
Faculty of Agriculture: Department of Horticulture

Experience In This Department: 47

Ahmed Said Mohamed Youssef
Abou Bakr Zaki Abd Elaziz
Ahmed Reda Abd-Elmohsen Aggour
Bahgat Mahmoud Halil Zaafarany
Effat Abd Elbasset Mohamed Ageena
Eman Mokhtar Ali Abou El Ghait
Essam Azoz Hasab Allah
Fathy Abo El-Nasr Abo Sedera
Fouad M. Abd-El-Latif
Mohamed Abd El-Wahab Khamis
Mohamed Elsaid Ahmed Zaki
Mohamed Mohamed Sharaf Darwish
Nabawi Ahmed Ali Hagagy
Nadia Saad Abd El-Razzak Shafshak
Safaa Mustafa Mohamed Mustafa
# details
2 Abstracts of publications
Said Moawad Mohamed Eid
Tawfik Abd Elhameed Abed Baioumy
Abd El-Hakeem Saad Abd El-Hakeem Ahmed Shams
# details
1 - Academic supervisor on farm vegetables, Faculty of Agric., Benha Univ. (3/2012-till now).
2 - Assistant lecturer at Horticulture Dept., Faculty of Agric., Moshtohor, Benha Univ., (2003-2009).
3 - Associate Professor at Horticulture Dept., Faculty of Agric., Benha Univ. (2015-till now).
4 - Demonstrator at Horticulture Dept., Faculty of Agric., Moshtohor, Benha Univ., (1999-2003).
5 - IT unit manager, Faculty of Agric., Benha Univ. (10/2013-9/2015).
6 - Lecturer at Horticulture Dept., Faculty of Agric., Benha Univ. (2009-2015).
7 - Member of Association of Agricultural Chemistry and Environmental Protection (2010-till now).
8 - Member of the Faculty Council - Faculty of Agric., Benha Univ. (11/2013-9/2015).
9 - Member of the Library Committee - Faculty of Agric., Benha Univ. (10/2013-9/2014).
10 - Member of the Scientific and Cultural - Faculty of Agric., Benha Univ. (10/2012-9/2013).
11 - Visitor Scientist (6/2007-8/2008), Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, Braunschweig, Germany. “Mission”
12 -Experience in laboratory analysis (Chlorophyll, Reducing, non reducing and total sugars, vitamin C, Total acidity, Total soluble solids, macro and micronutrients) and using laboratory equipment (Spectrophotometer, Flame photometer, Micro-kjeldahl, Aqua Regia and Refractometer). -International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL): 25/07/2006 – Serial Number UN 06 03 1685. Excellent in the statistical analysis manually or by using - MSTAT: A microcomputer program of the Design Management. - SPSS: Statistical package for the social sciences.
Ahmed Ahmed Rezk El_Said Atawia
Anwar Osman Gomaa Hassan
Dr.Mahran Mokhtar Mohamed Ashry El Nagar
# details
1 Aware of using genetic lab basics facilities, devices, chemicals…etc. - My practical awareness increased by going to seminars, visiting research centers, training Courses, hosting teachers from different universities …etc. - Trained on the most newly advanced techniques in the field of the plant genetic improvement during my actual Master, Ph.d. and post.doc. - Laboratory Skills: PCR Based Techniques " SSR – ISSR" – Primer Extension - Sequencing – Real Time PCR Electrophoresis for both Nucleic Acids and Proteins – Protein extraction methods – DNA, RNA isolation and extraction methods - Analysis of gel images- Genetic transformation using Agrobacterium and Particle bombardment- Tissue culture - Somatic embryogenesis – Classic breeding.
Gamal El-Din Ibrahem Attoa
Hamed El-Zaabalawy Mahmoud El-Badawy
Hassan El-Sayed Mansour Gendiah
Khaled Ali Ibrahim Bakry
Lotfy Abd El-Fattah Abd El-Rahman Badr
Mustafa Hamza Mohamed Mohamed
Sherif Fathy Eid El-Sayed El-Gioushy
Yaser Abd El- Fattah Abd El- Aty Ghatas
# details
1 إعداد بعض الوسائل التعليمية التى تخدم العملية التعليمية مثل العروض التقديمية للمقررات المختلفة power point.
2 القدرة على استخدام الحاسب الآلى و الاستفادة من ذلك فى العملية التعليمية (كتابة المذكرات الخاصة بالمواد المختلفة و كتابة توصيف وتقارير هذه المواد- و أيضاً التجميع عن طريق النت للعمل على تطوير المناهج باستمرار).
3 القدرة على الابتكار والتطوير.
4 القيام بإجراء التحليلات الإحصائية باستخدام برنامجMstatc) ) و القدرة على تصميم الحدائق باستخدام برنامج الاوتوكاد
Yousry Fahmy Yousef Mohamad
Amira Soltan Abd Elhamed
Lamiaa Abdallah El-Khayat
hoda ashour ahmed desoky
Samar Said El-Sayed Halawa
Yasser Abdelgany Mohamed Baker Elgazar
# details
1 لدي خبرة جيدة في الزراعات المحمية سواء لمحاصيل الخضر أوالزينة أوالنباتات الطبية والعطرية
2 دورة في الحاسب الآلي بالجامعة في البوربوينت المتقدم دورة في الحاسب الآلي بالجامعة في Excel
3 دورة في الحاسب الآلي بالجامعة في معالجة النصوص Word دورة تنمية قدرات أعضاء هيئة التدريس والقيادات ( أخلاقيات واداب المهنة)
4 دورة تدريبية فى استخدام الحاسب الالى . دورات تدريبية فى مشروع تطوير نظم تقويم الطلاب والإمتحانات D S A S P جامعة بنها
5 لدي خبرة جيدة في مجال نباتات الزينة والنباتات الطبية والعطرية وتنسيق وتجميل الحدائق وخاصة بالبرامج الحديثة مثل اليال تايم لاند سكيب وغيره
6 دورة في الحاسب الآلي بالجامعة في المفاهبم الأساسية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات
7 A course in computer in the university in the advanced Bourboin
8 A course in computer science at the university in the basic computer sciences
9 A course in the computer in the university in Word processing
10 Academic standards of quality and reliability International TOEFL course at the University
11 Attend the training course entitled "Use of technology in teaching" within the program to develop the capacity of faculty members of the university
12 Concept of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Systems
13 Course in Computer University in Excel
14 Courses in English Courses on how to work with the anthechate program
15 Courses in quality and accreditation systems
16 courses in the end-skype (landscaping using the program Real Time Land Scape)
17 courses in the ethics of scientific research Courses in tissue culture
18 Developing the capacity of faculty members and leaders (ethics and professional ethics)
19 Developing the capacity of faculty members and leaders (scientific research methods)
20 I have good experience in protected crops, whether for vegetable crops, ornamental or medicinal plants and aromatic
21 I have good experience in the field of ornamental plants and medical and aromatic plants and the coordination and beautification of gardens, especially with modern programs such as Alal Time Land Scape and others
22 Professional security courses courses in the farmhouses
23 Training course in the use of computer.
24 Training courses in the project of developing systems of assessment of students and examinations D S A S P University of Benha
25 دورات في أخلاقيات البحث العلمي دورات في زراعة الأنسجة دورات في نظم الجودة والأعتماد
26 دورات في الاندسكيب(تنسيق الحدائق بأستخدام برنامج الريال تايم لاند سكيب) دورات في اللغة الأنجليزية
27 دورات في الصوب الزراعية
28 دورات في كيفية العمل ببرنامج الأقتباس thantechate دورات في الأمن المهني
Zeinb Ibrahim Mohamed Arab
asmaa Mohamed abdelsameea ahmed El-Nmr
Dena Mohamed Elsayed Abdelhamid
Fathy Gamal Fathy Hamouda
Hadeer Hammam El-Toukhy Bahloul
noura hemdan fathy youssef abouzaid