Abdelsadek Aziz Hamed Al-Aarag
Local Publication (30) |
International Publication (1) |
Total (31) |
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Publication |
Authors |
Year |
Localization |
1 |
Study of ventilatory pulmonary function tests, blood gases & bronchial reactivity in patients with lumbar spondylosis with weak abdominal muscles.
Zag. Univ.
Al-Aarag A.H., Al-Abd A., Negm M.F., Fouda A. & El-Shafey M. |
1999 |
Local |
2 |
Assessment of cardiac functions before & after exercise in patients with COPD. The annual 40th conference of th Egy. Society of chest diseases & Tuberculosis.
Al-Aarag A.H., Sanad O., Eisa S.A., Al-Abd A. & Okab A.A. |
1998 |
Local |
3 |
Broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) in diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer. N Egy.
Soliman M.A., Elwy D.A., Ramadan S.M. & Al-Aarag A.H. |
1993 |
Local |
4 |
Calcium homeostasis in untreated pulmonary tuberculosis (Basic study).
Abdou M.A., Helay A.A., Al-Aarag A.H., Hafiez A.A., Abdelhafez M.A., & Dawlat Salem |
1950 |
Local |
5 |
Calcium homeostasis in untreated pulmonary tuberculosis (Dynamic study).
Hafiez A.A., Abdelhafez A.A., El-Khashab M., Abdou M.A., Al-Helaly A.A. & Al-Aarag A.H. |
1950 |
Local |
6 |
Carcino-embryonic antigen & some immunoglobulins in serum & Broncho-Alveolar lavage (BAL) of asymptomatic smokers ( Cigarette Vs Goza smokes).
Abdou M.A., El-Karaksi S.,Salah El-Din M., Salem E., Soliman M.A., Negm M.F., Hamdy A.B., Al-Aarag A.H. & Enan A.A. |
1994 |
Local |
7 |
Diagnostic utility of adenosine deaminase activity with lymphocyte/neutrophil
Ratio in tuberculous pleural effusion. Egy. J. Chest diseases & tuberculosis.
Al-Aarag A.H., Shaheen A. & Saleh M.A. |
1999 |
Local |
8 |
diagnostic value of procalcitonin in pleural effusion |
Abdelsadeq A. Elaarag, Ossama I. Mohammed |
2020 |
Local |
9 |
Diagnostic value of sialic acid in malignant & non-malignat pleural effusion.
Egy. J Chest diseases & tuberculosis
Negm M.F., Hamdy A.B., Al-gazzar A.G., Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H.& Abdelmoniem M. |
1995 |
Local |
10 |
Diaphragmatic hernia; Diagnosis & management. N Egy. |
Al-Helaly A.A., Al-Gazzar A.G., Hamdy A.B., Negm M.F., Abdelrahman A., Al-Aarag A.H. & Mwafy A. |
1992 |
Local |
11 |
Effect of cotton textile mills on prevalence of byssinosis.
Waly A., Negm M.F., Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H. & Al-Gazzar A.G. |
1993 |
Local |
12 |
Effects of certain modes of mechanical ventilation on haemodynamics & Oxygen transport in postoperative cardiac patients with valve replacement.
Benha Med
Mansour H.A., Al-Aarag A.H. & Nour M. |
1997 |
Local |
13 |
Evaluation of efficacy of sputum induction with the ultrasonic nebulizer in Lower respiratory tract infection. Cairo University medical journal |
Negm M.F., Hamdy A.B., Ibraheem A., Abdelrahman A. & Al-Aarag A.H. |
1991 |
Local |
14 |
Evaluation of glutaraldehyde test in pulmonary tuberculosis. Egy. J chest diseases & tuberculosis
Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H., Al-Gazzar A.G. & Eisa S.A. |
1996 |
Local |
15 |
Evaluation of the presence of emphysema in patient with bronchial asthma Using high resolution computed tomography & pulmonary function tests.
Zag. Univ.
Al-Aarag A.H., El-Abd A., Galal O. & Ahmed G. |
2004 |
Local |
16 |
Haematogenous tuberculosis.
Al-Helaly A.A., Al-Gazzar A.G., Hamdy A.B., Negm M.F., Abdelrahman A., Al-Aarag A.H., Ali M.A. & Mwafy A. |
1992 |
Local |
17 |
Immediate skin test reactivity to inhalant allergens in asthmatic patients at high altitude. Benha medical journal.
Masoud H.M., Al-Gazzar A.G., Hamdy A.B., Negm M.F., Abdelrahman A., Al-Aarag A.H. & Eisa S.A. |
1993 |
Local |
18 |
Initial drug resistance among newly diagnosed cases with pulmonary tuberculosis in Ta ef- Saudi Arabia. Benha medical jouranal.
Abdou M.A., Al-Gazzar A.G., Negm M.F., Abdelrahman A., Al-Aarag A.H. , Eisa S.A. & Karokomar R. |
1993 |
Local |
19 |
Initial drug resistance to some antituberculous drugs in Qalubiia Governorate
Egy. J Chest diseases & tuberculosis.
Hamdy A.B., Al-Gazzar A.G., Eisa S.A., Yousof A.A., Anan A.A. & Al-Aarag A.H. |
1996 |
Local |
20 |
Oxygen free radicals & bronchial hyperreactivity in bronchial asthma: study of the effect of antioxidants.
Al-Gazzar A.G., Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H., Enan A.A. & El-Shafey M. |
1997 |
Local |
21 |
PEFR in standing, sitting & half –lying healthy subjects |
Al-Helaly A.A., Hamdy A.B., Negm M.F., Abdelrahman A. & Al-Aarag A.H. |
1991 |
Local |
22 |
Possible site of action of different bronchodilators: large Vs small airways in Patients wiyh bronchial asthma
Al-Helaly A.A., Hamdy A.B., Negm M.F. Al-Gazzar A.G., Abdelrahman A., Al-Aarag A.H., & Eissa S. |
1992 |
Local |
23 |
Pulmonary functions in passive smokers & non-smokers. Tanta Medical Journal.
Hamdy A.B., Negm M.F., Al-Gazzar A.G., Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H. & Shaarawy A. |
1993 |
Local |
24 |
Role of High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) in pulmonary Tuberculosis. The second Pan. Arab conference of thoracic med. & surgery
Yousof A.A., Anan A.A., Al-Aarag A.H., Eisa S.A. & Kamal T |
1998 |
Local |
25 |
role of interleukin 33 in differentiation between tuberculous and malignant pleural effusion |
Abdelsadeq A. Elaarag, mohammed H. Kamel, Shaymaa M. abo yosof, Qout A. Diab |
2019 |
International |
26 |
Serum Calcium & Phosphorous in obstructive airway diseases. |
Abdou M.A., Yousof A.A., Eisa S.A., Negm M.F, Hamdy A.B., Al-Aarag A.H. & El-Debeeky F. |
1994 |
Local |
27 |
Study of cellular & hormal imunity in patients with active & inactive Pulmonary tuberculosis. Tanta Medical journal.
Abdou M.A.,Kraksy S., Hamdy A.B., Al-Gazzar A.G., Negm M.F., Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H. & Eisa S.A. |
1993 |
Local |
28 |
Study of haemostatic profile in pulmonary tuberculosis. Tanta Medical Journal
Abdou M.A., Negm M.F., Hamdy A.B., Al-Gazzar A.G., Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H., Eisa S. & Salah El-Din M. |
1993 |
Local |
29 |
Study of incidence of exercise induced bronchospasm in school children.
Tanta medical journal.
Abdou M.A., Negm M.F., Hamdy A.B., Al-Gazzar A.G. Abdelrahman A., Al-Aarag A.H. , Eisa S.A. |
1993 |
Local |
30 |
Study of soluble interlukin-2receptors (SIL-2R) & eosinophils in patients With bronchial asthma. Zag.
Al-Abd A., Al-Aarag A.H., Negm M.F. & Yousof A.A. |
1998 |
Local |
31 |
The diagnostic value of pleural cholesterol in the differentiation between Pleural exudates & transudates.
Al-Aarag A.H., Seddeek Y., Abdelmonien M., El-Debeeky F. & Salem M. |
1994 |
Local |