Faculty:      Department:

Faculty of Medicine: Department of UROLOGY

Experience In This Department: 19

Mohamed Abd Elzahar
Abd El Aziz Abd El Halim Abd El Wahed
Abdelmoniem ahmed mohamed marzouk
Adel Hafez Hassan Al-Fallah
Ahmed Mahamoud Abd Elbaky Zahran
Ali Mohamed Mahmoud
Badawy Mahmoud Hathout
Hamdi mohamed abdelhalim masoud
Hassan Yassen Ashour
ibrahim shedid
Magdy Ahmed El Sayed Eltabey
Mohamed ali abdelhalim
Sami roshdi toson
Ahmed adel ahmed abo taleb
Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed El-Adl
# details
1 Al-Adwani General Hospital – Taif- KSA Consultant urology from 2008 to 2014
2 Assistant Lecturer Urology at Benha University Hospital from 12/6/1999 to 28/3/2005
3 Egyptian MOH from 1/3/1989 to 17/3/1989
4 Elite Medical Center Riyadh - KSA Consultant urology from 2006 to 2008
5 House Officer in Egyptian MOH and Benha University Hospital from 3/1989 to 2/1989
6 Lecturer of Urology at Benha Faculty of Medicine from 29/3/2005 till date
7 Urology Resident in Benha University Hospital from 18/6/1989 to 28/2/1993
Ahmed sebaey Ahmed
Ehab Mohamed Ali El-barky
# details
1 OPERATIVE SKILLS: 1-Basic Urologic Procedures including; urethral instrumentation, testicular and prostatic biopsy, flexible cystoscopy, application of PCN, ESWL and Percutaneous Suprapubic Cystostomy as well as Urodynamic studies. 2-Open surgical procedures including: a) Inguino-scrotal surgery (orchiopexy for cryptorchidism, varicocelectomy with different approaches, hydrocelectomy, hernia repair, orchiectomy) b) Bladder surgery (cystolithotomy, partial and total cystectomy, augmentation cystoplasty, cancer surgery and different types of diversion) c) Prostatic surgery (Transvesical & Millin’s prostatectomy) d) Ureteric surgery (stones, stricture repair including resection anastomosis, uretero-neocystostomy with various antireflux procedures) e) Renal surgery (stones surgery, partial & total nephrectomy, pyeloplasty) f) Penile surgery (hypospadius & penile curvatures repair and penile prosthesis) g) Urethral reconstructive surgery. 3-Endoscopic procedures including: a) Diagnostic Endoscopic Procedures. b) Visual Internal Urethrotomy. c) Cystolithotripsy. d) TURP and TURBT. e) Ureteroscopy. f) PCNL. g) Laparoscopic surgery. 4- Basic microsurgical procedures including; vaso & epipidymo -vasostomy.
Hammouda Waheeb Hammouda Sherif
khaled abdelhamid mohamed
Mostafa Mahmod Khalil
Shabib Ahmed Mohamed
Tarek Mohamed El-Karamany Abosteit
Waleed Elsayed Elshaer
Abdallah Fathy Abd Alazim
Ahmed Mohey Abd-Elaziz
Amr Mohammed Dakhakhni
Ashraf Mohamed Abd Alal
Basheer Nagy El Mohamady Saad
Mohamed Abdel_rahman Alhefnawy
Rabea Gomaa Sayed Omar
Tarek Mohamed Gharib Ahmed
Tarek Soliman Osman
Wael Saber Kandil
Yasser Abdelsattar Noureldin
# details
1 American Urological Association Urology Care Foundation Research Scholar from July 1st 2015 to June 30th 2016
2 Assistant Lecturer of Urology from 27/01/2010 to 28/04/2013 in the Urology Department, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt
3 Certified Clinical Investigator at McGill University Health Centre from April 9th 2014 - till current, McGill University, Montreal, Qc, Canada
4 CUASF-SIU International Scholar from July 1st 2015 to June 30th 2016
5 Demonstrator of Urology from 19/10/2009 to 26/01/2010 in the Urology Department, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt
6 Endourology Fellow from November 11th 2013 – till current, Urology Department, Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University Health Centre, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
7 House officer from 1/03/2005 to 28/02/2006 in Benha University Hospitals, Benha University, Egypt.
8 Lecturer of Urology from 29/04/2013- till current in the Urology Department, Benha Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt
9 Pediatric Urology Clinical Fellow from November 2009 to December 2013, Kids Hospital, Egypt.
10 Physician in Charge in Health Affairs Directorate in Kalyobiya from 1/03/2006 to 17/06/2006 in Kalyobiya, Egypt
11 Resident of Urology from 18/06/2006 to 17/06/2009 in the Urology Department, Benha University Hospitals, Benha University, Egypt
Ahmed Abdel naeem Ali Elmogy
Ahmed Abou Elezz Abdel Fattah
Ahmed Hashem Mohammed Ahmed
Alaa Abd El Razek El Shaer
Hossam AbdelFattah AbdelAziz Aboelnasr
hussein mohamed shaher attwa elkady
islam sayed awad nouh
Kareem Aly Ibrahim Hassan El-Atar
Mahmoud El-Sayed Hassanein Abdel-Aziz Mobark
mahmoud mohamed farag ali
Mohamed Abd EL-Azeem Hassanien Hessein
Mohamed Kadry Mostafa Farag
Mohamed mahmoud abdelrahman emam elazab
Salah Abd El hamed El Hamshary
Salah Eldin Mohammed Elbashir Abdelaziz Abdelwahab
tamer abd elwahab abd elmonem mohamed diab
Yahia Ebrahim Hussien El Kerdasy
Ahmed Abd El Halim Ahmed Emam El Ghobashy
ahmed ebrahim mohammed zahran
Helmy Ahmed Ali El-Deep
Kareem Mohammed Abd-elhalim Ahmed Nouh
Mostafa Ali Mahmoud Mohamed
Mostafa Atef Elsayed Hefny Elsaadany
saad ali saad salama
Eslam Said Ahmed Mohamed Eid
Mohamed Mostafa Mohamed Farag Elkholy
Ayman basiouny mohamed safwt
Hisham mohamed abdelhay elgharby