Publication From Year: Publication TO Year:

Faculty of Medicine: Department of UROLOGY

Total number of Publications in the Department of UROLOGY - Faculty of Medicine is 508

Mohamed Abd Elzahar
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Abd El Aziz Abd El Halim Abd El Wahed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (3)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 the potential benefits of second TURBT in patients with newly diagnosed superficial bladder tumors and impact on treatment strategey Abdel Aziz omar 2007 International
2 the surgical importace of reduced seminal aipha glucosidase activity among ozoospermic pateints abdel aziz omar samy tosson khalid el gamal mohamed abdel zaher tarek el karamany 2007 International
3 varicocelectomy under local anesthesia abdelaziz omar 2008 International
Abdelmoniem ahmed mohamed marzouk
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (5)
Total (5)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 أهمية البروتين (ب 53) كأحد دلالات الأورام فى مرضى سرطان المثانة البولية Valalue of P53 protein as a tumor marker in patients with transitional cell bladder cancer . د/عبد المنعم مرزوق ، د/خالد الجمل ، محمد عبد الظاهر ، د/سامى طوسون ، د/عوض العبد . 2005 International
2 أهمية الفحص الشرجى بالدوبلر الملون لتشخيص أمراض البروستاتا المختلفة Value of transrectal color Doppler ultrasound for evaluation of prostatic lesions د/عبد المنعم مرزوق ، د/خالد الجمل ، د/أحمد ابو طالب ، د/عادل ابو طالب ، د/خالد نوير . 2005 International
3 أهمية فحص ديناميكية التبول فى مراجعة عدة مفاهيم عن التهابات البروستاتا المزمنة Role of urodynamic findings in revision of many oncepts about chronic prostatitis syndrome د/محمد عبد الظاهر ، د/عبد المنعم مرزوق ، د/خالد الجمل ، د/هشام العزبى ، د/ايمن صفوت 2004 International
4 استخدام اسلوب حقن الدهون التى اخذت من المريض نفسه خارج قناة مجرى التبول لعلاج مرضى السلس البولى . Periurethral autologous fat injection in the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence د/سامى طوسون ، د/عبد المنعم مرزوق ، د/اسماعيل عثمان ، د/محمد عبد العظيم ، د/خالد عبد الله . 2002 International
5 تقييم الطريقة المعدلة لتحويل شريط قناة مجرى البول بعد شقة الى انبوبة (سنوديجراس) لعلاج العيوب الخلقية الامامية لقناة مجرى البول التى لم يجرى لها عمليات والتى اجرى لها عمليات سابقة Modified tabularized incised plate urethroplasty (snodgrass) for primary and reoperated distal hypospadias د/عبد المنعم مرزوق ، د/خالد الجمل ، د/محمد عبد الظاهر ، د/على الشاذلى 2005 International
Adel Hafez Hassan Al-Fallah
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Chronic bacterial Prostatitis a trial of treatment via transurethral local injection of antibiotics. 2016 International
2 Posterior Lumbatomy versus classical Flank incision A comparative study 2016 International
Ahmed Mahamoud Abd Elbaky Zahran
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (11)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Management of benign prostatic obstruction using bipolar plasma kinetic energy in coagulopathic patients: Initial series A. Abou-Taleb, M. Khalil, A. Sebaey, H. Shaher, A. Abdelbaky, Y. Noureldin 2015 International
2 Role of trans-rectal 3D power Doppler angio-mode in the detection of prostatic cancer: correlation with biopsy outcome a. abdel baky 2015 International
3 Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery in Urology Hammouda Sherif, Magdy El-Tabey, Ahmed Abo-taleb, Ahmed Abdelbaky 2015 International
4 Thermo-expandable prostatic stent for management of acute urinary retention secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia in high risk patients Tarek El-Karamany, M.D.; Ahmed Abou Taleb, M.D.; Ashraf AbdelAal, M.D.;and Ahmed Abdel Baky, M.D. 2010 International
5 Varicocele induced hypoxia and male infertility قلة الاكسجين الناتجة عن دوالى الحبل المنوى وتأثيرها على عقم الرجال a. AbdelBaky 2015 International
6 أهمية حمض السيالك الكلى والدهنى بالدم والبول كدلالات لأورام المثانة Significiance of total and lipid bound sialic acid in serum and urine ad markers for bladder cancer. a. AbdelBaky 2015 International
7 أورام داخله ظهار البروستاتا نسبة حدوثها وأهميتها وعلاجها Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN): incidence, clinical significance and management a. abdel Baky 2015 International
8 المثانة الصناعية من الامعاء الدقيقة لمعدلة على شكل الحرف (W) مع استعمال الصمام الدفنى المصلى الجدارى الخارجى لإعادة زرع الحالبين خبرة التعامل مع 58 مريضا Orthotopic W-shaped ileal neobladder with serous lined extramural ureteral reimplantation : experience with 58 patients a. AbdelBaky, A. Aboutaleb 2015 International
9 النتائج الأولية لتقييم طريقة عمل جيب لتجمع البول فى المستقيم مع نهاية القولون على شكل حرف N فى 40 مريض Experience with N-shaped recto-sigmoid pouch for continent urinary diversion: Preliminary results in 40 patients a. abdelBaky 2015 International
10 تقييم بالونة الاكيوسيز فى علاج ضيق الحالب وضيق التقاء حوض الكلية بالحالب Assessment of acuise cutting-balloon catheter for management of ureteral stricutures and pelviureteric junction obstruction a. abdelBaky 2015 International
11 علاج ضعف الانتصاب بالحقن الموضعى فى مرضى قصور الشرايين الناجية عن فضل معهم عقار السلدنافيل او كانت له مضاعفات او كانت له موانع استعمال Management of erectile dysfunction in patients with ischemic heart disease by intracverous injection of vasoactive drugs because of failure complications or contraindication of sildenafil Ahmed Abdel-Baky 2015 International
Ali Mohamed Mahmoud
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 emergency extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in the treatment of acute obstructing uretral stones:a propective study ali el shazly, osama abd el wahab, magdy el tabey 2006 International
2 tension free vaginal tape versus burch colposuspension for treatment of female stree urinary incontinance EHABE EL BARKY, ALI EL SHAZLY, OSAMA ABDUL WAHAB, ELIJIAH O. KEHINDE 2005 International
Badawy Mahmoud Hathout
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (6)
Total (6)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Case of Complete Renal Duplex with H-Shaped Ureter A. Ghobashy; M. El-Shazly; A. Lari; O. Al-Hunaidy; A. Allam; N. Alenezy; E. Yordanov; and B. Hathout 2012 International
2 Angio- emobilization and percutaneous infection of synthetic glue to control persistant leakage after trauma in case of horse shoe kidney 2014 International
3 Balloon dilator versus telescopic metal dilator for tract dilatation during percutaneous nephrolithotomy for staghorn stones and calyceal stones mohamed El-Shazly; Shady Salem; Adel Alam; Badawy Hathout 2014 International
4 Laparoscopic Decortication of Simple Renal Cyst with Omental Wadding Technique: Simple-Center Experience Mohamed El-Shazly; Adel Allam; Badawy Hathout 2012 International
5 penile epidermal inclusion cyst M. El-Shazly, * A. Ghobashy, A. Allam, T. Alenezy, N. Alenezy, E. Yordanov, B. Hathout, and R. Albunnai 2012 International
6 Transurethral Drainage of Prostatic Abscess: Points of Technique Mohamed El-Shazly,1 Nawaf El- Enzy,1 Khaled El-Enzy,1 Encho Yordanov,1 Badawy Hathout,1 and Adel Allam1,* 2012 International
Hamdi mohamed abdelhalim masoud
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 DIURESIS RENOGRAPHY : AS A CLINICAL STUDY FOR A DILATED UPPER URINARY TRACT THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF ( M. D. ) ( UROLOGY ) Hamdy Mohamed Abdel Halim, Adel Abou Taleb, Zohdy Mandy, Mohamed Magdy El Tanaw, Asma Ali Hassan Ass. 1991 International
2 Management of Solitary Renal Pelvic Stone: Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Pyelolithotomy Versus Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Adel Al-Hunayan, FRCS (C), 1 Mostafa Khalil, M.D.,2 Majed Hassabo, M.Sc.,2 Akram Hanafi, M.Sc.,2 and Hamdy Abdul-Halim, M.D.2 2011 International
Hassan Yassen Ashour
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
ibrahim shedid
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Clearance of renal stones Post Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy in Children Islam Sayed Awad Nouh, Ibrahim Metwally Helal Shedid, Amr Mohamed Salah Eldin Eldakhakhny, Tarek Soliman Othman 2015 International
Magdy Ahmed El Sayed Eltabey
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (9)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Holmium laser enucleation versus transurethral resection of the prostate Magdy A. Eltabey, MD,1,2 Hammouda Sherif, MD,1,2 Alaa A. Hussein, MD1,3 2010 International
2 Memokath 044 Stent for the Treatment of Recurrent Bulbar Urethral Strictures Magdy Ahmad Alsayed EL-Tabey 2012 International
3 Multislice CT versus IVU for Planning of Supine PCNL. A randomized clinical trial. magdy el tabey, 2014 International
4 Outcome of Transurethral Plasmakinetic Vaporization for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Short-term follow up) magdy el tabey, ahmed abd el baky, ahmed abo taleb 2014 International
5 Predictors of success of microsurgical epididymovasostomy for obstructive azoospermia Magdy A. El-Tabey, and Samy Tosson 2012 Local
6 Preliminary Study OF PCNL on Ambulatory Basis. magdy el tabey 2013 International
7 Preliminary Study OF PCNL on Ambulatory Basis. magdy el tabey 2013 International
8 Prognostic significance of P27 (Kip 1) and MUC1 in papillary transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder Abd Elazeez TA1, El-Balshy Ael-L, Khalil MM, El-Tabye MM, Abdul-Halim H 2013 International
9 Scrotal Scintigraphy and Quantitative Imaging Approaches in the Evaluation of Patients with Acute Scrotal Pain Fouad Khalil,1,4 Alaa Hussein,2 Magdy El Tabie3 2011 International
10 Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery in Urology Hammouda Sherif Magdy El-Tabey Ahmed Abo-taleb Ahmed Abdelbaky 2012 International
11 The Impact of Acute Administration of Oral Sildenafil on Semen Parameters in Infertile Men Magdy El Tabey(MD),* Alaa A. Hussein 2013 Local
Mohamed ali abdelhalim
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Sami roshdi toson
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Ahmed adel ahmed abo taleb
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (14)
Total (14)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 استخراج حصوات الحالب باستخدام منظار البطن الجراحى كبديل للحل الجراحى Laparoscopic ureterolithotomy: is it an alternative technique replacing open surgery أ.م.د/محمد عبد الظاهر د/أحمد ابو طالب أ.م.د/خالد عبد الحميد الجمل د/مصطفى محمود د/محمد العزب ط/ربيع جمعه أ.د/أحمد عبد الباقى 2006 International
2 المثانة الصناعية فى شكل T W تحويل مجرى البول المفضل فى 117 مريض W-neobladder and modified T-pouch: Preferable forms of orthotopic Ahmed Abou-taleb 2006 International
3 كسر القضيب : التحديد عن طريق الموجات فوق الصوتية والعلاج الجراحى السريع Penile fracture mqanagement: one step imaging technique prior to surgical repair Ahmed Abou-taleb 2015 International
4 منظار الحالب فى تفتيت حصوات الحالب بواسطة الهولميم ياج ليزر فى مقابل جهاز التفتيت بالتردد الهوائى Ureteroscopic lithotripsy of ureteric stones; Holmium: Yag laser versus pneumatic lithoclast. a. abou.Taleb 2008 International
5 MANAGEMENTof benign prostatic obstruction using bipolar plasma kinetic energy in coagulopathic patients: Initial series A. Abou-Taleb, M. Khalil, A. Sebaey, H. Shaher, A. Abdelbaky, Y. Noureldin 2015 International
6 Outcome of Transurethral Plasmakinetic Vaporization for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Magdy El-Tabey 1, Ahmed Abo-Taleb 1, Ashraf Abdelal 1, Mostafa Mahmod Khalil 1 2015 International
7 Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery in Urology Hammouda Sherif, Magdy El-Tabey, Ahmed Abo-taleb, Ahmed Abdelbaky 2012 International
8 Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery in Urology Hammouda Sherif Magdy El-Tabey Ahmed Abo-taleb Ahmed Abdelbaky 2012 International
9 Thermo-expandable prostatic stent for management of acute urinary retention secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia in high risk patients Tarek El-Karamany, M.D.; Ahmed Abou Taleb, M.D.; Ashraf AbdelAal, M.D.;and Ahmed Abdel Baky, M.D. 2010 International
10 Usefulness of serum fetuin-A level as a marker of erectile dysfunction W Kandeel1, W El-Shaer1, A Sebaey1, AA Abou-Taleb1, A Fathy1, B Elmohamady1 and AI Mansour2 2017 International
11 Usefulness of serum fetuin-A level as a marker of erectile dysfunction W Kandeel1, W El-Shaer1, A Sebaey1, AA Abou-Taleb1, A Fathy1, B Elmohamady1 and AI Mansour2 2017 International
12 المضاعفات والنتائج الوظيفية للمثانة الاصطناعية وطريقة التحويل البولى عن طريق مجرى البول الطبيعى (جيب شتودر) Complication and cunction results of standard othotopic diversion: Studer's pouch عنوان البحث Ahmed Abou Taleb 2005 International
13 مقارنة تجميل حوض الكلى باستخدام المنظار الجراحى فقط واستخدام المنظار الجراحى المعاون بفتحه صغيرة من الجانب Mini-flank incision assisted laparoscopy versus trans-peritoneal laparoscopy for dismembered pyeloplasty. Ahmed Abou-Taleb 2015 International
14 نتائج استخدام كلا من العلاج الكيميائى والمناعى بالحقن داخل المثانة بعد استئصال الورم بالمنظار وذلك فى حالا ت أورام المثانة البولية Outcome of post-TUR-RT combined chemo and immuno intravesical therapy in the management of papillary transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder Ahmed Abou Taleb 2005 International
Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed El-Adl
Local Publication (3)
International Publication (15)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Critical Analysis of Stented and Unstented Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty Through a Prospective Randomized Study and Assessment of Factors Influencing the Functional and Cosmetic Outcomes Tarek M. El-Karamany, Ahmed M. Al-Adl, Rabea G. Omar, Ashraf M. Abdel Aal, Amr S. Eldakhakhny, Shabieb A. Abdelbaki 2017 International
3 Assessment of noninvasive predictors of bladder outlet obstruction and acute urinary retention secondary to benign prostatic enlargement Ashraf Abdel-Aal, Tarek El-Karamany, Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Adl, Osama Abdel-Wahab, Hesham Farouk 2011 International
4 Chronological Changes In Uroflowmetry After Hypospadias Repair: An Observational Study. Al Adl AM;Omar RG;Mohey A;El Mogy AAEN;El Karamany TM 2019 International
5 Combined intracavernous vasoactive drugs and sildenafil citrate in treatment of severe erectile dysfunction not responding to on-demand monotherapy Ahmed M. Al-Adl *, Osama Abdel-Wahab, Tarek El-Karamany, Ashraf A. Aal 2011 International
6 Detrusor Blood Flow as a Measurement of Bladder Outlet Obstruction in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Tarek El Karamany, Tohamy Al Kholi,Ibrahim Hafez, Ahmed M Al-Adl, Ashraf Abdel Aal 2006 Local
7 Distal extension of the midline urethral-plate incision in the Snodgrass hypospadias repair: An objective assessment of the functional and cosmetic outcomes Ahmed M. Al-Adl, Tarek M. El-Karamany, Ayman S. Bassiouny 2014 International
8 Efficacy and safety of tamsulosin oral-controlled absorption system, solifenacin, and combined therapy for the management of ureteric stent-related symptoms Ashraf M. Abdelaal, Ahmed M. Al-Adl, Shabieb A. Abdelbaki, Mohamed M. Al Azaba, Khaled A. Al Gamal 2016 International
9 Extended TIP vs. Standard TIP: Do Pre-operative Parameters Affect Functional and Cosmetic Outcomes? Randomized Prospective Study Ahmed Mahmoud Al Adl; Yasser A Noureldin; Ashraf Mohamed Abdel Aal; Tarek Mohamed Gharib; Kareem Ali El Attar and Tarek Mohammed El Karamany 2019 International
10 Intra-Testicular Hemodynamics and Seminal Parameters in Men with Oligospermia: Preoperative Predictors of Improvement after Varicocelectomy Ahmed M Al-Adl 2010 International
11 Outcome of post TURBT combined chemo & immuno intravesical therapy in the management of papillary transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder Ibrahim Shedid, Osama abdelwahab, Ahmed Al-Adl 2008 Local
12 Tension-Free Vaginal Tape versus Secure Tension-Free Vaginal Tape in Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Abdelwahab O. · Shedid I. · Al-Adl A.M. 2010 International
13 The first prospective assessment of S.T.O.N.E, Guy, CROES, S-RESC nomograms in the prediction of percutaneous nephrolithotomy outcomes Ahmed M. Al Adl, MD, MSc, PhD; Ahmed Mohey, MD, MSc, PhD; Ashraf Abdel Aal, MD, MSc, PhD; Hosam Abdel Fattah Abu-Elnasr, MD, MSc; Tarek El Karamany, MD, MSc, PhD; Yasser A. Noureldin, MD, MSc, PhD 2019 International
14 The impact of coexisting sperm DNA fragmentation and seminal oxidative stress on the outcome of varicocelectomy in infertile patients: A prospective controlled study Shabieb A. Abdelbaki, Jehan H. Sabry, Ahmed M. Al-Adl, Hanan H. Sabry 2017 International
15 The influence of antisperm antibodies, intratesticular haemodynamics and the surgical approach to varicocelectomy on seminal variables Ahmed M. Al-Adl, Tarek El-Karamany, Hesham Issa, Mohamed Zaazaa 2014 International
16 Two‑stage repair of proximal hypospadias with moderate to severe chordee using inner preputial skin graft: prospective evaluation of functional and cosmetic outcomes Ahmed M. Al‑Adl; Ashraf M. Abdel Aal; Tarek M. El‑Karamany · Yasser A. Noureldin 2020 International
17 Vascularized Dartos Flap in Conjunction with Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty: Single versus Double Flaps for Management of Distal Hypospadias Ayman Safwata, Ahmed M. Al-Adl, Tarek El-Karamanya 2012 International
18 ‘Minimum-incision’ endoscopically assisted transvesical prostatectomy: Surgical technique and early outcomes Tarek M. El-Karamany, Ahmed M. Al-Adl, Shabieb A. Abdel-Baky, Abdallah F. Abdel-Azeem, Mohamed A. Zaazaa 2014 International
Ahmed sebaey Ahmed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (19)
Total (20)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Laparoscopic ureterolithotomy; which is better: Transperitoneal or retroperitoneal approach? Mostafa Khalil, Rabea Omar, Shabieb Abdel-baky, Ahmed Mohey, Ahmed Sebaey 2015 International
2 Intralesional injection of mitomycin C following internal urethrotomy of de novo bulbar urethral stricture:New experience using a novel adjustabletip needle Yasser A. Noureldin, Abdallah Fathy, Shabib Ahmed, Alaa El Shaer, Saad Ali, Zakaria Saki & Ahmed Sebaey 2022 International
3 A comparative study between full-dose and half-dose intravesical immune bacille Calmette–Gue´ rin injection in the management of superficial bladder cancer Wael Kandeel, Ashraf Abdelal, Basheer N. Elmohamady *, Ahmed Sebaey, Waleed Elshaaer, Ehab Elbarky, Osama Abdelwahab 2015 International
4 Evaluation of different MRI parameters in benign prostatic hyperplasia-induced bladder outlet obstruction Diaa Bakry Eldib1* , Ayman Salah Moussa2 and Ahmed Sebaey 2019 Local
5 Evaluation of erectile function after anastomotic vs substitutional urethroplasty for bulbar urethral stricture Rabea G. Omar , Mostafa M. Khalil , Hesham Alezaby , Ahmed Sebaey , Hammouda Sherif & Ahmed Mohey 2020 International
6 Gonadotoxic effect of tramadol administration: A prospective controlled study Tarek Soliman, Hussein Shaher, Ahmed Mohey, Waleed El-Shae & Ahmed Sebaey 2022 International
7 High single scrotal-incision orchidopexy as the standard technique in infants aged 6–24 months Ahmed Mohey, Tarek M. Gharib, Rabea G. Omar *, Ahmed Sebaey, Basheer N. Elmohamady, Wael Kandee 2017 International
8 Impacted ≥ 10-mm pelvic ureteric stone treatment: laser lithotripsy alone or in combination with pneumatic lithotripsy—a prospective, comparative stud Hisham Alazaby1,2* , Ahmed Mohey1, Rabea Omar1, Ahmed Sebaey1 and Tarek Gharib 2020 International
9 Mathieu technique with incision of the urethral plate versus standard tubularised incised-plate urethroplastyin primary repair of distal hypospadias: a prospective randomised study Mostafa Khalil, Tarek Gharib*, Walid Elshaer,Ahmed Sebaey, Basheer Elmohamady, Khalid Elgamal 2017 International
10 miniperc vs shock wave lithotripsy in average sized, radioopaque lower pole calculi: A prospective randomized study TAREK SOLIMAN, HAMMOUDA SHERIF, AHMED SEBAEY, AHMED MOHEY, BASHEER NAGY ELMOHAMADY 2017 International
11 Modified tubeless minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy for management of renal stones in children: A single-centre experience 2019 International
12 Preliminary Study of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy on an Ambulatory Basis Magdy Ahmed El-Tabey Osama Abdel-Wahab Abd-Allah Ahmed Sebaey Ahmed Ehab Mohammed El-Barky Yasser Abdel-Sattar Noureldin 2013 International
13 Prospective evaluation of cataract surgery in female patients taking tamsulosin W. abdel ghafar, A.elsebaey 2011 International
14 Safety and efficacy of Intravesical hyaluronic acid/chondroitin sulfate in the treatment of refractory painful bladder syndrome Hammouda Sherif Ali Eshazly 2018 International
15 Short- and long-term follow-up results of daily 5-mg tadalafil as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation Tarek Mohamed Gharib, Ibrahim Abdel-Al, Adel Elatreisy, Wael Kandeel, Waleed El-Shaer, Abdrabuh M Abdrabuh, Elsayed Mohamed Salih & Ahmed Sebaey 2022 International
16 Standard versus tubeless mini-percutaneous 5 nephrolithotomy: A randomised controlled trial Ahmed Sebaey, Mostafa M. Khalil *, Tarek Soliman, Ahmed Mohey,7 Walid Elshaer, Wael Kandil, Rabea Omar 2015 International
17 The importance of second-look transurethral resection for superficial bladder cancer Ehab El-Barky1, Ahmed Sebaey1, Magdy Eltabey1, Ahmed Aboutaleb1, Sundus Hussein2 and Elijah O Kehinde3 2014 International
18 The prognostic value of histopathological pattern of the pelviureteric junction in the outcome of pyeloplasty in children 2020 International
19 Transperitoneal Versus Retroperitoneal Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty: Experience Based Prospective study. ahmed sebaey, ahmed abotaleb, wael saber, basheer el mohamady, yasser nor eldin, tarek elkaramany, ehab elbarky 2016 International
20 Usefulness of serum fetuin-A level as a marker of erectile dysfunction W Kandeel1, W El-Shaer1, A Sebaey1, AA Abou-Taleb1, A Fathy1, B Elmohamady1 and AI Mansour2 2017 International
Ehab Mohamed Ali El-barky
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (10)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Efficacy of botulinum toxin type A 100 Units versus 200 units for treatment of refractory idiopathic overactive bladder _______________________________________________ Osama Abdelwahab 1, Hammouda Sherif 1, Tark Soliman 1, Ihab Elbarky 1, Aly Eshazly 2015 International
2 Evaluation of the resistive index of prostatic blood fl ow in benign prostatic hyperplasia _______________________________________________ Osama Abdelwahab, Ehab El-Barky, Mostafa Mahmoud Khalil, Ahmad Kamar 2012 International
3 Laparoscopic pyelolithotomy: Is the retroperitoneal route a better approach? Adel Al-Hunayan,1 Hamdy Abdulhalim,2 Ehab El-Bakry,2 Majed Hassabo2 and Elijah O Kehinde1 2009 International
4 Mode of presentation and first line of management of non-recurrent urolithiasis in Kuwait 2004 International
5 Multislice computed tomography vs. intravenous urography for planning supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy: A randomised clinical trial Osama A. El-Wahab a, Magdy A. El-Tabey a,*, Ehab El-Barky a, Shabieb A. El-Baky a, Adel El-Falah a, Medhat Refaat b 2014 International
6 Preliminary Study of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy on an Ambulatory Basis Magdy Ahmed El-Tabey Osama Abdel-Wahab Abd-Allah Ahmed Sebaey Ahmed Ehab Mohammed El-Barky Yasser Abdel-Sattar Noureldin 2014 International
7 Site of impaction of ureteric calculi requiring surgical intervention Ehab El-Barky, Yusuf Ali, Mohammed Sahsah, Ali A. Terra & Elijah O. Kehinde 2014 International
8 Tension free vaginal tape versus Burch colposuspension for treatment of female stress urinary incontinence Ehab El-Barky1, Ali El-Shazly2, Osama Abdul. El-Wahab3, Elijah O. Kehinde1, Adel Al-Hunayan1 & Khaleel A. Al-Awadi1 2005 International
9 The importance of second-look transurethral resection for superficial bladder cancer Ehab El-Barky1, Ahmed Sebaey1, Magdy Eltabey1, Ahmed Aboutaleb1, Sundus Hussein2 and Elijah O Kehinde3 2015 International
Hammouda Waheeb Hammouda Sherif
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (16)
Total (17)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Antegrade Scrotal Sclerotherapy With and Without Tamoxifen for Treatment of Infertile Men Due to Variocele Osama Abdelwahab, Hammouda Sherif, Aly Eshazly, Mohamed Zaazaa 2010 International
2 Efficacy Of Botulinum Toxin Type A 100 Units Versus 200 Units For Treatment Of Refractory Idiopathic Overactive Bladder Osama Abdelwahab M.D, Hammouda Sherif M.D, Tark Soliman M.D, Ihab Elbarky M.D, Aly Eshazly M.D 2014 International
3 Holmium laser enucleation versus transurethral resection of the prostate Magdy A. Eltabey, MD,1,2 Hammouda Sherif, MD,1,2 Alaa A. Hussein, MD1,3 2010 International
5 Miniperc vs Shockwave Lithotripsy for Average-Sized, Radiopaque Lower Pole Calculi: A Prospective Randomized Study T Soliman, H Sherif, A Sebaey, A Mohey, BN Elmohamady 2016 International
7 Pedicled preputial island flap for double functions in hypospadias surgery Rabea G. Omar , Mostafa M. Khalil , Hammouda Sherif , Hesham Elezaby 2018 International
8 Penile length is preserved after implant surgery Mohamad Habous* , Simone Giona†, Alaa Tealab‡, Mohammed Aziz§, Hammoda Sherif¶, Osama Abdelwahab¶, Saleh Binsaleh**, David Ralph††, Carlo Bettocchi‡‡, John P. Mulhall§§ and Gordon Muir† 2019 International
9 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Supine Position with Ultrasound-Guided Renal Access Hammouda Sherif,1 Osama Abdelwahab,1 Abdelaziz Omar,1 Ibrahim Eraky2 1Urology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt 2Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansura University, Egypt 2012 International
10 Posterior tibial nerve stimulation as treatment for the overactive bladder Hammouda Sherif *, Osama Abdelwahab 2013 Local
11 Radical Cystectomy with Orthotopic Neobladder for Invasive Bladder Cancer: A Critical Analysis of Long Term Oncological, Functional and Quality of Life Results Arnulf Stenzl, Hammouda Sherif, Markus Kuczyk 2010 International
12 Rapid Detection of Extended Spectrum Β-lactamase (ESBL) Producing Strain of Escherichia coli in Urinary Tract Infections Patients in Benha University Hospital, Egypt Enas Sh. Khater1* and Hammouda W. Sherif2 2014 International
13 Safety and efficacy of Intravesical hyaluronic acid/chondroitin sulfate in the treatment of refractory painful bladder syndrome Hammouda Sherif , Ahmed Sebay , Wael Kandeel , Tarek Othman , Abdallah Fathi , Ahmed Mohey , Ali Eshazly 2019 International
14 Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery in Urology Hammouda Sherif Magdy El-Tabey Ahmed Abo-taleb Ahmed Abdelbaky 2012 International
15 Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Versus Transobturator Tape for Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence: A 2-Year Follow-Up Investigation Osama Abdelwahab, Hammouda Sherif 2010 International
16 Ureteroscopically assisted laparoscopic segmental ureterectomy with Psoas Hitch procedure U Nagele, H Sherif, AS Merseburger, W Sturm, KD Sievert, MA Kuczyk, 2008 International
17 Utility of the Guy’s Stone Score in predicting different aspects of percutaneous nephrolithotomy M. Khalil ∗, H. Sherif , A. Mohey , R. Omar 2018 International
khaled abdelhamid mohamed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (8)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 نمط صور الموجات فوق الصوتية لنسيج غدة البروستاتا لمرضى سرطان البروستاتا فى المصريين . Echogenic pattern of prostate cancer among egytian patients أ.م.د/محمد عبد الظاهر أ.د/عبد العزيز عمر أ.د/خالد عبد الحميد الجمل أ.م.د/سامى طوسون 2007 International
2 Combined use of Mathieu and incised plate technique for repair of distal hypospadias Mahmoud Mohamed farag, Khaled Abd El Hamid El Gamal, Mostafa MahmoudKhalil, Tarek Mohamed Gharib, Waleed El Sayed El Shaeer. 2015 Local
3 أهمية استخدام بروتين ب53 كأح دلالات سرطان المثانة ذو الخلايا التحولية Value of P33 protein as a tumor marker in patients with transitional cell bladder cancer أ.م.د/عبد المنعم مرزوق أ.م.د/محمد عبد الظاهر أ.د/عوض العبد أ.د/خالد عبد الحميد الجمل أ.م.د/سامى طوسون 2005 International
4 استخدام التفتيت بالموجات التصادمية فى علاج حصوات الكلية الشفافة كبديل بسبط لطرق العلاج الاخرى Shock wave lithotripsy treatment of radiolucent renal stones: A simple alternative khalid El-Gamel 2007 International
5 استخراج حصوات الحالب باستخدام منظار البطن الجراحى كبديل للحل الجراحى Laparoscopic ureterolithotomy: is it an alternative technique replacing open surgery أ.م.د/محمد عبد الظاهر د/أحمد ابو طالب أ.م.د/خالد عبد الحميد الجمل د/مصطفى محمود د/محمد العزب ط/ربيع جمعه أ.د/أحمد عبد الباقى 2006 International
6 الاهمية الجراحية لنقص نشاط انزيم الفاجلوكوسيديز فى السائل المنوى لمرضى العقم الانسداى The surgical importance of reduced seminal alpha-glucosidase activity among ozoospermic patients أ.م.د/طارق الكرمانى أ.م.د/محمد عبد الظاهر أ.د/عبد العزيز عمر أ.د/خالد عبد الحميد الجمل أ.م.د/سامى طوسون 2006 International
7 تقييم الطريقة المعدلة لتحويل شريط قناة مجرى البول فعد شقه الى انبوبة (سنوديجراس) لعلاج العيوب الخلقية الامامية لقناة مجرى البول التى لم يجرى لها عمليات والتى أجرى لها عمليات سابقة Modified tabularized incised plate urethroplasty (Snodgrass) for primary and reoperated distal hypospadias أ.د/على الشاذلى أ.د/عبد المنعم مرزوق أ.د/خالد عبد الحميد الجمل أ.د/محمد عبد الظاهر 2005 International
8 دور ديناميكية التبول فى تغيير بعض المفاهيم والحقائق الخاصة بالتهاب البروستاتا المزمن Role of urodynamic findings in revision of many concepts about chronic prostatis syndrome أ.د/محمد عبد الظاهر أ.د/عبد المنعم مرزوق أ.د/خالد عبد الحميد الجمل د/هشام العزبى أ.د/ايمن صفوت 2005 International
9 مقارنة الشريط المهبلى TVT عملية تعليق المهبل باستخدام جزء من جدار البطن المبطن الامامى فى علاج حالات السلس البولى الاجهادى عند السيدات tension free vaginal tape versus fascial patch sling for management of female stress urinary incontinence Khalid El-Gamel 2007 International
Mostafa Mahmod Khalil
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (15)
Total (17)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A twelve – year experience in the management of calciphylaxis resulting in penile gangrene Mostafa Mahmoud Khalil, Sundus Hussein, Elijah O. Kehinde, Yousef Ali, Khaleel A. Al-Awadi 2010 International
2 COMPLICATIONS AND FUNCTIONAL RESULTS OF STANDARD ORTHOTOPIC DIVERSION :STUDER`S POUCH Ahmed Abou-Taleb MD,Mostafa Mahmoud MD, Hisham Al-Azaby MD,Ihab ElBarky MD, Ibrahim Shedeed MD,Ahmed Abdelbaky MD and Adel Abou-Taleb MD 2007 Local
3 Efficacy of silodosin on the outcome of semi-rigid ureteroscopy for the management of large distal ureteric stones: blinded randomised trial Ahmed Mohey a, Tarek M. Gharib a, Hisham Alazaby a, Mostafa Khalil a,Ahmed Abou-Taleb a,b, Yasser A. Noureldin 2018 International
4 Evaluation of the resistive index of prostatic blood flow in benign prostatic hyperplasia Osama Abdelwahab, Ehab El-Barky, Mostafa Mahmoud Khalil, Ahmad Kamar 2013 International
5 LAPAROSCOPIC URETEROLITHOTOMY:IS IT AN ALTERNATIVE TECHNIQUE REPLACING OPEN SURGERY Ahmed Abou Taleb MD, Mohamed Abdel Zaher MD,Khaled El-Gamal MD, Mostafa Mahmoud MD,Rabea Gomaa, Mohamed El-Azab MD and Ahmed Abdel Baky MD 2006 Local
6 Laparoscopic ureterolithotomy; which is better: Transperitoneal or retroperitoneal approach? Mostafa Khalil, Rabea Omar, Shabieb Abdel-baky, Ahmed Mohey, Ahmed Sebaey 2015 International
7 Management of impacted proximal ureteral stone: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy versus Ureteroscopy with Holmium:YAG laser lithotripsy Mostafa Khalil 2013 International
8 Management of refractory idiopathic overactive bladder: intradetrusor injection of botulinum toxin type A versus posterior tibial nerve stimulation Sherif Hammouda, Khalil Mostafa, Omar Rabea 2017 International
9 Management of Solitary Renal Pelvic Stone: Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Pyelolithotomy Versus Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Adel Al-Hunayan, Mostafa Khalil, Majed Hassabo, Akram Hanafi, and Hamdy Abdul-Halim 2011 International
10 Mathieu technique with incision of the urethral plate versus standard tubularised incised-plate urethroplasty in primary repair of distal hypospadias: A prospective randomised study Mostafa Khalil, Tarek Gharib *, Waleed El-shaer, Ahmed Sebaey, Basheer Elmohamady, Khalid Elgamal 2017 International
11 Outcome of retrograde flexible ureterorenoscopy and laser lithotripsy for treatment of multiple renal stones H. Alazaby ∗, M. Khalil , R. Omar , A. Mohey , T. Gharib , A. Abo-Taleb , E. El-Barky 2018 International
12 Outcome of Transurethral Plasmakinetic Vaporization for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Magdy El-Tabey, Ahmed Abo-Taleb, Ashraf Abdelal, Mostafa Mahmod Khalil 2015 International
13 Pedicled preputial island flap for double functions in hypospadias surgery Rabea G. Omar , Mostafa M. Khalil , Hammouda Sherif , Hesham Elezaby 2018 International
14 Prognostic significance of P27 (Kip 1) and MUC1 in papillary transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder Taghreed A Abd Elazeez, Abd El-Latef M El-Balshy, Mostafa M Khalil, Magdy M El-Tabye, Hamdy Abdul-Halim. 2011 International
15 Standard versus tubeless mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy: A randomised controlled trial Ahmed Sebaey, Mostafa M. Khalil *, Tarek Soliman, Ahmed Mohey,Walid Elshaer, Wael Kandil, Rabea Omar 2016 International
16 Utility of the Guy's Stone Score in predicting different aspects of percutaneous nephrolithotomy Mostafa Khalil , Hammouda Sherif , Ahmed Mohey , Rabea Omar 2018 International
17 Which is more important in predicting the outcome of extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of solitary renal stones: stone location or stone burden? Mostafa Khalil 2012 International
Local Publication (17)
International Publication (57)
Total (74)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 16- Erect penile dimensions in a cohort of 778 Middle Eastern men: establishment of a nomogram. Mohamad Habous, Alaa A. Tealab, Ben Williamson, Saleh Binsaleh, Sherif El Dawy, Saad El Din Mahmoud, Osama Abdelwahab, Mohammed K Nassar, John P. Mulhall, David Veale, Gordon Hugh Muir less 2019 Local
2 26-Impact of transobturator vaginal tape on female stress urinary incontinence and sexual function Tarek Soliman, Hammouda Sherif,⁎ Abdallah Fathi, Wael Kandeel, and Osama Abdelwahab 2019 International
3 A comparative study between full-dose and half-dose intravesical immune bacille Calmette–Gue´rin injection in the management of superficial bladder cancer Wael Kandeel, Ashraf Abdelal, Basheer N. Elmohamady *, Ahmed Sebaey, Waleed Elshaaer, Ehab Elbarky, Osama Abdelwahab 2019 International
4 A CUT-OFF HBA1C VALUE OF 8.5% PREDICTS INCREASED RISK OF PENILE IMPLANT INFECTION Mohamad Habous , Raanan Tal , Osama Abdelwahab , Osama Laban , Saad Mahmoud , Alaa Tealab , Saleh Binsaleh , and John Mulhall 2019 International
5 Analysis of the Interobserver Variability in Penile Length Assessment Osama Abdelwahab, MD,††Mohamad Habous, FEBU, MD,* Gordon Muir, FRCS(urol),† Alaa Tealab, MD,‡Ben Williamson, MBBS, BSc, MD 2019 International
6 Antegrade Scrotal Sclerotherapy With and Without Tamoxifen for Treatment of Infertile Men Due to Variocele Osama Abdelwahab, Hammouda Sherif, Aly Eshazly, Mohamed Zaazaa 2019 International
7 Assessment of noninvasive predictors of bladder outlet obstruction and acute urinary retention secondary to benign prostatic enlargement Ashraf Abdel-Aal a , Tarek El-Karamany a , Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Adl a, *, Osama Abdel-Wahab a , Hesham Farouk b 2020 Local
8 Assessment of noninvasive predictors of bladder outlet obstruction and acute urinary retention secondary to benign prostatic enlargement Ashraf Abdel-Aal a, Tarek El-Karamany a, Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Adl a,*, Osama Abdel-Wahab a, Hesham Farouk 2019 International
9 BIPOLAR VAPORIZATION CAUSES HIGHER COMPLICATION RATES COMPARED TO BIPOLAR LOOP RESECTION: A RANDOMIZED PROSPECTIVE TRIAL Osama Abdelwahab*, Tarek Soliman, Hammoda Sherif, Benha, Egypt; Mohamad Habous, Jedda, Saudi Arabia; Osama Laban, Tabouk, Saudi Arabia; Richard Santucci, Detroit, MI 2019 International
10 Bipolar vaporization of the prostate may cause higher complication rates compared to bipolar loop resection: a randomized prospective trial OSAMA ABDELWAHAB et al 2019 International
11 Bipolar vaporization of the prostate may cause higher complication rates compared to bipolar loop resection: a randomized prospective trial OSAMA ABDELWAHAB ET AL 2019 International
12 Bipolar vaporization of the prostate may cause higher complication rates compared to bipolar loop resection: a randomized prospective trial OSAMA ABDELWAHAB ET AL 2019 International
13 Bipolar vaporization of the prostate may cause higher complication rates compared to bipolar loop resection: a randomized prospective trial. OSAMA ABDELWAHAB,ET AL 2019 International
14 Chimney Modification Technique for Ureterointestinal Anastomosis after Radical Cystectomy: Preliminary Evaluation of Short-Term Outcome and Impact on Quality of Life Osama Abdelwahaba Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmedb 2019 International
17 Combined intracavernous vasoactive drugs and sildenafil citrate in treatment of severe erectile dysfunction not responding to on-demand monotherapy Ahmed M. Al-Adl *, Osama Abdel-Wahab, Tarek El-Karamany, Ashraf A. Aal 2019 International
18 Comparing the outcome and adverse events in malleable versus inflatable penile implants M. Habous1, M. Nassar1, S. Mahmoud1, Z. Abdelrahman1, A. Elserafy1, O. Abdelwahab2, Z. Mekawi1, S. Binsaleh3, D. Ralph4, N. Christopher4 2019 International
19 CONSERVATIVE THERAPY IS A FEASIBLE AND EFFECTIVE OPTION IN PATIENTS WITH LOCALIZED INFECTION AFTER PENILE IMPLANT SURGERY Mohamad Habous , Osama Laban , Osama Abdelwahab , Richard Santucci , Saad Mahmoud , and John Mulhall 2019 International
20 CONSERVATIVE THERAPY IS AN EFFECTIVE OPTION IN PATIENTS WITH LOCALIZED INFECTION AFTER PENILE IMPLANT SURGERY Mohamad Habous, , Mohammed Farag, Osama Laban, , Osama Abdelwahab, MD5,Mohamed Elkhouly, Saleh Binsaleh, 2020 International
22 Defining a glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) level that predicts increased risk of penile implant infection Mohamad Habous* , Raanan Tal†, Alaa Tealab‡, Tarek Soliman§,Mohammed Nassar*, Zenhom Mekawi*, Saad Mahmoud*, Osama Abdelwahab§,Mohamed Elkhouly*, Hatem Kamr*, Abdallah Remeah*, Saleh Binsaleh¶,David Ralph** and John Mulhall† 2019 International
23 Does urge incontinence contraindicates surgery for SUI, surgery, 2019 Local
24 Does urge incontinence contraindicates surgery for SUI, surgery, OSAMA ABDELWAHAB MOHAMED ABDELSALAM 2019 Local
25 Doppler ultrasound evaluation of ureteric jets for diagnosis of ureteric obstruction Abdelmonem Marzok,Osama Abdelwahab 2019 Local
26 Efficacy of botulinum toxin type A 100 Units versus 200 units for treatment of refractory idiopathic overactive bladder Osama Abdelwahab 1, Hammouda Sherif 1, Tark Soliman 1, Ihab Elbarky 1, Aly Eshazly 1 2019 International
27 Efficacy of low dose Desmopressine with Alfa Blocker in treatment of Nocturia due to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Abdallah O1, Sherif H2, Seliman T3, Habous M4 2019 International
28 Emergency ESWL in treatment of acute obstructing ureteric stones. OSAMA ABDELWAHAB 2019 Local
29 Evaluation of the resistive index of prostatic blood fl ow in benign prostatic hyperplasia Osama Abdelwahab, Ehab El-Barky, Mostafa Mahmoud Khalil, Ahmad Kamar 2019 International
30 EXPLORING THE PREDICTORS OF LOW SATISFACTION AFTER PENILE PROSTHESIS IMPLANTATION Mohamad Habous , Osama Abdelwahab , Osama Laban , Raanan Tal , Saad Mahmoud , Alaa Tealab , Saleh Binsaleh , and John Mulhall 2019 International
32 Fascial patch sling versus Transobturator Tape in recurrent female stress urinary incontinence, long term data Abdelwahab O1, Soliman T1, Sherif H1, Habous M2 2019 International
33 FASTING BLOOD SUGAR AT THE TIME OF PENILE PROSTHESIS SURGERY IS NOT CORRELATED WITH THE OUTCOME OF SURGERY Mohamad Habous* , Patrick Teloken , Osama Abdelwahab , Osama Laban , Saleh Binsaleh , John Mulhall , Usama Kamil , and David Ralph 2019 International
34 IMPACT OF TRANSOBTURATOR TAPE SURGERY ON SEXUAL FUNCTION IN FEMALE WITH STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE Abdelwahab, O1; Habous, M2; Soliman, T1; Sherif, H1; Gehad, M1; Shamndy, M2; Mulhall, J3 2019 International
35 LARGER MALLEABLE ROD DIAMETER IS ASSOCIATED WITH MORE COMPLICATIONS AND LESS PATIENT SATISFACTION Mohamad Habous* , Patrick Teloken , Osama Abdelwahab , Osama Laban , Saleh Binsaleh , John Mulhall , Usam Kamil , and David Ralph 2019 International
36 Malleable Penile Implant Is an Effective Therapeutic Option in Men With Peyronie’s Disease and Erectile Dysfunction Osama Abdelwahab, MD,Mohamad Habous, MD, FEBU, FECSM,1 Alaa Tealab, MD, FECSM,2 Mohammed Farag, MD, FECSM,3Tarek Soliman, MD,4 Ben Williamson, MBBS,5 Saad Mahmoud, MD,1 Amin Elserafy, MD 2019 International
37 Malleable Penile Implant Rod Diameter Predicts Complications and Patient Satisfaction OSAMA ABDELWAHAB ET AL 2022 International
38 Middle East Erect Nomogram ACCEPTED OSAMA ABDELWAHAB ,MOHAMED HABOUS,......... 2019 International
39 Mini perc versus Standard Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Supine position. Osama Abdelwahab,Tarek Soliman 2019 International
41 Multislice computed tomography vs. intravenous urography for planning supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy: A randomised clinical trial Osama A. El-Wahab a, Magdy A. El-Tabey a,*, Ehab El-Barky a,Shabieb A. El-Baky a, Adel El-Falah a, Medhat Refaat b 2013 International
42 Noninvasive treatments for iatrogenic priapism: Do they really work? A prospective multicenter study Mohamad Habous, Mohammed Elkhouly, Osama Abdelwahab,1 Mohammed Farag,2 Khaled Madbouly,3 Talal Altuwaijri,4 Marco Spilotros,5 Carlo Bettocchi,6 and Saleh Binsaleh 2019 International
43 Outcome of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy comparative study of different shock wave rates for renal stones. 2019 Local
44 Outcomes of the Urogenital Distress Inventory (UDI-6) for 20- to 50-Year-Old Females With Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction in Qalubia Governorate, Egypt Osama Abdelwahab, Ashraf Mohamed, Tarek Mohamed, Mohamed Abdelzaher 2019 International
45 Outcomes of variation in technique and variation in accuracy of measurement in penile length measurement Osama Mohamad Habous1 ● Gordon Muir2 ● Tarek Soliman3 ● Mohammed Farag4 ● Ben Williamson5 ● Saleh Binsaleh 2019 International
47 PENILE IMPLANT SURGERY DOES NOT REDUCE PENILE SIZE; A PROSPECTIVE STUDY OF 122 PATIENTS FOLLOWED UP FOR TWO YEARS Mohamad Habous* , Simone Giona , Osama Abdelwahab , Osama Laban , Saleh Binsaleh , John Mulhall , Usama Kamil , Alaa Tealab , Gordon Muir , and David Ralph 2019 International
48 Penile Implants Preserve Penile Length Irrespective of the Type of Implant Mohamad Habous1, Simone Giona2, Gordon Muir2, Osama Abdelwahab3, Osama Laban4, Saad Mahmoud1, Mohammed Nassar1, Alaa Tealab5, Saleh Binsaleh6, John Mulhall7 2019 International
49 Penile length is preserved after implant surgery Osama Abdelwahab¶Mohamad Habous* , Simone Giona†, Alaa Tealab‡, Mohammed Aziz 2019 International
50 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Supine Position with Ultrasound-Guided Renal Access Hammouda Sherif,1 Osama Abdelwahab,1 Abdelaziz Omar,1 Ibrahim Eraky2 2019 International
51 Peyronie's Disease is common in poorly controlled diabetics but is not associated with the Metabolic Syndrome Mohamad Habous, Ibraheem Malkawi1, Esther Han1, Mohammed Farag2, Gordon Muir3, Osama Abdelwahab4, Mohammed Nassar, Saad Mahmoud, Richard Santucci1, Saleh Binsaleh5 2019 International
52 Posterior tibial nerve stimulation as treatment for the overactive bladder Osama Abdelwahab 2013 International
53 Potency sparing radical cystoprostatectomy OSAMA ABDELWAHAB 2004 Local
54 Potency sparing radical cystoprostatectomy,short term data OSAMA ABDELWAHAB 2019 Local
55 Predictors of Satisfaction in Men After Penile Implant Surgery Mohamad Habous, MD, FEBU, FECSM,1 Raanan Tal, MD,2 Alaa Tealab, MD, FECSM,3 Mohammed Aziz, MD,4Hammoda Sherif, MD,5 Saad Mahmoud, MD,1 Osama Abdelwahab, MD,5 2019 International
56 Preliminary study of percutaneous nephrolithotomy on an ambulatory basis El-Tabey MA1, Abd-Allah OA1, Ahmed AS1, El-Barky EM1, Noureldin YA 2019 International
57 Prevalence of Acute urinary retention secondary to benign prostatic enlargement. Osama Abdelwahab 2019 Local
58 Prognostic role of P-cadherin and periostin expression and nuclear morphometry in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and prostatic adenocarcinoma El-Samee, Taghreed A.a; El-Wahab, Osama A.b; Helmi, Mohebata 2019 Local
59 Role of scrotal duplex ultrasonography VS physical examination in the screening for varicocele in adolescents HESHAM M. FAROUK, MD., HESHAM EL-SHEKH MD, USAMA HUSEIN ELFADY, MD*, USAMA ABDEL WAHAB, MD* AND TAWFIK EL-ADL, MD. 2019 Local
61 Studying the Erectile Function Impact of Vitamin D Therapy in Patients with ED: Interim Analysis From A Randomized Controlled Study Mohamad Habous1, Osama Abdelwahab2, Osama Laban3, Saad Mahmoud1, Mohammed Nassar1, Alaa Tealab4, Saleh Binsaleh5, John Mulhall 2019 International
62 Studying the Erectile Function Impact of Vitamin D Therapy in Patients with ED: Interim Analysis From A Randomized Controlled Study OSAMA ABDELWAHAB ET AL 2017 International
63 Studying the Erectile Function Impact of Vitamin D Therapy in Patients with ED: Interim Analysis From A Randomized Controlled Study Osama Abdelwwahab et al 2017 International
64 SUBTUNICAL VERSUS CONVENTIONAL PENILE PROSTHESIS IMPLANTATION A PROSPECTIVE RANDOMIZED STUDY Osama Abdelwahab, Tarek Soliman, Hammoda Sherif, Mohamed Habous, and John Mulhall 2019 International
65 Tension free vaginal tape versus Burch colposuspension for treatment of female stress urinary incontinence. El-Barky E1, El-Shazly A, El-Wahab OA, Kehinde EO, Al-Hunayan A, Al-Awadi KA 2019 International
66 Tension-Free Vaginal Tape versus Secur Tension-Free Vaginal Tape in Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Osama Abdelwahab Ibrahim Shedid Ahmed M. Al-Adl 2019 International
67 Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Versus Transobturator Tape for Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence: A 2-Year Follow-Up Investigation Osama Abdelwahab, Hammouda Sherif 2019 International
68 The management of necrotizing fascitis of male genetalia has good prognosis in the last 10 years. osama abdelwahab,ibrahim shedid 2019 Local
69 Transobturator Sling(TOS) versus Transobturator Tape(TOT) in recurrent female stress urinary incontinence OSAMA ABDELWAHAB 2019 International
70 Tubeless PNL in the supine position Osama Abdel Wahab, Hammouda Sherif, Tarek El-Karamany 2019 International
71 Tubularized Incised Plate "Snodgrass" versus Mathieu Technique in treatment of distal hypospadias OSAMA ABDELWAHAB,MOHAMED MAHMOUD 2019 Local
72 TVT,TOT and Fascial patch sling in management of female Stress Urinary Incontinence,long term data Europ. J. Urol.2008;26;157- 160 2019 International
73 Urodynamic Study of Bladder Function in Patients With Lumbar Compression Disorders and the Effect of Decompressive Surgery Alaa A. Farag (MD), Osama Abdel Wahab (MD) 2019 International
74 Value of second transurethral resection for superficial bladder cancer 2019 Local
Shabib Ahmed Mohamed
Local Publication (3)
International Publication (6)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Critical Analysis of Stented and Unstented Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty Through a Prospective Randomized Study and Assessment of Factors Influencing the Functional and Cosmetic Outcomes Tarek M. El-Karamany, Ahmed M. Al-Adl, Rabea G. Omar, Ashraf M. Abdel Aal, Amr S. Eldakhakhny, and Shabieb A. Abdelbaki 2017 International
2 Cosmetic outcomes of grafted tubularized incised plate urethroplasty in primary distal penile hypospadias: prospective comparative study with the classic Snodgrass repair Shabib Ahmed1, Yasser A. Noureldin1,2* , Hammoda Sherif1, Ahmed Zahran1 and Rabea Omar1 2022 Local
3 Dual Effect of Sacral and Lower Limb Neuromodulation in treatment of overactive bladder 1 Basant M. Elnady, 2Shabieb A. Abdelbaky and 3Dalia Desouky 2011 International
4 Efficacy and safety of tamsulosin oral-controlled absorption system, solifenacin, and combined therapy for the management of ureteric stent-related symptoms Ashraf M. Abdelaal a, Ahmed M. Al-Adl a,b,*, Shabieb A. Abdelbaki a, Mohamed M. Al Azab a,c, Khaled A. Al Gamal 2016 International
5 Evaluation of Sexual Function Following Bipolar Vaporization vs. Monopolar Transurethral Resection of the Prostate Shabieb Ahmed1, MD, Khaled Abdelhamid Elgamal1, MD. Magdi Eltabey1, Aly Hassan 2021 Local
6 Multislice computed tomography vs. intravenous urography for planning supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy: A randomised clinical trial Osama A. El-Wahab a, Magdy A. El-Tabey a,*, Ehab El-Barky a, Shabieb A. El-Baky a, Adel El-Falah a, Medhat Refaat 2014 International
7 The effect of short‑term use of finasteride versus cyproterone acetate on perioperative blood loss with monopolar transurethral resection of prostate Shabieb A. Abdelbaki1* , Adel Al‑Falah1, Mohamed Alhefnawy1, Ahmed Abozeid2 and Abdallah Fathi1 2021 Local
8 The impact of coexisting sperm DNA fragmentation and seminal oxidative stress on the outcome of varicocelectomy in infertile patients: A prospective controlled study Shabieb A. Abdelbaki a, Jehan H. Sabry b, Ahmed M. Al-Adl a,*, Hanan H. Sabry c 2017 International
9 ‘Minimum-incision’ endoscopically assisted transvesical prostatectomy: Surgical technique and early outcomes Tarek M. El-Karamany *, Ahmed M. Al-Adl, Shabieb A. Abdel-Baky, Abdallah F. Abdel-Azeem, Mohamed A. Zaazaa 2014 International
Tarek Mohamed El-Karamany Abosteit
Local Publication (9)
International Publication (19)
Total (28)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Critical Analysis of Stented and Unstented Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty Through a Prospective Randomized Study and Assessment of Factors Influencing the Functional and Cosmetic Outcomes Tarek M. El-Karamany, Ahmed M. Al-Adl, Rabea G. Omar, Ashraf M. Abdel Aal, Amr S. Eldakhakhny, and Shabieb A. Abdelbaki 2017 International
2 A supracostal approach for percutaneous nephrolithotomy of staghorn calculi: A prospective study and review of previous reports Tarek El-karamany 2012 International
3 Assessment of diagnostic value of cytokines and L-carnitine in seminal plasma of infertile men. Egyptian journal of Urology 2003; Vol.10, No. 1. Mohamed Abdel-Zaher, Khaled El-Gamal, Ibrahim Shedid, Tarek El-Karamany, Mohamed El-Shafae. 2003 Local
4 Assessment of noninvasive predictors of bladder outlet obstruction and acute urinary retention secondary to benign prostatic enlargement Ashraf Abdel-Aal, Tarek El-Karamany, Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Adl, Osama Abdel-Wahab, Hesham Farouk 2011 International
5 Chronological Changes in Uroflowmetry after Hypospadias Repair: An Observational Study Ahmed Mahmoud Al Adl Rabea Gomaa Omar Ahmed Mohey Ahmed Abd El Naeem El Mogy Tarek Mohammed El Karamany Urology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Benha, Egypt 2019 International
6 Combined intracavernous vasoactive drugs and sildenafil citrate in treatment of severe erectile dysfunction not responding to on-demand monotherapy Ahmed M. Al-Adl *, Osama Abdel-Wahab, Tarek El-Karamany, Ashraf A. Aal 2011 International
7 Detrusor blood flow as a measure of bladder outlet obstruction in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. The Medical Journal of Cairo university 2006; Vol.74, No. 4 (suppl.3). Tarek El-Karamany, Tohamy El-Kholy, Ibrahim Hafez, Ahmed Al-Adl, Ashraf Abdel-Al. 2006 Local
8 Distal extension of the midline urethral-plate incision in the Snodgrass hypospadias repair: An objective assessment of the functional and cosmetic outcomes Ahmed M. Al-Adl *, Tarek M. El-Karamany, Ayman S. Bassiouny 2014 International
9 Dorsal inlay graft with tubularization of the incised urethral plate (Snod-graft procedure) for hypospadias repair. Egyptian Journal of Urology 2006:Vol.13,No.3. Tarek El-Karamany 2006 Local
10 Efficacy and safety of intradetrusor onabotulinumtoxinA injection for managing paediatric non-neurogenic overactive bladder: A prospective case-series study Amr S. El-Dakhakhny, Tarek M. El-Karamany, Mohamed El-Atrebi & Tarek Gharib Amr S. El-Dakhakhny, Tarek M. El-Karamany, Mohamed El-Atrebi & Tarek Gharib Amr S. El-Dakhakhny, Tarek M. El-Karamany, Mohamed El-Atrebi & Tarek Gharib 2019 International
11 Extended TIP vs. standard TIP: Do pre-operative parameters affect functional and cosmetic outcomes? Randomized prospective study El Attar K., Noureldin Y., Abdel Aal A., Ghareib T., Elkaramany T., Al Adl A. 2020 International
12 Giant Hydronephrosis in a Child Tarek El-Karamany 2010 International
13 Laparoscopic decortication of symptomatic simple renal cysts. Benha Medical Journal 2007: Vol. 24, No. 2. Mohamed Abdel-zaher, Ahmed Abou-Taleb,Tarek El-Karamany, Hisham El-Ezaby, Mohamed El-Azab, Mohamed Zaazaa. 2007 Local
14 Outcomes of the Urogenital Distress Inventory (UDI-6) for 20- to 50-Year-Old Females With Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction in Qalubia Governorate, Egypt Osama Abdelwahab, Ashraf Mohamed, Tarek Mohamed, Mohamed Abdelzaher 2011 International
15 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Outcomes Based on S.T.O.N.E., GUY, CROES, and S-ReSC Scoring Systems: The First Prospective Study Ahmed M. Al Adl, MD, MSc, PhD, Ahmed Mohey, MD, MSc, PhD, Ashraf Abdel Aal, MD, MSc, PhD, Hosam Abdel Fattah Abu-Elnasr, MD, MSc, Tarek El Karamany, MD, MSc, PhD, and Yasser A. Noureldin, MD, MSc, PhD 2020 International
16 Rotoresection of the prostate: A preliminary report. Benha Medical Journal 2002: Vol. 19, No. 3. Podium presentation in the EUA annual meeting 2002. Video presentation in the EUA annual meeting 2003. Tarek El-Karamany, Mohamed Abdel-Zaher, Khaled El-Gamal, Magdy El-Tabey, Mohamed Zaazaa. 2002 Local
17 The first prospective assessment of S.T.O.N.E, Guy, CROES, S-ReSC nomograms in the prediction of percutaneous nephrolithotomy outcomes Elkaramany T., Al Adl A., Mohey A., Abedel Aal A., Abu Elnasr H., Noureldin Y.Institutions Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Dept. of Urology, Benha, Egypt 2020 International
18 The influence of antisperm antibodies, intratesticular hemodynamics and the surgical approach to varicocelectomy on seminal variables Ahmed Al-Adl, Tarek El-Karamany, Hesham Issa, Mohamed Zaazaa 2014 International
19 The surgical importance of reduced seminal alpha-glaucosidase activity among azoospermic patients. Egyptian Journal of Urology 2006; Vol.13, No.3. Samy Tosson, Khaled El-Gamal, Mohamed Abdel-Zaher, Abdel-Aziz Omer, Tarek El-Karamany 2006 Local
20 Thermo-expandable prostatic stent for management of acute urinary retention secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia in high risk patients Tarek El-Karamany, M.D.; Ahmed Abou Taleb, M.D.; Ashraf AbdelAal, M.D.;and Ahmed Abdel Baky, M.D. Department of Urology, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Egypt 2010 International
21 Transperineal intraprostatic injection of botulinum neurotoxin A vs transurethral resection of prostate for management of lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostate hyperplasia: A prospective randomised study Amr S. El-Dakhakhny, Tarek Gharib, Ahmed Issamb and Tarek M. El-Karamany 2019 International
22 Transurethral and transrectal ethanol injection therapy of the prostate for benign prostatic hyperplasia: Preliminary report. Egyptian Journal of Urology 2005: Vol.12, No.3. Tarek El-Karamany 2005 Local
23 Tubeless PNL in the supine position Osama Abdel Wahab, Hammouda Sherif, Tarek El-Karamany 2012 International
24 Two‐stage repair of proximal hypospadias with moderate to severe chordee using inner preputial skin graft: prospective evaluation of functional and cosmetic outcomes Ahmed M. Al‐Adl, Ashraf M. Abdel Aal, Tarek M. El‐Karamany, Yasser A. Noureldin 2020 International
25 Ultrasound estimated bladder weight as a potential indicator of bladder outlet obstruction and a possible predictor of acute urinary retention due to BPH. Egyptian Journal of Urology 2006:Vol.13, No.3. Tarek El-Karamany, Mohamed Abdel-Zaher, Ali El-Shazly, Ibrahim Hafez 2006 Local
26 Ureteroscopy or extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for lower ureteric stone. Benha Medical Journal 2004: Vol. 21, No.1. Ibrahim Hafez, Tarek El-Karamany, Magdy El-Tabey 2004 Local
27 Vascularized Dartos Flap in Conjunction with Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty: Single versus Double Flaps for Management of Distal Hypospadias Ayman Safwat, Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Adl, Tarek El-Karamany 2012 International
28 ‘Minimum-incision’ endoscopically assisted transvesical prostatectomy: Surgical technique and early outcomes Tarek M. El-Karamany, Ahmed M. Al-Adl, Shabieb A. Abdel-Baky, Abdallah F. Abdel-Azeem, Mohamed A. Zaazaa 2014 International
Waleed Elsayed Elshaer
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (18)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A comparative study between full-dose and half-dose intravesical immune bacille Calmette–Guérin injection in the management of superficial bladder cancer Wael Kandeel, Ashraf Abdelal, Basheer N. Elmohamady, , Ahmed Sebaey, Waleed Elshaaer, Ehab Elbarky, Osama Abdelwahab 2015 International
2 Antegrade Scrotal Sclerotherapy With and Without Tamoxifen for Treatment of Infertile Men Due to Variocele W Elshaer; O Abdelwhab; A Elshazly; M Zazaa 2008 International
3 Bipolar Needlescopic Enucleation Versus Bipolar Vapoenucleation of the prostate: A prospective single Centre Randomized Study Dr. Waleed El-Shaer, Dr. Mohamed Alhefnawy, Dr. Yahia Ebrahim, Dr. Ali Elshazly, and Dr. Sally Abdel-Lateef 2022 International
4 Bipolar plasma kinetic enucleation of non-muscleinvasive bladder cancer: Initial experience with a novel technique Ahmed A. Abotaleb, Wael S. Kandeel *, Basheer Elmohamady, Yasser A. Noureldin, Waleed El-Shaer, Ahmed Sebaey 2017 International
5 Bipolar Plasma kinetic Enucleoresection of the Prostate: Our Experience with 245 Patients for 3 Years of Follow-Up Ahmed Abou-Taleb, Waleed El-Shaer, Wael Kandeel, Tarek Gharib and Alaa Elshaer, 2017 International
7 Can trajectory nor-epinephrine infiltration reduce blood loss during percutaneous nephrolithotomy? A double-blinded randomized controlled trial Waleed El-Shaer,1 Mohamed Salah Haggag,2 Alaa Elshaer,1 Islam Shaboob,3 Wael Kandeel,1 Basheer Elmohamady,1 Dina Saad Abdelmotaleb4 and Sally Abdel-Lateef2 2022 International
8 Complete ultrasound-guided percutaneous nephrolithotomy in prone and supine positions: A Randomized controlled study. Urology, (2019), 128; 31-37. 2019 International
9 Gonadotoxic effect of tramadol administration: A prospective controlled study Tarek Soliman, Hussein Shaher, Ahmed Mohey, Waleed El-Shaer and Ahmed Sebaey 2022 International
10 Intra-Cavernous Injection of BOTOX® (50 and 100 Units) For Treatment of Vasculogenic Erectile Dysfunction: Randomized Controlled Trial. Waleed El‐Shaer Hussein Ghanem Tamer Diab Ahmed Abo‐Taleb Wael kandeel 2021 International
11 Lindane Induces Spermatotoxicity and inhibits Steroidogenesis in Adult Rats Hamdy AA Aly, Abdulrahman M Alahdal, Alaa BagalagelAhmed M Mansour, Abdel-Moneim M Osman, Ibrahim AShehata and Waleed El-Shaer 2016 International
12 Mathieu technique with incision of the urethral plate versus standard tubularised incised-plate urethroplasty in primary repair of distal hypospadias: A prospective randomised study Mostafa Khalil, Tarek Gharib *, Waleed El-shaer, Ahmed Sebaey, Basheer Elmohamady, Khalid Elgamal 2017 International
13 Mini-percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Under mixture of Local Anesthesia: A Randomized-Controlled Study. Waleed El-Shaer; Islam Shaboob; Sally Abdel-Lateef. 2021 International
14 Novel Technique in Ejaculation Preserving Trans-Urethral Bipolar Prostatectomy Enucleation and Resection Modalities 2017 International
15 Short- and long-term follow-up results of daily 5-mg tadalafil as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation Tarek Mohamed Gharib, Ibrahim Abdel-Al, Adel Elatreisy, wael Kandeel,Waleed El-Shaer, Abdrabuh M Abdrabuh, Elsayed Mohamed Salih & AhmedSebaey 2022 International
16 Standard versus tubeless mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy: A randomised controlled trial Ahmed Sebaey, Mostafa M. Khalil *, Tarek Soliman, Ahmed Mohey,Walid Elshaer, Wael Kandil, Rabea Omar 2016 International
17 Transurethral Plasma Kinetic Vapo-Enucleation of the Prostate: is it safe in patients on chronic oral anticoagulants and/or antiplatelet drugs? Waleed El-Shaer,MD; Ahmed Abou-Taleb,MD; Wael kandeel, MD 2017 International
18 Usefulness of serum fetuin-A level as a marker of erectile dysfunction W Kandeed, W El-Shaer, A Sebaey, AA Abou-Taleb, A Fathy, B Elmohamady and AI Mansour 2017 International
Abdallah Fathy Abd Alazim
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (7)
Total (7)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of Quality of Life among Children with Urinary Voiding Dysfunction Attending The University Hospital of Benha, Egypt Abdel-Hamid S. Elhamshary1, Ali M. El-Shazly2, Ashraf M. Shahin3, Rasha SH. Eldesouky4*, Abdallah F.Abdel-Azeem5 2015 International
2 Comparative Study between Silodosin and Tamsulosin in Expectant Therapy of Distal Ureteral Stones Tarek Gharib Ahmed Mohey Abdallah Fathi Mohamed AlhefnawyHisham Alazaby Amr Eldakhakhny 2018 International
3 Impact of transobturator vaginal tape on female stress urinary incontinence and sexual function Tarek Soliman, Hammouda Sherif *, Abdallah Fathi, Wael Kandeel, Osama Abdelwahab 2017 International
4 Minimum-incision’ endoscopically assisted transvesical prostatectomy: Surgical technique and early outcomes Tarek M. El-Karamany *, Ahmed M. Al-Adl, Shabieb A. Abdel-Baky, Abdallah F. Abdel-Azeem, Mohamed A. Zaazaa 2014 International
5 Novel Technique in Ejaculation Preserving Trans-Urethral Bipolar Prostatectomy Enucleation and Resection Modalities Ahmed A Abotaleb,Abdallah Fathy,Shabieb Ahmed,Wael S Kandeel,Ahmed Sebaey Waleed El-Shaer,Kareem Noah,Mohammed Abd-elzaher 2017 International
6 Safety and Efficacy of Intravesical hyaluronic acidchondroitin sulfate in refractory painful bladder syndrome Hammouda Sherif, Ahmed Sebay, Wael Kandeel, Tarek Othman, Abdallah Fathi, Ahmed Mohey, Ali Eshazly 2018 International
7 Usefulness of serum fetuin-A level as a marker of erectile dysfunction W Kandeel1, W El-Shaer1, A Sebaey1, AA Abou-Taleb1, A Fathy1, B Elmohamady1 and AI Mansour2 2017 International
Ahmed Mohey Abd-Elaziz
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (15)
Total (15)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Aggressive Angiomyxoma of the Penis: the First Case Report in a 9-Month-Old Infant. Ahmed MA1, Uehelie MA2, Rage AM3, Mohey A4, Noureldin YA4. 2017 International
2 Chronological Changes In Uroflowmetry After Hypospadias Repair: An Observational Study Ahmed Mahmoud Al Adl Rabea Gomaa Omar Ahmed Mohey Ahmed Abd El Naeem El Mogy Tarek Mohammed El Karamany 2019 International
3 Comparative Study between Silodosin and Tamsulosin in Expectant Therapy of Distal Ureteral Stones Tarek Gharib Ahmed Mohey Abdallah Fathi Mohamed Alhefnawy Hisham Alazaby Amr Eldakhakhny 2018 International
4 Effect of Direct-Acting Antiviral Drugs on Erectile Functions among Hepatitis C Patients: A Prospective Interventional Study Mohamed Alhefnawy1, Ahmed Mohey1, Ahmed Fathi1, Ahmed Mansour2, Sherief Abd-Elsalam3,*, Ahmed Eissa4, Ayman Hagras4, Stefano Puliatti5,6 and Khaled Almekaty4 2020 International
5 Efficacy of silodosin on the outcome of semi-rigid ureteroscopy for the management of large distal ureteric stones: blinded randomised trial Ahmed Mohey a, Tarek M. Gharib a, Hisham Alazaby a, Mostafa Khalil a, Ahmed Abou-Taleb a,b, Yasser A. Noureldin a,* 2018 International
6 Evaluation of erectile function after anastomotic vs substitutional urethroplasty for bulbar urethral stricture Rabea G. Omar, Mostafa M. Khalil, Hesham Alezaby, Ahmed Sebaey, Hammouda Sherif and Ahmed Mohey 2020 International
7 Gonadotoxic effect of tramadol administration: A prospective controlled study Tarek Soliman, Hussein Shaher, Ahmed Mohey, Waleed El-Shaer & Ahmed Sebaey 2021 International
8 High single scrotal-incision orchidopexy as the standard technique in infants aged 6–24 months Ahmed Mohey, Tarek M. Gharib, Rabea G. Omar *, Ahmed Sebaey, Basheer N. Elmohamady, Wael Kandeel 2017 International
9 Laparoscopic ureterolithotomy; which is better: Transperitoneal or retroperitoneal approach? Mostafa Khalil, Rabea Omar, Shabieb Abdel-baky, Ahmed Mohey, Ahmed Sebaey 2015 International
10 Management of upper calyceal stone by percutaneous nephrolithotomy through lower calyx access: prone versus supine position Tarek Soliman, Mostafa Khalil*, Rabea Omar, Ahmed Mohey, Shabieb Ahmed, Hammoda Sherif and Mohamed Abdelazim 2020 International
11 Miniperc vs Shockwave Lithotripsy for Average-Sized, Radiopaque Lower Pole Calculi: A Prospective Randomized Study Tarek Soliman, Hammouda Sherif, Ahmed Sebaey, Ahmed Mohey, Basheer Nagy Elmohamady 2016 International
12 Outcome of retrograde flexible ureterorenoscopy and laser lithotripsy for treatment of multiple renal stones H. Alazaby∗, M. Khalil , R. Omar , A. Mohey , T. Gharib , A. Abo-Taleb , E. El-Barky 2018 International
13 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Outcomes Based on S.T.O.N.E., GUY, CROES, and S-ReSC Scoring Systems: The First Prospective Study Ahmed M. Al Adl, MD, MSc, PhD, Ahmed Mohey, MD, MSc, PhD, Ashraf Abdel Aal, MD, MSc, PhD, Hosam Abdel Fattah Abu-Elnasr, MD, MSc, Tarek El Karamany, MD, MSc, PhD, and Yasser A. Noureldin, MD, MSc, PhD 2020 International
14 Standard versus tubeless mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy: A randomised controlled trial Ahmed Sebaey, Mostafa M. Khalil *, Tarek Soliman, Ahmed Mohey,Walid Elshaer, Wael Kandil, Rabea Omar 2016 International
15 Utility of the Guy's Stone Score in predicting different aspects of percutaneous nephrolithotomy Mostafa Khalil (MD), Hammouda Sherif (MD), Ahmed Mohey (MD), Rabea Omar (MD). 2018 International
Amr Mohammed Dakhakhni
Local Publication (15)
International Publication (1)
Total (16)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Critical Analysis of Stented and Unstented Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty through a Prospective Randomized Study and Assessment of Factors Influencing the Functional and Cosmetic Outcomes Tarek M. El-Karamany, Ahmed M. Al-Adl, Rabea G. Omar, Ashraf M. Abdel Aal, Amr S. Eldakhakhny, and Shabieb A. Abdelbaki 2017 Local
2 A Prospective Evaluation of N-Butyl Cyanoacrylate for Percutaneous Sclerotherapy of Symptomatic Simple Renal Cyst AMR EL-DAKHAKHNY, TAREK SOLIMAN, AHMED M. AL-ADL, TAREK EL-KARAMANY 2015 Local
3 Comparative Study between Silodosin and Tamsulosin in Expectant Therapy of Distal Ureteral Stones Tarek Gharib, Ahmed Mohey, Abdallah Fathi, Mohamed Alhefnawy, Hisham Alazaby, Amr Eldakhakhny 2018 Local
4 Efficacy and Safety of Intradetrusor Onabotulinumtoxina Injection for Managing Paediatric Non-Neurogenic Overactive Bladder: A Prospective Case-Series Study Amr S. El-Dakhakhny a, Tarek M. El-Karamany a, Mohamed El-Atrebi b and Tarek Gharib a 2019 Local
5 Stone Free Rate after Semi-Rigid Ureteroscopy with Holmium Laser Lithotripsy versus Laparoscopic Ureterolithotomy for Upper Ureteral Calculi: A Multicentral Study A. I. Ali, A. M. Abdel-Karim, A. Abd El-Latif, A. El-Dakhakhny, E. M. Galal, A. Z. Anwar, M. M. El-Hawy, T. K. Fathelbab, M. S Elbadry, Mostafa S. Elsharkawy, E.R. Tawfiek 2019 Local
6 Transperineal Intraprostatic Injection of Botox-A versus Transurethral Resection of Prostate for Management of Benign Prostatic Obstruction: A Prospective Randomized Study. 1A. S. El-Dakhakhny MD, 1T. Gharib MD, 2A. Issam MD, 1T. M. El-Karamany MD. 2019 Local
7 A Pilot Study of Prostatic Arterial Embolization for Treatment of Benign Prostatic Obstruction 1Wessam M. Abdelatif, 2Amr S. El-Dakhakhny and 3Ashraf Enite 2016 Local
8 Comparative study between antegrade flexible ureteroscopy and reterograde intrarenal surgery in the management of impacted upper ureteric stones 1.5 cm or larger Ahmed Mohey1 · Ahmed A. Abdelfattah1 · Ahmed E. Mohammed1 · Abdelmoniem Marzouk1 · Amr S. El‑Dakhakhny1 2023 Local
9 Evaluation of Storage Symptoms Improvement and Factors Affecting, After Relief of Obstruction in Patients With Benign Prostatic Enlargement Tarek Gharib, Amr Eldakhakhny, Hisham Alazaby, Mostafa Khalil, Khaled Elgamal, and Mohamed Alhefnawy 2024 Local
10 Evaluation of ultrathin semirigid ureteroscopy in terms of efficiency and cost compared to flexible ureteroscopy in treating proximal ureteric stones: a prospective randomized multicenter study Tarek Mohamed Gharib1,2 · Ibrahim Abdel‑Al3 · Adel Elatreisy4 · Mahmoud Faisal4 · Osama Shalkamy4 · Amr S. El‑Dakhakhny1 2024 Local
11 How did the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic affect urology practice in Arab countries? A cross-sectional study by the Arab Association of Urology research group Yasser A. Noureldin , Basheer Elmohamady, Amr S. El-Dakhakhny, Mohamed Omar, Esam E.A. Desoky, Yahia Ghazwani, Saeed Bin Hamri, Abdullah Alkhayal, Khalid Alrabeeah, Wissam Kamal, Fawzy Farag and Yasser Farahat 2024 Local
12 Intralesional injection of hyaluronic acid compared with verapamil in acute phase of Peyronie’s disease: A prospective randomized clinical trial Ahmed Abou Elezz Abdel Fattah, Tamer Diab, Amr S. El-Dakhakhny & Salah A. El Hamshary 2024 Local
13 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy for Staghorn Calculi: Safety and Efficacy of Supracostal Approach and Multiple Tracts Amr Mohamed Salah El-Din El-Dakhakhny 2012 International
14 Transperitoneal laparoscopic simple nephrectomy for giant hydronephrosis: Tips and tricks to make it easier Ahmed Issam Ali1 , Aly M Abdel-Karim2, Mostafa M Abdelghani1, Amr Eldakhakhny3, Ahmed M Fawzy1, Ali Hassan1, Mahmoud F Rohiem4 and Ehab M Galal1 2023 Local
15 Transperitoneal laparoscopic simple nephrectomy for giant hydronephrosis: Tips and tricks to make it easier Ahmed Issam Ali1 , Aly M Abdel-Karim2, Mostafa M Abdelghani1, Amr Eldakhakhny3, Ahmed M Fawzy1, Ali Hassan1, Mahmoud F Rohiem4 and Ehab M Galal1 2024 Local
16 WiScope® single use digital flexible ureteroscope versus reusable flexible ureteroscope for management of renal stones: a prospective randomized study Ahmed I. Ali2 · Amr Eldakhakhny3 · Abdelsalam Abdelfadel2 · Mahmoud F. Rohiem1 · Mohamed Elbadry2 · Ali Hassan2 2023 Local
Ashraf Mohamed Abd Alal
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (6)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A comparative study between full-dose and half-dose intravesical immune bacille Calmette–Gue´ rin injection in the management of superficial bladder cancer Wael Kandeel, Ashraf Abdelal, Basheer N. Elmohamady *, Ahmed Sebaey, Waleed Elshaaer, Ehab Elbarky, Osama Abdelwahab 2015 International
2 A comparative study between full-dose and half-dose intravesical immune bacille Calmette–Gue´rin injection in the management of superficial bladder cancer Wael Kandeel, Ashraf Abdelal, Basheer N. Elmohamady *, Ahmed Sebaey, Waleed Elshaaer, Ehab Elbarky, Osama Abdelwahab 2019 International
3 Assessment of noninvasive predictors of bladder outlet obstruction and acute urinary retention secondary to benign prostatic enlargement Ashraf Abdel-Aal , Tarek El-Karamany , Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Adl, Osama Abdel-Wahab,Hesham Farouk 2011 International
5 Efficacy and Safety of Tamsulosin OCAS, Solifenacin and Combination therapy for Management of Ureteral Stent-related Symptoms. Ashraf M Abdelaal, MD; Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Adl, M.D.; Shabieb A Abdelbaki, MD; Mohamed M Al Azab, MD; Khaled A Al Gamal, MD 2015 International
7 Outcome of Transurethral Plasmakinetic Vaporization for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (short-term follow up) El-Tabey, Magdy;Abou-Taleb, Ahmed;Abdelal, Ashraf;Khalil, Mostafa 2014 Local
8 Outcomes of the Urogenital Distress Inventory (UDI-6) for 20- to 50-Year-Old Females With Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction in Qalubia Governorate, Egypt Osama Abdelwahab, Ashraf Mohamed, Tarek Mohamed, Mohamed Abdelzaher 2010 International
9 Repair of Distal hypospadias with foreskin reconstruction provides a better anatomical penile appearance with a Favorable Outcome Hisham Hussein,Ashraf Abdel Aal 2009 Local
Basheer Nagy El Mohamady Saad
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (8)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A comparative study between full-dose and half-dose intravesical immune bacille Calmette–Gue´ rin injection in the management of superficial bladder cancer Wael Kandeel, Ashraf Abdelal, Basheer N. Elmohamady *, Ahmed Sebaey, Waleed Elshaaer, Ehab Elbarky, Osama Abdelwahab 2015 International
2 Bipolar plasma kinetic enucleation of non-muscleinvasive bladder cancer: Initial experience with a novel technique Ahmed A. Abotaleb, Wael S. Kandeel *, Basheer Elmohamady, Yasser A. Noureldin, Waleed El-Shaer, Ahmed Sebaey 2017 International
3 High single scrotal-incision orchidopexy as the standard technique in infants aged 6–24 months Ahmed Mohey, Tarek M. Gharib, Rabea G. Omar *, Ahmed Sebaey, Basheer N. Elmohamady, Wael Kandeel 2017 International
4 LAPAROSCOPIC RETROPUBIC SIMPLE PROSTATECTOMY (MILLIN): AN ALTERNATIVE MODALITY FOR MANAGEMENT OF BPH Bashir Nagy El-Mohamady , Aly Mohamed El-Shazly, Abdel Aziz Abdel Halim Omar, Ahmed Adel Abou-Taleb. 2004 International
5 Mathieu technique with incision of the urethral plate versus standard tubularised incised-plate urethroplasty in primary repair of distal hypospadias: A prospective randomised study Mostafa Khalil, Tarek Gharib *, Waleed El-shaer, Ahmed Sebaey, Basheer Elmohamady, Khalid Elgamal 2017 International
6 Miniperc versus shockwave lithotripsy for average sized radiopaque lower pole calculi: A prospective randomized study tareek soliman , hammouda sherif , ahmed sebaay,ahmed mohee, basheer elmohamady 2016 International
7 Prostatic Artery Embolization: A Promising Technique in the Treatment of High-Risk Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Ahmed H. Gabr ,Mohamed F. Gabr , Basheer N. Elmohamady Abul-fotouh Ahmed 2016 International
8 Usefulness of serum fetuin-A level as a marker of erectile dysfunction W Kandeel1, W El-Shaer1, A Sebaey1, AA Abou-Taleb1, A Fathy1, B Elmohamady1 and AI Mansour2 2017 International
Mohamed Abdel_rahman Alhefnawy
Local Publication (3)
International Publication (15)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Autologous mesenchymal stem cell therapy for diabetic men with erectile dysfunction. Is it promising? A pilot study Mohamed A. Alhefnawy; Emad Salah;Sayed Bakry; Taymour M. Khalifa;Alaa Rafaat;Refaat Hammad;Ali Sobhy;Ahmed Wahsh 2023 International
2 Comparative Study between Silodosin and Tamsulosin in Expectant Therapy of Distal Ureteral Stones Gharib T. • Mohey A. • Fathi A. • Alhefnawy M. • Alazaby H. • Eldakhakhny A 2018 International
3 Comparison between Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Prostatic Biopsy versus Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Subsequent Magnetic Resonance Imaging Prostatic Guided Target Biopsy in Suspected Cancer Prostate Patients Mohamed Alhefnawy;Ahmed Abou-Taleb;Waleed El-Shaer; Abdel-Monaem Mohamed*,Ahmed Mohey,Abdallah Fathi 2024 Local
4 Diagnostic accuracy of computed tomography angiography in detection of post traumatic renal vascular injury Mohammed M. Dawouda,⁎, Alsiagy A. Salamaa, Tarek Abdelmoneim El-Diastyb, Mohamed Alhefnawyc 2018 Local
5 Effect of Direct-Acting Antiviral Drugs on Erectile Functions among Hepatitis C Patients: A Prospective Interventional Study Mohamed Alhefnawy1, Ahmed Mohey1, Ahmed Fathi1, Ahmed Mansour2, Sherief Abd-Elsalam3, Ahmed Eissa4, Ayman Hagras4, Stefano Puliatti5,6 and Khaled Almekaty4 2021 Local
6 Effect of radiofrequency electromagnetic waves of mobile phone stations on male fertility Tarek Mohamed Gharib; Khaled Almekaty ;Ashraf Mohamed Abdel Aal; Ibrahim Abdel-Al ;Hazem Deif; Gamal M Hassan 6, Ahmed Haty 7, Mohamed Abdelrahman Alhefnawy 2024 International
7 Efficacy of Intradetrusor Injection Of Botulinum Toxin Type A 100 Units Versus 200 Units for the Treatment of Idiopathic Refractory Overactive Bladder Mohamed Abdel Rahman Al Hefnawy, Prof. Dr. Aly Mohamed El shazly, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ehab Mohamed El Barky, Dr. Hammouda Waheeb Sherif 2014 International
8 Efficacy of Sildenafil Citrate on Female Sexual Dysfunction in A Sample of Egyptian Females, A Prospective Placebo Controlled Study Mohamed Alhefnawy;Abdulla Esawy;Mohamed Abdelazeem;Mohamed Elnamoury;Ahmed Eissa4, Ahmed Zoair; Ahmed Fayez;Ayman Hagras4 and Khaled Almekaty 2022 International
9 Evaluation of double‑folded meatal‑based flap (modified Mathieu) in redo circumcised distal penile hypospadias: a prospective multicenter study Salah Nagla1, Mohammed Radwan1, Mohamed Alhefnawy2, Ahmed Ghaith1*, Ayman M. Hagrass1,Mohammed Shalaby3, Mohammed Awad3, Mohamed Ahmed Negm4 and Samir Elgamal1 2020 International
10 Evaluation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of non obstructive azoospermia Mohamed A. Alhefnawy ;Gamal Elmorsy ; Sayed Bakry ;Hesham El-amrosy ;Ibrahim Mearaj ; Ebrahim A. Sabra ; Osama M. Badr ; Dalia Ibraheem ;Taymour Khalifa. 2024 International
11 Evaluation of storage symptoms improvement and factors affecting, after relief of obstruction in patients with benign prostatic enlargement Tarek Gharib, MD, PhD Amr Eldakhakhny, M.D. Hisham Alazaby, M.D. Mostafa Khalil, M.D. Khaled Elgamal, M.D. Mohamed Alhefnawy, M.D. 2022 International
12 Is the urinary kidney injury molecule an optimum biomarker for early detection of obstructive nephropathy?: An experimental study Ahmed S. El-Hefnawya,∗, Mona A. El-Hussinyb, Ahmed M.A. Ibrahimc, Khadiga M. Alid, Mohammed A. Atwab, Nashwa Barakate, Mohamed Alhefnawyf, Ahmed A. Shokeira 2022 International
13 Predicting stone free rate after retrograde intrarenal surgery using RIRS scoring system versus Resorlu Unsal stone score (RUSS) Basheer N. Elmohamady;Mahmoud M. Farag,;Hamouda W. Sherif;Ahmed EL Ghobashy;Mohamed A. AL Hefnawy 2023 International
14 PREVALENCE OF VOIDING DYSFUNCTION AMONG MIDDLE AGED FEMALES IN QALUBYIA GOVERNORATE Dr. Ashraf Mohamed Abdel Aal Dr. Mohamed Abdel Rahman Al Hefnawy, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Zaher Ibrahim, Assist. Prof. Dr. Osama Abdel Wahab Abdallah 2010 International
15 Renal protective effect of N‑acetylcysteine with stepwise ramping voltage against extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy‑induced renal injury: a prospective randomized trial Esam A. E. Desoky1 · Ahmed M. Sakr1 · Mohamed Alhefnawy2 · Mohamed Omran1 · Mohamed M. H. Abdalla1 · Ashraf S. Shahin1 · Maged M. Ali1 2020 International
16 The effect of short‑term use of finasteride versus cyproterone acetate on perioperative blood loss with monopolar transurethral resection of prostate Shabieb A. Abdelbaki1* , Adel Al‑Falah1, Mohamed Alhefnawy1, Ahmed Abozeid2 and Abdallah Fathi1 2021 International
17 The outcomes of flexible ureteroscopy for renal calculi of 2 cm or more with and without the use of ureteral access sheath: A retrospective study Basem A. Fathi;Ahmed A. Elgammal;Tamer A. Abouelgreed;Osama M. Ghoneimy; Ahmed Y. Aboelsaad;Mohamed A. Alhefnawy 2023 International
18 Ureteral access sheath or percutaneous nephrostomy during flexible ureteroscopy: which is better? Mohamed Abdelrahman Alhefnawy; Moaz Fathy Ismail Abdelrahman; Helmy Ahmed Eldib 2025 International
Rabea Gomaa Sayed Omar
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (7)
Total (14)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Critical Analysis of Stented and Unstented Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty Through a Prospective Randomized Study and Assessment of Factors Influencing the Functional and Cosmetic Outcomes Tarek M. El-Karamany, Ahmed M. Al-Adl, Rabea G. Omar, Ashraf M. Abdel Aal, Amr S. Eldakhakhny, and Shabieb A. Abdelbaki 2017 International
2 Chronological Changes In Uroflowmetry After Hypospadias Repair: An Observational Study Ahmed Mahmoud Al Adl Rabea Gomaa Omar Ahmed Mohey Ahmed Abd El Naeem El Mogy Tarek Mohammed El Karamany 2019 Local
3 Cosmetic outcomes of grafted tubularized incised plate urethroplasty in primary distal penile hypospadias: prospective comparative study with the classic Snodgrass repair Shabib Ahmed1, Yasser A. Noureldin1,2* , Hammoda Sherif1, Ahmed Zahran1 and Rabea Omar1 2021 Local
4 Dorsal inlay inner preputial graft repair versus ventral‑only preputial graft repair in primary distal penile hypospadias with narrow urethral plate Rabea Gomaa Omar, Mostafa M. Khalil, Hammouda W. Shereef, Mahmoud R. Al Ashram1, Alaa Elshaer 2023 Local
5 Evaluation of erectile function after anastomotic vs substitutional urethroplasty for bulbar urethral stricture Rabea G. Omar , Mostafa M. Khalil , Hesham Alezaby , Ahmed Sebaey , Hammouda Sherif & Ahmed Mohey 2020 Local
6 Flexible ureterorenoscopy (RIRS) vs. Minipercutaneous nephrolithotomy (MINI‑PCNL) for renal stones 20–30 mm a prospective randomized study Ahmed Sebaey* , Ahmed Abou Taleb, Salah Elbashir, Rabie Gomaa, Ali Elshazli and Wael Saber 2022 Local
7 Fluoroless-ureteroscopy for definitive management of distal ureteral calculi: randomized controlled trial Ahmed Mohey, MD, Mohamed Alhefnawy, MD, Mostafa Mahmoud, MD, Rabea Gomaa, MD, Tarek Soliman, MD, Shabieb Ahmed, MD, Yasser A. Noureldin, MD 2018 International
8 High single scrotal-incision orchidopexy as the standard technique in infants aged 6–24 months Ahmed Mohey, Tarek M. Gharib, Rabea G. Omar *, Ahmed Sebaey, Basheer N. Elmohamady, Wael Kandeel 2017 International
9 Management of upper calyceal stone by percutaneous nephrolithotomy through lower calyx access: prone versus supine position Tarek Soliman, Mostafa Khalil*, Rabea Omar, Ahmed Mohey, Shabieb Ahmed, Hammoda Sherif and Mohamed Abdelazim 2020 Local
10 Outcome of retrograde flexible ureterorenoscopyand laser lithotripsy for treatment of multiplerenal stones H. Alazaby∗, M. Khalil , R. Omar , A. Mohey , T. Gharib ,A. Abo-Taleb , E. El-Barky 2017 International
11 Pedicled preputial island flap for double functions in hypospadias surgery Rabea G. Omar , Mostafa M. Khalil , Hammouda Sherif , Hesham Elezaby 2018 International
12 Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery Versus Ultrasound- Guided Shock Wave Lithotripsy for Treating 1-2 cm Radiolucent Lower Calyceal Stones Ashraf M. Abd Elal *, Hussein Shaher, Ehab El-Barky, Saad Ali and Rabea G. Omar , Ashraf M ,Hussein Shaher , . Abd Elal , Ehab El-Barky , Saad Ali , Rabea G. Omar: 2024 Local
13 Standard versus tubeless mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy: A randomised controlled trial Ahmed Sebaey, Mostafa M. Khalil *, Tarek Soliman, Ahmed Mohey, Walid Elshaer, Wael Kandil, Rabea Omar 2016 International
14 Utility of the Guy's Stone Score in predicting different aspects of percutaneous nephrolithotomy Mostafa Khalil (MD), Hammouda Sherif (MD), Ahmed Mohey (MD), Rabea Omar (MD). 2018 International
Tarek Mohamed Gharib Ahmed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (9)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Bipolar Plasmakinetic Enucleoresection of the Prostate: Our Experience with 245 Patients for 3 Years of Follow-Up Ahmed Abou-Taleb, Waleed El-Shaer, Wael Kandeel, Tarek Gharib, Alaa Elshaer 2017 International
2 Comparative Study between Silodosin and Tamsulosin in Expectant Therapy of Distal Ureteral Stones Tarek Gharib Ahmed Mohey Abdallah Fathi Mohamed Alhefnawy Hisham Alazaby Amr Eldakhakhny 2018 International
3 Efficacy of silodosin on the outcome of semi-rigid ureteroscopy for management of large distal ureteric calculi: single-blinded placebo-controlled randomised trial Yasser NoureldinAhmed MoheyTarek GharibTarek GharibShow all 6 authorsAhmed Abou-TalebAhmed Abou-Taleb 2018 International
4 Evaluation of Storage Symptoms Improvement and Factors Affecting, After Relief of Obstruction in Patients With Benign Prostatic Enlargement Tarek Gharib, Amr Eldakhakhny, Hisham Alazaby, Mostafa Khalil, Khaled Elgamal, and Mohamed Alhefnawy 2022 International
5 Evaluation of ultrathin semirigid ureteroscopy in terms of efficiency and cost compared to flexible ureteroscopy in treating proximal ureteric stones: a prospective randomized … Tarek Mohamed Gharib, Ibrahim Abdel-Al, Adel Elatreisy, Mahmoud Faisal, Osama Shalkamy, Amr S El-Dakhakhny 2023 International
6 High single scrotal-incision orchidopexy as the standard technique in infants aged 6-24 months Ahmed Mohey, Tarek M Gharib, Rabea G Omar, Ahmed Sebaey, Basheer N Elmohamady, Wael Kandeel 2017 International
7 Mathieu technique with incision of the urethral plate versus standard tubularised incised-plate urethroplasty in primary repair of distal hypospadias: A prospective randomised study Mostafa Khalil, Tarek Gharib, Waleed El-shaer, Ahmed Sebaey, Basheer Elmohamady, Khalid Elgamal 2017 International
8 Outcome of retrograde flexible ureterorenoscopy and laser lithotripsy for treatment of multiple renal stones H. Alazaby∗, M. Khalil , R. Omar , A. Mohey , T. Gharib , A. Abo-Taleb , E. El-Barky 2018 International
9 Role of scrotal ultrasound and trans rectal ultrasound in the evaluation of male infertility in The 40th Annual Meeting of the Egyptian Urological Association in conjunction with the European Association of urology 2005 Local
10 Short- and long-term follow-up results of daily 5-mg tadalafil as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation Tarek Mohamed Gharib, Ibrahim Abdel-Al, Adel Elatreisy, Wael Kandeel, Waleed El-Shaer, Abdrabuh M Abdrabuh, Elsayed Mohamed Salih & Ahmed Sebaey 2021 International
Tarek Soliman Osman
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (9)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
3 comparison between conventional and minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy Tarek Soliman Othman 2012 International
4 Defining a Hba1c Value That Predicts Increased Risk Of Penile Implant Infection Mohamad Habous1, Raanan Tal2,Tarek Soliman3 , Alaa Tealab4 Mohammed Nassar1,Zenhom Mekawi1 ,Saad Mahmoud1 ,Osama Abdelwahab3, ,Mohamed Elkhouly1 ,Hatem Kamr1 , Abdallah Remeah1,Saleh Binsaleh5, David Ralph6,and John Mulhall 2017 International
5 Efficacy of botulinum toxin type A 100 Units versus 200 units for treatment of refractory idiopathic overactive bladder Osama Abdelwahab 1, Hammouda Sherif 1, Tark Soliman 1, Ihab Elbarky 1, Aly Eshazly 1 2014 International
6 Fluoroless Ureteroscopy for Definitive Management of Distal Ureteral Calculi: Randomized Controlled Trial Ahmed Mohey; Mohamed Alhefnawy; Mostafa Mahmoud, Rabea Gomaa; Tarek Soliman; Shabieb Ahmed; Yasser A. Noureldin 2017 International
8 Outcomes of Variation in Technique And variation in accuracy of measurement in Penile Length Measurement Mohamad Habous1MD, Gordon Muir2 FRCS(urol), Tarek Soliman3 Mohammed Farag4 MD, Ben Williamson5 MBBS BSc., Saleh Binsaleh6 MD, Waleed Elhadek1 FECSM, Saad Mahmoud1 MD, Hussein Ibrahim1 FECSM, Osama Abdelwahab3 MD ,Ziad Abdelrahman1 FECSM,Mohamed Abdelkad 2017 International
9 Transobturator four arms Mesh as surgical management of stress urinary incontinence with cystocele Hammouda Sherif, Tarek Soliman Othman, Amr Eldkhakhany, Hussein Elkady, Adel Elfallah 2017 International
Wael Saber Kandil
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (12)
Total (13)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Plasma Kinetic En-Bloc resection of Bladder Tumors: Initial Experience with Novel Technique Ahmed A AboTaleb, MD; Wael Saber Kandeel, MD; BasheerElmohamady, MD; Yasser A Noureldin, MD; Waleed E Elshaer, MD; AhmedSebaey, MD 2017 International
2 A comparative study between full-dose and half-dose intravesical immune bacille Calmette–Gue´ rin injection in the management of superficial bladder cancer Wael Kandeel, Ashraf Abdelal, Basheer N. Elmohamady *, Ahmed Sebaey, Waleed Elshaaer, Ehab Elbarky, Osama Abdelwahab 2015 International
3 Bipolar Plasmakinetic Enucleoresection of the Prostate: Our Experience with 245 Patients for 3 Years of Follow-Up Ahmed Abou-Taleb, MD, Waleed El-Shaer, MD, Wael Kandeel, MD, Tarek Gharib, MD, and Alaa Elshaer, MD 2017 International
4 Complete Ultrasound-guided Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Prone and Supine Positions: A Randomized Controlled Study Waleed El-Shaer, Wael kandeel, Sally Abdel-Lateef, Ahmed Torky, and Alaa Elshaer 2019 International
5 Flexible ureterorenoscopy (RIRS) vs. Minipercutaneous nephrolithotomy (MINI‑PCNL) for renal stones 20–30 mm a prospective randomized study Ahmed Sebaey* , Ahmed Abou Taleb, Salah Elbashir, Rabie Gomaa, Ali Elshazli and Wael Saber 2022 International
6 High single scrotal-incision orchidopexy as the standard technique in infants aged 6–24 months Ahmed Mohey, Tarek M. Gharib, Rabea G. Omar *, Ahmed Sebaey, Basheer N. Elmohamady, Wael Kandeel 2017 International
7 Impact of transobturator vaginal tape on female stress urinary incontinence and sexual function Tarek Soliman, Hammouda Sherif *, Abdallah Fathi, Wael Kandeel, Osama Abdelwahab 2017 International
8 Intra- cavernous injection of BOTOX® (50 and 100 Units) for treatment of vasculogenic erectile dysfunction: Randomized controlled trial Waleed El- Shaer1 | Hussein Ghanem2 | Tamer Diab1 | Ahmed Abo- Taleb1 |Wael kandeel1 2021 Local
9 Modified tubeless minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy for management of renal stones in children: A single-centre experience Ahmed Sebaey, Ashraf Abdelaal, Alaa Elshaer, Hisham Alazaby, Wael Kadeel, Tarek Soliman & Ehab Elbarky 2019 International
10 Safety and efficacy of Intravesical hyaluronic acid/chondroitin sulfate in the treatment of refractory painful bladder syndrome Hammouda Sherif , Ahmed Sebay , Wael Kandeel , Tarek Othman , Abdallah Fathi , Ahmed Mohey , Ali Eshazly 2019 International
11 Short- and long-term follow-up results of daily 5-mg tadalafil as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation Tarek Mohamed Gharib, Ibrahim Abdel-Al, Adel Elatreisy, Wael Kandeel,Waleed El-Shaer, Abdrabuh M Abdrabuh, Elsayed Mohamed Salih & AhmedSebaey 2022 International
12 Standard versus tubeless mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy: A randomised controlled trial Ahmed Sebaey, Mostafa M. Khalil *, Tarek Soliman, Ahmed Mohey, Walid Elshaer, Wael Kandil, Rabea Omar 2016 International
13 Usefulness of serum fetuin-A level as a marker of erectile dysfunction W Kandeel1 , W El-Shaer1 , A Sebaey1 , AA Abou-Taleb1 , A Fathy1 , B Elmohamady1 and AI Mansour 2017 International
Yasser Abdelsattar Noureldin
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (48)
Total (48)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Determinants of fluoroscopy time during percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) Yasser Noureldin, Mohamed Elkoushy, Sero Andonian 2014 International
2 Incorporation of the da Vinci Surgical Skills SimulatorTM at Urology Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs): Pilot Study Yasser Noureldin · Ana Stoica · Wassim Kassouf · Simon Tanguay · Franck Bladou · Sero Andonian 2015 International
3 Incorporation of the GreenLight-SIM simulator at the annual Quebec Urology Objective Structured Clinical Examinations Yasser Noureldin, Mohamed Elkoushy, Nader Fahmy, Serge Carrier, Mostafa Elhilali, Sero Andonian 2014 International
4 Is there a place for virtual reality simulators in assessment of competency in percutaneous renal access? Yasser A Noureldin · Nader Fahmy · Maurice Anidjar · Sero Andonian 2015 International
5 Lasers for stone treatment: how safe are they? Yasser A Noureldin , Panagiotis Kallidonis , Evangelos N Liatsikos 2020 International
6 A Call for a Shift in Theory and Terminology for Validation Studies in Urological Education Yasser Noureldin, Robert Sweet 2018 International
7 Aggressive Angiomyxoma of the Penis: The First Case Report in a 9-Month-Old Infant Mohamed Atef MohamedAhmed, Mohamed Ahmed Uehelieb, Abdihamid Mohamed Ali Ragea, Ahmed Mohey, Yasser A.Noureldin 2017 International
8 Antibiotic Resistance of Healthcare-Acquired Urinary Tract Infections Does Not Predict Resistance Rates of Urosepsis Pathogens Yasser A. Noureldin, Sero Andonian 2016 International
9 Are basic robotic surgical skills transferable from the simulator to the operating room? A randomized, prospective, educational study Ahmad Almarzouq , Jason Hu , Yasser A Noureldin , Anne Yin , Maurice Anidjar , Franck Bladou , Simon Tanguay , Wassim Kassouf , Armen G Aprikian , Sero Andonian 2020 International
10 Assessment of Percutaneous Renal Access Skills during Urology Objective Structured Clinical Examinations Yasser Noureldin, Mohamed Elkoushy, Sero Andonian 2015 International
11 Assessment of photoselective vaporization of prostate skills during Urology Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) Yasser A. Noureldin, MD, MSc, PhD;*† Mohamed A. Elkoushy, MD, MSc, PhD;*§ Nader Fahmy, MD, FRCSC;* Serge Carrier, MD, FRCSC;* Mostafa M. Elhilali, MD, PhD, FRCSC;* Sero Andonian, MD, MSc, FRCSC, FACS* 2015 International
12 ASSOCIATION OF S.T.O.N.E. NEPHROLITHOMETRY WITH STONE-FREE OUTCOMES FOLLOWING PERCUTANEOUS NEPHROLITHOMETRY: A MULTIINSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS Vincent Bird,Arash Akhavein, Daniel M. Moreira,Arvin K. George, Sammy Elsamra, Brian Duty,Michael del Junco, Fotima K. Asqarova,Michael Rothberg, Mantu Gupta, Chad Tracy,Mark R. Newton, Kevan Sternebrg,Benjamin King, Edan Shapiro, Jorge Moreno 2014 International
13 Bi-polar plasma kinetic enucleation of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: Initial experience with novel technique Ahmed A. Abou-Taleb, Yasser A. Noureldin 2015 International
14 Bipolar plasma kinetic enucleation of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: Initial experience with a novel technique Ahmed A.Abotaleb, Wael Kandeel, Basheer Elmohamady, Yasser A.Noureldin, Waleed El-Shaer, Ahmed Sebaey 2017 International
15 Changes in Urolithiasis Referral Patterns for Shock Wave Lithotripsy over a Decade: Was there Adherence to AUA/EAU Guidelines? Yasser A. Noureldin, Mohamed A. Elkoushy, Sero Andonian 2015 International
16 Circle nephrostomy tube revisited Yasser A. Noureldin, Christian Diab, David Valenti,Sero Andonian 2016 International
17 Combined Vitamin D and Calcium Supplementation in Vitamin-D Inadequate Patients with Urolithiasis: Impact on Hypercalciuria and De novo Stone Formation Charles Hesswani, Yasser Noureldin, Mohamed Elkoushy, Sero Andonian 2015 International
18 Competency-Based Training and Simulation: Making a "Valid" Argument Yasser A Noureldin, Jason Y Lee , Elspeth M McDougall, Robert M Sweet 2018 International
20 Does the presence of a percutaneous renal access influence fluoroscopy time during percutaneous nephrolithotomy? Yasser A. Noureldin · Mohamed A. Elkoushy · Sero Andonian 2015 International
21 Effects of irrigation parameters and access sheath size on the intra-renal temperature during flexible ureteroscopy with a high-power laser Yasser A Noureldin , Ergina Farsari , Panteleimon Ntasiotis , Constantinos Adamou , Athanasios Vagionis , Theofanis Vrettos , Evangelos N Liatsikos , Panagiotis Kallidonis 2020 International
22 Efficacy of silodosin on the outcome of semi-rigid ureteroscopy for the management of large distal ureteric stones: blinded randomised trial Ahmed Mohey , Tarek M Gharib , Hisham Alazaby , Mostafa Khalil , Ahmed Abou-Taleb , Yasser A Noureldin 2018 International
23 Experimental Studies of Nonabsorbable Polymeric Surgical Clips for Use in Urologic Laparoscopy Zakaria Saki , Panagiotis Kallidonis , Yasser Noureldin , Dimitrios Kotsiris , Panteleimon Ntasiotis , Constantinos Adamou , Athanasios Vagionis , Evangelos Liatsikos 2019 International
24 External Validation of S.T.O.N.E. Nephrolithometry Scoring System Yasser Noureldin, Mohamed Elkoushy, Sero Andonian 2014 International
25 Fluoroless-ureteroscopy for definitive management of distal ureteral calculi: randomized controlled trial Ahmed Mohey , Mohamed Alhefnawy, Mostafa Mahmoud, Rabea Gomaa, Tarek Soliman, Shabieb Ahmed, Yasser A Noureldin 2018 International
26 How to Use Virtual-Reality Simulators to Assess Competency in Basic Endourologic and Robotic Skills? Yasser A. Noureldin, Mehdi Aloosh, Sero Andonian 2016 International
27 Impact of Training on Three-Dimensional versus Two-Impact of Training on Three-Dimensional versus Two-Dimensional Laparoscopic Systems on Acquisition of Laparoscopic Skills in Novices: A Prospective Comparative Pilot Study Yasser A. Noureldin, Ana Stoica, Pepa Kaneva, Sero Andonian 2016 International
28 Implications of different nephrolithometry scoring systems on clinical practice of endourologists: An international web-based survey Mohamed A Elkoushy, Adel H Metwally, Yasser A Noureldin 2016 International
29 Incorporation of the fluoroless C-Arm Trainer at the American Urological Association hands on training percutaneous renal access Yasser A Noureldin, David M Hoenig , Philip Zhao , Sammy E Elsamra , Joshua Stern , Geoffrey Gaunay , Piruz Motamedinia , Zeph Okeke , Ardeshir R Rastinehad, Robert M Sweet 2018 International
30 Is it safe to prescribe ascorbic acid for urinary acidification in stone-forming patients with alkaline urine? Yasser A. Noureldin, Alxandrine da Silva, Nader Fahmy, Sero Andonian 2017 International
31 Is transurethral incision better than upper pole partial nephrectomy for management of duplex system ureterocoele diagnosed in the first year of life? Amr Hodhod, Yasser A. Noureldin, Mohamed El Sherbiny 2017 International
32 LEISURE TIME PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, SMOKING AND RISK OF RECENT UROLITHIASIS Soueidan M, Bartlett JS, Noureldin YA, Andersen RE, Andonian S 2015 International
33 Management of benign prostatic obstruction using bipolar plasma kinetic energy in coagulopathic patients: Initial series A Abou-Taleb, M Khalil, A Sebaey, H Shaher, A Abdelbaky, Y Noureldin 2016 International
34 Management of Benign Prostatic Obstruction Using Bipolar Plasma Kinetic Energy in Coagulopathic Patients: Initial Series Abou- Taleb A, Khalil M, Sebaey A, Shaher H, Abdelbaky A, Noureldin Y 2014 International
35 Objective structured assessment of technical skills for the photoselective vaporization of the prostate procedure: A pilot study Yasser A. Noureldin, Mohamed Elhoushy, Mehdi Aloosh, Serge Carrier, Mostafa Elhilali, Sero Andonian 2016 International
36 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Outcomes Based on S.T.O.N.E., GUY, CROES, and S-ReSC Scoring Systems: The First Prospective Study Ahmed M Al Adl , Ahmed Mohey , Ashraf Abdel Aal , Hosam Abdel Fattah Abu-Elnasr , Tarek El Karamany , Yasser A Noureldin 2020 International
37 Predictors of Fluoroscopy Time during Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: Impact of Postgraduate Urology Trainees and S.T.O.N.E. Nephrolithometry Score Yasser A. Noureldin, Mohamed A. Elkoushy, Sero Andonian 2015 International
38 Preliminary Study of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy on an Ambulatory Basis Magdy Ahmed El-Tabey, Osama Abdel-Wahab Abd-Allah, Ahmed Sebaey Ahmed, Ehab Mohammed El-Barky, and Yasser Abdel-Sattar Noureldin 2014 International
39 PREOPERATIVE FACTORS AFFECTING RADIATION TIME DURING PERCUTANEOUS NEPHROLITHOTOMY: A MULTI-INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS Zhamshid Okhunov*, Orange, CA; Vincent Bird, Arash Akhavein, Gainesville, FL; Daniel Moreira, Arvin George, Sammy Elsamra, Hempstead, NY; Brian Duty, Portland, OR; Michael Del Junco, Orange, CA; Fotima Asquarova, Michael Rothberg, Mantu Gupta, New 2015 International
40 S.T.O.N.E. NEPHROLITHOMETRY IS ASSOCIATED WITH COMPLICATIONS AFTER PERCUTANEOUS NEPHROLITHOTOMY: A MULTI-INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS Zhamshid Okhunov, Vincent Bird, Arash Akhavein,Daniel M. Moreira, Arvin K. George, Sammy Elsamra,Brian Duty, Michael del Junco, Fotima K. Asqarova,Michael Rothberg3, Mantu Gupta3, Chad Tracy8,Mark R. Newton8, Kevan Stemberg4, Benjamin King4,Edan 2014 International
41 Scientific Program of 32nd World Congress of Endourology & SWL Program Book 2014 International
42 Simulation for Percutaneous Renal Access: Where Are We? Yasser A. Noureldin, Sero Andonian 2017 International
43 Simulation-based training in urology residency programmes in the USA: Results of a nationwide survey Mohamed Kamel , Ehab A Eltahawy , Renee Warford , Carol R Thrush , Yasser A Noureldin 2018 International
44 Testicular Preservation in 46 XY Denys-Drash Syndrome: A Report of Two Cases Amr Hodhod , Yasser A Noureldin , Mohamed El-Sherbiny 2019 International
45 The Effect of Irrigation Power and Ureteral Access Sheath Diameter on the Maximal Intra-Pelvic Pressure During Ureteroscopy: In Vivo Experimental Study in a Live Anesthetized Pig Yasser A Noureldin 1 2 , Panagiotis Kallidonis 1 , Panteleimon Ntasiotis , Constantinos Adamou , Evangelos Zazas , Evangelos N Liatsikos 2019 International
46 Transfer of Flexible Ureteroscopic Stone-Extraction Skill from a Virtual Reality Simulator to the Operating Theatre: A Pilot Study Mehdi Aloosh, Yasser A. Noureldin, Sero Andonian 2017 International
47 Two-stage repair of proximal hypospadias with moderate to severe chordee using inner preputial skin graft: prospective evaluation of functional and cosmetic outcomes Ahmed M Al-Adl , Ashraf M Abdel Aal , Tarek M El-Karamany , Yasser A Noureldin 2020 International
48 Which is Better? Guy’s vs S.T.O.N.E. Nephrolithometry Scoring Systems in Predicting Stone-Free Status Post-Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Yasser Noureldin, Mohamed Elkoushy, Sero Andonian 2015 International
Ahmed Abdel naeem Ali Elmogy
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Management of Pediatric Renal Stones (10-20mm) by Flexible Ureteroscopy (F-URS), Miniaturized Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (Mini-Perc) or Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL): Comparative Study Mohammed Abd El Zaher Ibrahim , Tarek Soliman Othman , Salah Abdel Hamed El Hamshary , 2023 Local
2 Voiding patterns after Urethral reconstructive surgery Ahmed Abdel Naeem Ali El Mogy 2018 International
Ahmed Abou Elezz Abdel Fattah
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Impact of anastomotic versus substitutional urethroplasty of bulbar urethral stricture disease on erectile function Ahmed Abdel Baky Zahran , Mostafa Mahmoud Khalil , Hisham Mohammed Farouk , Rabea Gomaa Sayed Omar &Ahmed Abou Elezz Abdel Fattah 2018 International
Ahmed Hashem Mohammed Ahmed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Compare using sutures versus mesh during laparoscopic Burch colposuspension in patints with stress urinary incontinence. H.W.Sherif, S.A.Mohammed, A.F.Abdelazim, A.H.Mohamed. 2023 Local
Alaa Abd El Razek El Shaer
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (12)
Total (13)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Awareness and implementation of lonizing radiation safety measures among urology community in Egypt: nationwide survey Mohamed Omar, Esam E. A. Desoky, Basheer Elmohamady, Alaa El‑Shaer and Yasser A. Noureldin 2021 International
2 Bipolar Plasmakinetic Enucleo-resection of the Prostate; our expérience with 245 patients for 3 years of follow up. .Abou-Taleb A1, El-Shaer W2, Saber W3, Gharib T4, El-Shaer A 2017 International
3 Can trajectory nor-epinephrine infiltration reduce blood loss during percutaneous nephrolithotomy? A double-blinded randomized controlled trial Waleed El-Shaer, Mohamed Salah Haggag, Alaa Elshaer, Islam Shaboob, Wael Kandeel, Basheer Elmohamady, Dina Saad Abdelmotaleb, Sally Abdel-Lateef 2022 International
4 Complete Ultrasound-guided Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Prone and Supine Positions: A Randomized Controlled Study Waleed El-Shaer, Wael kandeel, Sally Abdel-Lateef, Ahmed Torky, and Alaa Elshaer 2019 International
5 Dorsal inlay inner preputial graft repair versus ventral-only preputial graft repair in primary distal penile hypospadias with narrow urethral plate Omar, Rabea Gomaa; Khalil, Mostafa M.; Shereef, Hammouda W.; Al Ashram, Mahmoud R.1; Elshaer, Alaa 2023 International
6 Ejaculation frequency improves ICSI outcomes for idiopathic Oligoasthenoteratozoosepmic patients Ahmed Fathy, Salah Elbashir, Hussein Shaher, Ayman Rashed, Alaa Elshaer, Yasmin Magdi 2023 International
7 Intralesional injection of mitomycin C following internal urethrotomy of de novo bulbar urethral stricture:New experience using a novel adjustable-tip needle Yasser A. Noureldin, Abdallah Fathy, Shabib Ahmed, Alaa El Shaer, Saad Ali, Zakaria Saki& Ahmed Sebaey 2021 International
8 Modified tubeless minimally invasivepercutaneous nephrolithotomy for managementof renal stones in children: A single-centreexperience Ahmed Sebaey, Ashraf Abdelaal, Alaa Elshaer, Hisham Alazaby, Wael Kadeel,Tarek Soliman & Ehab Elbarky 2019 International
9 Nail Gun Penetrating Renal Injury: A Case Report Ali S. Alothman , Ghassan I. Alhajress , Alaa Elshaer , Saeed Bin Hamr 2022 International
10 Nail Gun Penetrating Renal Injury: A Case Report Ali S. Alothman , Ghassan I. Alhajress , Alaa Elshaer , Saeed Bin Hamr 2022 International
12 The effect of piezoelectric shockwave lithotripsy with 2- and 8-mm focus sizes on stone disintegration and renal injury Yasser A. Noureldin, Walid A. Abdel Halim, Ezzat Elnahif, Alaa El Shaer, Hussein Shaher, Ahmed Abou Elezz Abdel Fattah, Abdelwahab Hashem, Amr S. El-Dakhakhny, Ahmed A. Zahran, Salah A. El Hamshary 2023 International
13 Transperitoneal versus retroperitoneal laparoscopic pyeloplasty for management of uretropelvic junction obstruction Hassan Yassin As hour, Ahmed Mamdouh Shoma, Tarek Mohamed El Karamany, Ahmed sebaey, Alaa El Shaer 2015 Local
Hossam AbdelFattah AbdelAziz Aboelnasr
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Efficacy of Sildenafil Citrate in Treatment of Primary Premature Ejaculation in Men Ahmed Abou Elezz Abdel Fattah, Basheer Nagy Elmohamady, Salah A. El Hamshary, Hosam Abu El-Nasr 2023 Local
2 Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Outcomes Based on S.T.O.N.E., GUY, CROES, and S-ReSC Scoring Systems: The First Prospective Study Ahmed M Al Adl , Ahmed Mohey , Ashraf Abdel Aal , Hosam Abdel Fattah Abu-Elnasr , Tarek El Karamany , Yasser A Noureldin 2020 International
hussein mohamed shaher attwa elkady
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (5)
Total (7)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Efficacy of pre-operative silodosin on flexible ureteroscopy procedure: A randomized controlled study Hussein Shaher, Ahmed Sebaey, Ahmed Mahmoud Abd Albaky, Mahmoud Abd Alazeem Mahmoud and Ashraf Mohammed Abd Elaal 2023 International
2 Ejaculation frequency improves ICSI outcomes for idiopathic Oligoasthenoteratozoosepmic patients a Hussein Shaher1 , Magdi3 , Yasmin Ayman Rashed2 , 1 Salah Elbashir Ahmed Fathy4 , El 2022 Local
3 Gonadotoxic effect of tramadol administration: A prospective controlled study Tarek Soliman 1, Hussein Shaher 1, Ahmed Mohey 1, Waleed El-Shaer 1, Ahmed Sebaey 1 2022 International
4 Handmade Needleless Midurethral Sling In Comparison With Transobturator Tension-Free Vaginal Tape In Treatment Of Genuine Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Hussein Shaher, Magdy A. El-Tabey , Hosam Abuelnasr , Shabieb A. Abdelbaki, Tarek Soliman 2023 Local
5 Is Platelet Rich Plasma Safe And Effective In Treatment Of Erectile Dysfunction? Randomized Controlled Study Hussein Shaher Abdallah Fathi Salah Elbashir Shabieb A. Abdelbaki Tarek Soliman 2023 International
6 Management of Benign Prostatic Obstruction Using Bipolar Plasma Kinetic Energy in Coagulopathic Patients: Initial Series Abou- Taleb A, Khalil M, Sebaey A, Shaher H, Abdelbaky A, Noureldin Y 2014 International
7 Transobturator four arms mesh in the surgical management of stress urinary incontinence with cystocele Hammouda Sherif, Tarek Soliman Othman, Amr Eldkhakhany, Hussein Elkady, Adel Elfallah 2018 International
islam sayed awad nouh
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Clearance of renal stones Post Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy in Children ISLAM SAYED AWAD NOUH 2015 International
2 Validation of R.E.N.A.L nephrometry scoring system in planing surgical intervention in patients with localized renal mass Ashraf Mohamed abd el-Aal, Khaled abd elhamid elgamal, Hisham Mohamed Farouk, Islam sayed nouh, Mohamed abd elazem hassanin 2020 Local
Kareem Aly Ibrahim Hassan El-Atar
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Anatomical Measurements and its Influence on Cosmetic Outcomes after Standard and Modified Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty: A Randomized Controlled Study Kareem Ali Ibrahim EL-Attar,Prof. Tarek Mohamed El-Karamany,Prof. Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Adl ,Prof. Yasser Abdelsattar Noureldin,Dr. Tarek Mohamed Gharib 2019 Local
Mahmoud El-Sayed Hassanein Abdel-Aziz Mobark
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Simultaneous endoscopic combined intrarenal surgery in Galdakao-modified supine Valdivia position versus prone percutaneous nephrolithotomy for complex renal stones management Khaled Abd El-Hamid El-Gamal , Tarek Ramzy El-leithy , Wael saber kandeel , Mohamed Abd Elrahman Al-Hefnawy , Mahmoud El sayed Hassanine Mobark. 2022 Local
mahmoud mohamed farag ali
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Combined Mathieu and incised plate technique for repair of distal hypospadias Mahmoud Mohamed Farag Ali 2015 International
2 Mini- Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (MPCNL) vs. Flexible Ureterorenoscopy (RIRS) for Renal Stones >2cm A. M.El Shazly1, A. A.Taleb1 , A. S.Ahmed1 and M. M. farag1 2020 Local
Mohamed Abd EL-Azeem Hassanien Hessein
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 THE USE OF BIOLOGICAL GLUE VERSUS DARTOS FLAP IN HYPOSPADIAS REPAIR Mohammed Abd Elazim Hasanin , Khaled Abd El-Hamid El-Gamal, Anas Abd El-Rahman Yousif, Abd El-Aziz Abdl El-Haliem Omar , 2013 International
Mohamed Kadry Mostafa Farag
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Laparoscopic versus open partial nephrectomy: prospective randomized study for assessment of surgical, functional, and oncological outcomes Basheer N. Elmohamady1* , Rabea Goma1 , Tarek Gharib1 , Mohamed K. Mostafa1 and Islam Nouh1 2024 Local
2 Predictors of overactive bladder symptoms improvement in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia after trans urethral resection of prostate Mohamed Kadry Mostafa Farag, Khaled Abdelhamid Elgamal, Mostafa Mahmoud Khalil , Tarek Mohamed Gharib Ahmed, Mohamed Abdelrahman Alhefnawy. 2018 International
Mohamed mahmoud abdelrahman emam elazab
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International Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 LAPAROSCOPIC MANAGEMENT OF UPPER URINARY TRACT DISEASES Mohamed Mahmoud Abd El-Rhaman El-Azab, Mohamed Aly Zaazaa , Ibrahim Eraky Aly, Mohamed Abdel Zaher Ibrahim 2005 International
Salah Abd El hamed El Hamshary
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Flank suspended supine position versus standard supine and prone position in percutaneous nephrolithotomy Salah Abd EL Hamshary 2017 International
Salah Eldin Mohammed Elbashir Abdelaziz Abdelwahab
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Epididymal contribution to male infertility: An overlooked problem Salah Elbashir, Yasmin Magdi, Ayman Rashed, Ralf Henkel, Ashok Agarwal 2020 International
2 Relationship between sperm progressive motility and DNA integrity in fertile and infertile men Salah Elbashir, Yasmin Magdi, Ayman Rashed, Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim, Yehia Edris, Ahmed Mostafa Abdelaziz, 2018 International
tamer abd elwahab abd elmonem mohamed diab
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative study between intracavernosal Injection of Botulinum Toxin type A (50 and 100 unit), efficacy and durability in the treatment of Vascular Erectile Dysfunction A.Abou Taleb, MD, PhD1, M. El Tabey, MD, PhD2, W. El Shaer, MD3, H.Ghanem, MD, PhD4, T.Abdelwahab, MSc5 2019 Local
Yahia Ebrahim Hussien El Kerdasy
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Bipolar Needlescopic Enucleation Versus Bipolar Vapoenucleation of the Prostate: A Prospective, Single-Center Randomized Study Waleed El-Shaer, MD,1 Mohamed Alhefnawy, MD,1 Yahia Ebrahim, Msc,1 Ali Elshazly, MD,1 and Sally Abdel-Lateef, MD2 2022 Local
Ahmed Abd El Halim Ahmed Emam El Ghobashy
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Predicting stone free rate after retrograde intrarenal surgery using RIRS scoring system VS (RUSS) Resorlu Unsal stone score. Hamouda W. Sherif1, Basheer N. El Mohamady1, Mohamed A.AL Hefnawy2, Ahmed EL Ghobashy1, Mahmoud M. Farag1. 2023 Local
ahmed ebrahim mohammed zahran
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Classic Snodgrass Versus Inner Preputial Inlay Grafted Snodgrass In Distal Penile Hypospadias Repair Ahmed Ibrahim Mohammed Zahran 2020 Local
Helmy Ahmed Ali El-Deep
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Clinical utility of vesical imaging-reporting and data system (VI-RADS) in nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) patients candidate for en-bloc transurethral resection: A prospective study Tarek M. El-Karamanya, Ahmed M. Al-Adla, Mohamed M. Hosnyb, Helmy. A Eldeepa, Salah A. El-Hamsharya,* 2023 Local
2 Modified tubeless minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy for management of renal stones in children: A single-centre experience Ahmed Sebaey, Ashraf Abdelaal, Alaa Elshaer, Hisham Alazaby, Wael Kadeel, Tarek Soliman & Ehab Elbarky 2019 Local
Kareem Mohammed Abd-elhalim Ahmed Nouh
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Focused low intensity shock wave therapy for management of benign prostatic hyperplasia :A Preliminary study A..Adel Abou-Taleb, W.S.Kandeel , A.A.Ali El-Shaer, K.M.Noah 2021 Local
Mostafa Ali Mahmoud Mohamed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative study between monotherapy (tamsulosin 0.4mg versus tadalafil 5 mg) versus combined therapy in treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia Magdy Ahmed El-Sayed, Mohamed Abdel-Azem Hasanin, Mostafa Ali Mahmoud Mohamed 2021 Local
Mostafa Atef Elsayed Hefny Elsaadany
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 The impact of changing the focus size of piezoelectric lithotripsy on renal stone disintegration: A prospective randomized study Salah A. El-Hamshary, Tarek M. El-Karamany, Shabib A. Mohamed, Mostafa A. Elsaadany, Hosam A. Abu El-Nasr. 2023 Local
saad ali saad salama
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative study between retrograde intrarenal surgery and ultrasound- guided shock wave lithotripsy for treatment of 1 to 2 cm radiolucent lower calyceal stones Ashraf M Abd Elal, Hussein Shaher, Ehab El‑Barky, Saad Ali, Rabea Gomaa Omar 2024 Local
2 Intralesional injection of mitomycin C following internal urethrotomy of de novo bulbar urethral stricture:New experience using a novel adjustabletip needle Yasser A. Noureldin, Abdallah Fathy, Shabib Ahmed, Alaa El Shaer, Saad Ali, Zakaria Saki & Ahmed Sebaey 2024 Local
Eslam Said Ahmed Mohamed Eid
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Premature Ejaculation .Bulbospongius Muscle injection by Botox 100IU (Anatomic Basis and Clinical Effect) Mohamed Abdelzaher Ibrahim, Wael Saber Kandil, Mahmoud El-Sayed Hassanine Mobark , Islam Saied Ahmed, Islam Sayed Nouh, Hussein Shaher 2024 Local
Mohamed Mostafa Mohamed Farag Elkholy
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Autolougus rectus sheeth graft vs four armed synthetic mesh in management of cyctocele with stress urinary incontinence and its effect on sexual function in sexually active females Mohamed A. Ibrahim1, Waleed E. Elshaer1, Tarek S. Othman1, Salah A. El- Hamshary1, And Mohamed M. Elkholy1 2021 Local
Ayman basiouny mohamed safwt
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International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Distal extension of the midline urethral-plate incision in the Snodgrass hypospadias repair: An objective assessment of the functional and cosmetic outcomes Ahmed M. Al-Adl;Tarek M. El-Karamany;Ayman S. Bassiouny 2014 International
2 Vascularized Dartos Flap in Conjunction with Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty: Single versus Double Flaps for Management of Distal Hypospadias Ayman Safwata ; Ahmed M. Al-Adla ; Tarek El-Karamanya 2012 International
Hisham mohamed abdelhay elgharby
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (8)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative Study between Silodosin and Tamsulosin in Expectant Therapy of Distal Ureteral Stones Tarek Gharib Ahmed Mohey Abdallah Fathi Mohamed Alhefnawy Hisham Alazaby Amr Eldakhakhny 2018 International
2 Evaluation of erectile function after anastomotic vs substitutional urethroplasty for bulbar urethral stricture Rabea G. Omar, Mostafa M. Khalil, Hesham Alezaby, Ahmed Sebaey, Hammouda Sherif and Ahmed Mohey 2020 International
3 Impacted ≥ 10‑mm pelvic ureteric stone treatment: laser lithotripsy alone or in combination with pneumatic lithotripsy—a prospective, comparative study Hisham Alazaby1,2* , Ahmed Mohey1, Rabea Omar1, Ahmed Sebaey1 and Tarek Gharib1 2020 International
4 Modified tubeless minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy for management of renal stones in children: A single-centre experience Ahmed Sebaey, Ashraf Abdelaal, Alaa Elshaer, Hisham Alazaby, Wael Kadeel, Tarek Soliman and Ehab Elbarky 2019 International
5 Outcome of retrograde flexible ureterorenoscopy and laser lithotripsy for treatment of multiple renal stones H. Alazaby∗Q2 , M. Khalil , R. Omar , A. Mohey , T. Gharib ,A. Abo-Taleb , E. El-Barky 2018 International
6 Outcome of retrograde flexible ureterorenoscopy and laser lithotripsy for treatment of multiple renal stones H. Alazaby∗, M. Khalil , R. Omar , A. Mohey , T. Gharib , A. Abo-Taleb , E. El-Barky 2017 International
7 Pedicled preputial island flap for double functions in hypospadias surgery Rabea G. Omar , Mostafa M. Khalil , Hammouda Sherif , Hesham Elezaby 2018 International