Amal Abou Idris Aly Youssef
Local Publication (47) |
International Publication (5) |
Total (52) |
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Publication |
Authors |
Year |
Localization |
1 |
1276 Genotypic Expression of FADS2 in Preterm Babies Fed Exclusively on Human Milk Versus Formula Fed |
Azza Abul-Fadl, NF Al Husseini, AY Idris |
2012 |
International |
2 |
A Study of Some Iron Indices, Copper and Zinc in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Departments of Biochemistry and Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Benha and Cairo Faculty of Medicine. The Egyptian Journal of Biochemistry, vol 27 no. 2. |
Zohdy Mahdy, Amal Idris, Amr A. Hassan, Samir El-Badawy, and M. Zakaria Iraky |
1989 |
Local |
3 |
Adrenarche and Its Relation to Growth in Prepubertal Bilharzial Male Children in an Egyptian Rural Area. Departments of Clinical Pathology, Biochemistry and Pediatrics, Benha Faculty of Medicine, National Organization of Drug Control and Research. Arab. J. Lab. Med. 14, 385-393. |
El-Mahdy A., Idris A., Tolba F., Abul-FadI, A.M.A. and Badawy M.M. |
1988 |
Local |
4 |
Adrenarche in Egyptian Children with Beta-Thalassaemia Major. Pediatric Department, Cairo Univ. Paediatric and Biochemistry Departments, Benha , Zagazig University. The New Egyptian Journal of Medicine Vol. 3 No. 3 , 1013-1020 |
Amal El-Beshlawy, Amal Idris, Lamis Ragab, Azza Aboul-Fadl, Nihal Wahby, Ahmed A. Khashaba |
1989 |
Local |
5 |
Biochemical and Physical Characteristics of Sputum (Rheology) in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Departments of Internal Medicine, Chest Disease and Biochemistry, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Benha, Egypt.Arab J. Lab. Med., 14(1), 183-196 |
Aboul-Enein, M.; Ikram El-Assiouty; Al-Helaly, A.A.; Amal Idris; and Hedaya, M. |
1988 |
Local |
6 |
Cervical Mucous Copper And Zinc Intrauterine Contraceptive Device Users (I.U.D.S.) Biochemistry, Gynaecology and Clinical Pathology Depts.The Arab Journal of Lab. Medicine 1-9-1984. |
Zohdy Mahdy, Kamal Fahmi, Amal Idris and Amal El-Mahdy. |
1984 |
Local |
7 |
Citric Acid, Fructose and Sialic Acid in Semen of Fertile and Infertile Men ; their Correlation with Sperm Count and Motility. Department of Biochemistry and Dermatology and Venerology, Faculty of Medicine, Benha, Egypt. Arab. J. Lab. Med., 14(1), 129-136. |
Mohamed Z.M., El-Mokaddem H. , Amal Idris and Hassan A.A. |
1988 |
Local |
8 |
Comparative Study on Different Methods Used for Serum Urea Determination. Clinical Pathology and Biochemistry, Departments. Benha, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. Arab Journal Lab., Med. 11, p 1-13, |
M.A.M. Aboul Fadi, O.M. Metwally and Amal Idris. |
1985 |
Local |
9 |
Contraceptive Effects of Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone LH-RH and LH-RH Agonisis in Males. I A. Idris, J.L. Gueriguina. Endocrine drug products. Food and Drug Administration. (F.D.A.), Rockville, Maryland, U.S.A. Ain Shams Medical Journal. 15-3, |
1983 |
Local |
10 |
Diagnostic value of PCR in detection of schotozmal mansoonal DNA In stool in clinically suspected individual |
Naglaa I. Azab . Amal Idris And et al |
2011 |
Local |
11 |
Effect of a Low-Protein Diet on Contraceptive Steroid-Induced Cholestasis in Rats. Urs A. Boelsterii, Division of Drug Biology, FDA, Washington DC. Research Communication in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology, Vo. 36, No. 2, 299-318, May, U.S.A. Society of Toxicology Meeting, Boston, USA, |
Amal Idris, Harriet Kotik, and Tibbor Balazs. |
1982 |
Local |
12 |
Effect of a Low-Protein Diet on Contraceptive Steroid-Induced Cholestasis in Rats. Urs A. Boelsterii, Division of Drug Biology, FDA, Washington DC. Research Communication in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology, Vo. 36, No. 2, 299-318, May, U.S.A. Society of Toxicology Meeting, Boston, USA, |
Amal Idris, Harriet Kotik, and Tibbor Balazs. |
1982 |
Local |
13 |
Effect of a Low-Protein Diet on Contraceptive Steroid-Induced Cholestasis in Rats. Urs A. Division of Drug Biology, Food and Drug Administration, Washington, DC 20204. Research Communication in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacoloy 36- 299-318. |
Boelsterli, Amal Idris, Harriet Kotik, and Tibor Balazs. |
1982 |
Local |
14 |
Endocrine Prophiles In Infants with High Risk Congenital Heart Disease in Egypt. N. Dept. Pediatrics, Cairo Univ. Depts. Biochemistry and Pediatrics, Benha, Zagazig Univ. Fourth International Congress on Pediatric Laboratory Medicine, Washington, D.C., USA. |
El-Zawahry K. Kashaba A.A., Idris A., Mourad M., Abul-Fadl A. and Wahby |
1989 |
Local |
15 |
Epigenetic alterations by methylation of RASSF1A and DAPK1 promoter sequences in mammary carcinoma detected in extracellular tumor DNA |
Inas A Ahmed, Carsten M Pusch, Thanaa Hamed, Hamed Rashad, Amal Idris, Amal Abou El-Fadle, Nikolaus Blin |
2010 |
International |
16 |
Esophageal Changes and its Correlation with a Hormonal and Trace Element Changes in Bilharizial Hepatic Fibrosis. Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Department of Medicine and Department of Biochemistry. EMJ (Egyptian Medical Journal) Vol. 1, No. 2, page 31-36, |
M.A. Moustafa, I.M. El-Assiouty and A. Idris. |
1985 |
Local |
17 |
Estimation of Prolactin in Serum and Seminal Plasma of Normal and Infertile Men. G. Departments of Biochemistry and Dermatology, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. Egypt J. Derm. & Ven. Vol. 9, No. 2 . |
Zohdy, Mahdy; Zohdi, H.A.; Hassan, A.M.; Idris, A.; Kenawy, M.Z. and El-Hihiway |
1989 |
Local |
18 |
Gene Expression of FADS2 mRNA Linked to Intelligence in Exclusively Breast Milk Fed Preterms |
Naglaa F. Alhusseini, Amal Idris Ali, Azza M.A. Abul-Fadl, Amira A. Abu-Zied, Sheref M. El-Taher |
2014 |
International |
19 |
Genotypic and Phenotypic Expression of Disease in Type I Diabetic Children Exclusively Breastfed in Infancy |
Naglaa F. Alhusseini, MD**, Amal Idris, MD**, Azza MA Abul-Fadl, MD*, Duaa El-Refae, MD*, Heba Rasmy, MSc* |
2011 |
International |
20 |
Hormonal Profiles in Childhood Simple Obesity. Pediatrics and Biochemistry Departments, Benha Medicine, Faculty, Zagazig University. Arab J. Lab. Med. 13: 237-246. |
Khashaba A.M., Assdani A.R., Idris A. Abul-FadI A.M.A., Marrei M.A. |
1987 |
Local |
21 |
Leukotriene B and Ovarian Steroids in Human Parturition and their Inter-Relationships . Obstetric and Gynecology*, Medical Biochemistry*** Benha Faculty of Medicine Zagaig University. Consultant of Obstetric and Gynecology, in Kaluobia Health Sector**. Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine , Ain Shams University**** Bull. Egypt. Soc. Physiol. Sci., 14 (3) |
Samy Saad* , Mohamed A. Bagdady ** , Amal Idris***, Mahmdouh Youssef***, A.H.El Tonsy***, Foad El-Debeky***, Thanaa Hamed*** and Hanaa Naser**** |
1994 |
Local |
22 |
Lipoprotein Endocrine Interaction and Coronary Risk In Rheumatic Heart Disease. Biochemistry Dept. Benha University, Pediatric Dept. Benha University, National Institute for Research, Pyramid Rheumatic Heart Centre. Fourth International Congress on Pediatric Laboratory Medicine, Washington, D.C., USA. |
Amal Idris, Azza M.A.M. Abul-FadI, Sahar El-Okbi, Zahira H. Abdin. |
1989 |
Local |
23 |
Modified Method for Serum Bile Acids Estimation. Biochemistry Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. Arab Journal Lab., Med. 8- 157-161. |
Zohdy M. Abdallah and Amal Idris. |
1982 |
Local |
24 |
New Dimension in Treatment of Portal Hypertension in Bilharzial Hepatic Fibrosis. J. Egypt. Med. Assoc. 70 (5-8) : 379-391 |
Zaki Shier, Ekram El Assioty, Samir Kabil, Amal Idris and Amal El Nahdy Departments of Internal Medicine, Tropical, Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University |
1987 |
Local |
25 |
Plasma Levels of Some Renal Hormones in Children with Rheumatic Heart Disease. Pediatrics, Biochemistry Department Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. Bull. Egypt. Soc. Physiol. Sci., 17 (2-Suppl.) |
Manal Sadek El-Defrawy, Mahasen Abd El-Sattar, Nasser Abdou Kolkailah, Ghada Zahir, Amal Idris, Ahmed Khashaba. |
1997 |
Local |
26 |
Plasma Soluble FAS/FASL as Biomarkers for Cancer Bladder. Departments of Medical Biochemistry & General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Benha University,Tanta Medical Journal Vol. (35), |
Amal Idris PhD, Mohamed Abdel Wahab MD, Medhat Abdel Moneim MD, Fouad E. El-Debaky MD, Adel F. Al-Kholy MS |
2007 |
Local |
27 |
Prepubertal Sex Steroidal Pattern in Chronic Bilharziasis . National Organisation for Drug Control and Research. Arab J. Lab. Med. 14, 345-354. |
El-Mahdy, M.; Idris, A., Tolba, F.; Abul-FadI, A.M.A.M. and Abdel-MaIek, S. Depts of Clinical Pathology, Biochemistry and Pediatrics, Benha Medicine Faculty, Zagazig University |
1988 |
Local |
28 |
Prospective Study of Fibronectin in Preeclamptic Patients ***. * Biochemistry, Obstetric and Gynecology Departments**, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, *** Consultant of obstetric and Gynecology in Kaluobia Health Sector. Egypt. Bull. Egypt. Soc. Physiol. Sci., 14 (1) 183 |
Amal Idris*, Amr Ahmed*, Mahmdouh Youssef*, Mahasen Abdel Sattar*, Mohamed Abdel Razek** and Mohamed A. Bagdady |
1994 |
Local |
29 |
Role of Calcium Channel Blockers in Non-Insulin Diabetic Patients. Departments of Medicine, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Benha, Faculty of Medicine. Arab J. Lab. Med. 14, 287-292. |
El-Assiouty, I.M.; Idris, A.; Hifny, A.; and Hamdy M. |
1988 |
Local |
30 |
Role Of Growth Hormone And Obesity In The Incidence Of Diabetic Complications. Departments of Int. Med. & Biochemistry, Benha, Faculty of Medicine. The 11th Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Society of Basic Medical Sciences. |
Mohamed Moustafa, Ikram El-Assiouty, Zohdy Mahdy and Amal Idris |
1989 |
Local |
31 |
Serum Growth Hormone Level in Protein Calorie Malnutrition. Biochemistry and Pediatric Dept. Benha, Faculty of Medicine. Proceedings of Tanta Fourth Pediatric. Conference, p. 47-58, March 22nd 1985 2nd African Mediterranean and Near East Congress of Clinical Chemistry. 4th Arab Congress of Clinical Chemistry. |
Amal Idris, Hamed, A. Elkhyat, A. Kashaba, Zohdy M. Abdallah, |
1985 |
Local |
32 |
Serum Lipids and Apoliprotein -B in Diabetes Mellitus. Biochemistry and Medicine Departments, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. The Egyptian Journal of Medical Sciences, Cairo, Egypt. |
Ama1 Idris, Zohdy Mahdy Mohamed and Ikram Moustafa El-Assiouty |
1989 |
Local |
33 |
Serum Lipids and Lipoprotein Pattern in Egyptian Newborns. Pediatric and Biochemistry Department, Benha faculty of Medicine. Zagazig University. J A C., Vol. 4, No. 4. |
Samia El-Henawy, Amal Idris*, Ismail Abo Ella, Iman Abd El-Rehim, Fouad El-Dabeky* and Mohamed Shalaby |
1993 |
Local |
34 |
Serum Phospholipidogram in Protein Calorie Malnutrition. Biochemistry and Paediatric Depts. Fac. of Med. , Benha, Zagazig University. The Arab. J. Lab. Med. 10-1-1984. The 30th Scientific Meeting for the Egyptian Society of Clinical Chemistry, 14 June, |
Zohdy Mahdey, Ahmed Khashaba, Amal Idris and Said A. Abdel-Fattah, |
1984 |
Local |
35 |
Serum Testosterone Level Variation In Bilharzial Male Patients . Departments of Parasitology, Zagazig and Benha, Faculties of Medicine. Department of Biochemistry, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt. Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, Vol. 17,No. 1. |
A.M.S. El-Ridi, L.A. Aboul-Magd, A. Idris, S.M. Rashed, H.A. Hamadto, and K.F. Abdalla |
1987 |
Local |
36 |
Significance of Serum Lipid Peroxides, Total and Lipid-Bound Sialic Acid as Markers for Liver Diseases. Departments of Biochemistry, Hepatology, Gastroentrology and Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine Benha Faculty of Medicine Zagazig University Bull. Egypt. Soc. Physiol. Sci., 20 |
Thanaa Hamed, Mahasen Abdel Sattar, Fatma Abd El-Salam, Sherif Abou El-Dahab, Amal Idris. |
2000 |
Local |
37 |
Significance of Serum Lipid Peroxides, Total and Lipid-Bound Sialic Acid as Markers for Liver Diseases. Departments of Biochemistry, Hepatology, Gastroentrology and Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine Benha Faculty of Medicine Zagazig University Bull. Egypt. Soc. Physiol. Sci., 20 (1) |
Thanaa Hamed, Mahasen Abdel Sattar, Fatma Abd El-Salam, Sherif Abou El-Dahab, Amal Idris |
2000 |
Local |
38 |
Some Biochemical Tear Film Changes Associated with Soft Contact Lens Use. Departments of Ophthalmology Cairo, Benha Universities. Department of Biochemistry, Benha University. Egypt. J. Med. Lab. Soi., Vol. 3, No. Z, |
Higazy, M.T, Hegazy, M.A. Abbas, S.R Abou El-Nasr, T.T, Idris, A, Hassan, A. A, El-Tounsy, A. H, |
1994 |
Local |
39 |
some HLADRB1 in Egyptian patient with Rhematoid Arthitis and thir accocation with anti - CCP disease activity and severity paramters |
Naglaa I. azab , Amal Idris, etal |
2011 |
International |
40 |
Some Iron Indices with Copper Interauterine Contraceptive Devices. Biochemistry; Clinical Pathology Benha, Faculty of Medicine and Gynecology Department, Ain Shams University. The Arab Journal of Laboratory Medicine 20-7-1984. |
Zohdy Mahdy, Amal Idris, Amal El Mahdy and Abbas Gazi. |
1984 |
Local |
41 |
Some Trace Elements in Serum and Seminal Plasma of Infertile Men. G. Departments of Biochemistry and Dermatology, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. Egypt J. Derm. & Ven. Vol. 9, No. 2,Supplement |
Zohdy Mahdy; Idris, A.; Hassan, A.A.; Zohdy, H.A. and El- Hihiway |
1989 |
Local |
42 |
Studies on Duodenogastric Reflux (D.G.R.) I.M. 2nd Annual Medical Congress, Faculty of Medicine, Benha, Zagazig University 18-9- |
El-Assiouty, A.A. Hifny, A. Idris, A. El-Sheikh, M. El-Shahawy and S.M. Kabil. |
1983 |
Local |
43 |
Studies on Prostaglandin in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Departments of Medicine and Biochemistry. Benha, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. EMJ (Egyptian Medical Journal) Vol. 1, No., 3, p. 30 - 37, |
I.M. El Assiouty, M.A. Moustafa and Amal Idris. |
1985 |
Local |
44 |
Studies on Prostaglandins in Diabetic Diarrhea. Depts. of Medicine and Biochemistry, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. The Second National Conference on Applied Endocrinology .Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig, Zagazig University |
I.M. Assiouty, M.A. Moustafa, A.A. Hinfy and Amal Idris |
1985 |
Local |
45 |
Studies on Prostaglandins in Ischaemic Heart Disease . Depts of Medicine and Biochemistry, Benha, Faculty of Medicine. Second Congress Pan African Society of Cardiology, Cairo. |
I.M. Assiouty, M.A. Moustafa, A.A. Hifny, Amal Idris and A. El-Sheikh |
1985 |
Local |
46 |
Study of Humoral Immunity in Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. From Biochemistry and Internal Medicine Departments, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University. Egypt. J. Med. Sci. 8 (2) : 279-286. |
Zohdy Mahdy Mohamed, Ikram Mostafa El-Assiouty, Amal Idris, and Amr Ahmed Hassan |
1987 |
Local |
47 |
Suppression of Somatostatin Release By Duodenogastric Reflux in Duodenal Ulcer. A. Department of Internal Medicine and Biochemistry, Benha Faculty of Medicine. The Tenth Annual Ain Shams Medical Congress. |
El-Assiouty, I.M., Abu El-Enein, M. and Idris |
1987 |
Local |
48 |
The Clinical Value of Serum Beta Subunit of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin in Bronchogenic Carcinoma. Dept. of General Medicine & Cardiothoracic Surgery, Fac. of Medicine, Cairo Univ. Dept. of General Medicine and Biochemistry, Fac. of Medicine, Benha Univ. Arab J. Lab. Med. 14, 411-420. |
El-Zahaby M., El-Assuity I., Salem, E. ,Idris A., and Radwan M |
1988 |
Local |
49 |
The Relation Between Prostaglandins and Plasma Renin Activity in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure. Departments of Internal Medicine, Biochemistry and Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Benha and Cairo Universities. Arab J. Lab. Med., 14(1), 47-54 |
Mostafa M.A., Ramzy M.F., El-Assioty I.M., Amal Idris, Samy A. and Hannala S.B. |
1988 |
Local |
50 |
The Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System in Bilharizial Liver Cirrhosis. A. Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. The Journal of Egyptian Medical Association, 28-9, |
Madwar, K.R. Amin, N., El-Rooby, 0., El-Swify, M.F., Sherif, N., Hafez, S. El Borollosy H. and Idris, |
1982 |
Local |
51 |
Thrombophilic Genes Mutations In Women with Repeated Spontanous Miscarriage.Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 14:1-5. |
Mohamed A. Mohamed,Mahasen A. El Moaty, Adel F.El Kholy, Shuzan A. Mohamed, and Amal H. Ali.Genetic |
2010 |
Local |
52 |
Vitamin E and Selenium in Diabetes Mellitus. Medical Biochemistry Department Benha faculty of Medicine and Internal Medicine and Clinical Pathology Departments. Zagazig Faculty of Medicine Egypt. Vol. 10 No 3 |
Zohdy Mahdy PhD, Amal Idris PhD, Medhat Abdel Moneim MD, Mohamed Kamar MD, Saad Sabry MD, Mohamed Hamdy MD and Hassan El Sabouti MD |
1993 |
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