
Faculty of Engineering, Benha: Department of Civil Engineering

Experience In This Department: 129

Ahmed Hassan Aly Abdel Kareem
Fahmy Salah Fahmy Abdelhaleem
# details
1 Executing river, hydraulic structures and power plants studies,
2 Physical and mathematical Modeling for river and hydraulic structures,
3 Producing survey maps,
4 Professional experience in the sphere of : hydrographic, topographic and bathymetric survey
5 Published researches in the field of specialization,
6 Supervising Master of Science and doctoral researchers
7 Teaching national scientific courses (Egypt) and international scientific courses (Africa)
8 Writing technical reports in both English and Arabic languages
Hala Mohamed Refaat Abd Elmouhaimen Abu Safa
Alnos Aly Easa Hegazy
# details
1 Analyses of Soil Mechanics and Geo-technical works
2 Designer of structural buildings and foundations
3 Preparing engineering reports about the buildings and structure cases for rehabilitation or strengthening.
4 Preparing laboratories files (requirements, specifications, testing, calibration,… etc.) of soil mechanics and foundation engineering laboratory, surveying laboratory and construction materials laboratory.
Ashraf mohamed mohamed abourayan
# details
1 • Conducting experimental and analytical research in many aspects of the engineering structural field. • Consultant Engineer
Elsayed Elkasaby
# details
4 Consultant of Soil Mechanics and Foundations since 1992 by Egyptian Engineering syndicate.
5 Consultant of reinforced Concrete Structures since 1997 by Egyptian Engineering syndicate.
6 * Serving as a Consultant in Consultative Centers in: Assuit University, Sanaa University, Tanta University, and Banha Higher Institute of Technology. * Serving as A Consultant for many organizations in Egypt. * Serving as A Consultant for Examining and restoration and repairing many buildings in Egypt.
7 * Supervising as a owner's Consultant for projects of restoration and conservation of many hundreds projects of ancient Egypt (Pharaonic), Christian (Coptic), Islamic Antiquities, monuments and historic buildings, for example A-Restored monuments - The Hanging church and Babylon fortress,Cairo - Amr Bin-Aas Mosque, Cairo . - Alexandria national museum, Alexandria. - Sayyiddarwish theatre, Alexandria. - Damanhur theatre, Damanhur . - Al-Mu'ayyadShaykh mosque, Cairo. - Qalawun group, Cairo. - Sarghatmash mosque, Cairo. - Sakara museum, Giza . - Sabil Muhammad ' Ali in an-Nahhasin ,Cairo . - Tomb of Remses II sons. The valley of the Kings, Luxer. - Lady Wasila's house, Cairo. - Mahmud Moharram Mosque, Cairo. - Al- Ghory mosque,Cairo. - Prince Taz palace, Cairo . - The Mosque of IbnTulun ,Cairo . - Al-AmirBashtakPalace, Cairo. - Mosque ,Sabil and kuttabSulyman Agha al- silhadar , Cairo . - The mosque and Tikkia of Abu Ad-dahab, Cairo - SantCathrerine Monastery, Sinai. - Development of area of Abu Simbel temple. - The Coptic museum ,Cairo . - Muhammad Ali palace , Shubra . - The Egyptian textile museum ,Cairo . - Protection of Dier el Bahri, Luxer. - The Street of Al-Mu, iz ,Cairo. - The Mausoleum of Nijm ad-Din Ayyub , Cairo . - The Madrasa of al-Ashraf Barsbay ,Cairo - Khan az-Zarakisha ,Cairo . - The QaitbayWikala ,Cairo . - Al-'AyniSchool ,Cairo . - The Madrasa and Mausoleum of an-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun ,Cairo . - The Bath of Sa'id as-Su'ada ,Cairo . - The House of Ad-dardiri ,Cairo . - The House of As-Sadat , Cairo . - The Fatimid Dome ,Cairo . - The Wikala of al-silhadar ,Cairo . - The Bath of Inal ,Cairo . - Sabil and KuttabAbdar-RahmanKatkhodha , Cairo. - Amir Mamay As-SifyMiq'ad ,Cairo . - The palace of esma,aiel pasha Al-moftesh,Cairo. - Bedroom of Egyptian museum, Cairo. - Muhammad Ali palace in Manyal ,Cairo . - The Aqueduct of Sur Majra al-Uyun , cairo - North Wall, Bab an-Nasr & Bab al-Futuh ,Cairo . - Study lowering ground water level of many projects; Karnak temple, Luxer temple. - Luxer and the sphinx area, Abu-Sirgachurch, Abu-Zwila church, Cairo. B-Monumments under Rastoration - Bimaristan al-Mu'ayyadi , Cairo - The Street of Al-Gamalia , Cairo - The House of Al-robma, ia, Cairo . - The National theatre, cairo . - ManesterleyPalace, Cairo. - The Palace of SultanQautbai ,Cairo . - The Bath al-Mu'ayyad ,Cairo . - The Bath al-Skkariyya , Cairo . The House of ash-Shabshirri ,Cairo
8 April 2012 up to now : Consultant of ministry projects, bureau of Minister of Culture, Cairo, Egypt.
9 Aug. 1998 to Jan. 2001: Consultant of Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt.
10 Aug. 2001 to Feb. 2011: Consultant of ministry projects, bureau of Minister of Culture, Cairo, Egypt.
11 Feb. 2011 to April 2012: Consultant, head of general Supervising committee and head of high engineering committee of Historic Cairo development project, bureau of Minister of Antiquities , Cairo, Egypt.
12 Founding Private Office since 1992 for consulting works of civil projects . Hundreds consultant reports, soil investigation reports, examination, quality control, restoration and conservation of building and structures have been prepared. Many deferent projects like: Factories, Hospitals, Tall buildings, Schools, Institutes, Faculties, Tanks, Bridges , Steel Structures and different buildings have been completely designed.
13 Jan. 2001 to Jul. 2009: Consultant and head of high engineering committee of Historic Cairo development project, bureau of Minister of Culture, Cairo, Egypt
14 July. 2009 to Feb. 2011: head of general Supervising committee of Historic Cairo development project, bureau of Minister of Culture, Cairo, Egypt.
15 Sharing as A Consultant of Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities and Historic Cairo development project in planning and studying restoration and conservation projects of ancient Egypt (Pharaonic), Christian (Coptic), Islamic Antiquities and monuments and historic buildings.
Gamal Ismail Khaleel
# details
1 - Design of Dahab star light village – Dahab
2 - Design of Kaood sharm hotel – sharm elshekh.
3 - Design of Safwa city – six of October city.
4 - Design of severa Villas.
5 - Design of Several high rise buildings ( elwafaa tower – elaseel tower – elzahraa tower – elwaled tower)
6 - Design of Several school foundations.
7 - Design of Varna Matroh Village – Murs a matroh
8 External Review of Higher Education Institutions. المراجعة الخارجية لمؤسسات التعليم الجامعي
9 Institutional Self-Evaluation for Higher Education. التقويم الذاتي لمؤسسات التعليم العالي
10 Program Specifications and Curriculum Maps for Higher Education Institution. توصيف البرامج وخرائط المنهج لمؤسسات التعليم العالي
11 Strategic Planning. التخطيط الاستراتيجي
12 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ 8 مبانى سكنية فى مدينة المقطم ، كل مبنى يتكون من 7 طوابق.
13 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ أساسات عمارات المجاورات أرقام 28، 29 ، 35بمدينة 15 مايو.
14 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ المركز التجارى والسياحى فى سموحة "الإسكندرية" على مساحة 21000م2ويتكون المشروع من 6 وحدات تجارية ومبنى سينما على دورين.
15 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ جامع ومركز إسلامى فى مدينة بهلا - عمان.
16 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ عمارة سكنية بالمقطم تتكون من 12 طابق.
17 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ عمارة سكنية بالمنيل تتكون من 15 طابق.
18 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ عمارة سكنية بشارع عمان بالمهندسين تتكون من 14 طابق.
19 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ عمارة سكنية بمدينة نصر تتكون من 13 طابق.
20 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ عمارة سكنية تتكون من 16 طابق بشارع البحر الأعظم ( أمام القرية الفرعونية )
21 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ فندق النهضة فى عمان ويتكون من 10 طوابق وحمام سباحة.
22 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ قرية دهب السياحية بجنوب سيناء ( بتكلفة قدرها 30 مليون جنيه )
23 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ مبانى المعهد العالى للتكنولوجيا ببنها.
24 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ مبنى الرقابة الإدارية ببورسعيد.
25 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ مجمع سكنى وتجارى بالسبتية.
26 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ مجموعة من العمارات السكنية بمدينة نصر والهرم.
27 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ مستشفى مرفق مياه القاهرة الكبرى.
28 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ مسجد المعهد العالى للتكنولوجيا ببنها.
29 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ مشروع الصرف الصحى ملك الشركة العمة للبترول فى راس غارب .
30 الإشتراك فى التصميم والإشراف على تنفيذ مصنع للمنظفات بالعاشر من رمضان.
31 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت المستشفيات والوحدات الصحية بمحافظة الغربية ومنها: ـ الوحدة الصحية بدهتورة. ـ الوحدة الصحية بشرشابة. ـ مستشفى زفتى العام. ـ مستشفى قطور.
32 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت المستشفيات والوحدات الصحية بمحافظة بنى سويف ومنها: ـ الوحدة الصحية بالميمون. ـ مستشفى أهناسيا.
33 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت خزان مياه بهورين بالمنوفية.
34 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت عدد 60 (ستون) مدرسة و20 (عشرون) مبنى بالقاهرة والجيزة وذلك بعد زلزال أكتوبر 1992.
35 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت عمارات سكنية بمصيف جمصة.
36 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت عمارات شركة المعمورة بالمعمورة البلد.
37 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت عمارات شركة المعمورة بالمعمورة بالإسكندرية.
38 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت عمارة شركة القاهرة للإسكان والتعمير بلوران.
39 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت فيلات وعمارات إسكان أعضاء هيئة التدريس بجامعة الزقازيق.
40 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت مبنى قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية بهندسة الأزهر.
41 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت مبنى مديرية الزراعة بمرسى مطروح.
42 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت مجمع المصالح بالجيزة.
43 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت مدرسة أحمد شوقى ببولاق الدكرور.
44 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت مدرسة الرقة الغربية بالعياط - جيزة.
45 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت مستشفى العياط المركزى - العياط - جيزة.
46 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت نقطة شرطة الوسطانى - محافظة دمياط.
47 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت نقطة شرطة تفتيش السرو - محافظة دمياط.
48 المشاركة فى الدراسات الميدانية لتقييم السلامة الإنشائية للعديد من المنشآت وتحديد العلاج الملائم للمنشآت المعيبة ومن هذه المنشآت نقطة شرطة سيف الدين - محافظة دمياط.
49 تصميم العديد من الفيلات والمساجد بالامارات العربية المتحدة من خلال مكتب High Art
50 تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ الصفوة سيتى بمدينة 6 أكتوبر (240 فيلا ، سوق تجارى ، سوبر ماركت ، مركز ثقافى يشمل 2سينما وقاعة متعددة الأغراض ، عيادة خارجية ، نادى إجتماعى ، مسجد ، مدرسة) بتكلفة قدرها 250 مليون جنية .
51 تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ برج الأصيل بالمعادى الجديدة - 11 طابق
52 تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ برج الزهراء بزهراء المعادى - 13 طابق
53 تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ برج الوفاء بالمعادى الجديدة.
54 تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ برج الوليد بتقسيم اللاسلكى بالمعادى الجديدة - 13 طابق
55 تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ برج فيصل (تجارى-سكنى) ملك شركة مكة .
56 تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ عمارة سكنية بفيصل.
57 تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ فندق قاعود شرم بشرم الشيخ.
58 تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ فيلا الأستاذ فكرى السنباطى بالقطا .
59 تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ فيلا المهندس صبحى السنباطى بالقطا .
60 تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ فيلا د. محمد محروس بالمنصورية.
61 تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ قرية ستار لايت بدهب ( فيلات ، شاليهات ، مبنى إستقبال ، مطعم ، مبنى عاملين ، مبانى أخرى )
62 تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ قرية فارنا مطروح بمطروح.
Mohamed Elsayed Ali Basiouny
# details
1 1992 - 1994 Miscellaneous Projects As a team member typical assignments covered planning of water and wastewater schemes including evaluations of the existing situation and alternatives for future extensions in many governorates, Sharqiea, Kalubia, Port Said, Suez and North Sinai. Participated in the following activities: • Design of the Benha water distribution system rehabilitation • Computer hydraulic analysis and design of the proposed and existing systems • Preparation of MTO’s and cost estimates for different materials and equipment • Preparation of complete tender documents • Monitoring and preparation of progress reports for construction
2 2000 Training building at Benha High Institute of Technology, Egypt. Preliminary design and Detailed design of Plumbing Sanitation for the building.
3 2001 Practical Qualification Center Project at Shobra El- khima, Egypt. Final design of water, fire fighting, irrigation and sewerage networks.
4 2001, 2004 Planning & Design of Sewer System Training Course in El-Mansoura Course was prepared and presented to a group of engineers in El-Mansoura over a 4-days period in May, 2001.
5 2002 Design of Water and Wastewater Works Training Course Design of Water and Wastewater Works, Training Program No. 826, October 2002, in Beni Sueif Gov., and El-Fayoum Gov.
6 2002 El-Mansoura Wastewater Treatment Plant Technical Report Preparing Technical report on Wastewater treatment plant in El-Mansoura City, Aug. 2002, submitted to USAID.
7 2002 Planning & Design of Water Distribution System Training Course in El-Mansoura Course was prepared and presented to a group of engineers in El-Mansoura over a 4-days period in January, 2002.
8 2002 Sewerage Systems of 3 Villages, Kalubia Egypt Design of sewerage networks, pump stations and sewage treatment plants of three villages all over Kalubia namely: Namol Senhera, and Kom-ashfeen. The villages vary in population from 50,000 to 100,000 capita. Different wastewater treatment systems were proposed such as conventional activated sludge, aerated lagoons, and stabilization ponds depending on environmental conditions.
9 2002 Sludge Handling, Treatment, and Disposal Training Course Course was presented to a group of engineers over a 5-days period, June 2002, in El-Menya Gov., Beni Sueif Gov., and El-Fayoum Gov.
10 2002 Technology of Wastewater Treatment in Egyptian Cities and Villages. Participated, Developing training manuals and providing training courses, September 2002, in Cairo.
11 2002 Water Treatment (Operating & Maintenance) Training Course in Kafr El-Sheikh Comprehensive Water Treatment (Operating & Maintenance) course was prepared and presented to a group of engineers in Kafr El-Sheikh over a 4-days period in April, 2002.
12 2003 Alshrouq Industrial Region in Elkhanka, Kalubia, Egypt. Preliminary design and Detailed design of Sewer System and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant (1400 m³/day) for New Industrial Region (Alshrouq). Elkhanka, Kalubia, Egypt.
13 2003 Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants. Participated, Developing training manuals and providing training courses, September 2003, in Cairo.
14 2003 New Misr Pharmaceutical Plant, Abu Zaabal, Egypt. Design Water Fire Fighting and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant (625 m³/day) for New Misr Pharmaceutical Plant. Abu Zaabal, Egypt.
15 2004 Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants and Sludge Treatment. Participated, Developing training manuals and providing training courses, September 2004, in Cairo.
16 2004 Water Supply and Sanitation of Three Towns, Uganda Feasibility Study, preliminary design and Detailed design of the water supply and sanitation facilities for three small towns in the north east of Uganda, namely: Soroti, Sironko and Kaberamido.
17 2005 Buraydah Sewerage System Project, Buraydah, Al-Qassim, KSA. Design the sewerage system of Buraydah City, with future population of 800,000 capita; comprising wastewater collection networks, pumping stations, force mains and treatment works using oxidation ditches. The design included hydraulic simulation of Buraydah sewer system using the SewerCAD Software.
18 2006 Buraydah Water Supply Project, Buraydah, Al-Qassim, KSA. Design and upgrading of water distribution networks of Buraydah city, Detailed design and tender documents of water supply works to upgrade the existing transmission, storage and distribution facilities to serve Buraydah up to the boundaries of urban planning Stage II. The design included hydraulic simulation of Buraydah water networks using the WaterCAD Software.
19 2008, 2007 Water Supply and Sewerage System of Eight Governorates (Contract #2), Riyadh, KSA. Feasibility Study and Preliminary & Detailed design of the water supply and sewerage facilities for six Governorates (El_Dawadmy, El_Magmaa, El_Zilfi, El_Ghat, Afif, and Shaqraa) in the north of Riyadh Region.
20 2010, 2008 Water Supply and Sewerage System of Eight Governorates (Contract #2), Riyadh, KSA. Feasibility Study and Preliminary & Detailed design of the water supply and sewerage facilities for six Governorates (El_Dawadmy, El_Magmaa, El_Zilfi, El_Ghat, Afif, and Shaqraa) in the north of Riyadh Region.
21 Al-Safa Hospital Project at Tanta city, Egypt. Preliminary design and Detailed design of Plumbing Sanitation for the buildings.
22 Al-Zhraa tower at Tanta city, Egypt. Preliminary design and Detailed design of Plumbing Sanitation for the buildings.
23 Alssfa Industrial Region in Werash Abu Zaabal, Kalubia, Egypt. Preliminary design and Detailed design of Sewer System and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant (1330 m³/day) for New Industrial Region Alssfa. Werash Abu Zaabal, Kalubia, Egypt.
24 Best Practice in Sewage and Effluent Treatment Technologies: Processes, Theory, Maintenance, Operation and Troubleshooting, Training Course Comprehensive was prepared and presented to a group of all over world engineers from Emirate, from Qatar from 25th to 30th June 2011.
25 Designing and Analyzing Water Network Using Computer Application. Instruct & Develop training manuals and providing training courses, November 2005, in Dubai, UAE.
26 Development Research and Technical Planning Centre (DRTPC), Zagazig University.
27 Employer Central Department for Training, Cairo Training Center, National Organization for Potable Water & Sanitation, Cairo, Egypt.
28 Employer Chemonics International/Chemonics Egypt, Cairo, Egypt
29 Employer Senior Consulting Engineers, Cairo, Egypt Institute of International Education, Development Training II A USAID Services Program / SENIOR Consultancy Engineers.
30 Employer Training Program- Ecoman, (Consultants & Training) in Dubai, UAE.
31 Foka Residence Compound, Matrouh, Egypt Preliminary design of water, fire fighting, irrigation and sewerage networks serving a residential compound of Foka Residence Compound at Matrouh Cost.
32 Kafr Al-walga Youth Center Project at Kalubia, Egypt Preliminary design and Detailed design of Plumbing Sanitation for the building.
33 Mamlakete Newara Residence Compound, El-Fayom, Egypt. Design of water and sewerage networks for Hayat Residence Compound at El-Shorok City.
34 WaterCAD Training Course Comprehensive WaterCAD course was prepared and presented to a group of all over world engineers (from Emirate, from Qatar )over a 5-days period, from 24th to 28th September 2005. The course covered the basic and advanced features of WaterCAD V5.0.
Ahmed Saeed Debaiky
Khaled Mohamed El-Sayed
# details
1 Experience in the design and supervision of the construction projects.
Mostafa Mousa Mohamed Rabah
Tarek Abdelhamid Elmitwalli Attia
Ahmed Nouh Ahmed Meshref
Mohamed A.H. Khedr
Mohamed Farouk Abd El Majied Abd El Aty
Mohamed Hussien Ali Makhlouf
mohammed samir abdallah eisa
Nader Nabih Khalil
# details
1 In Benha Higher Institute of Technology Teaching the following courses [Steel structure, Structure, Concrete Design, Programming]
2 March 1996 – Feb. 2000 Demonstrator
3 March 2000 – Aug. 2005 Assistant Lecture. Sept. 2005 – Till Now Lecturer In Benha Higher Institute of Technology
Tarek Hemdan Nasr Allah Hassan
Tarek Abd El-Hamied Hassen El-Damaty
Ahmed Abou El Fetouh Abd El aziz
Ahmed Elsayed Abd Elghafar Elhadary
Ahmed Elsayed Mustafa Abd Ellatief Khater
Ahmed Gamal Mahmoud Morsi
Ahmed Ibrahim Abd Almoatey
Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Abd Elsalam
Ahmed saber taha mitwali soliman
Ahmed Shawky Mohamed Awaad Mohamed Soliman
Amir Sabry Mohamed Ibrahim
Amr Ramdan Ibrahim Ali Elgamal
Ayman Abd Allah Zaki Elsayed Soliman
Ayman Abdulhamid Mohamed Salem
Ehab Mohamed Hossny Ragab
Essam Abd Elhady Ali Ghanem
Fikry Gomaa Aly Metwally
Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim El Azab
Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim El-Sayed El-Shenawy
Mahmoud Awaad Goma Awaad
marwa hany hasanien ahmed
marwa ibrahim ali abdelhalim
Mohab Roshdy Ahmed
Mohamed abdelaziz ibrahim abdelaziz
Mohamed Rabee Ghazy
# details
1 Dr. Ghazy is a civil and an environmental engineer. In June, 2006 he was awarded by DAAD to complete his PhD study in Germany. He has enrolled in "the Institute of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Technische Universität Braunschweig", Germany in October 2007 and has been accomplished his study his research project "Sustainable Sewage Sludge Management Based on Life Cycle Assessment Approach " in September 2011. He was awarded by InWEnt (GIZ) to enroll in the "Advanced Professional Training Program in Integrated Management of Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal", which held in Germany from November 2002 to July 2003. Since 1999, Dr. Ghazy is working at the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Benha University, Egypt. He is sharing in teaching different courses in the fields of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Dr. Ghazy has a distinguished professional experience in the field of Civil and Environmental Engineering projects/process studies including: Technical proposals, Preparation of master plans, Feasibility studies, Design and Tender documents preparations for water supply networks, water treatment plant, sewerage systems as well as wastewater treatment plants. Dr. Ghazy gained also a good experience in the field of Environmental Management, especially, Water and wastewater management projects such as: Integrated sanitation and sewerage improvement projects, Low cost sewerage systems, Sewage sludge management, Design for environmental and recycling management, Resource orientated sanitation and Life Cycle assessment (LCA). Dr. Ghazy participated in the design of many projects in different countries such as Saudi Arabia, Yeman, Syria, Albania, Algeria, Qatar, Libya and Egypt. Dr. Ghazy was also working as a design engineer with Hamza Associates Consulting Engineers (HA), Egypt (from 1999-2005), as senior design engineer/deputy project manager with Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Warith Consulting Engineers (AWW), Egypt (from 2005-2007), as a project manager and consultant engineer at Khatib & Alami (K&A), Egypt (from 2011-2014). He is also working as a par time consulting water expert with the consulting consortium of WYG International Ltd "multidisciplinary consultants", England, CID Consulting Egypt and IPA Energy + Water Economics, Egypt in the Institutional Capacity Building of the Egyptian Water and Wastewater Regulatory Agency (EWRA) Phase II project (SAAAP/2011/EWRAII/SER/01) funded by the European Union (from 2012-213). From 2014 to now, Dr. Ghazy is currently working as a project manager with Saudi Consulting Services SAUDCONSULT, Saudi Arabia.
Mona Ibrahim Ali
Moustafa Abdelsalam Saad Sayed Ahmed Ismail
Mustafa Mohamed Hamdy Mansour
Osama abdelaziz mohamed ahmed abo sada
Tarek Adel Abdul-Ghaffar Mouneer
Mohamed Magdy Youssef Mohamed Youssef
Abdelazim Ibrahim Abdelazim
Ahmed Adel Eied elsayed Abo Shark
Ahmed Ismail Mohamed Ahmed Hussein
Ahmed Samir Mohamady
Ahmed Taha Mohamed Elghanam
Amal Abdelwahab Abdelaziz
Ayat Mohamed Hassan Taha
Ayman Sobhy Shehata Qassim
Basma sayed Abd Elrahman
Elsayed Zakria Saied Ahmed
Eman Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed
Eslam Gamal Abdelmogod Metwaly
Esraa Ahmed Swilam Ahmed
Hadeer Mostafa Hamdy Elfarargy
Hany Abd ElFattah Ahmed
Mahmoud Ali Mahmoud Elmaasrawy
Mahmoud Hamdy Badawy
Mahmoud Magdy
Mahmoud Mohamed Maher Afifi
Mahmoud Youssif Hamed Sarhan
Mohamed Abdel-Baset Abdel-Mohsen
Mohamed Badway Mohamed
Mohamed Mohsen Mahmoud Hussien
Mohamed Thabet AbdElalim Eldeib
Mostafa Khairy Elsebaie
Mustafa Ibrahim Abd Elgawad Omr
Rania Mostafa Abdelaziz Ibrahim
Tarek Ahmed Ibrahim Elbalkesh
Wael Mohamed Abou Elmagd Mahmoud Basuony
Ahmed Elsayed Ewis Ibrahim
Ahmed Shaban Ahmed Mohamed Hegab
Ahmed ِAbdelaziz
amir mohamed mansour mohamed
Aya Ghonim Mahfoz
Behairy Ahmed Behairy Badawy
Eslam Gamil Elsayed Ahmed
Hussein Abdelraouf Mohamed
Kareem Faried Mohamed Hassanain Omr
Kareem Gamal Nazmey
Mahmoud Elsayed Elnagar
Mohab Magdy Fouad
Mohamed Ahmed AbdelAziz
Mohamed El-Abd
Mohamed Hatem Mahmoud
Noaman Abdelbasset Emara
Sameh mansour Hassan