Publication From Year: Publication TO Year:

Faculty of Medicine: Department of CHEST MEDICINE

Total number of Publications in the Department of CHEST MEDICINE - Faculty of Medicine is 421

Mohamed Hussein Kamel Alsayed Mossoua
Local Publication (9)
International Publication (7)
Total (16)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 applications of chest ultrasonography in respiratory ICU Medhat F Negm, Mohammad H Kamel, Osama I Mohammad, Rehab E Elsawy, Hamada M Khater 2019 Local
2 Assessment of the participation of primary care services in national tuberculosis control program in Gharbia Governorate Sherif A. Essa a, Mohammad H. Kamel a, Osama I. Mohammada,⇑, Nashwa M. Shawky Ahmad b 2019 International
3 Diagnostic role of interleukin -33 in the differentiation of pleural effusions especially tuberculous and malignant effusions Abdel-sadek Hamed Al-aarag1, Mohammad Hussein Kamel1, Eman Ramadan Abdelgawad1, Shaimaa Magdy Abo-Youssef1, Hany Hussein Moussa2* , Marwa Elsayed Elnaggar1, Rasha Mohammad Hendy1 and Koot Ahmad Diab1 2019 International
4 Diagnostic value of calprotectin in differentiation between benign and malignant pleural effusion Omar M. Mohammeda, Kamel M. Husseina, Abdelgawad E. Ramadanb, Gouda T. Mahmouda, Marwa El-Sayed El-Naggara, Nor Eldein Z. Gabera 2019 International
5 Evaluation of lipoarabinomannan in the diagnosis of tuberculosis Ayman A. Youssefa, Mohammed H. Kamela, Hisham A. Eissab, Tarek S. Essawya, Hany H. Moussaa 2019 International
9 Rapid Sero Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis through Humoral Immune Response Against 38-kDa and 16-kDa Mycobacterial Antigens Rapid Sero Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis through Humoral Immune Response Against 38-kDa and 16-kDa Mycobacterial Antigens 2013 International
14 Study of the level of sputum matrix metalloprotinase-9 (MMP-9)and tissue inhibitor metalloprtinase-1 (TIMP-1) in COPD patients 2014 Local
15 Subclinical Atherosclerosis in COPD Smokers: An Egyptian Randomized Controlled study Mohamed Husein1;Tawfik El-Adl2;Reda Baiyumy3;Mohamed Abdulshafy3;Hisham Farouk4and Mostafa Neamatallh5 2012 International
16 The value of chest ultrasonography applications in the respiratory ICU Medhat F. Negma, Mohammad H. Kamela, Osama I. Mohammada, Rehab E. Elsawya, Hamada M. Khaterb 2019 International
Abdelsadek Aziz Hamed Al-Aarag
Local Publication (30)
International Publication (1)
Total (31)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Study of ventilatory pulmonary function tests, blood gases & bronchial reactivity in patients with lumbar spondylosis with weak abdominal muscles. Zag. Univ. Al-Aarag A.H., Al-Abd A., Negm M.F., Fouda A. & El-Shafey M. 1999 Local
2 Assessment of cardiac functions before & after exercise in patients with COPD. The annual 40th conference of th Egy. Society of chest diseases & Tuberculosis. Al-Aarag A.H., Sanad O., Eisa S.A., Al-Abd A. & Okab A.A. 1998 Local
3 Broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) in diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer. N Egy. Soliman M.A., Elwy D.A., Ramadan S.M. & Al-Aarag A.H. 1993 Local
4 Calcium homeostasis in untreated pulmonary tuberculosis (Basic study). Abdou M.A., Helay A.A., Al-Aarag A.H., Hafiez A.A., Abdelhafez M.A., & Dawlat Salem 1950 Local
5 Calcium homeostasis in untreated pulmonary tuberculosis (Dynamic study). Hafiez A.A., Abdelhafez A.A., El-Khashab M., Abdou M.A., Al-Helaly A.A. & Al-Aarag A.H. 1950 Local
6 Carcino-embryonic antigen & some immunoglobulins in serum & Broncho-Alveolar lavage (BAL) of asymptomatic smokers ( Cigarette Vs Goza smokes). Abdou M.A., El-Karaksi S.,Salah El-Din M., Salem E., Soliman M.A., Negm M.F., Hamdy A.B., Al-Aarag A.H. & Enan A.A. 1994 Local
7 Diagnostic utility of adenosine deaminase activity with lymphocyte/neutrophil Ratio in tuberculous pleural effusion. Egy. J. Chest diseases & tuberculosis. Al-Aarag A.H., Shaheen A. & Saleh M.A. 1999 Local
8 diagnostic value of procalcitonin in pleural effusion Abdelsadeq A. Elaarag, Ossama I. Mohammed 2020 Local
9 Diagnostic value of sialic acid in malignant & non-malignat pleural effusion. Egy. J Chest diseases & tuberculosis Negm M.F., Hamdy A.B., Al-gazzar A.G., Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H.& Abdelmoniem M. 1995 Local
10 Diaphragmatic hernia; Diagnosis & management. N Egy. Al-Helaly A.A., Al-Gazzar A.G., Hamdy A.B., Negm M.F., Abdelrahman A., Al-Aarag A.H. & Mwafy A. 1992 Local
11 Effect of cotton textile mills on prevalence of byssinosis. Waly A., Negm M.F., Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H. & Al-Gazzar A.G. 1993 Local
12 Effects of certain modes of mechanical ventilation on haemodynamics & Oxygen transport in postoperative cardiac patients with valve replacement. Benha Med Mansour H.A., Al-Aarag A.H. & Nour M. 1997 Local
13 Evaluation of efficacy of sputum induction with the ultrasonic nebulizer in Lower respiratory tract infection. Cairo University medical journal Negm M.F., Hamdy A.B., Ibraheem A., Abdelrahman A. & Al-Aarag A.H. 1991 Local
14 Evaluation of glutaraldehyde test in pulmonary tuberculosis. Egy. J chest diseases & tuberculosis Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H., Al-Gazzar A.G. & Eisa S.A. 1996 Local
15 Evaluation of the presence of emphysema in patient with bronchial asthma Using high resolution computed tomography & pulmonary function tests. Zag. Univ. Al-Aarag A.H., El-Abd A., Galal O. & Ahmed G. 2004 Local
16 Haematogenous tuberculosis. Al-Helaly A.A., Al-Gazzar A.G., Hamdy A.B., Negm M.F., Abdelrahman A., Al-Aarag A.H., Ali M.A. & Mwafy A. 1992 Local
17 Immediate skin test reactivity to inhalant allergens in asthmatic patients at high altitude. Benha medical journal. Masoud H.M., Al-Gazzar A.G., Hamdy A.B., Negm M.F., Abdelrahman A., Al-Aarag A.H. & Eisa S.A. 1993 Local
18 Initial drug resistance among newly diagnosed cases with pulmonary tuberculosis in Ta ef- Saudi Arabia. Benha medical jouranal. Abdou M.A., Al-Gazzar A.G., Negm M.F., Abdelrahman A., Al-Aarag A.H. , Eisa S.A. & Karokomar R. 1993 Local
19 Initial drug resistance to some antituberculous drugs in Qalubiia Governorate Egy. J Chest diseases & tuberculosis. Hamdy A.B., Al-Gazzar A.G., Eisa S.A., Yousof A.A., Anan A.A. & Al-Aarag A.H. 1996 Local
20 Oxygen free radicals & bronchial hyperreactivity in bronchial asthma: study of the effect of antioxidants. Al-Gazzar A.G., Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H., Enan A.A. & El-Shafey M. 1997 Local
21 PEFR in standing, sitting & half –lying healthy subjects Al-Helaly A.A., Hamdy A.B., Negm M.F., Abdelrahman A. & Al-Aarag A.H. 1991 Local
22 Possible site of action of different bronchodilators: large Vs small airways in Patients wiyh bronchial asthma Al-Helaly A.A., Hamdy A.B., Negm M.F. Al-Gazzar A.G., Abdelrahman A., Al-Aarag A.H., & Eissa S. 1992 Local
23 Pulmonary functions in passive smokers & non-smokers. Tanta Medical Journal. Hamdy A.B., Negm M.F., Al-Gazzar A.G., Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H. & Shaarawy A. 1993 Local
24 Role of High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) in pulmonary Tuberculosis. The second Pan. Arab conference of thoracic med. & surgery Yousof A.A., Anan A.A., Al-Aarag A.H., Eisa S.A. & Kamal T 1998 Local
25 role of interleukin 33 in differentiation between tuberculous and malignant pleural effusion Abdelsadeq A. Elaarag, mohammed H. Kamel, Shaymaa M. abo yosof, Qout A. Diab 2019 International
26 Serum Calcium & Phosphorous in obstructive airway diseases. Abdou M.A., Yousof A.A., Eisa S.A., Negm M.F, Hamdy A.B., Al-Aarag A.H. & El-Debeeky F. 1994 Local
27 Study of cellular & hormal imunity in patients with active & inactive Pulmonary tuberculosis. Tanta Medical journal. Abdou M.A.,Kraksy S., Hamdy A.B., Al-Gazzar A.G., Negm M.F., Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H. & Eisa S.A. 1993 Local
28 Study of haemostatic profile in pulmonary tuberculosis. Tanta Medical Journal Abdou M.A., Negm M.F., Hamdy A.B., Al-Gazzar A.G., Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H., Eisa S. & Salah El-Din M. 1993 Local
29 Study of incidence of exercise induced bronchospasm in school children. Tanta medical journal. Abdou M.A., Negm M.F., Hamdy A.B., Al-Gazzar A.G. Abdelrahman A., Al-Aarag A.H. , Eisa S.A. 1993 Local
30 Study of soluble interlukin-2receptors (SIL-2R) & eosinophils in patients With bronchial asthma. Zag. Al-Abd A., Al-Aarag A.H., Negm M.F. & Yousof A.A. 1998 Local
31 The diagnostic value of pleural cholesterol in the differentiation between Pleural exudates & transudates. Al-Aarag A.H., Seddeek Y., Abdelmonien M., El-Debeeky F. & Salem M. 1994 Local
Ahdaf Ahmed Taha Enan
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 BIOCHEMICAL CHANGES IN BRONCHOALVEOLAR LAVAGE FLUID IN .. CIGARETTE VERSUS GOZA SMOKERS Ahdaf Ahmed Enan, Mahmoud A. Aboud, Safaa Karaksi, Maysa Sharaf AJ-Din, Dawlat Salem, Medhat Abdel Khalik 1993 International
2 STUDY OF SPUTUM LEVEL OF INTERLEUKIN-8 IN COPD PATIENTS Ali A. Okab MD. Atef E. El·Abd MD. Ahdaf Enan MD. Osama S. El·Shaer MD·. Mahmoud El·Salahy MD and Mohamed El-Sayed MD 2003 International
Ahmed Gouda Mohamed Elgazzar
Local Publication (13)
International Publication (30)
Total (43)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 1- Cellular immunity in tuberculous patients before and after antituberculous chemotherapy with and without immunostimulant levamisol . 1990 International
2 3- Effect of corticosteroid versus cyclosporin – A therapy on lung lymphocytes and ventilatory functions in patients with manifesting pulmonary sarcoidosis 1991 International
3 7- The oral glucose tolerance test changes in diabetic tuberculous and non diabetic tuberculous patients on regimens with or without rifampicin in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1992 International
4 A comparison of three methods of bronchodilator inhaltion in bronchial asthma . 1993 International
5 B.A.L. cellular profile in cases of pulmonary tuberculosis proved by F.O.B. 1992 International
6 Circulating Interleukin-18 and Osteopontin in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients and Theil-Correlation With Disease Activity Camal A. Amer and Ahmed G. EI-Gazzar'" 2008 Local
7 Clinical and radiological review in tuberculous non-diabetic patients versus tuberculous diabetic in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1992 International
8 Clinical evaluation of rapid serodiagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). 1993 International
9 Diagnostic Value of Sialic Acid in Malignant and Non Malignant Pleural Effusion Negm MF, Hamdy ABE, EI-Gazzar AG, Youssef AA, EI-Aarag ASH, Okab AA and Abdel Monem MM· 1995 Local
10 Diaphragmatic hernia diagnosis and management 1992 International
11 Diaphragmatic ultrasound as a predictor for successful weaning from mechanical ventilation Ahmed G. Elgazzara , Khaled M. Kamelb , Osama I. Mohammada , Basma S. Abd Elraoof 2020 Local
12 effect of acute kidney injury on weaning from Mechanical ventilation in COPD patients with respiratory failure Ahmed G. Elgazzar , Mahmoud M. elsalahy , Tarek S. Essawy , Marwa Elnaggar , Samar nasef 2020 Local
13 Evaluation of erythropoietin hormone in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients during exacerbation and after remission Ahmed G. El Gazzar a , Gehan F. Al Mehy a , Tahany M. Gouda a , Osama S. El-Shaer b , Salwa H. Mohammed 2018 International
15 Evaluation of mycobacterial growth indicator tube (MGIT) method in diagnosis and assessment of drug sensitivity in cases of pulmonary tuberculosis . 2004 International
16 Evaluation of Mycobacteriophage –Based Technique for Rapid diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Sputum and Urine samples :A comparative Study . Gamal A. Amer, Ahmed G. EI-Gazzar* and Hesham A. Abdel Razik** 2009 Local
17 Evaluation of polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. 1998 International
18 Evaluation of role of computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension Ahmed G. Elgazzara, Mohammad Abd-Elmohsen Elmahdya, Islam M. Elshazlyb, Ahmed M. Ramzyc, Shaimaa M. Abo Youssef 2019 International
19 Evaluation of serum vitamin D and IgE in patients with bronchial asthma Ahmed G. El Gazzara, Tarek S. Essawya, Ahmed H. Awaadc, Amira I. Mansour 2016 International
20 Evaluation of soluble Interleukin-2 Receptor Level in Patients with Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis Ahmed G. Eigazzar, Sohair Abdelrahman*, Wafaa AbdalIah*, Mohammed E. Abdalla and Ahdaf A. Enan 2005 Local
21 Heamatogenous tuberculosis 1992 International
22 Immediate skin test reactivity to inhalant allergens in asthmatic patients at high altitude . 1993 International
23 Ineterventional bronchoscopy-Benha experience with foreign body extraction using fiberoptic bronchoscopy . 2000 International
24 Initial drug resistance among newly diagnosed cases with pulmonary tuberculosis in Taif-Saudi Arabia . 1993 International
25 Intial drug resistance to some antituberculosis drugs in Qualioia Governorate . 1996 International
26 Molecular Genetics of Drug Resistance of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Ahmed G. Eigazzar, Sohair Abd EI-Rahman* and Mahmoud M. Rifaat** 1998 Local
28 Oxygen free radicals and bronchial hyperreactivity in bronchial asthma : study of the effect of antioxidants 1997 International
29 Possible site of action of different bronchodilator large versus small airways in patients with bronchial asthma 1992 International
30 Prognostic value of platelet and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in COPD patients Ahmed Gouda El-Gazzar, Mohammed Hussein Kamel, Ola Kamal Mohammad Elbahnasy & Marwa El-Sayed El-Naggar 2019 International
31 Pulmonary function in passive smokers and non smokers school children . 2003 International
32 Serum calcium and phosphorus in obstructive airway diseases . 1993 International
33 Short course chemotherapy for tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis . 1993 International
34 Soluble Interleukin-2 Receptors (sIL-2R) and EosinophiIs in Patients with Bronchial Asthnla Before and After Salbutamol and Anhydrous Theophylline Therapy Nobil A. Khottob, Ahmed G. EI-Gozzor·, Mogdy M. Omor·, Ahdof A. Enon*, Anos A. Youssef·· ond Awod M. EI-Abd·"· 1997 Local
35 STPlagUe~Tool for Direct Detection and ~cinSusceptibility Testing of M. Tuberculosis Soheir Abd-el Rahman·, Ahmad Godah Eigazzar·", ,'vohmmad EI-saed Abd· Allah··, Ali Ali okab··, Atef EI-saed EIAbd·· 2002 Local
36 Study of cellular and humoral immunity in patients with active and inactive pulmonary tuberculosis . 1993 International
37 Study of haemostatic profile in pulmonary tuberculosis . 1993 International
38 Study of Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-l (sICAM-l) in the Serum and Bronchoalveolar Lavage of Patients with Bronchial Asthma Ahmed G. EI-Gazzar and Osama S EI-Shaier* 1997 Local
39 Study of the incidence of exercise induced bronchospasm in school children 1993 International
40 Study of the level of stem cell factor in patients with bronchial asthma Ahmad Gouda El-Gazzar Sohair Abd Alrhman Abd Alsamea Osama Ibrahem Mohamad Afaf Fathi Khamis Marwa El-Sayed El-Naggar * 2016 International
41 Study of Ventilatory Pulmonary Functions, Bronchial Hyperreactivity and Bronchoalveolar Lavage Cellularity in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis EI-Gazzar A.G:I Ornar M.M: I Ahmed Y.A:· I Yousef A.A:·· and Abdella A.M:··· 1998 Local
42 Thacheo-oesophageal fistula diagnosis and management 1991 International
43 The role of medical thoracoscopy in the management of empyema Ahmad G. El Gazzar, Mohammad A.E. El-Mahdy, Gehan F. Al Mehy, Asmaa El Desoukey Mohammad 2019 International
Ali Ali Okab
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
amr hamdi
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (12)
Total (12)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid cellularity and ventilatory functions in chronic hepatitis (HCV) patients Hamdy AB, Younis YS, El- nawawiM and Abul-Dahab S 1997 International
2 Carcino-embryonic antigen & some immunoglobulins in serum & Broncho-Alveolar lavage (BAL) of asymptomatic smokers ( Cigarette Vs Goza smokes) bdou M.A., El-Karaksi S.,Salah El-Din M., Salem E., Soliman M.A., Negm M.F., Hamdy A.B., Al-Aarag A.H. & Enan A.A 1994 International
3 Diagnostic value of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in tuberculous pleural effusion Hamdi AB and Elnawawi 1997 International
4 Diagnostic value of sialic acid in malignant and non malignant pleural effusion Negm M.F., Hamdy A.B., Al-gazzar A.G., Yousof A.A., Al-Aarag A.H.& Abdelmoniem M. 1995 International
5 Diagnostic value of Sialic acid in malignant and nonmalignant pleural effusion 2017 International
6 Evaluation of mast cell stabilizers in bronchial asthma Abdou MA, Hanna KM, Hamdi AB, El-Hadidy AA, Negm MF and Soliman MA 1995 International
7 Initial drug resistance to some antituberculous drugs in qualiobia governorate. Amro B Hamdy,Ahmed G Al Gazar,Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag , Ahdaf A Anan and Ahmed m Al El-Gazzar, A.G., Hamdy, A.B., Eissa, S.A 1996 International
8 Initial drug resistance to some antituberculous in Qualiobia governorate Hamdy ABE, El-GAZZAR AG , EISSA SA, YOUSSEF AA, EL-AARAG, ENAN ASH AND EL-GAZZAR AM 1996 International
9 Nosocomial infections in respiratory failure patients in intensive care unit Wegdan AA, Mahfouz O, Gawish A, El Ahmady M, Hamdi AB and Salam S 1994 International
10 Rapid grower mycobacteria in pulmonary tuberculosis El-Daly O, Wegdan AA, Rushdy A, EL-Din AB and ELsaadny S 1994 International
11 Sstudy of Immunolubulin A in Bronchoalveolar lavage and serum in patients with lung cancer. Medhat F Negm,Amro B Hamdy, Mostafa El-Zahaby and Sherif A Essa 1997 International
12 Study of cellular and humoral immunity in patients with active and inactive pulmonary tuberculosis Abdo MA, El-Karaksy S, Hamdi AB, El-Gazzar AG, Negm MF, Yousef AA, EL-Aarag Ah and Eissa SA 1994 International
atef elabd
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 FASTPlaque TB a Tool for Direct Detection and Rifampicin Susceptibility Testing of M. Tuberculosis Soheir Abd-el Rahman*, Ahmad Godah Elgozzar", ?Aohrnmad El-saecl Abc1- Allah", All All °kV", Atef El-saecl ElAbd" 2002 International
Ayman Abdel Rahman Yousef
Local Publication (26)
International Publication (0)
Total (26)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of cytokeratin fragment 19 as a tumor marker in lung cancer diagnosis.Mansoura Med J. vol 28(1&2). Magdah A Zedan , Mohamed Al Shafiey, Mona Al Toky and Ayman A Yousef 1998 Local
2 Initial drug resistance to some antituberculous drugs in qualiobia governorate. Egypt J. Chest Dis. And Tubercul.vol.45(1) Amro B Hamdy,Ahmed G Al Gazar,Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag , Ahdaf A Anan and Ahmed m Al Gazar 1996 Local
3 the state of bronchial hyperreactivity in relation to adenotonsillectomy in asthmatic and nonasthmatic children.Zagazig Univers. Med. J. vol 4(6). Ayman A Yousef, Magdy M Omar,Somaia Elwan , El Sais Aamer and Ashraf Al Hamshary 1998 Local
4 Diagnostic value of sialic acid in malignant and nonmalignant pleural effusion. Chest, vol110(40,oct, suppl. Medhat F Negm,Amro B Hamdy, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag, Ali A Okab and Mohamed Abdel Moniem 1996 Local
5 Effect of Cotton textile mills on prevalence of Byssinosis.New Med.Egypt. J. vol 9($). Hatem waaly, Medhat F Negm, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag and Ahmed G Al Gazar 1993 Local
6 evaluation of the efficacy of sputum induction with the ultrasonic nebulizer in lower respiratory tract infection.Cairo Med. J.vol.59(4). Medhat F Negm,Amro B Hamdy, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag and Alaa Ibrahem 1991 Local
7 Hematogenous tuberculosis. New med. Egyp. J (June). Abdel Hamed Al Helaly,Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag , Ali M Ali and Aabed Mowafi 1992 Local
8 inflect of cigarette smoke and laser on larynex and tracheobronchial tree in rabbits : A histopathological study. Banha Med J vol15(1). Hossam Abdel Haie . Ayman A Yousef and Abdel Latif Al Belshy 1998 Local
9 Initial drug resistance among newly diagnosed cases with pulmonary tuberculosis in Taif saudi Arabia. Banha Medical J. (May). Mahmoud A Abdu, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag, Sherif A Essa anf Rabha Karkomar 1993 Local
10 Mohamed Abdullah and Abed Mowafi (1992):Diaphragmatic hernia diagnosis and management .New med. Egyp. J (June). Abdel Hamed Al Helaly,Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag , 1992 Local
11 PEFR in standing , sitting and half – lying healthy subjects. New med. Egyp. J., vol. 5 (9). Abdel Hamed Al Helaly,Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ayman A Yousef and Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag 1991 Local
12 Possible site of action of different bronchodilators:Large versus small airways in patients with bronchial asthma. New med. Egyp. J (June). Abdel Hamed Al Helaly,Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag and Sherif A Essa 1992 Local
13 study of incidence of exercise induced bronchspasm in school children. Scien. J Tanta Faculty of Medicine (May) . Mahmoud A Abdu, Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag and Sherif A Essa 1993 Local
14 Effect of certain modes of mechanical ventilation on hemodynamics and oxygen transport in postoperative coronary artery bypass fraft patients. Zagazig Med J. vol 4(1). Ayman A Yousef , Sherif A Essa, Ahdaf A Anan and Ahmed M Halab 1999 Local
15 Endothelin-1 concentration in plasma and bronchoalveolar lavage of some asthmatic patients. Banha Med. J. Vol. 14(3). Ayman A Yousef , Sherif A Essa, Ahdaf A Anan , Ali A Okaband sousan Yousef 1997 Local
16 Evaluation of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Eliza) in the serodiagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis using purified protein derivative (PPD) as an antigen). Banha Med. J.,vol10(3). Roshdan Arafa, Ahmed G Al-Gazar, Wafaa Al Mesalamy , Mahmoud Abdel sabour , Ayman A Yousef and Gehan Zaghlol 1993 Local
17 Evaluation of glutarahdehyde test in pulmonary tuberculosis. Egypt J. Chest Dis. And Tubercul.vol.45(2). Ayman A Yousef , Ahmed G Al Gazar, Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag and Sherif A Essa 1996 Local
18 Evaluation of slide culture method for rapid diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Egypt. J. Med. Microbio.vol 7(3&4 Somia M Dosoky,wafaa Al Mesalamy and ayman A Yousef 1998 Local
19 Immediate skin test reactivity to inhaled allergens in asthmatic patients at high altitude. Banha Medical J. (April). Hosny M Masoud, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Medhat F Negm, Amro B Hamdy, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag and Sherif A Essa ( 1993 Local
20 Oxygen free redicles and bronchial hyperreactivity in bronchial asthma: study of the effect of antioxidants. Banha Med. J. Vol. 14(2). Ahmed G Al Gazar,Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag , Ahdaf A Anan and Mohamed Al Shafei 1997 Local
21 Pulmonary functions and bronchoalveolar alph-1-antitrypsin (AAT) in cigarette versus goza smokers. Tanta Med. J.(Oct). Mahmoud A Abdu,Safaa Al Karaksy,Maysa Sharaf Al Din,Dawlat Salem, Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm,Ayman A Yousef , Abdel and Medhat Abdel Khalek 1993 Local
22 Pulmonary Hydatosis. Conf. Egypatian Society chest dis and tuberculosis Mohamed Mostafa , Ayman A Yousef , Hosnet M Masoud , Hussin Gaafar, Shrif A Essa and Abdel Azeem Al zamel 1993 Local
23 Serum calcium and phosphorus in obstructive airway diseases. Scien. J Tanta Faculty of Medicine (March). Mahmoud A Abdu, Ayman A Yousef , Sherif A Essa, Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag and Foad Al Debeky 1994 Local
24 Sinus abnormalities in asthmatic patients. Banha Med. J.,vol10(3). Ayman A Yousef, Nabil Al Debeeky, Hamed Al Sherbieny and Taamer A Kamal 1993 Local
25 Study of cellular and humoral immunity in patients with active and inactive pulmonary tuberculosis.Tanta Med. J.(Jan). Mahmoud A Abdu,Safaa Al Karaksy, Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag and Sherif A Essa 1993 Local
26 Study of hemostatic profile in pulmonary tuberculosis. Tanta Med. J.(June). Mahmoud A Abdu, Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag ,Sherif A Essa and Maha salah Al Din 1993 Local
Magdy Mohamed Ali Mahmoud Omar
Local Publication (24)
International Publication (0)
Total (24)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A. El – Abd Urinary Versus Plasma Leukotrienes in Bronchial Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. J Zagazig Univer.vol.46 (1), Jan.2008. Magdy M. Omar, Tarek M. Tawfik ,Mahmoud M. Al-Salahy, Waheed M. Saidahmed and Awad 2008 Local
2 INCIDENCE AND OUTCOME OF SEVERE SEPSIS IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS. Egyp.J Chest Dis.and Tuberc.vol 57(2): April, 2008. Entisar Al-Sarkawy, Waheed M Saidahmed , Magdy M Omar, Naglaa Farouk, Esam Saad, Hamdy H Soliman,Eman Al-Betar and Mohamed Al-robiey 2008 Local
3 Measurement of Albumin and Carcinoembryonic Antigen levels in Bronchoalveolar lavage in Patients with Lung cancer. Egyp.J Chest Dis.and Tuberc. .(Acceptance). Magdy M. Omar, Hisham A. Abdel Razik and Hisham A. Essa 2010 Local
4 Prognostic Factors and Respiratory Intensive Care Unit Outcome in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure. Egyp.J Chest Dis.and Tuberc.(Acceptance). Magdy M. Omar and Hisham A. Abdel Razik 2009 Local
5 Study of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in asthmatic children. J Zagazig Univer.vol.13 (6), Magdy M. Omar, Mahmoud M. Al-Salahy, Waheed M. Saidahmed, Mohamed Yousef and Awad M Al-Abd 2007 Local
6 Study of haemostatic profile in pulmonary tuberculous patients with and without haemoptysis (42nd conference of the Egypt. Society Allergy and Tuberculosis, July 3-6/1999). Sherif A Essa , Magdy M Omar, Ana A Yousef 1999 Local
7 The state of bronchial hyperreactivity in relation to adenotonsillectomy in asthmatic and nonasthmatic children .Med J Zagazig Universt.,Nov., 1998(6). Ayman A yousef, Magdy M Omar, Somata abdel Sameei, Al said Aamer, Ashraf Al Hamshari 1998 Local
8 (Evaluation of high resolution CT scans for the detection of pulmonary hypertension in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , Med. J Monofeia Universt.Jan., 2000). Magdy M Omar, El Said Abdel Khalek, Hasan Galal and Alaa Al-Fakharani 2000 Local
9 Acute phase reactants, C- reactive protein and chest radiology in childhood pneumonia. 40th conference of the Egypt. Society Allergy and Tuberculosis, March 3-6/1998). Ali A Okab, Magdy M Omar, Mohamed Yousef , Ahmed Saada 1998 Local
10 Changes in Serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor In Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis Before and After Chemotherapy. J Zagazig Univer.vol.13 (5), July.2007, P 2643 -2650. Magdy M Omar, Hosam A.Mostafa and Tawfik Al Adle 2007 Local
11 diagnostic value of calprotectin in differentiation between benign and malignant pleural effusion Magdy M. Omar , Mohammed H. Kamel , Marwa elnaggar , Zeinab g. noreldin 2019 Local
12 Effect of inhaled versus parenteral Magnesium Sulfate on ventilatory functions and bronchial hyperreactivity in asthmatic patients (2nd Pan Arabic International Conference,3-6 Nov., 1998and 42nd conference of the Egypt. Society Allergy and Tuberculosis, July 3-6/1999). Magdy M Omar, Ahdaf A Anan, Ayman A yousef, Sherif A Essa and Mahmoud Ibrahim 1998 Local
13 EVALUATION OF VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF MALIGNANT PLEURAL EFFUSION .Egyp.J Chest Dis.and Tuberc.vol 55(4): Magdy M. Omar , Tarek Tawfik, Mahmoud M. Alsalahy , and Awad A. El – Abd Waheed M. Saidahmed 2006 Local
14 Prevalence and Risk Factors for Bronchial Asthma in Adults in Qatar. J Zagazig Univer.vol.13 (6), Magdy M. Omar , Eman Al-Betar and Hassan Al-Far 2007 Local
15 Relation of O2- free radicals to some biochemical markers in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and lung cancer . I physiology science ,18(2). Awad M Al Abd, Magdy M Omar, Eman Al Betar and Sameh Bahgat 1989 Local
16 Serum Adiponectin in Nonobese and Obese cases of Bronchial Asthma. Egyp.J Chest Dis.and Tuberc. .(Acceptance). Magdy M. Omar and Awad A. El – Abd 2009 Local
17 Serum Uric Acid to Creatinine Ratio as a Parameter for Predicting Outcome in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. J Zagazig Univer.vol.47 (1), Jan.2008 Magdy M Omar, Mahmoud M. Alsalahy , Waheed M. Saidahmed ,Mohamed Hussin and Awad A. El – Abd 2008 Local
18 Soluble interleukin-2 receptor (SIL – 2R) and eosinophils in patients with bronchial asthma before and after salbutamol and anhydrous theophylline, J Egypt. Society Allergy and Tuberculosis, July, 46(2). ( 40th conference of the Egypt. Society Allergy and Tuberculosis, March 3-6/1998 Nabil A Khattab,Ahmed G Al-Gazaar,Magdy M Omar, Ahdaf A Anan,Anas A yousef and Awad M Al-Abd 1998 Local
19 Study of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in stable and decompensated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Egypt Society Chest Dis. and Tuberculosis.:46(1)Jan. 2000)( 46th conference of Egypt. J Chest Dis. and Tuberculosis. 28-30 March, 2000)(the Annual conference of Banha Faculty Med.May 2000) Magdy M Omar, El Said Abdel Khalek, Hasan Galal , Eman Al Betar and Awad al abd 2000 Local
20 STUDY OF PLASMA COPEPTIN LEVELS AS A PREDICTOR FOR SEVERITY, RECURRENCE AND POSSIBILITY OF THE NEED FOR HOSPITAL ADMISSION DURING EXACERBATIONS IN COPD PATIENTS. Egyp.J Chest Dis.and Tuberc.vol 27(3): July 2008. 15. Mahmoud M. Alsalahy , Magdy M. Omar , Manal M. Hashem , Sahar E. Mohamed , Mohamed I. Abdelfattah 2008 Local
21 study of plasma orexin A level in Copd patients during acute exacerbation Magdy M Omar, Osama I. Mohammed 2017 Local
22 Study of Pulmonary Functions in Adults with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. J Zagazig Univer. Tarek M. Tawfik , Magdy M. Omar , Waheed M. Saidahmed and Awad A. Al-Abd 2007 Local
23 Study of ventilatory pulmonary functions, bronchial hyperreactivity and Bronchoalveolar lavage cellularity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis J Egypt. Society Allergy and Tuberculosis, Jan, 47(2). (40th conference of the Egypt. Society Allergy and Tuberculosis, March 3-6/1998) Ahmed G Al-Gazaar, Magdy M Omar, Ahmed Y Ali, Anas A yousef and AliM Abdullah 1998 Local
24 the role of medical thoracoscopic lung biopsy in diagnosis of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases Magdy M. Omar, Mohammed A. Elmahdy , Etemad abdelsalam 2019 Local
Medhat Mohamed Fahmy Negm
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (1)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 -“Monitoring the Asthmatic Patients: Role of the Mini Peak Flow Meter” The Medical Journal of Cairo University, vol.59 no.3, 1991 Local
2 Annual Tuberculosis Infection Rate in Kaliubiya and Sharkiya Govern rates” Egyptian Medical Journal of Cairo University vol.50, no.1, 1992 Local
3 applications of chest ultrasonography in respiratory ICU Medhat F. Negm , Mohammed H. KAmel , Ossama I. Mohammed Rhab Sawy 2019 Local
4 diagnostic yeild of percutanous ultrasound guided biopsy of perephiral lung lesion Medhat F. Negm , Nashwa M. Emara, Shayma M. abo yosof, Mostafa M. shalaby 2019 International
5 Evaluation of Efficiency of Sputum Indication with Nebulizer in Patients with Lower Reparatory Tract Infection.” “The Medical Journal of Cairo University, vol.59 no.4,-Incidences of Primary Resistance to First Raw Drugs in Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Dakahliya Govern rate” Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis, 38, 1, 1991. 1991 Local
6 metabolic syndrome impact on ventilatory pulmonary function medhat F. Negm , Tarek S. Essawy , Ossama I. mohammed 2017 Local
7 Role of Ultrasonic Nebulizer in Diagnosis of Suspected Cases of the Pulmonary Tuberculosis” The Medical Journal of Cairo University, vol.59 no.3, 1991 Local
8 Sex Hormones Disturbances as a Cause of Impotence in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) “The Medical Journal of Cairo University, vol.59 no.4, 1991 Local
9 study of obstructive sleep apnea in patients of congestive heart failure attending polysomnography in benha university hospital Medhat F. Negm , Tarek S. Essawy, Mohammed S. Sadek 2020 Local
Sherif Ahmed Mersy Eissa
Local Publication (28)
International Publication (0)
Total (28)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of hypertension on pulmonary function. Nenha medic. J., vol. 12(3):329-339. Osama Sanad, Aly Ramzy, Mohamed Taher, Sherif Eissa and Saad Amaar 1995 Local
2 Effect of inhaled versus parenteral magnesium sulfate on ventilatory functions and bronchil hyperreactivity in asthmatic patients Egypt J. Chest Dis. And Tubercul.vol.46 (1). Magdy M Omar, Ahdaf A Anan, Ayman A Yousef , Sherif A Essa and Mahmous A Ibrahim 1998 Local
3 Study of cellular and humoral immunity in patients with active and inactive pulmonary tuberculosis. Tanta Med. J.(Jan). Mahmoud A Abdu,Safaa Al Karaksy, Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag and Sherif A Essa 1993 Local
4 Assessment of cardiac functions before and after exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. Zagazig Med J. vol 4(1). Abdel sadek H Al-Aarag, Osama S Arafa, Sherif A Essa and Ali A Okab 1998 Local
5 Pulmonary hydatidosis. Cairo Med. J.vol.59(4). Mohamed M. Kattab, Ayman A. Yousef, Sherif Eissa, Hossny Masoud and Hussin M. Gafaar 1993 Local
6 Effect of certain modes of mechanical ventilation on hemodynamics and oxygen transport in postoperative coronary artery bypass fraft patients. Zagazig Med J. vol 4(1). Ayman A Yousef , Sherif A Essa, Ahdaf A Anan and Ahmed M Halab 1999 Local
7 Endothelin-1 concentration in plasma and bronchoalveolar lavage of some asthmatic patients. Banha Med. J. Vol. 14(3). Ayman A Yousef , Sherif A Essa, Ahdaf A Anan , Ali A Okaband sousan Yousef 1997 Local
8 Immediate shin test reactivity to inhalant allergens in asthmatic patients at high altitude. Chest, vol110(40,oct, suppl. Hosny M. Masoud, Ahmed G Al gazar, Medhat F Negm, Amr B Hamdy, Ayman A. Yousef and Sherif A Essa 1996 Local
9 Immediate skin test reactivity to inhaled allergens in asthmatic patients at high altitude. Banha Medical J. (April). Hosny M Masoud, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Medhat F Negm, Amro B Hamdy, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag and Sherif A Essa 1993 Local
10 Initial drug resistance among newly diagnosed cases with pulmonary tuberculosis in Taif saudi Arabia. Banha Medical J. (May). Mahmoud A Abdu, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag, Sherif A Essa anf Rabha Karkomar 1993 Local
11 Initial drug resistance to some antituberculous drugs in qualiobia governorate. Egypt J. Chest Dis. And Tubercul.vol.45(1). Amro B Hamdy,Ahmed G Al Gazar,Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag , Ahdaf A Anan and Ahmed m Al Gazar 1996 Local
12 Interleukin-13 status in children with bronchial asthma. Benha Med,J.,vol18(1):353-366 Sherif A Essa, Ismail Abu Al-Ela, Adel Shebl and Anas Abdel rahman 2001 Local
13 Passive smoking and pulmonary functions in Egyptian children. Egyp. J. Pediat.,Vlo.12(3):541-552. Mona H.,El Samahy,Tawhida abdel Ghafaar, Sherif A Essa and I.H.S. Ibrahim 1995 Local
14 Possible site of action of different bronchodilators: Large versus small airways in patients with bronchial asthma. New med. Egyp. J (June). Abdel Hamed Al Helaly,Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag and Sherif A Essa 1992 Local
15 Pulmonary function tests before and after coronary bypass grafting. Egypt J. Chest Dis. And Tubercul.vol.46 (1). Al-Ashkar MF.,Ali AM.,Sharaf El Din M., Abdullah S and Sherif A Essa 1994 Local
16 Pulmonary Hydatosis. Conf. Egypatian Society chest dis and tuberculosis Mohamed Mostafa , Ayman A Yousef , Hosnet M Masoud , Hussin Gaafar, Shrif A Essa and Abdel Azeem Al zamel 1993 Local
17 Role of high resolution CT in pulmonary tuberculosis. Mansoura Med J. vol 28(1&2). Ayman A Yousef , Sherif A Essa, Ahdaf A Anan and Abdel Sadek H Al-Aarag 1998 Local
18 Study of airway hyperreactivity in patientswith nematode infestations. Zagazig Med J. vol 8(3). Sherif A Essa,Ali A Okab, Mahmoud Al-salahy and Magdy A Gaad 2002 Local
19 Study of hemostatic profile in pulmonary tuberculosis. Tanta Med. J.(June). Mahmoud A Abdu, Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag ,Sherif A Essa and Maha salah Al Din 1993 Local
20 study of incidence of exercise induced bronchospasm in school children. Scien. J Tanta Faculty of Medicine (May) . Mahmoud A Abdu, Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Ayman A Yousef , Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag and Sherif A Essa ( 1993 Local
21 Utility of chest CT in diagnosis of pathological changes associating Bilharzial cor pulmonale. Zagazig Med J. vol 8(1). Sherif A Essa, Fatima M abdel salam, Eman M Fathy, Magdy A Gaadand Alaa Al-fakharany 2002 Local
22 Diagnostic value of Neopterin in pleural effusion. Egypt J. Chest Dis. And Tubercul.vol.46 (1). Ayman A Yousef , Sherif A Essa, Ahdaf A Anan and Osama El-Shaer 1997 Local
23 Endothelin-1 concentration in plasma and bronchoalveolar lavage of some asthmatic patients. Zagazig Med J. vol 4(7). Sherif A Essa,Mohmoud Al-Azouny and Anas A Yousef 1998 Local
24 Evaluation of glutarahdehyde test in pulmonary tuberculosis. Egypt J. Chest Dis. And Tubercul.vol.45 (2). Ayman A Yousef , Ahmed G Al Gazar, Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag and Sherif A Essa 1996 Local
25 Serum calcium and phosphorus in obstructive airway diseases. Scien. J Tanta Faculty of Medicine (March). Mahmoud A Abdu, Ayman A Yousef , Sherif A Essa, Amro B Hamdy,Medhat F Negm, Ahmed G Al Gazer, Abdel Sadek H Al Aarag and Foad Al Debeky 1994 Local
26 Sstudy of Immunolubulin A in Bronchoalveolar lavage and serum in patients with lung cancer. Egypt J. Chest Dis. And Tubercul.vol.46 (1). Medhat F Negm,Amro B Hamdy, Mostafa El-Zahaby and Sherif A Essa 1997 Local
27 study of hemostatic profile in pulmonary tuberculosis patients with and without hemoptysis. Banha Med J vol15(1). Sherif A Essa, Magdy M Omar and Anas A Yousef 1999 Local
28 tudy of oxidant stress and some antioxidants in lung cancer Zagazig Med J. vol 8(1). Ahmed G Al Gazar, Sherif A Essa, Ali A Okab and Magdah Abdel Aziz 2002 Local
Ahmed Abdelsadek Mohamed Abdlallah
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (11)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative study between biventricular diastolic dysfunction In patients with COPD and bronchial asthma during exacerbation And stable conditions Inass M. Taha a,1 , Ahmed Abdel Sadek b,1 , Tarek S.Z. Soliman c,1 2017 International
2 Diagnostic Value Of Surgical Lung Biopsy In Diffuse Interstitial Lung Diseases: Comparison With Clinical And Radiological Diagnosis Mohamed Khairy *, Ahmad Abd-Alsadek ˚, Waheed Mohamed ˚. 2009 International
3 Iron deficiency anemia as a risk factor in childhood asthma Sherif Ahmad Eissa a,1 ,Ahmad Abd-Elsadek Mohammad a,2 ,Soha Abd-Elhady Ibrahim b,1 ,Eman Ramadan Abd-Elgwad c,1 , Nivin Samir Abd Elmagid Solimand,1 2016 International
4 Lung ultrasound as early diagnostic tool in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) Ahmad Abdelsadek a,1 ,Mohamed Diab Aboul Khair b,1 , Osama Abuel Nagac,1 2015 International
5 Procalcitonin as a Predictor for Severity and Etiology of Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) Ahmad Abdelsadek a,1 ,Osama Abuel Naga b,1 ,Manal A.Shams Eldin Eltelbany c,1 ,Azza Hamdyd,1 2018 International
6 Programmed Exercise in Conjunction with Sildenafil Therapy is Beneficial for patients with Pulmonary Hypertension Secondary to Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Abeer A. Shoman MD a,1 , Ahmed Abdelsadek MD b,2 2014 International
7 Serum adiponectin level in obese and non-obese COPD patients during acute exacerbation and stable conditions Magdy Mohammad Omar a,1 Hesham Ali Issa b,2 Ahmad Abdelsadek Mohammad a,1 Moustafa Abd-Elaty Abd-Elhamid c,3 2014 International
8 Serum Bilirubin Levels in Patients with COPD during Acute Exacerbation Ali Ali Okaab a,1, Reda Mohamed El Badawy b,1, Ahmed Abd El Sadek Mohamad a,2 ,Mohamed Abd Allah Hussien c,1 2018 International
9 STUDY OF SERUM ADIPONECTIN LEVEL IN OBESE AND NON-OBESE ASTHMATIC PATIENTS Magdy mohammad omar, MD*. Ahmad Abdelsadek Mohammad,MD*. Sahar M. Ali MD** 2012 International
10 Thoracoscopic Talc Poudrage versus Talc Slurry for management of Malignant Pleural Effusion Mohamed Khairy *, Ahmad Abd-Alsadek ˚, Waheed Mohamed˚. 2009 International
11 Tuberculosis situation in El-Minia governorate (1997-2010) before and after Direct Observed Therapy Short Course Strategy (DOTS) - Abdelsadek Hamed Al-Aarag 1 - Magdy Mohammad Omar - Ahmad Abdelsadek Mohammad3 - Maged Moreis George4 2018 International
Mahmoud mohamedabdelrahman elsalhy
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of acute kidney injury on weaning from mechanical ventilation in COPD patients with respiratory failure Ahmed G. Elgazzar, Mahmoud M. Elsalahy , Tarek S. Essawy , Marwa Elnaggar , Samr Nasef 2020 Local
2 mannose binding lectin in patients with pulmonary Tuberculosis: active and inactive Mahmod M. elsalahy ,Gehan , Rasha hendy 2017 Local
Mohamed Abd Elmohsen mahdy
Local Publication (18)
International Publication (0)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of the prevalence of depression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients Sherif A. Eissaa, Tarek S. Essawya, Mohammad A. Almahdya, Shaymaa A. Mohammeda, Mohammed M. El-Hamadyb 2020 Local
2 Evaluation of role of computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension Ahmed G. Elgazzara, Mohammad Abd-Elmohsen Elmahdya, Islam M. Elshazlyb, Ahmed M. Ramzyc, Shaimaa M. Abo Youssefa 2019 Local
3 Evaluation of serum troponin I in patients with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Neveen Hasaneena, Ayman Abd Elrahmana, Mohamed El Mahdya, AQ1 Osama El Shaerb, Mohamed Hassanc, Mahmoud M. El-Habashyd 2014 Local
4 Improvement of exercise performance and ventilatory efficiency in patients with chronic heart failure after sildenafil use for 8 weeks Mohamed H. Ibrahim, Mohamed A. Elmahdy 2014 Local
5 Polymorphism of Toll like Receptors 2 & 4 Genes and the Risk of Bronchial Asthma 1Rasha A. El sayed*, 1Roshdan M. Arafa, 1Wafaa A. EL-Mosallamy, 1Sawsan A. Youssef ¹and 2Mohamad A. Elmahdy 2015 Local
6 Radiopaque Foreign Bodies Inhalation in Children and Adolescents Ibrahim Kasb MD & Mohamed El-Mahdy MD 2014 Local
7 Role of Interleukin -6 (IL6) in Diagnosis of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma REHAB EL SAYED, ALI OKAB, MOMAMED EL-MAHDY, IBRAHIM KASB AND YASER ISMAIL 2014 Local
8 Study of 2-min walk test and 15-step exercise oximetry test in the assessment of exercise tolerance in Egyptian patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Medhat F. Negm, Mohamed E. Abdalla *, Mohamed A. Almahdy 2014 Local
9 Study of 2-min walk test and 15-step exercise oximetry test in the assessment of exercise tolerance in Egyptian patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Medhat F. Negm, Mohamed E. Abdalla *, Mohamed A. Almahdy 2014 Local
10 Study of Effect of Inhaled Versus Oral Corticosteroids on Sputum Granzyme B in Patients with Moderate Persistent Bronchial Asthma Walaa K. Shoeib,Mahmoud M. Alsalahy¹, Mohammad A. Almahdy¹,Tarek S. Essawy¹, Khalid M. Belal 2014 Local
11 Study of plasma copeptin level as a prognostic marker in respiratory failure patients admitted in the ICU at Benha University Hospital Mahmoud M. Al Salahya, Mohammad A. Elmahdya, Tahany M. Goudaa, Khaled M. Belalb, Shiemaa M. Elnahasa 2020 Local
12 Study of serum Granzyme B in heavy cigarette smokers with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Ahmed A. Yousef a,b, Mahmoud M. Alsalahy a, Mohammad A. Almahdy a, Tarek S. Essawy a,*, Khalid M. Belal 2014 Local
13 Study of serum Granzyme B in heavy cigarette smokers with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Ahmed A. Yousef a,b, Mahmoud M. Alsalahy a, Mohammad A. Almahdy a, Tarek S. Essawy a,*, Khalid M. Belal 2014 Local
15 Surface Expression and Genetic Variants of Toll-like Receptor 2 in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients 1Abeer A. Aboelazm, 1 Reem.R. Abd El-Glil, 2Mohamed Elmahdy 2016 Local
16 The role of medical thoracoscopic lung biopsy in diagnosis of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases Magdy M. Omara, Ahmad S. Alhalafawyb, Nashwa M. Emarac, Mohammad A.E. El-Mahdya, Etemad Abdelsalama 2019 Local
17 The role of medical thoracoscopy in the management of empyema Ahmad G. El Gazzar, Mohammad A.E. El-Mahdy, Gehan F. Al Mehy, Asmaa El Desoukey Mohammad 2019 Local
18 Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: The Effect of Bacterial Resistance Yousry Elsaeed Risk1, Mohamed Abd Elmohsen Elmahdy2, Ahmed Hamdy Abd Elrahman3, Bassem Mefreh Aglan4, Mohamed Ossama Mohamed Abd Elsadek 2020 Local
Mohamed elsayed mahmoud abdallah
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (17)
Total (17)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Diagnostic value of NT–PRO BNP in cardiogenic and non cardiogenic pleural effusions Mohamed E. Abdalla , Hamdy Abd El Azeem , Abdalhameed Mousa 2012 International
2 Echocardiographic evaluation of ventricular function in young adults with bronchial asthma Mohamed E. Abdalla , Hamdy Abd El Azeem 2013 International
3 Evaluation of pulmonary function in renal transplant recipients and chronic renal failure patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis Mohamed E. Abdalla , Mohamed AbdElgawad , Alsayed Alnahal 2013 International
4 Fast Plaque TB a Tool for Direct Detection and Rifampicin Susceptibility Testing of M. Tuberculosis Soheir Abd-el Rahman*, Ahmad Godah Elgazzar, Mohammad El-saed Abd-Allah, Ali Ali Okab, Atef El-saed ElAbd 2002 International
5 Role of Exercise Rehabilitation in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Amro B.Hamdy, Samia M.Abdel Monem*, Ali A. Okab, Ahdaf A. Enan, Atef El-Abd, Mohamed E. Abdalla 2003 International
6 ROLE OF TRANSTHORACIC CT GUIDED NEEDLE ASPIRATION CYTOLOGY IN DIFFICULT TO DIAGNOSE BENIGN AND MALIGNANT INTRATHORACIC LESIONS Emara M.M. 1,6, El- Badrawy A. 2, Tarek A. Elshazly 3, Mohamed E. Abdalla 4,6 , Hussain Abdulallah Yamany5 2013 International
7 Study of 2-min walk test and 15-step exercise oximetry test in the assessment of exercise tolerance in Egyptian patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Medhat F. Negm, Mohamed E. Abdalla *, Mohamed A. Almahdy 2012 International
8 Study of Osteoporosis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Ahmad Godah EL-Gazzar, Mohamed E. Abdalla *, Mohamed A. Almahdy 2013 International
9 Study of Sputum Level of Interleukin-8 in COPD Patients Ali A. Okab MD, Atef E. El-Abd MD, Ahdaf Enan MD, Osama S. El-Shaer MD*, Mahmoud El-Salahy MD and Mohamed El-Sayed MD 2003 International
11 • CHEMICAL PLEURODESIS: COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN IODINE, TETRACYCLINE AND BLEOMYCINE Magdy M. Omar*, Mohamed E. Abdalla*, Mohamed A. Elmahdy*, Ibrahim M. Kasab** 2013 International
12 • EFFECT OF MANAGEMENT OF GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX ON CONTROL OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA IN ADULTS Waheed M .S. Ahmed*, Mohammed A. Mahmoud*, and Mohammed A. Fowdah 2007 International
13 • Evaluation of Soluble Interleukin-2 Receptor Level in Patients with Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis Ahmed G. Elgazzar, Sohair Abdelrahman*, Wafaa Abdallah*, Mohammed E. Abdalla and Ahdaf A. Enan 2006 International
14 • Prognostic Significance of Serum P53 Antibodies in Lung Cancer Patients Laila El-Mahrouky,* Howaida Kamal,* Mohammed El-Sayed 2002 International
15 • Role of Procalcitonin in assessment of Bacterial Infection and Antibiotic Guidance in Patients with Acute Exacerbations of COPD on Mechanical Ventilation Ashraf F. Abou Shady MD and Mohamed E. Abdalla MD 2006 International
16 • Study of Airway Hyper reactivity In Patients with Nematode Infestations Shereif A. Esa, Ali A. Okab, Mahmoud A. Elsalahy, Mohamed E. Abdalla and Magdy A. Gad* 2002 International
17 • The Possible Role Of Mycobacterium Bevis In Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis: An oxyR Allel-Specific PCR Based Mycobacterial Species Differentiation Amro B. Hamdy*, Mohamed E. Abdallah*, Mahmoud A. El-Salahy*, Nabila A. El-Sheikh**, Sawsan A. Yousof 2003 International
Abeer Mohamed Rawy Abdel- Monem
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (7)
Total (15)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 CO-RADS score and its correlation with clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with COVID-19 Marwa Elsayed Elnaggar1* , Abeer Mohamed Rawy1, Marwa Seif El‑Melouk2, Al‑Shaimaa Mahmoud Al‑Tabbakh2, Hamasat Abdel‑hafeez Abdel‑Khalik3, Eman Fathy Abdelkhalek4 and Rehab Elsayed Elsawy 2023 Local
2 Fraction of exhaled nitric oxide measurement as a biomarker in asthma and COPD compared with local and systemic inflammatory markers Abeer M. Rawy a,*, Amira I. Mansour 2015 International
3 High Flow Nasal Cannula versus Non -Invasive Ventilation in Hypercapnic acute exacerbation of COPD Amira H. Allam, Ahdaf A. Enan, Kholud M. Doyef , Abeer M. Rawy, Etemad A. Mohammed 2024 Local
4 Influence of Vitamin D Status and VDR Gene Polymorphism on COVID-19 Susceptibility and Outcome Amal Ahmed Mohamed1 , Nivin Naeem Baiomy2 , Abeer M. Rawy3 , Mona Mostafa Farid Ghanem4 , Soha M. Abd El Salam5 , 2024 Local
5 Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), prevalence and association with disease severity: Using tissue Doppler study A.M. Rawy; D. Fathallah 2015 International
6 Measurement of exhaled nitric oxide in healthy Egyptian population: normal ranges and factors affecting Abeer M.Rawy 2015 International
7 Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients with Central Obesity, in Benha University Hospital Mysara Mohamad Mogahed*1, Abeer Mohamed Rawy2, Nashwa Ahmed Amin2, Yomna Mohamed Marei1, Amira Hussein Allam2 2023 Local
8 Prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with airway obstruction using hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) in different localities of Saudi Arabia Abeer M. Rawy1, Amira H. Allam2, Omar M. Abdeldayem3, Ezzat abdelazeem, Mysara M. Mogahed 2017 Local
9 Relationship between bronchial asthma and COVID-19 infection in adults: clinical and laboratory assessment Abeer M. Rawy1, Mohamed S. Sadek1, Mysara M. Mogahed2, Afaf Khamis3 and Amira H. Allam1 2023 Local
10 Role of MicroRNA (182) in Differentiation between Benign and Malignant Pleural Effusion Amira H. Allam, Magdi Omar, hamasat abdelhafez, Abeer M. Rawy, Toqa ayman, Rehab Elsawy 2024 Local
11 Study of influenza A H1N1 infection in Qalubia during the last 2009 pandemic Y. Yonus, H. Amin, E. Elsharkawy, R. Elbadawy, A. M. Rawy, Z. M. Heddaiah 2015 International
12 Study of serum C-reactive protein level and sputum eosinophils in patients with bronchial asthma Abdelsadek H. Al-Aaraga, Abeer M. Rawya, Mona M. EL-Behissyb, Marwa M. Abdelraheema 2015 International
13 Study of the level of sputum matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) n COPD patients Sherif A. Esa a, Abeer M. Rawy a,*, Mona M. EL-Behissy b, Mohamed H. Kamel a,Hany Mohiy Mohamed Mustafa El-Hwaitty 2014 International
14 Study on the association between eosinophilic esophagitis and bronchial asthma in Egyptian patients with esophageal symptoms AM Rawy, AM Elmistekawy, RE Elshaer 2020 Local
15 Study the level of sputum matrix metalloproteinase-9 and tissue inhibitor metaloprotienase-1 in patients with interstitial lung diseases S. A. Esa ; A. M. Rawy ; M. M. El-Behissy; M. El-Bastawisy 2015 International
Amira Hussein Mohammed Allam
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (10)
Total (15)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies with interstitial lung disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Amira H. Allama, Shaimaa M.A. Youssefa, Hany H. Moussab, Yasser Ezzatc 2019 International
2 Anti-IgE therapy with omalizumab in the treatment of uncontrolled allergic rhinitis with medically resistant asthma Ahmed Hussein ,AMIRA HUSSEIN Allam 2018 International
3 Asthma related quality of life in western Saudi subpopulation and its correlation to level of asthma control Amira H. Allam , Amira A. Alkilani , Mysara M. Mogahed 2017 International
4 Efflux pumps encoding genes (adeA and adeS) in relation to antibiotic resistance pattern in Acinetobacter baumannii strains isolated from Benha university hospital Amira E. Ramadana, Ahmed S. Elgazarb, Nashwa A. Aminc, Amira H. Allamc, Mai A. Elmahdyd, Naglaa A. B. Eldeena, Sara A. Saiede, Doaa A. Shakera 2023 Local
5 Expression level of micro-RNA-1, IL-5, IFNγ, and TNFα in adultonset asthmatic patients Shaimaa M. Abo-Youssefa, Amira H. Allama, Mysa S. Mustafab, Hasnaa S. Abd el Hamidb, Amany K. Shahatb, Hany H. Moussac 2021 International
6 Helicobacter pylori infection in type 2 diabetic patients and its relation to smoking Mysara M. Mogahed, Amira H. Allam 2017 International
7 High Flow Nasal Cannula versus Non -Invasive Ventilation in Hypercapnic acute exacerbation of COPD Amira H. Allam, Ahdaf A. Enan, Kholud M. Doyef , Abeer M. Rawy, Etemad A. Mohammed 2024 Local
8 Left ventricular diastolic and pulmonary dysfunction in patients with sub-clinical hypothyroidism; A case- control study Amira H Allam1,*, Mohamed S Darwish2 2019 Local
9 Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients with Central Obesity, in Benha University Hospital Mysara Mohamad Mogahed*1, Abeer Mohamed Rawy2, Nashwa Ahmed Amin2, Yomna Mohamed Marei1, Amira Hussein Allam2 2023 Local
10 Predictive value of different severity scoring systems in patients with community acquired pneumonia Amira H. Allam, Abdelsadek H. Al-Aarag, Sohila S. Moussa, Etemad A. Mohammad 2025 International
11 Prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with airway obstruction using hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) in different localities of Saudi Arabia Amira H. Allam ,, Abeer M. Rawy , Omar M. Abdeldayema,, Mysara M. Mogahed c,, Ezzat Abdelazeem 2017 International
12 Prognostic significance of COVID‑19 MSCT chest findings on short‑term disease progression Mohamed H. Faheem1, Amr Gomaa1 and Amira H. Allam2* 2022 International
13 Role of lung point navigation bronchoscopy in diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary lesions Amira H. Allama, Sherif A. Eisaa, Mahmoud El-Sayed Abd El-Rahimb, Nashwa A. Amina 2023 International
14 Sonographic assessment of the diaphragm in COVID 19 and non‑COVID ICU patients Hany Hussein Mousa1, Merna Magdi Hamed1, Magdi Mohamed Omar2, Haitham Mesbah Foda3 and Amira Hussein Allam2 2024 International
15 Tuberculosis in Upper and Lower Egypt before and after directly observed treatment short-course strategy: a multi-governorate study Medhat F. Negma, Amira H. Allamb, Tbahany M. Godab, Mona Elawadyc 2019 Local
Gehan Farok Ahmed Elmehy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (8)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Combined serum and immunohistochemical differentiation between reactive, and malignant mesothelial proliferations GEHAN ,F 2016 International
2 Evaluation of Primary Health Care service participation in the National Tuberculosis Control Program in Qalyubia Governorate, Egyptq 2016 International
3 Study of anti nuclear and anti smooth muscle antibodies in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 2016 International
4 Study of mannose-binding lectin in smokers with and without COPD 2016 International
5 Study of the Helicobacter pylori infection in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Shereef A. Eisa a, Gehan F. Almehy a, Hisham A. Eisa b, Maha Z. Omar c, Tarek S. Essawy a, Amal A. Abou Elnass 2016 International
6 The role of tumor necrosis factor alpha in differentiation between malignant and non malignant pleural effusion Heba M. Atef a, Ali A. Okab a, Gehan F. Al mehy a,*, Mona M. El Beheisy 2016 International
7 Tuberculosis situation in Ismailia governorate (2002–2012) before and after Direct Observed Therapy Short Course Strategy (DOTS) 2016 International
8 Tuberculosis situation in Port Said governorate (1995–2011) before and after Direct Observed Therapy Short Course Strategy (DOTS) 2016 International
Hossameldieen mostafa hamaza
Local Publication (3)
International Publication (0)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Plasma Leptin;Tumor Necrosis Factor-α and Nutritional Status in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients Tawfik El Adl ;Hossam Eldin Hamza;Mohammed Hussin,Mostafa Neamat- Allah. 2006 Local
3 ROLE OF PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA EXTENDED SPECTRUM B LACTAMASE PRODUCERS IN HOSPITAL –ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA MORTALITY Hossam Moustafa,Tawfik ElAdl,Mohammed Hussein,Mohammed Darwish, Adel Abdulfattah and Taghreed Gamal 2006 Local
Marwa Elsayed Mohamed Elnagar
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (7)
Total (12)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Study of the level of stem cell factor in patients with bronchial asthma Ahmad Gouda El-Gazzar Sohair Abd Alrhman Abd Alsamea Osama Ibrahem Mohamad Afaf Fathi Khamis Marwa El-Sayed El-Naggar 2015 International
2 Assessment of serum electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and ionized calcium) during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation Rasha M. Hendy, Marwa El-Sayed El-Naggar 2019 International
3 Assessment of the participation of primary care services in national tuberculosis control program in El Behaira Governorate Magdy M. Omara, Marwa E.S. El Naggara, Shaimaa M. AboYoussefa, Amany S. Eltantyb 2019 International
4 Comparative Study of Virtual Versus Conventional Bronchoscopies as Assistive Diagnostic Tools for the Thoracic Surgeons Moataz ERezk1, Mamdouh EMohamed2, Ashraf MElnahas1, Ahmed Shalaan3, Mohamed Hamed2, Marwa E. Elnaggar4, Amany M Elrubeigy5 and Mohamed AElgazar1 2020 Local
5 Diagnostic role of interleukin -33 in the differentiation of pleural effusions especially tuberculous and malignant effusions Abdel-sadek Hamed Al-aarag1 , Mohammad Hussein Kamel1 , Eman Ramadan Abdelgawad1 , Shaimaa Magdy Abo-Youssef1 , Hany Hussein Moussa2* , Marwa Elsayed Elnaggar1 , Rasha Mohammad Hendy1 and Koot Ahmad Diab 2020 International
6 Diagnostic value of calprotectin in differentiation between benign and malignant pleural effusion Omar M Mohammed, Kamel M Hussein, Abdelgawad E Ramadan, Gouda T Mahmoud, Marwa El-Sayed El-Naggar, Nor Eldein Z Gaber 2020 Local
7 Does Wide Pore Drain Still have a Role in Drainage of Free Malignant Pleural Effusion? Moataz E Rezk1*, Ashraf M Elnahas1 and Marwa E Elnaggar2 2020 International
8 Effect of acute kidney injury on weaning from mechanical ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases patients with respiratory failure Ahmed Gouda El-Gazzar, Mahmoud Mohamad El-Salahy, Tarek Samy Essway, Samar Nasef Mohammed & Marwa Elsayed Elnaggar 2020 Local
9 Prognostic value of platelet and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in COPD patients Ahmed Gouda El-Gazzar, Mohammed Hussein Kamel, Ola Kamal Mohammad Elbahnasy & Marwa El-Sayed El-Naggar 2020 International
10 Pulse transit time in patients with sleep-disordered breathing Marwa El-Sayed El-Naggar 2018 International
11 S EAR CH Open Access Effect of acute kidney injury on weaning from mechanical ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases patients with respiratory failure Ahmed Gouda El-Gazzar, Mahmoud Mohamad El-Salahy, Tarek Samy Essway, Samar Nasef Mohammed and Marwa Elsayed Elnaggar* Abstr 2020 Local
12 The Role of Ultrasound in Assessment of Diaphragmatic Dysfunction in I.C.U Patients Islam M. Alshaera , Hesham E. Elsheikha , Ahmed E. Shaalana , Marwa E. Elnaggar 2020 Local
Mohamed Shaker Sadek
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (1)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Acute Effect of Combined Manual Therapy and Therapeutic Exercise versus Short-Acting Bronchodilator on Ventilatory Function in Patients with COPD Ahmad Mahdi Ahmada,*, Ehab Ahmed Abdel Halimb and Mohammed Shaker Sadekc 2024 Local
2 Assessment of hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019: a Saudi Arabian isolation center experience Amira H. Allama, Mohamed S. Sadeka, Mohamed A. Abdellatifb, Tahany M. Goudaa 2021 Local
3 Association of Forkhead Box O3a (FOXO3a) single - nucleotide polymorphism with bronchial asthma in Egyptian population Marwa S. EL-Melouk1, Mohammed S. Sadek2 and AL-Shaimaa M. AL-Tabbakh1 2022 Local
4 CO-RADS versus Lymphopenia in diagnosing COVID-19 Mohamed S. Sadek a , Shorouk Z. Abdelshafy b, , Hala A. Abed c, Amira H. Allam a, Enas M. Sweed b , Mysara M. Mogahed d, Taher Abdel-Aziz e, Etemad Abd-Elsalam a 2022 Local
5 Comparative Study of Short versus Long Course of Antibiotic Therapy for Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Adults Y.E.Rezk, A.H.Abdelrahman, M.S.Sadek and T.M.Elkady 2020 Local
6 Effect of Reduction Mammoplasty on Pulmonary Function Test and Back Pain in Patients with Macromastia MOSTAFA B. ABDELWAHAB, M.D.*; MOHAMED S. SADEK, M.D.**; AHMED M.F. SALAMA, M.D.*; AHMED L. ELFEKY, M.Sc.*** and MOHAMED T. YOUNIS, M.D.* 2022 Local
7 Evaluation of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Assay in Detection of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) among Health Care Providers in Benha University Hospitals Ola S. El-Shimia, Soheir Abdel Rahman a, Yasser M. Ismaila, Mohammed S. Sadekb , Aya Abd Elmohsen a 2022 Local
8 Role of noncontrast magnetic resonance pulmonary imaging in diagnosis of pulmonary embolism Osama I. Mohammada, Ali A. Okaba, Enas M.M. Sweedb, Salwa H. Mohammed Elsaida, Mohammed S. Sadeka 2022 Local
Nabil Ali Abdelghaffar Hibah
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (3)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Efficacy of Tranexamic Acid as Pleurodesis agent in Malignant Pleural Effusion Eman A Mohammed, Sherif A Eisa, Nabil A Abdelghaffar Hibah 2015 International
2 Evaluation of Primary Health Care service participation in the National Tuberculosis Control Program in Qalyubia Governorate, Egypt Dina S Elsayed, Mahmoud M Al Salahy, Nabil A Abdelghaffar Hibah, Gehan F El Mehy, Tarek S Essawy, Rasha Sh Eldesouky 2015 International
3 Plasma brain natriuretic peptide levels in COPD without pulmonary hypertension Ahmed G. El Gazzar a , Nabil A. Hibah a , Tahany M. Gouda a,⇑ , Amira I. Mansour b , Mohamad Y. Sabry 2016 Local
4 Prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) among multinational healthcare workers (HCWs) in Muhayil Saudi Arabia Nabil A Abdelghaffar Hibah1*, Hosam-Eldin Abdelhady Hasan2 2015 Local
5 STUDY OF SERUM LEPTIN LEVEL IN OBESE AND NON-OBESE ASTHMATIC PATIENTS Etemad Abdelsalam Mohammed, Magdy Mohammed Omar, Nabil A Abdelghaffar Hibah, Hesham Ali Essa 2015 Local
6 “Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis Situation in El-Behira Governorate, Egypt” nabil Ali Abdelghaffar Hibah 2014 Local
7 “Leptin hormone in obese and non-obese stable and exacerbated cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease” Ahmad E Mahmoud, Magdy M Omar2, Nabil A Abdelghaffar Hibah3*, Hisham A Issa4 2015 International
8 “Situation of tuberculosis before and after DOTS (direct observed therapy short course strategy) implementation in El-Behira Governorate, Egypt” Ali K Alwani, Abdelsadek H Al-Aarag, Magdy M Omar, Nabil A Abdelghaffar Hibah 2015 Local
Osama Ibrahim Mohammad Ibrahim
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (8)
Total (13)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 applications of chest ultrasonography in respiratory ICU Medhat F Negm, Mohammad H Kamel, Osama I Mohammad, Rehab E Elsawy, Hamada M Khater 2019 Local
2 Diagnostic utility of serum adenosine deaminase level in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis Abdelsadek H. Alaaraga, Osama I. Mohammada, Naglaa M. Farag 2016 International
3 Diagnostic value of procalcitonin in pleural effusion Abdelsadek H Al-Aarag, Shuzan A Mohammed, Hoda Y Ibrahim, Osama I Mohammad 2020 Local
4 Evaluation of primary health care service participation in the National Tuberculosis Control Program in Menofya Governorate Mahmoud M. Al Salahy a, Tarek S. Essawy a, Osama I. Mohammad;Rasha M. Hendy a,*, Asmaa O. Abas 2016 International
5 Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 -1306 CNT gene polymorphism affects circulating levels of MMP-2 in Egyptian asthmatic patients Mohamed A. Elkady a,⁎, Gamil M. Abd-Allah a, Ahmed S. Doghish a, Ayman A. Yousef b, Osama I. Mohammad 2016 International
6 metabolic syndrome impact on ventilatory pulmonary functions Medhat F. Negm, Tarek S. Essawy, Osama I. Mohammad, Tahany M. Gouda, Ayman M. EL-Badawy & Asmaa G. Shahoot MSc 2017 Local
7 Prevalence of concealed and overt chronic renal failure in patients with COPD Abdelsadek H. Al-Aarag a, Gehan F. Al-Mehy a, Osama I. Mohammad aRasha M. Hendy a, Shymaa M. Tawfik a, Mahmoud H. Imam 2016 International
8 Serum levels of lead and copper in a group of Egyptian children with bronchial asthma Mohammad M. ElSherbeny,Ola G. Behairy,Osama I.Mohammad*,Ahmad M.Elsayed** 2016 International
9 Situation of multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis in Alexandria governorate from July 2008 to December 2012 Osama I. Mohammada, Ali A. Okaba, Mostafa E. Zakib 2016 International
10 Study of plasma orexin-A level in COPD patients during acute exacerbation Magdy M.Omar, Osama I.Mohammad, Shuzan A.MohammedbMohammad S.Shahinc 2017 Local
11 Study of the level of stem cell factor in patients with bronchial asthma Ahmad Gouda El-GazzarSohair Abd Alrhman Abd AlsameaOsama Ibrahem MohamadAfaf Fathi KhamisAhmad Gouda El-Gazzar;Sohair Abd Alrhman Abd Alsamea;Osama Ibrahem Mohamad;Afaf Fathi Khamis;Marwa El-Sayed El-Naggar; 2016 International
12 Tuberculosis situation in Port Said governorate (1995–2011) before and after Direct Observed Therapy Short Course Strategy (DOTS) Shaimaa M. Abu Shabana a, Magdy M. Omar a, Gehan F. Al mehy a,*,Osama E. Mohammad a, Rasha Sh Eldesouky 2015 Local
13 Value of CA-125 in diagnosis and assessment of severity of active pulmonary tuberculosis Osama Ibrahim Mohammad a,*, Ali Ali Okab a, Mona Mohammad El Behisy;Ferhad George Thabet Sudhom 2016 International
Rasha Mohamed Hendy Mohamed
Local Publication (6)
International Publication (3)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of Directly Observed Therapy Short course (DOTS) of Tuberculosis in Banha Chest Hospital Rasha Mohammad Hendy, Ayman Abd El-Rahman Yousof, Sherief Ahmad Eisa, Sabry Ahmad SALEM. 2009 International
2 Assessment of neutrophil/lymphocyte percentage in bronchial asthma Rasha M. Hendya, Mona A. Elawadyb, Amira I. Mansourc 2019 Local
3 Assessment of serum electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and ionized calcium) during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation Rasha M. Hendy, Marwa El-Sayed El-Naggar 2019 Local
4 Diagnostic role of interleukin -33 in the differentiation of pleural effusions especially tuberculous and malignant effusions Abdel-sadek Hamed Al-aarag1, Mohammad Hussein Kamel1, Eman Ramadan Abdelgawad1,Shaimaa Magdy Abo-Youssef1, Hany Hussein Moussa2* , Marwa Elsayed Elnaggar1,Rasha Mohammad Hendy1 and Koot Ahmad Diab1 2019 International
5 EVALUATION OF HUMORAL IMMUNITY IN PATIENTS WITH BRONCHIECTASIS Rasha Mohammad Hendi, Abdelsadek Hamed AL-Aarag, Mahmoud Mohammad Alsalahy, Hala Abdelmagid TabI. 2016 International
6 Evaluation of primary health care service participation in the National Tuberculosis Control Program in Menofya Governorate Mahmoud M. Al Salahy a, Tarek S. Essawy a, Osama I. Mohammad a,Rasha M. Hendy a,*, Asmaa O. Abas 2016 Local
7 Mannose binding lectin in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: Active and inactive Mahmoud M. Alsalahy a, Gehan F. Almehy a, Rasha M. Hendy a,⇑, Rasha S. Mohammadb,Yasser Mahmoud Mohammad 2017 Local
8 Prevalence of concealed and overt chronic renal failure in patients with COPD Abdelsadek H. Al-Aarag a, Gehan F. Al-Mehy a, Osama I. Mohammad a,*,Rasha M. Hendy a, Shymaa M. Tawfik a, Mahmoud H. Imam b 2016 Local
9 Role of lactate dehydrogenase and other biomarkers in predicting prognosis of community-acquired pneumonia Rasha M. Hendya, Mona A. Elawadyb, Heba M. Abd EL Kareem 2019 Local
Shaimaa Magdy Hussein Abou Youssef
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (3)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Diagnostic role of interleukin -33 in the differentiation of pleural effusions especially tuberculous and malignant effusions Abdel-sadek Hamed Al-aarag, Mohammad Hussein Kamel, Eman Ramadan Abdelgawad, Shaimaa Magdy Abo-Youssef, Hany Hussein Moussa, Marwa Elsayed Elnaggar, Rasha Mohammad Hendy & Koot Ahmad Diab 2020 International
2 Diagnostic Yield of Percutaneous Ultrasound Guided Biopsy of Peripheral Lung Lesions Medhat Fahmy Negam, Nashwa Mohammad Emara, Shaimaa Magdy Abo Youssef and Mostafa Mohammad Shalaby 2019 International
3 Evaluation of Role of Computed Tomography (CT) in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension Ahmed G. Elgazzar; Mohammed A Elmahdy; Ahmed M. Ramzy; Islam M. Elshazly; Shaimaa M. Abo youssef. 2016 International
Tahany Mahmoud Ali Mahmoud Gouda
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (5)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Diagnostic value of calprotectin in differentiation between benign and malignant pleural effusion Omar M. Mohammeda, Kamel M. Husseina, Abdelgawad E. Ramadanb, Gouda T. Mahmouda, Marwa El-Sayed El-Naggara, Nor Eldein Z. Gabera 2019 Local
2 Evaluation of erythropoietin hormone in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients during exacerbation and after remission Ahmed G. El Gazzar a, Gehan F. Al Mehy a, Tahany M. Gouda a, Osama S. El-Shaer b, Salwa H. Mohammed a,* 2017 International
3 Plasma brain natriuretic peptide levels in COPD without pulmonary hypertension Ahmed G. El Gazzar a, Nabil A. Hibah a, Tahany M. Gouda a,⇑, Amira I. Mansour b, Mohamad Y. Sabry a 2017 International
4 Predictive value of IL-35 and IL-17 in diagnosis of childhood asthma Amira Ibrahim Mansour, Eman Rateb Abd Almonaem, Ola Galal Behairy & Tahany Mahmoud Gouda 2017 International
5 Serum interleukin 23 and its associations with interstitial lung disease and clinical manifestations of scleroderma Gamal A. Hammada, Refaat M. Eltanawya, Rasha M. Fawzya, Tahany M.A. Goudab, Mona A. Eltohamya 2018 Local
6 Serum Soluble CD163 and its association with various disease parameters in patients with systemic sclerosis Waleed Ahmed Salah Eldeen Hassan1, Eman Abd Elaleem Baraka1, Basant Mohammed Elnady1, Tahany Mahmoud Gouda2, Nehad Fouad3 2016 International
7 Study of plasma copeptin level as a prognostic marker in respiratory failure patients admitted in the ICU at Benha University Hospital Mahmoud M. Al Salahya, Mohammad A. Elmahdya, Tahany M. Goudaa, Khaled M. Belalb, Shiemaa M. Elnahasa 2018 Local
8 Tuberculosis in Upper and Lower Egypt before and after directly observed treatment short-course strategy: a multi-governorate study Medhat F. Negma, Amira H. Allamb, Tbahany M. Godab, Mona Elawadyc 2019 Local
9 Tuberculosis situation in Ismailia governorate (2002–2012) before and after Direct Observed Therapy Short Course Strategy (DOTS) Medhat F. Negm, Gehan F. Al mehy, Tahany M. Ali *, Safwa S. Abd Elfadil 2015 International
Tarek Samy Abd El Ghany Essawy
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (14)
Total (15)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of the prevalence of depression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients Sherif A. Eissaa, Tarek S. Essawya, Mohammad A. Almahdya, Shaymaa A. Mohammeda, Mohammed M. El-Hamadyb 2018 International
2 Assessment of tuberculosis situation in Cairo governorate from 2006 to 2012 after application of directly observed therapy short-course strategy Sherif A. Eissa, Ali A. Okab, Tarek S. Essawy, Eman A. El Ghany 2016 International
3 Comparative Study between an Ultrasound-Guided Techniqueversus Landmark-Guided Technique for Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation in end stage renal disease with regular dialysis who exposed to previous cannulations Ahmed Hamdy Abdelrahman1, Ahmed Maher Mohamed2, Tarek S.Essawy3, Yousry Elsaied Rizk4, Mohamed Ahmed Elassal5 2018 International
4 Comparative study between using Lowenstein Jensen, Bio-FM media and mycobacteria growth indicator tube (MGIT) system in identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Tarek S Essawy, Amal M Saeed, Nehad A Fouad 2014 International
5 Effect of acute kidney injury on weaning from mechanical ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases patients with respiratory failure Ahmed Gouda El-Gazzar, Mahmoud Mohamad El-Salahy, Tarek Samy Essway, Samar Nasef Mohammed & Marwa Elsayed Elnaggar 2020 Local
6 Effect of Oxygen Therapy by Venturi Mask versus Non Invasive Ventillation on the Outcome of Patients Who Devolope Hypoxia after Open Heart Surgery Yousry El-Saied Rizk1, Tarek Samy Essawy2, Ahmed Hamdy Abd Elrahman Ali3*, Mohamed Ahmed El-Gazzar4, Abdelkhalek Fouad Mahmoud5 2018 International
7 Evaluation of lipoarabinomannan in the diagnosis of tuberculosis Ayman A. Youssefa , Mohammed H. Kamela , Hisham A. Eissab , Tarek S. Essawya , Hany H. Moussa 2017 International
8 Evaluation of Primary Health Care service participation in the National Tuberculosis Control Program in Qalyubia Governorate, Egypt Dina S. Elsayed , Mahmoud M. Al Salahy , Nabil A. Abdelghaffar Hibah *, Gehan F. El Mehy , Tarek S. Essawy , Rasha Sh Eldesouky 2015 International
9 Evaluation of serum interleukin-1 beta as an inflammatory marker in COPD patients Dina R. Hammad a,*, Ahmed G. Elgazzar a, Tarek S. Essawy a,Sohair A. Abd El Sameie b 2015 International
10 Evaluation of serum vitamin D and IgE in patients with bronchial asthma Ahmed G. El Gazzara , Tarek S. Essawya , Ahmed H. Awaadc , Amira I. Mansourb 2016 International
11 Study of anti nuclear and anti smooth muscle antibodies in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Tahany M. Gouda a, Ayman A. Yousof a, Mahmoud M. Al Salahy a, Gehan F. Al mehy a, Tarek S. Essawy a,*, Osama S. El-Shaer b 2014 International
12 Study of effect of inhaled versus oral corticosteroids on sputum granzyme B in patients with moderate persistent bronchial asthma Walaa K. Shoeib a, Mahmoud M. Alsalahy a, Mohammad A. Almahdy a, Tarek S. Essawy a,*, Khalid M. Belal b 2015 International
13 Study of serum Granzyme B in heavy cigarette smokers with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Ahmed A. Yousef a,b, Mahmoud M. Alsalahy a, Mohammad A. Almahdy a, Tarek S. Essawy a,*, Khalid M. Belal b 2014 International
14 Study of the Helicobacter pylori infection in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Shereef A. Eisa a , Gehan F. Almehy a , Hisham A. Eisa b , Maha Z. Omar c , Tarek S. Essawy a , Amal A. Abou Elnass a, 2016 International
15 The impact of metabolic syndrome on ventilatory pulmonary functions Medhat F. Negma, Tarek S. Essawy, Osama I. Mohammada, Tahany M. Goudaa, Ayman M. EL-Badawyb, Asmaa G. Shahoota 2017 International
wahid mohamed sayed ahmed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
2 Role of silver sulphadiazine topical cream in control of tracheostomal infection and reduction of incidence of lower respiratory tract infections Waleed F Ezzat#, Sameh M Hakim*,Waheed M S Mahdi!, Hatem M Mosaad# # ENT dept., * Anesthesiology dept., Ain Shams University, ! Pulmonology dept, Benha University 2016 International
asmaa eldesouky mohammed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Integrated Use of Transthoracic Ultrasound and Echocardiography in Evaluating Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Ahmed Gouda El Gazzar1, Tarek Samy Essawy1, Hany Hassan Ebaid2, Asmaa El Desoukey Mohammad*1, Shaimaa Magdy AboYoussof1 2022 Local
2 Role of Medical Thoracoscopy in Management of Empyema Ahmed G. Elgazzar, Mohammad A. Elmahdy, Gehan F. Al-Mehy, Asmaa E. Mohammad 2017 International
Eatemad Abd Elsalam Mohamed Abd Elsalam
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (1)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Bacterial Species and Inflammatory Cell Variability in Respiratory Tracts of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbation: A Multicentric Study Khadiga SM Salama1, Eman M Moazen 1, Sawsan B Elsawy 1, Sanaa F Kotb1, Eid M Mohammed2, Sara A Tahoun 3, Marwa A A Ramadan3, Samar M Abd Elhamid 3, Rania H M Bahi4, Etemad A Mohammad5 2023 Local
2 Changes in Pulmonary Function Tests in Pediatrics with End- Stage Renal Disease in Benha University Hospitals Wesam E. Afify1, Abd ElHamed Abd ElMonem1, Etemad A. Mohammed2,Ahmed Mohammed Ali Orfy3*, Amira H. Allam2, Mostafa G. Elbalshy1 2022 Local
3 CO-RADS versus Lymphopenia in diagnosing COVID-19 Mohamed S. Sadek a , Shorouk Z. Abdelshafy b, , Hala A. Abed c, Amira H. Allam a, Enas M. Sweed b , Mysara M. Mogahed d, Taher Abdel-Aziz e, Etemad Abd-Elsalam a 2022 Local
4 Early effects of hemodialysis on pulmonary function in patients with end-stage renal disease Shaimaa M.A. Youssef, Ali A. Okab, Azza M. Mahmoud,Etemad A.E. Mohammed 2024 Local
5 High Flow Nasal Cannula versus Non -Invasive Ventilation in Hypercapnic acute exacerbation of COPD Amira H. Allam, Ahdaf A. Enan, Kholud M. Doyef , Abeer M. Rawy, Etemad A. Mohammed 2024 Local
6 Multi Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT) of the Chest in Post Covid Patients and Its Correlation with Clinical Data Amira H. Allam a, Sara A. Sadek b, Etemad A. Mohammad a, Sherif A. Abdelsatar b 2023 Local
7 Predictive value of different severity scoring systems in patients with community acquired pneumonia Amira H. Allam, Abdelsadek H. Al-Aarag, Sohila S. Moussa, Etemad A. Mohammad 2024 Local
8 Serum Creatinine/Cystatin C Ratio in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients and its Correlation to Disease Severity Marwa E. Elnaggar a, Ahmed Abdelsadek a, Maha M. Osman b, Enas M. Sweedc, Hagar I. Elshahat a, Etemad Abdelsalam a 2024 Local
Hayam Elsaid Mohamed Alsayed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
Nashwa Ahmad Mohammed Amin
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (1)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Role of Pleural Manometry and Transthoracic Ultrasonography to Predict Entrapped Lung Shaimaa Magdy Abo Youssef¹,Ahmed Abd Elsadek Mohamed ¹,Diaa Eldin Abdelazeem Amin 2, Nashwa Ahmed Amin ¹, 2024 Local
2 Incidence of pulmonary hypertension in COPD and its relation to inflammatory marker interleukin-1 Sherif Ahmed Eissa1, Youssef Mohamed Amin Soliman2, Tarek Samy Essawy1, Mostafa Mohammed Abdelrahman Elsayed1 and Nashwa Ahmed Amin1* 2024 Local
3 KL-6 in adult polymyositis and dermatomyositis patients and its correlation with interstitial lung disease Mayada Khalil1* , Ali Ibrahim Fouda1, Nashwa Ahmed Amin2, Ahmed Saied Mohammed Ali2, Ghada Mohammed Shams2 and Soheir Hussein Sheiha1 2023 Local
4 A novel Interleukin -36γ for diagnosing and differentiating malignant from infectious pleural effusion. Nashwa Ahmed Amin1* 2024 Local
5 A novel Interleukin -36γ for diagnosing and differentiating malignant from infectious pleural effusion. Amira E. Ramadana, Ahmed S. Elgazarb, Nashwa A. Aminc, Amira H. Allam3, 2023 Local
6 Autologous Blood Versus Silver Nitrate for Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction Therapy in Patients with COPD Ahmad Gouda El-Gazzar,Tarek Sammy Essawy,Mohammad Ibrahim Yousof,Nashwa Ahmad Mohammad Amin. 2019 International
7 Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients with Central Obesity, in Benha University Hospital ysara Mohamad Mogahed*1, Abeer Mohamed Rawy2, Nashwa Ahmed Amin2, Yomna Mohamed Marei1, Amira Hussein Allam2 2023 Local
8 Pulmonary Ultrasound Scoring System for Intubated Critically Ill Patients and Its Association with Clinical Metrics and Mortality Marwa El Sayed El Naggar, Ahmed Goda El Gazzar, Sara Ayman Saeed*, Nashwa Ahmed Amin 2022 Local
9 Role of lung point navigation bronchoscopy in diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary lesions Amira H. Allama, Sherif A. Eisaa, Mahmoud El-Sayed Abd El-Rahimb, Nashwa A. Amina 2022 Local
Omar Mohamed Abd El dayem
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (2)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Role of TBNA in diagnosis of patient with lung cancer Abdelsadek Hamid Dr. Omar Mohammed Abdeldayem 2011 Local
2 The Role of Transbronchial Needle Aspiration in the Diagnosis of Bronchogenic Carcinoma Omar Mohammad Abd EL-Dayem, Medhat Fahmy Negm, Abdelsadek Hamed Al-Aarag, 2011 International
3 value of comparison of low attenuation areas on high resolution CT with pulmonary function tests in patients with emphysema Dr Medhat Refaat Dr. Omar Mohammed Abdeldayem,Prof.Ayman Abdelrahman Yousef. 2005 International
Rehab Elsayed Mohamed Mohamed Elsawy
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (1)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Applications of Chest Ultrasonography in Respiratory Intensive Care Unit Rehab El Saied Mohammad, Medhat Fahmy Negm, Mohammad Hussein Kamel, Osama Ibrahim Mohammad , Hamada Mohammad Khater 2017 International
2 CO‑RADS score and its correlation with clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with COVID‑19 Marwa Elsayed Elnaggar1* , Abeer Mohamed Rawy1, Marwa Seif El‑Melouk2, Al‑Shaimaa Mahmoud Al‑Tabbakh2, Hamasat Abdel‑hafeez Abdel‑Khalik3, Eman Fathy Abdelkhalek4 and Rehab Elsayed Elsawy1 2023 Local
3 Effect of hypophosphatemia on weaning from mechanical ventilation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients during acute exacerbations AHMED GOUDA ELGAZZAR1, AHMED MOSTAFA ALMENSHAWY2, MOHAMED SHAKER SADEK1, , MOHAMED ADEL ELSHARKAWY3 ,REHAB ELSAYED ELSAWY1 2023 Local
4 Epidemiology of Corona Virus Infection (COVID 19) among Health Care Workers in Benha University Hospital, Egypt 1Abeer E. Abd Elmaksoud, 2Hamasat A. Alnoury, 3Rehab S. El Sawy, 3Mohamed Shaker, 4Heba A. El Noury, and 1Eman Agwa 2021 Local
5 Polymorphism in Toll-like Receptor 10 and Tuberculosis Susceptibility in Egyptian Population 1AL-Shaimaa M. AL-Tabbakh*, 2Rehab S. El Sawy, 1Marwa S. EL-Melouk 2024 Local
6 Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Mortality among COVID-19 Patients Ali A. Okab a, Osama I. Mohammad a, Basma M. HanyBasma M. HanyBasma M. Hany Basma M. HanyBasma M. Hany Basma M. Hany Basma M. HanyBasma M. Hany b, Doaa S. Afifi a, Rehab E. Rehab E. Rehab E. Rehab E. Rehab E. Rehab E. Rehab E. Elsawy 2023 Local
7 Role of lung ultrasound in assessment of endpoint of fluid therapy in patients with hypovolemic shock Ehab S. Abdalazeem, Ahmed G. Elgazzar, May E. M. A. Hammad & Rehab E.Elsawy 2021 Local
8 The Diagnostic Value of Lung Ultrasound and Serum Level of Brain Natriuretic Peptide in Asymptomatic Pulmonary Congestion in Pediatric Hemodialysis Patients Heba Rasmy Abdelbaset1, Soha Abdel Hady Ibrahiem1, Omima Mohammed Abdel Haie1, Eman Ramadan Abdel Gawad1, Rehab Elsaied Elsawy2, Osama Mohammady Abd-Alkhalik1*, Eman Abdelbaset Mohamed3 2023 Local
Shimaa Wahdan
Local Publication (2)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 study of plasma copeptin level as a prognostic marker in ICU respiratory failure patients admitted at BUH shimaa mostafa elnahas, Mahmoud Mohammad Al Salahy, 2014 Local
2 The Role of Chest Ultrasound Combined with Plasma Brain Natriuretic Peptide in The Differentiation between Cardiogenic and Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema Magdy Mohammed Omar1 , Mohammed Hussein Kamel1 , Shaimaa Mostafa El-Nahhas Wahdan* 1 , Asmaa Adel El-Fallah2 , Shaimaa Magdy AboYoussof 2023 Local
asmaa gomaa shahout el-sayed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 METABOLIC SYNDROME IMPACT ON VENTILATORY PULMONARY FUNCTIONS PROF.MEDHAT FAHMY NEGM Prof. of Chest Diseases Faculty of Medicine- Benha University DR.TAREK SAMY ESSAWY Lecturer of Chest Disease Faculty of Medicine- Benha University DR.AYMAN MOHAMMAD EL-BADAWY Lecturer of Internal Medicine Faculty of Med 2016 International
2 THORACIC ULTRASOUND IN COVID-19 IN CORRELATION TO LAB AND CHEST COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY Mahmoud Mohammad Al-Salahy, Ahmad Abdel-Sadek Mohammad,Asmaa Gomaa Shahoot El-Sayed, Enas Mohammed Mustafa Sweed, Rehab El-Sayed El-Sawy 2023 Local
Elsayed Ali Elsayed Ahmed Taha
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Different Radiologic Procedures to evaluate the success of Pleurodesis in patients with Malignant Pleural Effusion Elsayed Ali , Marwa Elsayed , Tarek Essawy , Mohamed Shaker 2024 Local
Fatma Magdy Reafaat Mouwoud
Local Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Prevalence of Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Chronic Respiratory Diseases M.M. Al-Salahy 1, M.H.Kamel 1, S. T. El-Bakry 2, M.S.Sadek 1and F. M. Refaat 1 2020 Local
Koot Ahmed Mohamed Diab
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Role of Interleukin -33 in The Differentiation Between Tuberculous and Malignant pleural effusion Al-aarag A.H., Kamel M.H., Diab K.A., Abdelgawad E.R., Abo Yussof S.M., El- Naggar M.E., Moussa H.H. 2017 International
2 The Role Of Ultrasound In Assessment of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure–induced Lung Recruitment In ARDS Patients Ayman Abd El-Rahman Youssef 1, Tarek Samy Essawy 1, Koot Ahmad Mohammad 1, Shaimaa Magdy Abo-Youssef 1 2022 Local
Mohamed wagih ali oqab
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Mostafa Mohamed Abd Elrahman Elsaid Shalaby
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Diagnostic Yield of Percutaneous Ultrasound Guided Biopsy of Peripheral Lung Lesions Mostafa Mohammed Abdelrahman Elsayed Shalaby 2019 International
2 Incidence of pulmonary hypertension in COPD and its relation to infammatory marker interleukin-1 Sherif Ahmed Eissa1 , Youssef Mohamed Amin Soliman2 , Tarek Samy Essawy1 , Mostafa Mohammed Abdelrahman Elsayed1 and Nashwa Ahmed Amin 2024 Local
Salwa Hassan Mohamed Elsaid
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of Erythropoietin hormone in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients during Exacerbation and after Remission Salwa Hassan Mohammed el saeed, Ahmed Gouda Al Gazzar, Osama Saad Al Shaaer, Gehan Farouk Al Mehy. 2016 International
2 Role of noncontrast magnetic resonance pulmonary imaging in diagnosis of pulmonary embolism Osama I. Mohammada, Ali A. Okaba, Enas M.M. Sweedb, Salwa H. Mohammed Elsaida, Mohammed S. Sadeka 2022 Local
Samar Nasef Mohamed Ahmed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Diagnostic performance of transthoracic ultrasound in patients with pulmonary embolism samar nasef 2022 Local
2 Effect of acute kidney injury on weaning from mechanical ventilation in COPD patients with respiratory failure. Samar Nasef Mohamed Ahmed, Ahmad Goda El-Gazzar, Mahmoud Mohamad El-Salahy, Tarek Samy Essawy 2017 International
shaymaa mohammed tawfik
Local Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Concealed Chronic Renal Failure in COPD Patients Shaymaa Mohammad Tawfik Ahmad Moghtar,Abdelsadek Hamed Al-Aarag, Gehan Farouk AL-Mehy, Mahmoud Hamada Imam. 2016 International
2 Role of Advanced MRI in Differentiation between Benign and Malignant Lung Lesions M.M.Omar(1), T.S.Essawy(1), M.A.Nasr(1), S.M.Tawfik(1), S.M.Abo Yousef(1) 2022 Local
Shymaa Mohamed Mahfouz Hassan
Local Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in COPD Patients Ahmed Gouda El-Gazzar, Osama Ibrahim Mohammad, Marwa Elsayed Elnaggar, Shymaa Mohammad Mahfouz Hassan 2020 Local
Zeinab Gaber Nor Eldein Pakhit
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Diagnostic Value of Calprotectinin Differentiation Between Benign & Malignant Pleural Effusion Zeinab Gaber NorEldein 2018 International
2 Evaluation of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Metabolic Syndrome Medhat Fahmy Negm1 , Mohammad Hussein Kamel1 , Walaa Mohammad Ebrahim2 , Zeinab Gaber Nor-Eldein1 , Shaimaa Magdy AboYoussef 2022 Local
Azza mohamed mahmoud abdelwahab
Local Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Early Effects of Hemodialysis on Pulmonary Function in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease Shimaa Magdy Hussein (MD), Ali Ali Okab (MD), Azza Mohamed Mahmoud (MSc) * and Etemad Abd Elsalam Mohammed (MD) 2024 Local
Doaa salah eldin afify elsayed kelany
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Mortality among COVID-19 Patients 1Ali Ali Okab,1Osama Ibrahim Mohammad, 3Doaa Salah-eldin Afifi, 2Basma Mohamed Hany, 1Rehab Elsayed Elsawy 2023 Local
fatma youssef ahmed youssef khater
Local Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Prognostic value of NT-pro Brain Natriuretic Peptide levels in patients with AECOPD in Intensive Care Unit 1S.A.Eissa,1O.I.Mohammad, 2A.M.Nour Eldein,1M.S.Sadek,F.Y.AHMED 2022 Local
Hanaa Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Role of Serum Magnesium in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Shaimaa Magdy Abou Youssef1 , Medhat Fahmy Negm1 , Asmaa Adel Alfalah2 , Hanaa Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed* 1 , Marwa Elsayed Elnaggar 2022 Local
samar samy ayoub abdelaal
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of Subclinical Carotid Atherosclerosis in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease T.S.Essawy1, A.H.Al-Aarag1, I.M.Mustafa2, S.S.Ayoub1 and E.A.Mohamed1 2021 Local
Sara Ayman Said Abdel Meged
Local Publication (1)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Pulmonary Ultrasound Scoring System for Intubated Critically Ill Patients and Its Association with Clinical Metrics and Mortality Marwa El Sayed El Naggar, Ahmed Goda El Gazzar, Sara Ayman Saeed*,Nashwa Ahmed Amin 2022 Local
sohila samir zeinhom moussa
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Predictive Value of Different Severity Scoring Systems in Patients with Community Acquired Pneumonia AmiraH.Allam²,AbdelsadekH.Al-Aarag¹,SohilaS.Moussa*⁴,EtemadA.Mohammad³ 2023 Local