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The Nominees for the Deanship Position in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

The Nominees for the Deanship Position in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

  • 26 Jan. 2017

The Faculty of veterinary medicine announces the nominees for the deanship position as follows:
1- Prof.Dr. Muhammad Abu Salim
2- Prof.Dr. Muhammad Mahdy Ghanem
3- Prof.Dr. Mahmoud El-Sayed Abed Abu El-Roos
4- Prof.Dr. Hatem Bahgat EL-Hussieni ... Full Article

The Nominees for the Deanship Position in the Faculty of Engineering / Shubra

The Nominees for the Deanship Position in the Faculty of Engineering / Shubra

  • 26 Jan. 2017

The Faculty of Engineering / Shubra announces the nominees for the deanship position as follows:
1- Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir Mahmoud Abd El-Megeed
2- Prof.Dr. Sayed Abu El-Souod Sayed Ward
3- Prof.Dr. Abd El-kader Abd- El-Kareem Ibrahim ... Full Article

Benha University organizes the Biggest Medical Convoy to the Inhabitants of “Balks” Village in Kaluib Next Week

Benha University organizes the Biggest Medical Convoy to the Inhabitants of “Balks” Village in Kaluib Next Week

  • 24 Jan. 2017

Benha University organizes, under the auspices of Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president and prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development, the biggest medical and specialized convoy to the Inhabitants of “Balks” Village at Kaluib in Qulubia governorate on next Sunday. The convoy is in the frame of reinforcing the university's role in serving the community and the needy villages in the governorate. The university president stresses that the convoy includes different medical majors, an agricultural convoy to develop the agricultural organization, a veterinary convoy and an educational convoy. The faculties of nursing, science, engineering in Benha and Shubra and Drinking Water Company also participate in this convoy.


The university president inspects the exams in the faculty and listens to the student's suggestion about developing the curriculums

The university president inspects the exams in the faculty and listens to the student's suggestion about developing the curriculums

  • 24 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president inspects the mid-semester exams in the faculties of computer and informatics, arts, and specific education as he makes sure that the exams are nicely up and running and the rules set forth by the university council was strictly-followed. He listens to the students' suggestions to meet the demands of the labor market. These suggestions should be carefully refined and thoroughly studied by the faculties' deans to draw the most important ones to be added to the youth forum to develop education which will be organized in next February. The university president inspects the workshops of the faculty of engineering and the medical administration.


 Benha University honors the Republic Champion of Bodybuilding and the Chess Team in the Employees' Club in the University

Benha University honors the Republic Champion of Bodybuilding and the Chess Team in the Employees' Club in the University

  • 23 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-Kady, the university president honors Ahmed Ezat Sehim the Republic Champion in bodybuilding. The university president also honors the chess team in the employees' club in the university who wins the first place in the premier league of chess. The winners are the following; Ayman Tawfik, Yehia Muhammad EL-Gendy, El-Sayed Abd-El-Reheim, Hazem Yehia El-Gendy, Nada Yehia El-Gendy, Muhammad Hesham, Alaa Hesham.


The University President inspects the Stadiums of Youth Development Center at the faculty of agriculture in Moshtohor

The University President inspects the Stadiums of Youth Development Center at the faculty of agriculture in Moshtohor

  • 22 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-Kady, the university president inspects the stadiums of the youth development center at the faculty of agriculture in Moshtohor to make sure that preparations of the agricultural round no. 39 are done. This event will be held from 5-2-2017 to 8-2-2017 and it will be organized by the faculty of agriculture. There will be more than 750 stduents who represents 14 faculties around the Egyptian universities and they will take part in this event. The university president was accompanied by prof.Dr. Mahmoud Eraqi, the dean of the faculty of agriculture, prof.Dr. Muhammad Abu Salim, the dean of the faculty of veterinary medicine, the faculty's deputies and the faculties' members. The university president stresses that the preparations of the agricultural round should be perfectly done.


The University president inspects the Farm of animal production at the Faculty of Agriculture in Moshtohor

The University president inspects the Farm of animal production at the Faculty of Agriculture in Moshtohor

  • 22 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-Kady, the university president inspects the farms of animal production at the faculty of agriculture in Moshtohor. The visit was about making sure that nutrition, ancestry production, feedlot management and buffaloes are nicely up and running. The university president was accompanied by prof.Dr. Mahmoud Eraqi, the dean of the faculty of agriculture, prof.Dr. Muhammad Abu Salim, the dean of the faculty of veterinary medicine, the faculty's deputies and the faculties' members. The university president stresses that there should be cooperation between both faculties in the animal production sector in order to enhance and develop the production in the farms.


In a Sudden Visit … the University President inspects the Controls and the New Programs in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

In a Sudden Visit … the University President inspects the Controls and the New Programs in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

  • 22 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-Kady, the university president suddenly visits the faculty of veterinary Medicine in Moshtohor. He inspects the controls and the new programs in the faculty and he was accompanied by prof.Dr. Muhammad Abu Salim, the faculty's dean and the faculty's deputy of education and students affairs.


In the Talk Week: Inviting the Supreme Council of Universities to be held in Benha University

In the Talk Week: Inviting the Supreme Council of Universities to be held in Benha University

  • 19 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president announces, at the talk week, that the supreme council of universities will held its February session in Benha University from 25-1-2017 to 28-1-2017. This statement concurs with the presidency of Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady of the university council and he discusses the activities of the week in which the ideas of higher education development and scientific research enhancement of students, teaching assistants, assistant lecturers, professors and the civil society organizations will be revealed. The inauguration ceremony will be attended by prof.Dr. Ashraf El-Shihy, the minister of higher education.


  According to the Instructions of the President / Abd El-Fattah El-Sisi to take care of the Poor, Benha University sends a Comprehensive Convey to the Inhabitants of the Village of “Arab- El-Ayat” in Assiout

According to the Instructions of the President / Abd El-Fattah El-Sisi to take care of the Poor, Benha University sends a Comprehensive Convey to the Inhabitants of the Village of “Arab- El-Ayat” in Assiout

  • 19 Jan. 2017

According to the instructions of the president / Abd El-Fattah El-Sisi to take care of the middle-class and release the burden over the shoulder of the inhabitants of the needy villages and as per the university's role in serving the community, the university council, headed by Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president, answers the call of an episode of the program “Mohema Khasa” hosted by the anchor/ Ahemd Ragab on “El-Haiya” channel which takes care of the inhabitants of the village of “Arab- El-Ayat” in Assiout. Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president says that the university has approved to send a comprehensive convoy included all the specializations; the medical, the veterinary, the agricultural, the geometrical, and the environmental. This convoy will be equipped in cooperation with the faculties of the university, the ministry of higher education and the University of Assiout and it will be sent to this needy village in next February.


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