided urine samples as diagnostic tools for bladder carcinoma S Eissa, G Kenawy, M Swellam, AA El-Fadle, AA Abd El-Aal, ... 2014 International
2 A Study of Cytomegalovirus Infection in Neonatal Jaundice Amal Abou El-Fadle MD*, Farida Nigm MD , Manal El-Dafrawy MD, Ahmed Khashaba MD, &Eman El –Solia 2002 Local
3 Epigenetic alterations by methylation of< i> RASSF1A and< i> DAPK1 promoter sequences in mammary carcinoma detected in extracellular tumor DNA Inas A. Ahmeda, Carsten M. Puschb, Thanaa Hameda, Hamed Rashadc, Amal Idrisd, Amal Abou El-Fadlea, 1, Nikolaus Blinb 2010 International
4 Evaluation of bcl-2 and Transforming Growth Factor Alpha Oncoproteins in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Infection: Impact on Hepatocellular Carcinoma MI Hassan, AA El Fadle, GM Kenawy, FIA Motaleb, FM AbdelSalam 2005 Local
5 EVALUATION OF SERUM LEVELS OF INTERLEUKIN-18, INTERFERON—F AND SOLUBLE FAS (CD 95) IN PATIENTS WITH PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS Samir El-blasry*, Amal Abou EI-Fadl **, Ibrahim El-Kady*, Wesam Nasif*, Hosam Zaghlol*** and Mohamed AI-Badrawy**** 2005 Local
6 Free maternal plasma DNA as a predictive marker for preeclampsia Ahmed Rezk, Amr Hassan, Mohamed Saber, Amal Abou Al-Fadl, Mohamed Shemis and Nagla Fathy 2008 Local
7 Plasma Procalcitonin as an Early Marker of Bacterial Meningitis in Children Amal Abou El-Fadle*, Nahla Ali Fawzy**, Eman Abd El-Raheem, Mona Mohamed El-Ashry & Abd El-Rahman EL-Saadany 2005 Local
8 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LEPTIN, NEUROPEPTIDE-Y AND SOME HORMONES IN WOMEN WITH POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME. Azza M. El-Bermawy, Amal Abou El-Fadle, Mamdouh Abader, Ahmed M. Mansour* and Naglaa F. Ibrahim 2004 Local
9 Serum Leptin in Children with Congenital Heart Disease: Effect on the Ability to Thrive Amal Abou El-Fadle MD, Mohammed Atef Negm*† MD & Ghada Saad Abdel Motelb* MD 2002 Local
10 Tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma AA El Badry, AA El-Fadle, AL El-Balshy 2007 International
11 TRAIL: a non-invasive modality for proper staging of nasopharyngeal carcinoma Amal Abou El Fadle MD, Amr Al-Badry MD*&Abdel Latif El-Balshy MD** 2003 Local
12 Usefulness of serum sFas and sFasL determinations as apoptogenic markers in liver disease AA Hassan, AA Fadl, A El-Abd, FA Salam, M Negm 2007 International
Amal Abou Idris Aly Youssef
Local Publication (47)
International Publication (5)
Total (52)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 1276 Genotypic Expression of FADS2 in Preterm Babies Fed Exclusively on Human Milk Versus Formula Fed Azza Abul-Fadl, NF Al Husseini, AY Idris 2012 International
2 A Study of Some Iron Indices, Copper and Zinc in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Departments of Biochemistry and Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Benha and Cairo Faculty of Medicine. The Egyptian Journal of Biochemistry, vol 27 no. 2. Zohdy Mahdy, Amal Idris, Amr A. Hassan, Samir El-Badawy, and M. Zakaria Iraky 1989 Local
3 Adrenarche and Its Relation to Growth in Prepubertal Bilharzial Male Children in an Egyptian Rural Area. Departments of Clinical Pathology, Biochemistry and Pediatrics, Benha Faculty of Medicine, National Organization of Drug Control and Research. Arab. J. Lab. Med. 14, 385-393. El-Mahdy A., Idris A., Tolba F., Abul-FadI, A.M.A. and Badawy M.M. 1988 Local
4 Adrenarche in Egyptian Children with Beta-Thalassaemia Major. Pediatric Department, Cairo Univ. Paediatric and Biochemistry Departments, Benha , Zagazig University. The New Egyptian Journal of Medicine Vol. 3 No. 3 , 1013-1020 Amal El-Beshlawy, Amal Idris, Lamis Ragab, Azza Aboul-Fadl, Nihal Wahby, Ahmed A. Khashaba 1989 Local
5 Biochemical and Physical Characteristics of Sputum (Rheology) in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Departments of Internal Medicine, Chest Disease and Biochemistry, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Benha, Egypt.Arab J. Lab. Med., 14(1), 183-196 Aboul-Enein, M.; Ikram El-Assiouty; Al-Helaly, A.A.; Amal Idris; and Hedaya, M. 1988 Local
6 Cervical Mucous Copper And Zinc Intrauterine Contraceptive Device Users (I.U.D.S.) Biochemistry, Gynaecology and Clinical Pathology Depts.The Arab Journal of Lab. Medicine 1-9-1984. Zohdy Mahdy, Kamal Fahmi, Amal Idris and Amal El-Mahdy. 1984 Local
7 Citric Acid, Fructose and Sialic Acid in Semen of Fertile and Infertile Men ; their Correlation with Sperm Count and Motility. Department of Biochemistry and Dermatology and Venerology, Faculty of Medicine, Benha, Egypt. Arab. J. Lab. Med., 14(1), 129-136. Mohamed Z.M., El-Mokaddem H. , Amal Idris and Hassan A.A. 1988 Local
8 Comparative Study on Different Methods Used for Serum Urea Determination. Clinical Pathology and Biochemistry, Departments. Benha, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. Arab Journal Lab., Med. 11, p 1-13, M.A.M. Aboul Fadi, O.M. Metwally and Amal Idris. 1985 Local
9 Contraceptive Effects of Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone LH-RH and LH-RH Agonisis in Males. I A. Idris, J.L. Gueriguina. Endocrine drug products. Food and Drug Administration. (F.D.A.), Rockville, Maryland, U.S.A. Ain Shams Medical Journal. 15-3, 1983 Local
10 Diagnostic value of PCR in detection of schotozmal mansoonal DNA In stool in clinically suspected individual Naglaa I. Azab . Amal Idris And et al 2011 Local
11 Effect of a Low-Protein Diet on Contraceptive Steroid-Induced Cholestasis in Rats. Urs A. Boelsterii, Division of Drug Biology, FDA, Washington DC. Research Communication in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology, Vo. 36, No. 2, 299-318, May, U.S.A. Society of Toxicology Meeting, Boston, USA, Amal Idris, Harriet Kotik, and Tibbor Balazs. 1982 Local
12 Effect of a Low-Protein Diet on Contraceptive Steroid-Induced Cholestasis in Rats. Urs A. Boelsterii, Division of Drug Biology, FDA, Washington DC. Research Communication in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology, Vo. 36, No. 2, 299-318, May, U.S.A. Society of Toxicology Meeting, Boston, USA, Amal Idris, Harriet Kotik, and Tibbor Balazs. 1982 Local
13 Effect of a Low-Protein Diet on Contraceptive Steroid-Induced Cholestasis in Rats. Urs A. Division of Drug Biology, Food and Drug Administration, Washington, DC 20204. Research Communication in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacoloy 36- 299-318. Boelsterli, Amal Idris, Harriet Kotik, and Tibor Balazs. 1982 Local
14 Endocrine Prophiles In Infants with High Risk Congenital Heart Disease in Egypt. N. Dept. Pediatrics, Cairo Univ. Depts. Biochemistry and Pediatrics, Benha, Zagazig Univ. Fourth International Congress on Pediatric Laboratory Medicine, Washington, D.C., USA. El-Zawahry K. Kashaba A.A., Idris A., Mourad M., Abul-Fadl A. and Wahby 1989 Local
15 Epigenetic alterations by methylation of RASSF1A and DAPK1 promoter sequences in mammary carcinoma detected in extracellular tumor DNA Inas A Ahmed, Carsten M Pusch, Thanaa Hamed, Hamed Rashad, Amal Idris, Amal Abou El-Fadle, Nikolaus Blin 2010 International
16 Esophageal Changes and its Correlation with a Hormonal and Trace Element Changes in Bilharizial Hepatic Fibrosis. Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Department of Medicine and Department of Biochemistry. EMJ (Egyptian Medical Journal) Vol. 1, No. 2, page 31-36, M.A. Moustafa, I.M. El-Assiouty and A. Idris. 1985 Local
17 Estimation of Prolactin in Serum and Seminal Plasma of Normal and Infertile Men. G. Departments of Biochemistry and Dermatology, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. Egypt J. Derm. & Ven. Vol. 9, No. 2 . Zohdy, Mahdy; Zohdi, H.A.; Hassan, A.M.; Idris, A.; Kenawy, M.Z. and El-Hihiway 1989 Local
18 Gene Expression of FADS2 mRNA Linked to Intelligence in Exclusively Breast Milk Fed Preterms Naglaa F. Alhusseini, Amal Idris Ali, Azza M.A. Abul-Fadl, Amira A. Abu-Zied, Sheref M. El-Taher 2014 International
19 Genotypic and Phenotypic Expression of Disease in Type I Diabetic Children Exclusively Breastfed ‎in Infancy Naglaa F. Alhusseini, MD**, Amal Idris, MD**, Azza MA Abul-Fadl, MD*,‎ ‎ Duaa El-Refae, MD*, Heba Rasmy, MSc*‎ 2011 International
20 Hormonal Profiles in Childhood Simple Obesity. Pediatrics and Biochemistry Departments, Benha Medicine, Faculty, Zagazig University. Arab J. Lab. Med. 13: 237-246. Khashaba A.M., Assdani A.R., Idris A. Abul-FadI A.M.A., Marrei M.A. 1987 Local
21 Leukotriene B and Ovarian Steroids in Human Parturition and their Inter-Relationships . Obstetric and Gynecology*, Medical Biochemistry*** Benha Faculty of Medicine Zagaig University. Consultant of Obstetric and Gynecology, in Kaluobia Health Sector**. Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine , Ain Shams University**** Bull. Egypt. Soc. Physiol. Sci., 14 (3) Samy Saad* , Mohamed A. Bagdady ** , Amal Idris***, Mahmdouh Youssef***, A.H.El Tonsy***, Foad El-Debeky***, Thanaa Hamed*** and Hanaa Naser**** 1994 Local
22 Lipoprotein Endocrine Interaction and Coronary Risk In Rheumatic Heart Disease. Biochemistry Dept. Benha University, Pediatric Dept. Benha University, National Institute for Research, Pyramid Rheumatic Heart Centre. Fourth International Congress on Pediatric Laboratory Medicine, Washington, D.C., USA. Amal Idris, Azza M.A.M. Abul-FadI, Sahar El-Okbi, Zahira H. Abdin. 1989 Local
23 Modified Method for Serum Bile Acids Estimation. Biochemistry Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. Arab Journal Lab., Med. 8- 157-161. Zohdy M. Abdallah and Amal Idris. 1982 Local
24 New Dimension in Treatment of Portal Hypertension in Bilharzial Hepatic Fibrosis. J. Egypt. Med. Assoc. 70 (5-8) : 379-391 Zaki Shier, Ekram El Assioty, Samir Kabil, Amal Idris and Amal El Nahdy Departments of Internal Medicine, Tropical, Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University 1987 Local
25 Plasma Levels of Some Renal Hormones in Children with Rheumatic Heart Disease. Pediatrics, Biochemistry Department Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. Bull. Egypt. Soc. Physiol. Sci., 17 (2-Suppl.) Manal Sadek El-Defrawy, Mahasen Abd El-Sattar, Nasser Abdou Kolkailah, Ghada Zahir, Amal Idris, Ahmed Khashaba. 1997 Local
26 Plasma Soluble FAS/FASL as Biomarkers for Cancer Bladder. Departments of Medical Biochemistry & General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Benha University,Tanta Medical Journal Vol. (35), Amal Idris PhD, Mohamed Abdel Wahab MD, Medhat Abdel Moneim MD, Fouad E. El-Debaky MD, Adel F. Al-Kholy MS 2007 Local
27 Prepubertal Sex Steroidal Pattern in Chronic Bilharziasis . National Organisation for Drug Control and Research. Arab J. Lab. Med. 14, 345-354. El-Mahdy, M.; Idris, A., Tolba, F.; Abul-FadI, A.M.A.M. and Abdel-MaIek, S. Depts of Clinical Pathology, Biochemistry and Pediatrics, Benha Medicine Faculty, Zagazig University 1988 Local
28 Prospective Study of Fibronectin in Preeclamptic Patients ***. * Biochemistry, Obstetric and Gynecology Departments**, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, *** Consultant of obstetric and Gynecology in Kaluobia Health Sector. Egypt. Bull. Egypt. Soc. Physiol. Sci., 14 (1) 183 Amal Idris*, Amr Ahmed*, Mahmdouh Youssef*, Mahasen Abdel Sattar*, Mohamed Abdel Razek** and Mohamed A. Bagdady 1994 Local
29 Role of Calcium Channel Blockers in Non-Insulin Diabetic Patients. Departments of Medicine, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Benha, Faculty of Medicine. Arab J. Lab. Med. 14, 287-292. El-Assiouty, I.M.; Idris, A.; Hifny, A.; and Hamdy M. 1988 Local
30 Role Of Growth Hormone And Obesity In The Incidence Of Diabetic Complications. Departments of Int. Med. & Biochemistry, Benha, Faculty of Medicine. The 11th Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Society of Basic Medical Sciences. Mohamed Moustafa, Ikram El-Assiouty, Zohdy Mahdy and Amal Idris 1989 Local
31 Serum Growth Hormone Level in Protein Calorie Malnutrition. Biochemistry and Pediatric Dept. Benha, Faculty of Medicine. Proceedings of Tanta Fourth Pediatric. Conference, p. 47-58, March 22nd 1985 2nd African Mediterranean and Near East Congress of Clinical Chemistry. 4th Arab Congress of Clinical Chemistry. Amal Idris, Hamed, A. Elkhyat, A. Kashaba, Zohdy M. Abdallah, 1985 Local
32 Serum Lipids and Apoliprotein -B in Diabetes Mellitus. Biochemistry and Medicine Departments, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. The Egyptian Journal of Medical Sciences, Cairo, Egypt. Ama1 Idris, Zohdy Mahdy Mohamed and Ikram Moustafa El-Assiouty 1989 Local
33 Serum Lipids and Lipoprotein Pattern in Egyptian Newborns. Pediatric and Biochemistry Department, Benha faculty of Medicine. Zagazig University. J A C., Vol. 4, No. 4. Samia El-Henawy, Amal Idris*, Ismail Abo Ella, Iman Abd El-Rehim, Fouad El-Dabeky* and Mohamed Shalaby 1993 Local
34 Serum Phospholipidogram in Protein Calorie Malnutrition. Biochemistry and Paediatric Depts. Fac. of Med. , Benha, Zagazig University. The Arab. J. Lab. Med. 10-1-1984. The 30th Scientific Meeting for the Egyptian Society of Clinical Chemistry, 14 June, Zohdy Mahdey, Ahmed Khashaba, Amal Idris and Said A. Abdel-Fattah, 1984 Local
35 Serum Testosterone Level Variation In Bilharzial Male Patients . Departments of Parasitology, Zagazig and Benha, Faculties of Medicine. Department of Biochemistry, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt. Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, Vol. 17,No. 1. A.M.S. El-Ridi, L.A. Aboul-Magd, A. Idris, S.M. Rashed, H.A. Hamadto, and K.F. Abdalla 1987 Local
36 Significance of Serum Lipid Peroxides, Total and Lipid-Bound Sialic Acid as Markers for Liver Diseases. Departments of Biochemistry, Hepatology, Gastroentrology and Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine Benha Faculty of Medicine Zagazig University Bull. Egypt. Soc. Physiol. Sci., 20 Thanaa Hamed, Mahasen Abdel Sattar, Fatma Abd El-Salam, Sherif Abou El-Dahab, Amal Idris. 2000 Local
37 Significance of Serum Lipid Peroxides, Total and Lipid-Bound Sialic Acid as Markers for Liver Diseases. Departments of Biochemistry, Hepatology, Gastroentrology and Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine Benha Faculty of Medicine Zagazig University Bull. Egypt. Soc. Physiol. Sci., 20 (1) Thanaa Hamed, Mahasen Abdel Sattar, Fatma Abd El-Salam, Sherif Abou El-Dahab, Amal Idris 2000 Local
38 Some Biochemical Tear Film Changes Associated with Soft Contact Lens Use. Departments of Ophthalmology Cairo, Benha Universities. Department of Biochemistry, Benha University. Egypt. J. Med. Lab. Soi., Vol. 3, No. Z, Higazy, M.T, Hegazy, M.A. Abbas, S.R Abou El-Nasr, T.T, Idris, A, Hassan, A. A, El-Tounsy, A. H, 1994 Local
39 some HLADRB1 in Egyptian patient with Rhematoid Arthitis and thir accocation with anti - CCP disease activity and severity paramters Naglaa I. azab , Amal Idris, etal 2011 International
40 Some Iron Indices with Copper Interauterine Contraceptive Devices. Biochemistry; Clinical Pathology Benha, Faculty of Medicine and Gynecology Department, Ain Shams University. The Arab Journal of Laboratory Medicine 20-7-1984. Zohdy Mahdy, Amal Idris, Amal El Mahdy and Abbas Gazi. 1984 Local
41 Some Trace Elements in Serum and Seminal Plasma of Infertile Men. G. Departments of Biochemistry and Dermatology, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. Egypt J. Derm. & Ven. Vol. 9, No. 2,Supplement Zohdy Mahdy; Idris, A.; Hassan, A.A.; Zohdy, H.A. and El- Hihiway 1989 Local
42 Studies on Duodenogastric Reflux (D.G.R.) I.M. 2nd Annual Medical Congress, Faculty of Medicine, Benha, Zagazig University 18-9- El-Assiouty, A.A. Hifny, A. Idris, A. El-Sheikh, M. El-Shahawy and S.M. Kabil. 1983 Local
43 Studies on Prostaglandin in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Departments of Medicine and Biochemistry. Benha, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. EMJ (Egyptian Medical Journal) Vol. 1, No., 3, p. 30 - 37, I.M. El Assiouty, M.A. Moustafa and Amal Idris. 1985 Local
44 Studies on Prostaglandins in Diabetic Diarrhea. Depts. of Medicine and Biochemistry, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. The Second National Conference on Applied Endocrinology .Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig, Zagazig University I.M. Assiouty, M.A. Moustafa, A.A. Hinfy and Amal Idris 1985 Local
45 Studies on Prostaglandins in Ischaemic Heart Disease . Depts of Medicine and Biochemistry, Benha, Faculty of Medicine. Second Congress Pan African Society of Cardiology, Cairo. I.M. Assiouty, M.A. Moustafa, A.A. Hifny, Amal Idris and A. El-Sheikh 1985 Local
46 Study of Humoral Immunity in Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. From Biochemistry and Internal Medicine Departments, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University. Egypt. J. Med. Sci. 8 (2) : 279-286. Zohdy Mahdy Mohamed, Ikram Mostafa El-Assiouty, Amal Idris, and Amr Ahmed Hassan 1987 Local
47 Suppression of Somatostatin Release By Duodenogastric Reflux in Duodenal Ulcer. A. Department of Internal Medicine and Biochemistry, Benha Faculty of Medicine. The Tenth Annual Ain Shams Medical Congress. El-Assiouty, I.M., Abu El-Enein, M. and Idris 1987 Local
48 The Clinical Value of Serum Beta Subunit of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin in Bronchogenic Carcinoma. Dept. of General Medicine & Cardiothoracic Surgery, Fac. of Medicine, Cairo Univ. Dept. of General Medicine and Biochemistry, Fac. of Medicine, Benha Univ. Arab J. Lab. Med. 14, 411-420. El-Zahaby M., El-Assuity I., Salem, E. ,Idris A., and Radwan M 1988 Local
49 The Relation Between Prostaglandins and Plasma Renin Activity in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure. Departments of Internal Medicine, Biochemistry and Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Benha and Cairo Universities. Arab J. Lab. Med., 14(1), 47-54 Mostafa M.A., Ramzy M.F., El-Assioty I.M., Amal Idris, Samy A. and Hannala S.B. 1988 Local
50 The Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System in Bilharizial Liver Cirrhosis. A. Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. The Journal of Egyptian Medical Association, 28-9, Madwar, K.R. Amin, N., El-Rooby, 0., El-Swify, M.F., Sherif, N., Hafez, S. El Borollosy H. and Idris, 1982 Local
51 Thrombophilic Genes Mutations In Women with Repeated Spontanous Miscarriage.Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 14:1-5. Mohamed A. Mohamed,Mahasen A. El Moaty, Adel F.El Kholy, Shuzan A. Mohamed, and Amal H. Ali.Genetic 2010 Local
52 Vitamin E and Selenium in Diabetes Mellitus. Medical Biochemistry Department Benha faculty of Medicine and Internal Medicine and Clinical Pathology Departments. Zagazig Faculty of Medicine Egypt. Vol. 10 No 3 Zohdy Mahdy PhD, Amal Idris PhD, Medhat Abdel Moneim MD, Mohamed Kamar MD, Saad Sabry MD, Mohamed Hamdy MD and Hassan El Sabouti MD 1993 Local
Amr Ahmed Hasan Mohamed
Local Publication (10)
International Publication (0)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Study of Some Iron Indices, Copper and Zinc in Rheumatoid Arthritis. . Departments of Biochemistry and Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Benha and Cairo Faculty of Medicine. The Egyptian Journal of Biochemistry, vol 27 no. 2 Zohdy Mahdy, Amal Idris, Amr A. Hassan, Samir El-Badawy, and M. Zakaria Iraky 1989 Local
2 Ahmed Rezk, Amr Hassan, Mohamed Saber, Amal Abou Al-Fadl, Mohamed Shemis and Nagla Fathy : Free maternal plasma DNA as a predictive marker for preeclampsia . Middle East Fertility Society Journal, Vol.13. 2008 Local
3 Citric Acid, Fructose and Sialic Acid in Semen of Fertile and Infertile Men ; their Correlation with Sperm Count and Motility. Department of Biochemistry and Dermatology and Venerology, Faculty of Medicine, Benha, Egypt. Arab. J. Lab, 14(1), 129-136. Mohamed Z.M., El-Mokaddem H. , Amal Idris and Hassan A.A. 1988 Local
4 Citric Acid, Fructose and Sialic Acid in Semen of Fertile and Infertile Men ; their Correlation with Sperm Count and Motility. Department of Biochemistry and Dermatology and Venerology, Faculty of Medicine, Benha, Egypt. Arab. J. Lab.14(1), 129-136. Mohamed Z.M., El-Mokaddem H. , Amal Idris and Hassan A.A 1988 Local
5 Estimation of Prolactin in Serum and Seminal Plasma of Normal and Infertile Men. , G. Departments of Biochemistry and Dermatology, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. Egypt J. Derm. & Ven. Vol. 9, No. 2 Jul. (1989). Zohdy, Mahdy; Zohdi, H.A.; Hassan, A.M.; Idris, A.; Kenawy, M.Z. and El-Hihiway 1989 Local
6 Expression of Adiponectin Receptors in Human Placenta and its Possible Implication in Gestational Diabetes. American journal of biochemistry and biotechnology 6(2) 136-140. Naglaa Fathy Al Husseini, Mosaad M. Odaa, M.A. Mohamed, Wlaa .B. Abd El wahab and Amr.A. Hasan 2010 Local
7 Prospective Study of Fibronectin in Preeclamptic Patients . Biochemistry, Obstetric and Gynecology Departments**, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, *** Consultant of obstetric and Gynecology in Kaluobia Health Sector. Egypt. Bull. Egypt. Soc. Physiol. Sci., 14 (1) 183 Amal Idris*, Amr Ahmed*, Mahmdouh Youssef*, Mahasen Abdel Sattar*, Mohamed Abdel Razek** and Mohamed A. Bagdady 1994 Local
8 Some Biochemical Tear Film Changes Associated with Soft Contact Lens Use. Higazy, M.T, Hegazy, M.A. Abbas, S.R Abou El-Nasr, T.T, Idris, A, Hassan, A. A, El-Tounsy, A. H, Departments of Ophthalmology Cairo, Benha Universities. Department of Biochemistry, Benha University. Egypt. J. Med. Lab. Soi., Vol. 3, No. Z, Sep. 1994 1994 Local
9 Some Trace Elements in Serum and Seminal Plasma of Infertile Men. Zohdy Mahdy; Idris, A.; Hassan, A.A.; Zohdy, H.A. and El- Hihiway, G. Departments of Biochemistry and Dermatology, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. Egypt J. Derm. & Ven. Vol. 9, No. 2, Jul (1989) Supplement. 1989 Local
10 Study of Humoral Immunity in Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. Zohdy Mahdy Mohamed, Ikram Mostafa El-Assiouty, Amal Idris, and Amr Ahmed Hassan. From Biochemistry and Internal Medicine Departments, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University. Egypt. J. Med. Sci. 8 (2) 1987: 279-286. 1987 Local
Awad Mohamed Ali Hasan Elabd
Local Publication (17)
International Publication (3)
Total (20)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of acute myocardial infarction on some pro-inflammatory cytokines and their relationship to serum lipids. Bull. Egypt Soc. Physiol. Sci., 23(2):257-276 AM El Abd, H El-Far, E Bassuny, I Mansour, and A Talat 2003 Local
2 Hyperinsulinemia sign a danger signal through the increase of plasma endothelin-1 level in some cardiovascular risk factors. Benha Medical Journal, 18(2):1119-1136. Z Mahdy, A El-Bermawy, AM El Abd,, S Abu El-Dahab, and M Odah, 2001 Local
3 Imbalance between free radical propagation and some antioxidants in patients with cataract. Benha Medical Journal, 18(2):67-87. AA Hassan, TH Belal, AM El Abd, AF El-Sawy, and NI Azab 2001 Local
4 Study of atrial natriuretic peptide in patients with bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. Tanta Medical Journal.27, (1,):903-922 M Omar,M Abd El-Motaleb, AM El Abd,, S Abu El-Dahab, HG Abdel-Salam, and EA El-Betar 1999 Local
5 Blood Ras-association domain family 1 A gene methylation status in some liver diseases NI Azab, HM Abd El Kariem, T Mowafi, HF Fouad, AM El Abd 2011 International
6 Comparison Between Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells And Hematopoietic Stem Cells In Β-Islet Transdifferentiation NI Azab, AF Al Kholy, RF Salem, H Gabr, AM El Abd 2011 International
7 Could hepatitis C virus affect the pancreatic functions? Tanta Medical Journal ,27(1):1289-1304 T Mowafi, N Khatab, AM El Abd, and IM El-Ashry 1999 Local
8 Effect of acute and chronic stress on the hemostatic balance and the role of renin-angiotensin system. Benha Medical Journal, 16 (3):9-22 AI Agamy, AM El Abd, and TH Belal 1999 Local
9 Effect of melatonin on O2 -free radical production and some metabolic changes induced by stress. Bull. Egypt. Soc. Physiol. Sci., 17 (2):198-211 AI Agamy, and AM El Abd 1997 Local
10 Imbalance between free radical propagation and antioxidants status in children with nephrotic syndrome. Benha Medical Journal,14(3):219-225 R Sanad, and AM El Abd 1997 Local
11 Insulin resistance and hyperleptinemia in non-diabetic patients with chronic hepatitis c virus infection and their relations to steatosis and fibrosis progression. The Egyptian journal of Biochemistry and Mol.Biology, 23:361-375. R El-Badawy, AM El Abd, and A El-Balshy 2005 Local
12 Relation of lupus anticoagulant to maternal thrombophilia in unexplained recurrent miscarriage. Benha Medical Journal, 16(3):219-236 E Abdel-Mageed, A Assaf, S Saad, AM El Abd and A Hamed 1999 Local
13 Relation of O2-free radicals to some biochemical markers in patients with lung disease. Bull. Egypt Soc. Physiol. Sci., 18(2):224-236 AM El Abd, M Omar; EA El-Betar, and S Bahgat 1998 Local
14 Serum iron, ferritin and transferrin in patients with ischemic heart disease. Benha Medical Journal, 15 (3):247-260 O Sanad, MA Abul-Fotouh, AM El Abd, YH Abdel-Rahman and S El-Nagar 1998 Local
15 The effect of carvedilol on post-ischemic splanchnic tissue injury. Benha Medical Journal, 18(3):1153-1166 AM El Abd, M Abdel-Aziz,, A Hussein, and A Tawfik, 2001 Local
16 The effect of hyperglycemia on serum transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) level and their relations to diabetic nephropathy in patients with controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus. Bull. Egypt Soc. Physiol. Sci., 25(1):101-116. M Abdel Monem,AM El Abd, M Odah, A Talaat, and I Abdel Monem 2005 Local
17 The extra-gastric effects of chronic helicobacter pylori infection in dyspeptic patients on some metabolic risk factors for coronary heart disease. The Egyptian journal of Biochemistry and Mol.Biology, 23:87-105. AM El Abd, A Afifi, R Khalafalla, and R El-Badawy 2005 Local
18 The percentage of low serum B12 and folate affect serum total homocysteine level in Egyptian women with recurrent miscarriage (2004): Bull. Egypt Soc. Physiol. Sci., 24(3):33-50 M Abd Alla, A Mansour, S El-Berry, AM El abd, A Darwish 2004 Local
19 The prognostic value of p53 and its relation to O2-free radicals in patients with cancer bladder. Bull. Egypt Soc. Physiol. Sci., 23(2):292-313. A Marzouk, K El-gamal, M Abdel-Zaher, H Ashour, AM El Abd, and A Labib 2003 Local
20 Usefulness of serum sFas and sFasL determinations as apoptogenic markers in liver disease AA Hassan, AA Fadl, AM El Abd, FA Salam, M Negm 2007 International
Azza Mahmoud Mohamed Elbermawy
Local Publication (15)
International Publication (0)
Total (15)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Can increased platelet turnover predict progressive hypertensive disease in pregnancy. 1992 Local
2 Effect of endogenous sex hormone of serum lipids, lipoproteins in women during reproductive age. 1950 Local
3 Effect of exercise on healthy non-athlete Egyptian individuals 1950 Local
4 Effect of intrapartum infusion of aqueous glucose solution and effective induction of labor by oxytocin on serum sodium level and serum bilirubin of newborns. 1992 Local
5 Effect of lithium on some neurotransmitters of brain tissue homogenate in rats 1993 Local
6 Effect of low-dose triphasic and biphasic oral contraceptive preparation on alpha fetoprotein (AFP) and pregnancy B1 glycoprotein SP1. 1992 Local
7 Effect of the breast feeding, bottle, and/or mixed feeding on serum lipids and lipoproteins concentration in infancy and childhood periods. 1993 Local
8 Evaluation of maternal serum C-reactive protein level as a test for prediction of chorioamnionitis in cases of premature rupture of membrane.. 1992 Local
9 Fluid absorption and electrolyte changes during transuretheral prostatectomy. 1992 Local
10 Lipid pattern in thalassaemia 1993 Local
11 Management of hypervolemia in transfurethral resection of the prostate. 1950 Local
12 Serum vitamin C and thiocyanate levels in smokers 1950 Local
13 Some liver enzymes and iron indices in toxaemia of pregnancy 1950 Local
14 Study of some trace elements in smokers: Relation to urinary cotinine. 1993 Local
15 The effect of ethanol on serum and glucose response to different insulin secretagogues in rats. 1993 Local
Gamal Mohamed Abdelgawad Ragab
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (5)
Total (5)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparison of cytokeratin 20 RNA and angiogenin in voided urine samples as diagnostic tools for bladder carcinoma. Sanaa Eissa, Gamal Kenawy, Menha Swellam, Amal Abou El-Fadle, Abdullah Ahmed Abd El-Aal, Omar El-Ahmady 2004 International
2 Erratum to “Real-time PCR hTERT mRNA pattern in tumor core, edge, resection margin, and lymph nodes in laryngeal tumors: Relation to proliferative index and impact on prognosis” Sanaa Eissa, Gamal Kenawy, Fayda A Moteleb, Aly Nagy El-Makhzangy, Mohamed Nassar 2012 International
3 Evaluation of BCL-2 and transforming growth factor alpha oncoproteins in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection: impact on hepatocellular carcinoma Mahmoud I Hassan, Amal Abou El Fadle, Gamal M Kenawy, Fayda I Abdel Motaleb, Fatma M AbdelSalam 2006 International
4 INSULIN RESISTANCE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC HEART FAILURE Hamdy H. Soliman, Gamal Kenawy*, Safeya, M. Deyab" and Osama Sanad*** 2016 International
5 Real-time PCR hTERT mRNA pattern in tumor core, edge, resection margin, and lymph nodes in laryngeal tumors: relation to proliferative index and impact on prognosis Sanaa Eissa, Gamal Kenawy, Fayda A Moteleb, Aly Nagy El-Magkhzangy, Mohamed Nassar 2005 International
Mahasen Abdelmoaty
Local Publication (19)
International Publication (0)
Total (19)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Sensitive Molecular Method For The Identification Of Skeletal Material Of Different Species . Benha Medical Journal ,15(1):91-99. Mohamed Hegazy , Osman Awad , Olfat G. Shaker , Mahasen Abd El-Sattar , Amal Abou El-Fadle and Dalia M.T. Abd El-Aziz 1998 Local
2 Plasma Levels Of Some Renal Hormones In Children With Rheumatic Heart Disease . Bull. Egypt . Soc . Physiol. Sci., 17(2): 23-36. Manal Sadek El-Defrawy, Mahasen Abd El-Sattar, Nasser Abdou kolkailah, Ghada Zahir, Amal Idris and Ahmed Khashaba 1997 Local
3 Reseveratrol Amelorates Experimentally Induced Gentamycin Nephrotoxicity : A Biochemical and Histological Evaluation in Rats.The Egyptian Journal Of Medical Sciences Adel F. Al-Kholy , Mosad M.Odah , Mahasen Abdel Sattar , Fouad E. El-Debaky , Omar Abdul Aziz and Mohamed Nabieh 2006 Local
4 Soluble Fas/FasL Serum Levels As Possible Diagnostic Biomarkers Of Cancer Breast.Benha M.J.,22(2):729-740. Zohdi Mahdi , Mahasen Abd El-Sattar , Ahmed Shawki , Abd El-Latif El-Balshy and Nagla Azab 2005 Local
5 The Implication Of Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 In Various Arthritides . Bull. Egypt . Soc . Physiol. Sci., 19(1). Mahasen Abdel-Sattar, Sami El-Said Egaila , Monir Serag El-Din, Samia Mohamed Abdel-Monem, Amal Idris Aly and Waleed Ali Gomaa 1999 Local
6 A Study Of Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha In Patients With Chronic Viral Hepatitis .Benha Medical Journal , 15(2) : 21-28. Samir M.Kabil , Amany H. Lashin , Yehia S. Younis , Sabri A . Abdou , Mahasen Abdel Sattar , Atef H. Asal , Ashraf Kh. Nassar and Ibrahim El-Attar 1998 Local
7 Diagnostic And Prognostic Value Of Some Biochemical Markers In Meningitic Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF).Journal Of Hepatology , Gastroenterology & Infectious Diseases . JHGID, 4(2):59-65 Fatma M Abd El-Salam , Amal Abou El-Fadle and Mahasen Abd El-Sattar 1996 Local
8 Effect Of Black Seed (Nigella Sativa Linnaeus) On Some Physiological And Biochemical Parameters In Chronic Smokers (Human and Rats). Bull. Egypt . Soc. Physiol . Sci ., 17(1):194-213 Randa M. Mostafa, Mahasen Abd El-Sattar and Amal Abou El-Fadle 1997 Local
9 Effect Of Immobilization Stress On Antioxidant Enzymatic Activitites In Liver And Heart Possible Modification By Using Vitamins C And E.The Pan Arab Association Of Gastroenterology : 71. Mahasen Abdel Sattar ; Amal Abou El-Fadle, Olfat G. Shaker and Randa M. Mostafa 1999 Local
10 Evaluation Of Plasma Adiponectin Level In Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease .Benha Medical Journal ,24(2):203-214 Fatma Abd El-Salam , Mostafa El-Kady , Mahasen Abd El-Sattar , Intesar Elsharkawy , Reda El-Badawy and Yaser Shaheen 2007 Local
11 Lipid Peroxidation Products In Children With Liver Diseases .Tanta Medical Journal , 27(1): 231-240. Shaheen Dabour , Thanaa Hamed and Mahasen Abd El-Sattar 1999 Local
12 Plasma Beta-Endorphin And Cortisol Levels In Neonates With Respiratory Difficulty . Bull. Egypt . Soc . Physiol. Sci., 19(1). Mahasen Abdel Sattar, Farida Negm, Manal Sadek El-Defrawy , Mohamed Rashed and Ahmed A. Khashaba 1999 Local
13 Prevalence of Silent Hepatitis B and HCV Genotype among Chronic Hepatitis C Patients . Bull. Egypt . Soc . Physiol. Sci. Fouad E. El-Debaky , Mahasan Abdel Sattar , Adel F. Al-Kholy , Ibrahim Rageh and Hossam Amin 2006 Local
14 Procalcitonin as an Early Predictor of Septic Complications after Elective Colon Surgery: A Comparative Study versus Interleukin-6 and C-reactive Protein. Bull. Egypt . Soc . Physiol. Sci., 26(2):195-210. Mahasen Abdel Sattar , Fouad E. El-Debaky , Mosad M. Odah , Mahmoud Al-Gamal and Hamdy Eliwa 2006 Local
15 Serum and Ascitic Fuid Soluble Adhesion Molecules in Patients with Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis: Diagnostic and Prognostic Implications . The Arab Journal of Gastroenterology ,4(2):157-169. Hamdy H. Soliman, Eman M. Fathy , Safya M. Deyab , Sawsan A. Youssef and Mahasen A. Sattar 2003 Local
16 Significance Of Serum Lipid Peroxides, Total And Lipid-Bound Sialic Acid As A Markers For Liver Diseases . Bull. Egypt . Soc. Physiol . Sci ., 20(1):150-163 Thanaa Hamed, Mahasen Abdel Sattar, Fatma Abd El-Salam, Sherif Abou El Dahab and Amal Idris 2000 Local
17 The Effect Of Theophylline On Serum Erythropoietn In Premature Neonates And Older Children. Bull. Egypt . Soc. Physiol . Sci ., 20(1):141-149 Mahasen Abd El-Sattar,Rashad, M.,Moaz Ebn Gabal, Abd El-Rahman, A.and Kamal , H 2000 Local
18 The Role Of Interleukin-8 And Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor In Pathogenesis Of Chronic Viral Hepatitis B& C In Children. Tanta Med. J., 26(1):939-952 Shaheen Dabour , Thanaa Hamed and Mahasen Abd El-Sattar 1998 Local
19 Thrombophilic Genes Mutations In Women with Repeated Spontanous Miscarriage Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers (2010) 14:1-5. Mohamed A. Mohamed,Mahasen A. El Moaty, Adel F.El Kholy, Shuzan A. Mohamed, and Amal H. Ali 2010 Local
medhat farah
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (7)
Total (7)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
2 A study of effect of hypoalbuminaemia and renal failure on serum fructosamine concentration in non diabetic individuals Yehia Saddik ; and Medhat Abdel Monein * 2015 International
3 A STUDY OF ERYTHROCYTE MEMBRANE LIPID EROXIDATION IN DIABETES MELLITUS Medhat Abd El-Moneim , Ahmed El Tonsy, Azza M. El-Bermawy ; Sameh Bahget* , and Said Hassan**. 2015 International
4 Evaluation of Body Iron and Oxidative Stress Status in Smoker/Hypertensive/ Diabetic Patients Suffering Acute Myocardial Infarction Episode Abdalla M. Jarari*, Haider A. Al-Attar, Medhat M. Abdel-Moneim, Rakesh M. Pathak and Dhastagir S. Sheriff Abdalla M. Jarari*, Haider A. Al-Attar, Medhat M. Abdel-Moneim, Rakesh M. Pathak and Dhastagir S. Sheriff Abdalla M. Jarari*, Haider A. Al-Attar, 2011 International
5 Investigation and biological activity of some non polar iron amino acid chelates M.M.Abdel Moneim,M.M.El-Ajaily,A.A. Maihub and Z.A-Al Hassily 2008 International
6 PITUITARY-OVARIAN AXIS IN WOMEN WITH CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE UNDERGOING Samy Abd El Azim(l) ; Yebia Saddik(2); Medhat Abd El Moneim; Fouad El Debeky; Mamdouh Yousseß) and Nassr Arafat(4) 2015 International
7 Plasma Prolactin Level in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with and without Retinopathy Medhat AbdelMoneim1*, Ahmed Abd-Eltawab2, Gomaa Mostafa-Hedeab3, Khaled A. Zaki4, Alaa A. Mohamed5, Mahrous A. Ibrahim6. 2015 International
Mosad Mohamed Oda
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tissue Expression Level as a Predictor for the Aggressiveness of HPV-associated Laryngeal Carcinoma Thanaa Hamed MD, Mosad M. Odah, MD, Eman A.E. Badr, MD†, Ibrahiem Rageh, MD*, Abou-Bakr E. Ras, MD** & Magda H. Bakr, MD 2010 International
Thanaa Hamed Farag Belal
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (1)
Total (5)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of acute and chronicstress on the hemostatic balance and the role of renin-angiotensin system. Benha MedicalJournal, 16 (3):9-22 Agamy, A.I. and El-Abd, A.M. and Belal, T.H 1999 Local
2 Epigenetic alterations by methylation of RASSF1A and DAPK1 promoter sequences in mammary carcinoma detected in extracellular tumor DNA.CANCER GENET CYTOGENET,199(2):96_100 Ahmed IA, pusch CM,hamed T,rashad H,idris A,el-fadle AA,blin N 2010 Local
3 Serum fetuin_A as biochemical parameter in chronic renal failure patients on hemodialysis. egyption journal of medical science Azza m,el_bermawy,thanaa hamed, mamdouh abadeer,amerm.a and el metwally el_shahawy. 1950 Local
4 ANTIOXIDANT STATUS AND LIPID PEROXIDATION IN SUBJECTS WITH IMPAIRED GLUCOSE TOLERANCE (IGT) Hamdy H. Soliman, Osama A. Gaberl, Eman S. Abdullah2, S3 and Sohair Abdel- Rahman4 1997 International
5 Imbalance between free radical propagation and some antioxidants in patients with cataract.Benha Medical Journal, 18(2):67-87 Hassan, A.A., Belal, T.H., El-Abd, A.M., El-Sawy, A.F. and Azab, N.I. 2001 Local
Zohdy Mahdy Mohamed Abd Allah
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Naglaa Fathy Ibraheem Al-Husseini
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (23)
Total (25)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Factors Those Up Regulate Klotho and Glutathione Peroxidase-1 Gene Expression Improve Renal Function in Rats with Acute Renal Failure Fatma E. El-Gendey, Shabaan A. Hemeda, Gamal A. Sosa and Naglaa F. Alhusseini 2015 International
2 Adiponectin and gestational Diabetes Naglaa F. Alhussei and wlaa Bayomi 2013 International
3 Breast Cancer Gene 1 (Brca 1) Mutation in Female Patients with or without Family History in Qalubia Governorate 1 *1 1 1 , Naglaa Fathy Alhusseini Fouad El-said El-Debaky , Naglaa Ibrahim Azab , Sanya khairy Eliwa and Hamed Rashsad Musalam 2011 International
4 CpG Oligodeoxynucleotides Debate the Damaging Action of Cisplatin on Immune Cell DNA: A PCR Array Application on Repair Genes Expression 1Naglaa Fathy Alhusseini, 1Amal Abo El-Fadl, 2Shabaan Hemada, 3Mohamed Abo Salem 1Yasmin Marei, 4Olla Khalifa and 1Amal Idris 2016 International
5 Do we need to screen Egyptian voluntary blood donors for toxoplasmosis? Nagwa Mostafa El-Sayed1*, Maha Mohamed Abdel-Wahab1, Shereen Magdy Kishik2, Naglaa Fathy Alhusseini3 2016 International
6 Effect of Exercise Training on Adiponectin Receptor Expression and Insulin ‎Resistance in Mice Fed a High Fat Diet ‎ Naglaa Fathy Alhusseini, Nasr Arafat Belacy, Enas Mohammed Kasm and Mona ‎Maher Allam 2010 International
7 Expression of Adiponectin Receptors in Human Placenta and its Possible ‎Implication in Gestational Diabetes Naglaa Fathy Al Husseini, Mosaad M. Odaa, M.A. Mohamed, Wlaa .B. Abd El ‎wahab and Amr.A. Hasan‎ 2010 International
8 Factors Affecting the Response to Interferon Alpha Therapy in Egyptian HCV Patients Naglaa F Alhusseini · Fathy M Serry · Ashraf A Kadry · Heba Khairy 2015 International
9 Free maternal plasma DNA as a predictive marker for preeclampsia ‎ Ahmed Rezk, Amr Hassan, Mohamed Saber, Amal Abou Al-Fadl, Mohamed Shemis ‎and Nagla Fathy ‎ 2008 International
10 Gene Expression of FADS2 mRNA Linked to Intelligence in Exclusively Breast Milk Fed Preterms 1Naglaa F. Alhusseini, 1Amal Idris Ali, 2Azza M.A. Abul-Fadl, 2Amira A. Abu-Zied and 3Sheref M. El-Taher 2014 International
11 Genotypic and Phenotypic Expression of Disease in Type I Diabetic Children Exclusively Breastfed ‎in Infancy Naglaa F. Alhusseini, MD**, Amal Idris, MD**, Azza MA Abul-Fadl, MD*,‎ ‎ Duaa El-Refae, MD*, Heba Rasmy, MSc*‎ 2011 Local
12 genotyping of giardia lamblia in human and an animal feces in qalubia governorate Naglaa Fathy Alhusseini 2013 Local
13 Hepatitis B virus DNA can be amplified directly from dried blood spot on filter paper. ‎ ‎9-‎ ‎ Naglaa F. Alhusseini,., M.Z. Abadeer and S.M. El-Taher, 2012‎ 2012 International
14 Messenger RNA Profiling For Forensic Body Fluids and Skin Identification Noha Elnagar, Naglaa Alhusseini 2017 International
15 Messenger RNA Profiling For Forensic Body Fluids and Skin Identification Noha Elnagar, Naglaa Alhusseini 2017 International
16 Predictive and PROGNOSTIC VALUE OF PROTECTIVE GENES IN TYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUS Naglaa F. Alhusseini 2012 International
17 Renoprotective effect of a combination of garlic and telmisartan against ischemia/reperfusion-induced kidney injury in obese rats 2016 International
18 Role of ginger extract and N-acetylcysteine in acute renal tubular necrosis: Histological, immunohistochemical and gene expression study in rats Yousef, M. M., Naglaa F. Alhusseini*, N. F., Hamdy A. Mohamed, H. A., Eldesoky, R., & Zaki, M. M. 2014 International
19 Role of integrons in multi drug resistant extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing enterobacteriaceae Soheir Abd El- Rahman Yasser Ismail Naglaa Fathy Alhusseini* Safaa Abbas 2014 International
20 Serum and tissue angiogenin in patients With endometrial hyperplasia ‎ ‎6-‎ Mohamed Abelsalam Mohamed a,*, Naglaa F. Alhusseini ‎ 2011 International
21 Telomere Length Measurement by Quantitative Real-time PCR: A Molecular Marker for Human Age Prediction Naglaa F. Alhusseini and Abdelmonem G. Madboly 2016 International
23 Thrombophilic genes mutations in women with repeated in-vitro fertilization failure‎ ‎5-‎ Naglaa Fathy Al Husseini, Ahmad Y. Rezk 1Mosad M. Odah, Shaymaa M. Abd El ‎Rahman and 1Amal idris.‎ 2011 International
24 Tolemerase reverse transcriptase gene expression as a tumor marker for hepatocellular carcinoma. ‎ ‎7-‎ El-Fadle, A.A., N.F. Al Husseini, A.F. Al-Kholy, O. Al-Said and N. Al-Toukhy et al., ‎ 2011 International
25 ‎:Effect of Cadmium Chloride and or Vitamin "C" on Metallothionein Gene Expression ‎10-‎ Olla Adel Khalifa1, Naglaa Fathy Alhusseini2, Gamal A. Sosa1 and Shabaan A. ‎Hemeda1(2012 ‎ 2012 International
Hend El Sayed Nasr El sayed
Local Publication (10)
International Publication (1)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Ameliorative efects of sildenafl against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic fbrosis in rat model through downregulation of osteopontin gene expression Hend Elsayed Nasr1 , Ahmed Medhat Hegazy 2*, Noha Osama El‑Shaer3 , Rabab Shaban El‑shafey4 , SalwaA. Elgendy5 , HebaA. Elnoury5 , Walaa Bayoumie ElGazzar1 & LinaAbdelhady Mohammed1 2024 Local
2 Ameliorative Impacts of Wheat Germ Oil against Ethanol-Induced Hepatic and Renal Dysfunction in Rats: Involvement of Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Apoptotic, and Antioxidant Signaling Pathways Salwa A. Elgendy 1,*, Samar H. Baloza 2, Lina Abdelhady Mohammed 3, Hend Elsayed Nasr 3, Noha Osama El-Shaer 4, Heba I. Ghamry 5 , Saed A. Althobaiti 6 , Mustafa Shukry 7 , Mohamed Mohamed Soliman 8,* and Heba A. Elnoury 1 2023 Local
3 Exploration of Tilmicosin Cardiotoxicity in Rats and the Protecting Role of the Rhodiola rosea Extract: Potential Roles of Cytokines, Antioxidant, Apoptotic, and Anti-Fibrotic Pathways Hend Elsayed Nasr 6, Badriyah S. Alotaibi 7,* , Ibrahim Jafri 8 , Samy Sayed 9,10 , Amira Osman 11,12 and Heba A. Elnoury 2024 Local
4 Genetic and antimicrobial resistance profiles of non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli from different sources in Egypt , Hend E. Nasr10, Lina Abdelhady Mohammed10 and Ahmed Salah3 2023 Local
5 Hibiscus attenuates renovascular hypertension–induced aortic remodeling dose dependently: the oxidative stress role and Ang II/ cyclophilin A/ERK1/2 signaling Asmaa Mohammed ShamsEldeen1*, Ahmed Fawzy1, Hend Ashour1,2*, Marwa Abdel-Rahman1, Hend Elsayed Nasr3, Lina Abdelhady Mohammed3, Noha Samir Abdel Latif4, Amr M. Mahrous5 and Shereen Abdelfattah6 2023 Local
6 Melatonin Alleviates Intestinal Barrier Damaging Effects Induced by Polyethylene Microplastics in Albino Rats Hend Elsayed Nasr 2, Manar Shabanah 5, Amira Elalfy 4, Shaimaa E. Radwaan 3, Mohammed A. Gebba 2024 Local
7 microRNA EXPRESSION IN CHRONIC HEPATITIS C PATIENTS TREATED WITH PEGYLATED INTERFERON ALPHA Hend El Sayed Nasr El Sayed, Awad M. EI- Abd, M. Magdi El Sadek Ata, Inas Abdulmonem El Sayed, Shuzan Ali Mohammed. 2017 International
8 Modulatory Role of Autophagy in Metformin Therapeutic Activity toward Doxorubicin-Induced Nephrotoxicity Hend E. Nasr 14, Ahmed B. Zaid 15, Rania Atia 16,17, Ahmed M. Atwa 18 , Mohammed A. Gebba 19 and Amany A. Alzokaky 2023 Local
9 Nephroprotective effect s of Acacia senega l agains t aflatoxicosi s vi a targetin g inflammatory an d apoptoti c signalin g pathways Hend E. Nasr10, Lina Abdelhady Mohammed10 and Ahmed Sala 2023 Local
10 Pioglitazone modulates immune activation and ameliorates inflammation induced by injured renal tubular epithelial cells via PPARγ/miRNA‑124/STAT3 signaling WALAA BAYOUMIE EL GAZZAR1,2, MONA MAHER ALLAM3, SHERIF AHMED SHALTOUT4,5, LINA ABDELHADY MOHAMMED2, ASHRAF MOHAMED SADEK1,6 and HEND ELSAYED NASR2 2022 Local
11 The ameliorative impacts of wheat germ oil against ethanol-induced gastric ulcers: involvement of anti-inf lammatory, antiapoptotic, and antioxidant activities Rabab Shaban El-shafey1, Samar H. Baloza2, Lina Abdelhady Mohammed3, Hend Elsayed Nasr3, Mohamed Mohamed Soliman4, *, Heba I. Ghamry5, Salwa A. Elgendy6 2022 Local
Inas Abdulmonem Elsayed Ahmed
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (11)
Total (13)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Epigenetic alterations by methylation of RASSF1A and DAPK1 promoter sequences in mammary carcinoma detected in extracellular tumor DNA. Cancer Genet. Cytogenet.; 199(2): 96-100. IA Ahmed, CM Pusch, T Hamed, H Rashad, A Idris, AA El-Fadle, and N Blin 2010 Local
2 Alleviation of cardiac mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress underlies the protective effect of vitamin D in chronic stress-induced cardiac dysfunction in rats Noha I. Hussien1, Hend S. El-wakeel1, Safwa M. Souror2 and Inas A. Ahmed3 2019 International
3 Association between SNP rs59382073 in TBX2 3′ UTR and susceptibility to congenital heart diseases Eman Rateb Abd Almonaem a,*, Doaa Refaey Soliman a, Marwa Abdel Monaem El Sayed b, Inas A. Ahmed c, Eman G. Abdelrahman a 2022 International
4 Association of Interleukin (IL)-4 Variable Number of Tandem Repeats (VNTRs) and IL-4-590 Promoter Polymorphisms with Susceptibility to Pediatric Autoimmune Hepatitis type 1 1Amira I Mansour, 2Ola G Behairy, 2Eman R Abd Almonaem, 3Rasha M Abd-Rabuh, 4Inas A Ahmed 2018 International
5 Correlations between Serum prohepcidin level disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematous Sahar S. Ganeba, Gamal A.E. Hamada, Refaat M. El-Tanawya, Nashwa I. Hashaada, Inas A. Ahmedb,c, Dalia K. Gomaha, Arwa S. Amera 2016 International
6 Epigenetic alterations of miR‑155 and global DNA methylation as potential mediators of ochratoxin A cytotoxicity and carcinogenicity in human lung fibroblasts Taghrid G. Kharboush1 · Inas A. Ahmed2,3 · Amina A. Farag4 · Tayseir Kharboush5 · Alaa El‑Din H. Sayed6,7 · Amal M. Abdel‑Kareim8 · Mohammed Al mohaini9,10 · Hend Attia11 · Refaat A. Eid12 · Mohamed Samir A. Zaki13 · Al‑Shaimaa M. Al‑Tabbakh1 2024 International
7 Human mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles/estrogen combined therapy safely ameliorates experimentally induced intrauterine adhesions in a female rat model Nesrine Ebrahim1,2, Ola Mostafa1, Rania Ebrahim El Dosoky1, Inas A. Ahmed3,4, Ahmed S. Saad5, Abeer Mostafa6,7, Dina Sabry6,7, Khalid Abdelaziz Ibrahim5 and Ayman Samir Farid8* 2018 International
8 Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes Ameliorated Diabetic Nephropathy by Autophagy Induction through the mTOR Signaling Pathway Nesrine Ebrahim 1,2, Inas A. Ahmed 3,4, Noha I. Hussien 5, Arigue A. Dessouky 6, Ayman Samir Farid 7,*, Amal M. Elshazly 8, Ola Mostafa 1, Walaa Bayoumie El Gazzar 3, Safwa M. Sorour 9, Yasmin Seleem 9, Ahmed M. Hussein 10 and Dina Sabry 11,12 2018 International
9 RECK gene polymorphisms in hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma: A case-control study Ebada M. Said a, Abdelhamed A. Salem b, Hend I. Shousha c,*, Enas S. Ahmad d, Mahmoud A. Alazzouny d, Inas A. Ahmed e, Hala M. Elfeky a, Fatma M. Abdelsalam a 2022 International
10 Seroprevalence of Measles, Rubella, Mumps and Varicella Specific Antibodies in Primary School Children Reda Sanad Arafa (1) Ghada Saad Abdelmotaleb (1) Raneyah Hamdy Mahmoud Shaker (2) Inas Abdulmonem Elsayed (3) Rabab Fawzy Salim Baioumy (3) Nesreen Mohamad Zain El Dean (1) Lamyaa Hussain Abdulrahman Seliem (1) 2016 International
11 Serum MicroRNA-122 as A Prognostic Biomarker in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis J.H. Sabry1*, O. S. El-Shaer1, I.A. Ahmed2, E. M. Said3, A. M. El Hammady4, A. AH. Abdelmoneam4 and A.A .El Fallah 2016 International
12 The effect of hyperglycemia on serum transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) level and their relations to diabetic nephropathy in patients with controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus. Bull. Egypt Soc. Physiol. Sci., 2005; 25(1):101-116. Abdel Monem, M., El-Abd, A.M., Odah, M., Talaat, A., and Abdulmonem, I. 2005 Local
13 Tumor Suppressor genes (P16 and RASSF1A) Hypermethylation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Chronic Hepatitis C Patients. Mohammad,M. Atta, MD.; Amal Edris Aly MD; Magdy, A.Gad, MD; Talal El-Hefnawy MD; Mohammad, E.El-Shewi, MD. and Enas A. Ahmad, MD 2016 International
Omnia Alsaid Abdallah
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (11)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Coenzyme Q10 supplementation mitigates piroxicam-induced oxidative injury and apoptotic pathways in the stomach, liver, and kidney Ahmed Abdeen a,b,*, Afaf Abdelkader b,c, Dina Elgazzar d, Mohamed Aboubakr e, Omnia A. Abdulah f, Khaled Shoghy g, Mohamed Abdel-Daim h,i, Hamed A. El-Serehy h, Agnieszka Najda j, Amany El-Mleeh k 2020 International
3 Genetic Variations in the Growth Arrest–Specific 6 (GAS6) Protein Gene in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome Mohamed Mohamed Elshafey MD , Jehan Hassan Sabry MD , Omnia El Saeed Abdlla MD and Rania Fouad Abdel Ghany M.B.B.Ch . 2015 International
5 Intervention Program for Improving Insulin Sensitivity and Ameliorating Adipokines altered Serum Levels in Obese and Type-2 Diabetic Children Adel F. Al-Kholy MD, Omminea A. Abdullah MD, Manal M. Hassaan, Ashraf M.Shaheen MD, Yehia H. Abdel Maqsoud MD, Shereen M. Wahab MD, Eman M. Shaheen MD Maha MD, Emtethal A. Said MD, 2016 International
6 Ischaemia Modified Albumin as a New Biomarker in the Early Diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome Mohamed A Tabl*, Mohamed Mahrous, Reda B. Bastawesi, Amal Abou El Fadle and Omminea A. Abdullah 2015 International
7 Polymorphism of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-II Gene in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma and its Effects on Treatment Tamer Ibrahim Salem, Omminea Alsaied Abdullah and Amer Mohammed Abdulhamid 2014 International
8 Predictability of at –admission Plasma Neutrophil gelatinase-associated Lipocalin (ngal) Level for Acute Kidney Injury in patients admitted to Surgical Intensive Care Unit (2), Omminea Alsaied (2),Mamdouh Abadier (1)Mohamed A.Alrabiey (3)Ibraheim Rageh 2013 International
9 Pre‑treatment serum inflammatory cytokines as survival predictors of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma receiving chemoradiotherapy ADEL F. AL-KHOLY, OMMINEA A. ABDULLAH, MAMDOUH Z. ABADIER, MANAL M. HASSAAN, MOHAMED F. SHINDY, DALIA M. NOR EL-DIEN and ALI HASANEEN 2016 International
10 Serum Level of Growth Arrest–Specific 6 (Gas6)Protein and Genetic Variations in the Gas6 Gene inPatients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Nehad A Fouad. Sheref M Eltaher, Omminea A Abdullah, Ramy A Metwally 2015 International
11 The potential antioxidant bioactivity of date palm fruit against gentamicin-mediated hepato-renal injury in male albino rats Ahmed Abdeen a,b,*, Amira Samir c, Ashraf Elkomy c, Mohamed Aboubaker c, Ola A. Habotta d, Ahmed Gaber e,f, Walaa F. Alsanie f,g, Omnia Abdullah h, Heba A. Elnoury i, Bodour Baioumy j, Samah F. Ibrahim k,**, Afaf Abdelkader b,l 2021 International
Rabab Fawzy Salim Baioumy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative Value of Real Time and Conventional PCR in Antenatal Gender Determination Naglaa Ibrahim Azab1, Rabab Fawzy Salim1, Mohamed A. Hadi Farag2 2015 International
2 Evaluation of t(14;18)(q32;q21) and BCL2 protein and their prognostic role in follicular lymphoma Afaf T. Ibrahiem1, Doaa Shams El-Dein Ghorab1, Naglaa Ibrahim Azab2, Rabab Fawzy Salim 2016 International
Shaymaa Mohamed Abd El-Rahman
Local Publication (6)
International Publication (6)
Total (12)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Anti-adiposity impact of phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor, Sildenafil is possibly through browning of white adipose tissue and FGF21 in obese rats. Muhammad MH, Elwia SK and Abd El Rahman SM 2019 Local
2 Association of Micro RNA-223 with Disease activity and Severity in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients El Debaky FE; Abdelrahman SM; Amer AS; Aboeleneen RK & Mohammed HE 2024 International
4 Evaluation of Real Time PCR as a Diagnostic Method for Early Detection of Klebsiella pneumoniae Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae Infections from Positive Blood Culture Ahmed SH, Fouad NA and Abd El Rahman SM 2019 Local
5 IL-8- 251T>A gene polymorphism in acne vulgaris Ibrahim AA, Salem RM, El-Shimi O, Baghdady S and Hussein SOla El-ShimiBaghdadyShimaa Hussein 2019 International
6 IL1A (-889) gene polymorphism is associated with the effect of diet as a risk factor in Acne Vulgaris Ibrahim AA, Salem RM, El-Shimi OS, Baghdady SMA and Hussein S 2019 International
8 Role of MicroRNA-1 as Diagnostic and Differentiating Biomarker between Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction and Unstable Angina Abd El khalek SM; El Bermawy AM; Mansour HA; Abd EL Rahman SM and Nasr HE 2024 Local
10 Serum miR‐122 and miR‐192 as biomarkers of intrinsic and idiosyncratic acute hepatotoxicity: A quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction study in adult albino rats Madboly AG, Alhusseini NF, Abd El Rahman SM, El Gazzar WB and Idris AMM 2019 International
11 The -863 TNF-α Polymorphism and Primary Open Angle Glaucoma in Egyptians El Gazzar WB, Abd El Rahman SM, Elmohamady MN, Saeed AM, Shalaby U 2017 International
12 TNF-α (-308 G/A) and IL10 (-1082 A/G) but not FOXP3 (-3279 A/C) genes polymorphisms are associated with generalized vitiligo: an Egyptian study Abdel Aziz Eltaweel1Amany Mustafa1Ola El-Shimi2Abd El Rahman S, Mustafa A, El-Shimi O, Abd El Rahman S and Fawzy ImanIman Fawzy4 2019 International
Shuzan Ali Mohammed Ali
Local Publication (9)
International Publication (26)
Total (35)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Association of bank1 gene polymorphism with type 1 diabetes in a sample of Egyptian children Elsayed Amer, Soha Abd El Hady Ibrahim, Ola Galal Ali Behairy, Seham Elsayed Ahmad Ali, Shuzan Ali Mohammed 2016 International
3 Circulating MicroRNA-615-5P as a Diagnostic Molecular Marker in Egyptian Patients with Liver Cirrhosis Mofida A. Keshk, Hisham A. Ismail, Mahmoud I. Nasr, Moustafa A Sakr, Fawzy M. Khalil, Mohamed El-Assal, Ahmed M.Hussein, Shuzan A. Mohammed, Mohamed Y. Nasr 2016 International
4 Diagnostic value of procalcitonin in pleural effusion Abdelsadek H. Al-Aarag, Shuzan A. Mohammed, Hoda Y. Ibrahim, Osama I. Mohammad 2020 International
5 Distribution of the chemokine receptor-5 gene in Egyptian breast cancer patients Youssef Amal, I. A. ; Hassan, Amal A.; Mohammed, Shuzan, A.; Ahmed, Hebat Allah, E. M. 2018 International
6 Effect of bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells on the healing of bone fractures Shuzan Ali Mohammed, Mahasen Abd Elsattar, Somia Hassan Abd-Allah, Omnia Youssif Habashy, Eman M A Abdelghany, Samia Hussein, Omnia Abdullah 2021 International
7 Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene glu298asp polymorphism in preterm neonates with respiratory distress syndrome Mona A. Albeshery, Omima M. Abdel-Haie, Nesrein S. Ramadan, Shuzan A. Mohammed 2016 International
8 Environmental, inflammatory, and anti‐inflammatory squad in acne vulgaris pathogenesis: AhR, IL‐36, and IL‐38 Fatma Mohamed El Esawy, Shuzan Ali Mohammed, Ebtesam Nasar Zargon Nasar, Sara Hemdan Mostafa, Doaa M Elhabak 2022 International
9 Evaluation of BCL2 and TNFα as mRNA biomarkers for monitoring the immune response in critically ill children Fatma Elzahraa Mohammed Awais Ahmed Nabih El Shazly, Doaa Refaey Soliman, Shuzan Ali Mohammed, Rasha Mohammed Zakaria 2018 International
10 Evaluation of serum interleukin-10 levels in cirrhotic patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Elshawarbi GR, Omar MZ, Mohammed SA and Nassar AK 2016 International
11 Evaluation of Serum Level of Thioredoxin and its Gene Polymorphism in Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma of HCV-Infected Patients Ashraf Nassar, Abd El-Rauf, Shuzan Mohammed, Asmaa Mostafa 2020 Local
12 Evaluation of Transforming Growth Factor-β 1 Gene Expression and Polymorphism in Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in HCV-Infected Patients Fatma Abdel Salam, Maha Omar, Shuzan Mohammed, Abeer El-Bahy 2020 Local
13 Genetic Expression of High Mobility Group Box 1 in Neonatal Sepsis Omima M. Abdel Haie, Mona A. Elbeshery, Shuzan A. Mohammed, Salwa S. Husein, NeveenT. Abed 2022 Local
14 Genetic polymorphism of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in Type 1 diabetic children NT Abed, IA Ramadan, SA Mohammed, EM El-Shanawany 2022 International
15 Heat shock protein 60 and chromatin assembly factor-1 mRNA levels in hepatitis C virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma and clinical significance Fatma M. Abd El-Salam, Entesar H. El-Sharqawy, Hala M. El-feky, Shuzan A. Mohammed, Ahmed M. Edres 2017 International
16 Long noncoding RNA H19 in breast cancer; impact of its gene expression and rs217727 single nucleotide polymorphism distribution Shaymaa M. Abdelrahman, Gamal E. Saleh, Naglaa I. Azab, Nourhan M. Attia, Shuzan A. Mohammed 2023 International
17 Measurement of serum trace elements levels in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis Soliman A. Yasser, Nashwa I. Hashaad, Ali M. Shouzan,Hala A. El Nouty 2016 International
18 MicroRNA expression in chronic Hepatitis C patients treated with combined pegylated interferon alpha and ribavirin therapy Awad El-abd, Magdi El-sadek, Inas A. Ahmed, Shuzan Ali Mohammed and Hend El-sayed 2016 Local
19 Molecular diagnostic value of pneumococcal pneumonia among Egyptian children Ismail Abou El-ela Ramadan, Ahmed Abdel-Rahman El-sharkawy, Mohammed Taki-eldin Elsherbini, Wafaa Elsoody Yehia and Shuzan Ali Mohammed 2014 International
20 Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 Gene Expression in Blood and Ascitic Fluid of Cirrhotic Patients with Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis Maha Z. Omar, Shuzan Ali Mohammed 2016 Local
21 Paraoxonase 1 Gene Polymorphism in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis N.W.Mikhael, S.A.Mohammed, A.I.Mustafaand M.I.Elbadrawy 2020 Local
22 Role of Fecal Calprotectin in Detection of Gastrointestinal Injury in Preterm Infants Osama A. El-Fiky, Neveen T. Abed, Nehad T. Bishr, Shuzan A. Mohammed 2017 International
23 Role of KLF2: New insight in inflammatory acne pathogenesis MA Ibrahim, SA Mohammed, DM Elhabak 2021 International
24 Role of KruPPel Like Factor (2) in Pathogenesis of Inflammatory Acne M.A.Ibrahim, S.A.Mohammed, D.M.Elhabak and H.T.E.Abdelaziz 2020 Local
25 Role of Maresin-1 in Inflammatory Resolution of Psoriasis (Maresin-1, Novel Therapeutic Alternative in Psoriasis Patients) Tebarek Yahya Shaalan, Ahmed SH; Mohammed SA; Elhabak DMThe Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine 2023 International
26 ROLE OF MDR1, CYP2D6 AND CCR5 GENE VARIANTS ON DRUG RESISTANCE IN BREAST CANCER PATIENTS IN QALYUBIA GOVERNORATE, EGYPT Amal I. Ali*, Amal AF Hassan*, Gamal E. Saleh**, Shuzan A. Mohammed1* and HebatAllah E.Mohammed 2018 International
27 STAT4 Gene Polymorphism in Children with Type-1 Autoimmune Hepatitis Ola G. Behairy, Nazih M.Alnady, Shuzan A.Mohammedand Walaa A.Ibrahim 2021 International
28 Study of Basophil Activation Markers in Pediatric Asthma Reda Sanad Arafa1, Neveen Tawfik Abed1, Shuzan Ali Mohammed*, Ahmed Ali Rashwan1 2018 International
29 Study of Genetic Variation in Podocin Gene Associated with Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome Abdel-Hamid A.A. Hamid, Omima M.A. Haie, Shuzan A. Mohammed, Nesma M.A. Hamid 2018 Local
30 Study of plasma orexin-A level in COPD patients during acute exacerbation Magdy M. Omar, Osama I. Mohammad, Shuzan A. Mohammed, Mohammad S. Shahin 2017 International
31 The Degree of Gene Profile Expression for Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Gene Level in the Pediatric Tympanosclerotic Ear Yasser Mohammed Hassan Mandour, Mohammed Fahmy Shendy, Ahmed Hamdy El-Zobeir, Shuzan Ali Mohammed, Mostafa Gomaa 2023 International
32 Therapeutic potentials of mesenchymal inflammatory stem cells in the treatment of bowel disease in rats Shuzan Ali Mohammed, Azza Elbaramawy, Somia Hassan Abd-Allah, Adel Elkholy, Nashwa Ibrahim Elsayed, Samia Hussein 2023 International
33 Thrombophilic gene mutations in women with repeated spontaneous miscarriage. Mohamed MA, El Moaty MA, El Kholy AF, Mohamed SA, Ali AI. 2010 International
34 Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Gene Level in Patients with Tympanosclerosis Yasser M Mandour, Mohammed Shendy, Ahmed H El-Zobeir, Ayman A Mohammady, Shuzan A Mohammed,Naslshah G Kazem 2023 International
Walaa Bayomi Abdel Wahhab El Gazzar
Local Publication (3)
International Publication (7)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
2 Dipeptedyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor downregulates HMGB1/TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway in a diabetic rat model of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 2023 Local
3 Effect of Allopregnanolone on Spatial Memory and Synaptic Proteins in Animal Model of Metabolic Syndrome 2023 Local
4 Exendin-4, a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist downregulates hepatic receptor for advanced glycation end products in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis rat model Mona M. Allam & Walaa B. El gazzar 2017 International
5 Expression of Adiponectin Receptors in Human Placenta and Its Possible Implication in Gestational Diabetes 1Naglaa Fathy Al Husseini, 1Mosaad M. Odaa, 2M.A. Mohamed, 1Wlaa B. Abd El Wahab and 1Amr A. Hasan 2016 International
6 Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes Ameliorated Diabetic Nephropathy by Autophagy Induction through the mTOR Signaling Pathway Nesrine Ebrahim 1,2, Inas A. Ahmed 3,4, Noha I. Hussien 5, Arigue A. Dessouky 6, Ayman Samir Farid 7,* , Amal M. Elshazly 8, Ola Mostafa 1, Walaa Bayoumie El Gazzar 3, Safwa M. Sorour 9, Yasmin Seleem 9, Ahmed M. Hussein 10 and Dina Sabry 11,12 2018 International
7 miR-15a: a potential diagnostic biomarker and a candidate for non-operative therapeutic modality for age-related cataract OA Abdullah, WB El Gazzar, TI Salem, MN Elmohamady, SN Nasif & SM Eltaher 2019 International
8 Serum miR‐122 and miR‐192 as biomarkers of intrinsic and idiosyncratic acute hepatotoxicity: A quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction study in adult albino rats Abdelmonem G. Madboly MD1 | Naglaa F. Alhusseini MD2 | Shaymaa M. Abd El Rahman MD2 | Walaa B. El Gazzar MD2 | Ahmed M. M. Idris MD3 2019 International
9 The -863 TNF- Polymorphism and Primary Open Angle Glaucoma in Egyptians 1 Walaa Bayoumie El Gazzar, 1 Shaymaa Mohamed Abd El Rahman, 2 Mohamed Nagy Elmohamady, 2 Ahmed Mohamed Saeed and 2 Usama Shalaby 2017 International
10 The safety and efficacy of CAR-T cells in the treatment of prostate cancer: review Othman Mohammad Saleh , Khaled Anwer Albakri , Yasmeen Jamal Alabdallat , Majd Hamdi Dajani , Walaa Bayoumie El Gazzar 2021 International
Yasmin Marei
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Modulation of DNA Repair Genes Expression Involved by CpG- ODN in Immune Cells: Immuno- Therapeutic Application Yasmin Mohammed Abd El Rahman Marei, Amal Abu El-Fadl, Amal Idris Ali , Naglaa Fathy Alhusseini 2016 International
Heba Mohamed Abd Elkareem Ali
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (1)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 DEFB1 gene polymorphisms modify vitiligo extent and response to NB-UVB phototherapy Rehab Mohammed Salem1 | Amira Mohamed Noureldin Abdelrahman2 | Heba Mohamed Abd El-Kareem3 | Marwa Seif4 2021 Local
2 Evaluation of the clinical value of circulating miR-101, miR-187 and miR-21 in neonatal sepsis diagnosis and prognosis Rabab F. Salim1 , Ahmed A. Sobeih2 and Heba M. Abd El Kareem 2020 Local
3 Is there an Association Between-2549 Insertion/Deletion Polymorphisms in the Promotor Region of the Gene Encoding for VEGFA as a Risk Factor and the Idiopathic Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriage in a Sample of Jordanian Women? Azzam OA1 *, Mahgoub SS2,3, Farhan SS4 , Alrawashdeh HM5 , Abufraijeh SM6 and Abd El kareemHM7,8 2020 Local
4 Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T Polymorphisms as a Risk Factor for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in a Sample of Jordanian Women Azzam OA1 *, Mahgoub SS2 , Alrawashdeh HM3,4, Farhan SS5 , Al-Kharabsheh AM6 , Ramadan BK7 , Ghoul I8 and Abd El-Kareem HM 2021 Local
5 Nuclear factor - Erythroid 2 - related factor2 Gene Polymorphisms in vitiligo patients SOROUR NE1 , ABD EL-KAREEM HM2 , IBRAHIM AE3 , SALEM RM4 2021 Local
6 Proteasome subunit beta type-8 (PSMB8) gene Polymorphisms in Vitiligo: A possible predictor of auditory involvement fATMA MOHAMED EL-ESAWY1 , HEBA MOHAMED ABD EL-KAREEM2 , Ayman Abdell-All Mohamady3 , AMANY MOHAMMED MOHAMMED AGAMY4 , REHAB MOHAMMED SALEM5 2021 Local
7 The association between Folate metabolism, C677T and A1298C Polymorphisms of Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase Gene and the genetic susceptibility of Preeclampsia among a sample of Jordanian pregnant women samir S Mahgoub1, Omar A Azzam2 , Abufraijeh SM3 , Al-Kharabsheh AM4 , Heba M Abd El Kareem5 2021 Local
8 The effect of melatonin on apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma cell line: An experimental study Sara Elsaadawy, Reda Elbadawy, Badawy Abd Elaziz, Heba Elkareem, Ghadeer Mosaad 2021 Local
9 Urinary NDRG2 and MCM8 Gene Expression as New Noninvasive Biomarkers for Diagnosis and Differentiation between Muscle and Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Heba M. Abdel Kareem1,2, Aiman I. Al-Qtaitat3,4, Fadi S. Sawaqed5 and Fardous S. Karawya3 2023 International
lina abdelhady mohamed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
2 OCT4 and miRNA145 Expression in Bladder Cancer Lina A. Momamed, Thanaa H. Belal, Mamdoh Z. abadir Hammouda W. Sherif, Inas A. El-Sayed 2015 International
Mahmoud Ali Negm
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
2 Serum level of Soluble Fas/FasL as A Biomarker in Some Liver Diseases Mahmoud Ali Negm 2005 International
Nashwa Elsayed Ahmed Mohamed kaytbay
Local Publication (9)
International Publication (1)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Alchemilla vulgaris modulates isoproterenol-induced cardiotoxicity: interplay of oxidative stress, inflammation, autophagy, and apoptosis Nuha Anajirih1, Ahmed Abdeen2*, Ehab S. Taher3, Afaf Abdelkader4, Hoda A. Abd-Ellatieff5, Mahmoud S. Gewaily6, Nashwa E. Ahmed7 2024 Local
2 Clinical relevance of thiopurine methyle transferase (TPMT) polymorphism in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia during and following maintance therapy NASHWA ELSAYED AHMED MOHAMED 2019 Local
3 Cluster of differentiation 70 and C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10 gene expression in vitiligo patients Hanan H. Sabrya, Nashwa E. Ahmedb, Wiaam A. Saleha, Amal Y. Habashya 2025 Local
4 Early peripheral blood gene expression (Cyp4A11 and Cyp2E1) in cases of brain ischemia in addict cases admitted to Benha university hospital Nashwa E. Ahmed1, Amina M. Nagah2*, Omima R. Mohamed3, Ghada Mohamed Mahmoud4 and Sania K. Elwia1 2024 Local
5 Exercise and/or Liposomal Curcumin Modulates Sarcolipin/Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase pump to Counteract Fibrillin/Asprosin/OLFR734 Pathway in Obese Diabetic Rats Marwa H. Muhammad1*, Sherin M. Elsharkawy1, Abeer A. Abd Elhameed2, Esraa H. Khairat3,Nashwa E. Ahmed4,Reham M. Ibrahmi1 2024 Local
6 Exercise rescues cognitive deterioration in naturally aged rats via PGC1α/FNDC5/irisin/AMPK signaling pathway to restore redox, endothelial, and neuronal homeostasis Marwa Hassan Muhammad*1, Nashwa Elsayed Ahmed2, Noha Osama El-Shaer1 2024 Local
7 Exploring the role of CYP19A1 single nucleotide polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of female pattern hair loss Nashwa E. Ahmeda, Ghada M. Shamsb, Omnia E. Abdallaha, Adel M. Elkholya, Manar G. Abd Elrazika, Shaymaa M. Abdelrahmana 2025 Local
8 Expression profile of microRNAs may be promising in diagnosis of proliferative diabetic retinopathy: an Egyptian study Tamer Ibrahiem Salem1 & Nashwa Badr Eldin2 & Naglaa Fathy Alhusseini1 & Omnia Alsaied Abdullah1 & Nashwa Elsayed Ahmed1 2022 Local
9 Molecular investigation of MEFV gene polymorphisms among patients with familial mediterranean fever-like symptoms Nashwa E. Ahmed1, Walaa Bayoumie El Gazzar2,1*, Arwa S. Amer3, Medhat Elamawy4, Hiam Abdallah Eleleimy4, Ola El-Shimi5, Mai Elmahdy6, Marwa Said El-Sayed7, Shaymaa M. Abdelrahman1 2025 Local
10 Pre implantation and Pre natal Sex Determination by using PCR Naglaa Azab Ibrahim1, Rabab Fawzy Salem 2, Mosad Mohamed Odah 3, Ahmed Yousef Rezk 4, Nashwa Elsayed Ahmed 5. 2015 International
omnia youssef habshy bayomi
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of NDRG-2 and IGF-2 Gene Expression in Urine and Their Potential Use as Biomarkers for Bladder Cancer Omnia Youssif Habashy , Awad M. El-Abd, Hammouda Waheeb , Omnia El-Said Abdallah, Heba M. Abd Elkareem 2021 Local
Sanya Khairy Elawa
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (1)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Ameliorative Effect of Jojoba Oil on Monosodium Glutamate Induced Cardiotoxicity and Neurotoxicity: Molecular, Metabolic and Histopathological study Sahar M. Abo El Wafa1 , Rania Ebrahim Eldesoky Mohamady2 and Sania K. Elwia3* 2021 Local
2 Anti-adiposity impact of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor, Sildenafil is possibly through browning of white adipose tissue and FGF21 in obese rats. Marwa H. Muhammad 1 ; Sania K. Elwia 2 ; Shaymaa M. Abd El Rahman 2 2019 Local
3 Forskolin Effect on FOXO1 Expression and Relationship of FOXO1 Activation to Oxidative Stress: From Molecular to Therapeutic Strategy Sania K. Elwia1 *, Heba A. Elnoury2 , and Marwa H. Muhammad3 2022 Local
4 Modulatory Role of Gallic Acid and Vitamin C on Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid Combination Induced Hepatotoxicity in Adult Albino Rats Asmaa Y. A. Hussein 1 *, Sania K. Elwia2 , Shaymaa M. Abd El Rahman2 , Haidy M. Fakher 1 2020 Local
5 Molecular Insights into The Biological Basis of Anticancer Efficacy of miRNA Suppression Therapy in HCC Cell Lines Sania K. Elwia * and Yasmin M. Marei 2021 Local
6 The association of urinary plasmin level with renal involvement and disease flare among systemic lupus erythematosus patients Sania K. Elwia1 2021 Local
7 The Metabolic Mechanism Underlying the Enhancing Effects of Glycine and Tryptophan on Kidney Function: How to Reduce EGFR Inhibitory Effect on AAs Sania K. Elwia1*, Sahar M. Abo El Wafa2 and Yasmin M. Marei1 2021 Local
8 Vitamin D Replacement Mitigates Menopause-Associated Dyslipidaemia and Atherogenic Indices in Ovariectomized Rats; A Biochemical Study Marwa Hassan Muhammad1, Noha Ibrahim Hussien1, Sania K. Elwia2 2019 International
Yasmin Mohammed Abd Elrahman Marei
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (0)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Clinical and mycological investigations of post-COVID-19 acute invasive fungal sinusitis Samah Mahmoud Eldsouky1 | Amany K. Shahat2 | AL-Shaimaa M. AL-Tabbakh2 | Shaymaa M. Abd El Rahman3 | Yasmin M. Marei3 | Lina Abdelhady Mohammed3 | Ola Samir El-Shimi4 | Dina Saad Abdelmotaleb4 | Yomna Mohammed Marei5 | Mohamed Sabry Abd Elraheam Elsayed6 2022 Local
3 Effect of autologous platelet-rich plasma versus platelet-rich fibrin on the second intension wound healing in dogs through higher regeneration capacity and modulation of inflammatory cytokines Olla A. Khalifa1, Abdelhaleem H. Elkasapy2*, Eman A. Sallam3, Adel M. Alakraa, Yasmin M. Marei4 and Liza S. Mohammed5 2022 Local
4 High Serum Levels of Afamin and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α during The First Trimester might be used as Early Predictors for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Euglycemic Pregnant women Ali Bendary and Yasmin M. Marei 2022 Local
5 Molecular Insights into The Biological Basis of Anticancer Efficacy of miRNA Suppression Therapy in HCC Cell Lines Sania K. Elwia * and Yasmin M. Marei 2022 Local
6 Prophylactic Resveratrol Ameliorates Thioacetamide Hepatotoxicity in A Dose-Dependent Fashion Through the Regulation of Gene Expression Levels of MiR-155 and MiR-21 Noha Elnajjar1; Shaymaa M. Abdelrahman2; Azza M. Marei3; Yomna M. Marei4 ; Sally Elsharkawey1 and Yasmin M. Marei2 2022 Local
7 Role of MicroRNA-663b as an Oncogene in Colorectal Carcinoma on top of familial adenomatous polyposis cells. Ayman T. Mohamed1, Emad El-Den M. Abdel Hafez1, Amal I. Ali2, Sameh Abdel Atty Gamal3, Yasmin M. Marei2. 2022 Local
8 The Metabolic Mechanism Underlying the Enhancing Effects of Glycine and Tryptophan on Kidney Function: How to Reduce EGFR Inhibitory Effect on AAs Sania K. Elwia1*, Sahar M. Abo El Wafa2 and Yasmin M. Marei1 2022 Local
doaa shaban mahmoud mohamed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Molecular therapeutic role microRNA 221 inhibitor in hepatocellular carcinoma Amal Abou El-fadle Hassan 1 , Naglaa Ibrahim Azab 2, Sania khairy Elwia 3, Doaa Shaban Mahmoud 4 2019 International
2 The Expression pattern of miR-34a-5p in primary knee osteoarthritis patients Doaa.Sh.Mohamed1, Naglaa.I.Azab1, Rasha.M.Fawzy2, Mayada.Khalil2 ,Lina.A.Mohammed1and Shaymaa.M.Abd El-Rahman1 2023 Local
Hebatallah Emam Mohammed
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Role of MDR1, CYP2D6 & CCR5 gene variants on drug resistance in breast cancer patients in Qalyubia governorate, Egypt Hebatallah Emam Mohammed 2017 Local
2 Urinary MicroRNA-96and MicroRNA-126 as Diagnostic Biomarkers for Bladder Cancer Detection Hebat-Allah Emam Mohammed Ahmed, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hisham Attia, Assistant Prof. Dr. Omnia Al-saied Abdullah, Dr. Sania Khairy Eliwa, Dr. Mohamed Abd El-Azeem Hassanien 2021 Local
manar gad abdelrazik gad elbarbary
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Gene Expression and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of CYP19A1 gene as markers for Female pattern hair loss in Egyptians (1)N.E.Ahmedm , (1)O.A.Abdullah , (2)G.M.abd El Khalek ,(1)A.F.El Kholy,(1) S. Abd El Rahman , (1)M.G.Abd EL-Razik 2022 Local
nama el sayed abdelmaksoud
Local Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Study of Adiponectin Promotor Methylation Status in Patients with Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Neama Elsayed Abd El-Maksoud , Mahasen Abd El-Sattar Abd El-moaty , Inas Abd El-Monem Elsayed , . Yasmin Saad, Sania Khairy Elwia. 2021 Local
2 The effect of Telomerase inhibition on Alpha-Fetoprotein expression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell line Neama Elsayed Abd El-maksoud , Amr Ahmed Hassan, Walaa Bayoumie El-Gazzar , Heba Mohamed Abd El-Kareem, Shaymaa Mohamed Abd EL Rahman 2017 International
Nourhan Mohamed Attia
Local Publication (2)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Genetic Expression and Polymorphism of Long Noncoding RNA H19 in Breast Cancer in Egyptian Females Nourhan Mohamed Attia Mohamed, Prof. Dr. Naglaa Ibrahim Azab, Prof. Dr. Gamal El-sayed Saleh, Dr. Shuzan Ali Mohammed, Dr. Shaymaa Mohamed Abd El Rahman 2021 Local
2 Role of miR-7 as Potential Biomarker for Colorectal Cancer Nourhan M. Attia1, Amal A. Hassan1, Shuzan A. Mohammed1, Emad M. Sarhan2 and Lina A. Mohamed1 2025 Local
Samah Mohamed Abdel Khalek Hasanin
Local Publication (2)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Correlations between Serum and Synovial fluid IL-17... concentrations with disease activity and severity of Rheumatoid Arthritis . Author links open overlay panelMedhat A.FaragaFouad E.El DebakyaShaymaa M.Abd El-RahmanaSamah M.Abd el-khalekaRasha M.Fawzy 2020 Local
2 Role of MicroRNA-1 as Diagnostic and Differentiating Biomarker between Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction and Unstable Angina 1Samah M. Abd El khalek, 1Azza M. El Bermawy, 2Heba A. Mansour, 1Shaymaa M. Abd EL Rahman and 1Hend E. Nasr 2024 Local
kholoud yahia hamed abdelmaksoud
Local Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Study of mir 145 promoter methylation status in patients with superficial urothelial bladder cancer treated with BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guerin) Amr Ahmed Hassan, Inas Abd Elmonem Elsayed, Tarek Soliman, Kholoud Yahia Hamed, Yasmin Mohammed Marei 2024 Local
Moamena Yahia Elsayed Ali Mahmoud
Local Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Study of prevalence of thrombophilic genes (FVL G1691A, prothrombin G20210A and MTHFR C677T) polymorphisms in patients with venous thromboembolism in Benha university hospital; cross sectional study. Amal idris , Sanya khairy elwia, Yasmin marie, Ahmed bendary,MOAMENA YEHIA ELSAYED 2023 Local
Randa Kamal AboElineen Ibrahim
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Association of Micro RNA-223 with Disease activity and Severity in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients 1 Foad E.El Debaky, 1 Shaymaa M. Abdelrahman, 2Arwa S. Amer, 1Randa K. Aboeleneen*, 1Hebatallah E. Mohammed 2024 Local
Reem Safwat Mohamed Zein Elabdein Mohamed
Local Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 circulating MicroRNAs as Biomarkers for Breast Cancer Detection Reem Safwat Mohamed zein, Faculty of Medicine - Benha University 2022 Local
Fouad El Sayed ahmed aly El Debakey
Local Publication (8)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Acute Respiratory Syncytial Virus Bronchilolitis induced TH2/TH1 imbalance towards initiation of Allergic Responses(Benha Medical Journal,Volume 23 Number 3. Elham Abdel Ghafar MD, Fouad El Debakey MD and Anas Abd el Rahman MD 2006 Local
2 Level of IL-1 and IL-6 in serum and synovial fluid of rheumatoid arthritis patients and their relation to disease activity (Benha Medical Journal, Volume 19 (2002). Department of rhematology &Rehabilitation and Medical Biochemistry Benha faculty of Medicine,Zagazig University Gamal A.Hamad MD and Fouad EL-Debakey MD 2002 Local
3 Procalcitonin as an Early Predictor of Septic Complications after Elective Colon Surgery: A Comparative Study versus Interleukin-6 and C-reactive Protein. Bull. Egypt . Soc . Physiol. Sci., 26(2):195-210 Mahasen Abdel Sattar , Fouad E. El-Debaky , Mosad M. Odah , Mahmoud Al-Gamal and Hamdy Eliwa 2006 Local
4 Reseveratrol Amelorates Experimentally Induced Gentamycin Nephrotoxicity : A Biochemical and Histological Evaluation in Rats.The Egyptian Journal Of Medical Sciences. Adel F. Al-Kholy , Mosad M.Odah , Mahasen Abdel Sattar , Fouad E. El-Debaky , Omar Abdul Aziz and Mohamed Nabieh 2006 Local
5 Leukotriene B and Ovarian Steroids in Human Parturition and their Inter-Relationships. Obstetric and Gynecology*, Medical Biochemistry*** Benha Faculty of Medicine Zagaig University. Consultant of Obstetric and Gynecology, in Kaluobia Health Sector**. Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine , Ain Shams University**** Bull. Egypt. Soc. Physiol. Sci., 14 (3) Samy Saad* , Mohamed A. Bagdady ** , Amal Idris Mahmdouh Youssef***, A.H.El Tonsy***, Foad El-Debeky***, Thanaa Hamed*** and Hanaa Nase 1994 Local
6 Plasma Soluble Fas/Fas L as biomarkers for cancer bladder(Tanta Medical Journal,Vol(35). Amal idris MD, Mohamed AbdelwahabMD,Medhat abdel Moneim MD, Fouad El Debakey MD and Adel f.El-kholy MS 2007 Local
7 Prevalence of Silent Hepatitis B and HCV Genotype among Chronic Hepatitis C Patients . Bull. Egypt . Soc . Physiol. Sci. Fouad E. El-Debaky , Mahasan Abdel Sattar , Adel F. Al-Kholy , Ibrahim Rageh and Hossam Amin 2006 Local
8 Serum Lipids and Lipoprotein Pattern in Egyptian Newborns. Pediatric and Biochemistry Department, Benha faculty of Medicine. Zagazig University. J A C., Vol. 4, No. 4 , December 1993. Samia El-Henawy, Amal Idris*, Ismail Abo Ella, Iman Abd El-Rehim, Fouad El-Dabeky* and Mohamed Shalaby 1993 Local
Mamdouh Zaki Abader
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