Publication From Year: Publication TO Year:

Faculty of Agriculture: Department of MICROBIOLOGY

Total number of Publications in the Department of MICROBIOLOGY - Faculty of Agriculture is 248

Hany Mohammed Ahmed Abdelrahman
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (12)
Total (20)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Efficiency of some soil microorganisms in degradation of diazinon pesticide. Proceedings of 12th Microbiology Conf., Cairo, Egypt, (). Rahal, A.Gh.; Zaghloul, R.A.; Hanafy, Ehsan, A.; El-Housseiny, T.M. and Abdel-Rahman, H.M. 2007 Local
2 A novice Achromobacter sp. EMCC1936 strain acts as a plant-growth-promoting agent HM Abdel-Rahman, AA Salem, Mahmoud MA Moustafa, Hoda AS El-Garhy 2017 International
3 Application of Some Organic Farming Methods to Enhancement The Growth and Production of Green Onion HM Abdelrahman, RA Zaghloul, HA Abou-Aly, AA Ragab, MM K Elmaghraby 2021 Local
4 BIODEGRADATION OF SOME ORGANOPHOSPHORUS PESTICIDES BY SOIL MICROORGANISMS. Zaghloul, RA; El-Houseiny, TM; Hanafy, Ehsan A; Rahal, AG; Abdel-Rahman, HM 2006 International
5 Biodegradation of some organophosphorus pesticides by soil microorganisms. The 2nd International Scientific Congress For Environment 28-30 March 2006 South Valley University, Egypt. pp. 433-461. Zaghloul, R.A.; El-Houseiny, T.M.; Hanafy, Ehsan A.; Rahal, A.G. and Abdel-Rahman, H.M. 2006 Local
6 Can biofertilization ameliorate green onion production under salinity stress? Manal A. Abd Alla , H. M. Abdel-Rahman and Hassan El-Ramady 2015 International
7 Cellulolytic activity of Trichoderma reesei and Bacillus subtilis against the plant pathogen Pythium debaryanum Ahmed Abdelkhalek Salem, Hany Mohammed Abdelrahman 2021 International
8 Effect of Biofertilization and Organic Manuring on Soil Dehydrogenase Activity, Macronutrients and Essential Oil Content of Marjoram Zaghloul, RA; El-Husseiny, TM; Hanafy, Ehsan A and Abdel-rahman, H. M. A 2010 International
9 Effect of integrated fertilization with inorganic, organic fertilizers in presence of Enterobacter ludwigii local strain on growth, yield and fruit quality of Anna Apple Trees Hany Mohammed Abdelrahman, Darwesh Ragab Darwesh 2020 International
10 Effect of some environmental and agricultural factors on biodegradable-drip irrigation tubes Mostafa, HARBY; Abdelrahman, HANY 2014 International
11 Effectiveness of organic farming on growth performance and yield of marjoram. The thirteenth Microbiology Conf., Cairo, Egypt, (2009). Zaghloul, R.A.; T.M. El-husseiny; Ehsan A. Hanafy; A. GH. Rahal and H. M. A. Abdelrahman 2009 Local
12 Environmental impact assessment of different water resources in Egypt in comparison with antibiotic resistance activity of their bacterial communities Ayman YI Ewida, Amira F Hegab, Rashed A Zaghloul, Ahmed A Salem, Hany M Abdel-Rahman 2021 International
13 Evaluation of Integrated Nutrient Management Practices for Lettuce Production under Drip Irrigation System Shams, A.S.; El-Ramady, H.M. Abdel-Rahman and H.R. 2013 International
14 Impact of PGPR and inorganic fertilization on growth and productivity of sweet ananas melon. El-Aal, MMMA; El-Rahman, HMA 2014 International
16 Improvement of paper wastes conversion to bioethanol using novel cellulose degrading fungal isolate Osama M Darwesh, Salma H El-Maraghy, Hany M Abdel-Rahman, Rashed A Zaghloul 2020 International
17 Interaction effect between biofertilization and organic manuring on some enzymes activity macronutrients and essential oil content of marjoram. The thirteenth Microbiology Conf., Cairo, Egypt, (2009). Zaghloul, R.A.; T.M. El-Husseiny; Ehsan A. Hanafy; A. GH. Rahal and H.M., Abdelrahman 2009 Local
18 New strains of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in combinations with humic acid to enhance squash growth under saline stress Hany Mohammed Abdelrahman, RA Zaghloul, Enas A Hassan, HRA El-Zehery, AA Salem 2021 International
19 Response of damssisa to biofertilizers and organic manure application in presence of Pseudomonas fluorescens. The thirteenth Microbiology Conf., Cairo, Egypt, (2009). Zaghloul, R.A.; T.M. El-Husseiny; Ehsan A. Hanafy; A. GH. Rahal and H.M. Abdelrahman 2009 Local
20 Suppression of Sclerotium cepivorum Using Biofumigation By Glucosinolate-Containing Plant and Cyanogenic Bacteria HM Abdelrahman, RM Elmeihy, AA Salem 2021 Local
Ehsan Ahmed Ali Hanfy
Local Publication (13)
International Publication (15)
Total (28)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 3. Hanafy, Ehsan, A.; Newegy, N.A.; El-Huseiny, T.M. and Tewfike, T.A. 1987. Screening of some antibiotics productive strains. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, Vol. 25 (1): 217-232. 1987 International
2 7. Mahmoud, S.A.Z.; A.M. Abdel-Hafez; M. El-Sawy and Ehsan A. Hanafy. 1973. Phytin hydrolyzing bacteria in soil and rhizosphere of wheat and broad bean in soils of Egypt. Zbl. Bakt. Abt. 11, Bd. 128, S. 528-31. 1973 International
3 8. Mahmoud, S.A.Z.; A.M. Abdel-Hafez; M. El-Sawy and Ehsan A. Hanafy. 1973. Inorganic insoluble phosphate dissolving bacteria in soils of Egypt and rhizosphere of broad bean and wheat. Agrokemia Es Talajtan, Tom. 22 No. 3-4 pp. 351-56. 1973 International
4 9. Mahmoud, S.A.Z.; A.M. Abdel-Hafez; M. El-Sawy and Ehsan A. Hanafy. 1973. Phenolphthalein diphosphate splitting bacteria in soil and rhizosphere of wheat and broadbean in soils of Egypt. Zbl. Bakt. Abt., 11, Bd. 128, S. 524-27. 1973 International
5 Application of biofertilization and biological control for tomato production. 12th Conference of Microbiology; Cairo, Egypt, March 18-20 2007. Zaghloul, R.A.; Hanafy, Ehsan, A.; Neweigy, N.A. and Khalifa, Neamat, A. 2007 Local
6 Assessment of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria activity under saline stress. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor,Vol. 49(2) (2011), 123– 133 Ahmed, Gh. Rahal2; Ehsan, A. Hanafy1; Rashed, A. Zaghloul1; Hamed, E. Abou-Aly1; Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2011 Local
7 Biodegradation of some organophosphorus pesticides by soil microorganisms. The 2nd International Scientific Congress For Environment 28-30 March 2006 South Valley University, Egypt. Zaghloul, R.A.; El-Houseiny, T.M.; Hanafy, Ehsan A.; Rahal, A.G. and Abdel-Rahman, H.M. 2006 Local
8 Biogas production from Artichoke processing wastes by using semi- continuous feeding system. Zag hl oul, R. A. 1 ; A. N. Estefanous 2 ; Hanafy, Ehsan, A1 • and EI-Akshar Y. S. 2 • 2000 International
9 Biogas Production from Jew's Mallow Processing Wastes and Cattle Dung Using Batch Feeding System. Hanafy, Ehsan, A.; 1 Estefanous A. N.; 2 Zaghloul R. A. 1 and ElAkshar Y. S. 2 2000 International
10 Colonization of pepper roots with salt-tolerant PGPR as an inducer for saline stress Abou-Aly, H. E.1; R. A. Zaghloul1; Ehsan, A. Hanafy1; A.GH. Rahal2; Rasha, M. El-Meihy1 2012 International
11 Convenient carbon source and precursor substances for improving the growth regulators production by plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. The thirteenth Microbiology Conf., Cairo, Egypt (2009) Rahal, A. GH.; R.A. Zaghloul1; N.A. Neweigy; Ehsan A. Hanafy and Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2009 Local
12 Effect of biofertilization and organic manuring on growth performance and chemical composition of tomato under saline stress Zaghloul, R.A1 ;Rahal, GH.A.2; Abou-Aly1, H.E.; Hanafy, Ehsan, A.1 and El-Meihy, Rasha, M.1 2014 International
13 Effect of Biofertilization and Organic Manuring on Soil Dehydrogenase Activity, Macronutrients and Essential Oil Content of Marjoram R.A. Zaghloul, T.M. El-Husseiny, Ehsan A. Hanafy, A.GH. Rahal* and H.M. Abdelrahman 2010 International
14 Effect of Biofertilization and Organic Manuring on Soil Dehydrogenase Activity, Macronutrients and Essential Oil Content of Marjoram R.A. Zaghloul, T.M. El-Husseiny, Ehsan A. Hanafy, A.GH. Rahal* and H.M. Abdelrahman 2010 International
15 Effect of Biofertilization and Organic Manuring on Soil Dehydrogenase Activity, Macronutrients and Essential Oil Content of Marjoram. Egypt. J. Microbiol. Special Issue."13th Conf. of Microbiol.", pp. 15-32 (2010). R.A. Zaghloul, T.M. El-Husseiny, Ehsan A. Hanafy, A.GH. Rahal* and H.M. Abdelrahman 2010 Local
16 Effect of Carbon Source and Precursors on the Production of Plant Growth Regulators by Azotobacter chroococcum (R19) and Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum (R44) A. GH. Rahal, R. A. Zaghloul*, N. A. Neweigy*, Ehsan A. Hanafy* and Rasha M. El-Meihy* 2010 International
17 Effect of Carbon Source and Precursors on the Production of Plant Growth Regulators by Azotobacter chroococcum (R19) and Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum (R44). Egypt. J. Microbiol. Special Issue “13th Conf. of Microbiol.”, pp.45-61 ( 2010). A. GH. Rahal, R. A. Zaghloul*, N. A. Neweigy*, Ehsan A. Hanafy* and Rasha M. El-Meihy* 2010 Local
18 Effect of salt-tolerant PGPR on the activity of some microbial and plant enzymes under saline stress Hanafy, Ehsan, A.1; R. A. Zaghloul1; Abou-Aly, H. E.1;A. GH. Rahal2; Rasha, M. El-Meihy1 2012 International
19 Effectiveness of organic farming on growth performance and yield of marjoram. The thirteenth Microbiology Conf., Cairo, Egypt, (2009). Zaghloul, R.A.; T.M. El-husseiny; Ehsan A. Hanafy; A. GH. Rahal and H. M. A. Abdelrahman 2009 Local
20 Efficiency of soil inoculation with growth regulators producing microorganisms on some enzymes activity. Third international scientific conference for environment south valley Univ. Egypt, November 2008. Zaghloul, R.A.; Ehsan A. Hanafy; A. GH. Rahal; N.A. Neweigy and Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2008 Local
21 Efficiency of some soil microorganisms in degradation of Diazinon pesticide. 12th Conference of Microbiology; Cairo, Egypt, March 18-20 2007. Zaghloul, R.A.; Rahal, A. GH.; Hanafy, Ehasan, A. and El-Housseiny, T.M. 2007 Local
23 Interaction Between Growth Regulators-producing Bacteria and Root-rot Fungi on Tomato Growth. Egypt. J. Microbiol. Special Issue "13th Conf. of Microbiol." pp.173-194 (2010) R.A. Zaghloul, Ehsan A. Hanafy, A. GH. Rahal*, N.A. Neweigy and Rasha M. El-Meihy Faculty of 2010 Local
24 Interaction effect between biofertilization and organic manuring on some enzymes activity macronutrients and essential oil content of marjoram. The thirteenth Microbiology Conf., Cairo, Egypt, (2009). Zaghloul, R.A.; T.M. El-Husseiny; Ehsan A. Hanafy; A. GH. Rahal and H.M., Abdelrahman 2009 Local
25 Isolation and identification of cellulases producing thermophilic bacteria and their ability to produce xylanase enzymes Ehsan, A. Hanafy1; Rashed, A. Zaghloul1; Hamed, E.Abou-Aly1; Alshaymaa, E. Ahmed2 2012 International
26 Isolation and identification of cellulases producing thermophilic bacteria and their ability to produce xylanase enzymes. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, Vol. 49(4) (2011), 455– 461 Ehsan, A. Hanafy1; Rashed, A. Zaghloul1; Hamed, E.Abou-Aly1; Alshaymaa, E. Ahmed2 2011 Local
27 Response of damssisa to biofertilizers and organic manure application in presence of Pseudomonas fluorescens. The thirteenth Microbiology Conf., Cairo, Egypt, (2009). Zaghloul, R.A.; T.M. El-Husseiny; Ehsan A. Hanafy; A. GH. Rahal and H.M. Abdelrahman 2009 Local
28 Using pl ant g•·owth promoting rhizobadcria for improving tomat o growth under saline stress Rashed. A. Zaghloul 1, Ehsan A. Hanafy1, Hamed E. Abou-Aly1; Ahmad G.H. Rahal2 , Rasha, M. EIMeih y1 2012 International
Naseem Abd Elaziz Mohamed Nouwagy
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (0)
Total (7)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Application of biofertilization and biological control for tomato production. 12th Conference of Microbiology; Cairo, Egypt, March 18-20 2007. Zaghloul, R.A.; Hanafy, Ehsan, A.; Neweigy, N.A. and Khalifa, Neamat, A. 2007 Local
2 Convenient carbon source and precursor substances for improving the growth regulators production by plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. The thirteenth Microbiology Conf., Cairo, Egypt (2009) Rahal, A. GH.; R.A. Zaghloul1; N.A. Neweigy; Ehsan A. Hanafy and Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2009 Local
3 Efficiency of soil inoculation with growth regulators producing microorganisms on some enzymes activity. Third international scientific conference for environment south valley Univ. Egypt, November 2008. Zaghloul, R.A.; Ehsan A. Hanafy; A. GH. Rahal; N.A. Neweigy and Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2008 Local
4 Elevating control of pathogenic bacteria in fermented and non-fermented sausage using lactic acid bacteria or essential oils. 12th Conference of Microbiology; Cairo, Egypt, March 18-20 2007. Abou-Aly, H.E.; N.A. Neweigh; R.A. Zaghloul; M.R.A. Gad and G.A. Ghonaimy 2007 Local
5 Interaction effect between growth regulators producing bacteria root-rot fungi on tomato growth plants. The thirteenth Microbiology Conf., Cairo, Egypt, (2009). Zaghloul, R.A.; Ehsan A. Hanafy; A. GH. Rahal; N.A. Neweigy and Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2009 Local
6 Microbial and chemical quality of retailed sausage and antimicrobial effect of essential oils or lactic acid bacteria against foodborne pathogens. Abou-Aly, H.E.; R.A. Zabhloul, N.A. Neweigy, M.R.A. Gad and G.A. Ghonaimy 2007 Local
7 Production and purification of protease from Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagulans and using the enzyme for improvement and accelerating Domiati cheese ripening. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 41(3): 1089-1102 Neweigy, N.A.; Abou-Aly, H.E.; Azza, Ismail, A.; Tewfike, T.A. and Nayl, A.A. 2003 Local
Taha Abdou Tewfike Gomah
Local Publication (14)
International Publication (3)
Total (17)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 fatty acid composition streptomyces fulvoviolaceus 818 V.J.Gesheva,T.A.Tewfike and R.Rachev 1998 International
2 A new antibiotic, TH818, and its properties V.J.Gesheva,T.A.Tewfike et al 2003 International
3 Antibiotic biosynthesis by Streptomyces fulvoviolaceus 818. Comptesrendus de I. Academic Bulgare des Sciences, 49(1): 77-79. Tewfike, T.A.; Gesheva, V.; Rachev, R. and Tzvetkova, R. 1996 Local
4 Biocontrol activity of Streptomyces fulvoviolaceus against Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani pathogens of tomato. Annals of Agric, Sci. Mansoura, 38(3): 1503-1520. Twefike, T.A. 2000 Local
5 Biofertilization influence of tomato seeds and seedlings by non-symbiotic N2-fixers on tomato plant growth and Fusarium disease severity. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 25(11): 7107-7120 Tewfike, T.A. and Abou-Aly, H.E. 2000 Local
6 Effect of biological fertilization by rhizobium and phosphate dissolving bacteria on broad bean grown in soil. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 38(4):2125-2139. Neweigy, N.A; Tewfike, T.A.; El-Sibaie, M.A. and El-Sayed, M.A. 2000 Local
7 Effect of dual biofertilization, biogas manure and mineral fertilizer on guar plants (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) TAUB.). J. Agric., Sci. Mansoura Univ., 25 (10): 6481-6492. Twefike, T.A. 2000 Local
8 Effect of nitrogen source on soil microbiological properties and growth of rosselle plants. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 26(1):251-267. Twefike, T.A.: El-Kased, F.A and El-Ghany Bouthaina, F. 2001 Local
9 Factor affecting antibiotics production by two strains of Streptomyces spp. isolated from soil of Egypt. Annal. Agric. Sc., Moshohor, 25 (1): 205-216. Neweigy, N; Hanafy, Ehasan A; Huseiny, T.M and Tewfike, T.A. 1987 Local
10 fatty acid composition streptomyces fulvoviolaceus 818 2015 International
11 Influence of some plant extracts, preservatives and fungicides on A. flavus corn grains deterioration. Adv. Agric. Res., 4(1): 623-637. Twefike, T.A. and Abdel Reheem, S.K. 1999 Local
12 Maximizing gibberellic acid productivity by Fusarium moniliforme and its effect on Saccharomyces growth. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 39(1): 185-195. Abou-Aly, H.E. and Twefike, T.A. 2001 Local
13 Production and purification of protease from Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagulans and using the enzyme for improvement and accelerating Domiati cheese ripening. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 41(3): 1089-1102 Neweigy, N.A.; Abou-Aly, H.E.; Azza, Ismail, A.; Tewfike, T.A. and Nayl, A.A. 2003 Local
14 Response of wheat plants grown in newly reclaimed saline calcareous soil as affected by soil conditioners and biofertilizers. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 39(1):197-209. Abd El-Ghany, Bouthaina F. and Tewfike, T.A. 2001 Local
15 Screening of some antibiotics productive strains of Streptomyces spp. and the best medium for antibioties production. Annal. Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 25 (1) : 217 – 232. Hanafy, Ehasan A.; Neweigy, N.A; El–Huseiny, T.M and Tewfike, T.A. 1987 Local
16 Taxonomic investigation on Streptomyces fulvoviolaceus strain 818, a producer of antibiotic complex. Comptesrendus de I. Academic Bulgare des Sciences, 47 (11): 53-56. Twefike, T.A.; Gesheva, V. and Rachev, R. 1994 Local
17 Variability of Streptomyces fulvoviolaceus 818 and characteristics of its population variants. Comptesrendus de I. Academic Bulgare des Sciences, 48 (11-12):99-102. Gesheva, V.; Tewfike, T.A.; Rachev, R. and Zretkova, R. 1995 Local
Talat Mohamed Elhoseny
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (3)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Biodegradation of some organophosphorus pesticides by soil microorganisms. The 2nd International Scientific Congress For Environment 28-30 March 2006 South Valley University, Egypt. Zaghloul, R.A.; El-Houseiny, T.M.; Hanafy, Ehsan A.; Rahal, A.G. and Abdel-Rahman, H.M. 2006 Local
2 Effect of Biofertilization and Organic Manuring on Soil Dehydrogenase Activity, Macronutrients and Essential Oil Content of Marjoram R.A. Zaghloul, T.M. El-Husseiny, Ehsan A. Hanafy, A.GH. Rahal* and H.M. Abdelrahman 2010 International
3 Effect of Biofertilization and Organic Manuring on Soil Dehydrogenase Activity, Macronutrients and Essential Oil Content of Marjoram R.A. Zaghloul, T.M. El-Husseiny, Ehsan A. Hanafy, A.GH. Rahal* and H.M. Abdelrahman 2010 International
4 Effectiveness of organic farming on growth performance and yield of marjoram. The thirteenth Microbiology Conf., Cairo, Egypt, (2009). Zaghloul, R.A.; T.M. El-husseiny; Ehsan A. Hanafy; A. GH. Rahal and H. M. A. Abdelrahman 2009 Local
5 Efficiency of some soil microorganisms in degradation of Diazinon pesticide. 12th Conference of Microbiology; Cairo, Egypt, March 18-20 2007. Zaghloul, R.A.; Rahal, A. GH.; Hanafy, Ehasan, A. and El-Housseiny, T.M. 2007 Local
6 Interaction effect between biofertilization and organic manuring on some enzymes activity macronutrients and essential oil content of marjoram. The thirteenth Microbiology Conf., Cairo, Egypt, (2009). Zaghloul, R.A.; T.M. El-Husseiny; Ehsan A. Hanafy; A. GH. Rahal and H.M., Abdelrahman 2009 Local
7 Maximization of chitosan production by Aspergillus niger on different culture conditions Abou-Aly, H.E1 ; Zaghloul, R.A1 ; El-Housseini , T,M1 ; Ghonaimy,G.A2 ; Ashry, Noha,M1 2014 International
8 Response of damssisa to biofertilizers and organic manure application in presence of Pseudomonas fluorescens. The thirteenth Microbiology Conf., Cairo, Egypt, (2009). Zaghloul, R.A.; T.M. El-Husseiny; Ehsan A. Hanafy; A. GH. Rahal and H.M. Abdelrahman 2009 Local
Ahmed Abdel-Khalek Salem Salem Nayl
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (7)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Enzymatic Pretreatment of Some Lignocellulosic Materials for Biofuel Production R.M.El-Meihy, A.A. Salem, H.M.Abdel-Rahman and N.M.Ashry 2017 Local
2 Evaluation of biodegradability of polylactic acid films in the soil. Abdel-Rahman, H.M. and A.A. Salem 2016 International
3 Evaluation of biodegradability of polylactic acid films in the soil. Abdel-Rahman, H.M. and A.A. Salem 2016 International
4 Isolation, screening and production of extracellular protease from thermophilic bacteria. Magda, S. Abdalla1; O. A. Seoudi1; A.A.Salem2 and Esraa, A. I.Hasan1 2016 International
5 Lignocellulose degrading enzymes of Pleurotus sapidus 2014 International
7 Optimization and characterization of cellulolytic enzymes produced from Gliocladium roseum. Salem, A.A. and Abdel-Rahman, H.M. 2016 International
8 Production and purification of protease from Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagulans and using the enzyme for improvement and accelerating Domiati cheese ripening. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 41(3): 1089-1102. Neweigy, N.A.; Abou-Aly, H.E.; Azza, Ismail, A.; Tewfike, T.A. and Nayl, A.A. 2003 Local
9 Title: Influence of the integration among oxytetracycline, oregano essential oil or garlic powder on intestine microbial population and productive performance of Japanese quail. El garhy, O.H.M1; Salem, A. A.2 and Abdel-Rahman, H. M2 2016 International
Hamed El-Sayed Abou Aly
Local Publication (23)
International Publication (9)
Total (32)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Acceleration of fenamiphos pesticide degradation in liquid culture and soil by some microorganisms Abou-Aly, H.E. and I.N. Nasr 2009 Local
2 Assessment of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria activity under saline stress Rahal, A. GH.; Ehsan A. Hanafy; R. A. Zaghloul; H. E. Abou-Aly and Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2011 Local
3 Assessment of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria activity under saline stress Rahal, A. GH.; Ehsan A. Hanafy; R. A. Zaghloul; H. E. Abou-Aly and Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2011 Local
4 Biofertilization influence of tomato seeds and seedlings by non-symbiotic N2-fixers on tomato plant growth and Fusarium disease severity. Tewfike, T.A. and Abou-Aly, H.E. 2000 Local
5 Co-inoculation effect with Rhizobium and Azospirillum on growth, nodulation and yield of guar plant (Cyampsis tetragonoloba L.). Abou-Aly, H.E. 2001 Local
6 Colonization of pepper roots with salt-tolerant PGPR as inducer for saline stress. Abou-Aly, H. E.,R.A. Zaghloul, Ehsan A. Hanafy, A.Gh. Rahal and Rasha M. El-Meihy 2015 Local
7 Complemented effect of glycine betaine and biofertilizers on growth and productivity of sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L.) plant under high temperature condition Abou-Aly, H.E. and M.A. Mady 2014 Local
8 Complemented effect of humic acid and biofertilizers on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) productivity Abou-Aly, H.E. and M.A. Mady 2009 Local
9 Degumming of silk fibers by protease from Bacillus subtilis. Neweigy, N.A. and H.E. Abou Aly 2003 Local
10 Effect of biofertilization and organic manuring on growth performance and chemical composition of tomato under saline stress. Zaghloul R.A.; A.Gh. Rahal; H. E. Abou-Aly, Ehsan A. Hanafy,and Rasha M. El-Meihy 2014 International
11 Effect of salt-tolerant PGPR on some microbial and oxidative enzymes activity under saline stress Ehsan A. Hanafy, R.A. Zaghloul, H. E. Abou-Aly, A.Gh. Rahal and Rasha M. El-Meihy 2012 Local
12 Efficiency of biofertilization in the presence of both inorganic and organic fertilizers on growth, yield and chemical constituents of anise plant (Pimpinella anisum L.). Gomaa, A.O. and Abou-Aly, H.E 2001 Local
13 Elevating control of pathogenic bacteria in fermented and non-fermented sausage using lactic acid bacteria or essential oils Abou-Aly, H.E., N.A. Neweigy, R.A. Zaghloul, M.R.A. Gad and G.A. Ghonaimy 2007 Local
14 Enhancing Growth, Productivity and Quality of Squash Plants Using Phosphate Dissolving Microorganisms (Bio phos-phor®) Combined with Boron Foliar Spray. Abou El- Yazeid A., H.E. Abou-Aly, M.A. Mady and S.A.M. Moussa 2007 International
15 Enhancing Growth, Productivity and Quality of Tomato Plants Using Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms. Abou El-Yazeid, A and H.E. Abou-Al 2011 International
16 Evaluation of Some Biocontrol Agents against Soil Pathogenic Fungi Abou-Aly, H.E., Neweigy N.A., Zaghloul R.A., El-Sayed S.A. and Bahloul A.M. 2015 International
17 Evaluation of some rhizobacteria as potent biological control agents in vitro. Abou-Aly, H.E 2008 Local
18 Evaluation of the microbiological quality of street-vended juices sold in Cairo. El-Shenawy, M. A., R.A. Zaghloul; N. A. Neweigy; H. E. Abou-Aly; R. K. El-dairouty; W.I. El-Kholy; M. T. Fouad; J. M. Soriano; and J. Mañes 2013 International
19 Impact of inoculation with effective strains of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on Fusarium wilt of pepper Abou-Aly, H.E. 2009 Local
20 Impact of Integration between Phosphate-Solubilizing Microorganisms and Yeast Extract on Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) Productivity H. E. Abou-Aly; M. A. Mady; T. A. Tewfike 2016 International
23 Isolation and identification of cellulases producing thermophilic bacteria and their ability to produce xylanases Ehsan, A. Hanafy; R.A. Zaghloul; H. E.Abou-Aly; Alshaymaa, E. Ahmed 2011 Local
24 Listeria spp. and Enterobacteriaceae Group in Sandwiches of Meat and Meat Products Rashed A. Zaghloul2, Moustafa A. El-Shenawy1*, Naseem A. Neweigy2, Hamed E. Abou-Aly2, Raouf K. El-dairouty1, Wagih I. El-Kholy1, Mohamed T. Fouad1, J. M. Soriano3, J. Mañes3 and Lydia Micó3 2014 International
26 Microbial and chemical quality of retailed sausage and antimicrobial effect of essential oils or lactic acid bacteria against foodborne pathogens Abou-Aly, H.E., R.A. Zaghloul, N.A. Neweigy, M.R.A. Gad and G.A. Ghonaimy 2007 Local
27 Mutation of Aspergillus niger with gamma radiation for improving citric acid production Neweigy N. A.; Abou-Aly, H. E. and Jihan, A. Shaaban 2009 Local
28 Nematicidal Activity of Some Biocontrol Agents against Root-Knot Nematodes In-Vitro Zaghloul, R.A., Neweigy N.A., Abou-Aly H.E., El-Sayed S.A. and Bahloul A.M 2015 International
29 Nematode-antagonistic compounds from certain bacterial species Abdelnabby, H.M.; H.A.Mohamed and H. A. Abou-Aly 2011 Local
30 Production and characterization of endoglucanase from Chaetomium globosum and its effect on lignocellulose degradation Neweigy, N.A.; El-Husseiny, T.M.; Abou Aly, H. E.; Zorn, H. and Salem, A.A 2009 Local
31 Production and purification of protease from Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagulans and using the enzyme for improvement and accelerating Domiati cheese ripening. Neweigy, N.A.*; Abou Aly, H.E.*; Azza A.Ismail,.**; Tewfike,T.A.* and Nayl, A.A.* 2003 Local
32 Using plant growth promoting rhizobacteria for improving tomato growth under saline stress Zaghloul, R. A.; Ehsan A. Hanafy; H.E. Abou-Aly; A.Gh. Rahal and Rasha M. El-Meihy 2012 International
Rasha Mohamed Moustafa El-Meihy
Local Publication (14)
International Publication (21)
Total (35)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria activity under saline stress Ahmed, Gh. Rahal2; Ehsan, A. Hanafy1; Rashed, A. Zaghloul1; Hamed, E. Abou-Aly1; Rasha, M. El-Meihy1 2011 Local
2 Bacterial biosurfactant from Citrobacter freundii MG812314.1 as a bioremoval tool of heavy metals from wastewater Eman Z. Gomaa; Rasha M. El-Meihy 2019 International
3 Biodegradation of Polylactic Acid by Proteolytic and Lipolytic Bacteria Rasha Mohamed El-Meihy 2016 International
4 Characterization and identification of cadmium-tolerant bacteria isolated from contaminated regions in Egypt Rasha M. El-Meihy, Hamed E. Abou-Aly, Taha A. Tewfike, Eman A. El-Alkshar, Ahmed M. Youssef 2019 International
5 Characterization of Promising Antifungal Bioactive Compounds from Endophytic Actinobacterium, Streptomyces rochei OM182844 El-Akshar, Eman, A.; Abou-Aly, Hamed, E.; Tewfike, Taha, A. and El-Meihy, Rasha, M 2022 Local
6 Characterization of rhamnolipids produced by Pseudomonas putida ON763757 isolated from petroleum contaminated soils Rashed A. Zaghloul Ahmed Youssef , Samaa, Tawila , Rasha M. Elmeihy , Hamed E. Abou-Aly 2022 Local
7 Colonization of pepper roots with salt-tolerant PGPR as an inducer for saline stress Abou-Aly, H. E.; R. A. Zaghloul; Ehsan, A. Hanafy; A.GH. Rahal; Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2012 International
8 Effect of biofertilization and organic manuring on growth performance and chemical composition of tomato under saline stress Zaghloul, R.A ;Rahal, GH.A.; Abou-Aly, H.E.; Hanafy, Ehsan, A. and El-Meihy, Rasha, M 2014 International
9 Effect of Carbon Source and Precursors on the Production of Plant Growth Regulators by Azotobacter chroococcum (R19) and Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum (R44) A. GH. Rahal, R. A. Zaghloul, N. A. Neweigy, Ehsan A. Hanafy and Rasha M. El-Meihy 2010 International
10 Effect of salt-tolerant PGPR on the activity of some microbial and plant enzymes under saline sterss Hanafy, Ehsan, A.; R. A. Zaghloul; Abou-Aly, H. E.;A. GH. Rahal; Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2012 International
11 Efficiency of heavy metals-tolerant plant growth promoting bacteria for alleviating heavy metals toxicity on sorghum Rasha M. El-Meihy, Hamed E. Abou-Aly, Ahmed M.Youssef,Taha A. Tewfike, Eman A El-Alkshar 2019 International
12 Efficiency Of Soil Inoculation with Growth Regulators Producing Microorganisms On Some Enzymes Activity Zaghloul, R. A.; A. GH. Rahal; N. A. Neweigy 2008 International
13 Endophytic Streptomyces enissocaesilis As a Nematicidal and Biostimulant Agent Eman A. El-Akshar, Rasha M. El-Meihy* , Taha A. Tewfike and Hamed E. Abou-Aly 2022 Local
14 Enzymatic Pretreatment of Some Lignocellulosic Materials for Biofuel Production RM El-Meihy; AA Salem; HA Abdel-Rahman; NM Ashry 2017 Local
15 Evaluation of heavy metals tolerant bacterial strains as antioxidant agents and plant growth promoters Hamed E.Abou-Aly, Ahmed M.Youssef, Rasha M. El-eihya,Taha A. Tawfik, Eman A. El-Akshar 2019 International
16 Evaluation of PGPR as Osmoprotective Agents for Squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) Growth under Drought Stress Rasha Mohamed El-Meihy 2016 International
17 Fast removal of toxic hexavalent chromium from an aqueous solution by high-density Geobacter sulfurreducens Rasha Elmeihy, Xiao-Chen Shi, Pier-Luc Tremblay, Tian Zhang 2020 International
18 Improvement of Growth and Yield of Pea Plants Using Integrated Fertilization Management Zaghloul R.A.; H.E. Abou-Aly, Rasha M. El-Meihy, M. Talat. El-Saadony 2015 International
19 Indices drinking water quality in four centers Qalyubia Governorate, Egypt Emad, A. Sultan, Rasha M. El-Meihy, Hany M. Abdelrahman, Rashed A. Zaghloul 2022 Local
20 Influential Cooperation between Zeolite and PGPR on Yield and Antimicrobial Activity of Thyme Essential Oil R. A. Zaghloul, Y. F. Y. Mohamed and Rasha M. El-Meihy 2016 International
21 Interaction between growth regulators producing bacteria root-rot fungi on tomato growth plants. The thirteenth Microbiology Conf., Cairo, Egypt, (2009). Zaghloul, R.A.; Ehsan A. Hanafy; A. GH. Rahal; N.A. Neweigy and Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2009 Local
22 Interactive effects of biochar and micronutrients on faba bean growth, symbiotic performance, and soil properties Ibrahim Mohamed, Rasha El-Meihy, Maha Ali, Fang Chen, Daivd Raleve 2017 International
23 Isolation and Characterization of Zinc Tolerant Bacteria from Contaminated Sediments and Soils in Egypt Eman A. El-Alkshar; Hamed E. Abou-Aly; Taha A. Tewfike; Rasha M. El-Meihy; Ahmed M. Yousif 2018 Local
24 Isolation, Characterization and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria as Probiotic El-Beksh, Amany E.; Abou-Aly, H.E.*; Zaghloul, R.E. ; El-Meihy, Rasha M. 2021 Local
25 Maximization of Bio-Ethanol Production by Yeasts using Sugar Cane and Sugar Beet Molasses Zaghloul, R.A.1, Solafa A. Ismail2, Gamal Enan3*, Rasha M. El-Meihy1, Abdel-RahmanH.M. 2021 Local
26 Microbiological and physicochemical evaluation of River Nile (Rosetta branch) Amina E. Soliman; Rashed A. Zaghloul; Rasha M. El-Meihy; Ehsan, A. Hanafy; Hatem M. Ali 2018 Local
27 Microbiological Indicators of a Clayey Soil Planted with Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as Affected by Potassium Fertilization and Different Water Regimes Maha Mohamed El-Sayed Ali and Rasha El-Meihy 2015 International
28 Optimal Environmental Conditions for Production of Plant Growth Regulators by Rizobacteria A.Gh. Rahal, R.A. Zaghloul, N.A. Neweigy, Ehsan A. Hanafy and Rasha M. El-Meihy 2010 International
29 Phylogenetic Diversity of Trichoderma Strains and Their Antagonistic Potential against Soil-Borne Pathogens under Stress Conditions Omar A. Hewedy, Khalid S. Abdel Lateif, Mahmoud F. Seleiman, Ashwag Shami, Fawziah M. Albarakaty, Rasha M. El-Meihy 2020 International
30 Preserving Efficiency of Sausage Inoculated With Listeria Monocytogenes by Ginger Extract Hamoda, Mayar, E., , Elmeihy, Rasha, M.,, Fouad, M.T.,, Abou-Aly, H.E. and Zaghloul, R.A. 2021 Local
31 Production and Evaluation of Alpha-Amylase Produced From Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens Wafaa R. Zaghloul1, Farahat F. A. Foda1, Salah M. M. Saad1, Rasha M. Elmeihy 2021 Local
32 Reduction of heavy metals bioaccumulation in sorghum and its rhizosphere by heavy metals-tolerant bacterial consortium Hamed E Abou-Aly, Ahmed M Youssef, Taha A Tewfike, Eman A El-Alkshar, Rasha M El-Meihy 2021 International
33 Studying the antagonistic activity of some Gluconacetobacter isolates and their colonizing ability of rice roots in vitro Eman, O. Hassan and Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2015 International
34 Suppression of Sclerotium cepivorum Using Biofumigation By Glucosinolate-Containing Plant and Cyanogenic Bacteria Abdel-Rahman, H. M.*; R. M. Elmeihy and A. A. Salem 2021 Local
35 Using plant growth promoting rhizobactcria for improving tomato growth under saline stress Rashed A Zaghloul; Ehsan A. Hanafi 2012 International
Rashed Abdel-Fatah Mohamed Zaghloul
Local Publication (34)
International Publication (39)
Total (73)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Biogas production from Jew’s mallow processing wastes and cattle dung using batch feeding system. Hanafy, Ehsan, A.; Estefanous, A.N.; Zaghloul, R.A. and El-Akshar, Y.S. 2000 Local
2 Enhancement of culture conditions for chitosan production by Rhizopus nigricans Zaghloul, R.A1; Abou-Aly, H.E1; El-Housseini , T,M1 ; Ghonaimy,G.A2; Ashry, Noha,M 2014 Local
3 Biogas production from Artichoke processing wastes by using semi-continuous feeding system. Zaghloul, R.A.; Estefanous, A.N.; Hanafy, Ehsan, A. and El-Akshar, Y.S. 2000 Local
4 Comparison of Antibacterial Activity of Fungal Chitosan and Some Preservatives Against Some Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria Zaghloul, R.A ; Abou-Aly, H.E ; El-Housseiny,T. M; Ghonaimy,G.A and Ashry, Noha,M . 2015 International
5 EFFECTIVENESS OF ORGANIC FARMING ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND YIELD OF MARJORAM. Zaghloul, R. A. 1 ; T. M. El-husseiny 1; Ehsan A. Hanafy1; A. GH. Rahal 2 and Abdelrahman, H. M. A.1 2010 Local
6 Incidence of some epidemiologically relevant food-borne pathogens in street-vended sandwiches. Moustafa A. El-Shenawy1, Rashed A. Zaghloul2, Ibrahim H.Abbass3, Amira I.Esmail3 and Mohamed T. Fouad1 2016 International
7 Optimal environmental conditions for production of plant growth regulators by rhizbacteria. . Rahal, A. GH. 2 ; R. A. Zaghloul 1 ; N. A. Neweigy 1; Ehsan A. Hanafy1 and Rasha, M. El-Meihy1 2010 Local
8 - Suppressionof root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) activity in tomato using biocontrol agents. - Suppressionof root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) activity in tomato using biocontrol agents. 2015 International
9 Antagonistic activity of Bacillus subtilis B38 and Pseudomonas fluorescens B103 against root-rot and wilting fungi in tomato. Zaghloul, R. A. ; H. E. Abou-Aly; N. A. Neweigy;S. A. El-Sayed and A. M. Bahloul 2015 International
10 Application of biofertilization and biological control for cowpea production Zaghloul, R.A.; Abou-Aly, H.E.; Abdel-Rahman, H.M.1and Hassan, M.A. 2017 International
11 Application of biofertilization and biological control for tomato production. Zaghloul, R.A.; Hanafy, Ehsan, A.; Neweigy, N.A. and Khalifa, Neamat,A. 2007 International
12 Assessment of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria activity under saline stress. Ahmed, Gh. Rahal2; Ehsan, A. Hanafy1; Rashed, A. Zaghloul1; Hamed, E. Abou-Aly1; Rasha, M. El-Meihy1 2011 International
13 Biodegradation of some organophosphorus pesticides by soil microorganisms. Zaghloul, R.A.; El-Housseiny, T.M.; Ehsan, A. Hanafy; Rahal, A. Gh. and Abdel-Rahman, H.M. 2006 Local
14 Biofertilization and organic manuring efficiency on growth and yield of caraway plants (Carum carvi L.). El-Khyat, A.S. and Zaghloul, R.A. 1999 Local
15 Biofertilization and organic manuring efficiency on growth and yield of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.). Zaghloul, R.A. 2002 Local
16 Bioremediation of the polluted soil with carbamate pesticides by Streptomyces violaceusniger or/and Azospirillum brasilense. Zaghloul, R.A.; Ehsan, A. Hanafy; Rahal, A. Gh. and Lobna, A. Moussa 2003 Local
17 Characterization of Endophytic Bacteria Isolated from Legumes and Non-Legumes Plants in Egypt ( Rashed A. Zaghloul, Hamed E. Abou-Aly, Taha A.Tewfike* and Noha M. Ashry 2016 International
18 Colonization of pepper roots with salt-tolerant PGPR as an inducer for saline stress. Abou-Aly, H. E.; R. A. Zaghloul; Ehsan, A. Hanafy; A.GH. Rahal; Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2012 International
19 Comparison of Antibacterial Activity of Fungal Chitosan and Some Preservatives Against Some Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria. Egypt. J. Microbiol 2015 International
20 Economic return of garbage recycling in Qalubia Governorate( El-sestawy,M.S; Zaghloul, R.A;Gado,E.H.and Bedeer, N.G 2015 International
21 Effect of biofertilization and biological control on growth and chemical constituents of volkamariana seedlings. Gendiah, H.M. and Zaghloul, R.A. 1997 Local
22 Effect of biofertilization and organic manuring on growth performance and chemical composition of tomato under saline stress Zaghloul, R.A ;Rahal, GH.A.; Abou-Aly, H.E.; Hanafy, Ehsan, A. and El-Meihy, Rasha, M. 2014 International
23 Effect of Biofertilization and Organic Manuring on Soil Dehydrogenase Activity, Macronutrients and Essential Oil Content of Marjoram. R.A. Zaghloul, T.M. El-Husseiny, Ehsan A. Hanafy, A.GH. Rahal* and H.M. Abdelrahman 2010 Local
24 Effect of Carbon Source and Precursors on the Production of Plant Growth Regulators by Azotobacter chroococcum (R19) and Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum (R44). A. GH. Rahal, R. A. Zaghloul*, N. A. Neweigy*, Ehsan A. Hanafy* and Rasha M. El-Meihy* 2010 Local
25 Effect of dual inoculation (VA-mycorrhizae and Rhizobium) and zinc foliar application on growth and yield of mungbean. Zaghloul, R.A.; M.A. El-Ghozoli and S.A.S. Mehasen 2002 Local
26 Effect of mycorrhizal inoculation and phosphatic fertilization on damping-off and root-rot disease of sour orange. I- The effect on disease severity, microbial counts, phenols and carbohydrates content. Zagazig J. Agric. Res., Vol. 25 No. (6): 975-990. Abd El-Mageed, M.H.; Gendiah, H.M. and Zaghloul, R.A. 1998 Local
27 Effect of mycorrhizal inoculation and phosphatic fertilization on damping-off and root-rot disease of sour orange. II- Growth characters, chemicals analysis and colonization intensity with mycorrhizae. Zagazig J. Agric. Res., Vol. 25 No. (6): 1145-1155. Gendiah, H.M.; Zaghloul, R.A. and Abd El-Mageed, M.H. 1998 Local
28 Effect of salt-tolerant PGPR on the activity of some microbial and plant enzymes under saline stress. Hanafy, Ehsan, A.; R. A. Zaghloul; Abou-Aly, H. E.;A. GH. Rahal; Rasha, M. El-Meihy. 2012 International
29 Effect of seed treatment with fungicide (Ridomil) combined with rhizobial inoculation on root-rot disease and growth of faba bean plants. Zaghloul, R.A. 1997 Local
30 EFFECT OF SOME ESSENTIAL OILS ON MICROBIOLOGICAL QUALITY OF COSMETICS PRODUCTS Abou-Aly1 H.E.; Zaghloul1 R.A.; Ehsan A. Hanafy1 and M. A. Emam2 2015 International
31 Effectiveness of bio- control agents against tomato soil borne pathogens. Zaghloul, R.A.; Hanafy, Ehsan, A.; Neweigy, N.A. and Khalifa, Neamat,A. 2008 Local
32 Effectiveness of dual inoculation with Azospirillum and phosphate solubilizing microorganisms on growth and yield of Zea mays L. Zaghloul, R.A. 1999 Local
33 Effectiveness of dual inoculation with Bradyrhizobium and Endomycorrhizae in presence of different phosphatic fertilizer sources on growth and yield of soybean. Mehasen, S.A.S.; Zaghloul, R.A. and M.A. El-Ghozoli 2002 Local
34 Effectiveness of endophytic bacteria combined with micronutrients on growth characteristics and productivity of faba bean Zaghloul, R. A.; Abou-Aly, H.E.; Tewfike, T.A. and Ashry, Noha, M. 2018 International
35 Efficiency of soil inoculation with growth regulators producing microorganisms on some enzymes activity . Zaghloul, R. A. 1 ; Ehsan A. Hanafy1 ; A. GH. Rahal 2 ; N. A. Neweigy 1 and Rasha, M. El-Meihy1 2008 Local
36 Efficiency of some isolated soil microorganisms for carbofuran pesticide degradation. Rahal, A. Gh.; Ehsan, A. Hanafy; Zaghloul, R.A. and Lobna, A. Moussa 2003 Local
37 Efficiency of some organic manures and biofertilization with Azospirillum brasilense for wheat manuring. Zaghloul, R.A.; Amer, A.A. and Mostafa, M.H. 1996 Local
38 Efficiency of some soil microorganisms in degradation of diazinon pesticide. Rahal, A.Gh.; Zaghloul, R.A.; Hanafy, Ehsan, A.; El-Housseiny, T.M. and Abdel-Rahman, H.M. 2007 Local
39 Elevating control of pathogenic bacteria in fermented and non fermented sausage using lactic acid bacteria or essential oils. Abou-Aly, H.E.; Neweigy, N.A.; Zaghloul, R.A.; Gad, M.R.A. and Ghonaimy, G.A. 2007 International
40 Enhancement of culture conditions for chitosan production by Rhizopus nigricans Zaghloul,R.A; Abou-Aly, H.E;El-Housseini , T,M ; Ghonaimy,G.A; Ashry, Noha,M 2014 International
41 Evaluation of biological activities for salt-tolerant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria using different microbial carriers Hoda, R.A. El-Zehery, Zaghloul, R. A, Salem, A.A., Abdel-Rahman, H.M. and Enas, A. Hassan. 2018 International
42 Evaluation of some biocontrol agents against soil pathogenic fungi Abou-Aly, H. E.;R. A. Zaghloul;Neweigy, N. A. ; S. A. El-Sayed and A. M. Bahloul. 2015 International
43 Evaluation of the microbiological quality of street- vended juices sold in great Cairo-Egypt. Mostafa A. El-Shenawy,Naseem A. Neweigy,RashedA.Zaghloul,Hamed A. Abou-Aly,Raouf K. El-Dairouty,Wagih.el-Kholy,MohammedT.Fouad,Soriano J.M and J.Manes. 2013 International
44 Growth and yield of maize plants as affected by Azospirillum inoculation in presence of different nitrogen sources. Zaghloul, R.A. 2001 Local
45 Highly Production of Cellulases Enzymes under Submerged State Fermentation for Agricultural Wastes Composting Salma H. El-Maraghy1, Rashed A. Zaghloul1, Osama M. Darwesh2, Hany M. Abdelrahman 2019 International
47 Improvement of Growth and Yield of Pea Plants Using Integrated Fertilization Management Zaghloul R.A.1; H.E. Abou-Aly1, Rasha M. El-Meihy1, Mohamed.Talat. El-Saadony2,* 2015 International
48 Improvement of Growth and Yield of Pea Plants Using Integrated Fertilization Management. Zaghloul R.A. ; H.E. Abou-Aly , Rasha M. El-Meihy , Mohamed.Talat. El-Saadony 2015 International
49 Improvement of paper wastes conversion to bioethanol using novel cellulose degrading fungal isolate Osama M. Darwesha,⁎, Salma H. El-Maraghyb, Hany M. Abdel-Rahmanb, Rashed A. Zaghlo 2020 International
50 Improvement of the efficiency of acacia and prosopis for controlling shifting and using bio and mineral nitrogen fertilization. Draz, M.Y.; Zaghloul, A.K. and Zaghloul, R. A. 2006 Local
51 Increasing the efficiency of Tamarix aphylla for sandunesstabilization using plant growth promoting microorganisms. Zaghloul ,A.K . and R.A .Zaghloul 2012 International
52 Influence of biofertilization with bradyrhizobium and phosphate solubilizing bacteria and micronutrients application on growth and yield of soybean. Zaghloul, R.A. and H.E. Abou Aly 2002 Local
53 Influence of wheat inoculation with Mycorrhizal fungi, phosphate solubilizing bacteria and Azospirillum on its growth and soil fertility. Zaghloul, R.A.; Mostafa, M.H. and Amer, A.A. 1996 Local
54 Influential Cooperation between Zeolite and PGPR on Yield and Antimicrobial Activity of Thyme Essential Oil R. A. Zaghloul, Y. F. Y. Mohamed and Rasha M. El-Meihy. 2016 International
55 Inoculation efficiency of rice plants with Azolla as a biofertilizers in the presence of different levels of phosphorus. Hanafy, Ehsan, A.; N.A. Neweigy; R.A. Zaghloul and El-Sayed-Badawy, H.E. 1998 Local
56 Interaction between growth regulators producing bacteria root-rot fungi on tomato growth . Zaghloul, R. A. 1 ; Ehsan A. Hanafy1 ; A. GH. Rahal 2 ; N. A. Neweigy 1 and Rasha, M. El-Meihy1 2010 Local
57 Interaction between virus infection and fungal disease in bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris): II- Efficiency of mycorrhizal inoculation on effectiveness of bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) and Rhizoctonia solani. Abd El-Mageed, M.H. and Zaghloul, R.A. 1998 Local
58 Interaction effect of rhizobial inoculation on viral and fungal infection in broad bean (Vicia faba L.). Zaghloul, R.A. and Abd El-Mageed, M.H. 1996 Local
59 Isolation and identification of cellulases producing thermophilic bacteria and their ability to produce xylanase enzymes Isolation and identification of cellulases producing thermophilic bacteria and their ability to produce xylanase enzymes 2012 International
60 Isolation and identification of rhizobial strains from faba bean nodules Zaghloul, R.A ; Abou-Aly, H.E; Abdelrahman, H. M.;Abotaleb,H.A and Mona ,H.A,Hussein. Zaghloul, R.A ; Abou-Aly, H.E; Abdelrahman, H. M.;Abotaleb,H.A and Mona ,H.A,Hussein Zaghloul, R.A ; Abou-Aly, H.E; Abdelrahman, H. M.;Abotaleb,H.A and Mon 2016 International
61 Listeria spp and Enterobacteriaceae group in sandwiches of meat and meat products Rashed, A.Zaghloul ,Mostafa A. El-Shenawy,Naseem A. Neweigy, ,Hamed,A. bou-Aly,Raouf K. El-Dairouty,Wagih.el-Kholy,MohammedT.Fouad,Soriano J.M and J.Manes. 2014 International
62 Maximization of chitosan production by Aspergillus nigeron different culture conditions. Abou-Aly,H.E; Zaghloul, R.A; El-Housseini , T,M ; Ghonaimy,G.A; Ashry, Noha,M 2014 International
63 Microbial and chemical quality of retailed sausage and antimicrobial effect of essential oils or lactic acid bacteria against foodborne pathogens. Abou-Aly, H.E.; Zaghloul, R.A.; Neweigy, N.A.; Gad, M.R.A. and Ghonaimy, G.A. 2007 Local
64 MICROBIAL CONTAMINATION OF SOME COSMETICS AND PERSONAL CARE ITEMS IN EGYPT aghloul,1 R.A., H.E. Abou-Aly1 ; Ehsan A. Hanafy1 and M. A. Emam2 2015 International
65 Microbiological and physicochemical evaluation of River Nile (Rosetta branch) Amina E. Soliman, Rashed A. Zaghloul, Rasha M. El-Meihy, Ehsan, A. Hanafy, Hatem M. Ali 2018 International
66 Nematicidal activity of some biocontrol agents against root-knot nematodes in vitro Zaghloul, R. A. ; N. A. Neweigy;H. E. Abou-Aly; S. A. El-Sayed and A. M. Bahloul 2015 International
67 Potential of Azotobacter salinestris as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria under saline stress conditions Rashed,A.Zaghloul;Omer,Amal.M;Hassan,M.Emara;Mohamed,O. Abdel-Monem andGhada, E. Dawam. 2017 International
68 Production of chitosan by surface and submerged fermentation from Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus nigricans Zaghloul, R.A 1 ; Abou-Aiy, H.E1;EI-Housseiny,T. M1;Ghonaimy,G.A 2and Ashry, Noha,M1 2017 International
69 Response of damssisa to biofertilizers and organic manure application in presence of Pseudomonas fluorescens Zaghloul, R. A. ; T. M. El-Husseiny; Ehsan A. Hanafy1; A. GH. Rahal and H. M. , Abdelrahman. 2009 International
70 Response of sorghum to inoculation with Azospirillum, organic and inorganic fertilization in the presence of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms. Neweigy, N.A.; Ehsan A. Hanafy; Zaghloul, R.A. and El-Sayeda, H. El-Badawy 1997 Local
71 Suppressionof root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) activity in tomato using biocontrol agents. Abou-Aly, H. E.; R. A. Zaghloul; N. A. Neweigy; S. A. El-Sayed and A. M. Bahloul. 2015 International
72 Suppressionof root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) activity in tomato using biocontrol agents. Abou-Aly, H. E.; R. A. Zaghloul; N. A. Neweigy; S. A. El-Sayed and A. M. Bahloul. 2015 International
73 Using plant growth promoting rhizobacteriafor improving tomato growth under saline stress. Zaghloul, R. A. ; Ehsan, A. Hanafy; H. E. Abou-Aly; A. GH. Rahal; Rasha, M. El-Meihy 2012 International
Noha Mohamed Mokhtar Ashry
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (7)
Total (7)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Comparison of Antibacterial Activity of Fungal Chitosan and Some Preservatives Against Some Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria R.A.1, Zaghloul, H.E., Abou-Aly, T.M., El-Housseiny, G.A.2 Ghonaimy* and Ashry, Noha, M. 2015 International
2 Effectiveness of endophytic bacteria combined with micronutrients on growth characteristics and productivity of faba bean Zaghloul, R. A.; Abou-Aly, H.E.; Tewfike, T.A. and Ashry, Noha, M. 2018 International
3 Enhancement of culture conditions for chitosan production by Rhizopus nigricans Zaghloul, R.A1; Abou-Aly, H.E1; El-Housseini , T,M1 ; Ghonaimy,G.A2; Ashry, Noha,M1 2014 International
4 Isolation and Characterization of Endophytic Bacteria Isolated from Legumes and Non-Legumes Plants in Egypt Rashed A. Zaghloul, Hamed E. Abou-Aly, Taha A.Tewfike* and Noha M. Ashry 2016 International
5 Maximization of chitosan production by Aspergillus niger on different culture conditions Abou-Aly, H.E1; Zaghloul, R.A1; El-Housseini , T,M1 ; Ghonaimy,G.A2; Ashry, Noha,M1 2014 International
6 Production of chitosan by surface and submerged fermentation from Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus nigricans Zaghloul, R.A ; Abou-Aiy, H.E;EI-Housseiny,T. M;Ghonaimy,G.A and Ashry, Noha,M 2017 International
7 Soil biofilm formation enhances microbial community diversity and metabolic activity Yichao Wua, Peng Caia, Xinxin Jinga, Xueke Niua, Dandan Jia, Noha Mohamed Ashrya, Chunhui Gaoa, Qiaoyun Huanga 2019 International
eman abd elrahman mohamed elakshar
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (2)
Total (4)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Characterization of Promising Antifungal Bioactive Compounds from Endophytic Actinobacterium, Streptomyces rochei OM182844 El-Akshar, Eman, A. Abou-Aly, Hamed, E. Tewfike, Taha, A. El-Meihy, Rasha, M. 2022 Local
2 Efficiency of Heavy Metals-Tolerant Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria for Alleviating Heavy Metals Toxicity on Sorghum Rasha El-MeihyRasha El-MeihyHamed Abou-AlyHamed Abou-AlyAhmed M. YoussefShow all 5 authorsEman ElaksharEman Elakshar 2019 International
3 Endophytic Streptomyces enissocaesilis As a Nematicidal and Biostimulant Agent Eman A. El-Akshar 1 Rasha M. Elmeihy 2 Taha A. Tewfike 1 Hamed E. Abou-Aly 1 2023 Local
4 Isolation and Characterization of Zinc Tolerant Bacteria from Contaminated Sediments and Soils in Egypt Eman A. El-Alkshar; Hamed E. Abou-Aly; Taha A. Tewfike; Rasha M. El-Meihy; Ahmed M. Yousif 2018 International
Hoda Rashwan Ahmed Al-zoheri
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International Publication (2)
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of biological activities for salt-tolerant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria using different microbial carriers Hoda, R.A. El-Zehery1 ; Zaghloul, R. A; Salem, A.A., Abdel-Rahman, H.M.and Enas, A. Hassan 2018 International
2 salt-tolerant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria Hoda Rashwan Ahmed Al-Zoheri 2018 International
Ahmed Mohamed El-Toukhy Bahlol
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mariam abdeltwab ali elzoughby
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 In vitro Evaluation of Spirulina Platensis Extracts Against Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated from some Cosmetic Products Mariam, A. Elzoughby; Abdel-Rahman., H.M; Tewfike, T.A. and Salem, A.A. 2022 Local
Samaa Atef Sayed Ismail
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 .Characterization of rhamnolipids produced by Pseudomonas putida ON763757 isolated from petroleum contaminated soils Samaa, A. Tawila1, Rasha M. El-Meihy1, Ahmed M. Youssef2*, Rashed A. Zaghloul1, Hamed E. Abou-Aly1 2022 Local
2 Characterization of rhamnolipids produced by Pseudomonas putida ON763757 isolated from petroleum contaminated soils 2022 Local
Abdelrhman Zaghloul Abdelfatah Zaghloul
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Optimization of Orange Pigment Yield Produced by Monascus ruber under Submerged Fermentation Conditions Abd El Rahman Z. Zaghloul, Noha M. Ashry1, Ahmed A. Salem1, Osama M. Darwesh2and Hamed E. Abou-Aly 2023 Local
Eman Elsayed Morsy Mohamed Darwish
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Isolation of Some Lactic Acid Bacteria from Poultry and Evaluation for Their Probiotic Features Eman E. Darwish1*, Rasha M. El-Meihy1, Hany M. Abdel-Rahman1, Magdy A. Mohamed2 and Rashed A. Zaghloul1 2023 Local
Fatma Hamdi Ali Hassan
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# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Production and Characterization of Bacterial Cellulose from Komagataeibacter xylinus Fatma H. Harazon; Rasha El-Meihy; Hany Abdel-Rahman; Ahmed Yossef; Rashed Zaghloul 2024 Local
Ghada Said Abdelnaby Mohamed Baghdady
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Mariam Taher Ibrahim siam
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Mohamed Mostafa Ibrahim Afify Ghaly
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