Publication From Year: Publication TO Year:

Faculty of Agriculture: Department of Plant Pathology

Total number of Publications in the Department of Plant Pathology - Faculty of Agriculture is 360

Faten Mahmoud Abdel-Latif
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (24)
Total (26)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Acetic Acid Vapours For Controlling Tomato Root Rot Disease Under Greenhouse Conditions. Journal of Applied Science Research, vol.10 No. 1 : 32-36 (2014) F. Abd-El-Kareem and Fatten, M. Abd-El-Latif 2014 International
2 Combination Between Citral and Chitosan for Controlling Sour rot Disease of Lime Fruits. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 6(6): 744-749, 2010 Faten, M. Abd-El- Latif 2010 International
3 Effect of Antagonistic Fungi on the Growth and Control of Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium oxysporum the Causal Agents of Charcoal Rot and Wilt of Sesame. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 45(2): 577-585, (2007). Mahdy, A.M.M. ; Nawal, A. Eisa ; Abdel-Latif; M. Faten, El-Wakil, A.A. and El-Wakil, D.A. 2007 International
4 Effect of bioagents, fungicides as well as nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on: B- Green pod yield, its components and the nutritive value of snap bean pods. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, Vol. 41(4): 1521-1533, (2003) Wafaa A Fekry; Abou El-Salehein, E.H. and Faten M. Abdel-Latif 2003 International
5 Effect of bioagents, fungicides as well as nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on; A-Controlling of white mould disease of snap bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and its effect on vegetative growth and chemical composition. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 41(4): 1501-1520, (2003). Wafaa A. Fekry; Abou El-Salehein, E.H. and Faten M. Abdel-Latif 2003 International
6 Effect of inoculation with vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza on root-rot disease incidence and plant growth of two cultivars of broad bean. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 9(9): 25-41. Ahmed, K.G.M.; Eisa (Nawal). A.; Mahdy, A.M.M. El-Fiki, A.I.I. and Abdel-latef, M. (Faten) 1994 Local
7 Effect of seed treatment with fungicides combined with VA-Mycorrhiza on plant growth and root-rot diseases of broad bean (Vicia faba, L.). Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 9(11):375-385(1994) Eisa (Nawal), A.; Ahmed, K.G.M.; Mahdy, A.M.M.; Badr, A.E. and Abdel-Latef M. (Faten) 1994 International
8 Effect of some resistance inducing agents on the growth and control of Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium oxysporum the causal agents of charcoal rot and wilt of sesame" Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 45(2): 561-576 (2007) Mahdy, A.M.M.; Nawal, A. Eisa; Faten M. Abdel-Latif, El-Wakil, A.A. and El-Wakil, D.A. 2007 International
9 Effects of citrus essential oil compounds on management leaf spot diseases on sugar beet under field conditions. Journal of Agricultural Technology, 7(5): 1389-1396 (2011) Yaheia Omer Fatouh, Farid Abd-El-Kareem, Faten, M. Abd-El- Latif and Riad S. El- Mohammedy 2011 International
10 Efficiency of Grafting Watermelon Scions on Resistant Rootstocks for Controlling Fusarium Wilt under Greenhouse and Field Conditions. Egypt. J. Phytopathol., 42(2): 21-35 (2014) A.M.M. Mahdy; M.H. Abd-El-Mageed; Faten M. Abd-El-Latif; M.M.M. Diab and Nehal M. Saied 2014 International
11 Evaluation of four vasicular arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi on controlling Fusarium root-rot and wilt diseases of some legume crops. Egypt.. J. Appl. Sci; 17 (10):524-543 (2002) Abdel-latif, Faten, M. and Wafaa, M. Haggag 2002 International
12 Evaluation of Hot Water Soil Treatment Against Cucumber Root Rot Disease under Greenhouse Conditions. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 7(2): 212-222, (2011) A.M.M. Mahdy; M.H. Abd-El-Mageed; Faten, M. Abd-El-Latif; M.M.M. Diab and Nehal, M. Saied 2011 International
13 Field Application of Humic Acid and Thyme Essential Oil for Controlling Late Blight Disease of Tomato Plants under Field Conditions. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology 9 (4): 167-174, 2015 Riad S.R. El-Mohamedy and Faten M. Abd-El-latif Riad S.R. El-Mohamedy and Faten M. Abd-El-latif 2015 International
14 Induction of Resistance Against Cercospora Leaf Spot Disease of Sugar Beet Plants Under Field Conditions. Egypt. J. Phytopathol., 38(1-2): 173-183 (2010) F. Abd-El-Kareem; Faten M. Abd-El-Latif and Y.O. Fotouh 2010 International
15 Induction of Resistance in Watermelon Plants against Fusarium Wilt using Chemical Inducers and Compost under Greenhouse Conditions. Egypt. J. Phytopathol., 42(2): 1-19 (2014) A.M.M. Mahdy; M.H. Abd-El-Mageed; Faten M. Abd-El-Latif; M.M.M. Diab and Nehal M. Saied 2014 International
16 Integrated Treatments Between Humic Acid and Sulfur for Controlling Early Blight Disease of Potato Plants under Field Infection. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 5(6): 1039-1045, 2009 Abd-El-Kareem, F., Faten, M. Abd-El- Latif and Y.O. Fotouh 2009 International
17 Integrated Treatments Between Humic Acid and Sulfur for Controlling Early Blight Disease of Potato Plants under Field Infection. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 5(6):1039-1045 1 Abd-El-Kareem, F., 2Faten, M. Abd-El- Latif and 1Y.O. Fotouh 2009 Local
18 Interaction Between Vasicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and Antagonistic Biocontrol Micro-organisms on Controlling Root-Rot Disease Incidence of Geranium Plants. Journal of Biological Sciences 1(12):1147-1153 (2001) Wafaa, M. Haggag and Abdel-latif, Faten M. 2001 International
19 Physical and Biochemical Integrated Management For Controlling Tomato Wilt Disease Under Field Conditions. Plant Pathology Journal 14 (4): 242-249, 2015 Wafaa M. Haggag, Faten M. Abd-El-Latif and Riad S.R. El-Mohamedy 2015 International
20 Postharvest Application of Potassium Sorbate and Sodium Carbonate for Controlling Blue and Green Moulds of Navel Orange. Egypt. J. Phytopathol., 37(2): 105-115 (2009) Faten M. Abd-El-Latif and F. Abd-El-Kareem 2009 International
21 Postharvest Application of Some Essential Oils for Controlling Gray and Blue Moulds of Apple Fruits. (2016) Faten M. Abd-El-Latif 2015 International
22 Serological and molecular detection of sugarcane streak geminivirus. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 41(4):1551-1559. Attia A.O.; Mahdy, A.M.M.; Faten, M. Abdel-Latif; Hafez, M.A. and Sadik, A.S. 2003 International
23 Serology and PCR–Based Techniques for Detection of Fusarium Wilt In Sesame" Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 45(2): 587-596. (2007) Mahdy, A.M.M.; Nawal A. Eisa; Faten, M. Abdel-Latif; El-Wakil, A.A. and El-Wakil, D.A. 2007 International
24 Soil solarization for controlling cucumber root rot disease under commercial greenhouse conditions. 1st International Conference On Biotechnology Applications In Agriculture, Benha University, Moshtohor and Hurghada, 18-22, February 2012, Egypt, Microbial and Pathological Bio-techniques, 57-64. Mahdy, A.M.M., , M.M. Diab, Faten M. Abd-El- Latif and Nehal, M. Saied 2012 International
25 Successful growth of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on some synthetic medium. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 26(2): 795 - 803, (2001). Abd El-Latif, Faten M. 2001 International
26 Using bicarbonates for controlling late blight disease of potato plants under field conditions. Life Sci. J.; 9(4):2080-2085. (2012) F. Abd-El-Kareem and Fatten, M. Abd- El- latif 2012 International
Abdel moniem elfeqy
Local Publication (21)
International Publication (0)
Total (21)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Biochemical changes in squash leaves sprayed with some chemicals for inducing resistance to powdery mildew. The 2nd Conf. on Farm Integrated Pest Management 2006, Fayoum, Egypt: 211-222. Eisa, A. Nawal; El-Fiki, A.I.I.; Mohamed, F.G. and M.H. El-Habbak 2006 Local
2 Controlling sesame charcoal rot incited by Macrophomona phaseolina under field conditions by using the resistant cultivars and some seed and soil treatments. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci.; 32 (1-2): 103-118 El-Fiki, A.I.I.; A.A. El-Deeb; F.G. Mohamed and M.M.A. Khalifa 2004 Local
3 Effect of foliage inoculation with sporangiospores of VAM fungus produced in axenic culture on growth of pineapple plantlets during the in vitro and ex Vitro acclimatization stages. Proc. 11th Cong. Egypt. Phytopathol. Soc., November 2007, Giza, Egypt, pp. 379-392. El-Fiki, A.I.I.; N.A.A. Haggagi and K.E. Eid 2007 Local
4 Effect of foliage inoculation with sporangiospores of VAM fungus produced in axenic culture on growth of pineapple plantlets during the in vitro and ex Vitro acclimatization stages. Proc. 11th Cong. Egypt. Phytopathol. Soc., November 2007, Giza, Egypt, pp. 379-392. El-Fiki, A.I.I.; N.A.A. Haggagi and K.E. Eid 2007 Local
5 Effect of inoculation with vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza on root-rot disease incidence and plant growth of two cultivars of broad bean. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 9(9): 25-41. Ahmed, K.G.M.; Eisa (Nawal). A.; Mahdy, A.M.M. El-Fiki, A.I.I. and Abdel-latef, M. (Faten) 1994 Local
6 Effect of VA-Mycorrhizal fungi inocula produced in vitro on some maize fungal diseases and growth parameters under field conditions. Eleventh Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, pp. 367-377 November (2007) El-Fiki, A.I.I.; G.M.D. El-Habaa, M.A. Hafez and K.E. Eid 2007 Local
7 Effect of VA-Mycorrhizal fungi inocula produced in vitro on some maize fungal diseases and growth parameters under greenhouse conditions. Eleventh Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, pp. 351-365. November (2007) El-Fiki, A.I.I.; G.M.D. El-Habaa, M.A. Hafez and K.E. Eid 2007 Local
8 Induction of better growth and sporulation of Uromyces fabae (PERS.) De Bary, grown in axenic culture. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor 37 (2): 1187-1200 El-Fiki, A.I..I.; G.M.D. El-habaa; I.A. Esmail and Kh. E. Eid 1999 Local
9 Induction of defence response in strawberry plants to root-rot disease using some bioagents. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 46(2):13-22 June (2008) El-Fiki, A.I.I.; G. El-Habaa; S.M.A. Flaifel, M.A. Hafez and R.E.A. Abdel-Ghany 2008 Local
10 Occurrence of a pepper strain of tomato mosaic virus (ToMV-P) in Egypt. Egypt., J. Appl., Sci., 9:223-247 Eisa (Nawal), A.; A.E. Badr; A.I.I. El-Fiki and M.A. Hafez 1994 Local
11 Pathological and physiological studies on some isolates of Macrophomona phaseolina. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci.; 17 (1): 1-24 El-Fiki, A.I.I.; A.A. El-Deeb; F.G. Mohamed and M.M.A. Khalifa 2002 Local
12 Physiological studies on vesicular arbuscular mycorrhyzal fungi grown in vitro. Proc. 11th Cong. Egypt. Phytopathol. Soc., November 2007, Giza, Egypt, pp. 333-350. El-Fiki, A.I.I.; G.M.D. El-habaa and Kh. E. Eid 2007 Local
13 Response of strawberry plants to some abiotic inducers under stress of some root rot pathogens. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 45(4):1407-1417 December (2008) El-Fiki, A.I.I.; G. El-Habaa; S.M.A. Flaifel, M.A. Hafez and R.E.A. Abdel-Ghany 2008 Local
14 Some applicable methods for controlling sesame charcoal rot disease (Macrophomona phaseolina) under greenhouse conditions. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci.; 32 (1-2): 87-101 El-Fiki, A.I.I.; A.A. El-Deeb; F.G. Mohamed and M.M.A. Khalifa 2004 Local
15 Some applicable methods for controlling sesame charcoal rot disease (Macrophomona phaseolina) under greenhouse conditions. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci.; 32 (1-2): 87-101 7) El-Fiki, A.I.I.; A.A. El-Deeb; F.G. Mohamed and M.M.A. Khalifa 2004 Local
16 Studied on sugar beet rust disease in Egypt. II: Management of disease under field conditions. Proc. 11th Cong. Egypt. Phytopathol. Soc., November 2007, Giza, Egypt, pp. 41-58 El-Fiki, A.I.I; F.G. Mohamed and M.M.A. El-Mansoub 2007 Local
17 Studies on sugar beet rust disease in Egypt. I: Control of rust disease and effect of rust infection on some vital activities of sugar beet plants grown under greenhouse conditions. Proc. 11th Cong. Egypt. Phytopathol. Soc., November 2007, Giza, Egypt, pp. 25-40 El-Fiki, A.I.I.; F.G. Mohamed and M.M.A. El-Mansoub 2007 Local
18 Studies on the control of corn common smut disease [Ustilago maydis] Egypt. J. Appl. Sci.; 18 (11B): 433-453. El-Fiki, A.I.I.; Z.M. Fahmy; F.G. Mohamed; A.E. Abdel-Wahab 2003 Local
19 Studies on uromyces fabae (Pers.) de Bary grown in axenic culture: uredospores, germinability, enzymatic activity and pathogenicity. Annals of Agric. Sc. Moshtohor, 37: (3) 1677-1693. EL-Fiki, A.I.I., G.M. EL-Habbaa; and KH.E. Eid 1998 Local
20 Successful growth and sporulation of the Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi in axenic cultures. Ann. Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 39 (2): 933-952. El-Fiki, A.I.I.; G.M.D. El-Habaa; K.E. Eid 2001 Local
21 Successful isolation, growth and sporulation of Uromyces fabae in axenic cultures. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 36 (2): 901-913 El-Fiki, A.I..I.; G.M.D. El-habaa; A.I. Badr and Kh. E. Eid 1998 Local
Abdou Mahdy Mohamed Mahdy
Local Publication (42)
International Publication (11)
Total (53)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Pathological studies on cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) fusarium wilt disease under greenhouses. Republican Scientific-theoretical conference from 23-25 in Republic of Kazakhstan pages 29. (2009) Sagitov, A.O., Mahdy, A.M.M. and Ahmed, G.A. : 2009 Local
2 Using alternatives to control cucumber powdery mildew under green- and commercial protected-house conditions. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev., 20(2):121-138 Mahdy, A.M.M.; Abd El-Mageed, M.H.; Hafez, M.A. and Ahmed, G.A.: 2006 Local
3 "Serology and PCR–Based Techniques for Detection of Fusarium Wilt In Sesame" Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 45(2): 587-596. Mahdy, A.M.M.; Nawal A. Eisa; Faten, M. Abdel-Latif; El-Wakil, A. A. and El-Wakil, D.A. 2007 Local
4 Efficacy of some antioxidants for control of cucumber fusarium wilt disease under greenhouses. Republican Scientific-theoretical conference from 23-25 in Republic of Kazakhstan pages 7. (2009) Mahdy, A.M.M., Sagitov, A.O and Ahmed, G.A. : 2009 Local
5 Establishment of the regeneration and transformation systems of F144 sugarcane cultivar. Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology 2 (1-2): 15-18. Attia, O. Attia; A.M.M. Mahdy, M.E. Hafez, A.S. Sadik and Naglaa Abdellah. 2005 Local
6 :Biological control of greenhouses cucumber wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum by Bacillus spp. The XIII. Czech and Slovak Conference of Plant Protection, Brno Czech Republic from 2nd to 4th September 2009 pages 69. (2009) Ahmed, G.A.; Sagitov, A.O.and Mahdy, A.M.M. 2009 Local
7 Biological control of Sclerotinia rot disease on some vegetable crops in Egypt under greenhouse and field conditions. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 31(1): 199-221. (). Mahdy, A.M.M. Ahmed, K.G.M.; Abdel-Moiety, T.H.; and Mohamed, F.G. 1993 Local
8 Efficacy of some chemical inducers for control of cucumber fuarium wilt disease under greenhouses. Biological Diversity And Sustainable Development of Nature And Society conference, from 12-13 in Republic of Kazakhstan pages 10-11. (2009) Ahmed, G.A., Mahdy, A.M.M. and Sagitov, A.O. 2009 Local
9 Factors affecting infection with peanut pod rot severity under field conditions.1-NPK fertilizers, irrigation and sowing time affecting peanut pod rot diseases under field conditions. 11th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc., Cairo, Eisa (Nawal) A., Mahdy, A.M.M., El-Habbaa, G.M., Flaifel, M.S. and Ahmad, A.K. 2007 Local
10 Inducing systemic resistance against Bean Yellow Mosaic Potyvirus using botanical extracts. Egyptian J. Virol. 4, pp. 129-145 December (2007). Mahdy A.M.M.; R.N. Fawzy; M.A. Hafez; Hanan A.N. Mohamed and Eman S.M. Shahwan: 2007 Local
11 Pectinolytic, celluloytic, and oxidative enzyme activities in vitro and in vivo in relation to pathogenicity of some grapevine leaf spot pathogens. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 30(2): 711-730. (). Saeed, R.S.; El-Fiki, A.I.I. and Mahdy, A.M.M. 1992 Local
12 V.: Studying the efficacy of Pseudomonas and Serratia for controling of cucumber Fusarium wilt disease under greenhouses. The XIII. Czech and Slovak Conference of Plant Protection, Brno Czech Republic from 2nd to 4th September 2009 pages 43. (2009) Ahmed, G.A.; Sagitov, A.O.; Mahdy, A.M.M. and Rimsa, 2009 Local
13 "Effect of Some Resistance Inducing Agents on the Growth and Control of Macrophomina phaseolina And Fusarium oxysporum The Causal Agents of Charcoal Rot and Wilt of Sesame" Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 45(2): 561-576. Mahdy, A. M. M.; Nawal, A. Eisa; Faten M. Abdel-Latif, El-Wakil, A.A. and El-Wakil, D.A. 2007 Local
14 Antibacterial activity of some Yemeni medicinal plants. The second Conference on environmental and natural resources.Taiz,6-8 may 2003. Al-Dubaie,A.S.;S.M.alghalibi; A.M.M. Mahdy and Shater, 2003 Local
15 Antifungal and antibacterial effects of propolis extract of Yemeni bees. Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor, Vol. 36. (3): 1437-1450. (). Mahdy, A.M.M., Al-Hemiari, A. and El-Zumair, M.A. 1998 Local
16 Bacterial canker disease caused by Pseudomonas syringae Van. Hall., in some Egyptian Orchards. 11th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc.., Cairo, 2007. Eisa (Nawal) A., Mahdy, A.M.M., El-Habbaa, G.M., Abdel-Ghafar, N.Y. and El-Sisy, A. 2007 Local
17 Biological and chemical controls of Fusarium wilt in muskmelon (Cucumis melo var. reticulatus Maud.) under greenhouse and field conditions. Annals of Agric. Sci., Ain Shams, 38 (2): 725 - 739. (). Mahdy, A.M.M. and Eid, S.M.M. 1993 Local
18 Biological and chemical seed treatment in watermelon and their effect on chemical properties of plant roots. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, Vol., 27(1): 307 – 320. (). Mahdy, A.M.M. and Eid, S.M. 1989 Local
19 Biological control of gray mould disease caused by Botrytis cinerea on strawberry fruits Mahdy, A.M.M.; R.N. Fawzy; M.A. Hafez and T.A.L. Ahmad 2014 International
20 borne fungi of maize (Zea mays L.) with special references to Fusarium moniliforme Sheld. and Nigrospora oryzae (Berk. & Br.) Petch. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 25(2): . El-Wakil, A.A.; Ahmed, K.G.M.; Gamal El-Din, I.F.; Mahdy, A.M.M. and Abd El-Wahab (Mervat), E.E. Seed 1987 Local
21 Chemical changes of some maize cultivars and their F1 hybrids in relation to their infection with common smut disease (Ustilago maydis DC. (Cda.)) Zagazig J. Agric. Res., 18(1): 21-32. (). Elian, M.I.; Mahdy, A.M.M.; Ragab (Mona), M.M. and Koriem, A. M. 1991 Local
22 Chemical changes of some onion cultivars in relation to pink root-rot disease. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 29(4): 1393-1415. (). Ali, A.A.; El-Fiki, A.I.I.; Mahdy, A.M.M. and Tadrous, M.F.I. 1991 Local
23 Culture filtrates and toxin (s) produced by isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. and relation to their pathoginicity. Egypt. Society of Appl. Microbiol. Proc. VI. Conf. Microbiol. Cairo, May 1986. Vol. II Part VI. Plant Pathology, paper No. 50. . Mohamed, H.A.; Gamal El-Din, I.F.; Mahdy, A.M.M. and Hassanain, A. M. 1986 Local
24 DNA-Polymorphism among some Streptomyces scabies isolates causing potato common scab disease using RAPD-PCR technique Abdou M.M. Mahdy*; Ali. E. Tawfik **;F. G. Mohamed, *; R.N.Fawzy* and Omnia. A.Abd- El –Hafez** * Agric Botany Dept.,Plant Pathology Branch, Fac. Agric., Benha Univ.-Egypt. ** Plant Pathology, Research Institute, Agricultural ResearchCentre, Giza, Egypt 2014 International
25 Effect of Antagonistic Fungi on the Growth and Control of Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium oxysporum the Causal Agents of Charcoal Rot and Wilt of Sesame. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 45(2): 577-585, (2007). Mahdy, A.M.M. ; Nawal, A. Eisa ; Abdel-Latif; M. Faten, El-Wakil, A.A. and El-Wakil, D.A. 2007 International
26 Effect of artichoke propagation parts and soaking in hot water and fungicides on healthy survival plants, vegetative growth and flower heads yield and quality. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 8(3): 286-301. (). Eid, S.M.M.; Abo-Sedera, F.A. and Mahdy, A.M.M. 1993 Local
27 Effect of inoculation with vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza on root-rot disease incidence and plant growth of two cultivars of broad bean. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 9(9): 25-41. (). Ahmed, K.G.M.; Eisa (Nawal). A.; Mahdy, A.M.M. El-Fiki, A.I.I. and Abdel-latef, M. (Faten) 1994 Local
28 Effect of seed treatment with fungicides combined with VA-Mycorrhiza on plant growth and root-rot diseases of broad bean (Vicia faba, L.). Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 9(11):375-385(1994) Eisa (Nawal), A.; Ahmed, K.G.M.; Mahdy, A.M.M.; Badr, A.E. and Abdel-Latef M. (Faten) 1994 International
29 Effect of some fungicides on interaction between fungal and viral infection in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Egypt. J. Food Sci., 18(1-3): 267-276. (). Gamal El-Din, I.F.; Mahdy, A.M.M. and Abdel-Mageed, M.H. 1988 Local
30 Efficacy of Bacillus spp. for control of cucumber fusarium wilt disease under greenhouses. Republican Scientific-theoretical conference from 23-25 in Republic of Kazakhstan pages 10-11. (2009) Ahmed, G.A., Mahdy, A.M.M. and Sagitov, 2009 Local
31 Efficiency of Grafting Watermelon Scions on Resistant Rootstocks for Controlling Fusarium Wilt under Greenhouse and Field Conditions. Egypt. J. Phytopathol., 42(2): 21-35 (2014) A.M.M. Mahdy; M.H. Abd-El-Mageed; Faten M. Abd-El-Latif; M.M.M. Diab and Nehal M. Saied 2014 International
32 El- Survey, isolation and pathogenicity of horizontal and vertical cypress wilt Disease pathogen in Yemen. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci; 14(3): 66-86. (1999). Zumair, M.A.; Mahdy, A.M.M.; El-Atta, H.A. and El-Damri, A.M.H. 1999 Local
33 Elimination of potato virus X and compatible of microtuber productivity of some infected potatoes in vitro. Annals of Agric. Sc. Moshtohor, 30(1) 195 – 209. (). El – Fiki, A.I.I.; Nasr El – Din, T.M.; Mahdy, A.M.M. and Ali, A. S. 1992 Local
34 Evaluation of Hot Water Soil Treatment Against Cucumber Root Rot Disease under Greenhouse Conditions. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 7(2): 212-222, (2011) A.M.M. Mahdy; M.H. Abd-El-Mageed; Faten, M. Abd-El-Latif; M.M.M. Diab and Nehal, M. Saied 2011 International
35 Evaluation of Trichoderma harzianum isolate in controlling Fusarium wilt of watermelon in comparison with chemical control. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 26(4): 2695 – 2703. (). Eid, S.M. and Mahdy, A.M.M. 1988 Local
36 Factors affecting peanut pod rot severity under field conditions. 2-Chemical, biological and integrated control methods. 11th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc.., Cairo, 2007. Eisa (Nawal) A., El-Habbaa, G.M., Mahdy, A.M.M., Flaifel, M.S. and Ahmad, A.K. 2007 Local
37 Identification of a strain of cucumber mosaic virus isolated from naturally infected Philodendron selloum. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 30 (3): 1219-1232. (1992). Fawzy, R.N.; Mahdy, A.M.M. and Abdel-Mageed, M.H. 1992 International
38 Induction of Resistance in Watermelon Plants against Fusarium Wilt using Chemical Inducers and Compost under Greenhouse Conditions. Egypt. J. Phytopathol., 42(2): 1-19 (2014) A.M.M. Mahdy; M.H. Abd-El-Mageed; Faten M. Abd-El-Latif; M.M.M. Diab and Nehal M. Saied 2014 International
39 laboratory quick method for screening some local and exotic Allium species and onion varieties for Sclerotium cepivorum Berk. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 8(3): 512 – 523. (). Hassan, A.M.; Sherif, A.S.; Mahdy, A.M.M. and Abd – El – Mageed, M.H. A 1993 Local
40 Loss Assessment of Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) yield as affected by sowing date, cultivars and viral diseases under Sana’a district conditions. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, Vol. 36 (3): 145-148. (). El-Zumair, M.A., Mahdy, A.M.M. and Lotff, A. 1998 Local
41 Phytotoxicity of Fusarium axysporum Schlecht. culture filtrate on Cypress plants. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci.; 14(3): 56-65. (). Mahdy, A.M.M. El-Zumair, M.A.; El-Atta, H.A. and El-Damri, A.M.H. 1999 Local
42 RAPD-PCR technique for detecting the DNA-polymorphism among some Xanthomonas campestris isolates causing mango canker disease in Egypt Abdou M. M. Mahdy; Nawal A. Eissa; G. M. El-Habbaa and A. A. El- Sisi Agric. Botan. Dept., Fac. Agric., Moshtohor, Benha Univ., Egypt 2014 International
43 Recent host list of plant diseases recorded in the Republic of Yemen. Egypt. J. Phytopathol., Vol. 26 No(1) 51-76. (). El-Zumair, M.A., and Mahdy, A.M.M. 1998 Local
44 Relationship between panicle blast infection and losses in rice. Zagazig J. Agric. Res., 1(1): 83-91. (). Elian, M.I.; Koriem, A.M. and Mahdy, A.M.M. 1991 Local
45 Saprophytic behavior of some isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. Egypt. Society of Appl. Microbiol. Proc. VI. Conf. Microbiol. Cairo, May 1986. Vol. II Part VI. Plant Pathology, paper No. 59. Ahmed, K.G.M.; Mohamed, H.A.; Mahdy, A.M.M. and Hassanain, A.M. 1986 Local
46 Serological and molecular detection of sugarcane streak geminivirus. Annals of Agric. Sc. Moshtohor 41(4): 1551-1559. Attia A.O., A.M.M. Mahdy, Faten M. Abdel-Latif, M.A. Hafez and A.S. Sadik 2003 Local
47 Soil solarization and hot water for controlling cucumber root rot disease under commercial greenhouse conditions. 1st International Conference On Biotechnology Applications In Agriculture, Benha University, Moshtohor and Hurghada, 18-22, February 2012, Egypt, 57-64 Abdo M. M. Mahdy, Mohamed M. Diab, Faten M. Abd-El- Latif and Nehal, M. Saied 2012 International
48 Some Factors affecting the incidence of onion pink root rot in Egypt. 4th. Nat. Conf. of Pests & Dis. of Veg. Fruits in Egypt – proceeding (2): 768 – 778. (). Ahmed, K.G.M.; Mahdy, A. M. M.; Ali, A.A and Tadrous, M.F. I. 1991 Local
49 Studies on biological control of Sclerotinia rot disease of some vegetable crops with reference to the histological effect of Trichoderma harzianum on the sclerotia of the pathogen. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 31(1): 223-237. (). Abdel-Moiety, T.H.; Ahmed, K.G.M.; Mahdy, A.M.M. and Mohamed, F.G. 1993 Local
50 Studies on some fungi causing deterioration of maize grains during storage. Proc. 5 th Conf. Egypt. Phytopathol. Soc. Giza, 1987:127 –148. Gamal El-Din, I.F.; Ahmed, K.G.M.; Mahdy, A.M.M. and Abd El-Wahab (Mervat), E. E. 1987 Local
51 Studies on the rot diseases of flower buds and flowers of Bird of paradise (Strelitzia reginae Banks.) in Egypt. Zagazig J. Agric. Res., 19 (4A): 1777-1786. (). Mahdy, A.M.M. 1992 Local
52 The role of Hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes on the capacity of Pyrenochaeta terrestris in inducing onion pink Root – rot and the reaction of onion cultivars and chemical control of the disease. 4th Nat. cont. of Pests Dis. of Veg. Fruits in Egypt – proceeding (2): 757 – 767. (). Ahmed, K.G.M.; Mahdy, A.M.M.; Ali, A.A and Tadrous, M.F.I. 1991 Local
53 Virulence of Ralstonia solanacearum the causal of potato brown rot disease under Egyptian conditions. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 50(1): 59– 67 47- Abdou M.M. Mahdy; G.M. El-Habbaa; F.G. Mohamed and A.A. Badr 2012 International
Mohamed Haroun Abd El Mageed Nasr
Local Publication (13)
International Publication (6)
Total (19)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Deterioration of store wheat grains . II-Field fertilization, spreying with some microelements or fungicides on mould infection and aflatoxin production. Mansoura University journal of Agriculture Sciences 26(4):2041-2051. Abdel-Mageed, M.H.; Eisa (Nawal), A. ; Fawzy, R.N. and Afify, Safaa 2001 Local
2 Interaction between virus infection and fungal diseases in bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L) I-Studies on PG-inhibitor from root and root exudates. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 30(3):1233-1246 Abdel-Mageed, M.H. : 1992 Local
3 A strain of bean yellow mosaic virus affected iris plants ( Iris tectorum ) in Egypt Rizkallah , L.R ; R.N Fawzy and M.H . Abd El – Mageed 1992 Local
4 aboratory quick method for screening some local and exotic Allium species and onion varieties for Sclerotium cepivorum Berk. Hassan, A.M.; Sherif, A.S.; Mahdy, A.M.M. and Abd – El – Mageed, M.H. A 1993 Local
5 Chemical and biological control of some soil-borne fungi infecting pea roots. Nawal, A. Eisa; Abdel-Mageed, M.H.; Fawzy, R.N. and Mansour, A.S. 2001 Local
6 Controlling the grey mold and white rot diseases on bean pods under storage conditions using some safely chemical compounds. J. Biol. Chem. Environ. Sci., 7(2):617-634. (2012) Abdel-Mageed, M.H.; Mohamed, F.G.; Soltan H.H.; Hafez, M.A. and Abdel- Rahman, F.A. 2012 Local
7 Damping-off and Root-rot diseases of Volkameriana (Citrus volkameriana) Seedling. I-Biological control studies .Egypt J.Phytopthol.,25(1-2):55-69. Abdel-Mageed, M.H. 1997 Local
8 Effect of mycorrhizal inoculation and phosphatic fertilization on damping-off and root-rot disease of sour orange. I- The effect on disease severity, microbial counts, phenols and carbohydrates content Abd El-Mageed, M.H.; Gendiah, H.M. and Zaghloul, R.A. 1998 Local
9 Effect of mycorrhizal inoculation and phosphatic fertilization on damping-off and root-rot disease of sour orange. II- Growth characters, chemicals analysis and colonization intensity with mycorrhizae. Gendiah, H.M.; Zaghloul, R.A. and Abd El-Mageed, M.H. 1998 Local
10 Effect of some fungicides on interaction between fungal and viral infection in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Gamal El-Din, I.F.; Mahdy, A.M.M. and Abdel-Mageed, M.H. 1990 Local
11 Effect of some organic acids on anatomical, physiological changes and post-harvest diseases of snap bean pods Mohamed, F.G.; Abdel-Mageed, M.H.; Hafez, M.A.; Soltan H.H.; Rashid, I.A. and Abdel-Rahman, F.A. 2015 International
12 Efficiency of Grafting Watermelon Scions on Resistant Rootstocks for Controlling Fusarium Wilt under Greenhouse and Field Conditions. Egypt. J. Phytopathol., 42(2): 21-35 (2014) A.M.M. Mahdy; M.H. Abd-El-Mageed; Faten M. Abd-El-Latif; M.M.M. Diab and Nehal M. Saied 2014 International
13 Efficiency of some fungicides, plant extracts, chemical inducers and plant hormones on the management of damping-off and root rot diseases of Khaya senegalensis under greenhouse conditions Habashy Sh.R, Abd El-Mageed M.H; Fawzy R.N; Eid Kh.E; El-Sheme H.S.A 2016 International
14 Evaluation of Hot Water Soil Treatment Against Cucumber Root Rot Disease under Greenhouse Conditions. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 7(2): 212-222, (2011) A.M.M. Mahdy; M.H. Abd-El-Mageed; Faten, M. Abd-El-Latif; M.M.M. Diab and Nehal, M. Saied 2011 International
15 Induction of Resistance in Watermelon Plants against Fusarium Wilt using Chemical Inducers and Compost under Greenhouse Conditions. Egypt. J. Phytopathol., 42(2): 1-19 (2014) A.M.M. Mahdy; M.H. Abd-El-Mageed; Faten M. Abd-El-Latif; M.M.M. Diab and Nehal M. Saied 2014 International
16 Potential effect of plant essential oils as antifungal activity against postharvest decay of snap bean pods. J. Biol. Chem. Environ. Sci., 9 (4): 467-487. Abdel-Mageed, M.H.; Mohamed, F.G.; Soltan, H.H.; Hafez, M.A. and Abdel-Rahman, F.A. 2014 International
17 studies on chocolate spot disease of faba bean ( vicia faba l.) incited by botrytis fabae ahmed k.g.m, mahdy a.m.m., Abdelmageed M.H. and Mansour m.t.m. 1993 Local
18 Using alternatives to control cucumber powdery mildew under green- and commercial protected-house conditions. Mahdy, A.M.M.; Abd El-Mageed, M.H.; Hafez, M.A. and Ahmed, G.A.: 2006 Local
19 Using alternatives to control cucumber powdery mildew under green- and commercial protected-house conditions. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev., 20(2):121-138 Mahdy, A.M.M.; Abd El-Mageed, M.H.; Hafez, M.A. and Ahmed, G.A 2006 Local
Nawal Abd Elmonem Hassan Essa
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (41)
Total (45)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 42- Bacterial canker disease caused by Pseudomonas syringae Van. Hall., in some Egyptian Orchards. 11th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc.., Cairo, 2007. Eisa (Nawal) A., Mahdy, A.M.M., El-Habbaa, G.M., Abdel-Ghafar, N.Y. and El-Sisy, A. 2007 Local
2 A laboratory method for testing virulence in Erwinia amylovora strains. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, Vol. 8, 167-176 (1977) Farouk, M. Barakat and Nawal A. Eisa 1977 International
3 Associated fungi with seeds of some Egyptian cotton cultivars and their effect on the plant mortality, mycotoxin production and oil content. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 45:651-665.(2007) Eisa (Nawal) A., El-Habbaa, G.M., Aboul-Ella, M.F. and Hassan, S.R. 2007 International
4 Associated mold fungi with collected yellow corn grains from different Egyptian governorates and their mycotoxins. Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 27 (5);90-107 2012 Eisa, Nawal A.; G.M. El-Habbaa; F.G. Mohamed; M.F. Abou-El-Ella and I.A. Sabek 2012 International
5 Bacterial canker disease caused by Pseudomonas syringae Van. Hall., in some Egyptian Orchards. 11th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc.., Cairo, 2007. Eisa (Nawal) A., Mahdy, A.M., El-Habbaa, G.M., Abdel-Ghafar, N.Y. and El-Sisy, A. 2007 Local
6 Biochemical changes in squash leaves sprayed with some chemicals for inducing resistance to powdery mildew. The 2nd Conf. on Farm Integrated Pest Management 2006, Fayoum, Egypt: 211-222 (2006) Eisa, A. Nawal; El-Fiki, A.I.; Mohamed, F.G. and El-Habbak, M.H. 2006 International
7 Biological control of damping-off in broad bean varieties Giza 2 and Rebaya 40. Ann. Agric. Sci., Ain-Shams Univ., Res. Bull. 1778. pp.1-28 (1982) Neweigy, N.A.; Nawal, A. Eisa and Lawahlz, A. El-Shewy 1982 International
8 Chemical and biological control of some soil-borne fungi infecting pea roots. Annals Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, Vol. 39 (1): 161-183, (2001). Nawal, A. Eisa; Abdel-Mageed, M.H.; Fawzy, R.N. and Mansour, A.S. 2001 International
9 Controlling post-harvest decay of navel orange fruits. Annals of Agric. Sci. Moshtohor, 39(3): 1531-1550, (2001) Nawal A. Eisa; El-Habbaa, G.M.; Nadia A. Fouad and Ahmed, Z.H. 2001 International
10 Detection of Xanthomonas vesicatoria phages in infected tomato plants. 3rd Inter. Conf. Virol., Cairo Univ. Center, Nov. 24-25, 2010 Egyptian J. Virol., SP. Issue, 425-433, 2010 Eisa, Nawal A.; Abd EL-Ghafar, N.Y.; Abd EL-Mageed, M.H.; Mohamed, F.G. and Hasan, Eman O. 2010 International
11 Deterioration of stored wheat grains 2- field fertilization, spraying with some microelements or fungicides on mould infection and aflatoxin production. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 26 (4): 2041 - 2051, 2001. Abd El-Mageed, M.H.; Nawal A. Eisa; R.N. Fawzy and Safaa E. Afify 2001 International
12 Effect of Antagonistic Fungi on the Growth and Control of Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium oxysporum the Causal Agents of Charcoal Rot and Wilt of Sesame. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 45(2): 577-585, (2007). Mahdy, A.M.M. ; Nawal, A. Eisa ; Abdel-Latif; M. Faten, El-Wakil, A.A. and El-Wakil, D.A. 2007 International
13 Effect of different types of compost in combination with some biological agents and Folicur fungicide on onion white rot disease. J. Appl. Sci. Res., 9(4): 2803-2810.(2013) Nawal, A. Eisa; Hafez, M.A.; Khalifa, M.M.A.; Eid, Kh. E. and Mahdy, Hala A.M.M. 2013 International
14 Effect of inoculation with vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza on root-rot disease incidence and plant growth of two cultivars of broad bean. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 9(9): 25-41. (1994). Ahmed, K.G.M.; Eisa (Nawal). A.; Mahdy, A.M.M. El-Fiki, A.I.I. and Abdel-latef, M. (Faten) 1994 International
15 Effect of seed treatment with fungicides combined with VA-Mycorrhiza on plant growth and root-rot diseases of broad bean (Vicia faba, L.). Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 9(11):375-385(1994) Eisa (Nawal), A.; Ahmed, K.G.M.; Mahdy, A.M.M.; Badr, A.E. and Abdel-Latef M. (Faten) 1994 International
16 Effect of some resistance inducing agents on the growth and control of Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium oxysporum the causal agents of charcoal rot and wilt of sesame" Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor,45(2): 561-576 (2007) Mahdy, A.M.M.; Nawal, A. Eisa; Faten M. Abdel-Latif, El-Wakil, A.A. and El-Wakil, D.A. 2007 International
17 Effect of the fungicides Vitavax Captan and Topsin M 70 on the pathogenic fungi Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum and Sclerotium rolfsii. Zagazig J. Agric. Res., 9 (2): 121-137 (1982) Neweigy; N.A.; Nawal, A. EISA; M.I. Ziedan and M.S.A.Felaifel 1982 International
18 Efficacy of antagonists, natural plant extracts and fungicides in controlling wilt, root rot and chocolate spot pathogens of faba bean in vitro. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 44:1547-1570. (2006) Eisa (Nawal) A., El-Habbaa, G.M., Omar, S.M. and El-Sayed, (Sahar) A. 2006 International
19 Efficacy of dressing cotton seeds with fungicides in controlling root pathogens under field conditions. 11th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc.., Cairo, 2007. Eisa (Nawal) A., El-Habbaa, G.M., El-Emery, M.I. and Hassan, S.R. 2007 Local
20 Enzymes activity of Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat. and Fusarium moniliforme and their role in inducing mango fruit rots. 8th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc., Cairo, 1997. Schlösser, E., A. Eisa (Nawal), B. Steinhauer and G. El-Habbaa 1997 International
21 Factors affecting infection with peanut pod rot severity under field conditions.1-NPK fertilizers, irrigation and sowing time affecting peanut pod rot diseases under field conditions. 11th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc., Cairo, 2007. Eisa (Nawal) A., Mahdy, A.M., El-Habbaa, G.M., Flaifel, M.S. and Ahmad, A.K. 2007 International
22 Factors affecting peanut pod rot severity under field conditions. II. Chemical, biological and integrated control methods. 11th Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, pp. 87-102, November 2007. Eisa, Nawal A., G.M. El-Habbaa, A.M. Mahdy, M.S. Flaifel and A.K. Ahmed 2007 International
23 Histopathological and haematological studies on rats fed on yellow corn grains contaminated with Aspergillus flavus and/or with aflatoxin. Conf. Food Borne Contamination & Egyptian's Health, University of Mansoura, Nov. 26 - 27, 113-125; (1996). Eisa (Nawal) A.; A.E. Badr; S.K. Abdel Reheem and M.F. Abo El-Alaa 1996 International
24 Identification of prevalent physiological races of wheat stripe rust in north delta and some factors affecting disease severity. Annals Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 42(2):556-568. (2004) Eisa, (Nawal) A., G.M. El-Habbaa, W.A Youssef and A.M. Abou-Aly 2004 International
25 Impact of some plant oils on controlling snap bean pod mold infections and oxidative enzymes. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 25 (12B):507-525 2010 Eisa, Nawal A.; G.M. El-Habbaa; M.H. Abdel-Mageed; A.S. Mansour and Mona F. Ahmed 2010 International
26 Microbial counts in the soil and rhizosphere of two broad bean varieties Giza 2 and Rebaya 40, at different stages of plant growth. Ann. Agric. Sci., Ain-Shams Univ., Res. Bull. 1754. (1982) Neweigy, N.A.; Nawal A. Eissa and L.A. El-Shewy 1982 International
27 Occurrence of a pepper strain of tomato mosaic virus (ToMV-P) in Egypt. Egypt., J. Appl., Sci., 9:223-247 Eisa (Nawal), A.; A.E. Badr; A.I.I. El-Fiki and M.A. Hafez 1994 Local
28 Pathological effects of Macrophomina phaseolina (Tsaai.) Gqid on sunflower (Helianthus annus L.). Ann. Agric. Sci., Ain-Shams Univ., Res. Bull. 1464. (1981) Eisa (Nawal) A., K.G.M. Ahmad and M.A. Shaarawy 1981 International
29 Pathological studies on deterioration of yellow corn during storage and its control (I- Associated fungi, percentage of infection and its control. Al-Azhar J. Agric. Res. 24: 65-81. (1996) Eisa (Nawal), A., S.K. Abdel-Reheem, A.E. Badr and M.F. Abol-Ella 1996 International
30 Pathological studies on deterioration of yellow corn during storage and its control (II- Alfatoxins production and chemical composition of grains). Al-Azhar J. Agric. Res. 24: 83-99. (1996) Eisa, (Nawal) A., S.K. Abdel-Reheem, A.E. Badr & M.F. Abol-Ella 1996 International
31 Physiological studies and host range of Phytophthora cactorum (Leb. & Cohn.) Schroet., the causal organism of leather rot of fruits and collar rot of strawberry in Egypt Ann. Agric. Sci., Ain-Shams Univ., Res. Bull. 1465. (1981) Gamal El-Din, I.F.; K.G.M. Ahmed; Nawal A. Eisa; F.A.M. Fadl and Y.S. Khafagi 1981 International
32 Predominating microorganisms in the phyllosphere of broad bean varieties in relation to infection with Stemphylium botryosum Wallroth. Ann. Agric. Sci. Moshtohor, 4: 67-77. (1975) Barakat, F.M. & (Nawal) A. Eisa 1975 International
33 Pulsed Electric Field Technology for Checking Aflatoxin Production in Cultures and Corn Grains. Egypt. J. Phytopathol., 31(1-2): 75-86.(2003) Nawal A. Eisa; F.M. Ali; G.M. EI-Habbaa; S.K. Abdel-Reheem and M.F. Abou-El-Ela 2003 International
34 RAPD-PCR technique for detecting the DNA-polymorphism among some Xanthomonas campestris isolates causing mango canker disease in Egypt Abdou M. M. Mahdy.; Eissa (Nawal), A.; El-Habbaa G. M. and El- Sisi, A. A. 2014 International
35 Rapid-PCR based technique for detecting the conferred stripe rust resistant gene Yr15 to the Egyptian commercial wheat cultivars. Annals Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 42(2):569-582. (2004) Eisa, (Nawal) A., G.M. El-Habbaa, W.A. Youssef and A.M. Abou-Aly 2004 International
36 Relative efficiency of fungicides in the control of damping-off and Stemphylium leaf spot of broad bean (Vicia faba L.). Plant Disease Reporter, 62(2):114-118 (1978). Eisa (Nawal), A. & F.M. Barakat 1978 International
37 Resistance of sunflower to damping off and charcoal-rot diseases caused by Fusarium oxysporum and Macrophomina phaseolina in Egypt. Egypt. J. Phytopathol., 16: 43-51. (1984) Gamal El-Din, I.F., K.G.M. Ahmad, A. Eisa (Nawal) and M.A. Shaarawy 1984 International
38 Rhizospheric microbial antagonists against some root-rot pathogens and the sensitivity of some potent antagonists to fungicides. Zagazig Jour. Agric. Res. 9 (2):146-174 (1982). N.A. Neweigy; Nawal, A. Eisa; M.I. Ziedan and M.S.A. Felaifel 1982 International
39 Root-rot and wilt of three cut-flower plants in Egypt: 1- Distribution, causal fungi, pathogenicity and disease symptoms. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 38 (4): 2169-2182.(2000a) Nawal A Eisa; Abdel-Mageed, M.H.; Hilal A.A. and Ibrahim, A.LM. 2000 International
40 Root-rot and wilt of three cut-flower plants in Egypt: 2- Saprophytic behaviour of the causal pathogens and the possibility of chemical and biological control. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 38 (4): 2183-2197. (2000b) Nawal A Eisa; Abdel-Mageed, M.H.; Hilal A.A. and Ibrahim, A.LM. 2000 International
41 Serology and PCR–Based Techniques for Detection of Fusarium Wilt In Sesame" Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 45(2): 587-596. (2007). Mahdy, A.M.M.; Nawal, A. Eisa; Faten M. Abdel-Latif, El-Wakil, A.A. and El-Wakil, D.A. 2007 International
42 Studies on maize grains deterioration under Egyptian conditions - corn kernel damage percentage and application of some control techniques. Proc. 2nd Cont. Foodborne Contamination and Egyptians' Health, 23-24 April 2002, El-Mansoura, Egypt. 53-65 Eisa, Nawal A., S.K. Abdel-Reheem; G.M. El-Habba; M.F. Emara and M. F. Abol-Ela 2002 International
43 Studies on Stemphylium leaf spot of Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.). 3-Reaction of Broad Bean Varieties to infection with Stemphylium botryosum.2nd Conf. Phytopathol., 397-407. (1976) Mostafa, M. Fahim; Yousef A. Abdou and Nawal A. Eisa 1976 International
44 Studies on Stemphylium leaf spot of Broad Bean. I- Pathological studies. 2nd Conf. Phytopathol., 367-384.(1976) Mostafa, M. Fahim; Yousef A. Abdou and Nawal A. Eisa 1976 International
45 Tomato leaf spot caused by Ulocladium botrytis Preuss. Pathological and physiological studies. Ann. Agric. Sci. Ain-Shams Univ., 23: 167-182. (1977) Nawal A. Eisa 1977 International
Raouf Naguib Fawzy Rofail
Local Publication (21)
International Publication (1)
Total (22)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A strain of bean yellow mosaic virus affected iris plants ( Iris tectorum ) in Egypt . Annals of Agric . Sci ., Moshtohor , 30 (2) : 777-789 . Rizkallah , L.R ; R.N Fawzy and M.H . Abd El – Mageed 1992 Local
2 Carnation virus diseases in Egypt . J. Agric . Sci . Mansoura Univ., 12(3) : 491-497 Rizkallah , L.R. ; R.N . Fawzy and H.M . Mazyed 1987 Local
3 Chrysanthemum virus diseases in Egypt .j. A gric .Sci. Mansoura Univ ., 12 (3) : 498- 504 . -Rizkallah , L .R ; R.N fawzy and H.M Mazyed 1987 Local
4 Dasheen mosaic potyvirus affecting ornamental plants in Egypt . Egypt . J.Appl. Sci ., 9(7) : 495-506 . Fawzy , R.N. and L.R. Rizkalah 1994 Local
5 Effect of fungicides , plant density and NPK fertilization level on infection with early blight and leaf spot diseases , yield and quality of tomato . Egypt J. Appl . Sci ., 8 (5) : 287-301 Mahdy , A.M.M.; S.M. Eid and R.N. Fawzy 1993 Local
6 Effect of infection by cucumber mosaic virus ( CMV) on seven varieties of gladiolus in Egypt .j. Agric . Sci . mansoura Univ , 12 ( 3 ) : 512 – 518 Rizkallah , L .R .: H . M Mazyed ; R.N Fawzy and A . Misiha 1987 Local
7 Effect of planting date and some fungicides on powdery mildew infection , vegetative growth and yield of cucumber . Annals of Agric . Sci . Moshtohor, 27 (4) : 2433-2446 . Shafshak , Nadia S , and R.N fawzy 1989 Local
8 Effect of soil depth , burial time and antagonistic fungi on the decay of Sclerotium rolfsii sclerotia. Annals of Agric . Sci . Moshtohor, 31 (1) : 255-266 . Fawzy , R.N 1993 Local
9 Faba bean necrotic yellow , a new disease of faba bean ( Vicia faba ) in Egypt .J.Appl . Sci. , 9 (7) : 478-494 . Rizkallah , L.R.;R.N. Fawzy and A.EI – Amrity 1994 Local
10 Freesia leaf necrosis ,a new disease of Freesia refracta in Egypt Annals of Agric . Sci Moshtohor , 28 (1) : 401-411 Rizkallah , L. R . and R.N . fawzy 1990 Local
11 Identification of a strain of cucumber mosaic virus isolated from naturally infected Philodendron selloum . Annals of Agric. Sci .Moshtohor , 30 (3) : 1219-1232 . Fawzy , R.N ;A . M . M. Mahdy and M .H . Abd El – Mageed 1992 Local
12 Incidence of Oidiopsis taurica on castor bean plant in Egypt , Annals of Agric . Sci. Moshtohor , 25 ( 2) : 807-817 El-fiki , A.I.I and R.N Fawzy 1987 Local
13 Pathological studies on stem rot and leaf spot disease of Diffenbachia .Annals of Agric . Sc . Moshtohor , 38(4) : 1921-1931 Fawzy , R.N. 2000 Local
14 Pathological study on sunflower plants , chemical and biological control and seed oil content . Annals of Agric . Sci ., Moshtohor , 32(3) : 2129-2149 Ahmed , K.G.M.; R.N.Fawzy ; A.E. Badr ; and M.A.Abd – Allah 1994 Local
15 Response of bean plants to artificial infection with different combinations of fungi and viruses Annals Agric . Sci ., Fac Agric., Ain - Shams Univ. , 35 (1) : 393- 405 . fawzy , R.N . and M.H Abd El –Mageed 1989 Local
16 Sclerotium rolfsii sclerotia as affected by different levels of soil depth . Mansoura Univ . Conf . of Agric . Sci . on Food Deficiency Overcoming through Autonomous Efforts in Egypt . 2:366-375 . Fawzy, R. N, and A .I . I . EI- Fiki 1987 Local
17 Some disturbances caused by newly isolated leaf-spot fungi of grapevine and their response to foliar spray with some fungicides , nutrient solution or their combinations . Egypt J. Appl. Sci ., 8(9) : 351-372 Ahmed , K.G.M.; A.E.Badr ; R.N . Fawzy and R.S. Saeed 1993 Local
18 Tissue culture combined with thermo – or chemo – therapy for elimination of potato Virus x ( P V X ) Annals of Agric . Sci Moshtohor , 30 (1) : 179-194 El – Fiki , A.I.I ; T.M. Nasr El – Din : R.N fawzy and A .S . Ali 1992 Local
19 Virus – free carnation plants through tissue culture technique . Annals of Agric . Sci . Moshtohor , 30 (1) : 211 – 220 . fawzy , R.N ; L.R Rizkallah ; A.I.I El – Fiki And A. E Badr 1992 Local
20 Biological control of gray mould disease caused by Botrytis cinerea on strawberry fruits Mahdy, A.M.M.; R.N. Fawzy; M.A. Hafez and T.A.L. Ahmad 2014 International
21 Effect of some cultural practices on the control of ear kernel rot of Zea mays caused by fusarium moniliforme . j, Agric . Sci . Mansoura Univ 12 (3) : 505 – 511 . fawzy , R.N and A.I.I El- Fiki 1987 Local
22 Evaluation of carnation cultivars to infection with mottle virus and root – knot nematode ( Meloidogyne incognita ) Annals of Agric Sci Moshotohor , 29(2) 797-810 . fawzy , R.N ; F.W . Riad and L.R. Rizkallah 1991 Local
Eman Osman Hassan Ali
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (8)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Biocontrol of Halo Blight of Bean Caused by Pseudomonas phaseolicola O. Hassan Eman and Z.A. El-Meneisy Afaf 2015 International
2 Biological and Chemical Control of bacterial diseases infecting tomato plants Eman Osman Hassan Ali 2015 Local
3 DETECTION OF XANTHOMONAS VESICATORIA PHAGES IN INFECTED TOMATO PLANTS Eisa*, Nawal A.; Abd EL-Ghafar**, N. Y.; Abd EL-Mageed*, M.H.; Mohamed*, F.G. and Hasan*, Eman 0. 2010 Local
4 Effect of different bacteriophage isolates on managing potato soft rot caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum Eman O. Hassan 2017 International
5 Effect of the combination among compost , bioagents andsoilsolarization on management of strawberry Verticillium wilt Abada K. A.; Eman O.Hassan 2017 International
6 Effect of the Combination Between Bioagents and Benzothiadiazole (BTH) on Management of Uromyces Pisi the Causal of Pea Rust Zyton Marwa A. 1, * , Eman O. Hassan 2017 International
7 Management of Bacterial Spot of Pepper Caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria Eman O. Hassan, , Marwa A. Zyton 2017 International
8 Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Milky Mushroom Calocybe indica Mutants Abou-Elftouh, M. A., Eman, O. Hassan, Bekhit, M. M. M. and Hassan, A. M. 2017 International
10 Studying the antagonistic activity of some Gluconacetobacter isolates and their colonizing ability of rice roots in vitro Eman, O. Hassan1 and Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2015 International
Fathy Gad Mohamed Abdel-Gawad
Local Publication (18)
International Publication (2)
Total (20)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 BIOCHEMICAL CHANGES IN SQUASH LEAVES SPRAYED WITH SOME CHEMICALS FOR INDUCING RSISTANCE TO POWDERY MILDEW. The 2nd Conf. On Farm Integrated Pest Management 2006, Fayoum, Egypt. 211-222. Eisa, A. Nawal; El-Fiki, A.I.; Mohamed, F.G. and El-Habbak, M.H. 2006 Local
2 BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL CONTROL OF Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ON Centaurea cyanus PLANTS. Minufia, J. Agric. Res., 27(5): 1189-1207, Mohamed, F. G.and A. F. Tolba 2002 Local
3 Controlling of the grey and white moulds on bean pods under storage conditions. In Press Abdel-Mageed, M. H.; Mohamed, F. G.; Hafez , M. S.; Soltan H. H. and Abdel-Rahman, F. A. 2009 Local
5 Effect of some bio agents and agricultural chemicals on Fusarium wilt incidence and growth characters of gladiolus plants.. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 38(2): 883-906. Mohamed, F. G and Osman, A. G 2000 Local
6 EFFECT OF SOME BIO-CONTROL AGENTS AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS COMPARING WITH RIZOLEX-T50 IN CONTROLLING OF SCLEROTIUM DISEASE AND PRODUCTIVITY OF DAHLIA PLANTS. Eight Conference of Agricultural Development Research, 20-22 November, 2000, Annals Agric. Sci., Sp. Issue 4, 1725-1748, 2000. Gomaa, A. O and Mohamed, F. G 2000 Local
7 GENETIC STUDIES ON FUSARIUM WILT RESISTANCE IN TOMATO. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 42(2): 711-728, (2004). Mohamed, F. G. and Badr, L. A. A 2004 Local
8 INHERITANCE AND NATURE OF RESISTANCE TO DOWNY MILDEW DISEASE IN CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus L.). Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 36(4): 2517-2544. Badr, L. A. A and Mohamed, F. G 1998 Local
9 INHERITANCE AND NATURE OF RESISTANCE TO FUSARIUM WILT IN WATERMELON. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ, 28(10): 7237-7253. Badr, L. A. A; El-Shimi, I. Z. A and Mohamed, F. G 2003 Local
10 PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDIES ON SOME ISOLATES OF MACROPHOMINA PHASEOLINA. Egyptian J. of Appl. Sci; 17(1):1-24, 2002 El-Fiki, A. I. I.; El-Deeb, A. A.; Mohamed, F. G and Khalifa, M. M. A 2002 Local
12 Studied on sugar beet rust disease in Egypt. (I): Disease control and some vital activities of infected sugar beet plant grown under greenhouse conditions. Eleventh Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, November 2007, 25-39 El-Fiki, A.I.I.; Mohamed, F.G. and El-Mansoub, M. M.A. 2007 Local
13 Studied on sugar beet rust disease in Egypt. (II): Management of disease under field conditions. Eleventh Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, November 2007, 41-57. El-Fiki, A.I.I.; Mohamed, F.G. and El-Mansoub, M. M.A. 2007 Local
14 USAGE TISSUE CULTURE TECHNIQUE FOR PRODUCTION OF PEAR ROOTSTOCK PLANTS RESISTANCE TO FIRE BLIGHT DISEASE. The 2nd Conf. On Farm Integrated Pest Management 2006, Fayoum, Egypt. 201-210. Mohamed, F. G.; Mohamed, G. M.; Nabawi, AA. and Mosheira, K. Bauomy 2006 Local
16 Effect of some organic acids on anatomical, physiological changes and post-harvest diseases of snap bean pods. Mohamed, F.G.; Abdel-Mageed, M.H.; Hafez, M.A.; Soltan H.H.; Rashid, I.A. and Abdel-Rahman, F.A. 2015 International
17 EVALUATION AND CONTROL OF YELLOW CORN GRAIN DETERIORATION CAUSED BY FUSARIUM SPP. Tenth Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, December, 77-96, 2003. El-Habbaa G. M.; Mohamed, F. G.; Abou-El-Ella, M. F. and Sabek, I. A. 2003 Local
18 PATHOLOGICAL, HISTOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL STUDIES ON Sclerotinia sclerotiorum THE CAUSAL AGENT OF FRUITS ROT. Zagazig J. Agric. Res. Vol 28(5): 817-837. Mohamed, F. G. 2001 Local
19 Potential effect of plant essential oils as antifungal activity against postharvest decay of snap bean pods. Abdel-Mageed, M.H.; Mohamed, F.G.; Soltan, H.H.; Hafez, M.A. and Abdel-Rahman, F.A. 2014 International
20 STUDIES ON THE CONTROL OF CORN COMMON SMUT DISEASE [USTILAGO MAYDIS]. Egyptian J. of Appl. Sci; 18(11B):433-453, 2003 El-Fiki, A.I.I.; Fahmy, Z.M.; Mohamed, F.G. and Abdel-Wahab, A.E. 2003 Local
Gamal Ashour Ahmad Mohamad
Local Publication (13)
International Publication (10)
Total (23)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Surveying and fast detection of Ralstonia solanacearum bacterium in some Egyptian governorates Hanafy, M.S. *, G.M. El-Habbaa**, F.G. Mohamed**, N. M. Balabel* and G.A. Ahmed** 2018 Local
2 Biochemical changes in treated cucumber plants with some elicitors against downy mildew disease in protected houses.pdf G. A. Ahmed 2016 International
3 Biological control of greenhouses cucumber wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum by Bacillus spp. The XIII. Czech and Slovak Conference of Plant Protection, Brno Czech Republic from 2nd to 4th September 2009 pages 69. Ahmed, G.A.; Sagitov, A.O. and Mahdy, A.M.M. 2009 Local
4 Compatibility of Trichoderma isolates to chlorothalonil fungicide for Integrated diseases Management Mohamed. E.S.; Bakr, R.A.; El-shennawy, M.Z. and Ahmed, G.A 2021 International
5 Controlling of Fusarium wilt of cucumber by antagonistic bacteria. Journal of Life Sciences, 4(7): 16-21 (Serial No.32). Ahmed, G.A. 2010 International
6 Efficacy of Compost and Some Essential Oils Alone or in Combination in Controlling Cucumber White Mould Disease Under Protected House Conditions Ahmed, G. A.* and A. A. Elsisi 2020 Local
7 Efficacy of some chemical inducers for control of cucumber fuarium wilt disease under greenhouses. Biological Diversity And Sustainable Development of Nature And Society conference, from 12-13 May, 2009 in Republic of Kazakhstan pages 10-11. Ahmed, G.A., Mahdy, A.M.M. and Sagitov, A.O. 2009 Local
8 Efficiency of some antioxidants and bioagents in controlling Rhizoctonia damping-off of snap bean Gamal, A. Ahmed 2016 International
9 Efficiency of some bio-inducers in induction of faba bean resistance to chocolate spot disease G.A. Ahmed 2015 International
10 Efficiency of some bio-inducers in induction of faba bean resistance to chocolate spot disease. Ahmed, G. A. 2015 International
11 Evaluation the Efficacy of Some Phenolic Compounds in Controlling Bacterial Spot disease and Biochemical Changes associated in Pepper Plants under Greenhouse Conditions Ahmed, G. A. 2016 International
12 Gc-ms analysis of three plants essential oils and their effective on bacterial spot of tomato. Ahmed, G.A.; A.A. El-Sisi and Selim, M. E. 2021 Local
13 Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle by Plant Extracts to Control Tomato wilt Disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Naeema A. Gomaa, Abdou M. M. Mahdy, Raouf N. Fawzy and Gamal A. Ahmed 2021 International
14 Identification of Fusarium Species Causing Onion Basal Rot in Egypt and Their Virulence on seeds, Seedlings and Onion Bulbs 1Hala A. Mahdy, 2Nawal A. Eisa; 1Khalifa, M.M.A.; 2 Khaled E. Eid, and 2Gamal A. Ahmed 2018 Local
15 Improvement of biological indexing technique for citrus viruses detection Elsayed, T.A1. and Ahmed, G. A. 2 2014 Local
16 Induction resistance of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.) against Fusarium wilt disease under protected houses conditions. Ph. D., in Agric. Botany (6D081100 - Plant protection and Quarantine), Scientific Research Institute for Plant Protection; Academician of the Kazakh National Academy, Kazakhstan, 151pp. Gamal Ashour Ahmed 2011 Local
17 Integrated management of tomato white mold disease caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum using the combined treatments of compost, chemical inducers and fungicides. Naeema, Gomaa, A.; Abdou, M.M. Mahdy; Raouf, N. Fawzy and Gamal, A. Ahmed 2016 International
18 Promoting Resistance of Snap bean Against damping-off Disease Caused by Rhizoctonia solani using the integration between Some Antioxidants and Bioagents Gamal, A. Ahmed* and Marwa, A. Zayton** 2016 International
19 Relation between Fusarium wilt disease and accumulation of phenolic compounds within resistant and susceptible tomato cultivars Selim, M., E., Hala A. M.., Ahmed, G., A., Makhlouf, A. H 2021 Local
20 Relation between resistance to leaf rust and Fusarium crown rot diseases in some Egyptian wheat cultivars. Selim, M. E.; Makhlouf, A.H. and Ahmed, G.A. 2021 Local
21 Studying the efficacy of Pseudomonas and Serratia for controlling of cucumber Fusarium wilt disease under greenhouses. The XIII. Czech and Slovak Conference of Plant Protection, Brno Czech Republic from 2nd to 4th September 2009 pages 43. Ahmed, G.A.; Sagitov, A.O.; Mahdy, A.M.M. and Rimsa, V. 2009 Local
22 Using alternatives to control cucumber powdery mildew under green- and commercial protected-house conditions. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev., 20(2):121-138. Mahdy, A.M.M.; Abd El-Mageed, M.H.; Hafez, M.A. and Ahmed, G.A. 2006 Local
23 Using plant extracts to control powdery mildew disease that attack cucumber plants under protected houses. M.Sc. Thesis, Plant Pathol., Fac. Agric., Moshtohor, Zagazig Univ., Benha Branch., Egypt, 170 pp. Gamal Ashor Ahmed 2004 Local
Gehad Mohamed Desouky El-Habbaa
Local Publication (17)
International Publication (15)
Total (32)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Bacterial canker disease caused by Pseudomonas syringae Van. Hall., in some Egyptian Orchards. 11th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc.., Cairo, 2007. Eisa (Nawal) A., Mahdy, A.M., El-Habbaa, G.M., Abdel-Ghafar, N.Y. and El-Sisy, A. 2007 Local
2 Effect of VA-mycorrhyzal fungi inocula produced in vitro on some maize fungal diseases and growth parameters under field conditions. Proc. 11th Cong. Egypt. Phytopathol. Soc., November 2007, Giza, Egypt, pp. 367-377 El-Fiki, A.I.I.; G. El-Habaa; M.E. Hafez and Kh. E. Eid 2007 Local
3 Efficacy of antagonists, natural plant extracts and fungicides in controlling wilt, root rot and chocolate spot pathogens of faba bean in vitro. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 44:1547-1570. Eisa (Nawal) A., El-Habbaa, G.M., Omar, S.M. and El-Sayed, (Sahar) A. 2006 Local
4 Efficacy of dressing cotton seeds with fungicides in controlling root pathogens under field conditions. 11th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc.., Cairo, 2007. Eisa (Nawal) A., El-Habbaa, G.M., El-Emery, M.I. and Hassan, S.R. 2007 Local
5 Evaluation and control of yellow corn grain deterioration caused by Fusarium spp. 10th. Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc.., Cairo, December 2003. El-Habbaa, G.M. ; F.G. Mohamed ; M.F. Abou-El-Ella and I.A. Sabek 2003 Local
6 Evaluation of certain wheat entries against leaf and stripe rust diseases in North Delta. Annals of Agric. Sc. Moshtohor, 37: (2), 1125-1141. Abou-El-Naga, S. A. , G.M. El-Habbaa, W.A. Yousef and A.A. M. Aly 1999 Local
7 Factors affecting peanut pod rot severity under field conditions. 2-Chemical, biological and integrated control methods. 11th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc.., Cairo, 2007. Eisa (Nawal) A., El-Habbaa, G.M., Mahdy, A.M., Flaifel, M.S. and Ahmad, A.K. 2007 Local
8 Induction of better growth and sporulation of Uromyces fabae (PERS.) De Bary, grown in axenic culture. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor 37 (2): 1187-1200 El-Fiki, A.I..I.; G.M.D. El-habaa; I.A. Esmail and Kh. E. Eid 1999 Local
9 Physiological studies on vesicular arbuscular mycorrhyzal fungi grown in vitro. Proc. 11th Cong. Egypt. Phytopathol. Soc., November 2007, Giza, Egypt, pp. 333-350. El-Fiki, A.I.I.; G.M.D. El-habaa and Kh. E. Eid 2007 Local
10 Pulsed electric field technology for checking aflatoxin production in cultures and corn grains. Egypt. J. Phytopathol., 31: 75-86. isa (Nawal), A. ; Ali, F.M. ; El-Habbaa, G.M. ; Abdel-Reheem, S.K. and Abol-Ela, M.F. 2003 Local
11 Successful isolation, growth and sporulation of Uromyces fabae in axenic cultures. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 36 (2): 901-913 (June 1998). El-Fiki, A.I..I.; G.M.D. El-habaa; A.I. Badr and Kh. E. Eid 1998 Local
12 A.KFungi associated with peanut pods collected from different Egyptian Governorates. 11th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc.., Cairo, 2007. El-Habbaa, G.M., Flaifel, M.S. and Ahmad, 2007 Local
13 Associated fungi with seeds of some Egyptian cotton cultivars and their effect on the plant mortality, mycotoxin production and oil content. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 45:651-665. Eisa (Nawal) A., El-Habbaa, G.M., Aboul-Ella, M.F. and Hassan, S.R. 2007 Local
14 Controlling post-harvest decay of navel orange fruits. Annals of Agric. Sci. Moshtohor, 39(3): 1531-1550, (2001) Nawal A. Eisa; El-Habbaa, G.M.; Nadia A. Fouad and Ahmed, Z.H. 2002 International
15 Detection and virulence of Ralstonia solanacearum the causal of potato brown rot disease El-Habbaa, G.M 2016 International
16 E SUCCESSFUL GROWTH AND SPORULATION OF THE VESICULAR ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI IN AXENIC CULTURES. Annals Of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor, 39 (2):933-952, (2001) l-Fiki, I. I.; G. El-Habaa; K. E. Eid 2001 Local
17 effect of VA-mycrohizal fungi inocula produced in vitro on some maize fungal diseases and growth parameters under greenhouse conditions. 11th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc.., Cairo, 2007. El-Fiki A.I.I., El-Habbaa, G.M. ; Hafez, M.A. and Eid, Kh.E. 2007 Local
18 Efficacy of antagonists, natural plant extracts and fungicides in controlling wilt, root rot and chocolate spot pathogens of faba bean in vitro *Eisa (Nawal) A., *El-Habbaa, G.M., **Omar, S.M. and **El-Sayed, (Sahar) A. 2015 International
19 Efficacy of dressing cotton seeds with fungicides in controlling root pathogens under field conditions *Eisa (Nawal) A., *El-Habbaa, G.M., **El-Emery, M.I. and ** Hassan, S.R. 2015 International
20 EVALUATION AND CONTROL OF YELLOW CORN GRAIN DETERIORATION CAUSED BY FUSARIUM SPP. El-Habbaa G. M.*; Mohamed, F. G. *; Abou-El-Ella, M. F.** and Sabek, I. A.*** 2015 International
22 Factors affecting infection with peanut pod rot severity under field conditions 1-NPK fertilizers, irrigation and sowing time affecting peanut pod rot diseases under field conditions *Eisa (Nawal) A.,* Mahdy, A.M., * El-Habbaa, G.M., ** Flaifel, M.S. and ** Ahmad, A.K. 2015 International
23 Factors affecting infection with peanut pod rot severity under field conditions.1-NPK fertilizers, irrigation and sowing time affecting peanut pod rot diseases under field conditions. 11th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc., Cairo, Eisa (Nawal) A., Mahdy, A.M., El-Habbaa, G.M., Flaifel, M.S. and Ahmad, A.K. 2007 Local
24 Factors affecting peanut pod rot severity under field conditions II-Chemical, biological and integrated control methods *Eisa (Nawal) A., * El-Habbaa, G.M., * Mahdy, A.M., ** Flaifel, M.S. and ** Ahmad, A.K. 2015 International
25 Fungi Associated with Peanut Pods Collected from Different Egyptian Governorates. Eleventh Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, November 2007 Gehad M. El-Habbaa, M.S. Flaifel and A.K. Ahmad 2007 International
26 INDUCTION OF BETTER GROWTH AND SPORULATION OF UROMYCES FABAE (Pers.) DE Bary GROWN IN AXENIC CULTURE El-Fiki, A.I.I. *; G. M. D. El-Habbaa *; K. E. Eid * and I.A.Ismail** 1999 International
27 Pulsed electric field technology for checking aflatoxin production in cultures and corn grains *Eisa, (Nawal) A. , F.M. Ali** , G.M. El-Habbaa* , S.K. Abdel-Reheem*** and M.F. Abou-El-Ella*** 2015 International
28 Studies on maize grains deterioration under Egyptian conditions - corn kernel damage percentage and application of some control techniques. Proc. 2nd Cont. Foodborne Contamination and Egyptians' Health, 23-24 April 2002, El-Mansoura, Egypt. 53-65 Eisa, Nawal A., S.K. Abdel-Reheem; G.M. El-Habba; M.F. Emara and M. F. Abol-Ela 2002 International
29 Studies on Uromyces fabae (Pers.) De Bary grown in axenic culture: Uredospores germinability, enztmatic activity and pathogenicity. Annals of Agric. Sc., 37 (3): 1677-1693 (September 1999). Fiki, A.I..I.; G.M.D. El-habaa; A.I. Badr and Kh. E. Eid 1999 Local
Ibrahim Abdel-Moneim Ibrahim Ismaiel El-Fiki
Local Publication (13)
International Publication (5)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Botanical studies on mung bean (Vigna radiata) plants under some growth conditions. M.Sc. Thesis, Plant Pathol., Fac. Agric., Moshtohor, Zagazig Univ., Benha Branch, 170 pp. Ibrahim Abd El-Moniem Ibrahim Ismaiel Mohammed 2004 Local
2 Chitosan and nano-chitosan for management of Harpophora maydis: Approaches for investigating antifungal activity, pathogenicity, maize-resistant lines, and molecular diagnosis of plant infection.Journal of Fungi, 8(5), 509: 1-16, 2022. ISSN 2309-608X. DOI: 10.3390/jof8050509 Hassan E.O., Shoala T., Attia A.M., Badr O.A., Mahmoud S.Y., Farrag E.S. & EL-Fiki I.A.I. 2022 International
3 Controlling the bacterial leaf spot disease in pepper caused by Xanthomonas vesicatoria using natural bacteritoxicants.Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, 14(1):229-245, 2022. pISSN: 2090-0864, eISSN: 2090-0791. DOI: 10.21608/EAJBSF.2022.261072 EL-Fiki I.A.I., Youssef M.M. & Hassan E.O. 2022 Local
4 Efficacy of orange, cinnamon, and ginger oils in emulsion and nano-emulsion forms on potato bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum.New Valley Journal of Agricultural Science, 2(5): 237-253, 2022. pISSN: 2805-2420, eISSN: 2805-2439. DOI: 10.21608/NVJAS.2022.161758.1085 Hassan E.O., Shoala T., Badr O.A., Mohamed S.A. & EL-Fiki I.A.I. 2022 Local
5 Efficacy of some fungicides, commercial plant oils and bio-agents against Drechslera graminea inciting barley leaf stripe disease.Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor, (58)4: 1063-1078, 2020. ISSN: 1110-0419. DOI: 10.21608/assjm.2020.155392 Mahmoud A.M.A., Eisa N.A., El-Habbaa G.M., El-Nashar F.K. & EL-Fiki I.A.I. 2020 Local
6 Garlic and black pepper extracts as resistance inducers against tomato fusarium wilt disease in Kazakhstan // Egypt. J. Appl. Sc., 2011. - № 26(5), C 125-139. EL-Fiki IA, Sagitov AO, EL-Habba GM 2011 International
7 Impact of chemotherapy and thermotherapy treatments on the presence of potato viruses Pvy, Pvx and Plrv in tissue-cultured shoot tip meristem.Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, Mansoura Univ., 10(12): 581-585, 2019. pISSN: 2090-3677, eISSN: 2090-3758. DOI: 10.21608/JPPP.2019.77990 Shoala T., Eid K.E. & EL-Fiki I.A.I. 2019 Local
8 Impact of some resistance inducers on thr in vitro growth and sporulation of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici the causal agent of tomato wilt in Kazakhstan // Egypt. J. Phytopathol., 2010. - № 38(1-2), С 99-106. Sagitov AO, El-Habba GM, El-Fiki IA 2010 Local
9 Inducing anatomical resistances against infection with tomato fusarium wilt by using garlic and black pepper extracts // Исследования Результаты (КазНАУ), г. Алматы, 2010. - № 4(048), С 165-170 Sagitov AO, El-Habba GM, Ismaiel FH, El-Fiki IA 2010 International
10 Influence of some Trichoderma spp. in combination with compost and resistance inducing chemicals against pea damping-off and root-rot diseases.Egyptian Journal of Phytopathology, 50(1): 79-91, 2022. pISSN: 1110-0230, eISSN: 2090-2522. DOI: 10.21608/ejp.2022.123492.1055 Attia A.M., Youssef M.M., El-Sayed S.A. & EL-Fiki I.A.I. 2022 Local
11 Occurrence of tomato Fusarium wilt disease in Kazakhstan // Исследования Результаты (КазНАУ), г. Алматы, 2010. - №2(046), С 212-215. Sagitov AO, El-Habba GM, El-Fiki IA 2010 Local
12 Resistance induction against Fusarium wilt disease in tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Ph. D., in Agric. Botany (6D081100 - Plant protection and Quarantine), Scientific Research Institute for Plant Protection; Academician of the Kazakh National Academy, Kazakhstan, 150pp. Ibrahim Abdel-Moneim Ibahim Ismaiel 2011 Local
13 Salicylic acid and glycyrrhizic acid ammonium salt in colloidal and nano forms for management of potato brown rot infection caused by Ralstonia solanacearum.New Valley Journal of Agricultural Science, 2(6): 296-308, 2022. pISSN: 2805-2420, eISSN: 2805-2439. DOI: 10.21608/NVJAS.2022.161893.1086 Hassan E.O., Shoala T., Mohamed S.A., Badr O.A. & EL-Fiki I.A.I. 2022 Local
14 Sensitivity of seven tomato cultivars to fusarium wilt under glasshouse coditions in Kazakhstan // Egypt. J. Phytopathol., 2010. - № 38(1-2), С 89-97 Sagitov AO, El-Habba GM, El-Fiki IA 2010 International
15 Studies on tomato wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici in Kazakhstan. 1A: Effect of Exogenous application of salisylic acid and riboflavin as resistance inducer treatments on the wilt disease incidence and some growth parameters // Исследования Результаты (КазНАУ), г. Алматы, 2010. - № 4(048), С 171-177. Sagitov AO, El-Habba GM, El-Fiki IA 2010 Local
16 Studies on tomato wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici in Kazakhstan. 1B: Effect of exogenous application of garlic and black pepper extracts as resistance inducer tratments on the wilt disease incidence and some plant growth parameters // Исследования Результаты (КазНАУ), г. Алматы, 2011. - № 1(049), С. 113-119. Sagitov AO, El-Habba GM, El-Fiki IA 2011 Local
17 Studies on tomato wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici in Kazakhstan. 2: Effect of exogenous application of plant extracts and safe chemicals as resistance inducer treatmentson the activity of the oxidative enzymes // Исследования Результаты (КазНАУ), г. Алматы, 2011. - №1(049), С 107-113. Sagitov AO, El-Habba GM, El-Fiki IA 2011 Local
18 Study on the effect of yeast in compost tea efficiency in controlling chocolate leaf spot disease in broad bean (Vicia faba). Organic Agriculture, 9(1): 175-188, 2019. pISSN: 1879-4238, eISSN: 1879-4246. DOI: 10.1007/s13165-018-0221-2 Ibrahim H.A. & EL-Fiki I.A.I. 2019 International
Khaled El-Sayed Eid El-Sayed
Local Publication (10)
International Publication (4)
Total (14)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Protocol Suggested For Management Of Cantaloupe Downy Mildew. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 9(11): 5633-5642, 2013 Abada, K.A. and Kh. E. Eid 2014 International
2 Biological control of bean damping-off caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. Egypt. J. Phytopathology, 42(1): (in press) 2014 Eid, Kh. E. 2013 Local
3 Effect of different types of compost in combination with some biological agents and Folicur fungicide on onion white rot disease. J. Appl. Sci. Res., 9(4): 2803-2810. Nawal, A. Eisa; Hafez, M.A.; Khalifa, M.M.A.; Eid, Kh.E. and Mahdy, Hala A.M.M. 2013 International
5 Effect of foliage inoculation with spores of the vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus produced in vitro on growth of pineapple plantlets during the in vitro and ex vitro acclimatization stages. Proc. 11th Cong. Egypt. Phytopathol. Soc., Giza, Egypt El-Fiki, A.I.I.; N.A.A. Hagagi and Kh. E. Eid 2007 Local
6 Effect of VA-Mycorrhizal fungi inocula produced in vitro on some maize fungal diseases and growth parameters under field conditions. Eleventh Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, pp. 367-377. Abd El-Monem I. El-Fiki, G.M.D. El-Habaa, M.A. Hafez and K.E. Eid 2007 Local
7 Effect of VA-Mycorrhizal fungi inocula produced in vitro on some maize fungal diseases and growth parameters under greenhouse conditions. Eleventh Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, pp. 351-365. Abd El-Monem I. El-Fiki, G.M.D. El-Habaa, M.A. Hafez and K.E. Eid 2007 Local
8 Field Applications of Some Bioagents and Safety Chemicals to Control Stem Rot Disease of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.). Vol. 10 (1) (In press) Khaled Eid 2014 International
9 Physiological and pathological studies on Uromyces fabae fungi grown in axenic cultures. Agric. Sc., Moshtohor () El-Fiki, A.I.I.; G.M.D. El-habaa; and Kh.E. Eid 1999 Local
10 Physiological and pathological studies on vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi grown under lab condition. Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, () El-Fiki, A.I.I.; G.M.D. El-habaa; and Kh.E. Eid 2006 Local
11 Physiological studies on vesicular arbuscular mycorrhyzal fungi grown in vitro. Eleventh Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, pp. 333-350. November (2007) El-Fiki, A.I. I.; G. El-Habaa; M.A. Hafez and Kh. E. Eid 2007 Local
12 Safety chemicals as tools for improving the nutritional status and inducing phyto-resistance of common beans grown in soil infected with Sclerotium rolfsii. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 9(8): 5283-5293 1Khaled E. Eid and Mohamed H.H. Abbas 2014 International
13 SUCCESSFUL GROWTH AND SPORULATION OF THE VESICULAR ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI IN AXENIC CULTURES. Annals Of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor, 39 (2):933-952 El-Fiki, I. I.; G. El-Habaa; K. E. Eid 2001 Local
14 Variations among some isolates of Sclerotium rolfsii the causal organism of sugar beet root-rot disease. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 27(10):274-285. Mahdy, A.M.M.; F.G. Mohamed; Haifaa S. Abd El-Ghani; Eid, Kh.E. and Heba M.F. Mohamed 2012 Local
Ahmed Abd Elhady Abd Elhady Elsisi
Local Publication (9)
International Publication (3)
Total (12)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Bacterial blight disease caused by Pseudomonas cichorii on chrysanthemum in Egypt Ahmed A Elsisi 2019 Local
2 Bacterial canker disease caused by Pseudomonas syringae Van. Hall., in some Egyptian Orchards. 11th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc.., Cairo, 2007. Eisa (Nawal) A., Mahdy, A.M., El-Habbaa, G.M., Abdel-Ghafar, N.Y. and El-Sisy, A. 2007 Local
3 Controlling of Artichoke powdery mildew and improving Vegetative growth and yield productivity by using Dl- β-aminobutyric acid (BABA) with some natural essential oils. Middle East Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 09 (2): 443-455 Elsisi, A. A. and A. S. Shams 2019 International
4 Efficacy of Compost and Some Essential Oils Alone or in Combination in Controlling Cucumber White Mould Disease Under Protected House Conditions Ahmed, G. A. and A. A. Elsisi 2020 Local
5 Evaluation of biological control agents for managing squash powdery mildew under greenhouse conditions Ahmed A Elsisi 2019 International
7 Impact of different materials in the normal and nanoform on the enzyme activities of infected potato plants with pathogenic bacteria Pectobacterium spp. Tahsin Shoala Esraa Ahmed Doshtor, Abdel-Mageed, M.H., Faten M. Abd-El-latif1, Ahmed A. Elsisi 2022 International
8 Molecular Characteristics of Ten Ralstonia solanacearum Strains of Brown Rot Disease in Potato from three Governorates in Egypt A. M. Serag, T. M. Salim, M.A. Farid, A.A. Elsisi 2020 Local
9 Pathological Studies on Bacterial Canker and Wilt disease on Mango.PhD. Thesis, Plant Pathol., Fac. Agric., Moshtohor, Benha Univ., Egypt A.A Elsisi 2013 Local
10 Pathological Studies on Bacterial Canker Disease on Some Fruit Trees. M.Sc. Thesis, Plant Pathol., Fac. Agric., Moshtohor, Benha Univ., Egypt, 76 pp. Ahmed AbdEl-Hady El-Siesy 2007 Local
11 RAPD-PCR technique for detecting the DNA-polymorphism among some Xanthomonas campestris isolates causing mango canker disease in Egypt A Eisa (Nawal) A., Mahdy, A.M., El-Habbaa, G.M, Elsisi, A.A 2013 Local
12 Role of Antibiosis in Control of Cabbage Black Rot Caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris A.A Elsisi 2017 Local
Mohamad Al-Sayed Hafez Saleem
Local Publication (17)
International Publication (3)
Total (20)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of VA-Mycorrhizal fungi inocula produced in vitro on some maize fungal diseases and growth parameters under field conditions. Eleventh Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, pp. 367-377. Abd El-Monem I. El-Fiki, G.M.D. El-Habaa, M.A. Hafez and K.E. Eid 2007 Local
2 Effect of VA-Mycorrhizal fungi inocula produced in vitro on some maize fungal diseases and growth parameters under greenhouse conditions. Eleventh Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, pp. 351-365 Abd El-Monem I. El-Fiki, G.M.D. El-Habaa, M.A. Hafez and K.E. Eid 2007 Local
3 Effects of probiotic kombu-yoghurt on cholesterolemia and histological changes in cholesterol-fed rats. J. Biol. Chem. Environ. Sci., 1(4), 807-823. Shenana, M.E.; Hafez, M.A.; Attia, H.F.; Gafour, W.A. and Omnia, M. 2006 Local
4 Establishment of regeneration and transformation systems of F114 sugarcane cultivar. Pak. J. Biotechnol., 2(1-2): 24-35. Attia, O.A.; Mahdy, A.M.M.; Hafez, M.A.; Sadik, A.S. and Naglaa A. Abdu-Allah 2005 Local
5 Inducing systemic resistance against Bean Yellow Mosaic Potyvirus using botanical extracts. Egyptian J. Virol. 4, pp. 129-145 Mahdy A.M.M.; R.N. Fawzy; M.A. Hafez; Hanan A.N. Mohamed and Eman S.M. Shahwan 2007 Local
6 Occurrence of a pepper strain of tomato mosaic virus (ToMV-P) in Egypt. Egypt., J. Appl., Sci., 9:223-247 Eisa (Nawal), A.; Badr, A.E.; El-Fiki, A.I.I. and Hafez, M. A. Agric Botany Dept., Fungi and Plant Path. Branch, Fac. of Agric, Moshtohor, Zagazig Univ. (Benha Branch). Eisa (Nawal), A.; A.E. Badr; A.I.I. El-Fiki and M.A. Hafez: 1994 Local
7 Response of strawberry plants to some abiotic inducers under stress of some root rot pathogens. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 45(4):1407-1417. El-Fiki, A.I.I.; G. El-Habaa; S.M.A. Flaifel, M.A. Hafez and R.E.A. Abdel-Ghany 2008 Local
8 Using alternatives to control cucumber powdery mildew under green- and commercial protected-house conditions. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev., 20(2):121-138. Mahdy, A.M.M.; Abd El-Mageed, M.H.; Hafez, M.A. and Ahmed, G.A. 2006 Local
9 Virological studies on some potyviruses of pepper in Egypt. Ph. D. Thesis, Fac. Agric., Zagazig University, Banha Branch pp 136. Mohamad Al-Sayed Hafez 1999 Local
10 Biological control of gray mould disease caused by Botrytis cinerea on strawberry fruits Mahdy, A.M.M.; R.N. Fawzy; M.A. Hafez and T.A.L. Ahmad 2014 International
11 Controlling the grey mold and white rot diseases on bean pods under storage conditions using some safely chemical compounds. J. Biol. Chem. Environ. Sci., 7(2):617-634. Abdel-Mageed, M. H.; Mohamed, F. G.; Soltan H. H.; Hafez, M. A. and Abdel- Rahman, F.A. 2012 Local
12 Effect of different types of compost in combination with some biological agents and Folicur fungicide on onion white rot disease. J. Appl. Sci. Res., 9(4): 2803-2810. Nawal, A. Eisa; Hafez, M.A.; Khalifa, M.M.A.; Eid, Kh.E. and Mahdy, Hala A.M.M. 2013 International
13 Effect of some organic acids on anatomical, physiological changes and post-harvest diseases of snap bean pods.(2015) Mohamed, F.G.; Abdel-Mageed, M.H.; Hafez, M.A.; Soltan H.H.; Rashid, I.A. and Abdel-Rahman, F.A. 2015 International
14 Effect of two biotic inducers on salicylic acid induction in tomato infected with cucumber mosaic cucumovirus. 3rd Intr. Conf. Virol., Cairo Univ. Center, Nov. 24-25, 2010, Egyptian J. Virol. SP. Issue, 355-372 (2010) Mahdy, A.M.M.; Hafez, M.A.; El-Dougdoug, Kh.A.; Fawzy, R.N. and Shahwan, Eman S.M. 2010 Local
15 Induction of defence response in strawberry plants to root-rot disease using some bioagents. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 46(2):13-22. El-Fiki, A.I.I.; G. El-Habaa; S.M.A. Flaifel, M.A. Hafez and R.E.A. Abdel-Ghany 2008 Local
16 Physiological studies on vesicular arbuscular mycorrhyzal fungi grown in vitro.Eleventh Congress of Phytopathology, Giza, Egypt, pp. 333-350. November (2007). El-Fiki, A.I. I.; G. El-Habaa; M.A. Hafez and Kh. E. Eid 2007 Local
17 Potential effect of plant essential oils as antifungal activity against postharvest decay of snap bean pods. J. Biol. Chem. Environ. Sci., 9 (4): 467-487. Abdel-Mageed, M.H.; Mohamed, F.G.; Soltan, H.H.; Hafez, M.A. and Abdel-Rahman, F.A. 2014 Local
18 Pre-harvest application of Kombucha filtrate to control postharvest bunch rot of table grapes. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 46(2):23-34. Hafez, M.A. 2008 Local
19 Serological and molecular detection of sugarcane streak geminivirus. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 41(4):1551-1559. Attia A.O.; Mahdy, A.M.M.; Faten, M. Abdel-Latif; Hafez, M.A. and Sadik, A.S. 2003 Local
20 Studies on mosaic virus disease in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). M. Sc. Thesis, Fac. Agric., Zagazig University, Banha Branch pp 119 Mohamad Al-Sayed Hafez 1993 Local
Mohamed H. El-Habbak
Local Publication (6)
International Publication (5)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Biochemical changes in squash leaves sprayed with some chemicals for inducing resistance to powdery mildew. The Second Conference of Farm Integrated Pest Management, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt. 16-18 Jan. 2006, pp. 211-222. Eisa, Nawal A., El-Fiki, A.I., Mohamed, F.G. and El-Habbak, M.H. 2006 Local
2 Complete genome sequence of a novel hypovirus infecting Phomopsis longicolla.. Arch Virol (2014) 159:1861-1863. 05- Igor Koloniuk, Mohamed H. El-Habbak; Karel Petrzik, Said A. Ghabrial 2014 International
3 Effect of Some Commercial Bacteriotoxicants on Development of Bacterial Spot Disease in Tomato Caused by Xanthomonas vesicatoria. EL-Fiki I.A.I. and El-Habbak, M.H. 2016 Local
4 Evaluation of Some Biological Agents and Plant Extracts for Controlling Cucumber White Rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib) de Bary. Elbatawy, Y.M., Mohamed, F.G., Eisa, N.A., and El-Habbak, M.H. 2020 Local
5 Induction of Resistance to Powdery Mildew Disease of Squash Plants. M.Sc. Thesis, Plant Pathology, Fac. Agric., Moshtohor, Benha Univ., Egypt, 124 pp. Mohamed Hamed El-Habbak 2003 Local
6 Molecular detection of the causative agent of the potato soft rot, Pectobacterium carotovorum, in Egypt and essential oils as a potential safe tool for its management. El-Habbak, M.H. and Refaat, M.H. 2019 International
7 Overexpression of GmCaM4 in soybean enhances resistance to pathogens and tolerance to salt stress. Molecular Plant Pathology 15(2):145-160. 04- Suryadevara S. Rao, Mohamed H. EL-Habbak, Wendy M. Havens, Ajay Singh, Danman Zheng, Laura Vaughn, James S. Haudenshield, Glen L. Hartman, Schuyler S. Korban and Said A. Ghabrial. 2014 International
8 Overexpression/silencing of selected soybean genes alters resistance to pathogens. Mohamed M. ElHabbaa 2013 International
9 Promising Integrated Management Strategy of Garlic Rust (Puccinia porri G. Wint.) with Improved Productivity Using Benzothiadiazole (BTH), Essential Oils and Fungicides. El-Habbak, M.H. 2022 Local
10 Role of Some Essential Plant Oils, Fungicides and Inducer Resistance Elicitors on The Management of Cucumber Downy Mildew. Ahmed, M.A., Soliman, D.Z., and El-Habbak, M.H. 2022 Local
11 Superiority of Nano-silver Nitrate and Nano-Chitosan in Controlling Bacterial Contamination and Promoting Growth of in vitro Date Palm Cultures. Abogarra, L., Eisa, N., El-Habbaa, G.M., Darwesh, R.S., and EL-Habbak, M.H. 2022 International
Eman Shahwan Moheb El-Din Shahwan
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (0)
Total (4)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of two biotic inducers on salicylic acid induction in tomato infected with cucumber mosaic cucumovirus. 3rd Intr. Conf. Virol., Cairo Univ. Center, Nov. 24-25, 2010, Egyptian J. Virol. SP. Issue, 355-372 Mahdy, A.M.M.; Hafez, M.A.; El-Dougdoug, Kh.A.; Fawzy, R.N. and Shahwan, Eman S.M. 2010 Local
2 Inducing Systemic Resistance against Bean Yellow Mosaic Potyvirus Using Botanical Extracts. Egyptian J. Virol. 4, PP:(223-241). () Mahdy, A.M.M.; R.N. Fawzy; M.A. Hafez; Hanan, A.N. Mohamed and Eman, S.M. Shahwan 2007 Local
3 Inducing systemic resistance against some tomato virus diseases. Ph.D. Thesis, Plant Pathol., Fac. Agric., Moshtohor, Benha Univ., Egypt, 225 pp. Eman Shahwan Moheb El Eman Shahwan 2010 Local
4 Studies on faba bean mosaic caused by bean yellow mosaic virus. M.Sc. Thesis, Plant Pathol., Fac. Agric., Moshtohor, Benha Univ., Egypt, 117 pp. Eman Shahwan Moheb El Eman Shahwan 2007 Local
Heba Elewa Ahmed Mohamed Abo El-Magd
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Efficacy of some bio-agents, chemical inducers and fungicides in controlling tomato root rot disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani Heba E. Aboelmagd, Fathy G. Mohamed, Khaled E. Eid and Ibrahim A. I. El-Fiki 2020 International
2 Studying The Probable Interaction between Some Pathogenic and VAM Like-Fungi under Laboratory and Greenhouse Conditions. M.Sc. Thesis, Fac.Agric., Benha Univ., 164pp., Egypt Heba Elewa Ahmed Abo-Elmagd 2013 International
naeema goma ahmed hassan
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (2)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Control of Tomato Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici by Grafting and Silver nanoparticles under greenhouse conditions Naeema.A.Gomaa, A.M.Mahdy, R.N.Fawzy, A.S.Mohamed and G.A.Ahmed 2022 Local
2 Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle by Plant Extracts to Control Tomato wilt Disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Naeema A. Gomaa, Abdou M. M. Mahdy, Raouf N. Fawzy and Gamal A. Ahmed 2021 International
3 Integrated Management of Tomato White Mold Disease Caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum using the Combined Treatments of Compost, Chemical Inducers and Fungicides Naema A. Gomaa, Mahdy, A. M. M., Fawzy, R.N. and Ahmed, G.A. 2016 International
yasmin mohammed atya elbatawy
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of Some Biological Agents and Plant Extracts for Controlling White Rot on Cucumber Yasmine M. Elbatawy, Fathy G. Mohamed, Nawal A. Eisa and Mohamed H. El-Habbak 2020 Local
Aya Mohsen Abd elmoamen Abd elmoamen Gafar
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation the Efficacy of Some Biotic And Abiotic Factors Against Geotrichum citriaurantii and Alternaria citri in vitro Aya M. Gafar; Abd El-Mageed M.H.; Eid Kh.E.; Eman O. Hassan 2024 Local
Esraa Ahmed Elsayed Abas
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Impact of different materials in the normal and nanoform on the enzyme activities of infected potato plants with pathogenic bacteria Pectobacterium spp. Esraa Ahmed Doshtor1, Abdel-Mageed, M.H.1, Faten M. Abd-El-latif1, Ahmed A. Elsisi1, Tahsin Shoala2* 2023 Local
Ghada Aatef
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Biological and Molecular Characteristics of Potato Virus X Naturally Infected Potato Plants Ghada A. Hassan1 , Nawal A .Eisaa1 , Fawzy R.N 1 .El DougdougK.A2 and Eman O. Hassan1 2021 Local
heba ahmed abdelrhman
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Mohamed Ashraf Elsaid Morsi Amr
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Identification and Molecular Characterization of Phytoplasma Associated with Carrot Plant (Daucus carota L.) in Qalyubia Governorate, Egypt Mohamed A. Amr.; Ahmed A. Kheder; Gamal A. Ahmed; Gehad M. EL Habbaa; and Abdou M.M. Mahdy 2024 Local
Nermeen Abdelwahab Elsayed Eldairy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)