Faculty of Science: Department of Mathematics
Total number of Publications in the Department of Mathematics - Faculty of Science is 643
Khaled abdelhamid elsayed hashem | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A Level-proximities for a fuzzy T-proximity, | K. A. Hashem | 2004 | International |
2 | A Level-uniformities for Höhle fuzzy T-uniformity, | K. A. Hashem; | 2006 | International |
3 | Constructions in the category of fuzzy T-proximity spaces | K. A. Hashem and A. E. Radwan | 2007 | International |
4 | Fuzzy T- proximity induced by functional fuzzy T- separation | K. A. Hashem and A. E. Radwan | 2005 | International |
5 | Fuzzy T-neighbourhood spaces : Part 3-T-Separation axioms | K. A. Hashem and N. N. Morsi | 2003 | International |
6 | On the category of fuzzy presheaves, | A. E. Radwan and K. A. Hashem | 2005 | International |
7 | A level-topologies criterion for Lowen fuzzy uniformizability | A. Kandil, K. A. Hashem and N. N. Morsi | 1994 | International |
8 | Algebraic structures of fuzzy T-Locality spaces : Part 1 | K. A. Hashem | 2015 | International |
9 | Algebraic structures of fuzzy T-Locality spaces: Part 2 | K. A. Hashem | 2015 | International |
10 | Characterization of TL-uniform spaces by coverings; | K. A. Hashem | 2012 | International |
11 | Fuzzy T-neighbourhood ordered spaces, | K. A. Hashem | 2010 | International |
12 | Fuzzy T-neighbourhood spaces : Part 1-T-Proximities, | K. A. Hashem and N. N. Morsi | 2002 | International |
13 | Fuzzy T-neighbourhood spaces : Part 2-T-neighbourhood systems . | K. A. Hashem and N. N. Mors | 2002 | International |
14 | Fuzzy TL-uniform spaces, | K. A. Hashem and N. N. Morsi | 2006 | International |
15 | Initial and final T-topogenous structures; | K. A. Hashem | 2015 | International |
16 | Operations on T-syntopogenous structures; | K. A. Hashem | 2015 | International |
17 | T-proximity compatible with T-neighbourhood structure; | K. A. Hashem | 2012 | International |
18 | T-syntopogenous spaces | K. A. Hashem | 2012 | International |
19 | T-syntopogenous structures compatible with fuzzy T-uniformities and fuzzy T-neighbourhoods structures; | N. N. Morsi and K. A. Hashem | 2014 | International |
Reda Gamal Abd El –Rahman Khaled | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Lie Group Analysis for a Mixed Convective Flow and Heat Mass Transfer Over a Permeable Stretching Surface with Soret and Dufour Effects | Reda G. Abdel-Rahman · Ahmed M. Megahed | 2013 | International |
2 | Melting phenomenon in magneto hydro-dynamics steady flow and heat transfer over a moving surface in the presence of thermal radiation | Reda G. Abdel-Rahman, M. M. Khader, Ahmed M. Megahed | 2013 | International |
3 | “On the exact solution of (2+1)- dimensional cubic nonlinear Shrodinger equation” | Efatt A. Saied and Reda G. Abd El -Rahman | 2003 | International |
4 | “On the Porous Medium Equation With Modified Fourier’s Law: Symmetries and Integrability” | Efatt A. Saied and Reda G. Abd El -Rahman | 1999 | International |
5 | A generalized Weierstrass elliptic function expansion method for solving some nonlinear partial differential equations | E.A. Saied; Reda G. Abd El-Rahman; Marwa I. Ghonamy | 2009 | International |
6 | Group classification of the dispersion equation of gaseous pollutants in presence of a temperature inversion | RG Abdel-Rahman | 2006 | International |
7 | Group solution for an unsteady non-Newtonian Hiemenz flow with variable fluid properties and suction/injection | H. M. El-Hawary, Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud, Reda G. Abdel-Rahman and Abeer S. Elfeshawey | 2014 | International |
8 | MHD Slip Flow of Newtonian Fluid past a Stretching Sheet with Thermal Convective Boundary Condition, Radiation, and Chemical Reaction | Reda G. Abdel-Rahman | 2013 | International |
9 | New Exact Solutions of the (2+ 1)-Dimensional Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation | Reda G Abdel-Rahman | 2008 | International |
10 | On the exact solutions of the aerosol dynamic equation in cylindrical geometry | Reda G. Abdel-Rahman | 2008 | International |
11 | Similarity Solutions For Heat And Mass Transfer of MHD Flow Over a Permeable Stretching Wedge With Variable Fluid Properties And Heat Generation/Absorption | Reda G. Abdel-Rahman, Abeer S. Elfeshawey | 2014 | International |
12 | Thermal radiation effect on flow and heat transfer of unsteady MHD micropolar fluid over vertical heated nonisothermal stretching surface using group analysis | I. A. HASSANIEN, H.M.EL-HAWARY, M.A.A.MAHMOUD, R. G. ABDEL-RAHMAN, A.S.ELFESHAWEY | 2013 | International |
13 | “Analytical Solutions for Asymetric Model of a Rod in a lattice Fluid” | Efatt A. Saied and Reda G. Abd El -Rahman | 1999 | International |
14 | “Exact Solution of the Partical -cluster Dynamic Equation” | Reda G. Abd El -Rahman | 2002 | International |
15 | “Propagation of boundary of inhomogeneous heat conduction equation” accepted to Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation. | Reda G. Abd El -Rahman | 2003 | Local |
16 | “Some new Exact Solutions for Linear Thermoelastic system” | M. E. Khalifa and Reda G. Abd El -Rahman | 2004 | International |
Abd Elkareem Soliman | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | On Stability of Nonlinear Differential Systems Via Con – Valued Liapunov Function Method “Applied Math. and computation.119,265-281. | F. Dannan, M.M.A.El –Sheikh, A.A.Soliman and Abd alla | 2001 | International |
2 | “ Integral Stability Criteria of nonlinear differential systems ”Mathematical and Computer Modeling,48, 258-267. | A.A.Soliman and M.H.Abdalla | 2008 | Local |
3 | “ On - stability for Impulsive Systems of Differential Equations” Differential Equations and Dynamical systems, Vol.8,N.3-4 227-242. | F. Dannan, M.M.A.El –Sheikh, A.A.Soliman and Abd alla | 2000 | Local |
4 | “ On Stability of Nonlinear Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations” “ Applied Math. and computation.113, 175-198. | M.M.Sheikh , A.A.Soliman and M.H.Abd Alla | 2000 | Local |
5 | “ Stability Criteria of Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations” Pan American Math.J. Vol. 5, N.3,17-30. | M.M.A.El –Sheikh and A.A.Soliman | 1995 | Local |
6 | “Eventual -Stability of Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations “Pan American Math.J. Vol.3.N.5 112-120.** | A.A.Soliman | 1999 | Local |
7 | “Lipschitz Stability Creteria for Nonlinear Systems of Functional Differential Equations”Pan American Math.J. Vol.3.N.5 112-120. | M.M.A.El –Sheikh and A.A.Soliman | 1999 | Local |
8 | “On -Stability for Nonlinear Volterra Integrodifferential Systems “ Applied Math. and computation.Vol.100, 71-83. | A.A.Soliman | 1999 | Local |
9 | “On eventual Stability of Impulsive Systems of Differential Equations “International Journal of Math. and Math.Sciences,vol.27,No.8,485-494 | A.A.Soliman | 2001 | Local |
10 | “On Stability of Nonlinear Systems Of Functional Differential Equations” Applied Math. And omputation,Vol.107,N.2,81-99. | M.M.A.El –Sheikh and A.A.Soliman | 2000 | Local |
11 | “On total φ0-stability of nonlinear systems of differential equations | A.A.Soliman | 2002 | International |
12 | “Stability Criteria of difference equations ”International Journal of nonlinear Science,Vol.3,N.2 ,91-102. | A.A.Soliman | 2007 | International |
13 | “Stability Criteria Of Differential Systems Via Liapunov’s second Method.”Applied Math. And computation.Vol.92, 143-152. | A.A.Soliman | 1998 | Local |
14 | " Lipschitz Stability with Perturbing Liapunov functionals" Applied Math.Letters vol.17,939-944. | A.A.Soliman | 2004 | Local |
15 | " On cone perturbing Liapunov function for impulsive differential systems"Appl.Math. and Comput. vol.163,N.3, 1069-1079. | A.A.Soliman | 2005 | Local |
16 | " On Lipschitz stability for comparison systems of differential equations via limiting equation " Appl. Math. and Comput.“vol.163,N.3, 1061-1067. | A.A.Soliman | 2005 | Local |
17 | " On practical stability of perturbed differential systems " Appl.Math. and Comput.“vol.163,N.3,1055-1060. | A.A.Soliman | 2005 | Local |
18 | " On total Stability for Perturbed Systems of Differential Equations “Applied Math.Letters vol.16,1157-1162.. | A.A.Soliman | 2003 | Local |
19 | Asymptotic stability and instability of the solutions of systems with impulse action | A. O. Ignatyeva, O. A. Ignatyevb, A. A. Solimanc | 2006 | International |
20 | Asymptotic Stability of Solutions of Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey Model for Four Species | A. A. Soliman, E. S. Al-Jarallah | 2015 | International |
21 | Oscillation criteria of second order nonlinear neutral differential equations | A. A. Soliman, R. A. Sallam, Ahmed Mohamed Hassan | 2015 | International |
22 | Oscillation Criteria Of Third Order Nonlinear Neutral Differential equations | AA Soliman, RA Sallam, Ahmed Mohamed Hassan | 2015 | International |
23 | Stability analysis of difference systems via cone valued Liapunov’s function method | A.A.Soliman | 2006 | International |
24 | Stability of Lotka–Volterra system,J.Of Mathematical SCiences,V.161,N.8 | A.A.Soliman | 2009 | International |
25 | “ On Lipschitz Stability for Nonlinear Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations” Differential Equations and Dynamical systems, Vol. 3, N.3, 235-250. | M.M.A.El –Sheikh and A.A Soliman | 1995 | Local |
26 | “On φ0-boundedness and -Stability properties with perturbing Liapunov functional"IMA J. of Appl. Math.vol.67,551-557. | A.A.Soliman | 2002 | Local |
27 | ” On Perturbing Liapunov functional " Appl.Math. and Comput.“vol.133,319-325. | A.A.Soliman | 2002 | International |
28 | ” On Stability for Impulsive Perturbed Systems via Cone-valued Lyaponuv function method " Appl.Math. and Comput.“vol.157,269-279. | A.A.Soliman | 2004 | Local |
29 | ” On Stability of Perturbed Impulsive Differential Systems Appl.Math. and Comput.“ 133,105-117. | A.A.Soliman | 2002 | Local |
30 | ” Stability Criteria of Impulsive Differential Systems Appl.Math. and Comput.“vol.133,105-117. | A.A.Soliman | 2002 | Local |
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Abd Elrehim Mohamed Abdo Elnaggar | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A perturbation Method for a set of a quasi-linear Oscillatory Systems with Variable Natural Frequency. | A M Elnaggar; I Ahmed | 1985 | International |
2 | Analytical solution of electro-mechanical wave propagation in long bones | A M El-Naggar; A M Abd-Alla; S R Mahmoud | 2001 | International |
3 | Analytical studies for even subharmonic synchronization of a weakly nonlinear conservative physical system | A M Elnaggar; G M Hamd-Allah | 1982 | International |
4 | Control of the nonlinear oscillator bifurcation under a superharmonic resonance | A M Elnaggar; K M Khalil | 2013 | International |
5 | Determination of harmonic and subharmonic synchronization of a weakly non-linear conservative physical system | A M Elnaggar;G M Hamed-Allah | 1982 | International |
6 | Dynamical problems of thermoelastic solids | A M Elnaggar; A M Abd-Alla | 1986 | International |
7 | Existence and Determination of Superharmonic Synchronizations as Solution, of a Quasi-Linear Physical System | A M Elnaggar | 1985 | International |
8 | Harmonic and sub-harmonic resonance of MEMS subjected to a weakly non-linear parametric and external excitations | A M Elnaggar; A F E l-Bassiouny; G A Mosa | 2013 | International |
9 | Harmonic, subharmonic, superharmonic, simultaneous sub/super harmonic and combination resonances of self-excited two coupled second order systems to multi-frequency excitation | A M Elnaggar; A F El-Basyouny | 1993 | International |
10 | On a generalized thermo-elastic problem in an infinite cylinder under initial stress | A. M. Elnagar;A. M. Abd-Allah | 1987 | International |
11 | On the dynamical problem of a generalized thermoelastic granular infinite cylinder under initial stress | A M Elnaggar | 1992 | International |
12 | On the rotation of a non-homogeneous composite infinite cylinder of orthotropic material | A M El-Naggar; A M Abd-Alla; S M Ahmed | 1995 | International |
13 | Parametric excitation of subharmonic oscillations | A M Elnaggar; A A Alhanadwah | 1997 | International |
14 | Periodic and non-periodic combination resonance in kinematically excited system of rods | A M Elnagger; A F El-Bassiouny | 2003 | International |
15 | Periodic solution of the generalized Rayleigh equation | L Cveticanin; G M Abd El-Latif; A M El-Naggar; G M Ismail | 2008 | International |
16 | Perturbation analysis of an electrostatic Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) subjected to external and non-linear parametric excitations | A E M Elnaggar; A F El-Bassiouny; G A Mosa | 2014 | International |
17 | Principal parametric resonances of two-degree-of-freedom systems with quadratic and cubic non-linearities | A M Elnaggar; A F El-Bassiouny | 1995 | International |
18 | Rayleigh waves in magneto-thermo-microelastic half-space under initial stress | A M Elnaggar; A M Abd-Alla | 1989 | International |
19 | Response of self-excited three-degree-of-freedom systems to multifrequency excitations | A M Elnaggar; A F El-Bassiouny | 1992 | International |
20 | Response of two internal resonant oscillators subjected to combined quadratic parametric and external excitation | A M Elnaggar; M A El-diriny | 1995 | International |
21 | Saddle-Node Bifurcation Control for an Odd Non-Linearity Problem. | A M Elnaggar; A F El-Bassiouny; K M Khalil | 2011 | International |
22 | The propagation of thermal stresses in an infinite elastic slab | A M El-Naggar; A M Abd-Allab; M A Fahmy | 2004 | International |
23 | The response of nonlinear controlled system under an external excitation via time delay state feedback | A M Elnaggar; K M Khalil | 2014 | International |
24 | Wave propagation in layered media under initial stresses | A M El-Naggar; M M Saliem | 1996 | International |
Effat A. Mohammed Saied | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | On the exact solution of ( 2+1)-dimensional cubic nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation . J. Phys. A : Math. Gen. 36: 6751-6770 | Saied, E.A. , Reda G Abd El-Rahman and Marwa I Ghonamy | 2003 | Local |
2 | An operational method for the particle Slowing-down problem. Ann. Nucl. Energy, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 161-166. | Saied, E.A.; S. El-Wakil, M. Machali and M. Madkour | 1987 | Local |
3 | Anomalous diffusion on fractal objects: Additional analytic solutions. Journal of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 11, pp. 1369-1376. | Saied, E.A. | 2000 | Local |
4 | On the porous medium equation with modified Fourier’s law: Symmetries and integrability. Journal of Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 360-368. | Saied, E.A. and G. Reda | 1999 | Local |
5 | Analytic assessment of used nuclear fuel disposal. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation (in press)Accepted on 25/9/2000. | Saied, E.A. | 2000 | Local |
6 | Analytic solutions for asymmetric model of a rod in a lattice fluid. Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 94, Nos. 3/4, pp. 639 - 652. | Saied, E.A. and G. Reda | 1999 | Local |
7 | Classification of the extended symmetries of the inhomogeneous non-linear diffusion equation. Journal of Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 1308. | Saied, E.A. | 1995 | Local |
8 | Classification of the similarity solutions of free Kramer equation. Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 78, No. 3/4, pp. 1139 | Saied, E.A. | 1995 | Local |
9 | New classes of similarity solutions of the inhomogeneous non-linear diffusion equations. J. Phys. A.: Math. Gen. 27, pp. 4867-4874. | Saied, E.A.; and H. Hussein | 1994 | Local |
10 | New exact solutions of heat conduction in metals. Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 82, No. 3/4, pp. 951. | Saied, E.A. | 1996 | Local |
11 | On the Brazil Nuts Problem: Is it of relevance to hydrodynamics? Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 98, Nos. 5/6, pp. 1395 – 1407. | Saied, E.A. | 2000 | Local |
12 | On the diffusion in a lattice gas model: Group-theoretic approach, Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 90, Nos.1/2, pp. 301 – 310. | Saied, E.A. and S. El-Wakil | 1998 | Local |
13 | On the similarity solution for the Free Kramer equation: I, J. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 59. | Saied, E.A. | 1996 | Local |
14 | On the solution of generalized inhomogeneous non-linear diffusion-convection equation. Journal of Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 67, No. 4, pp. 101 - 106. | Saied, E.A. | 1998 | Local |
15 | Operational method for the time-dependent Slowing-down problem with energy variable cross-section. 5th Conf. Nucl. Sc. and Appl., Vol. 2, pp. 781-796. | Saied, E.A.; M. Madkour, M. Machali and M. El-Dimmerdach | 1992 | Local |
16 | Similarity solutions for a non-linear model of heat equation. J. Non-linear Math. Phys., Vol. 3, Nos. 1/2, pp. 219. | Saied, E.A. and M. Hussein | 1996 | Local |
17 | Similarity solutions for fragmenting systems with continuous mass loss. J. Phys. A.: Math. Gen. 27, pp. 185-192. | Saied, E.A. and S. El-Wakil | 1994 | Local |
18 | Similarity solutions of free Kramer equation. Mans. Sci. Bull. C Nat. Science, Vol. 21, No. 1. | Saied, E.A. | 1994 | Local |
19 | Some Analytical Solutions for Groundwater Flow and Transport Equation . Transport in Porous Media 47: 295-308 . | Saied, E.A. and M. E. Khalifa | 2002 | Local |
20 | The non-classical solution of the inhomogeneous non-linear diffusion-equation. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 98, pp. 103-108. | Saied, E.A. | 1999 | Local |
21 | The operational method for the space-energy Slowing-down problem. Ann. Nucl. Energy, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 57. | Saied, E.A.; S. El-Wakil, M. Machali and M. Madkour | 1988 | Local |
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faroukelbatony | |
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Fatma Mohamed Bayoumi | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Completion of L-Topological Groups | Fatma Bayoumi, Ismail Ibedou | 2008 | International |
2 | Completion of L-Topological Groups | 2024 | Local | |
3 | he -levels of a Fuzzy Uniform Structure and of a Fuzzy Proximity | Fatma Bayoumi | 2000 | International |
4 | On initial and final L-topological groups | Fatma Bayoumi | 2005 | International |
5 | The metrizibality of L-Topological Groups | Fatma Bayoumi, Ismail Ibedou | 2013 | Local |
6 | The theory of Global Fuzzy Neighborhood Structures, II, Fuzzy Topogenous Orders. | Fatma Bayoumi, Werner Gahler, Ali Kandil, and Ali Nouh | 1998 | International |
7 | The theory of Global Fuzzy Neighborhood Structures, II, Fuzzy Topogenous Orders. | Fatma Bayoumi, Werner Gahler, Ali Kandil, and Ali Nouh | 1998 | International |
8 | The Theory of Global Fuzzy Neighborhood Structures, III, Fuzzy Uniform Structures. | Fatma, Werner Gahler, Ali Kandil, and Ali Nouh | 1988 | International |
9 | The Theory of Global Fuzzy Neighborhood Structures, Part I, | Fatma Bayoumi, Werner Gahler, Ali Kandil, and Ali Nouh | 1998 | International |
10 | The Uniformizability of L-topological Groups | Fatma Bayoumi, Ismail Ibedou | 2009 | Local |
Gamal mohamed abdelrahman elsayed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | BOUNDARY LAYER FLOW OF A NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID OVER A SEMI-INFINITE PLATE UNDER EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FIELD,Journal of the Faculty of Education, No. 11, 1. 1987. | Mahmoud A Mahmoud and Gamal M Abdel-Rahman | 1987 | Local |
2 | Effect of joule heating and MHD on a micropolar fluid with convection flow near the stagnation point over a stretching sheet in the presence of heat generation, Natural Science, in press 2013. | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman and Noura S. Al-sudais | 2013 | International |
3 | Effect of Magnetohydrodynamic on Thin Films of Unsteady Micropolar Fluid through a Porous Medium, Journal of Modern Physics, 2011, 2, 1290-1304 | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman | 2011 | International |
5 | Entropy and radiation on a pipe MHD flow with variable viscosity | Gamal M. Abdel‐Rahman Rashed | 2020 | International |
6 | Flow of a non-Newtonian power law through a conical bearing in an applied magnetic field, J. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 159/1, 2004, pp.237-246 | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman | 2004 | International |
7 | Heat Transfer in a Hydromagnetic Flow of a Micropolar Fluid over a Stretching Surface with Variable Heat Flux and Generation, International Journal of Dynamics of Fluids. ISSN 0973-1784 Volume 8, Number 1 (2012), pp. 11-23 | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman and Noura S. Al-sudais | 2012 | International |
8 | Hydromagnetic flow and Heat Transfer of a Micropolar fluid over a Non-Isothermal porous Stretched Surface Immeresed in Porous Medium with Heat Generation. IASME TRANSACTIONS , Issue 3, Vol. 1, July 2004 ISSN: 1790-031X, pp. 528-535 | Gamal M. Abdel- Rahman, Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud and M. Abdel-Aty | 2004 | International |
9 | Magnetic Field of Non-Newtonian Power-Law Fluid Effect on Heat Transfer in the Boundary-Layer over a Power-Law Stretched Flat Sheet with Heat Generation, Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics ISSN 0973-4554 Volume 6, Number 3 (2011), pp. 347-361 | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman and Noura S. Al-Sudais | 2011 | International |
10 | MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC BOUNDARY LAYER FLOW FOR A NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID PAST A WEDGE, Astrophysics and Space Science 141, 1988, pp. 9-19 | S.S.ElGhabaty, G.M. Abdel-Rahman | 1988 | International |
11 | Magnetohydrodynamic effects on heat transfer and thermal radiation at a general three-dimensional stagnation point flow in a nanofluid through a porous medium. Wulfenia J., Vol. 22, No. 2 (2015), pp. 23-35. | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman and Dr.faiza M. N. El-fayez | 2015 | International |
12 | Magnetohydrodynamic unsteady flow of a non-Newtonian fluid through a porous medium, IASME TRANSACTIONS , Issue 3, Vol. 1, July 2004 ISSN: 1790- 031X, pp. 545-550. | Gamal M. Abdel – Rahman | 2004 | International |
13 | Mathematical models and algorithms of calculating the pressure fields in the lubricating films of the conic gas static bearings,Information technologies and systems, engineering problems of the Continuous medium mechanics: Heads of Reports. Republican Conference 21-26 December 1992, Voronezh, VSU, 1992, pp. 146. Russian | Snopov A.L., Evanov A.H and Gamal M Abdel-Rahman | 1992 | International |
14 | Method of solving the boundary problems for multitudes regions in the gas lubrication theory,Information technologies and systems, engineering problems of the Continuous medium mechanics: Heads of Reports. Republican Conference 21-26 December 1992, Voronezh, VSU, 1992, pp. 147, Russian. | Snopov A.L., Evanov A.H and Gamal M Abdel-Rahman | 1992 | International |
15 | MHD Flow of a Non-Newtonian Power Law through a Conical Bearing in a Porous Medium, Journal of Modern Physics, 2014, 5, 61-67 | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman, Aml M. Al-Hanaya | 2014 | International |
16 | Non-Newtonian Magneto-Hydrodynamic Fluid with Radiation by Stretching Cylinder | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman | 2020 | International |
17 | On a magnetohydrodynamic unsteady motion of a non- Newtonian fluid between two parallel plates, Journal of Applied Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics 2005 | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman | 2005 | International |
18 | Studying effect of MHD on thin films of a micropolar fluid, Physica B 404 (2009) 3859–3866 | Gamal M.Abdel-Rahman | 2009 | International |
19 | Studying fluid squeeze characteristics for aerostatic journal bearing, Physica B 403 (2008) 2390–2393 | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman | 2008 | International |
20 | Studying of the squeeze forces and tilting moments in misaligned radial face seals coning,Chem. Eng. Technol. V. 29, issue 3, 2006, 355-356 | Gamal M. abdel-rahman | 2006 | International |
21 | Studying the effect of radiation on thin‐film sprayed nanofluid flow with heat transfer | Gamal M. Abdel‐Rahman Rashed;Faiza M. N. El-Fayez | 2019 | International |
22 | The fluid flow in the thin films between the immobile conic surface,Applied Mathematics and Computation 153 (2004) 59–67 | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman | 2004 | International |
23 | Theoretical investigation of the segmental conic gas static bearings characteristics, Russian, Rostov-on-Don, 1992, pp.19, Dep. In RISI, N 110 – B- 1993 | Snopov A.L., Evanov A.H and Gamal M Abdel-Rahman | 1993 | International |
24 | Thermal diffusion and MHD Effects on Combined Free-Forced Convection and Mass Transfer of a Viscous Fluid Flow Through a Porous Medium with Heat Generation, Chem. Eng.Technol. 2008,31, No.4,554-559 | Gamal M. Abdel- Rahman | 2008 | International |
25 | Thermal Radiation and Magnetohydrodynamic Effects on Heat Unsteady Fluid onto Stretching Surface, JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS AND HEAT TRANSFER Vol. 26, No. 3, July–September 2012 | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman | 2012 | International |
26 | Thermal Radiation and Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic Flow of Nanofluid in Stretching Porous Medium", Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 27, No. 1 (2013), pp. 142-150 | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman | 2013 | International |
27 | Thermal-diffusion and MHD for Soret and Dufour’s effects on Hiemenz flow and mass transfer of fluid flow through porous medium onto a stretching surface, Physica B 405 (2010) 2560–2569 | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman | 2010 | International |
28 | Unsteady Flow Of Free Convection Micropolar Fluid Between Two Parallel Porous Vertical Plates Under External Magnetic Field, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON FLUID MECHANICS, Issue 2, vol. 1, February 2006, 190-198 | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman | 2006 | International |
29 | UNSTEADY MAGNETIC BOUNDARY-LAYER FLOW OF POWER-LAW NON-NEWTONIAN CONDUCTING FLUID THROUGH A POROUS MEDIUM PAST AN INFINITE POROUS FLAT PLATE, Astrophysics and Space Science 178, 197-204, 1991 | Nabil T. Eldabe, Mahmoud A. Mahmoud and Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman | 1991 | International |
30 | Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic flow of non-Newtonian fluids obeying power law model, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Vol. 10, No. 3 (June 2007), p. 363-368 | Gamal M. Abdel-Rahman | 2007 | International |
Hosni Kamel Abd_El Maksoud | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A Note on Mean Square Rate of Density Estimation Based on Delta Sequence . Tamkang Journal of Mathematics , 1985 , Vol . 16 ,, No. 3 , 81 – 88 | 1985 | Local | |
2 | A Note on Nonparametric Density Estimation for Dependant Variables Using Hermit Series. Journal of Natural Science and Mathematics, 1984, Vol. 24, No. 2, 191- 200.Reviewed in Math. Rev. 86 J: 62083. | 1984 | Local | |
3 | Asymptotic Normality of Estimators of Density Function and Mode. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics , 1985 , Vol .16 , No. 4, 41 – 48 . Reviewed in Math. Rev. 88 a 62098. | 1985 | Local | |
4 | Efficiency of a Sequential Density Estimation under Autoregressive Dependant Model. Pakistan Journal of Statistics , Vol . 5 , No. ( 3 ) B , 229 – 238 . | 1989 | Local | |
5 | Estimating the Probability Density in The Presence of Noise. The First Islamic Countries on Statistical Sciences , Lahore , Pakistan , Vol . 3 , 1632 – 1646 . | 1998 | Local | |
6 | Estimation of Derivatives of Density Function. Journal of Natural Science and Mathematics, 1984, Vol. 24, No. 1, 35 – 46. | 1984 | Local | |
7 | Estimation of the Scaling Parameter for a Symmetric Density Function. Pakistan Journal of Statistics , Vol. . 6 , No. ( 2 ) A , 133 – 141 | 1990 | Local | |
8 | Mean Integrated Square Error of a Recursive Estimator of a Distribution Function .The International Journal of Microelectronics And Reliability, U.K. | 1990 | Local | |
9 | Mean Integrated Square Error of a Recursive Estimator of a Probability Density. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics. 1987 , Vol . 18 , No. 4 , 83 – 88 . | 1987 | Local | |
10 | On a Rate of Convergence Estimation of Density Function by Dependant Observations in Integrated Mean Square Error With Weight Function x2The Fourteenth Annual Conference in Statistics, Computer Science, Operations Research and Mathematics Cairo Unive | 1950 | Local | |
11 | On a Rate of Convergence Estimation of Two Dimensional Density Function by Dependant Observations. The 15th Annual Conference on Statistics, Computer Science, Operations Research and Mathematics Cairo University, 15 – 18 December, 1980 Vol. 15, No | 1980 | Local | |
12 | On Estimation of Density Function by Dependent Observations Using the Classes of Kernel Functions. Journal of Natural Science and Mathematics, Vol. . 23, No. 1, 59 – 68. Reviewed in Math. Rev. 85, e: 6208. | 1950 | Local | |
13 | On Recursive Estimators of a Distribution Function. Proc . Pakistan Acad . Sci . 1988 , Vol . 25 , No. 2 , 109 – 119 | 1998 | Local | |
14 | On The Integrated Mean Square Error Nonparametric Probability Density Estimators. Random Processes and Mathematical Statistics, 1978, No. 188, 101 – 110. | 1978 | Local | |
15 | Optimal Smoothing Parameter of Fourier Series Density Estimates Under an Autoregressive Dependence Model. Communications in Statistics , Theory and Methods , Vol . 20 , N . 586, 1839 – 1852. | 1991 | Local | |
16 | The Strongly Uniform Consistency of Density Estimate. The Egyptian Statistical Journal, June 1981, Vol. 25, No. 1, 85 – 93. | 1981 | Local |
Maher Shedid Mahmoud Zayed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Absolutely Pure Semimodules | M. Zayed; A. Y. Abdelwanis3 | 2012 | International |
2 | An application of a theorem of Rothmaler | M. ZAYED; A. Y. ABDELWANIS | 2012 | International |
3 | An Application of Model Theory to Semimodules | M. ZAYED | 2007 | International |
4 | On f-injective modules | M.Zayed | 2002 | International |
Mahmoud Abdelaty Mhmoud | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | "Kinetic Approach to the Flow of Homogenous system of Charged Particles between tow Parallel Plates with Different Reflection Coefficients" . Journal of Faculty of Education,no.15,pp.255-273. | M.A.Mahmud and G.A.Shalaby | 1990 | Local |
2 | "Non-Linear Instability of Ferrofluids in Porours Media Under A Horizontal Magnetic Field" , Delta J.of Science vol.28,pp1-32. | A.R.Elhefnawy , M.A.Mahmoud , Mostafa A.Mahmoud and G.M.Khedr | 2004 | Local |
3 | " Analytical Solutions of Hydromagnetic Boundary-Layer Flow of a Non-Newtonian Power Low Fluid Past a Continuously Moving Surface" . Acta Mechanica,181, pp 83-89. | M.A.A.Mahmoud and M.A.E.Mahmoud | 2006 | Local |
4 | " Effects of Radiation and Hall current on MHD free Convective Heat Generating Flow Past a Semi-infinite Vertical Flat Plate with an Aligned Magnetic Field" , IL NUOVO CIMENTO vol.121B,N.4, pp.343-356, April. | M.A.Mahmoud | 2006 | Local |
5 | " on the solution of boundary layer equation for a non-Newtonian Electrically Conducting Pwer- l aw fluid Past Sem-infinite Porous Plate".Bull.Cal.Math.Soc.72,pp.355-358. | M.A.Abdel-Gaid, M.A.Khider and M.Elhangery | 1980 | Local |
6 | " Unstaedy Hydromagnetic Flow and Heat Transfer on a Continously Moving Vertical Surface with Thermal Radiation" , IL NUOVO CIMENTO vol.122 B,No.8, pp.319-331. | M.A.Mahmoud | 2007 | Local |
7 | " Unsteady Flow of a Slightly Rarefied Gas Past an Infinite Porous Flat Plate with Time–Varying Suction" . Journal of Faculty of Education,no.18,pp.529-551. | Mahmoud A.Mahmoud | 1993 | Local |
8 | "Effects of Variables Suction and Thermophoresis on Steady MHD flow of a Second Gread Fluid Over A semi-infenit Permeable inclined Plat in the presence of Heat Generation ) J.Egypt. Math. Soc.vol. (18) accepted for publication. | M.A.Mahmoud | 2008 | Local |
9 | "Hdyromagnetic Boundary Layer Micropolar Fluid Flow Over a Stretching Surface Embedded in Non- Darcian Porous Medium with Radiation" , Mathematical Problems in Engineering ,article ID 39392,pp.1-10,vol. | M.A.A.Mahmoud , M.A.Mahmoud and S.E.Waheed | 2006 | Local |
10 | "Hydromagnitic Flow and Heat Transfer of a Micropolar Fluid Over a Non-Isothermal Porous Stretched Surface Immersed in Porous Medium with Heat Generation" , IASME Transactions ,Issue 3,vol.1,pp.1-10 , July. | G.M.Abdel-Rahman , M.A.A.Mahmoud and M.Abdel-Aty | 2004 | Local |
11 | "KdV-type for waves propagating along the interface between air-water". Canadian Journal of Physics 86 (12), pp. 1427-1435. | A.M.Abourabia , M.A.Mahmoud and G.M.Khedr | 2008 | Local |
12 | "On steady non-Newtonian flow with suction past an infinite porous flat plate" .J.Phys.D:Appl.Phys.,14,pp137-181. | M.A.Abdel-Gaid, M.A.Khider and M.Elhangery | 1981 | Local |
13 | "On the Irreversible Thermodynamic Behavior of Electron Swarms", Egypt.J.Phy.vol 36,No.1,pp 53-69. | A.M.Abourabia , M.A.Mahmoud and M.M.Abou-Shady | 2005 | Local |
14 | "Radiation effect on Mixed Convection of Hydromagnetic Boundary-Layer Flow of a non-Newtonian Fluid at a Stretching Surface". IL Nuovo Cimento vol.123 B, No.5, pp. 575-591, May. | M.A.Mahmoud | 2009 | Local |
15 | "Stability Analysis of a Frozen Crust between two Viscoelastic-Streaming Magnetic Fluids" , J.of Mechanics and Mechanical engineering,vol.8, No.1,pp 223-239. | A.R.Elhefnawy , M.A.Mahmoud and S.Y.Atwa | 2005 | Local |
16 | "Steady Couette Flow of a Rarefied Gas Consisting of Charged Particles Inside Porous Walls with Arbitrary Reflection Coefficients". Delta J.Sci.,vol.17,no.34. | M.Abdelaty Mahmoud | 1993 | Local |
17 | "Steady Couette Flow of a Rarefied Gas Consisting of Charged Particles Moving in a Constant Magnetic Field with with Arbitrary Reflection coefficients". Delta J.Sci., vl.17,n.35. | M.Abdelaty Mahmoud | 1993 | Local |
18 | "Steady Motion of Magnetohydrodynamic Fluid through a Porous Medium between two Coaxial Cylindrical under an External Force and Uniform Suction" Journal of Faculty of Education,no.16,pp.117-132. | Nabil T. Eldabe, Mahmoud A. Mahmoud and Gamal M.A.El-Rhaman | 1991 | Local |
19 | "The cylindrical couette flow of a rarefied gas consisting of charged particles inside walls with arbitrary reflection coefficients "Can.J.Phys. 69(12):pp1429–1440 . | M. A. Mahmoud and G. A. Shalaby | 1991 | Local |
20 | "The Effects of a Sound Wave on the behavior of a Monatomic Gas between Two Coaxial Circular Cylinders in the Unsteady State" , J.Egypt.Math.Soc.vol.13(1)pp 45-64. | A.M.Abourabia , M.A.Mahmoud and W.S.Abdel-Kareem | 2005 | Local |
21 | "Time Dependent Study of Flow of a Gas Between two Coaxial Circular Cylinders" , Egypt .J.Phys,vol.35,No.1,pp 105-129. | A.M.Abourabia , M.A.Mahmoud and W.S.Abdel-Kareem | 2004 | Local |
22 | "Unsteady Heat Transfer a Monatomic Gas Between two Coaxial Circular Cylinders" , J. of Applied Mathematics and mathematical science 2:3,pp141-161. | A.M.Abourabia , M.A.Mahmoud and W.S.Abdel-Kareem | 2002 | Local |
23 | "Unsteady magnetic boundary-layer flow of power-law non-Newtonian conducting fluid through a porous medium past an infinite porous flat plate"Astrphysics and Space Science,178,pp.179-204. | Nabil T. Eldabe, Mahmoud A. Mahmoud and Gamal M. A. Rahman | 1991 | Local |
24 | The cylindrical couette flow of a rarefied gas consisting of charged particles inside walls with arbitrary reflection coefficients | 1991 | Local |
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Mohamed Abd Elmonem Ahmed Rabea | |
Mostafa Abdel Hameed Ahmed Mahmoud | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A note on variable viscosity and chemical reaction effects on mixed convection heat and mass transfer along a semi infinite vertical plate. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 41323, 7 pages. | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2007 | International |
2 | A Second Order Itrative Scheme for Solving the Cylindrical Shock Problem | M.K. El-Fayoumi and Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 1980 | Local |
3 | Analytical solutions of hydromagnetic boundary-layer flow of a non-Newtonian power-law fluid past a continuously moving surface. Acta Mechanica 181 83-89. | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud and M. A.-E. Mahmoud | 2006 | International |
4 | Chemical reaction and variable viscosity effects on flow and mass transfer of a non-Newtonian visco-elastic fluid past a stretching surface embedded in a porous medium | Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud | 2010 | International |
5 | Combined effect of viscous dissipation and joule heating on MHD flow and heat transfer of a micropolar fluid over a stretching surface with variable surface heat flux | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoudand S. E. Waheed | 2010 | International |
6 | Comment on " Flow and heat transfer of a non-Newtonian power-law fluid over a non-linearly stretching vertical surface with heat flux and thermal radiation " by Ahmed M. Megahed , Meccanica 02/2015; DOI: 10.1007/s11012-015-0114-3 | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
7 | Comment on “Variable heat flux effect on magnetohydrodynamic flow and heat transfer over an unsteady stretching sheet in the presence of thermal radiation” by Ahmed M. Megahed, Canadian Journal of Physics, 2014, 92(1): 86-91 | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
8 | Comment on “Variable viscosity and slip velocity effects on the flow and heat transfer of a power-law fluid over a non-linearly stretching surface with heat flux and thermal radiation ” Ahmed M. Megahed , Rheologica Acta, 51, pp. 841847 (2012) . | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
9 | Comment on: "Hall and Ion-Slip effects on magneto-micropolar fluid with combined forced and free convection in boundary layer flow over a horizontal plate" | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2007 | International |
10 | Comments on " MHD viscous Casson fluid flow and heat transfer with second-order slip velocity and thermal slip over a permeable stretching sheet in the presence of internal heat generation/absorption and thermal radiation " by Ahmed M. Megahed . Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2015) 130: 81 | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
11 | Comments on the two published papers By M.M.Khader and Ahmed M. Megahed In 1. Numerical solution for boundary layer flow due to a nonlinearly stretching sheet with variable thickness and slip velocity [Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2013) 128: 100]. 2. Differential transformation method for studying flow and heat transfer due to stretching sheet embedded in porous medium with variable thickness, variable thermal conductivity, and thermal radiation [Appl. Math. Mech. -Engl. Ed., 35(11), 1387–1400 (2014)]. | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
12 | Comments on three published papers By M.M.Khader and Ahmed M. Megahed | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
13 | Comments on ‘‘Effects of variable viscosity and thermal conductivity on unsteady MHD flow of non-Newtonian fluid over a stretching porous sheet’’, by Gamal M.Abdel-Rahman [THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2013, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 1035-1047]. | M. A. A. Mahmoud | 2014 | International |
14 | Comments on “Flow and Heat Transfer of Powell–Eyring Fluid due to an Exponential Stretching Sheet with Heat Flux and Variable Thermal Conductivity”by Ahmed M. Megahed, Z. Naturforsch.2015; 70(3)a: 163–169 | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
15 | Comments on “Homotopy Perturbation Method for Thin Film Flow and Heat Transfer over an Unsteady Stretching Sheet with Internal Heating and Variable Heat Flux” by I-Chung Liu and Ahmed M. Megahed, Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2012, Article ID 418527, 12 pages | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
16 | Comments on “HPM for the slip velocity effect on a liquid film over an unsteady stretching surface with variable heat flux” by Ahmed M. Megahed, Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2011) 126: 82 | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
17 | Comments on “Numerical Solution for Variable Viscosity and Internal Heat Generation Effects on Boundary Layer Flow Over an Exponentially Stretching Porous Sheet with Constant Heat Flux and Thermal Radiation” by Ahmed M. Megahed, Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 30, No. 4, June 2014 | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
18 | Comments on “Numerical Studies for Flow and Heat Transferof the Powell–Eyring Fluid Thin Film Over an Unsteady Stretching Sheet With Internal Heat Generation Using the Chebyshev Finite Difference Method” by M.M. Khader and Ahmed M. Megahed, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 440–450, 2013. | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
19 | Comments on “Variable fluid properties and variable heat flux effects on the flow and heat transfer in a non-Newtonian Maxwell fluid over an unsteady stretching sheet with slip velocity” by Ahmed M. Megahed, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 9 (2013) 094701 | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
20 | Effect of variable viscosity on combined forced and free convection boundary-layer flow over a horizontal plate with blowing or suction J. KSIAM Vol. 11. No. 1. 57-70. | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2007 | International |
21 | Effects of chemical reaction and heat generation on double-diffusive natural convection along a non-isothermal vertical cone in non-Newtonian fluid saturated porous medium with variable viscosity and thermal radiation | M. A. A. Mahmoud | 2013 | Local |
22 | Effects of slip and heat generation/absorption on MHD mixed convection flow of a micropolar fluid over a heated stretching surface | Mostafa A.A . Mahmoud and S. Waheed | 2010 | International |
23 | Effects of suction and injection on MHD heat transfer in an electrically conducting fluid at a stretching vertical plate embedded in a porous medium with uniform free stream. IL Nouvo Cimento B, 121 (9) 923-935. | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud and A. M. Megahed | 2006 | International |
24 | Effects of viscous dissipation and heat generation (absorption) in a thermal boundary layer of a non-Newtonian fluid over a continuously moving permeable flat plate. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 50 819-825. | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud and A. M. Megahed | 2009 | Local |
25 | Flow and heat transfer of a slightly rarefied gas over a stretching surface | Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud | 2010 | International |
26 | Group solution for an unsteady non-Newtonian Hiemenz flow with variable fluid properties and suction/injection | - H. M. El-Hawary, M. A. A. Mahmoud, R. G. Abdel-Rahman, and A. S. Elfeshawey | 2014 | International |
27 | Heat and mass transfer in stagnation-point flow towards a vertical stretching sheet embedded in a porous medium with variable fluid properties and surface slip velocity | MOSTAFA A. A. MAHMOUD | 2013 | International |
28 | Heat generation /absorption and viscous dissipation effects on MHD flow of a micropolar fluid over a moving permeable. J. Korean Physical Society. 54 1526-1531. | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2009 | International |
29 | Hydrodynamic flow past a semi-infinite rough plate embedded in porous medium. WSEAS and IASME Conferences Corfu, Greece, August, 17- 19. | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud and A. M. Megahed | 2004 | International |
30 | Hydromagnetic boundary layer micropolar fluid flow over a stretching surface embedded in a non-Darcian porous medium with radiation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 39392, pages 1-10. | MOSTAFA A. A. MAHMOUD, MAHMOUD ABD-ELATY MAHMOUD, AND SHIMAA E.WAHEED | 2006 | International |
31 | Hydromagnetic flow and heat transfer of a micropolar fluid over a non-isothermal porous stretched surface immersed in porous medium with heat generation. IASME Transactions, Issue 3, Volume 1, July . | Gamal M. Abdel- Rahman, Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud and M. Abdel-Aty | 2004 | International |
32 | Hydromagnetic Hiemenz slip flow of convective micropolar fluid towards a stretching plate | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud and Shimaa E. Waheed | 2013 | International |
33 | Hydromagnetic stagnation point flow towards a porous stretching sheet with variable surface heat flux in the presence of heat generation | MOSTAFA A. A. MAHMOUD | 2011 | International |
34 | Melting heat transfer effects on stagnation point flow of micropolar fluid saturated in porous medium with internal heat generation (absorption) | M. A. A. Mahmoud and S. E. Waheed | 2014 | International |
35 | MHD flow and heat transfer in a non-Newtonian liquid film over an unsteady stretching sheet with variable fluid properties. Can. J. Phys. 87 1065-1071. | Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2009 | Local |
36 | MHD flow and heat transfer in a viscous fluid over a non-isothermal stretching surface with thermal radiation in slip flow regime | MOSTAFA A. A. MAHMOUD | 2012 | International |
37 | MHD flow and heat transfer of a micropolar fluid over a nonlinear stretching surface with variable surface heat flux and heat generation | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud and and Shimaa E. Waheed | 2011 | International |
38 | MHD flow and heat transfer of a micropolar fluid over a stretching surface with heat generation (absorption) and slip velocity | Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud and Shimaa E. Waheed | 2012 | Local |
39 | MHD stagnation point flow of a micropolar fluid towards a moving surface with radiation | Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud and Shimaa E. Waheed | 2012 | International |
40 | Mixed convection flow of a micropolar fluid past a vertical stretching surface in a thermally stratified porous medium with thermal radiation | Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud and Shimaa E. Waheed | 2013 | International |
41 | Non-uniform heat generation effects on heat transfer of a non-Newtonian Power-law fluid over a non-linearly stretching sheet | Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2012 | International |
42 | Nonlinear instability of ferrofluids in porous media under a horizontal magnetic field. Delta Journal of Science 32 1-32. | ABDEL RAOUF F. ELHEFNAWY, MAHMOUD A. MAHMOUD, MOSTAFA A. A. MAHMOUD AND GAMAL M. KHEDR | 2004 | International |
43 | Nonlinear instability of two superposed magnetic fluids in porous media under vertical magnetic fields | ABDEL RAOUF F. ELHEFNAWY, MAHMOUD A. MAHMOUD, MOSTAFA A. A. MAHMOUD AND GAMAL M. KHEDR | 2004 | International |
44 | Nonlinear instability of two superposed magnetic fluids in porous media under vertical magnetic fields. Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly 12 323-350. | ABDEL RAOUF F. ELHEFNAWY, MAHMOUD A. MAHMOUD, MOSTAFA A. A. MAHMOUD AND GAMAL M. KHEDR | 2004 | International |
45 | Numerical solution of free convection heat transfer over a vertical cone embedded in a non-Newtonian power-law fluid saturated porous medium with viscous dissipation | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2012 | International |
46 | On flow and heat transfer in a thin liquid film over an unsteady stretching sheet with variable fluid properties and radiation | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
47 | On steady hydromagnetic boundary- layer flow of a non-Newtonian power-law fluid over a continuously moving surface with suction. Chemical Engineering Communications 194 1457-1469 . | MOSTAFA A. A. MAHMOUD AND AHMED M. MEGAHED | 2007 | International |
48 | Pressure and entropy variations across the weak shock wave due to heat conductivity effects | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2004 | International |
49 | Pressure and entropy variations across the weak shock wave due to viscosity effects. WSEAS and IASME Conferences Corfu, Greece, August, 17-19. | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2004 | International |
50 | Radiation effect on free convection of a non-Newtonian fluid over a vertical full inverted cone embedded in a porous medium with heat generation | M. A. A. Mahmoud | 2012 | International |
51 | Shock wave structure in a two-components gas mixture | M. A. Khidr, S. S. Elghabaty and Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 1987 | International |
52 | Similarity analysis for effects of variable diffusivity and heat generation/absorbation on heat and mass transfer for a MHD stagnation - point flow of a convective viscoelastic fluid over a stretching sheet with a slip velocity | H. M. El-Hawary, Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud, Reda G. Abdel-Rahman, and Abeer S. Elfeshawey | 2013 | International |
53 | Similarity solution for hydromagnetic forced convection flow of a non -Newtonian fluid along a non-isothermal wedge with thermal radiation and viscous dissipation | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2010 | International |
54 | Slip Effects on Flow and Heat Transfer of a Non–Newtonian Fluid on a Stretching Surface with Thermal Radiation, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering Vol. 6: A92. | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2008 | International |
55 | Slip velocity effect on a non-Newtonian power-law fluid over a moving permeable surface with heat generation | Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud | 2011 | International |
56 | Soret effect on mixed convection heat and mass transfer along a semi-infinite horizontal plate in the presence of heat generation and chemical reaction. Canadian Journal of Physics 86 (11) 1291-1296. | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2008 | International |
57 | Structure of magnetogasdynamic weak shock waves | M. A. Khidr, S. S. Elghabaty and Mostafa A. A Mahmoud | 1987 | International |
58 | The effects of variable fluid properties on MHD Maxwell fluids over a stretching surface in the presence of heat generation / absorption | MOSTAFA A. A. MAHMOUD | 2011 | International |
59 | The Shock-wave structure for arbitrary Prandtl numbers and high Mach numbers | M. A. Khidr and Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 1987 | International |
60 | Thermal radiation effect on flow and heat transfer of unsteady MHD micropolar fluid over vertical heated nonisothermal stretching surface using group analysis | I.A.Hassanien, H. M. El-Hawary, M. A. A. Mahmoud, R. G. Abdel-Rahman, and A. S. Elfeshawey | 2013 | International |
61 | Thermal radiation effect on mixed convection heat and mass transfer of a non-Newtonian fluids over a vertical surface embedded in a porous medium in the presence of thermal-diffusion and diffusion-thermo | M. A. A. Mahmoud and A. M. Megahed | 2013 | International |
62 | Thermal radiation effect on unsteady MHD free convection flow past a vertical plate with temperature-dependent viscosity. Canadian J. Chem. Eng. 87 47-52. | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2009 | International |
63 | Thermal radiation effects on MHD flow of a micropolar fluid over a stretching surface with variable thermal conductivity. Physica A 375 401-410. | Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud | 2007 | International |
64 | Thermal radiation effects on the flow and heat transfer in a liquid film on an unsteady stretching sheet | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2011 | International |
65 | Unsteady MHD boundary layer flow of a non-Newtonian power-law fluid over an infinite porous flat plate embedded in a porous medium. | Mostafa A.A.Mahmoud | 2005 | International |
66 | Variable fluid properties and thermal radiation effects on mixed convection flow over a horizontal surface | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2010 | International |
67 | Variable fluid properties and thermal radiation effects on the flow and heat transfer in a micropolar fluid film past a moving permeable infinite flat plate with slip velocity | M. A. A. Mahmoud and S. E. Waheed | 2012 | International |
68 | Variable Fluid Properties Effects on Hydromagnetic Fluid Flow over an Exponentially Stretching Sheet | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2015 | International |
69 | Variable thermal conductivity effect on MHD free-convection flowover a vertical full cone in a non-Newtonian saturated porous medium | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2009 | International |
70 | Variable viscosity effect on free convection of a non- Newtonian power-law fluid over a vertical cone in a porous medium with variable heat flux | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud | 2011 | International |
71 | Variable viscosity effects on hydromagnetic boundary layer flow along a continuously moving vertical plate in the presence of radiation. Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 1 799-814. | Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud | 2007 | International |
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Sayed Shehata Mahmoud Elghabaty | |
Sobhy elsayed ibrahim elsayed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
2 | Advanced Calculus | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim & Others | 2007 | International |
3 | An Introduction in Sets of Numbers | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim & Others | 2010 | International |
4 | An Introduction to Calculus | Sobhy El-sayed. Ibrahim & Others | 2012 | International |
5 | An Introduction to Real analysis | Sobhy El-sayed. Ibrahim & Other | 2011 | International |
7 | Basic and General Concepts in Mathematics | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim & Others | 2006 | International |
8 | Basic and General Concepts In Mathematics | Sobhy El-sayed. Ibrahim & Others | 2015 | International |
9 | Boundary conditions for general ordinary differential operators | WD Evans, SE Ibrahim | 1984 | International |
10 | Boundary conditions for general ordinary differential operators and their adjoints | W.D. Evans and Sobhy E. Ibrahim | 1992 | International |
11 | Boundary conditions for regularly solvable operators in direct sum spaces | sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 1993 | International |
12 | Boundary conditions for Sturm-Liouville differential operators | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 1993 | International |
13 | Boundedness and L2-boundedness of solutions of general quasi-integro differential equations | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 2000 | International |
14 | Boundedness for solutions of general ordinary quasi-differential equations | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 1994 | International |
15 | Boundedness for solutions of general quasi-integro differential equation | Sobhy E. Ibrahim and Hassan A. Agwo | 1998 | International |
16 | Limit-Circle and Limit-point Classification of Second order Symmetric Differential Expression | Sobhy E. Ibrahim and GamallM. Attia | 1998 | International |
17 | Non Self-Adjoint Quasi-Differential Operators with Discrete Spectra | Sobhy E Ibrahim | 1995 | International |
18 | Nonself-adjoint Differential Operators in Direct Sum Spaces | Sobhy E Ibrahim | 1992 | International |
19 | On boundary conditions for Sturm-Liouville differential operators in the direct sum spaces | Sobhy El-Sayed Ibrahim | 1999 | International |
20 | On L_w^ 2-quasi-derivatives for solutions of perturbed general quasi-differential equations | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 1999 | International |
21 | On the boundary conditions characterizing a general differential operators with a countable number of singular points | Sobhy EL-SAYED IBRAHIM | 2001 | International |
22 | On the boundary conditions for products of general quasi-differential operators in direct sum spaces | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 2009 | International |
23 | On the boundary conditions for products of regularly solvable operators | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 2008 | International |
24 | On the boundary for products of Sturm-Liouville differential operators | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 2001 | International |
26 | On the domain of selfadjoint extension of the product of Sturm-Liouville differential operators | Sobhy El-Sayed Ibrahim | 2003 | International |
27 | On the domain of selfadjoint extension of the product of Sturm-Liouville differential operators | Sobhy El-Sayed Ibrahim | 2003 | International |
28 | On the essential spectra for products of the general quasi-differential operators and their adjoints | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 2011 | International |
29 | On the essential spectra of general differential operators | Sobhy El-Sayed IBRAHIM | 2001 | International |
30 | On the essential spectra of general differential operators | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 2015 | International |
31 | On the essential spectra of general differential operators | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 1999 | International |
32 | On the essential spectra of regularly solvable operators in the direct sum spaces | Sobhy El-Sayed Ibrahim | 1999 | International |
33 | On the integrable solutions of product integro differential equations in direct sum spaces | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 2014 | International |
34 | On the L w 2-boundedness of solutions for products of quasi-integro differential equations | Sobhy El-Sayed Ibrahim | 2003 | International |
35 | On the L w 2-boundedness of solutions for products of quasi-integro differential equations | Sobhy El-Sayed Ibrahim | 1993 | International |
36 | On the Lw2-Solutions of General Second-Order Nonsymmetric Differential Equations | I Sobhy El-sayed, N Faried, GM Attia | 2001 | International |
37 | On the Product of Integro Differential Equations and Their Solutions in Direct Sum Spaces | sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 2013 | International |
38 | On the product of self-adjoint Sturm-Liouville differential operators in direct sum spaces | Sobhy El-Sayed Ibrahim | 2012 | International |
39 | On the product of singular differential operators with their essential spectra in direct sum space | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 2015 | International |
40 | On the spectra of non-selfadjoint differential operators and their adjoints in direct sum spaces | Sobhy El-Sayed Ibrahim | 2003 | International |
41 | On the spectra of non-selfadjoint differential operators and their adjoints in direct sum spaces | Sobhy El-Sayed Ibrahim | 1993 | International |
42 | On the spectra of product singular differential operators in direct sum spaces | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 2014 | International |
43 | Perturbations of products of general quasi-differential expressions | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 2000 | International |
44 | Problems associated with differential operators | Sobhy E Ibrahim | 1989 | International |
45 | Problems associated with differential operators: Thes.... doct. phylosophy | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 1989 | International |
46 | Singular non-selfadjoint differential operators | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 1994 | International |
47 | Singular self-adjoint boundary conditions for products of Sturm-Liouville differential operators | SES Ibrahim | 2002 | International |
48 | The General Differential Operators Generated by a Quasi-Differential Expressions with their Interior Singular Points | El-sayed Ibrahim | 2015 | International |
49 | The point spectra and regularity fields of general differential operators in direct sum spaces | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 2001 | International |
50 | The point spectra and regularity fields of non-selfadjoint quasi-differential operators | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 1995 | International |
51 | The point spectra and regularity fields of products of quasi-differential operators | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 1999 | International |
52 | The point spectra and regularity fields of products quasi-differential operators | Sobhy Elsayed Ibrahim | 2000 | International |
53 | The products of general quasi-differential operators and their essential spectra | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 1999 | International |
54 | The Products of Regularly Solvable Operators with Their Spectra in Direct Sum Spaces | Sobhy El-Sayed Ibrahim | 2013 | International |
56 | The Spectra and Regularity Fields of Product Differential Operators in the Direct Sum Spaces | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 2014 | International |
57 | The spectra of general differential operators in the direct sum spaces | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 2004 | International |
58 | The spectra of well-posed operators | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim | 1995 | International |
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atef fouad ibrahim elbassiouny | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Periodic and non-periodic combination resonance in kinematically excited system of rods | A. F. El-Bassiouny | 2003 | International |
2 | Three-mode interaction in harmonically excited system with cubic nonlinearities | A. F. El-Bassiouny | 2003 | International |
Abdelhameed Mohamed Abdelhameed Nagy | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A new mesh selection strategy with stiffness detection for explicit Runge–Kutta methods | Francesca Mazzia and A.M. Nagy | 2014 | International |
2 | A novel operational matrix for the numerical solution of nonlinear Lane–Emden system of fractional order | A. M. Nagy; A. A. El-Sayed | 2021 | International |
3 | An accurate numerical technique for solving two-dimensional time fractional order diffusion equation | A. M. Nagy; Adel A El-Sayed | 2019 | International |
4 | An Efficient Method for Solving Fractional Hodgkin-Huxley Model | A. M. Nagy and N. H. Sweilam | 2014 | International |
5 | Analysis and numerical solution of the generalized proportional fractional Cauchy problem | D. Boucenna; D. Baleanu; Abdellatif Ben Makhlouf; A. M. Nagy | 2021 | International |
6 | Comparative Studies for Different Image Restoration Methods | N. H. Sweilam, A. M. Nagy, T. H. Farag, A. S. Abo-Elyazed | 2017 | International |
7 | Computational methods for the fractional optimal control HIV infection | L.F. ABD ELAL; N. H. SWEILAM; A. M. NAGY; Y. S. ALMAGHREBI | 2016 | International |
8 | Efficient dynamical systems methods for solving singularly perturbed integral equations with noise | N. H. Sweilam, A. M. Nagy and M. H. Alnasr | 2009 | International |
9 | Finite-Time Stability for Caputo–Katugampola Fractional-Order Time-Delayed Neural Networks | Assaad Jmal, Abdellatif Ben Makhlouf, A. M. Nagy, Omar Naifar | 2019 | International |
10 | Finite‐Time Stability of Linear Caputo‐Katugampola Fractional‐Order Time Delay Systems | Abdellatif Ben Makhlouf, A. M. Nagy | 2019 | International |
11 | New Operational Matrix for Solving Multi-Term Variable Order Fractional Differential Equations | A. M. Nagy; N. H. Sweilam; Adel A. El-Sayed | 2017 | International |
12 | New Operational Matrix for Solving Multiterm Variable Order Fractional Differential Equations | A. M. Nagy; N. H. Sweilam; Adel A. El-Sayed | 2018 | International |
13 | New Spectral Second Kind Chebyshev Wavelets Scheme for Solving Systems of Integro-Differential Equations | N. H. Sweilam; A. M. Nagy; Ismail K. Youssef, Mahmoud M. Mokhtar | 2017 | International |
14 | Non-Standard Finite Difference Schemes for Solving Variable-Order Fractional Differential Equations | A. M. Nagy | 2017 | International |
15 | Nonstandard Finite Difference Scheme For The Fractional Order Salmonella Transmission Model | N. H. SWEILAM, A. M. NAGY, L. E. ELFAHRI | 2019 | International |
16 | Numerical approach for solving space fractional order diffusion equations using shifted Chebyshev polynomials of the fourth kind | N.H.Sweilam; A.M.Nagy; Adel A.El-Sayed | 2016 | International |
17 | Numerical simulations for a variable order fractional cable equation | A. M. NAGY, N. H. SWEILAM | 2018 | International |
18 | Numerical solution of fractional wave equation using Crank-Nicholson method | N. H. Sweilam, A. M. Nagy | 2011 | International |
19 | Numerical solution of time fractional nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation using Sinc–Chebyshev collocation method | A. M. Nagy | 2017 | International |
20 | Numerical solution of two-sided space fractional wave equation using finite difference method | N. H. Sweilam, M. M. Khader and A. M. Nagy | 2011 | International |
21 | Numerical solutions of fractional optimal control with Caputo–Katugampola derivative | N. H. Sweilam; A. M. Nagy; T.M. Al-Ajami | 2021 | International |
22 | Numerical studies on dynamical systems method for solving ill-posed problems | N. H. Sweilam and A. M. Nagy | 2007 | International |
23 | On a new fractional-order Logistic model with feedback control | Tuan Manh Hoang; A. M. Nagy | 2021 | International |
24 | On the numerical solution of space fractional order diffusion equation via shifted Chebyshev polynomials of the third kind | N. H. Sweilam; A. M. Nagy; Adel A. El-Sayed | 2016 | International |
25 | On the Numerical Treatment of a Coupled Nonlinear System of Fractional Differential Equations | N. H. Sweilam; A. M. Nagy; Mahmoud M. Mokhtar | 2017 | International |
26 | Second kind shifted Chebyshev polynomials for solving space fractional order diffusion equation | N. H. Sweilam, A. M. Nagy, Adel A. El-Sayed | 2015 | International |
27 | Solving Time-Fractional Order Telegraph Equation Via Sinc–Legendre Collocation Method | N. H. Sweilam; A. M. Nagy; Adel A. El-Sayed | 2016 | International |
28 | Solving Volterra integro-differential equations by variable stepsize block BS methods: Properties and implementation techniques | F. Mazzia and A. M. Nagy | 2014 | International |
29 | Stiffness detection strategy for explicit Runge Kutta methods | F. Mazzia, A. M. Nagy | 2010 | International |
30 | The MATLAB code bvptwp.m for the numerical solution of two point boundary value problems | J. R. Cash, D. Hollevoet, F. Mazzia and A. M. Nagy | 2013 | International |
31 | Two Dimensions Gravity Inverse Problem Using Adaptive Pruning L-Curve Technique | M. Abd El-Azeem, N. H. Sweilam, M. M. Gobashy, A. M. Nagy | 2007 | Local |
32 | Uniform asymptotic stability of a Logistic model with feedback control of fractional order and nonstandard finite difference schemes | Manh Tuan Hoang; A. M. Nagy | 2020 | International |
Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | New Oscillation Criteria for Second-Order Neutral Delay Dynamic Equations | 2017 | International | |
2 | New Oscillation Criteria for Second-Order Neutral Delay Dynamic Equations | A. A. Soliman M. M. A. El-sheikh M. H. Abdalla A. M. Hassan | 2018 | International |
3 | On the oscillation of bounded solutions of higher order nonlinear neutral delay differential equations with oscillating coefficients | M. M. A. El-sheikh , A. A. Soliman , M. H. Abdalla , A. M. Hassan | 2018 | International |
Ahmed Mostafa Abdel Bakey Megahed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
2 | Differential transformation method for studying flow and heat transfer due to stretching sheet embedded in porous medium with variable thickness, variable thermal conductivity, and thermal radiation | M. M. KHADER AHMED M. MEGAHED | 2014 | International |
3 | Differential Transformation Method for the Flow and Heat Transfer Due to a Permeable Stretching Surface Embedded in a Porous Medium With a Second Order Slip and Viscous Dissipation | M. M. Khader and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2014 | International |
4 | Effect of Viscous Dissipation on the Boundary Layer Flow and Heat Transfer Past a Permeable Stretching Surface Embedded in a Porous Medium with a Second-Order Slip Using Chebyshev Finite Difference Method | M. M. Khader · Ahmed M. Megahed | 2014 | International |
5 | Effects of suction and injection on MHD heat transfer in an electrically conducting fluid at a stretching vertical plate embedded in a porous medium with uniform free stream. Il Nuovo Cimento B, vol. 121 (2006) 923-935. | M. A. A. Mahmoud and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2006 | International |
6 | Effects of viscous dissipation and heat generation (absorption) in a thermal boundary layer of a non-Newtonian fluid over a continuously moving permeable flat plate. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 50 (2009) 819-825. | M. A. A. Mahmoud and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2009 | International |
7 | Flow and heat transfer of a non-Newtonian power-law fluid over a non-linearly stretching vertical surface with heat flux and thermal radiation | Ahmed M. Megahed | 2015 | International |
8 | Flow and Heat Transfer of Powell–Eyring Fluid due to an Exponential Stretching Sheet with Heat Flux and Variable Thermal Conductivity | Ahmed M. Megahed | 2015 | International |
9 | Heat Transfer in a Liquid Film Due to an Unsteady Stretching Surface With Variable Heat Flux | I.-Chung Liu, Ahmed M. Megahed and Hung-Hsun Wang | 2013 | International |
10 | Homotopy Perturbation Method for Thin Film Flow and Heat Transfer over an Unsteady Stretching Sheet with Internal Heating and Variable Heat Flux | I-Chung Liu and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2012 | International |
11 | Homotopy Perturbation Method for Thin Film Flow and Heat Transfer over an Unsteady Stretching Sheet with Internal Heating and Variable Heat Flux | I-Chung Liu and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2012 | International |
12 | HPM for the slip velocity effect on a liquid film over an unsteady stretching surface with variable heat flux | Ahmed M. Megahed | 2011 | International |
13 | Hydromagnetic forced convection flow of a non-Newtonian fluids along a non-isothermal wedge with thermal radiation and viscous dissipation. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematic 6 (2010) 231-244. | M. A. A. Mahmoud and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2010 | International |
14 | Lie Group Analysis for a Mixed Convective Flow and Heat Mass Transfer Over a Permeable Stretching Surface with Soret and Dufour Effects | Reda G. Abdel-Rahman and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2014 | International |
15 | Melting phenomenon in magneto hydro-dynamics steady flow and heat transfer over a moving surface in the presence of thermal radiation | Reda G. Abdel-Rahman, M. M. Khader and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2013 | International |
16 | MHD flow and heat transfer in a non-Newtonian liquid film over an unsteady stretching sheet with variable fluid properties. | Mahmoud, M. A. A. and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2009 | International |
17 | MHD viscous Casson fluid flow and heat transfer with second-order slip velocity and thermal slip over a permeable stretching sheet in the presence of internal heat generation/absorption and thermal radiation | Ahmed M. Megahed | 2015 | International |
18 | Non-uniform heat generation effect on heat transfer of a non-Newtonian power-law fluid over a non-linearly stretching sheet | Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud · Ahmed M. Megahed | 2012 | International |
19 | Numerical simulation using the finite difference method for the flow and heat transfer in a thin liquid film over an unsteady stretching sheet in a saturated porous medium in the presence of thermal radiation | M.M. Khader and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2013 | International |
20 | Numerical solution for boundary layer flow due to a nonlinearly stretching sheet with variable thickness and slip velocity | M.M. Khader and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2013 | International |
22 | Numerical solution for the flow and heat transfer due to a permeable stretching surface embedded in a porous medium with a second-order slip and viscous dissipation | M.M. Khader and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2014 | International |
25 | Numerical Study for the Flow and Heat Transfer in a Thin Liquid Film Over an Unsteady Stretching Sheet with Variable Fluid Properties in the Presence of Thermal Radiation | IC. Liu and A. M. Megahed Liu and Ahmed M Megahed | 2012 | International |
27 | Numerical Study for the Flow and Heat Transfer in a Thin Liquid Film Over an Unsteady Stretching Sheet with Variable Fluid Properties in the Presence of Thermal Radiation | IC. Liu and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2012 | International |
28 | On steady hydromagnetic boundary-layer flow of a non-Newtonian power-law fluid over a continuously moving surface with suction. Chemical Engineering Communications 194 (2007) 1475-1469. | M. A. A. Mahmoud and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2007 | International |
31 | Variable fluid properties and variable heat flux effects on the flow and heat transfer in a non-Newtonian Maxwell fluid over an unsteady stretching sheet with slip velocity | Ahmed M. Megahed | 2013 | International |
32 | Variable fluid properties effects on unsteady heat transfer over a stretching surface in the presence of thermal radiation. | Dimian, M. F. and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2013 | International |
33 | Variable heat flux effect on magnetohydrodynamic flow and heat transfer over an unsteady stretching sheet in the presence of thermal radiation | Ahmed M. Megahed | 2014 | International |
34 | Variable thermal conductivity effect on MHD free convection flow over a vertical full cone in a non-Newtonian saturated porous medium. Il Nuovo Cimento B 124 (2009) 731-739. | M. A. A. Mahmoud and Ahmed M. Megahed | 2009 | International |
35 | Variable viscosity and slip velocity effects on the flow and heat transfer of a power-law fluid over a non-linearly stretching surface with heat flux and thermal radiation | Ahmed M. Megahed | 2012 | International |
Amr Soleiman Mahmoud Hassan | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A global approach to the theory of special Finsler manifolds | Nabil L. Youssef; S. H. Abed; A. Soleiman | 2008 | International |
2 | Geometric objects associated with the fundamental connections in Finsler geometry | Nabil L. Youssef, S. H. Abed and A. Soleiman | 2010 | Local |
3 | Nullity distributions associated to Cartan connection | Nabil L. Youssef; A. Soleiman; S. G. Elgendi | 2014 | International |
4 | A global approach to the theory of connections in Finsler geometry | Nabil L. Youssef, S. H. Abed and A. Soleiman | 2009 | International |
5 | A global theory of conformal Finsler geometry | Nabil L. Youssef; S. H. Abed; A. Soleiman | 2008 | International |
6 | Cartan and Berwald connections in the pullback formalism | Nabil L. Youssef; S. H. Abed; A. Soleiman | 2008 | International |
7 | Concircular π-vector fields and special Finsler spaces | Nabil L. Youssef ; A. Soleiman | 2013 | International |
8 | Concurrent π-vector fields and energy β-change | Nabil L. Youssef, S. H. Abed and A. Soleiman | 2009 | International |
9 | Conformal changes of special Finsler spaces | Nabil L. Youssef, S. H. Abed and A. Soleiman | 2010 | International |
10 | Energy β-Conformal Change and Special Finsler Spaces | A. Soleiman; Amira A. Ishan | 2013 | International |
11 | Energy β-conformal change in Finsler geometry | A. Soleiman | 2012 | International |
12 | Intrinsic theory of projective changes in Finsler Geometry | Nabil L. Youssef; S. H. ; A. Soleiman | 1950 | International |
13 | On Akbar-Zadeh’s theorem on a Finsler space of constant curvature | A. Soleiman | 2015 | International |
14 | On concircularly recurrent Finsler manifolds | Nabil L. Youssef ; A. Soleiman | 2013 | International |
15 | Parallel π-vector fields and energy β-change | A. Soleiman | 2011 | International |
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Islam Ahmed Sayed Ahmed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | An SEIR Model with Infectious Latent and a Periodic Vaccination Strategy | Islam A Moneim | 2021 | International |
2 | Different Vaccination Strategies for Measles Diseases: A Simulation Study. | Moneim I.A. | 2011 | International |
3 | Efficiency of different vaccination strategies for childhood diseases: A simulation study. | Moneim I.A. | 2016 | International |
4 | Modelling and Simulation of the Spread of HBV Disease with Infectious Latent. | I.A. Moneim, H. A. Khalil | 2016 | International |
5 | Modelling the hepatitis C with different types of virus genome. | Moneim I. A. and G. A. Mosa | 2006 | International |
6 | Seasonally Varying Epidemics With and Without Latent Period: A comparative Simulation Study. | Moneim I.A | 2007 | International |
7 | Stochastic and monte carlo simulation for the spread of The hepatitis B . | I. A. Moneim, M. Al-Ahmed and G. A. Mosa | 2009 | International |
8 | Stochastic Model for the spread of the Hepatitis B Virus. | Moneim I. A., M. Al-Ahmed and G. A. Mosa | 2009 | International |
9 | Stochastic Model for the spread of the Hepatitis C Virus with different types of virus genome. | Moneim I. A and G. A. Mosa | 2009 | International |
10 | The Effect of Using Different Types of The Periodic Contact Rate on The Behavior of Infectious Diseases: A simulation Study. | Moneim I. A | 2016 | International |
11 | The effect of using different types of periodic contact rate on the behaviour of infectious diseases: A simulation study | I A Moneim | 2007 | International |
12 | Threshold and stability results for an SIRS epidemic model with a general periodic vaccination strategy. | Moneim, I.A. and Greenhalgh, D. | 2005 | International |
13 | Threshold and stability results for an sirs epidemic model with a general periodic vaccination strategy | I A Moneim and D. Greenhalgh | 2011 | International |
14 | Use of a Periodic Vaccination Strategy to Control the Spread of Epidemics with Seasonally Varying Contact Rate. | Moneim, I. A. and Greenhalgh, D. | 2005 | International |
Ismail Ahmed Mahmoud Abdelaziz Ibedou | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | GT21/2-spaces, GT5-spaces and GT6-spaces, Submitted to: Journal of King Saud University, www.ksu.edu.sa. | -Ismail Ibedou | 1950 | Local |
2 | On GTi-spaces, Journal of Inst. of Math. & Comp. Sci., Vol.14, No.3, (2001) 187 - 199. | 2001 | Local | |
3 | The completion of L-topological groups, www.elsevier.com/locate/fss, Vol. 159 (2008) 2552 – 2566. | F. Bayoumi and Ismail Ibedou | 2008 | Local |
4 | The relation between the GTi-spaces and fuzzy proximity spaces, G-compact spaces, fuzzy uniform spaces, Journal of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 20 (2004) 955 – 966. | F. Bayoumi and Ismail Ibedou | 2004 | Local |
5 | The theorem of Pontrjagin- Schnirelmann and approximate sequences, New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 38 (2008) 121 – 128. | Ismail Ibedou and Takahisa Miyata | 2008 | Local |
6 | Ti-spaces, I, Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, www.etms-web.org 10 (2002), 179 – 199. | F. Bayoumi and Ismail Ibedou | 2002 | Local |
7 | Ti-spaces, II, Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, www.etms-web.org 10 (2002), 201 – 215. | F. Bayoumi and Ismail Ibedou | 2002 | Local |
8 | GT31/2-spaces, I, Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, www.etms-web.org 14(2) (2006) 243 – 264. | F. Bayoumi and Ismail Ibedou | 2006 | Local |
9 | GT31/2-spaces, II, Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, www.etms-web.org 14(2) (2006) 265 – 282. | F. Bayoumi and Ismail Ibedou | 2006 | Local |
10 | The metrizability of L-topological groups, Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, www.etms-web.org Accepted for publication in: April 15, (2007). | F. Bayoumi and Ismail Ibedou | 2007 | Local |
11 | The uniformizability of L-topological groups, Journal o Fuzzy Mathematics, Accepted for publication in: March 16, (2007). | F. Bayoumi and Ismail Ibedou | 2007 | Local |
Mohamed Meabed Bayumi Khader | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Application of homotopy perturbation method to a nonlinear focusing Manakov system, Accepted in the Proceeding of, Proc. Math. Phys. Soc. Egypt, 86(2), p.(245-257), (2008). | N. H. Sweilam and M. M. Khader | 2008 | Local |
2 | Exact solutions of some coupled nonlinear partial differential equations using the homotopy perturbation method, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 58, p.(2134-2141), (2009). | N. H. Sweilam and M. M. Khader | 2009 | Local |
3 | Nonlinear focusing Manakov systems by variational iteration method and Adomian decomposition method, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 96, p.(1-7), (2008). | N. H. Sweilam, M. M. Khader and R. F. Al-Bar | 2008 | Local |
4 | Variational iteration method for one dimensional nonlinear thermo-elasticity, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 32, p.(145-149), (2007). | N. H. Sweilam and M. M. Khader | 2007 | Local |
5 | A note on He’s parameter-expansion method of coupled Van der Pol–Duffing oscillators, Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal, Special Issue No. 1 (August 2010), p.(94-100), (). | N. H. Sweilam and M. M. Khader | 2010 | Local |
6 | Application of He’s Parameter-expansion method for the non-linear differential equations, International Journal of Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 10(2), p.(265-272), (). | N. H. Sweilam and M. M. Khader | 2009 | Local |
7 | Approximate solutions to the nonlinear vibrations of multiwalled carbon nanotubes using Adomian decomposition method, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217, p.(495-505), (). | N. H. Sweilam and M. M. Khader | 2010 | Local |
8 | Homotopy perturbation method for linear and nonlinear system of fractional integro-differential equations, International Journal of Computational mathematics and Numerical Simulation, 1(1), p.(73-87), (). | N. H. Sweilam, M. M. Khader and R. F. Al-Bar | 2008 | Local |
9 | Homotopy perturbation method for multi- dimensional nonlinear coupled system of parabolic and hyperbolic equations, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 31, p.(295-304), (). | N. H. Sweilam, M. M. Khader and R. F. Al-Bar | 1950 | Local |
10 | Numerical studies for a multi-order fractional differential equation, Physics Letters A, 371, p.(26-33), (). | N. H. Sweilam, M. M. Khader and R. F. Al-Bar | 2007 | Local |
11 | On the convergence of variational iteration method applied to nonlinear coupled system of partial differential equations, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 87(5), p.(1120-1130), (2010). | N. H. Sweilam and M. M. Khader | 2010 | Local |
12 | On the numerical simulation of population dynamics with density-dependent migrations and the Allee effects, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 96, p.(1-10), (). | N. H. Sweilam, M. M. Khader and R. F. Al-Bar | 2008 | Local |
13 | On the numerical solutions for the fractional diffusion equation, Communications in Non-linear Science and Numerical Simulation. | M. M. Khader | 2010 | Local |
14 | Shifted LegendreCollocation Method for the Flow and Heat Transfer due to a Stretching Sheet Embedded in a Porous Medium with Variable Thickness, Variable Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Radiation | M M Khader | 2015 | International |
15 | Shifted LegendreCollocation Method for the Flow and Heat Transfer due to a Stretching Sheet Embedded in a Porous Medium with Variable Thickness, Variable Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Radiation | M M Kahder | 2015 | International |
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Abdelbasat taha mohamed heba | |
Abeer Shaban Mahmoud Elfeshawey | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A Class of Three Implicit P-C Block For Solving Stiff Systems, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM, Editor T.E.Simos, Wiley. VCH, Greece. | G. A. F. Ismail and A. S. Elfeshawey | 2005 | International |
2 | Corrigendum of “Similarity analysis in magnetohydrodynamics: Hall effects on free convection flow and mass transfer past a semi-infinite vertical flat plate” [International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 38 (2003) 513–520] ,International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 07/2012; 47(6):719–725. | I.A. Hassanien, H.M. El-Hawary, Reda G. Abdel-Rahman, Abeer S. Elfeshawey | 2012 | International |
3 | Group solution for an unsteady non-Newtonian Hiemenz flow with variable fluid properties and suction/injection, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 9 (2014) 090203 [2015-03-10] | H. M. El-Hawary, Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud, Reda G. Abdel-Rahman and Abeer S. Elfeshawey | 2014 | International |
4 | Similarity Analysis for Effects of Variable Diffusivity and Heat Generation/Absorption on Heat and Mass Transfer for a MHD Stagnation-Point F low o f a Convective Viscoelastic Fluid over a Stretching Sheet with a Slip Velocity, Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2013, Article ID 239847,11pages. | H. M. El-Hawary, Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud,Reda G . A bdel-Rahman,and Abeer S. Elfeshawey | 2013 | International |
5 | Similarity Solutions For Heat And Mass Transfer of MHD Flow Over a Permeable Stretching Wedge With Variable Fluid Properties And Heat Generation/Absorption, International Review of Physics, Vol 8, No 6 (2014) | Reda G. Abdel-Rahman, Abeer S. Elfeshawey | 2014 | International |
6 | Thermal radiation effect on flow and heat transfer of unsteady MHD micropolar fluid over vertical heated nonisothermal stretching surface using group analysis, Appl . M ath. M ech. -Engl . E d. , 34(6), 703–720 (2013). | I. A. HASSANIEN, H. M.EL-HAWARY, M. A.A. MAHMOUD, R. G. ABDEL-RAHMAN and Abeer S. ELFESHAWEY | 2013 | International |
7 | Thermocapillarity Effect on MHD Flow for a Liquid Thin Film with Variable Fluid Properties Over an Unsteady Stretching Sheet | Reda G. Abdel-Rahman and Abeer S. Elfeshawey | 2016 | International |
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Ahmed abd elkhalek mohamed abdallah | |
Ahmed Said Abdelaziz Hendy | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Numerically pricing double barrier options in a time-fractional Black-Scholes model | R.H. De Staelen, A.S. Hendy | 2017 | International |
2 | On a class of non-linear delay distributed order fractional diffusion equations | V.G. Pimenov, A.S. Hendy, R.H. De Staelen | 2017 | International |
Ahmed Sweilem Rahby Youssef | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Correction: Numerical solutions for nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with a phase lag | Gamal A. Mosa, Mohamed A. Abdou, Ahmed S. Rahby | 2022 | International |
2 | Harmonic Solution of a Weakly Non-linear Second Order Differential Equation Governed the Motion of a TM-AFM Cantilever | A. M. Elnaggar; K. M. Khalil; A. S. Rahby | 2016 | International |
3 | Numerical solutions for nonlinear volterra-fredholm integral equations of the second kind with a phase lag | Gamal A. Mosa , Mohamed A. Abdou , Ahmed S. Rahby | 2021 | International |
4 | Superharmonic Solutions of Order (2,3) to a MEMS Governed the Motion of a TM-AFM Cantilever | A. M. Elnaggar, K. M. Khalil, A. S. Rahby | 2016 | International |
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Alsayed hamed ali sayed | |
Amal Abdel- Fattah Mohamed Hasanien | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | “Restrictive Padé Approximation for the Solution the Schrödinger Equation”, Int. Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 79, No.5, pp. 603-613 (2002). | Hassan N. A. Ismail, Elsayed M. Elbarbary, and Amal A. Elbietar | 2002 | Local |
2 | “The Restrictive Padé Approximation for the Solution of Singularly Perturbed Parabolic PDE”,Jour. Inst..Math. & Comp. Sciences, Vol.12 No.2 pp.153- 161 (2001). | Hassan N. A. Ismail and Amal A. Elbietar, | 2001 | Local |
3 | “Restrictive Padé Approximation for Schrödinger Equation with Variable Coefficients” ,27th Int. Conference for Statistics and Computer Sciences and its Application, Cairo, April (2002). | Hassan N. A. Ismail and Amal A. Elbietar | 2002 | Local |
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eman mohamed Abdelghani | |
Essam Mohsen Abdel Hameed Awwad | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Stability of a monotonic solution of a non-autonomous multidimensional delay differential equation of arbitrary (fractional) order | AMA El-Sayed, EM El-Maghrabi (E. Awwad) | 2008 | International |
3 | BIBO stabilization of feedback control systems with time dependent delays | Essam Awwad, István Győri, Ferenc Hartung | 2012 | International |
4 | On the boundedness of the solutions in nonlinear discrete Volterra difference equations | István Györi, Essam Awwad | 2012 | International |
5 | On the fractional-order logistic equation with two different delays | AMA El-Sayed, Hala AA El-Saka,Esam M El-Maghrabi (E. Awwad) | 2011 | International |
6 | Oscillation and nonoscillation of nonlinear second order difference equations | M. M. A. El-Sheikh, M. H. Abd Alla and E. M. El-Maghrabi (E. Awwad) | 2006 | International |
7 | Some New Dynamic Inequalities Involving Monotonic Functions on Time Scales | S. H. Saker; E. Awwad; A. Saied | 2019 | International |
10 | Thermoelastic Memory-dependent Responses to an Infinite Medium with a Cylindrical Hole and Temperature-dependent Properties | E. Awwad; Ahmed E. Abouelregal;A. Soleiman | 2021 | International |
Gamal Ahmed Ahmed Mohamed Mosa | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Stochastic Model for the Spread of the Hepatitis C Virus with Different Types of Virus Genome. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(2): 1253-1265. | I. A. Moneim and G. A. Mosa | 2009 | Local |
2 | Harmonic and sub-harmonic resonance of MEMS subjected to a weakly non-linear parametric and external excitations | G A Mosa; A M El-nagger; A F Elbassiouny | 2013 | International |
3 | Improving and predicting the petrophysical parameters of the reservoirs using Monte Carlo simulation and Stochastic analysis. J. Egypt. Geophys. Soc., (EGS), V. 4 (1), pp 1-16. | Lashin, A., Mosa, G. A, and Abd El Aal, M | 2006 | Local |
4 | Modelling the hepatitis C with different types of virus genome.:Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 7, No. 1, 3-13. | Moneim, I. A. and Mosa, G. A. | 2006 | Local |
5 | Perturbation analysis of an electrostatic Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) subjected to external and non-linear parametric excitations | G A. Mosa; A M. Elnaggar, A F. El-Bassiouny | 2014 | International |
6 | Stochastic Model for the spread of the Hepatitis B Virus. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(3): 1607-1615. | I. A. Moneim , M. Al-Ahmed and G. A. Mosa | 2009 | Local |
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Heba Al Sayed Fathy Abd Al Khalek Salem | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | On the numerical solution for singularly perturbed second-order ODEs.Studies in Nonlinear Sciences 1 (3): 89-96, (2010). | N. H. Sweilam, H. E. Fathy. | 2010 | International |
2 | Chebyshev and Legendre via Galerkin Method for Solving KdV Burgers’ Equation, Int. J. Contemp. Math.Sciences 8 (9), 441 – 457, (2013). | H. E. Fathy, M. El-Kady, Salah M. El-Sayed | 2013 | International |
3 | Development of Galerkin Method for Solving the Generalized Burger’s-Huxley Equation, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, (2013). | M. El-Kady, S. M. El-Sayed, H. E. Fathy | 2013 | International |
4 | El-gendi Nodal Galerkin Method for Solving Linear and Nonlinear Partial Fractional Space Equations, International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology 2(6):10-17, (2013). | M. El-Kady, S. M. El-Sayed, Heba. E. Salem | 2013 | International |
5 | Numerical Solutions of Coupled Nonlinear Evolution Equations via El-gendi Nodal Galerkin Method, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science 5(3): 310-332, (2015). | M. El-Kady, S. M. El-Sayed, Heba. E. Salem | 2015 | International |
Khalil Mohamed Khalil Mohamed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Existence and localization of harmonic and sub-harmonic solutions of second order non-linear differential equation. | A. M Elnaggar; K. M. Khalil, | 2003 | Local |
2 | A generalized heat conduction model of higher‑order time derivatives and three‑phase‑lags for non‑simple thermoelastic materials | Ahmed E. Abouelregal; K. M. Khalil; F. A. Mohammed; M. E. Nasr;; Adam Zakaria; ibrahim‑elkhalil Ahmed | 2020 | International |
3 | Analysis of Non-Linear Radiation and Activation Energy Analysis on Hydromagnetic Reiner–Philippoff Fluid Flow with Cattaneo–Christov Double Diffusions | Mohamed E. Nasr; Machireddy Gnaneswara Reddy; W. Abbas; Ahmed M. Megahed; Essam Awwad; ; Khalil M. Khalil | 2022 | International |
4 | Control of the nonlinear oscillator Bifurcation under a super-harmonic resonance. | A. M. Elnaggar ; K. M. Khalil | 2013 | International |
5 | Generalized thermoelastic-diffusion model with higher-order fractional time-derivatives and four-phase-lags | Ahmed E. Abouelregal; Mohammed A Elhagary; Amr Soleiman; Khalil M KhalilAhmed E Abouelregal, Mohammed A. Elh | 2020 | International |
6 | Generalized thermoviscoelastic novel model with different fractional derivatives and multi-phase-lags | A. Soleiman; Ahmed E. Abouelregal; K. M. Khalil; M. E. Nasr | 2020 | International |
7 | Harmonic and Sub-Harmonic Periodic Solutions (1/2; 1/3) Mathieu- of Generalized Van der Pol-Duffing Equations | A. M. Elnaggar; K. M. Khalil and A. M. Omran | 2017 | International |
8 | Harmonic Solution of a Weakly Non-linear Second Order Differential Equation Governed the Motion of a TM-AFM Cantilever | A M Elnaggar; K M Khalil; A S Rahby | 2016 | International |
9 | Impact of Variable Fluid Properties and Double Diffusive Cattaneo–Christov Model on Dissipative Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow Due to a Stretching Sheet | Khalil M. Khalil ; A. Soleiman; Ahmed M. Megahed; W. Abbas | 2022 | International |
10 | Periodic Solutions of a Modified Duffing Equation Subjected to a Bi-Harmonic Parametric and External Excitations | A M Elnaggar; A F El-Bassiouny; K M Khalil; A M Omran | 2016 | International |
11 | Saddle-node bifurcation control for an odd non-linearity problem. | A. M. Elnaggar; A. F. El-Bassiouny ; K. M. Khalil | 2011 | International |
12 | Superharmonic Solutions of Order (2,3) to a MEMS Governed the Motion of a TM-AFM Cantilever | A M Elnaggar; K M Khalil; A S Rahby | 2016 | International |
13 | The response of nonlinear controlled system under an external excitation via time delay state feedback | A M Elnaggar; K M Khalil | 2014 | International |
14 | Thermal vibration in rotating nanobeams with temperature-dependent due to exposure to laser irradiation | Ahmed E. Abouelregal; Khalil M. Khalil; Wael W. Mohammed; Doaa Atta | 2022 | International |
15 | Thermoelastic Processes by a Continuous Heat Source Line in an Infinite Solid via Moore–Gibson–Thompson Thermoelasticity | Ahmed E. Abouelregal; Ibrahim-Elkhalil Ahmed; Mohamed E. Nasr;Khalil M. Khalil; Adam Zakria; Fawzy A. Mohammed | 2020 | International |
16 | Thermoelastic response of a rotating hollow cylinder based on generalized model with higher order derivatives and phase-lags | A Soleiman;Ahmed E Abouelregal;K M Khalil; M E Nasr | 2020 | International |
17 | Thermoelastic responses in rotating nanobeams with variable physical properties due to periodic pulse heating | Ahmed M. H. Yahya; Ahmed E. Abouelregal; K. M. Khalil; Doaa Atta | 2021 | International |
18 | Thermoelastic Vibrations of Nonlocal Nanobeams Resting on a Pasternak Foundation via DPL Model | M. E. Nasr; Ahmed e. Abouelregal; A Solieman; K. M. Khalil | 2021 | International |
M. A. Abd Elgawad | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A Note on Optimal Foldover Four-level Factorials | A. M. ELSAWAH, M. A. AL-AWADY, M. A. ABD ELGAWAD and Hong QIN | 2016 | International |
2 | Asymptotic behavior of record values with random indices. | Barakat, H. M., Abd Elgawad, M. A. and Yan T. (2017). | 2017 | International |
3 | Asymptotic behavior of the joint record values, with applications | H.M. Barakat & M.A. Abd Elgawad | 2017 | International |
4 | Degree-based moment estimation for ordered networks. | Li W., Yan T., Abd Elgawad, M. A. and Qin H. | 2017 | International |
5 | Generalized order statistics with random indices | H. M. Barakat, M. A. Abd Elgawad; and Ting Yan | 2017 | International |
6 | Limit distributions of random record model in a stationary Gaussian sequence | M. A. Abd Elgawad, H. M. Barakat & S. Xiong | 2019 | International |
7 | Limit distributions of random record model in a stationary Gaussian sequence | M. A. Abd Elgawad, H. M. Barakat & S. Xiong | 2019 | International |
8 | Limit Theory for Bivariate Central and Bivariate Intermediate Dual Generalized order Statistics | H.M. Barakat , E.M. Nigm and M.A. Abd Elgawad | 2015 | International |
9 | Limit theory for bivariate extreme generalized order statistics and dual generalized order statistics | H. M. Barakat ,E. M. Nigm and M.A.Abd Elgawad | 2014 | International |
10 | Limit theory for joint generalized order statistics | H. M. Abd Elgawad | 2014 | International |
11 | Limit theory of bivariate dual generalized order statistics with random index. | Abd Elgawad, M. A., Barakat, H. M., Qin H. and Yan T. | 2016 | International |
Marwa ibrahim ghonimy mohamed siksk | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A generalized Weierstress elliptic function expansion method for solving some nonlinear partial equations | E.A. Saied, Reda G. Abdel-Rahman, Marwa I Ghonamy | 2009 | International |
2 | A set of Exact and Explicit Solitary wave Solutions For Kawahara equation International | E.A. Saied, Reda G. Abdel-Rahman, Marwa I Ghonamy | 2009 | International |
3 | AgeneralizedWeierstrassellipticfunctionexpansionmethodforsolving somenonlinearpartialdifferentialequations | E.A.Saied,RedaG.AbdEl-Rahman,MarwaI.Ghonamy | 2009 | International |
4 | On the Direct Symmetry for the Generalized Variable-Coefficient Gardner Equation | E.A. Saied, Reda G. Abdel-Rahman, Marwa I Ghonamy | 2010 | International |
5 | On the exact solution of (2+1) – dimensional cubic nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation, | E.A. Saied, Reda G. Abdel-Rahman, Marwa I Ghonamy | 2003 | International |
6 | Painleve Analysis, Auto- Bocklund Transformation and N-Soliton Solution of the MKdV with variable Coefficients | E.A. Saied, Reda G. Abdel-Rahman, Marwa I Ghonamy | 2015 | International |
7 | Some new exact solutions for linear thermoelastic system | M.E.Khalifa, Reda G.Abd El Rahman, Marwa I. Ghonamy | 2004 | International |
Mohamed El-Sayed Ahmed Hassan Nasr | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | "An approximate solution for Fredholm integral equation of the second kind in the space with weight function p(x)", AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), Vol 7, No 1, August (2008). | S . A . Abou Auf and M . E . Nasr. | 2008 | International |
2 | "On an approximate evaluation of the resolvent for Fredholm kernel and its error bounds in the space with weight function p(x)", AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), Vol 9, No 1, August (2010). | S. A. Abou Auf and M. E. Nasr | 2010 | International |
3 | Discontinuous dynamical system represents the Logistic retarded functional equation with two different delays, Malaya Journal of Matematik 1(1)(2013) 50-56. | A. M. A. El-Sayed and M. E. Nasr | 2013 | International |
4 | Dynamic properties of the predator-prey discontinuous dynamical system, J. Z. Naturforsch. A, 67a, 57-60 (2012). | A. M. A. El-Sayed and M. E. Nasr | 2012 | International |
5 | On some dynamical properties of discontinuous dynamical systems, American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, Vol.2, No. 1, 28-32 (2012). | A. M. A. El-Sayed and M. E. Nasr | 2012 | International |
6 | On some dynamical properties of the discontinuous dynamical system represents the logistic equation with different delays, i-manager's Journal on Mathematics, Vol. 1, No. 1, 29-33, January - March 2012. | A. M. A. El-Sayed and M. E. Nasr | 2012 | International |
7 | Some Dynamic Properties of a Discontinuous Dynamical System, Alexandria Journal of Mathematics, Volume 2 Number 2, 2012. | A. M. A. El-Sayed and M. E. Nasr | 2012 | Local |
8 | "Existence of uniformly stable solutions of nonautonomous discontinuous dynamical systems", J. Egypt Math. Soc.,Vol. 19(1) (2011). | A. M. A. El-Sayed and M. E. Nasr | 2011 | Local |
9 | Discontinuous dynamical systems and fractional-orders difference equations, Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications , Vol. 4(1). Jan. 2013, pp. 130-138. | A. M. A. El-Sayed and M. E. Nasr | 2013 | Local |
10 | Study of the Normality and Continuity for the Mixed Integral Equations with Phase-Lag Term | M. A. Abdou; M. E. Nasr; M. A. Abdel-Aty | 2017 | International |
Mohamed elsayed abd el-aal | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | FURTHER RESULTS ON ODD HARMONIOUS GRAPHS | M.A.Seoud M.E.Abdel-Aal | 2016 | International |
2 | New classes of odd graceful graphs | 2013 | International | |
3 | New families of odd harmonious graphs | ME Abdel-Aal | 2014 | International |
5 | Odd harmonious labelings of cyclic snakes | ME Abdel-Aal | 2013 | International |
6 | On odd graceful graphs | M.A. Seoud, M.E. Abdel-Aal | 2013 | International |
7 | Overdetermined system with two super-singular lines, contain second order hyperbolic equation | N. RAJABOV, A. N. ADIB, AND MOHAMED ELSAYED | 2011 | International |
8 | The Mean Labeling of Some Crowns | M.E. Abdel-Aal, S Minion, C Barrientos, D Williams | 2014 | Local |
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Mosab abd el-hameed mohamed hassaan | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A Fast Algorithm for Subgraph Search Problem | Karam Gouda; Mosab Hassaan | 2012 | International |
2 | A Fast and Efficient Algorithm for Outlier Detection Over Data Streams | Mosab Hassaan; Hend Maher; Karam Gouda | 2021 | International |
3 | A novel edge-centric approach for graph edit similarity computation | Karam Gouda; Mosab Hassaan | 2019 | International |
4 | Brain Tumor Segmentation: A Comparative Analysis | Eman Mohammed; Mosab Hassaan; Safaa Amin; Hala M. Ebied | 2021 | Local |
5 | Classification Event Sequences via Compact Big Sequence | Mosab Hassaan | 2022 | Local |
6 | Compressed Feature-based Filtering and Verification Approach for Subgraph Search. | Karam Gouda and Mosab Hassaan | 2013 | International |
7 | CSI_GED: An Efficient Approach for Graph Edit Similarity Computation | Karam Gouda; Mosab Hassaan | 2016 | International |
8 | Efficiently using Prime-Encoding for Frequent Itemsets Mining in Sparse Data. | Karam Gouda and Mosab hassaan | 2013 | International |
10 | Impact of Using Different Color Spaces on the Image Segmentation | Dena A. Abdelsadek; Maryam N. Al-Berry; Hala M. Ebied; Mosab Hassaan | 2022 | Local |
11 | MINING SEQUENTIAL PATTERNS IN DENSE DATABASES | Karam Gouda and Mosab Hassaan | 2011 | International |
12 | PRISM: A Prime-Encoding Approach for Frequent Sequence Mining | Karam Gouda, Mosab Hassaan, and Mohammed J. Zaki† | 2007 | International |
13 | Prism: An effective approach for frequent sequence mining via prime-block encoding | Karam Gouda, Mosab Hassaan, and Mohammed J. Zaki | 2010 | International |
14 | Scaling Subgraph Matching by Improving Ullmann Algorithm. | Karam Gouda; Gyöngyi Bujdosó; Mosab Hassaan | 2022 | International |
15 | Summarizing Event Sequence Database into Compact Big Sequence | Mosab Hassaan | 2022 | International |
16 | Summarizing Graph Data Via the Compactness of Disjoint Paths | Mosab Hassaan | 2022 | Local |
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Mustafa hassan abdallah mitawie | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Integral stability criteria of nonlinear differential systemsIntegral stability criteria of nonlinear differential systems | A A Soliman; M H Abdalla | 2008 | International |
2 | On the oscillation of bounded solutions of higher order nonlinear neutral delay differential equations with oscillating coefficients | M M A El-sheikh, A A Soliman, M H Abdalla, A M Hassan | 2018 | International |
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Nahed Abdel Fattah Mohamady | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Existence and uniqueness of positive solutions of a system of nonlinear algebraic equations | István Gyori, Ferenc Hartung, Nahed A. Mohamady | 2016 | International |
3 | On a nonlinear delay population model | Istvan Gyoria, Ferenc Hartunga, Nahed A. Mohamady | 2015 | International |
4 | On a nonlinear delay population model | Istvan Gyoria, Ferenc Hartunga, Nahed A. Mohamady | 2015 | International |
5 | On the oscillation of third order neutral delay differential equations | M. M. A. El-sheikh, R. Sallam, N. Mohamady | 2013 | International |
6 | Oscillation criteria for second order nonlinear neutral differential equations. | M.M.A.El-sheikh, R.Sallam, N.Mohamady | 2011 | International |
Salah Gomaa Ahmed Ali Elgendi | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A note on “ Sur le noyau de l'operateur de courbure d'une variete finslerienne” [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 272 (1971), 807-810]}, Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 351, 21–22, (2013), 829-832. ArXiv: 1305.4498 [math. DG]. | Nabil L. Youssef and S. G. Elgendi, | 2013 | International |
2 | Generalized beta-conformal change of Finsler metrics. ArXiv Number: 0906.5369 [math.DG]. | Nabil L. Youssef, S. H. Abed and S. G. Elgendi, | 2010 | International |
3 | Computing nullity and kernel vectors using NF-package: Counterexamples. ArXiv: 1401.0133 [math. DG]. | Nabil L. Youssef and S. G. Elgendi | 2014 | International |
4 | Existence and uniqueness of Chern connection in the Klein-Grifone approach, Submitted. ArXiv: 1402.0317 [math. DG]. | Nabil L. Youssef and S. G. Elgendi | 2014 | International |
5 | Generalized beta-conformal change and special Finsler spaces. ArXiv Number: 1004.5478 [math.DG]. | Nabil L. Youssef, S. H. Abed and S. G. Elgendi | 2012 | International |
6 | Metric Freedom of a spray | Zoltan Muzsnay and Salah Gomaa Elgendi | 2016 | International |
7 | Metrizability of Holonomy Invariant Projective Deformation of Sprays | Salah Elgendi & Zoltan Muzsnay | 2020 | International |
8 | New FINSLER package | Nabil L. Youssef and S. G. Elgendi | 2014 | International |
9 | Nullity distributions associated to Cartan connection | Nabil L. Youssef, A. Soleiman and S. G. Elgendi | 2014 | International |
10 | Nullity distributions associated with Chern connection, Publ. Math. Deb., 88 (2016), 235-248. ArXiv: 1410.0193 [math. DG]. | Nabil Youssef and Salah Gomaa Elgendi | 2014 | International |
11 | The geometry of Finsler spaces of Hp-scalar curvature | Amr Solieman & Salah Elgendi | 2020 | International |
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Shimaa Ezzat Waheed El-Deen | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Blowing and Suction Effects on Free Convection of a Non-Newtonian Fluid Over a Vertical Cone Embedded in a Porous Medium in the Presence of Thermal Radiation and Non-Uniform Heat Generation/Absorption | Shimaa E. Waheed∗ and K. J. M. Abu Alnaja | 2015 | International |
2 | Combined effect of viscous dissipation and Joule heating on MHD flow and heat transfer of a micropolar fluid over a stretching surface with variable surface heat flux | M. A. A. Mahmoud and S. E. Waheed | 2011 | International |
3 | Effects of Slip and Heat Generation/Absorption on MHD Mixed Convection Flow of a Micropolar Fluid over a Heated Stretching Surface | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud and Shimaa E. Waheed | 2010 | International |
4 | Flow and heat transfer in a Maxwell liquid film over an unsteady stretching sheet in a porous medium with radiation | shimaa e waheed | 2016 | International |
5 | Heat and Mass Transfer for a Maxwell Fluid Flow Near a Stagnation Point with Variable Wall Heat and Mass Flux in the Presence of Heat Generation or Absorption | Mostafa A. A. Mahmoud, Shimaa E. Waheed | 2013 | International |
6 | Hydromagnetic Hiemenz Slip Flow of Convective Micropolar Fluid Towards a Stretching Plate | shimaa E waheed | 2013 | International |
7 | Influence of Chemical Reaction and Thermal Radiation on Heat and Mass Transfer for Soret and Dufour’s Effects on MHD Mixed Convection Hiemenz Flow of a Micropolar Fluid Embedded in a Porous Medium with Slip | Shimaa E waheed | 2015 | International |
8 | Melting heat transfer effects on stagnation point flow of micropolar fluid saturated in porous medium with internal heat generation (absorption) | M. A. A. MAHMOUD, S. E. WAHEED | 2014 | International |
10 | MHD flow and heat transfer of a micropolar fluid over a stretching surface with heat generation (absorption)and slip velocity | 2012 | International | |
11 | MHD stagnation point flow of a micropolar fluid towards a moving surface with radiation | Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud · Shimaa E. Waheed | 2012 | International |
12 | Mixed Convection Flow of a Micropolar Fluid Past a Vertical Stretching Surface in a Thermally Stratified Porous Medium with Thermal Radiation | Mostafa A.A. Mahmoud and Shimaa E. Waheed | 2017 | International |
13 | Variable fluid properties and thermal radiation effects on flow and heat transfer in micropolar fluid film past moving permeable infinite flat plate with slip velocity | M. A. A. MAHMOUD, S. E. WAHEED | 2012 | International |
Amira masoud abd elghani masoud | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Harmonic and Sub-Harmonic Periodic Solutions (1/2,1/3) of Generalized Mathieu-Van der Pol-Duffing Equations 3) o | A. M. Elnaggar , K. M. Khalil and A. M. Omran and A. M. Omran | 2017 | International |
2 | Periodic Solutions of a Modied Duffing Equation Subjected to a Bi-Harmonic Parametric and External Excitations | A. M. Elnaggar, A. F. El-Bassiouny, K. M. Khalil | 2016 | International |
3 | Sub-Harmonic Solutions of Even Order (1/2,1/4), To A Weakly Non-Linear Second Order Differential Equation Governed the Motion (MEMS) | A. M. Elnaggar, A. F. El-Bassiouny, A. M. Omran | 2015 | International |
4 | Subharmonic Solutions of Governed MEMS System Subjected to Parametric and External Excitations | A. M. El-Naggar, K. M. Khalil and A. M. Omran | 2017 | International |
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Eman Ibrahim Abd El-latif | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Chaotic Information-hiding Algorithm based on DNA | Eman I. Abd El- Latif; Mahmoud I. Moussa | 2015 | International |
2 | Information hiding using artificial DNA sequences based on Gaussian kernel function | Eman I. Abd El-Latif ; M. I. Moussa | 2019 | International |
3 | Information hiding using artificial DNA sequences based on Elliptic Curve | Eman I. Abd El- Latif; Mahmoud I. Moussa | 2016 | Local |
Gamal Mohamed Ebrahim Khedr | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Korteweg-deVries type equations for waves propagating along the interface between air-water. CanadianJournal of physcia. 86 1427-1435. | A. M. Abourabia, M. A. Mahmoud and G. M. Khedr, | 2008 | Local |
2 | Nonlinear instability of two superposed magnetic fluids in porous media under vertical magnetic fields. Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly. 12 83-110. | A. R. F. Elhefnawy, M. A. Mahmoud, M. A. A. Mhmoud and G. M. Khedr. | 2004 | Local |
3 | Solitary waves for nonlinear Schrödinger equation along the interface between air-water. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics B. | A. M. Abourabia, M. A. Mahmoud and G. M. Khedr, | 1950 | Local |
4 | Solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger equation for interfacial waves propagating between two ideal fluids. Can. J. Phys. 87 675–684. | A. M. Abourabia, M. A. Mahmoud and G. M. Khedr, | 2009 | Local |
5 | Nonlinear instability of ferrofluids in porous media under a horizontal magnetic field. Delta Journal of Science . 28 1-32. | A. R. F. Elhefnawy, M. A. Mahmoud, M. A. A. Mhmoud and G. M. Khedr. | 2004 | Local |
Mohamed Abdallah Abdel-Aty Ali | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | New algorithms for solving nonlinear mixed integral equations | R. T. Matoog; M. A. Abdou; M. A. Abdel-Aty | 2023 | International |
2 | A new techniques applied to Volterra-Fredholm integral equations with discontinuous kernel | M. E. Nasr; M. A. Abdel-Aty | 2021 | International |
3 | A study of normality and continuity for mixed integral equations | M. A. Abdou; M.E. Nasr; M.A. Abdel–Aty | 2018 | International |
4 | An Algorithm for the Solution of Nonlinear Volterra–Fredholm Integral Equations with a Singular Kernel | S. A. Abusalim; M. A. Abdou; M. E. Nasr; M. A. Abdel-Aty | 2023 | Local |
5 | Analytical and Numerical Approaches via Quadratic Integral Equations | J. Alahmadi; M. A. Abdou; M. A. Abdel-Aty | 2024 | International |
6 | Analytical and Numerical Discussion for the Phase-Lag Volterra-Fredholm Integral Equation with Singular Kernel | M. A. Abdel–Aty; M. A. Abdou | 2025 | International |
7 | Analytical and numerical discussion for the quadratic integral equations | M. A. Abdel–Aty; M. A. Abdou | 2023 | International |
8 | Analytical and numerical treatment of a nonlinear Fredholm integral equation in two dimensions | J. Alahmadi; M. A. Abdou; M. A. Abdel-Aty | 2024 | International |
9 | Analytical discussion for the mixed integral equations | M. E. Nasr; M. A. Abdel-Aty | 2018 | International |
10 | Analytical results for quadratic integral equations with phase–lag term | M. A. Abdou; A. A. Soliman; M. A. Abdel–Aty | 2020 | International |
11 | Application of Adomian polynomials for solving nonlinear integro-differential equations | M. A. Abdel-Aty; M. E. Nasr | 2024 | International |
12 | Hybrid Functions Approach via Nonlinear Integral Equations with Symmetric and Nonsymmetrical Kernel in Two Dimensions | S. A. Abusalim; M. A. Abdou; M. A. Abdel-Aty; M. E. Nasr | 2023 | International |
13 | On a discussion of Volterra–Fredholm integral equation with discontinuous kernel | M. A. Abdou; A. A. Soliman; M. A. Abdel–Aty | 2020 | International |
14 | Solvability of quadratic integral equations with singular kernel | M. A. Abdel–Aty; M. A. Abdou; A. A. Soliman | 2022 | International |
15 | Study of the normality and continuity for the mixed integral equations with phase-lag term | M.A. Abdou; M.E. Nasr; M.A. Abdel–Aty | 2017 | International |
16 | Theoretical and Numerical Discussion for the Mixed Integro-Differential Equations | M. E. Nasr; M. A. Abdel-Aty | 2021 | International |
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Mona Abdel-Moneim Mohamed Arafa | |
Reda Mohamed Mohamed Ghanem | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A Novel Landmarked Face Database for Arab Celebrities | Reda Ghanem; Mohamed Loey | 2020 | Local |
2 | Face Completion Using Generative Adversarial Network with Pretrained Face Landmark Generator | Reda Ghanem; Mohamed Loey | 2021 | International |
Sara Maher Salem Mohamed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Arabic Text to Image Generation based on Generative Network of Fine-Grained Visual Descriptions | S. M. Salem; M. L. Ramadan | 2020 | Local |
2 | Photo Realistic Generation from Arabic Text Description Based on Generative Adversarial Networks | Sara Maher; Mohamed Loey | 2022 | International |
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Ahmed hassan ahmed aboelata | |
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ahmed ibrahim mohammed mahmoud abosaied | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Some New Dynamic Inequalities Involving Monotonic Functions on Time Scales | S. H. Saker, E. Awwad and A. Saied | 2019 | Local |
2 | Some New Weighted Dynamic Inequalities for Monotone Functions Involving Kernels | Samir H. Saker; Ahmed I. Saied ; Mario Krnic | 2020 | International |
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Ahmed mohamed aziz ismaiel | |
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Ahmed Reda | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Design a Corpus Based Approach for Bilingual Ontology Arabic-English | Ahmed R. Elmahalawy; Mostafa M. Aref | 2018 | International |
Ahmed Zahia | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Bidirectional field‑steering and atomic steering induced by a magnon mode in a qubit‑photon system | Ahmed A. Zahia;Ahmed M. Megahed | 2023 | International |
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Amany Mohamed Abdelsalam Mohamed | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A new general Finsler connection | A Soleiman, SG Elgendi, A Abdelsalam | 2020 | International |
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Atef Fouad El-Bassiouny | |
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Dena Mohamed Abdelsadek | |
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Eman Sami | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Brain Tumor Segmentation: A Comparative Analysis | Eman Mohammed; Mosab Hassaan; Safaa Amin; and Hala M. Ebied | 2021 | International |
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Fathy shraki mitwali elqzaz | |
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Fatma Gawish | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | On Discussion of Fractional Linear Integro Partial Differential Equation with Evolution Kernel Using Modified Bielecki Method and its Numerical Solution | M. A. Abdou; A. A. Soliman; M. H. Abdalla; G. A. Mosa; F. A. Gawish | 2020 | Local |
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Hamada Ali Muhammad Ali | |
Maha Ismail Mohamed Ismail El Gamal | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
2 | Certain Properties for Analytic and p-Valent Functions with Negative Coefficients Associated with Salagean qth-Order Differential Operator | Elgmmal, MI; Darwish, HE; Saied, EA | 2023 | Local |
3 | The Fekete-Szegö functional and second Hankel determinant for a class of univalent functions related to complex order | M. I. Elgmmal, H. E. Darwish and E. A. Saied | 2023 | Local |
Mai Nasr Zaki ElHamaqy | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | The Behaviour of the Maximum and Minimum Error for Fredholm-Volterra Integral Equations in Two-Dimensional Space | M. A. Abdou, G. A. Mosa and M. N. Elhamaky | 2020 | International |
2 | The Error Behaviour of Collocation and Galerkin Methods in Solving Integral Equations | M. A. Abdou, A. A. Soliman and M. N. Elhamaky | 2020 | International |
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Mayar Khaled | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Developing Algorithms for Image Steganography and Increasing the Capacity Depending on Choosing the Best Pixels | M. Khaled ; A. H. A. El-Atta | 2022 | International |
2 | Enhanced Algorithms for Steganography Based on Least Significant Bit and Secret Image Compression | M. Khaled ; A. H. A. El-Atta | 2021 | International |
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Mitawli rashad mitwali omar elsaydi | |
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Nagla ahmed taha ali elsadiy | |
Samy Affan | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Oscillatory behavior of second order delay dynamic equations with a sub-linear neutral term on time scales | A. A. SolimanA; M. Hassan; S. E. Affan | 2021 | International |
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Galal mokhtar abdelmola elsalmony | |
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Ahmed ali abd elaziz | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | A generalization of Euler’s pentagonal number theorem | Ahmed Abdel-Aziz | 1996 | International |
2 | On modules which are subisomorphic to their pure-injective envelopes | Maher Zayed, Ahmed A. Abdel-Aziz | 2002 | International |
3 | Schur Q-functions and spin characters of symmetric groups | Alun O. Morris, A. A. Abdel-Aziz | 1996 | International |
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Hoda Abd El-Bary Ahmed Youssef | |
Jamal Mohamed Attia Khalil | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | Limit-circle and limit-point classification of second order symmetric differential expression | Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim, Gamal Attia | 1998 | International |
2 | On the L w 2 -Solutions of General Second-Order Nonsymmetric Differential Equations | I. Sobhy El-sayed · N. Faried · G. M. Attia | 2001 | International |
Magdy Moustafa Hossein Sherif | |
# | Publication | Authors | Year | Localization |
1 | J.Nonlinear Math.Phys.Vol.3,N 1-2 ,219-225 | Effat, AS and Magdy MH, | 1996 | Local |
2 | MH 1994,J.Phys. A:Math.Gen.27 4867. | Saied EA and Magdy | 1994 | Local |
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Mohamed Saad Hassanain sanad | |
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Mona Ahmed Mahmoud El-Derini | |
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Sohair Abd El-Ghafr Abo Oauf | |