Publication From Year: Publication TO Year:

Faculty of Medicine: Department of GENERAL SURGERY

Total number of Publications in the Department of GENERAL SURGERY - Faculty of Medicine is 496

Local Publication (11)
International Publication (3)
Total (14)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Efficacy of Local Anaesthesia and Simplicity of Mesh Plug Technique in Open Inguinal Hernia Repair in Patients above 60 Years of Age Seleem M, Emad Hafez, Al Hashemy A, 2002 International
2 Evaluation Of Preoperative Localization Of Parathyroid Adenoma Using 99mTc-sestamibi Scintigraphy As A Single Diagnostic Modality For Patients With Primary Hyperparathyroidism Hamed Rashad, Mostafa El-Sayed, Atef Salem, Gamal Saleh, Emad Abdel Hafez, Mohamed Mahmoud M. Ahmed, Hazem Sobeih, Mostafa Baiuomy & Hisham Hussein 2007 International
3 Fecal Lactoferrin as follow-up Marker after Hemicolectomy for Ulcerative Colitis: A Comparative study versus Colonoscopy Shedeed N, Abdelhafez E,Sobeih H 2004 Local
4 Functional limb salvage surgery with postoperative radiotherapy as a treatment strategy for adult soft tissue sarcoma of the lower extremity. Tawella N,Metkees M, Abdelhafez E 2007 Local
5 Great Auricular Nerve Preservation Improves Outcome of Superficial Parotidectomy Hamed Rashad MD, Emad Abdel Hafez MD, Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed MD, Gamal El-Habbaa MD & Hazim Sobieh MD 2007 Local
6 Laparoscopic Repair of Acute Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia Emad Abdel Hafez 2008 Local
7 Laparoscopic Repair of Perforated Duodenal Ulcer: Evaluation of Outcome and Risk Factors Nabil Shedid FRCS, Emad M. Abdel Hafez MD, Gamal Al-Habaa MD, Haziem Sobieh MD & Mohamed Mansour MD 2008 Local
8 Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair (LVHR) with mesh in obese patients Emad A. El-Hafez 2005 Local
10 Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor and Interleukin- 8 could aid in surgical decision making in patients with multiple blunt trauma. Emad Abdelhafez , Hmdy Eliwa, Sayed Abdel Raziek 2006 Local
11 Outcome of Various Management Strategies for Blunt Hepatic Trauma Emad A. El-Hafez 2007 International
12 Saphenofemoral ligation as a safe and effective alternative for the treatment of chronic venous leg ulcer. El-Hafez EA and Seleem MI 2004 Local
13 Short-Term Outcome of D1 versus D2 Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer Patients Rashad H, Abdelhafez E,Mansour M 2008 Local
Abdou Hamed Gaafar
Local Publication (17)
International Publication (0)
Total (17)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Application of the AgNORS method to fine needle aspiration smears and biopsies of breast lesions - in Benha medical journal 1994 Local
2 Breast conservative therpy in treatment of cancer breast - in Benha medical journal 1998 Local
3 Comparative study between the use of polypropylene mesh and porcine dermal collagen in the repair of large and difficult abdominal wall hernias - in Benha medical journal. 1994 Local
4 Comparison of open and laparoscopic treatment of acute appendicitis - in Benha medical journal. 2001 Local
5 Hartman procedure in management of diverticular disease of the colon - in Benha medical journal 1996 Local
6 he operative risk of diabetes mellitus - in Benha medical journal. 1994 Local
7 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy : difficulties & complications in 300 cases – in journal of tropical medicine. 1993 Local
8 Laparoscopy in diagnosis and staging of abdominal malignancy – in journal of tropical medicine. 1993 Local
9 Management of civilian colon injuries - in Benha medical journal . 2001 Local
10 Microlaparotomy laparoscopically assisted cholecystectomy - in Benha medical journal 2001 Local
11 New technique using mesh in treatment of oblique inguinal hernia - in Benha medical journal 2001 Local
12 Obliteration of fat surrounding S.M.A. and celiac axis is it pathognomonic for pancreatic carcinoma - in Benha medical journal 1993 Local
13 Oral streptomycin and metronidazole compared with three doses systemic cefoperazone prophylaxis in elective colorectal surgery - in Benha medical journal 1993 Local
14 Postoperative biliary stricture - in Menoufia medical journal Mahmoud F EL-Gendy, Metwally L EL-Shahawy, and Medhat A Farag. 1992 Local
15 The role of an isolated anastomosis in one stage surgery in acute left sided colonic obstruction - in Benha medical journal 1999 Local
16 Traditional surgery versus endoscopic sphincterotomy followed by laparoscopic cholecystectomy in management of calcular obstructive jaundice - in Benha medical journal 1998 Local
17 Vascularized tissue flaps versus conventional skin approximation for closure of irradiated wounds after soft tissue sarcoma resection - in Benha medical journal 1993 Local
ahmed fahmy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Ahmed Hamed Abdelmaksoud
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Ahmed Shawky Ezzat
Local Publication (20)
International Publication (0)
Total (20)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Role of C.T scan in diagnosis of abdominal malignancy and surgical complications - in Benha medical journal. 1990 Local
2 Bile constituents in bilharzial hepatic fibrosis and gall stones – in Benha medical journal 1989 Local
3 Choledeco duodenostomy in the treatment of CBD stones -in Tanta medical journal 1988 Local
4 Comparative study between one stage and two stages procedures in penile hypospadias reconstruction - in the new Egyptian journal of medicine 1994 Local
5 Comparative study between the use of polypropylene mesh and porcine dermal collagen in the repair of large and difficult abdominal wall hernias - in Benha medical journal 1994 Local
6 Diagnosis of upper GIT bleeding in children by endoscope versus barium meal – in tropical medical journal 1989 Local
7 Evaluation of different techniques in management of 2nd degree haemorrhoids - in the new Egyptian journal of medicine. 1994 Local
8 Evaluation of emergency and long term sclerotherapy for bleeding oesophageal varices - in Benha medical journal. 1992 Local
9 Laparoscopy in diagnosis and staging of abdominal malignancy – in journal of tropical medicine. 1993 Local
10 Mastalgia : aetiology & clinicopathological study and management - in the new Egyptian journal of medicine. 1992 Local
11 Postoperative biliary stricture - in Menoufia medical journal. 1992 Local
12 Random study between bromocriptin and danazole in treatment of fibroadenosis –in Tanta medical journal 1987 Local
13 Results of surgical treatments of anal stricture - in the new Egyptian journal of medicine. 1992 Local
14 Risk factors of intestinal obstruction in newborne – in the new Egyptian journal of medicine. 1988 Local
15 Role of bacteria in gastritis and duodenal ulcer - in the new Egyptian journal of medicine. 1989 Local
16 Role of computed tomography with sialography in diagnosis of parotid swellings - in Benha medical journal 1994 Local
17 Role of mammography in diagnosis of breast diseases - in the new Egyptian journal of medicine. 1988 Local
18 The operative risk of diabetes mellitus - in Benha medical journal 1994 Local
19 Treatment of cholangio carcinoma - in the new Egyptian journal of medicine. 1989 Local
20 Use of stiplers versus hand sewn in colonic anastomosis - in Benha medical journal. 1990 Local
Ahmed Yehia Ahmed Farid
Local Publication (9)
International Publication (0)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A more sensible approache for ttt of GERD 1950 Local
2 A preoperative biliary drainage as a protective strategy for immunocompromised patient with obstructive jaundice 1950 Local
3 Anorectal malformation. 2003 Local
4 Laporoscopic ttt of CBD stone: single stage lap approache to cholilithiasis and cholidcholithiasis. 1950 Local
5 MRCP as an accurate modality for dignosis of cholidcholithiasis 1950 Local
6 New markers in diagnosis and prognosis of SIRS in critically ill surgical patients. 1950 Local
7 Post burn contracture nech , classification and management 1950 Local
8 Prospective randomized study evaluating the reduction of post surgical adhesions by intra operative application of adhesion prevention solution 1950 Local
9 Two different approaches for rigid fixation of zygomatic and orbital floor fracture. 1950 Local
Alashry Taha Sayed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Alsaid Mohammed Omar Alkilany
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Atef Abdelghani Salem
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 IMPACT OF THE EXTENT OF THYROID RESECTION ON HYPERTHYROIDISM-ASSOCIATED OPHTHALMOPATHY Nabil Shedid , Gamal Saleh, Mostafa elsayed, Atef Salem ,Mohamed Mahmottd M. Ahmed, MostalaBait:only, I lisham Hussein & Ahmed Ell lusseiny. 2006 International
Essam Sadek Radwan
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Hamdi ahmed eraky
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (3)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 comparative study of stress response to labparoscopic and conventional open cholecystectomy hamdy A. eraky 2003 International
2 Hepatic resection in cirrhotic patients, is it feassible hamdy A. eraky 2004 International
3 THE USE OF RECTUS ABDOMINIS MYOCUTANEOUS FLAP IN DEFECT CLOSURE : A REPORT OF 20 CASES Hassan El-Soueni MD, Ayman Mphy El-Din MD,' Sayed El-Kilany MD, HamdiEiraki^MD, Emad Mostafa Abd El-Hafez MD and Abdou Gafar MD 2000 International
Hamed Rashad Moslem
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Hany Salah El Din Mohamed Tawfik
Local Publication (18)
International Publication (0)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Colonic "coloplasty" after total mesorectal exdision in cancer rectum:Preliminary study of functional and manometric results. 2002 Local
2 Combined endoscopic band ligation and sclerotherapy versus endoscopic sclerotherapy alone for treatment of bleeding oesophageal varices. Published in Endoscopy 2000 Local
3 Effect of Modifying the order of graft revascularization on the renal reperfusions injury after renal transplant published in South African Journal of Surgery. 1996 Local
4 Endoscopic subfascial perforator interruption and its role in varicose ulcer healing. Published in Benha Medical Journal. 2000 Local
5 Fistula In Ano: Why do they persist? Presented and discussed in SRS (Surgical Research Society of Southern Africa congress) 28 - 30 August 1996, Medunsa, Pretoria, South Africa.and published in congress proceedings. 1996 Local
6 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, evaluation studies. Published in Cairo University Medical Journal Vol. 62 No 1(253 - 2570.) 1994 Local
7 Laparoscopic treatment of CBD stones "one step" laparoscopic approach to cholelethiasis and choledecholithiasis. Published in Benha Medical Journal. 1950 Local
8 Management of civilian colon injuries. Published in Benha medical Journal. 2001 Local
9 Management of solitary rectal ulcer syndrome. Presented and discussed in the 9th Annual conerence of the EGCRS; Sharm El- Sheikh. 2007 Local
10 Microcalculi of the common bile duct: a misdiagnosed problem. Endoscopy ;29 (3):222 1997 Local
11 Modified cholecystectomy (subtotal) for chronic calcular cholecystitis in cirrhotic patients presented in the 4th annual conference of Pan Arab Association of surgeons 30th Nov - 3rd Dec 1993 in Cairo. Published in Medical Journal of Cairo University. 1993 Local
12 Operable breast cancer: Is there a role for sentinel lymph node biopsy in management of the axilla. Published in Benha medical Journal; Jan 2001. 2001 Local
13 Preliminary experience with FK-506 in renal allograft rejection. Presented and discussed in the South African Transplantation Society Congress of September 1995 and abstract published in South African Journal of Surgery. 1995 Local
14 Prospective randomized study evaluating the reduction of post-surgical adhesions by adhesion prevention solution. Published in Benha Medical 2001 Local
15 Reconstruction after Low Anterior Resection. Presented and discussed in the 11th Annual Conference of the EGCRS; Sharm El-Sheikh . 2009 Local
16 Roux-en-y diversion in post-gastrectomy biliary reflux. Published in Benha Medical Journal. 1997 Local
17 Surgical management of constipation and obstructed defecation. Presented and discussed in the 10th Annual Conference of the EGCRS; Sharm El-Sheikh June-2008. 2008 Local
18 The role of Denver peritoneo-venous shunt in management of patients with refractory ascites. Published in Benha Medical Journal; 2001 Local
Hassan Kamal Aldein Alseweeny
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Mahmoud mousa bakr elgamal
Local Publication (14)
International Publication (3)
Total (17)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
9 HEPATIC RESECTION IN CIRRHOTIC PATIENTS , IS IT FEASIBLE? Hamdi A Eraki, Atef A Salem and Mahmoud M ELGamal 2004 Local
Mohamed attaia khalil
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
Mohammed amin saleh
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Mohammed Mokhtar alshahawy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Mohammed mostafa abdelwahab
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Mostafa Mostafa Rezk
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (0)
Total (5)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Anal incontinence 2004 Local
2 Bleeding per rectum: 5 diagnostic tools 2007 Local
3 Colorectal cancer in Egyptians 2008 Local
4 Management of abdominal trauma 2004 Local
5 Perianal suppuration 2006 Local
Nabil Ahmed Ali
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Nabil Mohamed Shedid
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Adel Ali Alsamanodi
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Ahmed mohammed zidan
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (8)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Computed Tomography Scan for Minimising the Rate of Negative Appendectomy in Patients Suffering from Acute Right Lower Abdominal Pain ASHRAF MAHMOUD ABDELKADER MOHAMED, AHMED MOHAMED ZIDAN, MOHAMED TAWFEEK YOUNIS 2018 International
2 Does Local Injection of Methylene Blue allow Safe parathyroid gland preservation during Total Thyroidectomy? Ahmed Zidan,1 MD; Taher H. Elwan,1,2 MD; Ahmed M. Nawar1 2018 International
3 Functional and Aesthetic Outcomes of Reconstruction of Soft-Tissue Defects of the Heel with Free Flap Hussein Elgohary, MD a , ∗, Ahmed M. Nawar, MD b , Ahmed Zidan, MD c , Ahmed A. Shoulah, MD d , Mohamed T. Younes, MD e 2019 International
4 Outcome of Pedicled Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap in the Surgical Treatment of Stage II and III Hidradenitis Suppurativa of Axilla Hussein Elgohary, MD, Ahmed M. Nawar, MD, Ahmed Zidan, MD, Ahmed A. Shoulah, MD, Mohamed T. Younes, MD, and Ahmed M. Hamed, MD 2018 International
5 Outcome of Pedicled Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap in the Surgical Treatment of Stage II and III Hidradenitis Suppurativa of Axilla Hussein Elgohary, MD, Ahmed M. Nawar, MD, Ahmed Zidan, MD, Ahmed A. Shoulah, MD, Mohamed T. Younes, MD, and Ahmed M. Hamed, MD 2019 International
6 Preoperative Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules: A Prospective Study Comparing the accuracy of Ultrasound (TI-RADS) Versus the FNAC Bethesda System in Relation to the Final Postoperative Histo-pathological Diagnosis Ashraf M Abdelkader1*, Ahmed Mohamed Zidan1, Mohamed Tawfeek Younis1, Shaimaa Kamal Dawa2 2018 International
7 Spared Healthy Breast Tissue after Breast Conserving Surgery for Palpable Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma; US Guided Versus Traditional Palpation Guided Excision Hussein Elgohary*, Ehab Oraby, Ahmed Zidan and Ahmed Turkey 2016 International
8 Temporary CBD Stenting with a Nelaton Tube Is a More Practical and Safer Option Than T-Tube Drainage after Conventional CBD Exploration for Choledocholithiasis Ashraf M. Abdelkader , Ahmed M. Zidan, and Mohamed T. Younis 2018 International
Ashraf Mahmoud Abdelkader Mohamed
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (14)
Total (22)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Bupivacaine Intermittent Wound Irrigation is an Effective and Cost-reducing Modality for Postoperative Analgesia after Open Cholecystectomy Ahmed Zeidan MD, Hussein G. El-Gohary MD, Ashraf M. Abd elkader MD & Mohamed Fouad MD* 2015 International
2 Comparative study between enhanced recovery after surgery and conventional perioperative care in elective colorectal surgery Hussein Elgoharya, Mostafa Baiuomya, Ashraf Abdelkadera,Mohamed Hamedb, Ahmed Mosaadb 2016 Local
3 Computed Tomography Scan for Minimising the Rate of Negative Appendectomy in Patients Suffering from Acute Right Lower Abdominal Pain ASHRAF MAHMOUD ABDELKADER MOHAMED, AHMED MOHAMED ZIDAN, MOHAMED TAWFEEK YOUNIS 2018 International
4 Early Elective Versus Delayed Elective Laparoscopic Sigmoidectomy Following the Acute Episodes of Sigmoid Diverticulitis: A Prospective Study Ashraf M. Abdelkader*, Nasser A. Zaher, Taher H. Elwan, Mokhtar A. Bahbah, Ebtesam ND. Attia 2019 International
5 Endoscopic Colonic Stenting improves Outcome of Patients with Acute Malignant Left-Colon Obstruction: A Retrospective Comparative Study versus Emergency Surgery Mokhtar A. Bahbah MD & Ashraf M. Abdel Kader MD. 2014 International
6 High Preoperative serum C-reactive protein improves the Diagnostic Yield of Modified Alvarado Score for Acute Appendicitis Patients . Taher H. Elwan MD& Mokhtar A. Bahbah MD& Ashraf M. Abdel Kader MD. 2014 International
7 Immediate Versus Delayed Repair of Iatrogenic Common Bile Duct Injuries during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Retrospective Study Ashraf M. Abdel Kader MD & Taher H. Elwan MD. 2015 International
8 Impact of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy on Obesity-associated co-morbidities: A two-year follow-up prospective study Nabeel Shdeed MD, Mohamed A. Mansour MD, Ahmed Zeidan MD, Hussein G. El-Gohary MD, Ashraf M. Abd elkader MD & Ayman M. Elbdawy MD* 2015 International
9 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy during the Same Hospital Admission after Recovery of Mild Attack of Acute Biliary Pancreatitis: is it Feasible and Safe? 1- Ashraf M. Abdelkader , 2- Taher H. Elwan , 3- Sharaf Elsayed Ali Hassanien 2019 Local
10 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy for management of acute calculous cholecystitis within and after 3 days of symptom beginning: a retrospective study Ashraf M. Abdelkader, Hazem E. Ali 2017 Local
11 Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy compared with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery: 2-year outcome of body weight, obesity-associated comorbidities, and quality of life Ashraf M. Abdelkadera, Hazem E. Alia, Ramy A. Mitwallyb, Mohammed S. Yousefc 2019 Local
12 Non-operative Treatment Compared to Surgery in the Management of Uncomplicated Acute Appendicitis Ashraf M. Abdelkader, Taher H. Elwan, Mokhtar A. Bahbah, Emad M. Abdelrahman, Nasser A. Zaher, Ebtesam ND. Attia 2019 International
13 Open Segmental Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy Improves Functional Outcome of Surgical Treatment of Chronic Anal Fissure: A Comparative Study versus Conventional Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy Ashraf Abd Elkader MD 2014 International
14 Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation compared with surgical resection in the treatment of early hepatocellular carcinoma Ashraf M. Abd El-Kadera, Hazem E. Alia, Magdy A. Gadb,Badawy A. Abdel Azizb, Sharaf Elsayed Ali Hassanienb, Ali Hasaneenc,Ramy A. Mitwallyc 2017 Local
15 Preoperative Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules: A Prospective Study Comparing the accuracy of Ultrasound (TI-RADS) Versus the FNAC Bethesda System in Relation to the Final Postoperative Histo-pathological Diagnosis Ashraf M Abdelkader1*, Ahmed Mohamed Zidan1, Mohamed Tawfeek Younis1, Shaimaa Kamal Dawa2 2018 International
16 Rhomboid Cheek Flap for Reconstruction of Angle of Mouth after excision of Carcinoma Ahmed Zeidan MD, Hussein G. El-Gohary MD & Ashraf M. Abd elkader MD 2015 International
17 Short-term Outcome of Pylorus-preserving Pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic carcinoma Hamed Rashad MD , Mohamed A. Mansour MD, Ahmed Zeidan MD, Hussein G. El-Gohary MD & Ashraf M. Abd elkader MD. 2012 International
18 Temporary CBD Stenting with a Nelaton Tube Is a More Practical and Safer Option Than T-Tube Drainage after Conventional CBD Exploration for Choledocholithiasis Ashraf M. Abdelkader , Ahmed M. Zidan, and Mohamed T. Younis 2018 International
20 The outcome of using a prosthetic mesh in the repair of emergent abdominal midline incisional hernias: a prospective comparative study Ashraf M. Abd El-Kader, Hazem E. Ali 2017 Local
21 The Role of Laparoscopy in the Diagnosis of Ascites of Unknown Etiology Ashraf M. Abdelkader , Nasser A. Zaher 2019 Local
22 Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision for Treatment of Carcinoma in the Middle or Lower Third Rectum: the Technical Feasibility of the Procedure, Pathological Results, and Clinical Outcome Ashraf M. Abdelkader1,2 & Ahmed M. Zidan1 & Mohamed T. Younis1 & Shaimaa K. Dawa3 2018 International
Ayman Mahmoud Abdel Mofeed Hassan
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (14)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Surgical and Functional Outcome of Pre-Peritoneal Repair of Inguinal Hernia in Cirrhotic Patient with Mild to Moderate Ascites Hussein Elgohary1*, Ahmed M Nawar1 , Ahmed Zidan1, Ayman M Abdelmofeed1, Taher H Elwan1, Mohamed I Abourizk1 2018 International
2 Adding Monspexy (Pubic Suspension) Step to Abdominoplasty, Does this Benefit in Management of Urinary Stress Incontinence in Females with Redundant Abdomen and Mons Pubis? AYMAN M. ABDELMOFEED, M.D.*; OLA SEIF, M.D.*; MOHAMED T. YOUNES, M.D.* andSHABIEB A. ABDELBAKI, M.D 2021 Local
3 Benefits of medially based perichondrio-adipo-dermalflap in cartilage sparing prominent ear surgery Ayman Mahmoud Abdelmofeedb, Yasser Mohammed Mandoura, 2022 International
4 Combined C.S. and cholecystectomy Its feasibility and drawbacks Hisham H.Ahmed,M.D, Taher H. Elwan,M.D, Mokhtar A. Bahbah,M.D, Ayman M. AbdElmofeed ,M.D, Ahmed M. Radwan ,M.D 2013 International
5 Different modalities of nasolabial flaps in nasal-defect reconstruction: clinical experience in 40 cases and review of literature Ayman M. Abdelmofeed, Refaat S. Salama 2022 International
6 Efficacy of the Free-Style, Perforator-Plus Flap in the Reconstruction of the Soft Tissue Defects at the Lower Leg and Ankle Regions MOHAMED T. YOUNIS, M.D.*; GAMAL EL HABAA, M.D.*; SHERIF A. ELGAZZAR, M.D.**;AL-BASHEER F.M. ANANY, M.Sc.*** and A.M. ABDELMOFEED, M.D. 2021 Local
7 Evaluation of liposuction as a modality of minimal invasive treatment of gynecomastia A.M.Abdelmofeed, M.A.Mansour, A.T.Salem and A.F.Ahmed 2022 Local
8 Evaluation of sartorius muscle flap versus tensor fascia lata to cover exposed groin vascular grafts: which is better? Ayman M. Abdelmofeed, El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, Refaat S. Salama 2020 International
9 Evaluation of the versatility of superiorly based pedicled gastrocnemius myo- or myo-cutaneous fl ap, in upper leg defects after trauma or tumor excision: which is better? Ayman M. Adbelmofeeda, El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabooda, Refaat S. Salamaa,El Sayed M. Bayomyb 2014 International
10 Feasibility of gluteus maximus myocutaneous pedicled flap for presacral pressure sore reconstruction: a simple approach Ayman M. Abdelmofeed, Mohamed F. Abdelhalim 2020 International
11 Glabellar superciliary bilobed flap for reconstruction of large medial canthus region defect ayman m. abdelmofeed 2022 International
12 Outcomes of brachiobasilic arteriovenous shunting with superfi cialization as a vascular access for renal dialysis: an early experience in Benha University El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabooda, Mokhtar A. Bahbaha, Ayman M. Adbelmofeeda, Hazem E. Alia, M. Hamed Abd El-Fattahb, Mohamed I. Hasanc 2014 International
13 Reconstruction methods after pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic carcinoma: better method to prevent serious complications Hamed Rashada, El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabooda, Taher H. Elwana, Ayman M. Adbelmofeeda, Refaat S. Salamaa, Emad H. Gadb 2014 International
14 Role of Scarpa's Fascia Advancement in Waist Definition during Abdominoplasty MOHAMED T. YOUNIS, M.D.; SHIMAA E. MAHFOUZ, M.Sc.; GAMAL EL HABAA, M.D.;ATEF A. YOUSEF, M.D. and AYMAN M. ABDELMOFEED, 2022 Local
15 Sleeve gastrectomy a radical cure for type 2 diabetes mellitus in morbid obese patients Taher H. Elwan, M.D. , Ayman M. Abdelmofeed, M.D., Refaat Salama, M.D. , M.Hamed Abdel Fattah ,M.D. (anaesthesia) , Abdelmoneim Ahmed Elsayed,M.D.(internal medicine) 2013 International
16 Tip Rhinoplasty in cleft Lip Nasal Deformity Dr. Sameh EL-Nomany,MD, mohammed hazem ,MD, Ayman M. Abd-El-Mofeed,md. 2015 International
17 Treatment of Acute Iliofemoral Deep Vein Thrombosis; Does Catheter Directed Thrombolytic Therapy Change Outcomes? Ayman M. Fakhry1, El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood2,3, Waleed A. Sorour4, Ayman M. Abdelmofeed2, Taher H. Elwan2,5,Ahmed Fouad Ahmed2 Mohamed E. Abd Ellatief 2 and Saied ELMOKKADEM 2019 International
18 Versatility of unilateral propeller groin flap for coverage of large scrotal defects and its impact on testicular function Mohamed T. Younes , Ayman M. Abdelmofeed , Ola Seif , Mohamed H. Abdelhalim 2022 International
EL-Sayed Afify Abd EL-Mobood
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (9)
Total (17)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis: does catheter-directed thrombolysis affect outcomes? El-Sayed A Abd El-Mabood, Waleed A Sorour 2020 Local
2 Carotid body tumor surgery: challenges and management El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabooda,b, Hosam A. Tawfekc, Waleed A. Sorourc 2 2020 Local
3 Diagnostic Approach Of Non-Mass Forming Breast Calcifications (Analysis of 85 cases) a (MD) El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, a (MD) Mokhtar A. Bahbah, a (MD) Taher H. Elwan, b (MD) Amany M.F.Alkharboutly, c (MD) Nashwa Emara 2015 International
4 Efficacy of endovenous laser ablation (endovenous laser ablation) versus conventional stripping in the treatment of great saphenous vein reflux El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, Refaat S. Salama 2017 Local
5 Evaluation of versatility of drug-coated balloons in prevention of restenosis after angioplasty of superficial femoral artery occlusive lesions: a 2-year surveillance study El-Sayed A Abd El-Mabood, Waleed A Sorour, Mohamed A Elbegawy 2019 Local
6 Functional outcomes of superficial and conservative total parotidectomy: a 4-year experience from Benha, Egypt Nasser A Zaher Mohamed A Mansour, El-Sayed A Abd El-Mabood 2015 International
7 Laparoscopic Heller’s Cardiomyotomy for Achalasia of the Cardia with adding an antireflux procedure to provide better surgical outcomes MD Nasser A. Zaher, MD El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, MD Refaat S. Salama 2014 International
8 Modified Gant-Miwa approach versus modified Thiersch's stitch for the management of rectal mucosal prolapse in children: how to decrease recurrence? Hazem E Ali Taher H Elwan, El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood 2015 International
9 One-Stage Posterior Transanal Rectal Myomectomy for Short-segment Hirschsprung disease in Children: A Feasible Day-case Procedure with Good Surgical and Functional Outcome. MD Mohamed A. mansour, Nasser A. Zaher MD, MD. El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood 2014 International
10 Outcomes Of Aortobifemoral Bypass for TASC II C and D Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease; Lessons Learned El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, 1,2 MD; Mohamed F. Abdelhalim, 1 MD. 2020 Local
11 Outcomes of brachiobasilic arteriovenous shunting with superficialization as a vascular access for renal dialysis: an early experience in Benha University Mohamed I Hasan3 El-Sayed A Abd El-Mabood1, Mokhtar A Bahbah1, Ayman M Adbelmofeed1, Hazem E Ali1, M Hamed Abd El-Fattah2 2015 International
12 Platelet-rich plasma versus conventional dressing: does this really affect diabetic foot wound-healing outcomes? El-Sayed A Abd El-Mabood, Hazem E Ali 2018 Local
13 Platelet-rich plasma versus conventional dressing: does this really affect diabetic foot wound-healing outcomes? El-Sayed A Abd El-Mabood, Hazem E Ali 2023 International
14 Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for primary varicose veins: a feasible day-case procedure with good surgical and functional outcomes El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, Hussein G. El-Gohary, Atef A. Salem 2017 Local
15 Reconstruction methods after pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic carcinoma: better method to prevent serious complications Emad H Gad2 Hamed Rashad1, El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood1, Taher H Elwan1, Ayman M Abdelmofeed1, Refaat S Salama1 2014 International
16 Sometimes endovascular salvage of failing hemodialysis access is indispensable as you may not get another Hisham Ahmed, El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, Refaat S. Salama 2016 Local
17 Topical tannic acid application decreases posthemorrhoidectomy pain: a novel idea El-Sayed A.Abd El-Mabood, Nasser A. Zaher 2014 International
Gamal Ebrahim Alhabaa
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Gamal Elsayed Saleh Moustafa
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (8)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Doppler-guided Supratrochlear artery-based forehead paramedian flap for nasal defect reconstruction in patients with basal cell carcinoma Gamal Saleh & Mostafa Elsayed 2015 International
2 Impact of minimal invasive surgery on management of Choledocholithiasis Mohamed Mahmoud, Mostafa El-Sayed, Gamal Saleh & Magdy Gad 2008 International
3 Intra-abdominal Pressure as a Criterion for Abdominal Re-exploration Mostafa El-Sayed1, Gamal Saleh1, Hussein Al-Gohry1& Sami Mufeed Said 2015 International
4 Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal mesh repair for bilateral inguinal hernia Versus Stoppa open preperitoneal mesh repair: A comparative study Ahmed Nada1 MD., George A. Nashed1 MD., MRC ,Gamal Saleh2 MD, Mostafa El-Sayed2 MD 2011 International
5 Outcome after Hepatectomy versus percutaneous ablation for treatment of solitary hepatocellular carcinoma in Childs A cirrhotic patients Gamal Saleh1, Mostafa El-Sayed1, George A. Nashed2 , Magdy Gad 2010 International
6 Outcome of Retrograde Facial Nerve Dissection during Superficial Parotidectomy Gamal Saleh 2011 International
7 Peritoneal cytokine response as an indicator of anastomotic leakage after colorectal surgery Mohamed Mahmoud, Mostafa El-Sayed, Gamal Saleh, Safaa Abbas* & Yaser Ismail 2008 International
8 Sentinel lymph node biopsy: Is it a reliable indicator of lateral nodal involvement in papillary thyroid carcinoma Gamal Saleh, Mostafa El-Sayed, Hussein Al-Gohry 2013 International
Hazem Mohamed Alsiad sobeib
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Hisham Hussein Mohamed Ahmed
Local Publication (9)
International Publication (5)
Total (14)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Circumareolar concentric excision for Simonʼs grade 2B and 3 gynaecomastia Hisham H.Ahmed. MD, Mostafa B. Abd Elwahab. MD 2016 International
2 Early Outcomes Of Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication for Morbid Obesity; Early Experience In Benha University Hisham Ahmed, A MD; El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, A MD; Refaat S. Salama , A MD; Badawy A. Abdul Aziz, B MD; Amer Mohamed Abdel-hamid,C MD; 2016 International
3 Efficacy of Laparoscopic assisted high ligation of patent processus vaginalis in children H Ahmed 2015 International
4 Evaluation of Local Inflammatory Response to Inguinal Hernia Repair; Tension-Free Versus Conventional Hernioplasty Hisham Hussein, M.D 2005 Local
5 Evaluation of the use of Utrasonically Activated Scalpel for Safe and Efficient Thyroidectomy. Hisham Hussein, M.D 2005 Local
6 Facial Augmentation by using Autologous fat Transplantation Hisham Hussein, M.D 2008 Local
7 Feasibility and Outcome of Laparoscopic Management of Impalpable Testis Hisham Hussein MD & Hazem Sobieh MD Hisham Ahmed and Hazem Sobieh 2009 Local
8 Feasibility of Combined Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and Anti-reflux Surgery: Evaluation and Outcome Hisham Hussein, M.D 2005 Local
9 Impact of the Extent of Thyroid Resection on Hyperthyroidism-Associated Ophthalmopathy. Hisham Hussein, M.D 2006 Local
10 Laparoscopic Surgical Correction of GERD is Safe and effective and improves patient's quality of life Dr.Nabil Shedid,Dr.Hisham H Ahmed,Dr.Taher H Elwan,Mokhtar A Bahbah 2014 Local
11 One-stage Primary Ileo-colic or Ileo-rectal anastomosis. For Acute Malignant left Colonic obstruction Hisham Hussein, M.D 2005 Local
12 Repair of Distal hypospadias with foreskin reconstruction provides a better anatomical penile appearance with a Favorable Outcome Hisham Hussein, MD & Ashraf Abdel Aal MD 2010 Local
13 Sometimes Endovascular Salvage of Failing Hemodialysis Access Is Indispensable; As You Will Hardly Get Another Hisham Ahmed, MD; El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, MD; Refaat S. Salama, MD; 2016 International
14 Zystische abdominale Raumforderung als Komplikation von posterioren Harnröhrenklappen T. Lehnert, H. Ahmed, R. Metzger, C. Geyer, W. Hirsch, H. Till 2011 International
Hussein Gamal Elgohary
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (11)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative Study Between Enhanced Recovery After Surgery and Conventional Perioperative Care in Elective Colorectal Surgery Hussein Gamal Elgohary,1 Mostaf Baiuomy Abdelwahab,1 Ashraf Mohamed Abdelkader,1 Mohamed Hamed Abdel-Fattah,2 Ahmed Ahmed Mosaad2 2017 International
2 Concomitant Early Abdominoplasty and Sleeve Gastrectomy can destroy the Triangle of Danger of Obesity, Bad Quality of Life and Depression in Obese Patients Hussein G.Elgohary MD, Taher H Elwan MD., Mokhtar A Bahbah MD 2017 International
3 Functional and Aesthetic Outcomes of Reconstruction of Soft-Tissue Defects of the Heel with Free Flap Hussein Elgohary, MDa,∗ , Ahmed M. Nawar, MDb , Ahmed Zidan, MDc , Ah 2019 International
4 Outcome of Pedicled Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap in the Surgical Treatment of Stage II and III Hidradenitis Suppurativa of Axilla Hussein Elgohary, MD, Ahmed M. Nawar, MD, Ahmed Zidan, MD, Ahmed A. Shoulah, MD, Mohamed T. Younes, MD, and Ahmed M. Hamed, MD 2018 International
5 Pilonidal sinus; minimal excision and primary closure under local anesthesia. Hussein G. Elgohary (MD), Ehab M. Oraby (MD). 2015 International
6 Primary ventral hernia repair; mini-component separation technique versus onlay mesh repair Hussein Elgohary (MD), Ehab Oraby (MD), Mostafa B. Abdelwahab (MD). 2017 International
7 Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) for primary varicose veins: A Feasible Day-case Procedure with Good Surgical and Functional Outcomes El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, MD; Hussein G. El-Gohary, MD; Atef A. Salem MD 2017 International
8 Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) for primary varicose veins: A Feasible Day-case Procedure with Good Surgical and Functional Outcomes El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, MD; Hussein G. El-Gohary, MD; Atef A. Salem MD 2017 International
9 Short-term Surgical and Functional Outcome of Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy for Management of Complete Rectal Prolapse Mostafa B. Abdulwahab (MD), Hussein Elgohary (MD), 2017 International
10 Spared Healthy Breast Tissue after Breast Conserving Surgery for Palpable Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma; US Guided Versus Traditional Palpation Guided Excision Hussein Elgohary*, Ehab Oraby, Ahmed Zidan and Ahmed Turky 2016 International
11 Surgical and Functional Outcome of Pre-Peritoneal Repair of Inguinal Hernia in Cirrhotic Patient with Mild to Moderate Ascites Hussein Elgohary1*, Ahmed M Nawar 1 , Ahmed Zidan1 , Ayman M Abdelmofeed1 , Taher H Elwan1 , Mohamed I Abourizk1 and Ahmed M Hussein2 2018 International
Mohamed Abd el-Hakiem mansour
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (9)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Bilateral Myocutaneous Gluteus Maximus Advancement Flap improves Outcome of Management of Complicated and Recurrent Pilonidal Sinus Disease Mohamed A. Mansour; Taher H. Elwan 2013 International
2 Functional Outcomes Of Superficial & Conservative Total Parotidectomy; Four Years Experience From Benha-Egypt Mohamed A. mansour;El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood; Nasser A. Zaher 2014 International
3 Functional Outcomes Of Superficial & Conservative Total Parotidectomy; Four Years Experience From Benha-Egypt Mohamed A. mansour, El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, Nasser A. Zaher 2014 International
4 Gastrocenimus Rotational Flap Reconstruction for Resistant or Recurrent Ulcer of The Upper Leg Mohamed A. Mansour ;Saber Abdel Maksoud 2014 International
5 Impact of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy on obesity-associated co-morbidities: A two-year follow-up prospective study Mohamed A. Mansour; 2012 International
6 Laparoscopic Rectal Low Anterior Resection ameliorates the deleterious effects on Erectile and Sexual Functions: A Comparative Study versus Open Approach Mohamed A Mansour; Taher H. Elwan;Mokhtar A. Bahhah; Nasser A. Zaher 2013 International
7 One-Stage Posterior Transanal Rectal Myomectomy for Short-segment Hirschsprung disease in Children: A Feasible Day-case Procedure with Good Surgical and Functional Outcome Mohamed A. Mansour 2013 International
8 Short-term outcome of pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic carcinoma 2012 International
9 Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty with Unilateral Preputial Vascularized Dartos Flap Repair for Distal Hypospadias: A Comparative Study versus Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty alone Mohamed A. Mansour;saber Abdel Maksoud 2014 International
Mohammed kassem mohammed ahmed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Mohammed mahmoud mohammed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Mokhtar abdelrahman abdelrahmen Bahbah
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (8)
Total (15)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 htar Abdelrhman Bahbah MD , Ashraf M. Abd elkader MD & Islam M. El shazly MD* Departments of General Surgery & Radiology*, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University 2012 International
2 2 Is serum presepsin levels had accurate discriminative ability for patients vulnerable to develop anastomotic leakage after colorectal anastomosis? A cohort study Mokhtar A. Bahbah, Marwa S. El-Melouk, Mysa S. Mostafa, Taher H. Elwan 2021 International
3 6 Endoscopic Colonic Stenting improves Outcome of Patients with Acute Malignant Left-Colon Obstruction: A Retrospective Comparative Study versus Emergency Surgery 2014 Local
4 Back-to-the traditional: Clinical Judgment overrides Investigations as Predictors for Success of Non-Operative Management and Survival of Blunt Splenic Injury Patients Mokhtar A. Bahbah MD, Ehab M.Oraby, Taher H. Elwan MD 2022 International
5 Concomitant Early Abdominoplasty and Sleeve Gastrectomy can destroy the Triangle of Danger of Obesity, Bad Quality of Life and Depression in Obese Patients. Hussein G.Elgohary MD, Taher H Elwan MD., Mokhtar A Bahbah MD 2015 Local
6 Concomitant Obesity and GERD: Is Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Still Considered the Best Option? A Clinical and Endoscopic Evaluation Ehab M Oraby, Ola A Harb, Mokhtar A Bahbah 2022 International
7 Diagnostic Approach Of Non-Mass Forming Breast Calcifications El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood,a (MD);Mokhtar A. Bahbah,a(MD);Taher H. Elwan,a (MD);AmanyM.F.Alkharboutly, b(MD);NashwaEmara, c (MD); a)Departments of General Surgery, BenhaUniversity, Benha, Egypt. b) Departments of Radiology, BenhaUniversity, Benha, Egypt 2015 Local
8 Early Elective Versus Delayed Elective Laparoscopic Sigmoidectomy Folllowing the Acute Episodes of Sigmoid Diverticulitis: A Prospective study Ashraf M. Abdelkader*, Nasser A. Zaher, Taher H. Elwan, Mokhtar A. Bahbah, Ebtesam ND. Attia 2019 International
9 High at Admission Serum Interleukin-6 and Cell Free DNA as Predictors for Severity and Outcome of Acute Pancreatitis Patients 1Mohammed F Almaghraby MD- 2Hossam M El-saadany MD-3Mokhtar A Bahbah MD-4Taher H Elwan MD-5Amal M Saed MD- 6Abduslam Ahmed MD-7Maged….. MD-8Talaat E El-gamal MD-9Prithvi Singh Shekhawat MD. 2014 Local
10 Laparoscopic Surgical Correction of GERD is Safe and Effective and improves Patients' Quality of Life Nabil Sheded FRCS, . Hisham H.Ahmed MD., Taher H Elwan MD., Mokhtar A Bahbah MD 2014 Local
11 Management of postlaparoscopic cholecystectomy bile leakage: in the presence of MRCP, when to send the patient to undergo ERCP? Taher H. Elwan, Mokhtar A. Bahbah 2020 International
12 Non-operative Treatment Compared to Surgery in the Management of Uncomplicated Acute Appendicitis Ashraf M. Abdelkader,Taher H. Elwan,Mokhtar A. Bahbah,Emad M. Abdelrahman,Nasser A. Zaher,Ebtesam ND. Attia 2018 International
13 Outcomes of brachiobasilic arteriovenous shunting with superfi cialization as a vascular access for renal dialysis: an early experience in Benha University El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabooda, Mokhtar A. Bahbaha, Ayman M. Adbelmofeeda,Hazem E. Alia, M. Hamed Abd El-Fattahb, Mohamed I. Hasanc 2014 Local
14 Pilonidal sinus minimal excision with primary closure: 9 years’ experience Ehab M. Oraby, Mokhtar A. Bahbah 2021 International
15 Transoral Submandibular Sialoadenectomy Feasibility and Case Selection Ehab M. Oraby, Mohammad I. Aburezk , Mokhtar A. Bahbah 2022 Local
Mostafa alsaid saleh
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (7)
Total (7)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Doppler-guided Supratrochlear artery-based forehead paramedian flap for nasal defect reconstruction in patients with basal cell carcinoma Gamal Saleh & Mostafa Elsayed 2012 International
2 Impact of minimal invasive surgery on management of Choledocholithiasis Mohamed Mahmoud, Mostafa El-Sayed, Gamal Saleh & Magdy Gad 2007 International
3 Intraoperative lumpectomy margins assessment in patients with early-stage breast cancer treated with breast conservation therapy: frozen section analysis versus imprint cytology Mostafa El-Sayed1, Gamal Saleh1, Ahmed Nada2 , Nashwa Omara*& Hussam Hussein 2011 International
4 Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal mesh repair for bilateral inguinal hernia Versus Stoppa open preperitoneal mesh repair: A comparative study Ahmed Nada1 MD., George A. Nashed1 MD., MRC ,Gamal Saleh2 MD, Mostafa El-Sayed2 MD 2011 International
5 Outcome after Hepatectomy versus percutaneous ablation for treatment of solitary hepatocellular carcinoma in Childs A cirrhotic patients Gamal Saleh1, Mostafa El-Sayed1, George A. Nashed2 , Magdy Gad 2012 International
6 Peritoneal cytokine response as an indicator of anastomotic leakage after colorectal surgery Mohamed Mahmoud, Mostafa El-Sayed, Gamal Saleh, Safaa Abbas* & Yaser Ismail 2010 International
7 Sentinel lymph node biopsy: Is it a reliable indicator of lateral nodal involvement in papillary thyroid carcinoma Gamal Saleh, Mostafa El-Sayed, Hussein Al-Gohry 2013 International
Mostafa Baiuomy Abdelwahab
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (6)
Total (6)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation Of Local Inflammatory Response To Inguinal Hernia Repair :Tension-Free Versus Conventional Hernioplasty Nabil Shedid;Gamal Saleh ;M.B.Abdelwahab;et al 2015 International
2 Evaluation Of Preoperative Localization Of Parathyroid Adenoma Using 99mTc-sestamibi Scintigraphy As A Single Diagnostic Modality For Patients With Primary Hyperparathyroidism Hamed Rashad, Mostafa El-Sayed, Atef Salem, Gamal Saleh, Emad Abdel Hafez, Mohamed Mahmoud M. Ahmed, Hazem Sobeih, Mostafa Baiuomy & Hisham Hussein 2007 International
3 Evaluation Of The Use Of Ultrasonically Activated Harmonic Scalpel for Safe And Efficient Thyroidectomy Nabil Shedid; Gamal saleh;M.B.Abdelwahab;et al 2015 International
4 Laparoscopic drainage of pelvic abscess: evaluation of outcome Mostafa Baiuomy, Hussein G Elgohary, Ehab M Oraby 2017 International
5 Mannan-Binding Lectin As A Preoperative Predictor Of Postoperative Septic Complications In Colorectal Surgery Patients Abdelwahab M.& Ismail Y. 2007 International
6 Ultrasound-guided Percutaneous Cholecystostomy with Interval Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy In The Management Of Acute Cholecystitis In High Risk Patients M.B.Abdelwahab;T.Alkhouly ;Essam Elghobashy 2008 International
Ahmed Abd Elrehim Saad Mohamed Sholah
Local Publication (6)
International Publication (3)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Cheek advancement flap for nasal reconstruction following surgical excision of basal cell carcinoma; Early out come and patient satisfaction Emad M. Abdelrahman,1 Ahmed A. Shoulah,1 Sara O. Ghazal,2 Manal K. Nchoukati,2 M. Ashraf Balbaa3 2020 Local
2 Comparative Study between Platelet Rich Plasma and Adipose Derived Stem Cells in Periorbital Rejuvenation N.W.Mikhael1, G.I.Elhabaa2, A.A.Shoulah2 and S.M.Megahed1 2020 Local
3 Delayed Breast Reconstruction evaluation Following Mastectomy Utilisting transverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous Flap Versus Latissimus Dorsi Flap Reconstruction H.R.Mosalam1, E. Adbel Hafez1, A.A.Shoulah1 and A.R. Rashad1 2019 Local
4 Experimental Study about Cross Lower Limb Transplantation in Rats Hassan K. EL- Sewnay, MD, Ashraf B. Zekrey,MD, Ahmed M. Zidan,MD, Ahmed A. Shoulah,Msc. 2015 International
5 Functional and Aesthetic Outcomes of Reconstruction of Soft-Tissue Defects of the Heel with Free Flap Hussein Elgohary, MD a , ∗, Ahmed M. Nawar, MD b , Ahmed Zidan, MD c , Ahmed A. Shoulah, MD d , Mohamed T. Younes, MD 2019 International
6 Oncoplastic Volume Replacement for Breast Cancer: Latissimus Dorsi Flap versus Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap Emad M. Abdelrahman* Ahmed M. Nawar* M. Ashraf Balbaa† Ahmed A. Shoulah* Ahmed A. Shora‡ Mohamed S. Kharoub* 2019 Local
7 Outcome of Pedicled Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap in the Surgical Treatment of Stage II and III Hidradenitis Suppurativa of Axilla Hussein Elgohary, MD, Ahmed M. Nawar, MD, Ahmed Zidan, MD, Ahmed A. Shoulah, MD, Mohamed T. Younes, MD, and Ahmed M. Hamed, MD 2018 International
8 Outcome of pudendal thigh flap in scrotal reconstruction and its effect on testicular function Mohamed T. Younes, Ahmed M. Nawar, Ahmed A. Shoulah 2019 Local
9 Preoperative Prediction of Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Using a Scoring System A.M.E.Daly, R.Elnagar, A.A.Shoulah, M.M.Rezk 2017 Local
Ahmed khairy Abd El Shakour Allam
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (8)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Drug Eluting Balloon Angioplasty Versus Bare-Metal Stent in Treating Chronic Total Occlusion of Femoro-Popliteal Arterial Segment; A review of one-year outcome of 90 patients with TASC C and D lesion Ahmed Khairy Allam (1), MD; Mohamed Ismail, MD; 2 2018 International
2 LOCALIZED AORTIC PRIMARY STENTING FOR FOCAL AORTIC STENOSIS; REVIEW OF 9 PATIENTS WITH SHORT-TERM OUTCOME Ahmed Khairy Allam (1), Mohamed Ismail (2), Ramez Mounir Wahba(2) and Atef Abdel Hameed Desouki 2015 International
3 Percutaneous revascularization as a feasible option for complex aortoiliac occlusive disease with fair 1-year outcome Ahmed K. Allama, Atef Salema, Ahmed K. Gabrb 2018 International
4 Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Versus Conventional Ordinary Dressing In Management Of Diabetic Foot Ulcer & Wound Atef AbdelGhany Yousef, MD; Mohamed AbdelHakim Mansour, MD; Ahmed Khairy Allam, MD; Kareem Mohamed Ibrahim, M.B.B.Ch 2017 International
5 Prospective, randomized study of Drug-Coated Balloon versus Plain Old Balloon Angioplasty in management of femoropopliteal artery disease in diabetic patients. Twelve-month results Ahmed Kamal Gabr (1), MD; Ahmed Khairy Allam (2), MD. 2018 International
6 Safety and Efficacy of Infraclavicular Arterio-Arterial Chest Wall Prosthetic Loop Graft for Hemodialysis Access. A review of 45 patients Ahmed Khairy Allam, MD; 1a,b Ahmed M. El Mahdi, MD; 2 2018 International
7 Silver-coated graft as bailout option in managing femoral artery-infected pseudoaneurysm: a review of 30 patients Ahmed K. Allama, Ahmed K. Gabrb, Mohamed Ismailb 2018 International
8 Vena Cava Filter deployment prior to Percutaneous Endovenous Therapy for proximal Lower Limb Deep Venous Thrombosis: Should we routinely practice? Ahmed Khairy Allam, MD; 1 Mohamed Ismail, MD; 2 2018 International
Ahmed Mohamed Fathi Salama
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (4)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Changes of Biomarkers Expression Between Preoperative Biopsy and After Definitive Surgical Treatment in Patients With Invasive Breast Cancer Who Receive Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Ahmed Mohamed Fathi Salama, Ahmed Shawkey Ezzat, Hasan Kamal El-Dein Al-Soueni, Hala Adel Agina, Ahmed Moustafa Nowar 2017 International
2 Cosmetic and oncological outcome of different oncoplastic techniques in female patients with early central breast cancer Mohamed S. Essa a, Khaled S. Ahmad b, *, Ahmed M.F. Salama a, Mohamed E. Zayed a 2021 International
3 Delayed gastric emptying after subtotal stomach-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy: pancreatogastrostomy vs pancreatojejunostomy Mohamed S. Essa, Ahmed M.F. Salama, Mohamed E. Zayed 2020 Local
4 Effect of Reduction Mammoplasty on Pulmonary Function Test and Back Pain in Patients with Macromastia MOSTAFA B. ABDELWAHAB, M.D.*; MOHAMED S. SADEK, M.D.**; AHMED M.F. SALAMA, M.D.*; AHMED L. ELFEKY, M.Sc.*** and MOHAMED T. YOUNIS, M.D.* 2022 Local
5 Evaluation of anorectal functions after laparoscopic suture rectopexy with complete division of lateral rectal ligaments Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Abo El-Nasr, Ahmed Moustafa Kamel Nowar, Ahmed Mohamed Fathi Salama 2022 Local
6 Evaluation of ultrasonic axillary dissection in preservation of intercostobrachial nerve and lymphatic sealing in breast cancer patients: Randomized controlled trial Ahmed M.F. Salama *, Ahmed M. Nawar, Mohamed E. Zayed, Mohamed S. Essa 2020 International
7 Levels of GLP-1 In Response to The Most Common Used Bariatric Procedures in Obese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Amira M. Elsayed*1, Walaa M. lbrahim1, Ahmed M.F.Salama2 , Maha H.Morsy4 , Eman M. Araby3 , Rasha O. Abdelmoniem1 2022 Local
8 Role of perioperative parathormone hormone level assay after total thyroidectomy as a predictor of transient and permanent hypocalcemia: Prospective study Mohamed S. Essa a, Khaled S. Ahmad b,*, Mohammed A. Fadey a, Mohamed O. El-shaer a, Ahmed M.F. Salama a, Mohamed E. Zayed a 2021 International
Ahmed Mostafa Kamel Zeid Nowar
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (8)
Total (15)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 375 Evaluation of the Functional Outcome of Laparoscopic Heller Cardiomyotomy in Treatment of Patients with Achalasia of the Cardia Ahmed M. Nawar, Hany S. Tawfik, Emad E. Abdelhafez, Talaat A. Elshahawy, Mahmoud Z. Ali, Amr G. Mohamed 2023 Local
2 Adipose mesenchymal stem cells combined with platelet-rich plasma accelerate diabetic wound healing by modulating the Notch pathway Ahmed Nawar11, Ahmed A. Shoulah11, Ahmed H. Khalil12, Sami F. Abdalla13, Mohamed El-Sherbiny14,15, Nehal M. Elsherbiny16,17 2022 Local
3 Changes of Biomarkers Expression Between Preoperative Biopsy and After Definitive Surgical Treatment in Patients With Invasive Breast Cancer Who Receive Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Ahmed Moustafa Nowar1, Hassan Kamal El-Dein Al-Soueni1, Ahmed Shawkey Ezzat1, Ahmed Mohammed Fathi Salama1, Hala Adel Agina 2017 International
4 Circulating Micro RNA- 21 and - 92a as Biomarkers of Colorectal Cancer Ebada Said1, Ahmed Zidan2, Ahmed Nawar2, Naglaa Alhusseini3, Elwy Soliman4, Rasha Shaker5, Waleed Naguib6, Kamal Rady7 and Hosam Baiumy1 2017 International
5 Comparative study between The Effect of Ultrasound-guided versus palpation-guided conservative breast surgery on cosmetic outcome in palpable early breast cancer patients Ahmed M. F. Salama,1 Mohamed I. Abuelnasr,1 Enas M. Sweed,2 Ahmed M. Nowar1 2023 Local
6 Does Local Injection of Methylene Blue allow Safe parathyroid gland preservation during Total Thyroidectomy? Ahmed Zidan,1 MD Taher H. Elwan,1,2 MD, Ahmed M. Nawar1 2019 International
7 Evaluation of anorectal functions after laparoscopic suture rectopexy with complete division of lateral rectal ligaments Mohamed I. Abuelnasr, Ahmed M. Nawar, Ahmed M.F. Salama 2022 Local
8 Evaluation of ultrasonic axillary dissection in preservation of intercostobrachial nerve and lymphatic sealing in breast cancer patients: Randomized controlled trial Ahmed M.F. Salama *, Ahmed M. Nawar, Mohamed E. Zayed, Mohamed S. Essa 2020 Local
9 Functional and Aesthetic Outcomes of Reconstruction of Soft-Tissue Defects of the Heel with Free Flap Hussein Elgohary, MD a , ∗, Ahmed M. Nawar, MD b , Ahmed Zidan, MD c , Ahmed A. Shoulah, MD d , Mohamed T. Younes, MD 2019 International
10 Oncoplastic Volume Replacement for Breast Cancer: Latissimus Dorsi Flap versus Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap Emad M. Abdelrahman* Ahmed M. Nawar* M. Ashraf Balbaa† Ahmed A. Shoulah* Ahmed A. Shora‡ Mohamed S. Kharoub* 2024 Local
11 Outcome of Pedicled Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap in the Surgical Treatment of Stage II and III Hidradenitis Suppurativa of Axilla Hussein Elgohary, MD, Ahmed M. Nawar, MD, Ahmed Zidan, MD, Ahmed A. Shoulah, MD, Mohamed T. Younes, MD, and Ahmed M. Hamed, MD 2019 International
12 Significance of tumor associated macrophages density (TAMs) and CXCR4 expression in renal cell carcinoma Ranih Z. Amer a ,Omneya Y. Bassyoni a, Tarek M.Gharib b, Ahmed M. Nawar c and Ahmed Zidan 2018 International
13 Skin Sparing Mastectomy and Immediate Breast Reconstruction in Surgical Management of Breast Cancer Ahmed Moustafa Kamel Nowar, Nabil Ahmed Ali, Mohammed Abdel Hamid ELkalawy,Hassan Kamal EL-Din EL Sweani. 2012 International
14 Surgical and Functional Outcome of Laparoscopic Vaginal Suspension Combined with Suture Rectopexy for Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Mohamed Ibrahim Abuelnasr Q2 Q21 Ahmed M. F. Salama1 Ahmed M. Nawar1 2022 Local
15 Surgical and Functional Outcome of Pre-Peritoneal Repair of Inguinal Hernia in Cirrhotic Patient with Mild to Moderate Ascites Hussein Elgohary1*, Ahmed M Nawar1 , Ahmed Zidan1, Ayman M Abdelmofeed1, Taher H Elwan1, Mohamed I Abourizk1 and Ahmed M Hussein2 2018 International
Ehab Mahrous Orabi
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (19)
Total (21)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Back-to-the traditional: Clinical Judgment overrides Investigations as Predictors for Success of Non-Operative Management and Survival of Blunt Splenic Injury Patients Mokhtar A. Bahbah MD, Ehab M.Oraby, Taher H. Elwan MD 2022 International
2 Complicated acute cholecystitis; protocol of management Mokhtar Abd Elrahman Bahbah, Ehab M Oraby, 2017 International
3 Concomitant Obesity and GERD: Is Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Still Considered the Best Option? A Clinical and Endoscopic Evaluation Ehab M Oraby1, Ola A Harb2, Mokhtar A Bahbah3 2021 International
4 How to predict a difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy? Tamer A. Alnaimy, Taha A. Baiomy, Ehab M. Oraby 2017 International
5 Is mesh fixation considered a routine step in transabdominal preperitoneal repair? The Zagazig-Benha experience Taha A. Baiomy, Ehab M. Oraby 2017 International
6 Laparoscopic drainage of pelvic abscess: evaluation of outcome Mostafa Baiuomy, Hussein G. Elgohary, Ehab M. Oraby 2017 International
7 Laparoscopic Extended Hemicolectomy vs Laparoscopic Transverse Colectomy for Management of Mid-transverse Colon Cancer—Which is the Optimal Surgical Approach? Abdelwahab S Almoregy1, Gamal Osman2, Mahmoud Sharafedeen3, Ahmed Z Alattar4, Ola A Harb5, Ehab M Oraby6 2021 International
8 Laparoscopic Versus Open Laparotomy in Management of Intestinal Malrotation and Volvulus in Neonates: A Comparative Study Omar Atef Elekiabi1*, Ehab M Oraby2, Tamer Wasefy3 and Ahmed K El- Taher3 2019 International
9 Laparoscopic Versus Open Laparotomy in Management of Intestinal Malrotation and Volvulus in Neonates: A Comparative Study Omar Atef Elekiabi1*, Ehab M Oraby2, Tamer Wasefy3 and Ahmed K El- Taher3 2019 International
10 Modification of transverse skin incision: a successful idea for reducing seroma formation after mastectomy and axillary dissection for breast cancer Hamed Rashad, El-Sayed A Abd El-Mabood, Nasser A Zaher, Mokhtar A Bahbah, Hazem E Ali, Ehab M Oraby 2014 International
11 Pilonidal sinus minimal excision with primary closure: 9 years’ experience Ehab M. Oraby, Mokhtar A. Bahbah 2022 International
12 pilonidal sinus treatment: A new simplified technique; filling natal cleft with fasciofatty flap Mokhtar abd elrahman A Bahbah, Ehab M Oraby 2013 International
13 Pilonidal sinus: minimal excision and primary closure under local anesthesia Hussein G. Elgohary, Ehab M. Oraby 2015 International
14 Posterior Hyoid Space; A Brilliant Concept in Managing Thyroglossal Duct Cyst (TGDC) Ehab M. Oraby, Mohamed I. abdelhamid, Taha A. Baiomy, Hayam E. Rashed 2017 International
15 Primary ventral hernia repair; mini-component separation technique versus onlay mesh repair Hussein G Elgohary, Ehab M Oraby, Mostafa Baiuomy 2017 International
16 Prognostic values of MYD88 and TBLR1expression in tissues of diffuse large B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients; an immunohistochemical study Asmaa Hussein Mohamed1, Mariem A. Elfeky1, Shereen Elshorbagy2, Nabila Hefzi3, Tamer Oraby4, Waleed A. Abdelhady5, Mahmoud Sharaf Eldein6 , Ahmed Embaby6, Ehab M. Oraby7 2022 International
17 Spared healthy breast tissue after Breast Conserving Surgery for palpable invasive ductal breast carcinoma; US guided versus Traditional palpation guided excision. Hussein G Elgohary, Ehab M Oraby, Ahmed M Zidan, Ahmed A Turky 2016 International
18 Surgical Management of Undescended Testis in Infants, Single Scrotal Incision Orchiopexy Versus Traditional Inguinal Approach: A Comparative Study Omar Atef Elekiabi1, *, Ehab Mahroos Oraby2, Mohamed Abdallah Zaitoun3, Abdelwahab Saleh Almoregy3 2020 International
19 The prognostic roles of PYCR2 and ZBTB18 expression in tissues of colorectal carcinoma and Non-neoplastic tissues; an immunohstochemical study Ola Harb Mariem A. Elfeky Fady M. Wadea Ahmed M. Elsayed Shereen Elshorbagy Ahmed F. Amin Ehab M Oraby Mohamed Farouk Amin Abdelwahab S. Almoregy 2022 International
20 The Value of using short course radiotherapy (SCRT) versus Short course radiotherapy followed by delayed surgery (SCRT-DS) for management of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC); a comparative study Ehab M. Oraby 1, Mohamed I Abdelhamid2, Ahmed M. Fahmy3, Shereen Elshorbagy4, Ahmed Z. Alattar5, Mohamed Ali Alabiad6, Amr Samir7, Loay M. Gertallah2, 2022 Local
21 Transoral Submandibular Sialoadenectomy; Feasibility and Case Selection. Ehab M. Oraby, Mohammad I. Aburezk, Mokhtar A. Bahbah 2022 Local
Emad Mahmoud Meghawry Abdelrahman Sarhan
Local Publication (3)
International Publication (7)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Biofeedback versus bilateral transcutaneous posterior tibial nerve stimulation in the treatment of functional non-retentive fecal incontinence in children: A randomized controlled trial☆,☆☆ Emad M. Abdelrahman ,⁎, Mohamed A. Abdel Ghafar , Ali O. Selim , Olfat I. Ali , M. Ashraf Balbaa 2020 International
2 Cheek advancement flap for nasal reconstruction following surgical excision of basal cell carcinoma; Early out come and patient satisfaction Emad M. Abdelrahman,1 Ahmed A. Shoulah,1 Sara O. Ghazal,2 Manal K. Nchoukati,2 M. Ashraf Balbaa3 2020 Local
3 Early Outcome of Enhanced Recovery Programs Versus Conventional Perioperative Care in Elective Open Left Side Colonic Carcinoma Surgery: Analysis of 80 Cases Emad M. Abd ElRahman1 & Mohamed S. Kharoub1 & Ahmed Shora2 & Nabil A. Emara3 & M. Ashraf Balbaa4 2020 International
4 Intestinal Stomas An Essay submitted for fulfillment Emad Mahmoud Meghawry Sarhan 2011 International
5 Non-operative Treatment Compared to Surgery in the Management of Uncomplicated Acute Appendicitis Ashraf M. Abdelkader, Taher H. Elwan, Mokhtar A. Bahbah, Emad M. Abdelrahman, Nasser A. Zaher, Ebtesam ND. Attia 2018 International
6 Oncoplastic Volume Replacement for Breast Cancer: Latissimus Dorsi Flap versus Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap Emad M. Abdelrahman* Ahmed M. Nawar* M. Ashraf Balbaa† Ahmed A. Shoulah* Ahmed A. Shora‡ Mohamed S. Kharoub* 2019 International
7 Outcome and quality of life following gracilis muscle transposition flap in management of recurrent and complex rectovaginal fistulas Mohamed S. Kharoub, Hany S. Tawfik, Ahmed A.El shora, Emad M. Abdelrahman 2021 Local
8 Predictive Factors of Positive Circumferential and Longitudinal Margins in Early T3 Colorectal Cancer Resection M. Ashraf Balbaa ,1 Noha Elkady ,2 and Emad M. Abdelrahman 3 2020 International
10 The significance of bariatric surgery in Egyptian patients with metabolic syndrome: a multicenter study Mohamed A.A. Bassiony, Mohamed S. Mohamed, Marwan N. Elgohary,Abdelrahman M.H. Nawar, Emad M. Abdelrahman, Ahmed A. Elshoura 2020 Local
Hazem EL Sayed Ali Hassan ALGIOUSHY
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (8)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Management of Acute Calculous Cholecystitis within and after Three Days of Symptom Beginning: A Ret rospective Study. Ashraf M. Abdelkader Mohamed, Hazem E. Ali. 2017 International
2 Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy compared to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery: Two-year outcome of body weight, obesity-associated comorbidities, and quality of life. Ashraf M. Abdelkader Mohamed, Hazem E. Ali, Ramy A. Mitwally, Mohammed S. Yousef. 2017 International
3 Modified Gant-Miwa Approach Versus Modified Thiersch's stitch For The Management Of Rectal Mucosal Prolapse In Children; How To Decrease The Recurrence? Taher H. Elwan, (MD); El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood (MD); Hazem E. Ali 2017 International
4 Outcomes Of Brachio-Basilic Arterio-Venous Shunting with Superficialization as a Vascular Access For Renal Dialysis: an early experience in Benha University El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood a, (MD); Mokhtar A. Bahbah a, MD; Ayman M. Adbelmofeed a, (MD); Hazem E. Al i a (MD); M. Hamed Abd El-Fattah, b (MD); Mohamed I. Hasan,c 2017 International
5 Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation Compared with Surgical Resection in the Treatment of Early Hepatocellular Carcinoma Ashraf M. Abdelkader Mohamed, Hazem E. Ali, Magdy A. Gad, Badawy A. AbdulAziz, Sharaf Elsayed Ali Hasaneen, Ali Hasaneen, Ramy A. Metwally. 2017 International
6 Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Versus Conventional Ordinary Dressing; is this really affect Diabetic Foot Wound Healing Outcomes? El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, MD; Hazem E. Ali 2017 International
7 The outcome of using a prosthetic mesh in the repair of emergent abdominal midline incisional hernias: A prospective comparative study Ashraf M. Abdelkader Mohamed, Hazem E. Ali. 2017 International
8 Topical Tannic Acid Application Decreases Posthemorrhoidectomy Pain: A novel Idea El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, MD; Nasser A. Zaher MD; Hazem E. Ali 2014 International
Mohamed Atef mohamed
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (1)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct (CBD) exploration versus Intraoperative Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (ERCP) in the Management of Choledocholithiasis Mohamed A. Elbegawy, MD; Ayman T. Mohamed, MD; Sherif A. Elgazzar, MD. 2022 Local
2 Evaluation of predictors of patency of infrapopliteal angioplasty in diabetic occlusive lesions Mohamed A. Elbegawy , Mohamed Sabry , Sherif A. Elgazzar 2021 Local
3 Evaluation of versatility of drug-coated balloons in prevention of restenosis after angioplasty of superficial femoral artery occlusive lesions: a 2-year surveillance study. El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, Waleed A. Sorourc , Mohamed A. Elbegawy 2019 Local
4 Functional Analysis of Axillary Lymph Nodes Dissection As A Prognostic factor in Breast cancer-Positive HER2 Ahmed Fouad Ahmed, MD.; Sherif A. Elgazzar, MD.; Mohamed A. Elbegawy MD. 2020 Local
5 Gluteal fasciocutaneous rotational flap and its role in the management of complex sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus disease: a case-series study Mohamed F. Abdelhalim, Mohamed A. Elbegawy 2021 Local
6 Laparoscopic Suture versus Ventral Mesh Rectopexy for the surgical Treatment of Internal Rectal Prolapse Mohamed I. Abuelnasr, Hussein Elgohary, A.A.Nuh, Mohamed A. Elbegawy 2022 Local
7 Outcome of transabdominal preperitoneal versus open preperitoneal approach for treatment of recurrent inguinal hernia: a randomized control study Emad M. Abdelrahman , Mohamed O. El-Shaer , Mohamed M. Elfiky , Mohamed A. Elbegawy 2022 Local
8 Thoracic fascial planes blocks in operative bed of modified radical mastectomy and their role in alleviating post-mastectomy pain: a prospective randomized study Mohamed F. Abdelhalim*, Mohamed A. Elbegawy 2022 International
Mohamed Tawfeek Younis Ali
Local Publication (9)
International Publication (9)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Adding Monspexy (Pubic Suspension) Step to Abdominoplasty, Does this Benefit in Management of Urinary Stress Incontinence in Females with Redundant Abdomen and Mons Pubis? AYMAN M. ABDELMOFEED, M.D.*; OLA SEIF, M.D.*; MOHAMED T. YOUNES, M.D.* andSHABIEB A. ABDELBAKI, M.D 2021 Local
2 Computed Tomography Scan for Minimising the Rate of Negative Appendectomy in Patients Suffering from Acute Right Lower Abdominal Pain ASHRAF MAHMOUD ABDELKADER MOHAMED, AHMED MOHAMED ZIDAN, MOHAMED TAWFEEK YOUNIS 2018 International
3 Effect of Reduction Mammoplasty on Pulmonary Function Test and Back Pain in Patients with Macromastia MOSTAFA B. ABDELWAHAB, M.D.*; MOHAMED S. SADEK, M.D.**; AHMED M.F. SALAMA, M.D.*; AHMED L. ELFEKY, M.Sc.*** and MOHAMED T. YOUNIS, M.D.* 2022 Local
4 Efficacy of the Free-Style, Perforator-Plus Flap in the Reconstruction of the Soft Tissue Defects at the Lower Leg and Ankle Regions MOHAMED T. YOUNIS, M.D.*; GAMAL EL HABAA, M.D.*; SHERIF A. ELGAZZAR, M.D.**; AL-BASHEER F.M. ANANY, M.Sc.*** and A.M. ABDELMOFEED, M.D.* 2021 Local
5 Extended Pedicled Perforator Plus Submental Flap for Large Cheek Defect Reconstruction Ayman M. Abdelmofeed, MD* Mohammed Elsayed Hassan, MD† Ola Seif, MD* Mohamed H. Abdelhalim, MD* Mohamed T. Younes, MD* 2023 Local
6 Functional and Aesthetic Outcome of Reconstructive Surgery for Contracted Neck Scars MOHAMED T. YOUNIS 2021 Local
7 Functional and Aesthetic Outcomes of Reconstruction of Soft-Tissue Defects of the Heel with Free Flap Hussein Elgohary, MD a , ∗, Ahmed M. Nawar, MD b , Ahmed Zidan, MD c , Ahmed A. Shoulah, MD d , Mohamed T. Younes, MD 2018 International
8 How To Achieve The Best Treatment of Tibial Occlusive Disease? Early Experience In Benha University Hospitals El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, (MD); Mohamed T. Younis (MD); 2018 International
9 Outcome of Pedicled Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap in the Surgical Treatment of Stage II and III Hidradenitis Suppurativa of Axilla Hussein Elgohary, MD, Ahmed M. Nawar, MD, Ahmed Zidan, MD, Ahmed A. Shoulah, MD, Mohamed T. Younes, MD, and Ahmed M. Hamed, MD 2018 International
10 Outcome of pudendal thigh flap in scrotal Reconstruction and its effect on testicular function Mohamed T. Younes, Ahmed M. Nawar, Ahmed A. Shoulah 2019 International
11 Preoperative Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules: A Prospective Study Comparing the accuracy of Ultrasound (TI-RADS) Versus the FNAC Bethesda System in Relation to the Final Postoperative Histo-pathological Diagnosis Ashraf M Abdelkader1*, Ahmed Mohamed Zidan1, Mohamed Tawfeek Younis1, Shaimaa Kamal Dawa2 2018 International
12 Quilting Sutures Versus Suprascarpa’s Dissection in Reduction of Seroma Formation Following Abdominoplasty MOHAMED T. YOUNIS, M.D.; GAMAL IBRAHIM EL-HABAA, M.D.; ISRAA M. ELBAZZ, M.B.B.Ch. and MOHAMED H. ABDEL HALIM, M.D 2024 Local
13 Role of Scarpa's Fascia Advancement in Waist Definition during Abdominoplasty MOHAMED T. YOUNIS, M.D.; SHIMAA E. MAHFOUZ, M.Sc.; GAMAL EL HABAA, M.D.;ATEF A. YOUSEF, M.D. and AYMAN M. ABDELMOFEED, M.D. 2022 Local
14 Temporary CBD Stenting with a Nelaton Tube Is a More Practical and Safer Option Than T-Tube Drainage after Conventional CBD Exploration for Choledocholithiasis Ashraf M. Abdelkader , Ahmed M. Zidan, and Mohamed T. Younis 2018 International
16 Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision for Treatment of Carcinoma in the Middle or Lower Third Rectum: the Technical Feasibility of the Procedure, Pathological Results, and Clinical Outcome Ashraf M. Abdelkader1,2 & Ahmed M. Zidan1 & Mohamed T. Younis1 & Shaimaa K. Dawa3 2018 International
17 Usefulness of nerve.sparing pedicled segmental latissimus dorsi muscle flap combined with lateral thoracic skin flap for partial volume reconstruction in laterally located breast cancer����� Ayman M. Abdelmofeed1 � Mohammed A. Fadey2 � Ola Seif1 � Mohamed H. Abdelhalim1 � Mohamed T. Younes1D.** 2023 Local
18 Versatility of unilateral propeller groin flap for coverage of large scrotal defects and its impact on testicular function.D. Mohamed T. Younes, AymanM. Abdelmofeed ., Ola Seif, Mohamed H. Abdelhalim 2024 Local
Mustafa bayoumi abdelwahab farag
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Nasser Abd El raouf Ali Zaher
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (5)
Total (5)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Functional Outcomes Of Superficial & Conservative Total Parotidectomy; Four Years Experience From Benha-Egypt Mohamed A. mansour, MD; El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, MD; Nasser A. Zaher MD; 2014 International
2 Laparoscopic Heller’s Cardiomyotomy for Achalasia of the Cardia with adding an antireflux procedure to provide better surgical outcomes Nasser A. Zaher MD; El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, MD; Refaat S. Salama, a MD 2014 International
3 Laparoscopic Rectal Low Anterior Resection ameliorates the deleterious effects on Erectile and Sexual Functions: A Comparative Study versus Open Approach Mohamed A Mansour MD,.Nasser A.Zaher MD,. Taher H. Elwan MD., 2015 International
4 Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy induces Weight Reduction, reduces Plasma Ghrelin levels and improves Insulin Sensitivity in Non-diabetic Obese Patients Mohamed A.Mansour,Nasser A. Zaher MD & Aida Mohamed Thabet MD 2015 International
5 Topical Tannic Acid Application Decreases Posthemorrhoidectomy Pain: A novel Idea El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, MD; Nasser A. Zaher MD; Hazem E. Ali MD; 2014 International
Refaat salama salama ahmed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (8)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Early Outcomes Of Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication for Morbid Obesity; Early Experience In Benha University Hisham Ahmed, A MD; El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, A MD; Refaat S. Salama , A MD; Badawy A. Abdul Aziz, B MD; Amer Mohamed Abdel-hamid,C MD; 2016 International
2 Efficacy of Endovenous LASER Ablation (EVLA) Versus Conventional Stripping In The Treatment Of Great Saphenous Vein (GSV) Reflux El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, MD; Refaat S. Salama, MD. 2017 International
3 Evaluation of versatility of superiorly based pedicled gastrocnemius myo- or myo-cutaneous flap, in upper leg defects after trauma or tumor excision; which better? Ayman M. Adbelmofeed, a MD; El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, a MD; Refaat S. Salama, a MD;El Sayed M. Bayomy, b MD; 2014 International
4 Ileocaecal implantation with ileocaecal valve reconstruction versus right hemicolectomy in terminal ileal lesions Hisham Hussein MD, Mustafa Bayoumi MD, Ayman M. Abdelmofeed MD, Refaat Salama, M.D. 2016 International
5 Is Laparoscopic Splenectomy (LS) Of Benefits For Hypersplenism Secondary To Portal Hypertension? El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, A MD; Refaat S. Salama, A MD. Badawy A. Abdul Aziz, B MD; 2017 International
6 Laparoscopic Heller’s Cardiomyotomy for Achalasia of the Cardia with adding an antireflux procedure to provide better surgical outcomes Nasser A. Zaher, MD; El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, MD; Refaat S. Salama, MD; 2014 International
7 Reconstruction Methods After Pancreaticoduodenectomy For Pancreatic Carcinoma; Which Better To Prevent Serious Complications Hamed Rashad,a MD; El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, a MD; Taher H. Elwan, a MD; Ayman M. Adbelmofeed, a MD; Refaat S. Salama, a MD; Emad H. Gad, b MD; 2014 International
8 Sometimes Endovascular Salvage of Failing Hemodialysis Access Is Indispensable; As You Will Hardly Get Another Hisham Ahmed, MD; El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, MD; Refaat S. Salama, MD; 2016 International
Sherif abd elmaaboud ibrahim eldesouky elgazzar
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (2)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative study between Snodgrass technique with preputioplasty and Snodgrass technique with circumcision in treatment of distal hypospadias Sherif A. Elgazzar,Mohammed Mostafa Abdelwahab,Hazem Mohammed Sobeih,Magdi Ahmed Loulah,Hisham Elsayed Mohammed Mohammed 2022 Local
2 Efficacy of the Free-Style, Perforator-Plus Flap in the Reconstruction of the Soft Tissue Defects at the Lower Leg and Ankle Regions MOHAMED T. YOUNIS, M.D.*; GAMAL EL HABAA, M.D.*; SHERIF A. ELGAZZAR, M.D.**; AL-BASHEER F.M. ANANY, M.Sc.*** and A.M. ABDELMOFEED, M.D.* 2021 Local
3 Evaluation of Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct (CBD) exploration versus Intraoperative Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (ERCP) in the Management of Choledocholithiasis Mohamed A. Elbegawy, MD; Ayman T. Mohamed, MD; Sherif A. Elgazzar, MD 2022 Local
4 Evaluation of predictors of patency of infrapopliteal angioplasty in diabetic occlusive lesions Mohamed A. Elbegawya , Mohamed Sabryb , Sherif A. Elgazzar 2021 Local
5 Evaluation of versatility of mechanochemical ablation (MOCA)in the management of great saphenous vein reflux:aday-case intervention with good outcomes SHERIF A.ELGAZZAR 2022 Local
6 Functional Analysis of Axillary Lymph Nodes Dissection As A Prognostic factor in Breast cancer-Positive HER2 Ahmed Fouad Ahmed, MD.; Sherif A. Elgazzar, MD.; Mohamed A. Elbegawy MD 2020 Local
7 Management of rectal prolapse in children through posterior sagittal Sherif Abd El Maaboud Ibrahim Elgazzar 2015 International
8 Management of undescended testis in children Sherif abd elmaaboud Ibrahim elgazzar 2012 International
9 Short-term outcomes of reinforcement of staple line during revisional laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy ayman t.mohamed,ahmed m.sakr,Sherif A.Elgazzar 2022 Local
10 Studying The Relationship between the width of penile glans and urethral caliber in neonates sherif a.elgazzar,hazem mohammed elsayed,ahmed hamza metwally,ehab m.oraby 2022 Local
Taher hussieny ahmed
Local Publication (9)
International Publication (10)
Total (19)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Awareness of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Screening Before Marriage and Pregnancy Among Adults in the Al-Baha Region, Saudi Arabia Ramy H. Agwa • Taher H. Elwan • Hashim Abdulrahman S. Alghamdi • Abdullah Ali S. Alghamdi • Fatema Ibrahim A. Altaweel • Abdullah A. Alghamdi • Hawraa A. Alhussain • Khader Mohammed A. Alsawlihah • Faisal A. Alzahrani 2024 Local
2 Back-To-The Traditional: Clinical Judgment Overrides Investigations As Predic- tors For Success Of Non-Operative Management And Survival Of Blunt Splenic Injury Patients Mokhtar A. Bahbah1 Ehab M. Oraby 1 , Taher H. Elwan1 2022 International
3 Concomitant Early Abdominoplasty and Sleeve Gastrectomy can destroy the Triangle of Danger of Obesity, Bad Quality of Life and Depression in Obese Patients. Hussein G.Elgohary MD, Taher H Elwan MD., Mokhtar A Bahbah MD 2015 Local
4 Diagnostic Approach Of Non-Mass Forming Breast Calcifications El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood,a (MD);Mokhtar A. Bahbah,a(MD);Taher H. Elwan,a (MD);AmanyM.F.Alkharboutly, b(MD);NashwaEmara, c (MD);a)Departments of General Surgery, BenhaUniversity, Benha, Egypt.b) Departments of Radiology, BenhaUniversity, Benha, Egypt 2015 Local
5 Early elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy during the same hospital admission after recovery of an attack of mild acute biliary pancreatitis: is it feasible and safe? Ashraf M. Abdelkader , 2- Taher H. Elwan , 3- Sharaf Elsayed Ali Hassanien 2020 International
6 Early Elective Versus Delayed Elective Laparoscopic Sigmoidectomy Following the Acute Episodes of Sigmoid Diverticulitis: A Prospective Study Ashraf M. Abdelkader*, Nasser A. Zaher, Taher H. Elwan, Mokhtar A. Bahbah, Ebtesam ND. Attia 2019 International
7 Endoscopic stenting as a bridge to elective surgery versus emergency laparotomy for patients with acute malignant large bowel obstruction Taher H Elwan, Nasser A Zaher 2020 International
8 Harmony of Quality of Life and Emotional Well-Being: The Impact of Combining Conservative Breast Surgery with Minimal Reconstruction in Breast Cancer Patients Aimen Elsheikh Khalil Abuelnour 1 Taher H. x H. Elwan 1 Usama Akl 1 Ahmed Elabwabi 2 Elshennawy ATM 3 RH Agwa 4 Ibrahim M. Shatla 5 Nasser A. Zaher 6 2024 Local
9 High at Admission Serum Interleukin-6 and Cell Free DNA as Predictors for Severity and Outcome of Acute Pancreatitis Patients 1Mohammed F Almaghraby MD- 2Hossam M El-saadany MD-3Mokhtar A Bahbah MD-4Taher H Elwan MD-5Amal M Saed MD- 6Abduslam Ahmed MD-7Maged….. MD-8Talaat E El-gamal MD-9Prithvi Singh Shekhawat MD. 1Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Banha U 2014 Local
10 Immediate Versus Delayed Repair of Iatrogenic Common Bile Duct Injuries during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Retrospective Study Ashraf M. Abdel Kader MD & Taher H. Elwan MD 2014 Local
11 Is Local Injection of Methylene Blue allow Safe parathyroid gland preservation during Total Thyroidectomy? Ahmed Zidan,1 MD; Taher H. Elwan,1,2 MD; Ahmed M. Nawar1 2019 International
12 Is serum presepsin levels had accurate discriminative ability for patients vulnerable to develop anastomotic leakage after colorectal anastomosis? A cohort study Mokhtar A Bahbah, Marwa S El-Melouk, Mysa S Mostafa, Taher Husseini Ahmed Elwan 2022 International
13 Laparoscopic Surgical Correction of GERD is Safe and Effective and improves Patients' Quality of Life Nabil Sheded FRCS, . Hisham H.Ahmed MD., Taher H Elwan MD., Mokhtar A Bahbah MDDepartment of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University 2014 Local
14 Management of post laparoscopic cholecystectomy bile leakage: in the presence of MRCP, when to send the patient to undergo ERCP? Taher H Elwan, Mokhtar A Bahbah 2020 International
15 Modifi ed Gant–Miwa approach versus modifi ed Thiersch’s stitch for the management of rectal mucosal prolapse in children: how to decrease recurrence Taher H. Elwan, El-Sayed A. Abd El-Mabood, Hazem E. Ali 2014 Local
16 Navigating Pediatric Diabetes, A Comprehensive Review of Current Approaches and Future Perspectives H Agwa1,2, Warda Othman1,3,Taher H. Elwan4,5, UsamaAkl4, Essam Mady6, Abdallah T.Elwan7, Ibrahim M. Shatla8,91 2024 Local
17 Non-operative Treatment Compared to Surgery in the Management of Uncomplicated Acute Appendicitis Ashraf M. Abdelkader, Taher H. Elwan, Mokhtar A. Bahbah, Emad M. Abdelrahman,Nasser A. Zaher, Ebtesam ND. Attia 2019 International
18 Surgical and Functional Outcome of Pre-Peritoneal Repair of Inguinal Hernia in Cirrhotic Patient with Mild to Moderate Ascites Elgohary H, Nawar AM, Zidan A, Abdelmofeed AM, Elwan TH, et al. 2018 International
19 Unveiling the Role of Inflammatory Mediators and Gut Microbiome in Appendicitis: Types and Applications in Clinical Scoring Taher H. Elwan ,1,2Aimen Elsheikh Khalil Abdennour ,1Usama Akl ,1A. T. M. Elshennawy,3and Ibrahim M. Shatla 4,5 2023 International
Ahmed mohamed ali Abostate
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative Study Between Total Mesocolic Exesion Versus Conventional Right Hemicolectomy In management Of Tumors Of The Right Colon. A.A.Yousef, M.M.Mohamed ,A.M.Zidan and A.M.Abostate 2020 Local
2 MANAGEMENT OF EARLY BREAST CANCER Ahmed Mohamed ali abostate, Essam Sadek Radwan,Gamal Elsayed Saleh, Ahmed Mohamed Zidan. 2016 International
Ahmed Moustafa Saeed Hussien
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Intra-abdominal Pressure as a Criterion for Abdominal Re-exploration Ahmed Moustafa Saeed 2015 International
2 Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy Ahmed Moustafa Saeed 2012 International
amr gamal mohamed abd elrahman
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (2)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of the Functional Outcome of Laparoscopic Heller Cardiomyotomy in Treatment of Patients with Achalasia of the Cardia A Nawar, H. Tawfik. E. Abdelhafez. T. ELshahawy. M. Zakaria. A. Gamal 2023 International
2 Fat Grafting for Maximizing the Volume of Breast Reconstruction by Latissmus Dorsi Mini-Flap A.A.Salem, G.Saleh, A.M.Nawar, M.E.Abdellatif & A.G.Mohamed 2020 Local
3 Volume Displacement Techniques for Filling Partial Mastectomy Defects Mohammed Moustafa, Mohammed Mokhtar, Gamal Saleh, Ahmed Moustafa & Amr Gamal 2017 International
ayman tohamy mohammed salem
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 LASER APPLICATIONS IN GENERAL SURGERY Ayman Tohamy Mohammed Salem 2015 International
2 Mini-Gastric Bypass versus Sleeve Gastrectomy: Benefits Of Controlling Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Ayman Tohamy Mohamed Salem, HAMED RASHAD MUSULAM, ATEF ABDELGHANY SALEM, AHMED KHAIRY ALLAM 2019 Local
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Results of Surgical Treatment of cancer of The Rectum by Radical Resection and Extended Abdomino-iliac Lymphadenectomy Ebtesam Nasr Demerdash 2003 International
Ehab Abdel-Aziz Elsayed Salem
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of Laproscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy in Rectal Prolapse Ehab Abd El Aziz El Sayed, Nabil Ahmed Ali, Hany Salah EL Din Tawfik, Hazem ElSayed Ali 2018 International
Haitham Salama Afifiy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative Study Of Drug Coated Balloon Versus Bare-Metal Stenting In Management Of Femoro-popliteal Atherosclerotic Lesions Haitham Salama Afify 2017 International
Kareem Mouhamed Ibrahim Khamis Hekil
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Versus Conventional Ordinary Dressing In Management Of Diabetic Foot Ulcer & Wound Atef AbdelGhany Yousef, MD; Mohamed AbdelHakim Mansour, MD; Ahmed Khairy Allam, MD; Kareem Mohamed Ibrahim, M.B.B.Ch. 2017 International
Khaled Mohamed Mahmoud Hassanein Shaalan
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (2)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Postcholecystectomy syndrome Khaled M Shaalan 2006 Local
2 Preoperative Prediction of the Difficulty of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Aly Saber, Sameh T Abu-Elela, Khaled M Shaalan, Adel R Almasry 2015 International
3 Technical Complications After Cadaveric and Live Donor Liver Transplantation Khaled M Shaalan 2012 International
Mahmoud Zakaria Mahmoud Ali Khalil
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of Submucosal Ligation Technique in Management of Rectal Prolapse Mahmoud Zakaria Mahmoud Ali 2018 International
2 Evaluation of the Functional Outcome of Laparoscopic Heller Cardiomyotomy in Treatment of Patients with Achalasia of the Cardia Ahmed M. Nawar; Mahmoud Zakaria; Abdelhafez. E M; Talaat Abdallah; Hany S. Tawfik; Amr gamal mohamed 2022 Local
mohamed abd elfattah elsayed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Intralesional Tissue Expander mohamed abd elfattah elsayed 2018 International
Mohamed Abd-El Monem EL-sayed Emam
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 REPATR OF ANORECTAL MALFORMATIONS "ONE STAGE OR THREE STAGES" Mohamed Abdel-Monem El-Sayed M.B., B.Ch. - M.Sc Mostafa Mostafa Rezk MD. Montaser Mohamed El-Kotby MD . 2016 Local
Mohamed Atiia mohamed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy Mohammed Atiia Mohammed, Nabi l Ahmed Al i, Hany Salah Eldein Tawfik, Ahme d Mo h amme d Zi d a n 2010 International
2 THORACODORSAL ARTERY PERFORATOR FLAP IN BREAST RECONSTRUCTION Hassan El-Sweani, Ahmed Zidan, Ahmed Nowar and Mohammed A. Mohammed 2017 International
Mohamed Elsayed Abd Ellatief Hassan
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (6)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative Study Between Silver Nanoparticles Dressing (SilvrSTAT Gel) and Conventional Dressing in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Healing: A Prospective Randomized Study Mohamed S. Essa, MD, PhD, MRCS1, Khaled S. Ahmad, MD, FASMBS2 , Mohamed E. Zayed, MD, PhD1, and Samia G. Ibrahim, MD, PhD1 2021 International
2 Cosmetic and oncological outcome of different oncoplastic techniques in female patients with early central breast cancer Mohamed S. Essa a, Khaled S. Ahmad b, *, Ahmed M.F. Salama a, Mohamed E. Zayed a 2021 International
3 current status of stem cell therapy for liver diseases mohammed elsaid abd ellatif 2011 International
4 Delayed gastric emptying after subtotal stomach-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy (SSPPD): pancreatogastrostomy versus pancreatojejunostomy Mohamed S Essa, Ahmed M.F. Salama, Mohamed E Zayed 2020 Local
5 Evaluation of ultrasonic axillary dissection in preservation of intercostobrachial nerve and lymphatic sealing in breast cancer patients: Randomized controlled trial Ahmed M.F. Salama *, Ahmed M. Nawar, Mohamed E. Zayed, Mohamed S. Essa 2020 International
6 Impact of mesh fixation vs non-fixation in laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal inguinal hernia repair on chronic groin pain and quality of life: a prospective randomized study Mohamed E. Zayed, Mohamed S. Essa 2020 Local
7 Incidence of Silent Deep Venous Thrombosis after Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery in Patients Who Received Combined Mechanical and Chemical Thromboprophylaxis Compared to Patients Who Received Mechanical Thromboprophylaxis Only Khaled S. Ahmad, MD, FASMBS1, Mohamed E. Zayed, MD, PhD2, Mohamed H. Faheem, MD, PhD3, and Mohamed S. Essa, MD, PhD, MRCS2 2020 International
9 Management of Breast Cancer by Different Oncoplastic Modalities Mohamed Elsayed Abdel latef Hassan 2015 International
10 The relationship between distance of breast cancer from the skin and incidence of axillary nodal metastasis in female patients with early cancer breast: correlation between radiological and pathological distance Mohamed S Essa,1 Mohamed H Faheem,2 Rana Abdalla,3 Mohamed E Zayed1 2020 Local
Mohamed Essam Zaki Ramadan
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Congenital Anomalies of Hepatobiliary System Mohamed Essam Ramadan 2015 International
2 Oesophageal Dysmotility Before and After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy H.STawfik, M.M Mohamed, A. M. Nawar and M. E. Ramadan 2019 Local
Mohamed hussein fahmy Abdelaziz Abdelhalim
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (3)
Total (7)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Extended Pedicled Perforator Plus Submental Flap for Large Cheek Defect Reconstruction Ayman M. Abdelmofeed, MD* Mohammed Elsayed Hassan, MD Ola Seif, MD* Mohamed H. Abdelhalim, MD* Mohamed T. Younes, MD 2023 International
2 Free Anterolateral Thigh flap for traumatic soft tissue defects of distal third leg and foot Comparative study between Subfascial and Suprafascial dissection Mohamed H. Fahmy, Gamal I. El Habaa, Wael M. Ayad, Hussein G. Elgohary, Ayman M. Abdelmofeed 2019 Local
3 Functional and Aesthetic outcome of Reconstructive Surgery for Contracted Neck Scars MOHAMED S. ABULFTOOH, M.Sc.; MOHAMMED A. FADEY, M.D.; MOHAMED R. MANSOUR, M.D.; MOHAMED H. ABDELHALIM, M.D. and MOHAMED T. YOUNIS, M.D. 2021 Local
4 Management of Cleft Palate Mohamed Hussein Fahmy Abdel aziz Abdel halim 2015 Local
5 Quilting Sutures Versus Suprascarpa’s Dissection in Reduction of Seroma Formation Following Abdominoplasty MOHAMED T. YOUNIS, M.D.; GAMAL IBRAHIM EL-HABAA, M.D.; ISRAA M. ELBAZZ, M.B.B.Ch. and MOHAMED H. ABDEL HALIM, M.D 2024 Local
6 Usefulness of nerve‑sparing pedicled segmental latissimus dorsi muscle flap combined with lateral thoracic skin flap for partial volume reconstruction in laterally located breast cancer Ayman M. Abdelmofeed · Mohammed A. Fadey · Ola Seif · Mohamed H. Abdelhalim · Mohamed T. Younes 2022 International
7 Versatility of unilateral propeller groin flap for coverage of large scrotal defects and its impact on testicular function Mohamed T. Younes, Ayman M. Abdelmofeed∗, Ola Seif, Mohamed H. Abdelhalim 2022 International
Mohamed Ibrahim Abdel Moneem Abourizk
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Sentinel lymph node biopsy: Is it a reliable indicator of lateral nodal involvement in papillary thyroid carcinoma Mohamed Ibrahim Abou Rizk Mohamed Ameen Abdel Hakeem Esam Sadek Radwan Gamal El_Sayed Saleh 2015 International
mohamed ibrahim mohamed abo elnasr
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Efficacy of biofeedback in school age anal incontinence Hany Salah El-Din Tawfik, Mohamed A. Mansour, Mostafa Baiuomy Abd el Wahab, Mokhtar Abd Elrahman Bahbah ,Mohamed Abu Elnasr, Emad M. Abdelrahman 2019 Local
2 The Role Of Pouches And Neorectal Reservoirs In Colorectal Surgery: A Critical Review Mohammed Ibrahim Abu El Nasr 2015 International
Mohamed Khairy Elsayed Abdelaal
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Advances in liver resection Mohamed Khairy Elsayed Abdelaal, Rene Adam 2012 International
Mohamed Samy Abd Elhaliam Kharoub
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 GENITAL RECONSTRUCTION IN AMBIGUOUS GENETALIA Mohammed Samy Abd El Haleem Kharoub 2011 International
2 Tip Rhinoplasty in cleft Lip Nasal Deformity Mohammad Samy Abd EL-Haleem Kharoub 2018 International
Mohammed Alaaeldin Sultan Ibrahim Waly
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Alternative Grafts for Brachioaxillary Hemodialysis access: Saphenous Vein Versus Synthetic Graft (Comparative Study) Mohamed Alaaeldin Sultan Waly, Atef Abd Elghany Yousef, Mostafa Baiuomy Abdelwahab, El-Sayed Afifi Abd EL-Mabood 2020 Local
2 Updates in the Management of Pancreatic Trauma in Children Mohammed Alaaeldin Sultan Waly, Elsayed Mohammed Omar Kilany, Hisham Hussein Mohamed, Ahmed Khairy Abd El-Shakour 2016 International
mohammed farid abdelhalim mustafa
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (8)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A fast, sutureless, and bloodless male circumcision technique combining the Guillotine method and a hand tool electric soldering iron, as a method to prevent postcircumcision bleeding Mohamed F. Abdelhalim 2020 International
2 Assessment of outcomes of combined minimally invasive perineal procedures for treatment of complete rectal prolapse in children: an approach to reduce recurrence rate Mohamed F. Abdelhalim 2020 International
3 Comparative retrospective study between using mesh or not in iliostomy closure as a preventive method for incisional hernia Mahmoud Abdelbaky Mahmoud,1 Mohamed F. Abdelhalim,2 Ahmed Gamal Eldin Osman1 2022 International
4 Comparative Study Between One Stage Total Transanal Endorectal Pullthrough and Assisted Transanal Soave for Treatment of Hirschsprung’s Disease Mohammed Farid Abd Elhaleem ,. Mohammed Mustafa Abd Elwahab,Elsayed Mohammed Kilany,Ayman Ahmed Albaghdady,Ayman Mahmoud Abd Elmofeed 2015 International
5 Feasibility of gluteus maximus myocutaneous pedicled flap for presacral pressure sore reconstruction: a simple approach Ayman M. Abdelmofeed, Mohamed F. Abdelhalim 2020 International
6 Gluteal fasciocutaneous rotational flap and its role in the management of complex sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus disease: a case-series study Mohamed F. Abdelhalim, Mohamed A. Elbegawy 2021 International
7 One inch incision-mesh plug repair versus laparoscopic trans-abdominal preperitoneal repair of the primary indirect inguinal hernia: a prospective comparative study Mohamed F. Abdelhalim 2021 International
8 Outcomes Of Aortobifemoral Bypass for TASC II C and D Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease; Lessons Learned EL-SAYED A. ABD EL-MABOOD, M.D.*, ** and MOHAMED F. ADBELHALIM 2020 Local
9 Thoracic fascial planes blocks in operative bed of modified radical mastectomy and their role in alleviating post-mastectomy pain: a prospective randomized study Mohamed F. Abdelhalim, Mohamed A. Elbegawy 2022 International
mohammed osaama saad hasanan elshaer
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative Study Between Intraoperative ERCP versus Laparoscopic CBD exploration in management of patients with concomitant gall bladder stone with stones in CBD Mohamed Osama El Shaer, 1,; Mostafa Mostafa Rezk, 1 , MD; Hazem Mohamed Sobeih, 1 , MD; Ayman El Nakeeb, 2 , MD; El-Sayed A. Abd EL-Mabood, 1 , MD. 2019 Local
2 RECENT ADVANCES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA Mohamed Osama Saad El-Shaer, Mostafa Mostafa Rezk, Hazem Mohamed Sobeih, Hazem El-Sayed Ali. 2016 International
Mohammed said syed ahmed essa
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (2)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative Study Between Silver Nanoparticles Dressing (SilvrSTAT Gel) and Conventional Dressing in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Healing: A Prospective Randomized Study Mohamed S. Essa, MD, PhD, MRCS1, Khaled S. Ahmad, MD, FASMBS2 , Mohamed E. Zayed, MD, PhD1, and Samia G. Ibrahim, MD, PhD1 2021 International
2 Cosmetic and oncological outcome of different oncoplastic techniques in female patients with early central breast cancer Mohamed S. Essa a, Khaled S. Ahmad b, *, Ahmed M.F. Salama a, Mohamed E. Zayed a 2021 Local
3 Delayed gastric emptying after subtotal stomach-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy (SSPPD): pancreatogastrostomy versus pancreatojejunostomy Mohamed S Essa, Ahmed M.F. Salama, Mohamed E Zayed 2020 Local
4 Evaluation of ultrasonic axillary dissection in preservation of intercostobrachial nerve and lymphatic sealing in breast cancer patients: Randomized controlled trial Ahmed M.F. Salama *, Ahmed M. Nawar, Mohamed E. Zayed, Mohamed S. Essa 2020 Local
5 Impact of mesh fixation vs non-fixation in laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal inguinal hernia repair on chronic groin pain and quality of life: a prospective randomized study Mohamed E. Zayed, Mohamed S. Essa 2020 Local
6 Incidence of Silent Deep Venous Thrombosis after Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery in Patients Who Received Combined Mechanical and Chemical Thromboprophylaxis Compared to Patients Who Received Mechanical Thromboprophylaxis Only Khaled S. Ahmad, MD, FASMBS1, Mohamed E. Zayed, MD, PhD2, Mohamed H. Faheem, MD, PhD3, and Mohamed S. Essa, MD, PhD, MRCS2 2020 Local
8 Recent Trends in Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Mohammed Said Essa,Mohammed Mokhatar El-Adel Abd EL-Ghany El-Smanody , Tarek Mohammed Ibrahim, Gamal El-Sayed Saleh 2014 International
9 The relationship between distance of breast cancer from the skin and incidence of axillary nodal metastasis in female patients with early cancer breast: correlation between radiological and pathological distance Mohamed S Essa,1 Mohamed H Faheem,2 Rana Abdalla,3 Mohamed E Zayed1 2021 Local
Mona Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Abo El-Ela
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Early outcome of single-stage repair of vestibular anus and perineal fistula without colostomy Mona Abo el ela, MohameAhmed Medhat Zaki, d Mohamed Mokhtar, El-Sayed Mohamed Omar Kilany, Hazem Mohamed Sobieh 2018 International
nagy mohamed taha ahmed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
nasser abdo abdelaziz flflia
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
ola ahmed sief
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Different Modalities of Soleus Muscle Flap in Reconstruction of Middle Third Pretibial Defects Ola Ahmed Abd El-Kader Sief, El Sayed Mohammed Kilany, Gamal Ibrahim El Habaa,Sherif Mohamed El-Kashty, Mohamed Twfik Younis 2019 International
2 Local Flaps in Facial Reconstruction Ola Ahmed Abd El-Kader Sief, Ahmad Yahiya Fareed, Gamal Ibrahim El-habbaa, Ayman M. Abd El-mofeed. 2015 Local
Samia Gamal Ebrahim
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Frozen section analysis versus imprint cytology for assessment of safety margins in breast conservation surgery Samia Gamal 2018 International
2 Recent methods in diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma Samia Gamal Ibrahem 2013 Local
Sherif Mohamed Hussien Elkaffas
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula Tract Versus Fistulotomy in Treatment of Anal Fistulas Hany Salah El-Din Tawfik MD, Emad El-din Mostafa Abdel Hafez MD, Hazem El-Sayed Ali MD, Sherif Mohammed El-Kaffas 2019 Local
2 Recent Advances in Laproscopic Colorectal Surgery Sherif Mohammed Hussien El-Kaffas, Nabil Ahmed Ali, Hany Salah El-Din Tawfik, Hazem El-Sayed Ali 2015 International
Yousef Kotb Mansour Kiotb
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
ahmed elewa abdelwahab elewa abdelnaby
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Open inguinal hernia repair Comparative study between external oblique aponeurosis flab herniorrhaphy versus lichtenstein tension free hernioplasty H.G.H.Elgohary, H.E.A.Hassan, A.E.Abdelwahab, Mohamed.A.Elbegawy 2023 Local
Ahmed Hamza Metwally Hamza
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Original Article Studying The Relationship between the width of penile glans and urethral caliber in neonates ahmed hamaz 2022 Local
Ahmed mahmoud abdelkader mahmoud ghalab
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparing Open Preperitoneal Versus Laparoscopic Totally Extra Peritoneal Repair of Inguinal Hernia E.El-din M.Abdelhafez, H.G.Elgohary, H.E.Ali, and A.M.A.M.Ghalab 2022 Local
2 Fistulotomy with marsupialization versus fistulotomy alone in treatment of low fistula- in-ano: a comparative study Ahmed Mahmoud AbdEl-Kader Ghalab,(M.B.B.Ch.), Hany Salah El-Din Tawfik,Mostafa Mostafa Rezk,Ahmed Mohamed Zidan 2017 International
Ahmed mohammed kamel tohamy
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assisted Liposuction with Abdominoplasty Versatility and Results prof.dr.ahmed yahya ahmed farid prof.dr.gamal ibrahim elhabaa ayman mahmoud abdelmofeed 2017 International
2 Values of Nerve Transfer in Upper Limb Nerve Injury Mohammad- Reda Ahmad (a) ,Gamal Ibrahim Elhabbaa (b) ,Muhammad Hassan Muhammad Abdel-Aal(c) , Atef Abd_Elghany Salem(d) Ahmed Mohammed Kamel Tohamy( 2022 Local
Ahmed Tarek Mohamed Barakat
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Five Layer Repair in Management of sacrococcygeal Pilonidal Sinus A.T.Barakat1, M.M.Rizk1, E.M.Kilany1 and E.M.Oraby1 2020 Local
Ayman Abdelmeguid Salah Abdelaziz khater
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair TEP versus TAPP M.M.Mohammed, R.S.Ahmed, A.Ab.Abdelaziz 2021 Local
Ayman mahmoud abdelmofed hassan
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
hazem elsayed ali algeuoshi
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
hisham elsayed mohammed mohammed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Original Article Comparative study between Snodgrass technique with preputioplasty and Snodgrass technique with circumcision in treatment of distal hypospadias Mohammed Mostafa Abdel, Hisham Elsayed Mohammed Mohammed.erif Abdelmaaboud Elgazzar, Magdi Ahmed Loulahwahab, Hazem Mohammed Sobeih, 2023 Local
2 Stepwise Management of Blunt Abdominal Trauma in Children: Effectiveness and Outcome Hazem M. Sobieh, MD; Hisham H. Mohammed, MD; Mohammed A. Elbegawy, MD 2018 International
Ibrahim Abdelhamid Aboelmaty Fakreldin
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative Study Between Suction-Assisted Lipectomy And Direct Defatting Of Inferior Pole OF The Breast In Superiomedial Pedicle Reduction Mammoplasty Mohamed Attia Khalil, MD; Gamal Ibrahim El Habaa, MD; Mohamed Tawfik younis MD; Ibrahim Abdelhamid Aboelmaaty Fakhreldeen, ( 2019 International
2 Role of Intraoperative Endoscopy During Laparoscopic Antireflux Procedure in Children Prof. Hazem Mohamed Elsayed Sobeih , Prof. Mohamed Magdy Elbarbary ,Prof. Ehab Mahroos Oraby ,Ibrahim Abdelhamid Aboelmaaty Fakhreldeen 2023 Local
Mahmoud Abu Elabbas Elmoghazy Moustafa
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Incidence and aetiology Of Gallstones Formation After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (retrospective study) Atef Abdel Ghany Yousef, Ahmed Mohamed Zedan, Mohamed El Sayed Abd El-latif, Mahmoud Abu El-Abbas Elmoghazy 2020 Local
Mahmoud Goda Ahmed Abd el halim
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Hemorrhoidectomy versus Hemorrhoidectomy with Internal Anal Sphincterotomy in Management of Hemorrhoids. Mahmoud Goda Ahmed Abd Elhalim, MB, B.Ch; Abdelhafez E, MD; Hussein G. El Gohary, MD; Mohammed Farid Abd Elhalim, MD. 2019 Local
2 Outcome of Endo-anal Ultrasound Guided Injection of Botulinum Toxin Type-A Therapy in Puborectalis Muscle in Patients with Anismus Mohammed F. Abd Elhalim, Emad El Deen M. Abd El Hafez, Hany S. Tawfik, Mostafa B. Abd El Wahab, Mahmoud G. Abdelhalim and Mohamed Mohamed I. Abuelnasr 2023 Local
mohamed Ebrahim hasan
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative Study between Laparoscopic and Open approaches in Complete Mesocolic Excision in Right Hemicolectomy in Surgical Treatment of Tumors of the Ascending Colon Mohamed E. Zayed , . Emad E. Abd El-Hafez , . G. Saleh , Mohamed E. Hasan , Haitham S. Afifi 2023 Local
2 Comparative study between open and laparoscopic varicocelectomy in treatment of Varicocele mohamed attia khalil gamal el said saleh mohamed el said abd el-latif mohamed ebrahim hasan 2019 Local
mohamed elsayed mohamed moharam
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Cosmetic and Oncological Outcome of Different Oncoplastic Techniques in Female Patients with Early Central Breast Cancer A.M.Zidan, R.S.ELNagar, A.M.F.Salama,M.E.Moharam 2023 Local
Mohamed Khaled Mohamed Atef Essa
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative study between Open and Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Complicated Cases E.A.Sadek; G.E.Saleh M.T.Youness; S.A.El-gazzar 2021 Local
Mohamed Ramadan Swilem
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Accuracy of positron emission tomography-computed tomography in the assessment of metabolically negative axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer Ahmed M. F. Salamaa , Mohamed R. Swilema , Ahmed Zidanb , Mohamed F. Sherifc , Ahmed M. Nawara 2024 International
2 Feasibility of Gluteus Maximus Myocutaneous Flap for Repair of Sacral Pressure Sore Gamal Ibrahim El-Habaa , Ayman M. Abdelmofeed and Mohamed Tawfik Younes and Mohamed R. Swilem 2019 Local
Mostafa Saeed Elsayed Abdeen
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative Study between Karydakis Technique Versus Rhomboidal Flap in Management of Pilonidal Sinus Atef Abdel Ghany Yousef, Mohamed Abdel Hakim Mansour, Ahmed Khairy Allam and Mostafa Saeed ELsayed Abdeen 2019 Local
2 Comparative Study Between Pedicled Groin Flap and Free Anterolateral Thigh Flap in Reconstruction of Complex Soft Tissue Hand Defects Wael Ayad, M.D.**; Gamal Ibrahim El-Habaa, M.D.*; Emad Eldeen Mostafa Abdelhafez,, M.D.*; Mostafa Saeed Abdeen, M. Sc.*; Ola Ahmed Seif, M.D.*; Ahmed Abdelrahim Shoulah, M.D 2023 Local
MustafaElsamie mohamed ibrahim
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Diaphragmatic Hernias mostafa Abdel-samie Mohamed, Nabil Ahmed Ali, Osama Bahgat,Mohamed Mokhtar 1992 International
Hamdy Hassan Elsayed Abdelhady
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative Study between Anterior Components Separation Versus Posterior Components Separation Technique in Repairing of Huge Ventral Hernia Mohammed Mahmoud Mohammed , _Ahmed Mostafa Nawar _Mohammed Attia Elfadey , hamdy hassan elsayed 2024 Local
Hossam Ala'a Eldin Gouda Mahmoud Goma
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of the Outcomes of Laparoscopic Total Extra Peritoneal Inguinal Hernia Repair without Mesh Fixation H.A.Eldin Gouda, M.B.Abdelwahab, A.M.Abdelmofeed and M.E.AbouRizk 2022 Local
Ibrahem Eid Ibrahim Mohamed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Acute Appendicitis in children; Is Surgery the only treatment modality? hazem mohammed , ibrahim eid, hesham hussein, mohammed el shaer 2024 Local
Israa Mosaad Husein Elabazz
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Quilting Sutures versus Suprascarp's Dissection in Reduction of Seroma Formation Following Abdominoplasty Mohamed T. Younis M.D.; Gamal Ibrahim El-Habaa M.D.; Israa M. Elbazz M. B, B. Ch.; Mohamed H. Abdel Halim M.D 2023 Local
mohamed hamdy soliman melege shaheen
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative Study Between Radiofrequency Ablation And mechanochemical Ablation Of Great Saphenous Vein Reflux 2023 Local
Mohamed Shehta Abdelhady
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative study between Clip Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Versus Cholecystectomy Using Energy Sealing Devices A.A.G. Yousef1, H.G.El-Gohary1, M.E.Abd El-latif1 and M.S. Abd Elhady1 2020 Local
Mohammed Fathy Abdelfatah Abdelrazik
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
mustafa mohamed elsayed shebl
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparative study between laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and single anastmosis sleeve ileal bypass in management of morbid obese patients 1G.E.Saleh,1A.K.Allam , 1M.E.zayed, 1M.M.Shebl1 2022 Local
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
randa gerges
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)