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Benha university participates in the 11th international conference of e-learning and education technology ICT –LEARN 2017

Benha university participates in the 11th international conference of e-learning and education technology ICT –LEARN 2017

  • 10 Dec. 2017

Benha university participates in the 11th international conference of e-learning and education technology ICT –LEARN 2017 with a delegation which includes prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the university president's chancellor of IT, and prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem, the vice CEO of IT and the head of the E-learning center in the hotel of Nile grand tower in Cairo from 5-12-2017 to 6-12-2017.

Benha university participates in the 11th international conference of e-learning and education technology ICT –LEARN 2017

Benha university participates in the 11th international conference of e-learning and education technology ICT –LEARN 2017

  • 10 Dec. 2017

Benha university participates in the 11th international conference of e-learning and education technology ICT –LEARN 2017 with a delegation which includes prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the university president's chancellor of IT, and prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem, the vice CEO of IT and the head of the E-learning center in the hotel of Nile grand tower in Cairo from 5-12-2017 to 6-12-2017.

Three faculties in Benha university asks for the amendments of bylaws to start in the E-learning

Three faculties in Benha university asks for the amendments of bylaws to start in the E-learning

  • 16 Nov. 2017

The faculty of commerce, the faculty of specific education and the faculty of applied arts gets the approval of the sector specific committees in the supreme council of universities to start the E-Learning programs in the three faculties.

E-Learning center carry out a workshop in the faculty of applied arts and the faculty of computer and informatics about the cloud model system

E-Learning center carry out a workshop in the faculty of applied arts and the faculty of computer and informatics about the cloud model system

  • 31 Oct. 2017

E-Learning center organizes a workshop in the faculty of applied arts and the faculty of computer and informatics on Monday, 30-10-2017 about the cloud model system. Prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem, the vice CEO of information technology and Mr. Muhammad Mohktar, the training coordinator in the center conducts this training to the participants.

 Inviting the faculties' members to activate the E-Curriculums

Inviting the faculties' members to activate the E-Curriculums

  • 24 Sep. 2017

The E-Learning center in Benha University invites the faculties' members to activate the E-Curriculums. In order to activate Electronic- curriculums, the faculty's member should follow the next steps:

L'activation de Studio du Center E-Learning dans la photographie des vidéos des cours électroniques.

L'activation de Studio du Center E-Learning dans la photographie des vidéos des cours électroniques.

  • 2 Août 2017

Le Studio de la photographie du Center E-Learning à l'Université de Benha a reçu l'équipe de la production de cours électronique «Sport de la constitution du corps», le mardi 31 Juillet 2017, dont il ya un groupe d'étudiants de la Faculté de l'éducation physique qui ont participé sous la supervision du Dr. Ihab Imad, et le Centre sous la supervision du Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ghaniem - Directeur du Centre a filmé toutes les activités de ce cours électronique, dont c'est la première expérience de l'utilisation des vidéos photographes universitaires, par considération que les droits de propriété sont conservés par l'Université pour la diffusion dans le monde extérieur et intérieur.

The E-Learning studio is put into action by shooting the E-curriculums Videos

The E-Learning studio is put into action by shooting the E-curriculums Videos

  • 2 Aug. 2017

The E-learning studio hosts the producing team of the E-curriculum entitled “figure sport” in which many of the students of the physical education participated in under the supervision of prof.Dr. Ehab Emad. The center, under the supervision of prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem shoots the practical content of the curriculum.

Benha University is in the third place in the E-Learning

Benha University is in the third place in the E-Learning

  • 23 Mar. 2017

Benha University is in the third place in the E-Learning according to the assessment of the supreme council of the universities at the end of the second quarter of December 2016. Prof.Dr. Muhammad Muhammady Ghanem, the head of the E-Learning center thanks those who achieve such an accomplishment starting from prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president and their vice presidents to prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the executive manager of IT.

Le président de l'Université de Banha lance la première initiative de e-learning au sein de l'université.

Le président de l'Université de Banha lance la première initiative de e-learning au sein de l'université.

  • 4 Janv. 2017

Le professeur El Sayed Elkaddi président de l'Université de Banha lance la première initiative de e-learning au sein de l'université. Il a annoncé a annoncé le lancement de cette initiative en ce qui concerne l'e-learning au sein de l'université de Benha en collaboration avec la Faculté de génie et la Faculté des ordinateurs et d'informations.

Technology Applications in the Forum of the Faculty of Education

Technology Applications in the Forum of the Faculty of Education

  • 17 Jan. 2017

The faculty of education holds the first forum entitled “Technology applications in education” in 12-2-2017 and 13-2-2017. Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Fouda, the dean of the faculty of education says that this forum is held under the auspices of general/ Amr Abd El-Moniem, the governorate of EL-Qulubia, prof.Dr. Youssef El-Kady, the university president and prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development. The forum is about discussing the recent researches and studies offered by the faculties' members from different Egyptian and Arab universities in education technology in addition to the experts in E-Learning and remote learning who express their opinions regarding the subject matter of the forum.

The university president launches the first initiative of E-learning around the Egyptian universities

The university president launches the first initiative of E-learning around the Egyptian universities

  • 4 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president launches the first initiative of E-Learning in cooperation with the faculty of engineering and the faculty of computer and informatics. The university president asserts that this is the first initiative to turn the curriculums of the faculties to Electronic- curriculums. This statement concurs with the university president's meeting with the leader council in the university in the presence of the vice presidents, the faculties' deans, the university president chancellors and the secretary of the university.

Invitation des membres du corps enseignant pour l'utilisation et l'activation des e-cours.

Invitation des membres du corps enseignant pour l'utilisation et l'activation des e-cours.

  • 25 Sept. 2016

Le centre d'e-learning Invite les membres du corps enseignant à utiliser et activer les e-cours comme il a l'honneur aussi d'inviter les diverses facultés de l'Université de Benha à utiliser et activer les e-cours dans diverses disciplines et de parcourir le contenu des cours en ligne grâce à l'utilisation de l'entrée de data bases suivantes :

E-Learning Center invites all the Staff to activate their E- Courses and Programs

E-Learning Center invites all the Staff to activate their E- Courses and Programs

  • 26 Sep. 2016

Benha E- Learning Center at Benha University congratulates Prof. Dr. El Sayed Yusuf El Kady, the President of Benha University, the University deputies, Deans of Faculties and the University staff on occasion of the new academic year 20162017.On the other hand, the Center invites all the staff at the University to activate their Electronic programs and courses at all specialties .

The 10th International Internet E-Learning Conference and Exhibition

The 10th International Internet E-Learning Conference and Exhibition

  • 12 Jul. 2016

In cooperation with the National E-Learning Center (NELC) at the Supreme Council of Universities (SCU) and Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA), Human and Technology Development Foundation organizes its10th International Internet E-Learning Conference and Exhibition under the title of “ICT applications in learning towards Information society”. The Conference will be held in the duration from 12to 14December, 2016 in Helton Ramses Hotel, Cairo, Egypt under the auspices of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and His Excellency the Minister of Communications and Information Technology.

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