Faculty:      Department:

Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra: Department of Architectural Engineering

Ahmed Awad Gomaa Awad Metwaly
ahmed abdel alhady mossod
Ahmed Fareed Gamal Al-deen Hamza
# Title type
1 a. Governmental scholarship for pursuing PhD in UK (1988). award
2 a. Governmental scholarship for pursuing PhD in UK (1988). Award
3 b. Winning the first prize in the architectural design competition of (Sheikh Khalifa Ben Zayed Out-Patient Clinics, Ajman, UAE). Award
4 c. Winning the first prize in the architectural design competition of (Damanhur Engineering Syndicate Branch). Award
5 d. Winning the first prize in the architectural design competition of (Zagazig Engineers Housing). Award
6 e. Winning the first prize in the architectural design competition of (Marakya Emergency Hospital, North- west Coast, Egypt). Award
7 f. Winning the first prize in the international architectural competition of (Design of The Oncology Center – Mansoura University, Egypt). Award
8 g. Winning the 2nd prize in the architectural design competition of (Ashmon Engineering Syndicate Branch, Monofeya County). Award
9 h. Winning the 3rd prize in the architectural design competition of (Asyut Engineering Syndicate Branch). Award
10 i. Winning the 3rd prize in the architectural design competition of (Tanta Engineering Syndicate Branch). Award
11 j. Winning the 3rd prize in the architectural design competition of (Mansoura University Medical Center). Award
12 k. Winning the honorable prize in the architectural design competition of (Damietta Engineering Syndicate Branch). Award
13 l. Winning the honorable prize in the architectural design competition of (Army Officers Housing, Al-Shorouk City). Award
14 m. Winning the first prize in many other architectural competitions in KSA. Award
15 Winning the 2nd prize in the architectural design competition of (Ashmon Engineering Syndicate Branch, Monofeya County). award
16 Winning the 3rd prize in the architectural design competition of (Asyut Engineering Syndicate Branch). award
17 Winning the 3rd prize in the architectural design competition of (Mansoura University Medical Center). award
18 Winning the 3rd prize in the architectural design competition of (Tanta Engineering Syndicate Branch). award
19 Winning the first prize in many other architectural competitions in KSA. award
20 Winning the first prize in the architectural design competition of (Damanhur Engineering Syndicate Branch). award
21 Winning the first prize in the architectural design competition of (Marakya Emergency Hospital, North- west Coast, Egypt). award
22 Winning the first prize in the architectural design competition of (Sheikh Khalifa Ben Zayed Out-Patient Clinics, Ajman, UAE). award
23 Winning the first prize in the architectural design competition of (Zagazig Engineers Housing). award
24 Winning the first prize in the international architectural competition of (Design of The Oncology Center – Mansoura University, Egypt). award
25 Winning the honorable prize in the architectural design competition of (Army Officers Housing, Al-Shorouk City). award
26 Winning the honorable prize in the architectural design competition of (Damietta Engineering Syndicate Branch). award
27 A member of Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers, Since 1978 Membership
28 A member of Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers, Since 1978 membership
Ali Ghalib Ahmed Ghalib
Eman Hanim Ahmed Afifi
# Title type
1 a. SIDNEY L. Katz award for excellence in design, New York, U.S.A. Award
2 b. Award for distinguished leadership. Award
3 c. Research Awards, New York, USA. Award
4 1) A member of Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers. Membership
5 2) A member of Egyptian Society of Architects. Membership
6 3) A member of the National Committee for the New Programs of the Egyptian Universities. Membership
7 4) A member of Quality Assurance Unit (QAU), Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Benha University. Membership
8 5) A member of CIQAP project at the Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Benha University. Membership
kamal Raiad Morocs
Khaled Aly Abdelhady
# Title type
1 1) Permanent committee for the Egyptian archaeology in Supreme Council of Antiquities Membership
2 2) ICOMOS (International Council Of Monuments & archaeological Sites) Membership
3 3) E F. C. B. C. (Egyptian Federation for Construction& Building Contractors). Membership
4 4) French-Egyptian Center for Karnak temple . Membership
5 5) MEDA Project Euromed Heritage "Rehabi Med Membership
6 6) جمعية الهندسة الادارية Membership
7 7) جمعية التخطيط العمرانى Membership
8 8) الاتحاد المصرى لمقاولى البناء والتشييد (لجنة التصنيف) Membership
Khaled Mohamed Ahmed Elhadidy
# Title type
1 1) A membership of Egyptian Architects Society Membership
2 2) A membership of Egyptian Engineers Syndicate Membership
Manal Ahmed Samir Abou El-Ela
# Title type
1 1) Egyptian Engineers Syndicate Membership
2 3) Committee of the “Green and open areas”, The National Organization of Urban Harmony, Ministry of Culture, Egypt Membership
3 4) Project Management Team of “Engineering Development of the Geomatics Educational Courses Based on the Society Needs, (ENDGEOS)”, HEEPF, Egypt Membership
4 International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISoCaRP) Membership
Mohamed Essam Shaawat
Mohamed Ezzat Said Nabih
# Title type
1 1) Member of the Royal town planning institute. U.K. Membership
2 2) Member of Egyptian syndicate for engineers Membership
3 3) Member of Egyptian Architects society Membership
4 4) Member of Egyptian urban planning society Membership
Mohamed Khairy Amin Hamed
# Title type
1 a. First prize, Architectural competition, Engineering syndicate building- albeheara Award
2 b. First prize, Architectural completion, New residential complex for engineers- Alzagazig Award
3 First prize, Architectural completion, Emergency hospital, Marakia Award
4 1) Egyptian Engineers Syndicate Membership
5 2) International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISoCaRP) Membership
6 3) Jury member of El Madinah Al Monawarah Award (Architecture and Urban design) Membership
Mohammed Ahmed Soliman Muawwad
# Title type
1 • Abdullah bin Turk Al Dohian , Al Riyad, kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Preparing bid tender documents for commercial mall, site area= 2240 m2 contain of ( basement – ground – mezzanine – first floor ) 2009 Award
2 • Abou Shakra Group , Preparing bid tender documents for Abou Shakra restaurant – Maadi Branch , 2000 Award
3 • Abu Dhabi Emirate. Ministry of Public Works &Housing , 1500 Prayer Mosque in Northern Emirates , 1996 Award
4 • Abu Dhabi Emirate. Ministry of Public Works &Housing , Mosque 1500 Prayers, 1994 Award
5 • Abu Dhabi Emirate. Ministry of Public Works &Housing , Police Officers Residential Complex , 1994 Award
6 • Abu Dhabi Emirate. Ministry of Public Works &Housing, Police Station in Abu Dhabi Type (A), 1998 Award
7 • Al Atiea. Doha – Qatar, Preparing bid tender documents for administration tower– site area = 5686 m2 contain of ( 2 basement – ground – first – 2 parking floor – 33 typical ) , 2008 Award
8 • AL Dorado Group CO. – develop. Tourstic assembly)– A.E.R, Preparing structural and detailed plan studies for touristic development project MARSA WAZER locals – MARSA WAZER sector – Red sea government, 2007 Award
9 • Al Riyad – Abdullah Al Ajlaan Group, kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Preparing bid tender documents for administration complex – site area = 1500 m2 contains of (basement – ground – mezzanine – 24 typical floor ), 2009 Award
10 • Cairo Governorate, tourism guide building at old Cairo / Egypt , 1999 Award
11 • Ceramica Cleopatra Group For Integrated develop. &Touristic Investments co, Preparing structural and detailed plan studies for tourist development project RAS HOULA local –BAGESH tourist – RAS EL HEKMA sector – MARSA MATROUH, 2007 Award
12 • Ceramica Cleopatra Group For Integrated develop. &Touristic Investments co., Cermica Cleopatra Residential Complex (site area= 47 acres ) SHROOK city –A.R.E, 2005 Award
13 • Ceramica Cleopatra Group For Integrated develop. &Touristic Investments co., Preparing bid tender documents for commercial - admin. residential complex– site area = 1238 m2 , 2006 Award
14 • Ceramica Cleopatra Group For Integrated develop. &Touristic Investments co., Preparing bid tender documents for commercial administration residential complex at azareta – site area = 5000 m2 contain of (2 basement – ground – 3 commercial floor – 2 residential tower – 2 administration towers – 14 t Award
15 • Ceramica Cleopatra Group For Integrated develop. &Touristic Investments co., Preparing bid tender documents for commercial residential complex– site area = 2900 m2 gound floor = 1550 m2 contain of ( basement – ground – 6 typical floor ) 10th of Ramadan city, 2005 Award
16 • Dar AL- Dabbous Engineering Consultant, Kuwait municipality, Planning and design residential complex (MERQUAB) Kuwait, 2004 Award
17 • Dar AL- Dabbous Engineering Consultant, Kuwait municipality, Preparing main studies and general plan for low coat residential at western area, 2007 Award
18 • Dar AL- Dabbous Engineering Consultant, Kuwait municipality, Preparing structural and detailed plan for investment areas development and planning from FENTAS to FAHEHEL , 2004 Award
19 • Delta Misr CO. For Tourism & Real Estate Development, Master plan for international garden at Alexandria , 2001 Award
20 • Egyptian British Bank, First award at designing typical types for British Egypt bank elevations , 1997 Award
21 • EL- Dakahliya government, strategically plan studies for 21 village distributed on 3 local units belong to MANSORA local, 2006 Award
22 • EL- Menia government, Strategic and detailed plan for Bani-mazar City, 2009 Award
23 • Emirate Real Estate Corp., Ministry OF Education Building, 2000 Award
24 • International Development Company , El Rewey 2000 center for Building materials at new Cairo , 1997 Award
25 • International Development Company , Preparing working drawing and general plan for panorama beach village-1 (Alex. 76 K ) , 1996 Award
26 • International Development Company, Preparing working drawing and general plan for panorama beach village-2 (Alex. 73 K ) , 1998 Award
27 • International Company for Hotels &Tourism, Alexandria. Downtown, 2000 Award
28 • Kuwait Technical Consulting Office, Kuwait municipality, Kuwait beautification Master Plan, 2003 Award
29 • Kuwait Technical Consulting Office, Kuwait municipality, Preparing general and detailed plan for sector (B) – GABER EL AHMED city, 2006 Award
30 • MR . Hussein Jousef, Bid tender documents for commercial mall) at new cairo – site area = 1200 m2, 2008 Award
31 • North SINAI Government, Strategic and detailed plan for EL- ARIESH City, 2007 Award
32 • Public Authority For Housing Welfare, Kuwait, Preparing structural and detailed plan for KHERAN residential city planning (population = 600000 person – site area 13969 hectare), 2004 Award
33 • Tiba For Development & Management Project Company, Cinderella Tourist Village At North Beach of Egypt, 1998 Award
34 • Youth Sporting Club, Architecture design , urban site , working drawing and bid tender documents for Cairo youth sport club, 2004 Award
35 1) Consultant of engineering syndicate –Cairo No. (1225/2). Membership
36 2) Membership in engineering syndicate number 4474/6 Membership
37 Membership in the Egyptian society of engineering – Urban planning section number (2689) Membership
Mohsen Aziz Botros
Mouaz Ahmed Mohamed Abd Allah
# Title type
1 Egyptian Engineers Syndicate‎ Membership
2 Egyptian Society of Engineers Membership
3 Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers - Society of Egyptian Architects - Society of Egyptian Engineers Membership
4 Society of Egyptian Architects Membership
Moutaz Mahmoud Slamah Omr
Nabil Ashry Ibrahim Abd El-Fatah
# Title type
1 1st prize, Hasabo International Hospital, 1993 Award
2 1st Prize, office Building Competition, El-Shareef, 1990 Award
3 a. Excellent Certificate, Benha University, 2007-2008 Award
4 Excellent Certificate, East Nasr City Educations Council, 2005 Award
5 Excellent Certificate, Engineers Syndicate, 1994 Award
6 g. 1st Price, Medical center, El-Mansoura,1988 Award
7 h. Excellent Certificate, Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra), 1984 Award
8 Science Feast Award, Cairo University, 1995 Award
9 1) Egyptian Universities Promotion Committees (EUPC) Architecture & Urban planning (Evaluation Committee) 10th period Membership
10 1) Egyptian Universities Promotion Committees (EUPC) Architecture & Urban planning (Evaluation Committee) 10th period Membership
11 2) Egyptian Engineers Syndicate Membership
12 3) Society of Egyptian Architects (UIA Egyptian National Section) Membership
13 4) Society of Egyptian Engineers Membership
14 4) Society of Egyptian Engineers Membership
15 4) Society of Egyptian Engineers Membership
16 5) Society of Egyptian Urban Planners Membership
17 5) Society of Egyptian Urban Planners Membership
18 5) Society of Egyptian Urban Planners Membership
19 6) East Nasr City Educations Council Membership
20 7) Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra) Membership
21 8) Quality Assurance, High Institute of Civil & Architectural Engineering (15th of May) Membership
22 8) Quality Assurance, High Institute of Civil & Architectural Engineering (15th of May) Membership
nahed fathy mohamed
Osama Abdel Latif Youssef Aly
# Title type
1 1) Membership of Architecture Community (Since 1997) Membership
2 2) Membership of Egyptian engineering society (Sine 1978) Membership
3 3) Architecture Consultant in design of general buildings (since 1999) Membership
osama mohamedalnahas
salama mustafa abdelrahman
Sayed Abd Elhaliam Mohamed
Shaban Taha Ibrahim Taha
Wagih Fawzi Youssef
Ashraf A. Gaafar
# Title type
1 1) Member of Egyptian Engineers Syndicate Membership
2 2) Consultant of Engineering Syndicate Membership
3 5) Member of The Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD) Membership
4 Member of Egyptian Architectural Engineers Membership
5 Member of Egyptian society of Engineers Membership
Eslam Nazmy Soliman Fahmi Elsayed
Islam Ghnemi Ibrahim Ghnemi
Osama Saad Khalil Ibrahim
sadikahmed saad
Yaldiz Yehya Mohamed Eid
# Title type
1 1. Recipient, AMIDEAST Peace Fellowship, 1985. Studied for Masters degree in Architecture. Award
2 2. Recipient, Doctoral Fellowship, Egyptian Government, 1988. Studied for Doctoral Degree in Architecture. Award
3 3. Atlanta Public School Award for Promoting Cultural Awareness, USA, 1992 Award
4 4. Awarded several commissions for Architectural Competitions with ETCO and Barakat and Associates consultants (furnished upon request) Award
5 1) Syndicate of Egyptian Engineers, working member. Membership
6 2) Society of Egyptian Architects, working member Membership
7 3) International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS) Membership
8 4) Georgia Tech Alumni Association Membership
Abdelwahab Ali Abdelwahab
Hassan Ahmed Ahmed Alzamly
hesham eissa
Ibrahim Hassan Ibrahim Sharaf El din
# Title type
1 • Abdullah bin Turk Al Dohian , Al Riyad, kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Preparing bid tender documents for commercial mall, site area= 2240 m2 contain of ( basement – ground – mezzanine – first floor ) 2009 Award
2 • Abou Shakra Group , Preparing bid tender documents for Abou Shakra restaurant – Maadi Branch , 2000 Award
3 • Abu Dhabi Emirate. Ministry of Public Works &Housing , 1500 Prayer Mosque in Northern Emirates , 1996 Award
4 • Abu Dhabi Emirate. Ministry of Public Works &Housing , Mosque 1500 Prayers, 1994 Award
5 • Abu Dhabi Emirate. Ministry of Public Works &Housing , Police Officers Residential Complex , 1994 Award
6 • Abu Dhabi Emirate. Ministry of Public Works &Housing, Police Station in Abu Dhabi Type (A), 1998 Award
7 • AL Dorado Group CO. – develop. Tourstic assembly)– A.E.R, Preparing structural and detailed plan studies for touristic development project MARSA WAZER locals – MARSA WAZER sector – Red sea government, 2007 Award
8 • Al Riyad – Abdullah Al Ajlaan Group, kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Preparing bid tender documents for administration complex – site area = 1500 m2 contains of (basement – ground – mezzanine – 24 typical floor ), 2009 Award
9 • Cairo Governorate, tourism guide building at old Cairo / Egypt , 1999 Award
10 • Ceramica Cleopatra Group For Integrated develop. &Touristic Investments co, Preparing structural and detailed plan studies for tourist development project RAS HOULA local –BAGESH tourist – RAS EL HEKMA sector – MARSA MATROUH, 2007 Award
11 • Ceramica Cleopatra Group For Integrated develop. &Touristic Investments co., Cermica Cleopatra Residential Complex (site area= 47 acres ) SHROOK city –A.R.E, 2005 Award
12 • Ceramica Cleopatra Group For Integrated develop. &Touristic Investments co., Preparing bid tender documents for commercial - admin. residential complex– site area = 1238 m2 , 2006 Award
13 • Ceramica Cleopatra Group For Integrated develop. &Touristic Investments co., Preparing bid tender documents for commercial administration residential complex at azareta – site area = 5000 m2 contain of (2 basement – ground – 3 commercial floor – 2 residential tower – 2 administration towers – 14 t Award
14 • Ceramica Cleopatra Group For Integrated develop. &Touristic Investments co., Preparing bid tender documents for commercial residential complex– site area = 2900 m2 gound floor = 1550 m2 contain of ( basement – ground – 6 typical floor ) 10th of Ramadan city, 2005 Award
15 • Dar AL- Dabbous Engineering Consultant, Kuwait municipality, Planning and design residential complex (MERQUAB) Kuwait, 2004 Award
16 • Dar AL- Dabbous Engineering Consultant, Kuwait municipality, Preparing main studies and general plan for low coat residential at western area, 2007 Award
17 • Dar AL- Dabbous Engineering Consultant, Kuwait municipality, Preparing structural and detailed plan for investment areas development and planning from FENTAS to FAHEHEL , 2004 Award
18 • Delta Misr CO. For Tourism & Real Estate Development, Master plan for international garden at Alexandria , 2001 Award
19 • Egyptian British Bank, First award at designing typical types for British Egypt bank elevations , 1997 Award
20 • EL- Dakahliya government, strategically plan studies for 21 village distributed on 3 local units belong to MANSORA local, 2006 Award
21 • EL- Menia government, Strategic and detailed plan for Bani-mazar City, 2009 Award
22 • Emirate Real Estate Corp., Ministry OF Education Building, 2000 Award
23 • International Development Company , El Rewey 2000 center for Building materials at new Cairo , 1997 Award
24 • International Development Company , Preparing working drawing and general plan for panorama beach village-1 (Alex. 76 K ) , 1996 Award
25 • International Development Company, Preparing working drawing and general plan for panorama beach village-2 (Alex. 73 K ) , 1998 Award
26 • International Company for Hotels &Tourism, Alexandria. Downtown, 2000 Award
27 • Kuwait Technical Consulting Office, Kuwait municipality, Kuwait beautification Master Plan, 2003 Award
28 • Kuwait Technical Consulting Office, Kuwait municipality, Preparing general and detailed plan for sector (B) – GABER EL AHMED city, 2006 Award
29 • MR . Hussein Jousef, Bid tender documents for commercial mall) at new cairo – site area = 1200 m2, 2008 Award
30 • North SINAI Government, Strategic and detailed plan for EL- ARIESH City, 2007 Award
31 • Public Authority For Housing Welfare, Kuwait, Preparing structural and detailed plan for KHERAN residential city planning (population = 600000 person – site area 13969 hectare), 2004 Award
32 • Tiba For Development & Management Project Company, Cinderella Tourist Village At North Beach of Egypt, 1998 Award
33 • Youth Sporting Club, Architecture design , urban site , working drawing and bid tender documents for Cairo youth sport club, 2004 Award
34 1) Consultant of engineering syndicate –Cairo No. ( 1313/2 ). Membership
35 2) Membership in engineering syndicate number 3313/7 Membership
36 4) Member Of International Society of city and regional planning (ISOCARP) Membership
37 Membership in the Egyptian society of engineering – Urban planning section number (2688) Membership
38 • Al Atiea. Doha – Qatar, Preparing bid tender documents for administration tower– site area = 5686 m2 contain of ( 2 basement – ground – first – 2 parking floor – 33 typical ) , 2008 Membership
Magdi Hussein Zaki Barakat
# Title type
1 2. Recipient, Doctoral Fellowship, Egyptian Government, 1986. Studied for Doctoral Degree in Architecture. Award
2 1) Syndicate of Egyptian Engineers Membership
3 2) Society of Egyptian Architects Membership
4 3) Organization of Arab Architects - Executive committee Membership
5 3) Organization of Arab Architects - Executive committee Membership
6 4) Union of Arab Engineers – Development and Certification of Engineers Membership
Mohamed Ahmed Rezk Aly Al-Sherbiny
# Title type
1 a. Cultural Partnership Initiative Scholarship (CPI Training Course from June 2009 until November 2009), Funded by Korean Ministries of Culture, Sports and Tourism, South Korea. Award
2 1) A member of Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers since 2003, License: 17- 4815. Membership
mohamed farid aboelala
Nothiela abdul samie elhamoly
Tarek Saad Elhinnawy
# Title type
1  Grant of "Junior Scientist Development Visits", Six-month Research Visit - Ministry of Scientific Research, ( spring 2004). Award
2  Grant of Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant at Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Center of Building Studies, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. (Fall 96) Award
3  Peace Fellowship, Two-year grant, USAID, Cairo, Egypt.( 1994-1995) Award
Ahmed Sayed Abdel-Rasoul Ali
# Title type
1 Ministry of Social Development Headquarter,Muscat,Oman- First prize Award
2 Schools prototype Design Competition - Second Prize, First prize blocked Award
3 • Engineering Club – Domiat- Egypt ( Jul. 2006) - First Prize Award
4 • Mubarak Cancer Institute – Zagazig University - Egypt ( Nov.2005) - First Prize Award
5 • Zaheer Desert Villages - Elfayoum - Egypt (Sep. 2005) – General organization for physical planning (GOPP) - First Prize Award
Ahmed Sayed Youssef Taha
# Title type
1 1) Member, Egyptian Engineering Syndicate, (2002) Membership
Ayman Abd Elfatah Mohamed Hassan
Faisal Farag Elbaz Hawas
# Title type
1 1) نقابة المهندسين Membership
2 2) جمعيه المهندسين Membership
3 3) جمعيه المعماريين Membership
4 4) نادى الشمس Membership
5 5) النادى الأهلى Membership
hossameldin hassan
Ibrahim Magdi Mohammed
Mahmoud Fathy Ahmed Ahmed Hassan
Ahmed Elsayed Rashiedy Ibrahim
ahmed ezzat mohamed wahb
Ahmed Salah Abdel Fatah Radwan Mansour
Eman Mohamed Mohamed Balah
Esraa Mohammed Abdallah Ghoneim
Fouad Mahmoud Fouad Mohammed Ali
Mohamed Galal El-sayed Hendy
Mohamed salah mansour abd el rahman
Rasha Mohamed Said Dosouky
Samah Ahmed Mohammed Khalil
Usama Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Saleh
Wael Salah Mansour Abdelrahman Mansour
Aya Attia
Ayman mohomud Ali Elsayed
Aza Mohamed Abd Elsalam Alish
Doha Gouda Mahmoud Gouda
Galal Magdy Mohamed
Hala sayed mahmoud Aamer
Heba Mahmoud Mohamed Elish
Iman Fahim Shaltout
Mai Sayed Mohamed Osman
Manar Tarek Kamal Mahrous
Merna Barakat Mekhail
Mohammed Mostafa Abd-El Fatah Saleh
Mokhtar Mohamed Abd Elaty Ahmed
Osama Ali Mahmoud Al kady
Ramy Mohamed Mohamed Abd Elsalam
Reem abd_Al-Hakim mohamed Al-srogy
Salah Mahmoud Mohammed Mohammed El Zayat
Sherihan Essam Salem Ahmed
Yasser Adel Eid
Zeinab Ahmed Mohamed Emam
Mohamed Fathy Mohamed Noaman Abou Samrah
mustafa mohamed alkholy