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Search Word: October

El Gizawy congratulates President Sisi on the Occasion of October Victories

El Gizawy congratulates President Sisi on the Occasion of October Victories

  • 4 Oct. 2023

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University President sent a cable of congratulations on the occasion of October Victories Anniversary to President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, Lieutenant General / Mohamed Ahmed Zaki, Minister of Defense and Military Production and Lieutenant General / Mohamed Farid Hegazy, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces.

Dr.Gamal Soussa congratulates President El Sisi on October's War Victory Anniversary

Dr.Gamal Soussa congratulates President El Sisi on October's War Victory Anniversary

  • 5 Oct. 2021

Prof. Dr. Gamal Soussa, Benha University President has sent a congratulatory message to President Abdel Fattah El Sisi on the occasion of October's War Victory Anniversary.

El Saeed congratulates President Sisi on October Victory Anniversary

El Saeed congratulates President Sisi on October Victory Anniversary

  • 5 Oct. 2020

Prof. Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President sent a cable of congratulations to President Abdel Fattah El Sisi on the occasion of the 47th anniversary of October War Victory.

A great victory for a big nation

A great victory for a big nation

  • 8 Oct. 2017

Today is the day when the whole world remembers the war of October; this great victory when Egypt set an important example of heroism and bravery and many young men martyrize and get injured for the sake of liberating the homeland. Benha University cordially thanks the armed forces for what they did and what they are still doing to keep the Egypt prosperous.

Anniversary Celebration of October Victories at Benha University

Anniversary Celebration of October Victories at Benha University

  • 2 Oct. 2016

Benha University has organized the annual celebration of October victories under auspices of Prof. Dr. El Sayed El Kady, the President of Benha University, Prof. Dr. Hesham Abu El Enin, Benha University Vice-president for Postgraduate Studies and Researches' Affairs and Prof. Dr. Gamal Ismael, Benha University Vice-president for Community Service and Environment Affairs. The Celebration was held at the Great hall of the University where the University President has honored war heroes and martyrs' children and he praised the role of the Egyptian Army in maintaining security and integrity of the Country.

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