Research Fields Report:


Total No. Of Research Fields:792

Research Fields Count of Staff
Civil Engineering 109
Electrical Engineering 100
Mechanical Engineering 94
Architectural Engineering 54
Mathematical & Physical Engineering 41
Surveying Engineering 40
Renewable Energy 12
Remote Sensing 8
Structural Engineering 8
Image Processing 6
Reinforced Concrete Structures 5
Artificial Intelligence 5
Geotechnical Engineering 5
Power Electronics 5
Control 5
Solar Energy 5
Urban Planning 5
Sustainability 5
Optimization 4
Computer Engineering 4
urban design 4
Machine Learning 4
Robotics 4
Hydraulics 4
High voltage engineering 4
Image Classification 3
Digital Photogrammetry 3
Finite Element Analysis 3
Software Engineering 3
Steel Structures 3
Mechanical Power Engineering 3
Numerical Analysis 3
Construction Management 3
Fluid Mechanics 3
Mobile Communications 3
Signal processing 3
Architectural Design 3
nanotechnology 3
Deep Learning 3
Operations Research 3
Desalination 2
Structural Dynamics 2
Cairo 2
Machinability 2
Planning 2
Natural Convection 2
Renewable Energy Systems 2
technique 2
soil structure interaction 2
seismic loads 2
Mechatronics 2
wireless communications 2
steel 2
Cloud Computing 2
combustion 2
physical geodesy 2
Organic Chemistry 2
Mathematical Programming 2
Pattern recognition 2
Electronics 2
Power System Dynamics: Stability &Control 2
Steel Bridges 2
Progressive collapse 2
Electrical Machines 2
Heat and mass transfer 2
Sanitary and Environmental Engineering 2
Intelligent Transportation Systems 2
History of Architecture 2
Communication systems 2
Production Engineering 2
Non-Traditional Machining 2
Non-orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) 2
computer vision 2
biometrics 2
Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECs) 2
Transient Stability 2
Applied Sciences Research 2
Design planning 2
Energy 2
Soil-structure interaction 2
Environmental Engineering 2
Automatic Control 2
Concrete Technology 2
Computer Networks 2
Water resources 2
Composite Materials 2
Security 2
Material science 2
Embedded Systems 2
Optimization techniques 2
Visible Light Communication 2
Operation Research 2
CFD simulations 2
Material Science and Engineering 2
confined masonry 2
Geomatics Engineering 1
Cloud Robotics service 1
Turbo-Machinery 1
Studying the Causes of under-Ground Cable Faults 1
Remote Sensing Image Processing 1
Orthorectification 1
DEMs generation and applications 1
Coastal engineering, Shore Protection, Hydraulic, Harbor, Drainage and Irrigation 1
Prestressed Concrete Structures 1
Precast Concrete Structures 1
Value Engineering 1
Fracture Mechanics 1
Earthquake Engineering and Seismic Analysis 1
Analysis of RC Structures 1
Dynamic Soil Structure Interaction 1
Finite Element-Boundary Element Modelling 1
Composit Structures 1
Studying the gas discharge phenomena in GIS. 1
Studying the breakdown voltage in GIS systems for compressed gases and gas mixtures. 1
Studying the breakdown in Insulating Oils and DGA oil analysis in power transformers. 1
Studying the human exposure to electric fields. 1
magnetic field 1
power 1
human body 1
voltage 1
EHV transmission 1
magnetic field exposure 1
Evaluation 1
Hydrology 1
Reinforced Concrete 1
Analytical Study 1
Strength Reinforced Concrete 1
Frames 1
Masonry 1
Eccentric Vertical Loads 1
Hybrid Bridges 1
Sludge-solid Waste Decomposition 1
Clay 1
Utilization 1
vertical Nailed Slope 1
Hilbert Space 1
symmetric relations 1
Shams University Engineering 1
University Engineering Bulletin 1
canonical systems 1
Extensions 1
Symmetric Operato 1
behaviors 1
cast 1
composites 1
squeeze casting 1
metal matrix 1
wear 1
classification 1
Geodetic Networks 1
Sea 1
Satellite 1
aerial images 1
building detection 1
Process Design 1
Production 1
Deep Drawing 1
maintenance 1
cell 1
Thermo-Fluids 1
Face Recognition 1
Steganography 1
dual fuel 1
turbulent boundary layer 1
dual fuel engine 1
pressure 1
boundary layer 1
Egypt 1
Local Scour 1
Water 1
Navigation 1
Protection 1
Cohesive Soil 1
Coast 1
Mobile Robot 1
Analog MATCHED Filter 1
Circuit 1
Wireless 1
algorithm 1
Data Acquisition System 1
Electric Vehicles 1
Power Electronics Applications 1
Induction Motors 1
Inductive Loads 1
Thyristor 1
Transient 1
Bridge Rectifiers 1
Feeding 1
composite structures, Steel-Concrete, advanced composites 1
sustainability and durability of self-healing concrete elements 1
Numerical Methods for solving Mechanical Power Engineering Problems 1
Heat Exchangers 1
porous media 1
Heat and mass Transfer applications 1
boundary layers 1
flow 1
turbine 1
drag 1
turbulent boundary layers 1
transition boundary layer 1
isolated surface 1
Compilers 1
silicon 1
des 1
transistors 1
insulator 1
frequency noise 1
tall building behavior 1
convection 1
tube 1
pipe 1
horizontal annuli 1
experimental investigation 1
Heritage Conservation / Restoration 1
Transients on power networks, origin, characteristics, mitigation techniques and modern methods of detection 1
Electromagnetic Fields, Computations and measurements 1
power systems 1
Thermal-Rating 1
artificial neural networks 1
transmission 1
Optimization Technique 1
load 1
Energy Function 1
Real-time Transient Stability 1
Energy Systems 1
Programmable Logic Controllers and Industrial Electronics 1
CFRP strengthened steel beams 1
Fluid 1
Fatigue strength of welded joints 1
Engineering 1
Angle of Arrival Estimation 1
fatigue 1
carbon steel 1
Mechanical Properties 1
fatigue behaviour 1
Stainless Steel 1
low carbon 1
browser 1
Fiber Reinforced Concrete 1
Flexural Strength 1
irrigation and drainage 1
power system stability and control 1
voltage stability and control 1
Electrical Demand Forecasting 1
Parallel Computing 1
Industry 4.0 & Internet of Things & Machine Learning & optimization. 1
Electroplating 1
Architecte Urbaniste 1
Studying the electric fields inside high voltage substations. 1
Residual stresses of welded joints 1
Architecture Theory 1
Biomimetic Optimization Algorithms 1
Project management 1
Rehabilitation Robotics 1
Metal Cutting and Machining 1
Mechanical Engineering Production Engineering 1
Differential Equation 1
Computational Mechanics 1
surfactants 1
Photoacoustic and photothermal 1
Control System Design 1
BPM - Integrated Optics - Optical Communications 1
Fractional Calculus 1
Study of electric and magnetic fields under transmission lines and at right of way 1
Data compression 1
Advanced Machine Learning 1
Watershed Management 1
Management 1
Life Cycle Assessment 1
Power System Protection 1
nanotechnology: Nanoparticles preparation and their applications 1
Geotechnical Engineering - Civil Engineering 1
Power Electronics and Control Systems 1
Cloud Systems 1
Studying and Mitigation the Electric Hazards Due To HV Transmission lines on Pipelines. 1
LiDAR Point Cloud Data Processing 1
Semisolid 1
Bolted connections in steel structures 1
Geodetic Monitoring of the Atmosphere 1
5G Networks 1
Visual Cryptography 1
Server Load balancing algorithms in Computer Networking. 1
Composite Structures 1
Tuned mass damper 1
Blast loading 1
Composite constructions 1
electrical breakdown in gases, liquids and solid dielectrics 1
diagnostic tools of electrical cables 1
signal analysis 1
Electronics Engineering 1
modelling and simulation 1
Acoustic waves 1
The photovoltaic performance of CdS quantum dots sensitized solar cell using graphene/TiO2 working electrode 1
Ali Badawi , N. Al-Hosiny , S. Abdallah 1
Superlattices and Microstructures 1
Dynamic Economic Load dispatch 1
Renewable energy ( Solar energy) 1
Numerical simulation using Ansys fluent software 1
Nanofluids and their applications 1
Fire Engineering. 1
Finite Element Modelling. 1
Artificial Intelligence Techniques 1
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 1
Fracture mechanics of welded joints 1
Lighting 1
Smart Materials 1
Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering 1
Process Control Chart 1
Statistical Distributions 1
Inventory 1
Statistical Inference 1
Reliability Theory 1
Theory of Queues 1
Power System Control 1
Solar Systems 1
Human factors in industry 1
Performance improvement tools in industry 1
Aggregated production planning 1
5G, Wireless Communiction 1
Power systems dynamics and control 1
Artificial intelligence (neural network and fuzzy logic) 1
Power system modeling and operation 1
Renewable energy (wind and solar energy) 1
thermodynamic 1
fluid flow 1
Place identity 1
Electrical Drive Systems 1
 جامعة أسيوط- كلية الهندسة- المؤتمر المعمارى الدولى الخامس " العمران والبيئة" تحت عنوان" التوافق البيئى بتعديل استخدام شرف الوحدات السكنية" فى الفترة من 20-22 ابريل 2003م. 1
 جامعة أسيوط- مركز الدراسات البيئية- المؤتمر الدولى الثانى للتنمية والبيئة فى الوطن العربى المشاركة ببحث تحت عنوان" عناصر تنسيق الموقع فى الفراغات الخارجية بالحرم الجامعى من المنظور البيئى والإنسانى والاجتماعي" فى الفترة من 23-25مارس 2004م. 1
 جامعة أسيوط- مركز الدراسات البيئية- المؤتمر الدولى الثانى للتنمية والبيئة بالوطن العربى فى الفترة من 23-25مارس 2004م مشارك ببحث تحت عنوان " تاثير الوحدة المديولية التصميمية لفتحات الشبابيك على الإضاءة الطبيعية فى قاعات الرسم بقسم العمارة". 1
 جامعة الأزهر-كلية الهندسة- مؤتمر الأزهر الهندسى الدولى الثامن فى الفترة من 24-27 ديسمبر 2004م مشارك ببحث تحت عنوان " تشكيل الغلاف الخارجى للمبانى للتحكم فى الضوضاء". 1
 العالية جامعة الأزهر- كلية الهندسة - قسم الهندسة المعمارية- بحث نشر تحت عنوان " تأثير المبانى البيومناخية المعاصرة فى ترشيد استهلاك الطاقة بالبيئة الحارة الجافة" فى المجلة المعمارية لهندسة الأزهر (A.U.E.J) لعام 2011م. 1
 جامعة القاهرة " التكامل الوظيفي بين المباني ذات القيمة والبيئة العمرانية المحيطة-دراسة حالة : (حي الجمالية – الوكالات التجارية)- مجلة البحوث والعمران- مايو 2015م 1
Soft Computing 1
Traffic Control 1
Adaptive Control 1
Mitigation of the AC corrosion of the metallic pipelines 1
Schedule optimization 1
Microstructure and Crystal imperfections 1
Bulk and thin films semiconducting materials 1
Visual Training 1
Theories of Architecture 1
Wireless Sensor Networks 1
Distributed Systems 1
Water Resources Engineering 1
Hydraulics Engineering 1
Costal & Harbor & Inland Navigation Engineering 1
Irrigation & Drainage Engineering 1
Tunneling and underground Structures 1
Ground Improvement Techniques 1
Landslides and Rock Slope Failures 1
Problematic Geomaterials 1
Geotechnical Numerical Modeling 1
Geoenvironmental Engineering 1
Boundary Element Method 1
Electrical Engineering ( High Voltage) 1
Turbulence Fluid In turbo machines 1
Solar collector 1
Solar disalination 1
Material processing 1
Industrial engineering 1
Welding technology 1
Acoustics 1
Integer Programming 1
Decision Making 1
Gas Turbine 1
Energy saving 1
Plasma Coating 1
Wind Turbines Engineering ( HAWT - VAWT ) 1
Turbo-Machinary 1
Exergy analysis of thermal systems 1
• Heat transfer enhancement 1
Industrial and automatic control engineering 1
Fluid power drives and control 1
Information Security 1
Human Computer Interaction 1
Big Data and Cloud Computing 1
Electronic Health 1
Networks 1
Modeling and Simulation 1
computational Fluid Dynamics CFD 1
Residential area and urban development 1
Paper "Control and Optimization of Job Shop Floor" Elmogy B. S. , Abas M. S. , Nawara G. M. , 2010, Al-Azhar Engineering eleventh International Conference, December 21-23. 1
Tool Wear Measurement using Computer Vision Technique”, B. Elmogy, in The Conference on production Engineering, Mansoura, March, 2000, Egypt 1
" Determining Optimal Level of CONWIP for Job Shop Floor" Elmogy B. S. , Abas M. S. , Nawara G. M. , 2010, ". In Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Eng. Shubra, Vol. 12, pp 52-63. 1
Robust Control and Decentralized control of large scale systems 1
Type II, Type III Fuzzy & Adaptive Fuzzy Control 1
Convex & Nonconvex Optimization Techniques 1
Static Output Feedback (SOF) Algorithms 1
Interval Arithmetic applications in Control Systems 1
Power System Stability 1
Antenna Design 1
RF - Microwave Engineering 1
Wireless Power Transfer 1
Computational Fluid Dynamics 1
Scour 1
Power Mechanical Engineering 1
Thermofluid 1
Refrigeration and Air Condition 1
Stable Equilibrium Point (SEP) and Unstable Equilibrium Point (UEP) 1
Critical Clearing Time (CCT) 1
Architecture Aesthetics 1
Natural Lighting of Buildings 1
Theory of Architecture 1
sustainable architecture 1
monuments conservation & restoration 1
environmental studies in architecture 1
FRP bars. 1
Civil Structural Engineering. (Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures) 1
High- strength concrete 1
Steel-concrete mixed structures 1
Optimization of structures 1
satellite geodesy 1
geometrical geodesy 1
map projection 1
geomatics 1
Water Resources Managemant 1
River Engineering 1
Forming 1
Machining 1
Millimeter Wave Communication 1
Cooperative Communication, Two-way Relay Networks 1
polymer nanocomposites 1
physical and electrical studying on polymeric materials 1
click chemistry 1
Arabic NLP 1
Natural Language Processing 1
Expert Systems 1
Relativistic Geodesy 1
Panelized Construction 1
Sandwich Structures 1
Repair and Strengthening of R.C Structures 1
Design Optimization 1
Transport Planning and traffic engineering 1
Energy Management 1
Sustainable Construction 1
Value Management 1
Elecrtonic Engineering 1
Microwave Integrated Circuits 1
Superconductiviy 1
Superconducting devices 1
XRD, DTA , SEM, FE-SEM, TEM, SAED, and PSA Characterization 1
Casting 1
Welding 1
Electrostatic field effects of EHV lines on objects 1
Partial Discharge Measurements 1
Electrostatic Separators 1
Grounding and Lightning protection system design 1
Computer Systems Performance Modelling 1
Integral Equation 1
Place Attachment 1
Photogrammetry 1
Environmental control 1
Architecture design 1
Rural development 1
CRNs 1
WMNs 1
Smart Grid 1
Cooperative Communications 1
refrigeration and air conditioning 1
Durability of concrete 1
Environment and Recycling industrial waste 1
Pile foundations 1
Computer-aided Architectural Design 1
BIM Building Information Modeling 1
Virtual Reality 1
Augmented Reality 1
Renewable Energy & Sustainability 1
Smart Buildings 1
Stability 1
Stress concentrations 1
Structural steel members behaviour 1
Image and Video Processing 1
Physical layer access control 1
Dams and water structures 1
Foundation Engineering 1
Deep Foundation 1
Machine Foundation 1
Speech Recognition 1
Arabic Dialects Recognition 1
Distributed System 1
Tribology 1
Gas turbines 1
Fluid Dynamics 1
MIMO and space-time Coding 1
Deformation and crustal movement studies 1
SAR Interferometry, IfSAR, InSAR, DInSAR Geodesy 1
Digital System Design (DSD) 1
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) 1
very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) Circuits 1
Logic circuits design 1
Video Compression 1
Network-on-Chip (NoC) 1
Human-Robot Interaction 1
Robot Vision 1
Robot Modeling and Control 1
Communication Field 1
Image processing and Computer vision 1
• Solar thermal systems 1
• Thermal desalination 1
• Energy storage systems 1
Renewable energy, Photovoltaic, Solar heating, Passive heating and cooling 1
Design of Wind Turbines 1
Mechanical Vibrations 1
Computer aided design and manufacturing 1
Cold Formed Steel 1
Facade Cladding 1
Computer Systems Engineering 1
Fractional order PID 1
Load frequency control 1
Harmony search optimization 1
Ant colony optimization 1
Global Positioning System 1
Geo-spatial Information System 1
Harmonic Analysis and Synthesis 1
Global Geopotential Models 1
Gravity Field of The Earth 1
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering 1
slabs, punching shear 1
Beams, columns 1
Reinforced Concrete, HSC, Fiber reinforcement 1
Retrofitting of structural elements using ferrocement and FRP 1
Brain computer interaction 1
Resource Utilization and Management using Software-Defined Networking Paradigm. 1
5G Networks and Services. 1
Network Function Virtualization and OpenFlow. 1
TeleCommunication Engineering 1
Information security 1
Nanomaterials (Nano-structured and Nano-powders Materials) 1
Raman spectroscopy 1
Photoacoustic and photothermal spectroscopy 1
Probability & Statistics 1
Irrigation 1
Path Planning and Path Planning 1
Device-to-Device (D2D), Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication 1
Repair and strengthening of structures 1
Structural assessment 1
Masonry and historic structures 1
Structural analysis 1
Nuclear Physics 1
Theoretical physics & Physical Engineering 1
High-energy Physics 1
Geoid Determination 1
Geodesy with GNSS 1
Physical & Geometric Geodesy 1
Cables & Transformer Oil. 1
Renewable Energies 1
Polymer Nanocomposites & Nanofluids. 1
Soft and Continuum Robots 1
Micro-structure characterization 1
Mechanical twins 1
Dislocation 1
Chalcogenide materials, Oxides 1
Optical, electrical and thermal properties 1
Cryptographic Hardware 1
Efficient Heat Exchanger Design 1
Refrigeration Cycles 1
Energy Efficiency 1
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) 1
Enhancement of Transformers Oil' Characteristics and Performance 1
Gas Insulated Switchgear/substations. 1
Studying and assessment the human exposure to electric fields inside high voltage substations, 1
Heat and Mass Transfer Applications 1
Satellite Imagery 1
Geodetic Surveying 1
Surveying Statistical Analysis 1
Laser spectroscopy - Laser induced plasma - Glass science and technology - Optical materials 1
Passive ventilation, Building energy, Solar chimney, Energy Audit 1
Kanban systems, lean manufacturing , Six Sigma 1
Optimization using heuristics techniques 1
Data Mining 1
Arabic Natural Language Processing 1
Speech Processing 1
Decentralized control of large scale systems 1
Predictive Control 1
solar thermal energy 1
nanofluids 1
Shear Strength 1
Bridge Columns 1
Ordinary Moment Resisting Frames 1
Grounding grid design 1
GNSS Data Processing 1
DEM, Digital Elevation Modelling 1
laser physics 1
Water Structures. 1
Bridges 1
feature extraction 1
Reinforcement Learning 1
Multi-agent Systems 1
Cyber Security 1
Optimal Control Problem 1
Biomimetic Architecture 1
Porous Concrete. 1
Recycling. 1
Ferrocement RC. 1
Digital Image Processing 1
office building 1
admixtures 1
Materials for civil engineering 1
fibers 1
durability 1
Business Administration 1
Hydrogen embrittlement 1
Al-alloys 1
Friction stir drilling 1
Lightning protection 1
Internal Combustion Engine 1
Signal processing and Image processing 1
Data Mining 1
Wireless Sensor Network 1
Artificial Intelligent 1
hydraulics and fluid mechanics 1
barrage components 1
navigation waterway 1
Assistive Robotics 1
Soft Robotics (SPA) Soft pneumatic Actuator 1
Soft Robotics (SPM) Soft pneumatic Muscles 1
Parallel Robots 1
Serial/Parallel hybrid Robots 1
Autonomous Vehicles and Autonomous Systems 1
Electrical Engineering-High Voltage Engineering 1
Sesimic Analysis 1
Non-linear Finite ELement Analysis 1
Hybrid Reinforcement Bars 1
Dense image matching 1
Image Based Modeling (IbM) 1
Automation 1
Photogrammetry and Remote sensing 1
True orthoimage generation 1
Urban 1
Green Architecture 1
Placemaking 1
Sense of Place 1
Ansys Software 1
Gas and Steam Turbines 1
Power Systems Control 1
Robust Control 1
Power Systems Analysis 1
Matlab Simulation 1
Glasses and it's Applications 1
Interdisciplinary studies in Earth system science 1
Ionospheric Modeling and Monitoring 1
Geodesy and Geomatics 1
Cooperative networking 1
Underwater Communication 1
IoT, LoRa, and Embedded Systems 1
Thermal Performance 1
Digital Design 1
Low-Cost Solutions for Assessment of Flash Flood Impacts Using Sentinel-1/2 Data Fusion and Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling: Wadi El-Natrun Region, Egypt 1
Project planning and control 1
Infrastructure asset management 1
logistics managment 1
Friction Stir Welding 1
Supply chain management 1
container terminal planning 1
Electrical Drives 1
Production and Design Engineering 1
Welding Engineering 1
Control Systems 1
Dissolved Gas Analysis & PD Activity. 1
Thermal energy storage 1
Energy efficiency in buildings 1
Concentrated solar energy 1
Renewable energy engineering 1
DGA in Transformer 1
Electric field and partial discharge 1
System Modeling 1
Prestressed steel beams 1
Beam-column structural elements resistance 1
Tunnels 1
Graphene Application 1
Metal Matrix Composites 1
Cost Control 1
Antennas and wave propagation 1
using Matlab software 1
Intensity-Duration-Frequency Relationship in an Arid and a Semi-Arid Case Study Wadi El Dom-El Ain El Sokhna, Egypt 1
5G, Wireless Communication. 1
Cooperative Communication, Two-way Relay Networks. 1
MIMO, RF Energy Harvesting. 1
Device-to-Device (D2D), Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication. 1
Mobile Robots, Robot Vision, Image processing. 1
Performance analysis, Optimization. 1
Numerical Modeling 1
ٍPolyvinyl Alcohol Fiber (PVA) 1
Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) 1
Action Recognition 1
Metal cutting 1
Vibration 1
securing Smart Grid using Deep Learning 1
Information and Network Security 1
Machine learning and Deep neural network 1
Computer Vision, and Deep Learning 1
Structures Seismic Assessment 1
Performance-Based Engineering 1
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) 1
Soft Robots 1
Soft Grippers 1
Gravimetry & Geoid Determination 1
Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS) 1
Remote Sensing of Environment 1
Department of Basic Engineering Sciences, 1
Penumatic and electropenumatic systems 1
Mechanical engineering- Mechatronics 1
Manippulation Robots 1
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) 1
Soft Actuators 1
Water Resources Management 1
Fitting the Global Digital Elevation Models Into the Local Height System 1
Control systems Artificial Neural Networks 1
Modal Analysis 1
Auxetic Structures 1
Vibration Control 1
Mechanical Metamaterials 1
Flexural and Shear Behavior of reinforced normal and HSC beams 1
CRI tool 1
disaster management 1
city resilience framework 1
resilience 1
climate change adaptian 1
smart solutions 1
Turbomachinery 1
Video Filtering 1
Reflection of technological development on the human needs and the architectural space of kindergarten children 1
Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell 1
Sustainable urban transportation 1
Variable fractional order 1
Fractional Derivatives 1
Mathematical Modelling of Satellite Imagery 1
Feature Extraction and Change Detection 1
Radar SAR Data Processing 1
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning 1
Remote Sensing Image Understanding 1
Digital Photogrammetry and Computer Vision 1
تطبيق مؤشرات تقييم تكامل التنقل الحضري لتعزيز جودة الحياة بالمدن الجديدة "دراسة حالة: مدينتي، ومدينة الشروق" 1
Trajectory Prediction 1
New and Renewable Energy Systems 1
Energy Storage Systems 1
Transformers 1
Power System Analysis 1
Insulating Materials 1
Circuit Breakers 1
تكامل أنظمة التنقل الحضري الذكي 1
Heat Pipe, Micro heat pipe, Vapor chamber 1
Combustion, Premixed Flame, Diffusion flame. 1
Energy Storage, Solar Energy 1
Desalination, Solar Distillation 1
Laser Drilling Simulation 1
nonuniform mesh 1
Meshless Methods 1
Non-Fourier model 1
ecc materials 1
FRP-RC Structures 1
Fire Engineering 1
Welding Techniques 1
Additive Manufacturing Processes 1
Blockchain 1