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Specialized and Accredited Certificates in the Field of IT from Microsoft in Benha University

Specialized and Accredited Certificates in the Field of IT from Microsoft in Benha University

  • 16 Jan. 2017

In the frame of providing training services, it has been approved to provide accredited certificates in the field of IT from Microsoft and offer 50% discount to Benha University's affiliates including: students, faculties' members, teaching assistants and employees the following certificates: ... Full Article

The Vice President of Post-Graduate Studies and Researches inspects the Exams

The Vice President of Post-Graduate Studies and Researches inspects the Exams

  • 15 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research inspects that the exams are up and running. He was accompanied by prof.Dr. El-Sayed Fouda, the faculty's dean. He also inspects the exams halls and controls in addition to heaping praise on the discipline and stressing that the rules of the exams set forth by the university council should be strictly followed.


A Workshop about the Egyptian Knowledge Bank to be held from 19-1-2017 to 20-1-2017

A Workshop about the Egyptian Knowledge Bank to be held from 19-1-2017 to 20-1-2017

  • 15 Jan. 2017

Benha University is honored to invite the faculties’ members, researchers and students to attend that training course on how to access the information available in the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. This workshop will be held in cooperation with the digital library unit in the supreme council of the universities, the publishers, the companies which are participating in the Egyptian Knowledge Bank from 19-1-2017 to 20-1-2017 at the conferences hall in the faculty of commerce.


The University President inspects the Industrial Cleaners Unit in the Faculty of Science

The University President inspects the Industrial Cleaners Unit in the Faculty of Science

  • 12 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president announces that the university inaugurates outlets to sell the products of the Industrial Cleaners Unit in the faculty of science at a cheap costa. This unit is in the frame of university's role to serve the surrounding community. prof.Dr. Abd-Azim Mehna, the faculty dean asserts that this unit provides the university and its hostels with their needs of the Industrial Cleaners stressing that this unit is non-profitable one.


The University President inspects the Exams in the Faculty of Science

The University President inspects the Exams in the Faculty of Science

  • 12 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president inspects that the exams are up and running in the faculty of science. The university president is accompanied by prof.Dr. Abd-Azim Mehna, the faculty dean and makes sure that exams are nicely-up and running and the rules set forth by the university council are strictly followed.


“The curriculums and the Programs of the faculty of Medicine should be developed” says the university president in a workshop at the faculty of Medicine

“The curriculums and the Programs of the faculty of Medicine should be developed” says the university president in a workshop at the faculty of Medicine

  • 11 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president asserts that the programs of the faculty of medicine should be developed to have efficient Alumni who are capable of competing with all faculties of Medicine around the world and accepting the challenges in 2023. In this year, the certificates of the faculties of medicine which didn't develop its programs will not be accepted. This statement concurs with the university president attendance of a workshop about developing the Bachelor programs of medicine and surgery. This workshop is held in cooperation with the medical sector committee in the supreme council of the universities and the faculties of medicine in ( Benha- Tanta- El-Monifya). ... Full Article

The University Leaders Council stand for Minute to mourn “El-Masaaid” Martyrs

The University Leaders Council stand for Minute to mourn “El-Masaaid” Martyrs

  • 11 Jan. 2017

The university leaders council starts its procedures, its weekly session that is held at the faculty of the agriculture in Moshtohor, by standing for one minute to mourn the “El-Masaaid” martyrs who died in the mean terrorist attack. The session is held in the presence of prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of the community service and environment development, prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research, the faculties' deans and the university president chancellors.


Seeking out Solutions of the Education Problems in Benha University Talk Week

Seeking out Solutions of the Education Problems in Benha University Talk Week

  • 11 Jan. 2017

The university leader council discussed, in its weekly session on Tuesday noon under the presidency of the prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, the preparations that supposed to be ready to hold the talk week which will be held from 25-2-2017 to 28-2-2017. The meeting was held in the presence of prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of the community service and environment development, prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and scientific research, the faculties' deans and the university president chancellors. This talk week aims at suggesting a comprehensive vision to find solutions of higher education and scientific research in Egypt.


Discussing the Problems of the Social Solidarity Fund in Benha University

Discussing the Problems of the Social Solidarity Fund in Benha University

  • 11 Jan. 2017

The university council decides, in its emergency session today under the presidency of prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president, to form a committee of Actuary insurance professors in the faculty of commerce in cooperation with prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghoneim, the professor of the faculty of education to discuss the problem of the social solidarity fund of the faculties' members and the employees in Benha University and Zagazig University. The university council decides that many meeting should be held in the university's faculties to explain to the faculties' members and the employees the importance of being members in the social solidarity fund, discussing its problems, making suggestions to financially support the fund in order to be able to help its members when they retired on pension.


The University President inspects the Exams in the Faculty of Commerce

The University President inspects the Exams in the Faculty of Commerce

  • 11 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president inspects the exams in the faculty of commerce and he is accompanied by prof.Dr. Eid Hemida, the faculty's dean. The university president makes sure that the exams are up and running and the rules set forth by the university council are strictly followed.


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