Mohamed Abd Elzahar
Abd El Aziz Abd El Halim Abd El Wahed
Abdelmoniem ahmed mohamed marzouk
Adel Hafez Hassan Al-Fallah
Ahmed Mahamoud Abd Elbaky Zahran
Ali Mohamed Mahmoud
Badawy Mahmoud Hathout
Hamdi mohamed abdelhalim masoud
Hassan Yassen Ashour
ibrahim shedid
Magdy Ahmed El Sayed Eltabey
Mohamed ali abdelhalim
Sami roshdi toson
Ahmed adel ahmed abo taleb
Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed El-Adl
# |
Title |
type |
1 |
American Urological Association (AUA) |
Membership |
2 |
Arab Urological Association |
Membership |
3 |
Egyptian Urological Association |
Membership |
4 |
Endourological Society |
Membership |
5 |
European Urological Association |
Membership |
Ahmed sebaey Ahmed
Ehab Mohamed Ali El-barky
# |
Title |
type |
1 |
Arab Association of Urology |
Membership |
Hammouda Waheeb Hammouda Sherif
khaled abdelhamid mohamed
Mostafa Mahmod Khalil
# |
Title |
type |
1 |
Best poster presentation IN AUA MEETING 2017 |
Award |
2 |
Award |
3 |
Best presentation Award in EUA MEETING MARCH 2019, BARCELONA, SPAIN |
Award |
4 |
American Urological Association |
Membership |
5 |
Egyptian Urological Association |
Membership |
6 |
European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM) |
Membership |
7 |
European Urological Association |
Membership |
8 |
International Continence Society (ICS) |
Membership |
9 |
International Society of Sexual Medicine (ISSM) |
Membership |
10 |
Membership |
11 |
Society International Urological(SIU) |
Membership |
12 |
Pan Arab Continence Society(PACS). |
Membership |
Shabib Ahmed Mohamed
Tarek Mohamed El-Karamany Abosteit
Waleed Elsayed Elshaer
# |
Title |
type |
1 |
reviewer in current urology journal |
Membership |
Abdallah Fathy Abd Alazim
Ahmed Mohey Abd-Elaziz
Amr Mohammed Dakhakhni
Ashraf Mohamed Abd Alal
Basheer Nagy El Mohamady Saad
Mohamed Abdel_rahman Alhefnawy
Rabea Gomaa Sayed Omar
Tarek Mohamed Gharib Ahmed
Tarek Soliman Osman
Wael Saber Kandil
Yasser Abdelsattar Noureldin
# |
Title |
type |
1 |
American Urological Association (AUA) Stipend, 2014 |
Award |
2 |
American Urological Association, Urology Care Foundation Award 2015 |
Award |
3 |
CUASF-SIU International Scholarship 2015 |
Award |
4 |
Societe Internationale d'Urologie (SIU) Scholarship, 2014 |
Award |
5 |
The Best Clinical Research Presentation Award, Saint Laurent Urological Group (SLUG) Meeting January 2015, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada |
Award |
6 |
The Best Poster Award: The annual Canadian Urological Association Meeting, Ottawa, ON, Canada 2015 |
Award |
7 |
The Best Presentation Award, Societe Internationale d'Urologie meeting, 2014, Glasgow, Scotland, UK |
Award |
8 |
American Urological Association (AUA) |
Membership |
9 |
Assocaite Fellow, American College of Surgeons |
Membership |
10 |
Canadian Urological Association |
Membership |
11 |
Egyptian Urological Association (EUA) |
Membership |
12 |
European Association of Urology (EAU) |
Membership |
13 |
Societe Internationale d'Urologie |
Membership |
Ahmed Abdel naeem Ali Elmogy
Ahmed Abou Elezz Abdel Fattah
Ahmed Hashem Mohammed Ahmed
Alaa Abd El Razek El Shaer
# |
Title |
type |
1 |
American urological association |
Membership |
2 |
Egyptian society for reproductive medicine |
Membership |
3 |
Egyptian urological association |
Membership |
4 |
European association of urology |
Membership |
5 |
الجمعية المصرية لرعاية مرضى المسالك البولية بالقليوبية |
Membership |
Hossam AbdelFattah AbdelAziz Aboelnasr
hussein mohamed shaher attwa elkady
islam sayed awad nouh
Kareem Aly Ibrahim Hassan El-Atar
Mahmoud El-Sayed Hassanein Abdel-Aziz Mobark
mahmoud mohamed farag ali
Mohamed Abd EL-Azeem Hassanien Hessein
Mohamed Kadry Mostafa Farag
Mohamed mahmoud abdelrahman emam elazab
Salah Abd El hamed El Hamshary
Salah Eldin Mohammed Elbashir Abdelaziz Abdelwahab
tamer abd elwahab abd elmonem mohamed diab
Yahia Ebrahim Hussien El Kerdasy
Ahmed Abd El Halim Ahmed Emam El Ghobashy
ahmed ebrahim mohammed zahran
Helmy Ahmed Ali El-Deep
Kareem Mohammed Abd-elhalim Ahmed Nouh
Mostafa Ali Mahmoud Mohamed
Mostafa Atef Elsayed Hefny Elsaadany
saad ali saad salama
Eslam Said Ahmed Mohamed Eid
Mohamed Mostafa Mohamed Farag Elkholy
Ayman basiouny mohamed safwt
Hisham mohamed abdelhay elgharby