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Search Word: A Workshop

A workshop to be held about Microsoft services

A workshop to be held about Microsoft services

  • 27 Nov. 2017

Benha University organizes in cooperation with Microsoft Company a workshop about Microsoft (IT Academy) services and how to get the different certificates in IT field. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, 22-11-2017 at the conference hall in the faculty of science at 9 a.m.

Benha university president witnesses a workshop of medical computerization

Benha university president witnesses a workshop of medical computerization

  • 22 Nov. 2017

The faculty of medicine holds, today, a workshop for the nursing staff in the university hospitals. This workshop is attended by prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-kady, the university president, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abd El-Sabour, the faculty's dean, prof.Dr. Yosry EL-Saied, the general manager of the university hospital, the faculties' deputies and the faculties' members and the workshop is about medical computerization in cooperation with “Misr EL-Kheir” organization.

A workshop entitled “how to avoid plagiarism”

A workshop entitled “how to avoid plagiarism”

  • 15 Nov. 2017

In the frame of Benha University's endeavor to enhance the scientific products, the post-graduate studies organizes, under the presidency of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed LE-Kady, the university president and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies, a workshop entitled “how to avoid plagiarism” under the supervision of prof.Dr. Maher Hasb EL-Naby, the university president' chancellor of scientific research in cooperation with the international company tech-Knowledge, the executive company which commercialize I authenticate program. This workshop is held on Wednesday 22-11-2017 in the faculty of commerce at 10 a.m.

A workshop for enabling the university hostels in Benha University to get the ISO

A workshop for enabling the university hostels in Benha University to get the ISO

  • 2 Nov. 2017

There is a workshop that has been held at the university hostels in Kafr-Saad in which prof.Dr. Abdel-Kader Abdel EL-Karim, the ISO official in Benha University, delivers a lecture on how to get the ISO and he sets an example of the administrations that get the ISO 9001. The participants are as follows: prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the university president chancellor of the university hostels affairs, prof.Dr. Ashraf Awad, the supervisor of the university hostels and Mr. Samy Mansur, the general manager.

A workshop to be held about Newton-Musharrafa fund

A workshop to be held about Newton-Musharrafa fund

  • 21 Aug. 2017

Under the auspices of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university and the British council, the workshop about Newton- Musharrafa fund on Wednesday, 23-8-2017. The bureau of international relationship invites the faculty's members and the teaching assistants to attend this event.

Benha University participates in a workshop entitled “the new open learning”

Benha University participates in a workshop entitled “the new open learning”

  • 14 May 2017

Under the auspices of prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, The university president and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research, a delegation of Benha University participates in a workshop entitled “the new open learning” on Thursday, 11-5-2017. The workshop was attended by prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the university president chancellor of IT , prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem, the vice executive manager of IT and the head of the E-learning, and prof.Dr. Ezat EL-Khiat, the head of open learning center.

Benha University organizes a Workshop bout the Egyptian Knowledge Bank in the Conference Hall

Benha University organizes a Workshop bout the Egyptian Knowledge Bank in the Conference Hall

  • 19 Feb. 2017

Under the auspices of prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research, Benha University holds, on Sunday 19-2-2017, a workshop bout the Egyptian Knowledge bank at the conference hall in the faculty of commerce. This workshop is held in cooperation with the Digital library unit of the supreme council of the universities, the publishers, the companies which participate in the Egyptian Knowledge bank. The workshop is held in the presence of prof.Dr. Osama Hamed, the deputy of the faculty of arts, prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizawy, the deputy of the faculty of agriculture and prof.Dr. Khalid Eid, the deputy of the faculty of arts.

Benha University organizes a Workshop to Discuss the Student Bylaw

Benha University organizes a Workshop to Discuss the Student Bylaw

  • 7 Feb. 2017

Benha University organizes a workshop to discuss the student bylaw and presents its recommendations in the first forum that will be held from 22-2-2017 to 25-2-2017 under the auspices of prof.Dr. Ashraf El-Shihy, the minister of higher education and scientific research. The participants discuss the possibility to change a number of provisions of the student bylaw and its impact on the educational process. The workshop is attended by prof.Dr. Ibrahim Ragah, the head of the projects development unit in the university and the deputy of community service and environment development in the faculty of medicine, prof.Dr. Khalid Esawi, the university's president's chancellor of the stduents activities, prof.Dr. Moshbeh El-Kehily, the general manager of the youth care department, the representatives of the student unions in the university's faculties, the members of the youth parliament in Qulubia governorate and number of students from the different faculties in the university.

 A Hearing session to develop education in Benha University

A Hearing session to develop education in Benha University

  • 6 Feb. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president meets the representatives of the 15 faculties' members in a workshop to develop the education and scientific research in Egypt. The workshop is held in the presence of prof.Dr. Muhammad Abu Salim, the dean of the faculty of veterinary medicine, prof.Dr. Ezat EL-Khait, the head of the faculties' members club and prof.Dr. Eman EL-Bitar.

A Workshop about the Egyptian Knowledge Bank to be held from 19-1-2017 to 20-1-2017

A Workshop about the Egyptian Knowledge Bank to be held from 19-1-2017 to 20-1-2017

  • 15 Jan. 2017

Benha University is honored to invite the faculties’ members, researchers and students to attend that training course on how to access the information available in the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. This workshop will be held in cooperation with the digital library unit in the supreme council of the universities, the publishers, the companies which are participating in the Egyptian Knowledge Bank from 19-1-2017 to 20-1-2017 at the conferences hall in the faculty of commerce.

A workshop about the research plan in Benha University

A workshop about the research plan in Benha University

  • 6 Nov. 2016

Benha University organized a workshop about the research plan in the university in the light of the national strategy of innovation and technology 2015-2030. This workshop was held under the auspices of prof.Dr. Hesham Abu-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research. The workshop was held in the presence of prof.Dr. Maher Hasb-EL-Naby, the university president chancellor of scientific research and the faculties' deputies of post-graduate studies.

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