Publication From Year: Publication TO Year:

Total number of Publications in the university is 49563

Faculties Local
All Pub Staff with Pub Staff without Pub Highest Staff
Abstract Full text Title only Total Dr Non-Dr Total
Agriculture3511231258233759353914605823 363 94958Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil(223)
Applied Arts24215439634024335396 94 73744Sherif Hussien Abo Elsaadat(17)
Arts99062416149667055511614 282 332255Adel Kamal Khedr (61)
Commerce64064012807695034661280 199 251944Haitham Mosaad Elsayed Yousof khawanda(219)
Computers and Artificial Intelligence7693710138642781301013 84 87886Ahmad Taher(257)
Education1067755182212407884451822 194 431053Gamal mohamed Abo Elwafa(92)
Engineering, Benha91823943312258415576533312 343 15104119Hassan Nasr Ahmed Ismail(121)
Engineering, Shoubra2129437365024420278717846502 572 7573148Ibrahim Galal Ibrahim Shaaban(95)
Law26612739310186269393 40 41721Ashraf Tawfik Shams El Dien(56)
Medicine713958671300687126473396513006 1678 20464268Mahmoud Hamdy M. Aly(91)
Nursing807770157714721317721577 198 35457Hend Abdallah Elsayed Afify(44)
Physical Education823464128711891091601287 182 22123Yaser Mahfouz Atwa Saad Elgohari(28)
Physical Therapy2279101916410101 14 5735Aliaa Elabd(21)
Science2149340155503110186222095550 383 352964Alaa El-Sayed Ahmed Ahmed Amin(187)
Specific Education72134810697836421711069 222 268Omar Ahmed Emam(62)
Veterinary Medicine2082273648183373271911634818 317 171734Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout(437)
University Total 23582 25981 49563 49563 49563 1087 Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout(437)
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