Publication From Year: Publication TO Year:

Faculty of Medicine: Department of Rheumatology and Physical medicine

Total number of Publications in the Department of Rheumatology and Physical medicine - Faculty of Medicine is 278

Sahar Saad El-Sayed Ganeb
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (0)
Total (5)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Matrix metalloproteinases3,9 and tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase 1 in paired serum and synovial fluid samples of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis. Yasser,A.Abd El-Hamid;Refaat M.El-Tanawy;Sahar,S.Ganeb;*Khaled,M.Belal and *Hesham,A.Eissa. 2006 Local
2 Echocardiographic findings in connective tissue diseases.The Egyptian Rheumatologist,Vol.26, No.3: P.491-504 Ahmed Y El-Shambaky, Sahar S Ganeb, *Eman S Hassan, Mohammed Z Eraki and Nashwa Hashad 2004 Local
3 Paraoxonase activity and some antiphospholipid antibodies in pre-menopausal systemic lupus erythematosus women. Rheumatology&Rehabilitation and *Clinical Pathology Departments Benha Faculity of Medecine. The Egyptian Rheumatologist,Vol.27,No.3, 2005: P. 477-486 Sahar,S.Ganeb,Mohammed and *M El-Shafae 2005 Local
4 Prevalence and clinical significance of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Yasser,A.Abd El-Hamid;Ahmed, Y. Ali; Sahar,S.Ganeb; Ahmed, M. Dewedar* and **Khaled,M.Belal. From Rheumatology&Rehabilitation departments Benha Faculity of Medecine, *Sues Canal Faculity of Medecine and **Clinical Pathology Department, Benha Faculity of Medecine. The Egyptian Rheumatologist,Vol.27,No.1,2005:P.1-15 2005 Local
5 Study of physiological and health related quality of life changes following exercise training infamale patients with successful percutaneus coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction. From Rheumatology&Rehabilitation *cardiology and chest Departments Faculity of Medecine and ***Faculty of Physical Education, Banha University. The Egyptian Rheumatologist,Vol.28,No.1,2006:P.183-195 ;Sahar,S.Ganeb;Yasser,A.Abd El-Hamid;Refaat M.El-Tanawy,*Eman S Hassan *Hesham Rashid, **Ayman Abd El-Rahman and***Mohamed Ibrahim 2006 Local
Abd EL-wahab mohamed shams EL-din EL-brashy
Local Publication (19)
International Publication (0)
Total (19)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Clinical and Ultrasonographic study of Shoulder Joint Disorders and Related Disorders in the Elderly. Benha M.J, VOL.3. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D, Samia A.Monem.M.D, Ali Fouda.M.D 1997 Local
2 Cadiac Involvement in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: Clinical and Echocardiographic Aspects. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D 2003 Local
3 Cardiac Disease in Systemic lupus Erythematosis and Its Relation to Antiphospholipids Antibodies. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D 2002 Local
4 Modulation Effect of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-3 on The Inflammatory Reactions Occuring in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosis Benha M.J, VOL.20 , no.3 . Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D, Zakaria Eraky.M.D, Refat Tanay.M.D, Nevin Soliman.M.D. 2003 Local
5 Musculoskeletal Manifestations Associated with Hyperlipidaemia. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D 1997 Local
6 Osteoarthritis of the Scaphotrapezial and First Carpo Metacarpal Joints. The Egyptian Rheumatologist, 2611998 Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D, 1998 Local
7 Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Antikeratin Antibodies in Patients With RA. The Egyptian Rheumatologist, Vol.26, No.3, 2003:P. 371- 383 Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D, Yaser A.Aziz.M.D, Refat Tanay.M.D, Gamal Hamad.M.D. 2003 Local
8 Relationship between Acetabular Dysplasia and OA of the Hip Joint in Women.The Egyptian Rheumatologist, 841998. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D 1998 Local
9 Relationship of Knee OA to Prevalence and Pattern of OA of Hand. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D, Moner Srag.M.D 2001 Local
10 Rheumatoid Arthritis in Kalyoubia: An Epidemiological study. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D, Samia A.Monem.M.D, Ali Fouda.M.D, A.Rahim Sholah.M.D. 2002 Local
11 Role of Small Joints Synovitis and Its Importance in Assessment of RA. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D 2003 Local
12 Anatomical Disturbances in Elbow Joint Involved in Rheumatoid Arthritis The Egyptian Rheumatologist, Vol.25, No.1P. 241- 248. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D 2003 Local
13 Assessment of Pulmonary Functions in Ankylosing Spondylitis Patients. The Egyptian Rheum. And Rehab. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D, Refat Tanay.M.D, Sahr Ganb.M.D, Sherin Gergay.M.D. 2003 Local
14 Computed Tomography and Multidimensional Assment of Osteoarthritis Patients Treated With Acupuncture.The Egyptian Rheum. And Rehab. Association symposium, Alexandria,. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D, Zakaria Eraky.M.D. 2001 Local
15 Lipid Peroxide Superoxide Dismutase Glutathione Peroxidase and Selenium in Rheumatoid Arthritis.The Egyptian Rheumatologist, 84 Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D, Yaser Aziz.M.D 1998 Local
16 Lysosomal Activity in Synovial Fluid Of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. Benha M.J, VOL.3. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D. 1997 Local
17 Prognostic Significance of Proteolytic Enzymes in Rheumatoid Arthritis. The Egyptian Rheumatologist, Vol.25, No.2, 2003:P. 267- 274. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D, 2003 Local
18 Serum and Salivary Testosterne in Premenopausal Women in Systemic Lupus Erythematosis. Benha M.J, VOL.1 , Jan. 1998. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D, Gamal Hamad.M.D. 1998 Local
19 The Influence of Variations of Forearm Muscle Cross Sectional Area on Hand Function in Rheumatoid Arthritis. AFLAR Symposium. Abd EL-wahab Shams.M.D, Samia A.Monem.M.D, Ahmad Yosef.M.D. 1996 Local
Ahmad Yousef Ali Yousef
Local Publication (10)
International Publication (1)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of bone mineral status in patients with spinal cord injury ( Vol. 26 , No. 3 , 2004 : p 477 – 490 ) منشور بمجلة الروماتيزم المصرية 2004 Local
2 Assessment of joint damage from analysis of released bone sialoprotein into synovial fluid of rheumatoid arthritis patients (Vol. 18 , No. 1 Jan . 2001 : p 429 – 442 ) . منشور بمجلة بنها الطبية 2001 Local
3 Assessment of pulmonary function in ankylosing spondylitis patients(Vol. 31 , No. 2 , March 2004 ; p 169 -176 ) منشور بمجلة الروماتيزم والتأهيل المصرية Ahmed Youssof , Refaat Mustafa Al-Tanawy , Aboul -Wahab M.Shams , Aly, Sherien Abdul-Fattah Al-Gergawy, Sahar Saad Ganeb, and Ashraf Belal 2004 Local
4 Association of rheumatic manifestations and cryoglobulins with hepatitis " C " infection . (vol.26,No. 1.2004 : p. 141 – 154 ) منشور بمجلة الروماتيزم المصرية ahmed Y. Ali Mohamed El-sayed Abd Elhamed(1) Yaser Shahen(2) and Nader M.M.A(3) 2004 Local
5 Cardiac disease in systemic lupus erythematosus and its relation to antiphospholipid antibodies (Vol. 19 , No. 3 , Sep. 2002 : p 593 – 604 ) منشور بمجلة بنها الطبية 2002 Local
6 Echocardiographic findings in connective tissue diseases (Vol. 26 , No. 3 2004 : p . 491 – 504 ) منشور بمجلة الروماتيزم المصرية 2004 Local
7 Prevalence and clinical significance of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis . ( Vol.27 , No. 1 , 2005 : p. 1 -15 ) منشور بمجلة الروماتيزم المصرية 2005 Local
8 Serum and synovial fluid TGF – B1 in ankylosing spondylitis patients (vol. 31, No. 5 Sep . 2004 : p 691 – 700 ) منشور بمجلة الروماتيزم والتأهيل المصرية 2004 Local
9 Serum enzyme activities in athletes in association with cardio-respiratory fitness parameters (Vol. 17 No. 3 Sep . 2000 : p 845 – 854 ) منشور في مجلة بنها الطبية 2000 Local
10 Study of HLA class I and class II in Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (vol. 25, No. 2,2003: p. 341 – 352) منشور بمجلة الروماتيزم المصرية Ahmed Y.A Hasan M EL Askalany, Eman Mashour, Amal A Bendary ElSaeid H. Abdou , Elham R. Abd El Samee 2003 Local
11 Title Action 1-Prevalence and clinical significance of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis 2015 International
Ali Ibraheem Fooda
Local Publication (9)
International Publication (1)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Influence of sex on the pattern of joint involvement and extra-articular manifestations in Egyptian patients with RA. 1950 Local
2 Inter- relation between psychiatric morbidity with IL-6 and TNF α in SLE disease activity. 1950 Local
3 Bone turnover markers in healthy , osteopenic and osteoprotic post-menopausal women; comparison between serum carboxyterminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen and urinary pyridinium cross-links. 1950 Local
5 Modes of presentation and systemic involvement in Egyptian patients with Behcet´s disease 1950 Local
6 Serum nitric oxide assessment in patients with Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. 1950 Local
7 SFas/ APO-1 / CD95 in SLE and its relation to disease activity. 1950 Local
8 Sonographic Patterns of finger tendon involvement in RA. 1950 Local
9 States of adrenal secretion of cortisol in patients with RA. 1950 Local
10 Study of serum Interleukin – 12 concentration in juvenile RA. 1950 Local
Gamal Abd El-Ghaffar Hammad
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Musculoskeletal ultrasound on the hand and wrist in systemic sclerosis Rasha M. Fawzy, Gamal Abd E-l Ghaffar Magd 2016 International
Mohamed Zakaria Eraki Said
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (7)
Total (7)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Blood Antioxidant Power In Rheumatoid Arthritis MNIAERH M. Zakaria Eraky 1994 International
2 Clinical and Serological Assessment of Lipid Pattern In Rheumatoid Arthritis MMMMNI M.Z. Eraki, S.M. Abdel-Monem 1994 International
3 Enzymatic Activity of Alkaline Phosphatase and Alkaline Pyrophosphatase in Arthropathies M.Z. Eraky and Abd El-Rahman Hamouda 1996 International
5 Serum and Synovial Fluid TGF-B1 In Knee OsteoArthritis EMATAIAH Mohamed Zakaria Eraky, Monier Serag Eldien, Rifaat Mustafa Al-Tanawy 2002 International
6 Some Biochemical Indices Of Bone Turnover In Rheumatoid Arthritis MZEMN Ibrahim 1994 International
7 synovial fluid collagenase and acid phosphatase in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis MNIPDEEP Mohamed Zakaria Eraky MD 1993 International
Mounir Serage EI-Din EI-Hanafi
Local Publication (10)
International Publication (0)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Segmental anthropmetric study in Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis Benha M.J., Volume 10 Number 3 1993 Local
2 Ademographic study of painful shoulder in chronic hemipelgia Benha M.J. volume 17 No. 3 2000 Local
3 Anti-cardiolipin anti-bodies and cardiac involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus,Egypt Rheumatol Rehab,vol 36,no. 1 2009 Local
4 Prevalence of low body mass in rheumatoid arthritis with acute phase response, Benha conference 2000 Local
5 Serum And Synovial fluid TGF-B1 in knee Osteoarthritis,Rheumatology & Rehabilitation,volume 29 NO. 4 2002 Local
6 Serum and Synovial TGF-BI in knee osteoarthritis Egyptian Rheumatology & Rehabilitation Volume 29 2002 Local
7 Serum and Synovial TGF-BI in knee osteoarthritis Egyptian Rheumatology & Rehabilitation Volume 29 2002 Local
8 Serum Nitic Oxide Assessment in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis And Osteoarthitis in the Egyptian Rheumatologist,volume 23 No.2 2001 Local
9 Sonographic patterns of finger tendon involvement in Rheumatoid arthrltis.egyptian Rheumatologist, Vol. 23 No 1 2001 Local
10 TH1/TH2 Cytokine Patterns In Ankylosing Spondylitis,Benha M.J. volume 13 2001 Local
Sami El-Said Mohamed Egaila
Local Publication (13)
International Publication (0)
Total (13)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Circulating Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1(ICAM) in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Sami E.Egaila and Mohamed M Badar 1996 Local
2 Implication of Insulin like growth Factor Binding Protein-3 in Various Arthritis Mahsen Abdel Sattar,Sami EL-Said Egaila, Monir Serag EL-Din, Samia Mohamed Abdel-Monem , Amal Idris Aly , Waleed Ali Gomaa, 1999 Local
3 study of serum interlukin12 concentration in Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Ali Fouda. Sami Egaila.Gamal Hammad. Mohammad Salem and Mahmood Badr 2002 Local
4 Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha in Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Osama El-Shaer, Magda Zidan , EL-Sayed Amer, Nabil A.Khattab and Sami Egila 1994 Local
5 (15 Hip Joint Ultrasonography in Rheumatoid Arthritis Mounir S. EL-Hanafi, Sami E.Egaila and Ahmed Farid ,Benha M.J Vol13,NO1 P195-203,1996 1996 Local
6 Ademographic study of Painful Shoulder in Chronic Hemiplegia Sami Egaila , Mounir EL-Hanafi , Samia Abd EL-Monemand Miranda Kamel Benha M.J, Vol17,NO 3, P739-746, 2000 2000 Local
7 Bone Mineral Density(BMD) and Bone Turnover in Rheumatoid Arthritis Sami Egaila, Hanna Fathy ,Gamal Hamad,and Mohsen Ared ,Benha M.J. 2001 Local
8 Prolactin Hormone in systemic Lupus Erthmatosus Mounir EL-Hanafi, Sami E. Egaila, Mohamed Zakaria Eraky,Fatma EL-Shabasy and Osama S.EL-Shaer ,Benha M.J. Vol NO P259-265,2001 2001 Local
9 Serum Levels of Sialic Acid and Glycosaminoglycans in Ankylosing Spondylitis Sami E.Egaila , Mounir S. EL-Hanafi, Fouad El-Debakey The Egyptian Rheumatologist . Vol 18. NO1 P69-75 1996 1996 Local
10 Soluble FAS in the serum and synovial fluid of patients with Rhematoid and Osteoarthritis Benha M.J. Vol18 NO2, P 341-349. Sami E. Egaila and Medhat Abd EL-moneim 2001 Local
11 Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor- 11 and Nitric Oxide Metabolites in Systemiic Lupus Erthematosus Sami E. Egaila and Medhat Abd EL-moneim,Benha M.J. Vol17 NO3 , P729-738,2000 2000 Local
12 Status of Adrenal Secretion of Cortisol in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Sami E. Egaila , Ali Foda, Samia Abd EL-Monem , Maha Salah EL-Dean and Sherien EL- Gergawy Benha M.J. Vol17, NO3, P719-728,2000 2000 Local
13 Study of Interleukin-6 and Glycosaminoglycans in the synovial fluid of the knee in early experimental osteoarthritis Medhat Abd El – moneim,Gamal Kenawy,Samy Said Egila Bull.Egypt.Soc.Physiol.Sci,16(2)P141-148,1996 1996 Local
Samia Mohammed Abdel-Moneim Ramadan
Local Publication (11)
International Publication (0)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A multidimensional evaluation of two cardiac rehabilitation programs in patients with coronary artery diseases. Egypt Rheumatol Rehab:Vol.36, No.3, July. Abdel-Monem SM, El-Tanawy RM, Mounir EM, Shaker TMA and Abdel-Hady S 2003 Local
2 Soft tissue injuries in cyclists of the national team. Med. J. Cairo Univ.,Vol. 64 (Suppl.) Abdel-Rahman HA, Abdel-Monem SM and Azzam MW 1996 Local
3 A demographic study of painful shoulder in chronic hemiplegia. Benha M.J. Vol.17, No. 3. Egalia S, El-Hanafi MS, Abdel-Monem SM and Kamel M 2000 Local
4 Cognetive functions in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Egypt Rheumatol Rehab:Vol.34. No.1. El-Tanawy RM , Ganeb SS, Abdel-Monem SM, Salas El-Din W and Kedr K 2007 Local
5 Effects of an intensive dynamic exercise program on the outcome of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Benha Med. J. Vol. 22, No. 1. Soliman AF, Abdel-Monem SM and Mohamed TF 2005 Local
6 Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 as a biological marker in arthritides (1998): Egypt Rheumatologist - 11) Abdel-Monem SM, El-Barashi AS, Al-Shaar OS 1998 Local
7 Relationship of knee osteoarthritis to prevalence and pattern of osteoarthritis of the hand. Benha M.J. Vol.18, No. 1. -El-Barashi A, El-Hanafi MS, Abdel-Monem SM and Abd-Alla K 2001 Local
8 Status of adrenal secrtion of cortisol in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Benha M.J. Vol.17, No. 3. Egalia S, Fouda A, Abdel-Monem SM, Salah El-Din and El-Gergawy S 2001 Local
9 The effect of insulin-like growth factor in arthritides (1999): The bulletin of the society of physiological sciences. -13) Egalia S, El-Hanafi MS, Abdel-Monem SM, Aly AE, Abdel-Sattar M and Gomaa WA 1999 Local
10 The hypermobility syndrome: connective tissue and echcardiographic features (1998): Med. J. Cairo Univ - 10) Abdel-Monem SM, Aly AY and Abo-Seif EA 1998 Local
11 The influence of variations of forearm muscle cross-sectional areaon hand function in rheumatoid arthritis. The first AFLAR symposium, 18-20 Dec. Cairo, Egypt. - Abdel-Monem SM, Shams A and Ghareb A 1996 Local
Amal Fathy Soliman Mostafa
Local Publication (6)
International Publication (8)
Total (14)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effects of an intensive dynamic exercise program on the outcome of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Benha faculty of Medicine. 22 (1): 843-856. Amal F. Soliman M.D., Samia M. Abdel-Monem M.D. and Tagnreed F. Mohamed M.Sc 2005 Local
2 Intima Media thickness of the common carotid artery in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Egyptian Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Accepted, 34 (3). Refaat M. El-Tanawy, Amal F. Soliman, Sherine Abdul Fattah 2007 Local
3 Value of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein and YKL-40 as biochemical markers in patients with knee osteoarthritis, 29 (2): 105-113. Amal F. Soliman, Refaat M. El-Tanawy, Noha M. Abd Al Naser, Yasser M. Ismail and Naglaa Ibrahem 2007 Local
4 Anticyclic citrulinated peptide antibodies: Role in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and differentiation from patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection with articular manifestations. The Egyptian rheumatologist, 29 (1): 213-221. Amal F. Soliman, Eman R. Abd Algwad, Mohamed gouda, and Mohamed Darwish 2007 Local
5 Assessment of the implication of epidural steroid injection versus other conservative measures in the management of lumbar disc herniation Amal F. Solimana, Gamal A. Hammada, Ranina I. El-gamala, Mohamed A. Al-Rabieib 2016 International
6 Clinical Association and value of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies immunofluorcent patient in Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. The Egyptian Rheumatologist, 29 (1): 323-333. Amal F. Sioliman, Soha Abd El-Hady, Reem R, Abd El-Glil 2007 Local
7 Clinical Associations and Role of Serum Level of A Proliferation Inducing Ligand in Patients.with Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus Aml Fathy Soliman*, Moneer Serag Al-Din*, Samy Alsaied Eigela*, Khaled Belal 2010 International
8 Detection of carotid athresclerosis in SLE and its relation to risk factor. Egyptian Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Accepted, 34 (4). Refaat M. El-Tanawy, Amal F. Soliman, Sherine Abdul Fattah 2007 Local
9 HLA-DRB1 alleles in Egyptian rheumatoid arthritis patients: relations to anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, disease activity and severity Amal F Soliman Sami El-Said Egaila Amal Idris Ali . , Naglaa Ibrahim Azab ,Hoda H. AL- Gohary 2016 International
10 IMPACT OF AN INTENSIVE DYNAMIC EXERCISE PROGRAM ON OXIDATIVE STRESS AND ON THE OUTCOME IN PATIENTS WITH FIBROMYALGIA Amal Fathy Soliman1*, Gehan Gamal El‑Olemy1, Waleed Ahmed Salah Eldeen Hassan1, Raneyah Hamdy Mahmoud Shaker2, Omminea Alsaied Abdullah3 2016 International
11 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING IN KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS: CORRELATION WITH other VARIABLES Gehan G. El-Olemy ,Mounir S. El-Hanfi, Amal F. Soliman , Abd-Elmegeed M. Mohammedand Mohammed A.Aboud * 2012 International
12 Potential role of calprotectin as a monitoring biomarker for clinical, sonographic activity and treatment outcome in recent onset rheumatoid arthritis Amal F Soliman1, Basant M Elnady1 ,Waleed A Hasan 1, RaneyahHamdy2, Amira I. Mansour3 2016 International
13 Role of Anti-nucleosome Antibodies in the Diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and as A Marker for Lupus Nephropathy Eman R Abdel Gawad, 1Amira I Mansour, 2Yasser A Abdel Aziz, 2Aml F. Soliman, 2Rasha M. Fawzy 2014 International
14 Significance of Anti-C1q Antibodies in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus as A Marker of Disease Activity and Lupus Nephritis 1Amal F Soliman, 1Sami EL-Said Egailla, 2Eman R Abdel Gawad, 2Amira I Mansour,3Tohamy H ElKhouly,1Marwa YA Mahgoub 2016 International
Eman Abdel Alim Abdel Azim Baraka
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (10)
Total (14)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of Endocan Serum Level in Patients with Behçet Disease: Relation to Disease Activity and Carotid Intima Media Thickness Waleed A Hassan1, Eman G Behiry2, Shorouk Abdelshafy3, Tamer Salem4, Eman A Baraka1 2020 Local
2 Clinical significance of soluble programmed death-1(sPD-1) in rheumatoid arthritis patients: Relation to disease activity and functional status Waleed A. Hassan a,*, Eman A. Baraka a, Nehad A. Fouad b 2015 International
3 Clinical significance of soluble programmed death-1(sPD-1) in rheumatoid arthritis patients: Relation to disease activity and functional status Waleed A. Hassan a,*, Eman A. Baraka a, Nehad A. Fouad 2015 International
4 Concomitant Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and Ankylosing Spondylitis: Relation to Clinical Features and Plasma Pentraxin -3 Level Eman Baraka1, Mona Balata2,3, Shereen Ahmed4, Mona El-Blbehisy5 and Enas Elattar2 2021 International
5 Diagnostic Value of Anti-Mutated Citrullinated Vimentin versus Anti- Keratin Anti-bodies In early Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis Ahmed S. Osman1, Somaya M. Desouky1,Mohammed D. Abdel Fattah1, Eman A. Baraka2 and Amira E. Ramadan1. 2016 Local
6 Hyperhomocysteinemia and metabolic syndrome are risk factors for sub-clinical atherosclerosis in women with systemic lupus erythematosus Eman Baraka a,*, Mounir El Dein a, Hesham Farouk b 2015 International
7 Hypovitaminosis D in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: Frequency and Consequences Gehan Elolemy1 M.D. [The corresponding author] Waleed Hassan1 M.D. Mohamed Nasr2 M.D. Eman Baraka1 2021 International
8 Interleukin -37 as an anti-1 inflammatory cytokine: Does its relation to disease activity suggest its 2 potential role in rheumatoid arthritis therapy? Eman Baraka1, Mona Balata2,3, Shereen Ahmed4,Afaf Khamis5 and Enas Elattar2 2021 Local
9 Interleukin-18 Gene Polymorphisms in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Relation to Disease Status ¹Nehad A.Fouad, ²Eman A Baraka, ²Waleed A. Hassan 2014 International
10 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma 5 expression in monocytes from rheumatoid arthritis 6 patients Sahar Saad Ganeb a,*, Abd El-Wahab Shams El-Brashy a, 8 Eman Abdelalim Baraka a, Abeer A. Aboelazm b, Shaza A. Abdul Basset 2015 International
11 Serum and Synovial Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) levels as markers of disease activity and severity in Rheumatoid Arthritis Eman A Baraka and NehadA Fouad 2012 International
12 Serum and synovial survivin in rheumatoid arthritis: Relation to disease activity and severity Eman Barakaa, Mounir Serag El Dina, Ahmed El Shambkya, Nehad A. Fouadb, Mona Abdullah Abdelkadera 2019 Local
13 Serum BLyS and APRIL as possible indicators of disease activity in pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus and juvenile idiopathic arthritis Gehan Gamal Elolemy a,*, Eman Abdelalem Baraka a, Soha Abdelhady Gendy b,Eman Ramadan Abdelgwad c, Abeer Ahmed Aboelazm 2014 International
14 Serum Cystatin C and βeta2 Microglobulin as potential biomarkers in children with lupus nephritis Gehan Elolemy1, Nashwa Hashad1, Eman Baraka1 2021 International
Nashwa Ismail Abd EL Baki Hashad
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (6)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Anti‑vinculin antibodies as a novel biomarker in Egyptian patients with systemic sclerosis Noha Hosni Ibrahim1 · Iman Mahmoud Fawzy2 · Tahany Mahmoud Gouda1 · Rasha Abdel Hameed El Sayed1 ·Maha Hosni Morsi3 · Al Shimaa Mohamed Sabry1 · Nashwa Ismail Hashaad1 2023 International
2 Association of rheumatoid arthritis disease activity, severity with electrocardiographic findings, and carotid artery atherosclerosis Samia M. Abd El-Monema, Ahmed Y. Alia, Nashwa I. Hashaada, Ahmed M. Bendaryb, Hend A.F. Abd El-Aziza 2018 Local
3 Collagen triple-helix repeat containing 1 (CTHRC1) protein in rheumatoid arthritis patients: Relation to disease clinical, radiographic and ultrasound scores Noha H. Ibrahim a,⇑, Nashwa I. Hashaad a, Noha M. Abdelnaser a, Maha H. Morsi b, Iman M. Fawzy c, Rasha Abdel Hameed d, Shaza A. Abdul Basset 2023 International
4 Correlations between ultrasonographic findings, clinical scores, and depression in patients with knee osteoarthritis Samia M Abd El Monaem, Nashwa Ismail Hashaad, Noha Hosni Ibrahim 2017 Local
5 Measurement of serum trace elements levels in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis Soliman A. Yassera, Nashwa I. Hashaada, Ali M. Shouzanb, Hala A. El Noutya 2016 International
6 Prevalence of lower limb deformities among primary school students Sahar Saad Ganeb1, Sami El-Said Egaila1, Abdelmoniem Abdelfattah Younis2, Asmaa Moheiy Abd El-Aziz3 and Nashwa Ismail Hashaad1* 2021 Local
7 Relation between panoramic mandibular index and disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Mounir Serage El‑Din, Hesham Mohamed Farouk, Raghdaa Mohamed Teleb and Nashwa Ismail Hashaad* 2022 Local
8 Relation between panoramic mandibular index and disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Mounir Serage El‑Din, Hesham Mohamed Farouk, Raghdaa Mohamed Teleb and Nashwa Ismail Hashaad* 2022 Local
9 Serum calreticulin as a novel biomarker of juvenile idiopathic arthritis disease activity Nashwa Ismail Hashaad1, Rasha Mohamed Fawzy1, Abeer Ahmed Abo Elazem2, Mohamed Ibrahim Youssef3 2017 International
10 Serum Cystatin C and βeta2 Microglobulin as potential biomarkers in children with lupus nephritis. 2023 International
11 Ultrasonographic findings of the shoulders in Egyptian patients with rheumatoid arthritis Ali Ibrahim Fudaa, Nashwa Ismail Hashaada, Osama Galalb,c, Afaf Mahmoud Azzamc 2017 International
Reffat Moustafa AL-Tanawy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Shereen Abd Alfatah Ebrahim Algergawy
Local Publication (10)
International Publication (5)
Total (15)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 1950 Local
2 Serum TGF-B1 and IL-6 with disease activity parameters in Ankylosing spondylitis. At the Egyptian rheumatologist. Journal. Volume 29, Number 1 2007 Local
3 Carotid intima media thickness, plaques , IL-6 and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis patients among Egyptians Shereen A. Algergawy1*, Abdalwahab Shamsaldeen1, Midhat Rifaat2 and Khaled Belal 2013 International
4 Detection of carotid atherosclerosis in systemic lupus erythromatosus and Its relation to risk factor 2007 Local
5 Early diagnostic and prognostic values of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein in rheumatoid arthritis. Shereen A Algergawy Shereen A Algergawy M Abd El-Sabour M Abd El-Sabour Ahmed S Osman Ahmed S Osman Sherin M Emam Sherin M Emam N ElhamAlgergawy, SA, Abd El-Sabour M, Osman AS, Emam SM, Elham N 2015 International
6 Effect of exercise VS fluextine on physical activity and mood fibromyalgia. At Egyptian Rheumatologist Journal. Volume 29, Number 2 2007 Local
7 Evaluation of Cardiac Involvement by ECG and ECHO in Different Grades of Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Its Relation to Activity and Nontraditional Risk Factor Shereen Algergawy, Abdalwahab Shamsaldeen, Eman Abdalgwaad 2013 International
8 Intima media thickness of the common carotid artery in rheumatoid arthritis patients . 2007 Local
9 JOURNAL ARTICLE e23 Musical therapy as a new strategy for pain in fibromyalgia Shereen Algergawy Rheumatology, Volume 57, Issue suppl_3, April 2018 2023 Local
10 Measurement of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-3), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) and pyridinoloine in patients with Generalized osteoarthritis. Benha Medical Journal. Volume 23, Number 2 2006 Local
11 Serum and synovial fluid concentration of soluble granzyme B in early rheumatoid arthritis 2007 Local
12 Serum soluble TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) in pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus. At Egyptian Rheumatologist Journal. Volume 30, Number 1 2008 Local
13 Thyroid disorders and autoantibodies in systemic lupus erythromatosus. 2007 Local
14 Urinary Angiostatin As Alternative To Biopsy In Lupus Nephritis Patients Among Egyptian. Algergawy1, Shereen, Alshaar2, Osama, Zakaria3, Rania Algergawy1, Shereen, Alshaar2, Osama, Zakaria3, Rania 2013 International
15 VITAMIN D THERAPY AMONG EGYPTIAN SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS PATIENTS Algergawy, Shereen Title: Algergawy, Shereen 2017 International
Waleed Ahmed Salah El Deen
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (14)
Total (16)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of left ventricular function and aortic elastic properties in patients with Behc ¸ et’s disease using conventional and tissue Doppler echocardiography Assessment of left ventricular function and aortic elastic properties in patients with Behçet’s disease using conventional and tissue Doppler echocardiography. Available from: Waleed A. Hassan;Hany H. Ebaid 2015 International
2 Characteristics, evolution, and outcome of patients with non-infectious uveitis referred for rheumatologic assessment and management: an Egyptian multicenter retrospective study Waleed A. Hassan1 & Basma M. Medhat2 & Maha M. Youssef3 & Yomna Farag4 & Noha Mostafa4 &Alshaimaa R. Alnaggar5 & Mervat E. Behiry5,6 & Rasha A. Abdel Noor7 & Riham S. H. M Allam3 2021 International
3 Clinical significance of interleukin 27 serum concentration in patients with systemic sclerosis: relation to clinical, laboratory and radiological parameters Waleed A. Hassana , Gamal A. Hamaada , Emtethal A. Sayeda , Mona M. El Behisyb , Manal K. Gomaa 2019 Local
4 Clinical significance of soluble programmed death-1(sPD-1) in rheumatoid arthritis patients: Relation to disease activity and functional status Waleed A. Hassan; Eman Baraka; Nehad Fouad 2015 International
5 Comorbidity of Fibromyalgia in Primary Knee Osteoarthritis: Potential Impact on Functional Status and Quality of Life Marwa Yahia Mahgoub 1Basant Mohamed Elnady 1Haytham Sayed Abdelkader 2Raghdaa AbdelkhaleqAbdelhalem 2Waleed Ahmed Hassan 2020 International
6 Development and initial validation of a composite disease activity score for systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis 2021 Local
8 Musculoskeletal ultrasonographic evaluation of lower limb enthesopathy in ankylosing spondylitis and Behcet’s disease: relation to clinical status and disease activity Eman Baraka; Waleed A. Hassan 2016 International
9 nterleukin-18 Gene Polymorphisms in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Relation to Disease Status ¹Nehad A.Fouad, ²Eman A Baraka, ²Waleed A. Hassan 2014 International
10 Potential role of Vitamin K in radiological progression of early knee osteoarthritis patients Abd-El Wahab S. El-Brashy1, Refaat M. El-Tanawy1, Waleed A Hassan1, Howyda M. Shaban2, Menna MI Bhnasawy1 2016 International
11 Potential role of Vitamin K in radiological progression of early knee osteoarthritis patients Abd-El Wahab S. El-Brashy1, Refaat M. El-Tanawy1, Waleed A Hassan1, Howyda M. Shaban2, Menna MI Bhnasawy1 2016 International
12 Prevalence and clinical significance of nonorgan specific antibodies in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis as predictor markers for rheumatic diseases Basant M. Elnady, MDa,b, Naglaa M. Kamal, MDc,d,∗ , Raneyah H.M. Shaker, MDe , Amal F. Soliman, MDa , Waleed A. Hasan, MDa , Hamed A. Alghamdi, MDd,f, Mohammed M. Algethamig , Mohamed Bilal Jajah, MDg 2016 International
13 Proptosis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Waleed A Hassan; 2015 International
14 Serum soluble CD 163 and its relation to various disease parameters in patients with systemic sclerosis Waleed A. Hassan; Eman Baraka; Basant Elnady 2016 International
15 Serum, synovial and mRNA expression of interleukin-33 in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients: Potential role as a marker of disease activity and relation to musculoskeletal ultrasound Enas Noor-eldeen a, Waleed A. Hassan b,⇑, Eman G. Behiry c, Abd El-hameed Abd El-monem 2020 International
16 Urinary Soluble Alpha Chain of the Interleukin-2 Receptor as a Biomarker of Active Lupus Nephritis in Egyptian Children With Juvenile Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Waleed HASSAN1, Eman BEHIRY2, Marwa MAHGOUB1 2021 International
Yasser Abdel Aziz Abdel Hammed Ai
Local Publication (19)
International Publication (0)
Total (19)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A study of serum and synovial fluid concentrations of soluble granzyme B in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis. Paper published in the journal of the Egyptian Rheumatology & Rehabilitation. October (2007), 34(4). 2007 Local
2 Anti-nucleosome antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus as a diagnostic tool and useful marker for lupus nephropathy. Single author paper published in the journal of the Egyptian Rheumatology & Rehabilitation. October (2008), 35(4). 2008 Local
3 Assessment of fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis. - Paper published in Benha Medical journal. Sept. (2001), 18(3) 2001 Local
4 Assessment of joint damage from analysis of released bone sialoprotein into synovial fluid of rheumatoid arthritis patients. - Paper published in Benha Medical journal. Jan. (2001), 18(1). 2001 Local
5 Behcet’s disease: HLA B51 subtypes distribution in Egyptian patients. - Single author paper published in the Pan arab journal of Dermatology. February (2003), 14(1). 2003 Local
6 Cardiac disease in systemic lupus erythematosus and its relation to antiphospholipid antibodies. - Paper published in Benha Medical journal. Sept. (2002), 19(3). 2002 Local
7 Circulating levels of endothelin 1 in patients with systemic sclerosis: relationship to specific organ involvement. Single author paper published in Benha Medical journal. Sept. (2008), 25(3). 2008 Local
8 Clinical associations of autoantibodies against monomeric C-reactive protein in systemic lupus erythematosus. Single author paper published in Benha Medical journal. May. (2008), 25(2). 2008 Local
9 Markers of type II collagen synthesis and degradation as a predictor of radiographic progression in knee osteoarthritis. Single author paper published in Benha Medical journal. Sept. (2007), 24(3). 2007 Local
10 Matrix metalloproteinases 3, 9 and tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase 1 in paired serum and synovial fluid samples of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis. Paper published in the journal of the Egyptian Rheumatologist. May. (2006), 28(2). 2006 Local
11 Prevalence and clinical significance of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis. Paper published in the journal of the Egyptian Rheumatologist. Jan. (2005), 26(1). 2005 Local
12 Prevalence and clinical significance of antikeratin antibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. - Paper published in the journal of the Egyptian Rheumatologist. Sept. (2003), 25(3). 2003 Local
13 Pulmonary involvement in systemic connective tissue diseases and assessment of their effect on pulmonary functions. - Paper published in the journal of the Egyptian Rheumatologist. May (2003), 25(2) 2003 Local
14 Relationship between serum levels of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) and radiographic progression of knee osteoarthritis. - Single author paper published in the journal of the Egyptian Rheumatologist. Sept. (2003), 25(3). 2003 Local
15 Serum and synovial fluid osteocalcin in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Insight into the relation between markers of bone, cartilage and synovial tissue turnover. - Single author paper published in the journal of the Egyptian Rheumatologist. May (2003), 25(2) 2003 Local
16 Serum and synovial fluid TGF-β1 in ankylosing spondylitis patients. Paper published in the journal of the Egyptian Rheumatology & Rehabilitation. December (2004), 31(5). 2004 Local
17 Serum enzyme activities in athletes in association with cardiorespiratory fitness parameters. - Paper published in Benha Medical journal. Sept. (2000), 17(3). 2000 Local
18 Study of physiological and health related quality of life changes following exercise training in female patients with successful percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction. Paper published in the journal of the Egyptian Rheumatologist. Jan. (2006), 28(1). 2006 Local
19 Study of vascular endothelial growth factor and fibroblast growth factor-2 in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients. - Single author paper published in the journal of the Egyptian Rheumatologist. Jan. (2003), 25(1). 2003 Local
ahmed aboghneemah
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (4)
Total (4)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Influence of adipocytokines and IL-6 on ankylosing spondylitis disease activity and functional status 2013 International
2 Role of T helper 17 Cells in the Pathogenesis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Ahmed T Abou Ghanima, 1Gehan G Elolemy, 1Sahar S Ganeb, 2Abeer A Abo Elazem, 3Eman R Abdelgawad 2012 International
3 Role of T helper 17 cells in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus. 2012 International
4 Urinary podocalyxin and nephrin levels as biomarkers in lupus nephritis patients: Relation to renal involvement and disease activity Ahmed T. Abou Ghanima a,*, Mohammed F. Almaghraby b, Hossam M. Elsaadany c, Mohammed A. Hosny d, Roobina K. Kumar 2015 International
Arwa Elsayed Amer
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (12)
Total (14)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A study of the association between Galectin-9 gene (LGALS9) polymorphisms and rheumatoid arthritis in Egyptian patients Seham Gouda Ameen1 , Magda Abd el‑Aziz Zidan1 , Arwa S. Amer2* , Nessma Fathy Elshahat1 and Walid Abd Ellatif Abd Elhalim1 2023 International
2 A study of the Association between Plasma Interleukin-21 Gene Polymorphism and the Susceptibility to Rheumatoid Arthritis in Egyptian Patients Soheir A. Abdelsamea a , Rana A. Khashaba a , Arwa S. Amer b , Omnia A. khalifa a , Seham G.Ameen a 2024 Local
3 Anti-Carbamylated protein antibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: relation to clinical, radiological and musculoskeletal ultrasound assessment Arwa S. Amer1; Yasser Abdel Aziz Abdel Hammed1; Refaat Moustafa El-Tanawy1; Amal Fathy Soliman Mostafa1; Sherin Mohammad Emam2 2019 International
4 Clinico‑serological associations of urinary activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule in systemic lupus erythematosus and lupus nephritis Arwa S. Amer1 · Samia M. Abdel moneam1 · Nashwa I. Hashaad1 · Eman M. Yousef1 · Dalia M. Abd El‑Hassib2 2024 International
5 Correlations between Serum prohepcidin level disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematous Sahar S. Ganeba, Gamal A.E. Hamada, Refaat M. El-Tanawya, Nashwa I. Hashaada, Inas A. Ahmedb,c, Dalia K. Gomaha, Arwa S. Amera 2016 International
6 Drug Induced Lupus in Rheumatoid arthritis patient, a case report Arwa Amer 2015 International
7 Galectin-3 and its correlation with carotid ultrasound in rheumatoid arthritis patients Arwa S. Amer1* , Amal Fathy Soliman1 , Mohamed“ Mohamed Hosny” Fahem2 , A L‑Shaimaa Mahmoud AL‑Tabbakh3 and Samah Abdelbaset Hussein1 2023 International
8 Hematological indices in psoriatic enthesopathy: relation to clinical and ultrasound evaluation Arwa S. Amer1 · Ahmed Y. Al Shambaky1 · Seham G. Ameen2 · Amira Khalil Sobih 2024 International
9 Implication of plasma gelsolin in systemic lupus erythematosus patients Arwa S. Amer, Samia M. Abdel moneam, Amal F. Soliman, Seham G. Ameen , Ghada M. Mosaad, 2022 International
10 Molecular Investigation of MEFV gene polymorphism among patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever-like symptoms Nashwa E. Ahmed1, Walaa Bayoumie El Gazzar2,1*, Arwa S. Amer3, Medhat Elamawy4, Hiam Abdallah Eleleimy4, Ola El-Shimi5, Mai Elmahdy6, Marwa Said El-Sayed7, Shaymaa M. Abdelrahman1 2024 International
11 Serum Amyloid-A in Behçet’s Disease: Relation to Clinical Manifestations and Disease Activity Arwa S. Amer*1 , Ali Ibrahim Fouda1 , Abdel Wahab Shams Eldin Elbrashy1 , Nashwa E. Ahmed2 , Hadeel Mohamed Mahmoud1 2024 Local
12 Serum Pohepcidin concentrations in patients with Rheumatoid arthritis Arwa S. Amer, Sahar S. Ganeba, Gamal A.E. Hamada, Refaat M. El-Tanawya Nashwa I. Hashaada, Inas A. Ahmed, Dalia K. Gomaha, 2016 International
13 Serum Prohepcidin Concentrations in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Arwa EL-Sayed Abdel Rahman Amer 2014 International
14 The Clinical Utility of Faecal Calprotectin in Patients with Differentiated and Undifferentiated Spondyloarthritis: Relevance and Clinical Implications Yasser Emada,∗, Yasser Ragabb, Nevin Hammamc,d, Nashwa El-Shaarawye, Magdy Fawzif , Arwa Amer g, Hesham El-Makhzangy h, Ahmed Ismail i , Ossama Ibrahimj , Yosra Hassank, Ahmed Kamall , Johannes J. Rasker 2022 International
Basant M. Elnady Eisawy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (6)
Total (6)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
2 Potential role of calprotectin as a monitoring biomarker for clinical, sonographic activity and treatment outcome in recent onset rheumatoid arthritis Amal F Soliman; Basant M Elnady; Waleed A Hasan ;RaneyahHamdy; Amira I. Mansour3 2016 International
3 Prevalence and clinical significance of non-organ specific antibodies in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis as predictor markers for rheumatic diseases Basant M Elnady1 , Naglaa M Kamal2, Amal F Soliman1 ,Waleed A Hasan 1, RaneyahHamdy3, Hamed A. Alghamdi 4, Mohammed M Algethami5, M Bilal Jajah 2016 International
4 Serum Soluble CD 163 and its relation to various disease parameter in patients with systemic sclerosis W Hassan; Basant M Elnady;Eman A. Baraka; Tahany M. Gouda; Nehad A. Fouad 2016 International
5 The implication of tissue Doppler echocardiography and cardiopulmonary exercise in early detection of cardiac dysfunction in systemic lupus erythematosus patients Basant M. Elnady1, Ayman S. Mohamed 2, El Shazly Abdul Khalik 3, Mohammed M. Algethami4, A.S. Basiony5 ,Mona Al-otaibi 6, Maram Alotaibi6 2016 International
6 Validity of Doppler subclinical synovitis as an activity marker associated with bone erosions in rheumatoid arthritis patients during clinical remission Tohamy H Elkhouly ; Basant M Elnady 2016 International
eman kamel
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
2 Segmental Anthropomeic study in juvenile Rheumatold Arthritis Eman Mouhamad Mounir Kamel 1993 International
Gehan Gamal El-din Mohammed El-olemy
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (3)
Total (5)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A study of intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors in falls among the elderly.The Egyptian Rheumatologist 2008 Local
2 Detection of Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis in urine in patients with Systemic lupus erethematosus 2008 Local
3 Influence of adipocytokines and IL-6 on ankylosing spondylitis disease activity and functional status Gehan Gamal Elolemy, Sahar Saad Ganeb, Ahmed Taha Abou Ghanima, Eman Ramadan Abdelgwad 2013 International
4 Role of T helper 17 Cells in the Pathogenesis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Ahmed T Abou Ghanima, Gehan G Elolemy, Sahar S Ganeb, Abeer A Abo Elazem, Eman R Abdelgawad 2012 International
5 Serum BLyS and APRIL as possible indicators of disease activity in pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus and juvenile idiopathic arthritis Gehan Gamal Elolemy, Eman Abdelalem Baraka, Soha Abdelhady Gendy, Eman Ramadan Abdelgwad, Abeer Ahmed Aboelazm 2014 International
Marwa Yahia Ahmed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (8)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Primary Osteoarthritis Egyptian Patients 2020 International
2 Comorbidity of Fibromyalgia in Primary Knee Osteoarthritis: Potential Impact on Functional Status and Quality of Life 2020 International
3 Consistency of Visual Evoked Potential in Extraocular Manifestations of Behcet Disease and Impact of Corticosteroid Treatment M Mahgoub, M Elmohamady 2019 International
4 Genetic influence of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene (IL1RN) on osteoarthritis of the hand and knee Marwa Yahia Ahmed Mahgoub, Samia Mohamed Abdel Moneim, Amal Idris Aly, Sahar Saad Ganeb 2014 International
5 Renalase and lupus nephritis: disease activity and histopathological classification 2020 International
6 Serum IL17 and IL4R RS1805010 genotypes: relationship with rheumatoid arthritis disease activity in Egyptian patients 2017 International
7 The Blood Cells Ultrastructure Electron Microscopy Changes: Reflection on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 2019 International
8 Urinary Soluble Alpha Chain of the Interleukin-2 Receptor as a Biomarker of Active Lupus Nephritis in Egyptian Children with Juvenile Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 2020 International
9 Validity of endocan as a biomarker in systemic sclerosis pathogenesis and disease activity 2019 Local
Noha Hosni Ibrahim Ali Morsi
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (7)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A study of interleukin-33 in rheumatoid arthritis patients Noha Hosni 2015 Local
2 Anti-vinculin antibodies as a novel biomarker in Egyptian patients with systemic sclerosis Noha Hosni Ibrahim 1, Iman Mahmoud Fawzy 2, Tahany Mahmoud Gouda 3, Rasha Abdel Hameed El Sayed 3, Maha Hosni Morsi 4, Al Shimaa Mohamed Sabry 3, Nashwa Ismail Hashaad 2022 International
3 Collagen triple-helix repeat containing 1 (CTHRC1) protein in rheumatoid arthritis patients: Relation to disease clinical, radiographic and ultrasound scores Noha H.Ibrahim,Nashwa I.Hashaad,Noha M.Abdelnaser,Maha H.Morsi,Iman M.Fawzy,RashaAbdel Hameed,Shaza A.Abdul Basset 2023 International
4 Correlations between ultrasonographic findings, clinical scores, and depression in patients with knee osteoarthritis Samia M Abd El Monaem, Nashwa Ismail Hashaad, and Noha Hosni Ibrahim 2017 International
5 Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) versus local corticosteroid injection in treatment of lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) in athletes: clinical and ultrasonographic evaluation Noha Hosni Ibrahim, Refaat Mostafa El Tanawy, Amal Fathy Soliman Mostafa & Mayada Fawzy Mahmoud 2021 International
6 Serum fibrinogen to albumin ratio in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: correlation with disease activity and severity Noha Hosni Ibrahim, Mounir Serag-El Deen El Hanafy, Abdel Wahab Shams-El Deen El Brashy & Enas Adel Abd-Elmonem 2022 International
7 Study of serum and synovial fluid Dickkopf-1 levels in patients with primary osteoarthritis of the knee joint in correlation with disease activity and severity Noha Hosni Ibrahim, Samia Mohammed Abdel-Monem, Abdel-Wahab S. E. Elbarashy, Heba A. W. Elhussieny & Rasha A. H. Elsayed 2020 International
8 Ultrasonographic findings in patients with chronic kidney disease with asymptomatic hyperuricemia Nashwa Ismail Hashaad, Sahar Saad Ganeb, Saddam A. A. Hassan, Shimaa Hamdeen Mohamed & Noha Hosni Ibrahim 2022 International
Noha maher mohamed abd elnaser
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (2)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 VITAMIN D LEVEL IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PATIENTS IN SAUDI ARABIA AND ITS CORRELATION WITH DISEASE ACTIVITY AND MOOD CHANGES Noha Maher Abdelnaser 1, Shaza Abdul Basset Abdul Basset 2, Hanan Abdelaziz Mahdy3, Rasha M. Soubhy Elkhouly4, , Ahmed A.G.Ibrahim5 2022 Local
2 An Insight on pathogenesis of systemic lupus Erythmatosus –Induced Anemia of Chronic Diseases Ai – Sayed – El –Manzalawy; Faisal Omran; Noha Abd Elnassar * Esnail H. Mahmoud **+ & Bashier Hamza **+ 2022 Local
4 Collagen triple-helix repeat containing 1 (CTHRC1) protein in rheumatoid arthritis patients: Relation to disease clinical, radiographic and ultrasound scores Noha H. Ibrahim a,⇑, Nashwa I. Hashaad a, Noha M. Abdelnaser a, Maha H. Morsi b, Iman M. Fawzy c, Rasha Abdel Hameed d, Shaza A. Abdul Basset a 2022 Local
5 EARLY VOCAL FOLD PRESENTATION OF AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES Osama Alsayad MD, Noha Maher MD* and Ehab Abd Rahem M.Sc.** 2006 Local
6 MRI ASSESSMENT OF MILITARY RECRUITS WITH SUSPECTED TIBIAL STRESS INJURIES Faisal Omran, Al-Sayed El-Manzalawy, Noha Abd Elnassert, Hesham El-Shickh* & Sarhaf Kamara, FRCR* 2022 Local
9 Serum Level Of Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein As A Marker For Joint Damage In Patients With Osteoarthritis Al-Sayed El-Manzalawy; Faisal Omran; Noha Abd Elnasser* Esmail H. Mahmoud *† & Bashier Hamza **‡ 2022 Local
10 VALUE OF CARTILAGE OLIGOMERIC MATRIX PROTEIN AND YKL-40 AS BIOCHEMICAL MARKERS IN PATIENTS WITH KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS Amal F. Soliman, Refaat Mostafa Al-Tanawy, Noha M. Abd-Alnaser, Yasser M. "Ismail and **Naglaa Ibrahem Azab. 2022 Local
Rasha Mohamed Fawzy Mohamed Abd Eaziz
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (9)
Total (13)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Association of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio with disease activity indices and musculoskeletal ultrasound findings in recent onset rheumatoid arthritis patients Rasha M. Fawzy a,⇑, Emtethal A. Said a, Amira I. Mansour b 2017 International
2 Association of tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) 308A/G (rs1800629) gene polymorphism with carotid artery atherosclerosis in rheumatoid arthritis patients Rasha M. Fawzy a,⇑, Gamal A. Hammada, Samy E. Egila a, Amira N. Elkasas a,b, Nehad A. Fouad c 2020 Local
3 Clinical significance of Matrilin-3 gene polymorphism in Egyptian patients with primary knee osteoarthritis Safia M. Diab1, Howyda M. Kamal1, Amira I. Mansour1, Rasha M. Fawzy2, Basma S. Azab1 2016 International
4 Decrease of serum biomarker of type II Collagen degradation (Coll2-1) by intra-articular injection of an autologous plasma-rich-platelet in patients with unilateral primary knee osteoarthritis Rasha Mohamed Fawzy1, Nashwa Ismail Hashaad1, Amira Ibrahim Mansour2 2017 International
5 Depression in Behçet’s disease patients: Relationship with disease pattern, activity and quality of life Rasha M. Fawzy a,⇑, Shorouk F. Abd-Elmaksoud b, Gehan G. Elolemy 2021 International
6 Human Parvovirus B19 Infection in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: Screening and Clinical Significance Abeer A. Aboelazm1, Sherin M. Emam1, Gehan G. Elolemy2, Rasha M. Fawzy2 2018 Local
7 Musculoskeletal ultrasound on the hand and wrist in systemic sclerosis Rasha M. Fawzy 2016 International
8 Serum and synovial fluid interleukin-17 concentrations in rheumatoid arthritis patients: Relation to disease activity, radiographic severity and power Doppler ultrasound Medhat A. Farag a, Fouad E. El Debaky a, Shaymaa M. Abd El-Rahman a, Samah M. Abd el-khalek a, Rasha M. Fawzy b,⇑ 2020 Local
9 Serum calreticulin as a novel biomarker of juvenile idiopathic arthritis disease activity Nashwa Ismail Hashaad1, Rasha Mohamed Fawzy1, Abeer Ahmed Abo Elazem2, Mohamed Ibrahim Youssef3 2017 International
10 Serum Interleukin-33 in Behcet's Disease: Its Relation to Disease Activity and Clinical Manifestations 1Rasha M. Fawzy, 1Emtethal A. Said, 2Soha M. Mohamed, 3Nehad A. Fouad, 4Essam M. Akl 2015 International
11 Serum Level of Interleukin-37 and Expression of Its mRNA in Ankylosing Spondylitis Patients: Possible Role in Osteoporosis 1Rasha M. Fawzy, 1Sahar S. Ganeb, 1Emtethal A. Said, 2Nehad A. Fouad 2016 International
12 The association of urinary plasmin level with renal involvement and disease flare among systemic lupus erythematosus patients Rasha Fawzy1, Mounir Serag1, Amal Soliman1, Sania Elwia2, Samia Mojahed3 2022 Local
13 The current status of Toxoplasma gondii infection among Egyptian rheumatoid arthritis patients Nagwa Mostafa El-Sayed1*, Shereen Magdy Kishik2, Rasha Mohamed Fawzy3 2016 International
ahmed ibrahim03
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Serum 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Concentration in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Its Association with Disease Activity in Adult Saudi Arabian Women Tamer Saber a, Ahmad A., G., Ibrahim b, Adel Ahmed Ziada 2014 International
2 THE EFFECT OF METFORMIN ON MARKERS OF BONE METABOLISM IN MALE PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS Fayez Elkenawy Mohamed 1, Fathy Elsayed Abdelgawad 2, Tamer Saber 3, Ahmad A.G. Ibrahim 4 2014 International
Asmaa Mohammed Abdel Aziz Shoshan
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Association between microalbuminuria and metabolic syndrome in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Asma Mohammed Shoshan 2017 International
2 The frequency of musculoskeletal manifestations among psoriatic patients A.I.Fouda, G.A.Hammad, R.M.Fawzy, A.I.El-Taweel and A.M.Shoshan 2021 Local
Doaa Reyad Lasheen
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (1)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Elastosonography and electrodiagnosis in relation to symptomatic and functional grading of carpal tunnel syndrome M Yahia, A El Shambaky, D Lasheen 2024 Local
2 Sonoelastography of the Median Nerve in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Correlation with Nerve Conduction Studies D.R.Lasheen, S.M.Abdelmoneam, A.Y.El Shambaky and M.Y.Mahgoub 2022 Local
3 The use of quantitative muscle ultrasound as a follow up tool in myositis and neuromuscular diseases in children Doaa Reyad Abo El Fotoh Lasheen, Abd El Wahab Shams El Din El-Brashy, Sahar Saad Ganeb, Elham Abd El Ghafar Mohammady, Waleed Ahmed Salah El-Din Hasan 2017 International
eman wageeh mahdy elshorpagy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Antichromatin Antibodies as a Marker Detection of Lupus Nephropathy Eman Wageeh El Shorpagy, Mohamed Zakaria Eraki, Magda M. Nagati, Yasser Abd El-Aziz, Sahar Saad Ganeb 2010 International
hoda elsayed mohamed deraz
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of Shoulder Joint Involvement In Chronic Hemodialysis patients: an Ultrasonographic study Ahmed Y. Alshambkya, Sahar S. Ganeba, Rasha M. Fawzya, Rizk S. Rizk b, Hoda E. Deraza 2019 International
Miada El Sayed Yosef
Local Publication (3)
International Publication (1)
Total (4)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Correlation between Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor (VEGF) and Muscular ultrasonography findings in Rheumatoid arthritis M.Y. Khalil, A.Y. 2023 Local
2 Hypovitaminosis D and Systemic Lupus Erythematous Activity and Related Neuropathy: Clinical Correlation Mohamed Abd Ellatif Afifi*1, Mahmoud Rizk1, Walid Abdel Halim2, Mayada Khalil3, Wael Gabr4, Mohamed Kamal5, Ahmed Mohamed Hussein1 2023 Local
3 Serum B Lymphocyte Chemoattractant Protein13 (CXCL13 ) And MusculoskeletalUltrasonographic Findings In Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Sami Elsaid Mohammed Egila a,*, Gamal Abd Alghfar Hamad a, Eman Abdel-Aleem Baraka b, Mayada Elsayed yousief Khalil c 2016 International
4 Serum GDF-15 Level in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Relation to Disease Activity and Severity M.E.Khalil1, M.S.Elhanafy1, S.E.Eigela1, H.E.Nasr2. and M.E.ELgendy3 2023 Local
Olfat Gamal El-saeid El-Said
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of Neuropathic Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: Relation to Clinical and Laboratory findings A.S.Elbrashy, A.F.Soliman, M.E.Khalil, N.H.Ibrahim, O.G.El Saeid 2022 Local
2 Impact of chronic hepatitis C virus infection on patients with systemic lupus erythematosus Rasha M. Fawzy1, Sami E.Egilh1, Gamal A. Hammad1, Ahmed M. Dabour2,Olfat Gamal El Saeid 2017 International
Shaza Abdul Basset Abdul Basset
Local Publication (3)
International Publication (3)
Total (6)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Primary Osteoarthritis Egyptian Patients Altmetric Listen Original Research Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Primary Osteoarthritis Egyptian Patients Marwa Yahia Mahgoub,Ahmed Taha Abou Ghanima,Mohamed Nagy Elmohamady,Shaza Abdul Basset 2020 International
2 Association of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL1RN) genetic variants with severity of knee osteoarthritis Inas A. Ahmed, Amira Mansour , Basant M. Elnady , Shaza A. Abdul Basset ,Iman Mohammad Fawzy 2016 Local
3 Association of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL1RN) genetic variants with severity of knee osteoarthritis 2016 Local
4 Collagen triple-helix repeat containing 1 (CTHRC1) protein in rheumatoid arthritis patients: Relation to disease clinical, radiographic and ultrasound scores Noha H. Ibrahim , Nashwa I. Hashaad , Noha M. Abdelnaser , Maha H. Morsi , Iman M. Fawzy Rasha Abdel Hameed , Shaza A. Abdul Basset 2023 International
5 Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma Expression In Monocytes From Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Shaza abdul basset 2015 International
6 Vitamin D Level in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in Saudi Arabia and its Correlation with Disease Activity and Mood Changes Noha M. Abdelnaser a , Shaza A. Abdul Basset a , Hanan A. Mahdy b , Rasha M. ELkhouly c , Ahmed A. Ibrahim a 2023 Local
Abir kamal eldien morsi abd
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Asmaa Fathy Hamed Afia
Local Publication (2)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Significance of serum albumin and derived neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio score in assessment of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis patients Sahar Ganeb, Sami Egaila, Asmaa Hamed and Waleed Hassan 2021 Local
2 The hemogram parameters in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Relation to disease activity and ultrasound findings Waleed A. Hassan; Rana A. Khashaba; Asmaa F. Hamed; Arwa S. Amer 2025 Local
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Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Medication Adherence in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis : A comparative study Faten Mohamed Abdel Tawab, Yasser Abdelaziz Abdelhameed, Sahar Saad Ganeb, Waleed Ahmed Salah Eldin. 2023 Local
2 Prevalence of comorbidities in rheumatoid arthritis patients Faten Mohamed Abdel Tawab, Ali Ibrahim Fouda, abdelwahab Shams Eldin El barashy, Noha hosni Ibrahim 2019 International
Noha Ebrahim abdelmoemin Ebrahim
Local Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Ocular Manifestations of Pediatric Rheumatic Diseases Ali E. Foudal, Waleed A.Hassenl,Ahmed Abdelshafy2, Noha Ebrahim Abdelmoemin 1 and Arwa S.Amer1 2023 Local
Rehab Mohammed Rabee Awad
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Role of PTPN22 1858 T/C Polymorphisms in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis in Egyptian Patients Yasser A Soliman1, Nashwa I. Hashaad1, Sherin M Emam2, Rehab R Mohamed1. 2017 International
2 Ultrasonographic assessment of lower lonb enthesopathy in systemic lupus erythromatosis patients 2023 Local
Asmaa Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Elbanhawy
Local Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Comparative Study between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis regarding Association of Insomnia with Disease Status rasha mohamed fawzy، samia mohamed abdelmonem ،abdelwahab shams eldeen ،asmaa ahmed mohamed. 2022 Local
Esraa Elsayed Mahmoud ELsayed
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Factors Associated with Sleep Disturbances in SLE Patients: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study Esraa Elsayed Mahmoud Elsayed, Yasser Abdelaziz Abdelhameed, Noha Hosni Ibrahim 2024 Local