Publication From Year: Publication TO Year:

Faculty of Agriculture: Department of Botany

Total number of Publications in the Department of Botany - Faculty of Agriculture is 248

Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Mady
Local Publication (15)
International Publication (3)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Complemented effect of humic acid and biofertilizers on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) productivity. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 47(1) :1-12 Abou-Aly, H.E. and M.A. Mady 2009 Local
2 Interaction effect between phosphate dissolving microorganisms and boron on squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) growth, endogenous phytohormones and fruit yield J. Biol. Chem. Environ. Sci., 1(4): 751-774 Abou-Aly, H.E.; M.A. Mady and S.A.M. Moussa. 2006 Local
3 A Effect of some phosphorus compounds as seed-soaking material on winter squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) plants J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 34 (6): 6677-6689 Mady, M. 2009 Local
4 Effect of foliar application with yeast extract and zinc on setting and yield of faba bean (Vicia faba L) A J. Biol. Chem. Environ. Sci., 4(2):109 -127 Mady,M. A. 2009 Local
5 Effect of low temperature on (1-growth-2 fruit yield and quality) squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) Plant. Egypt . J. Appl. Sci., 15(10):12-54 Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M.; Wanas, A.L. and Mady, M. A. 2000 Local
6 Physiological role of some nutrients and citric acid on growth and yield quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Annals of Agric. Sci. Abd El-Dayem, H. M1; Kheder Z.M.1; Mady M.A1. and El-Gemal, E. S2. 2009 Local
7 Reproductive growth and Buit yield of tomato and sweet peppen plants an affected by sed and for –red light seffected from colored plastic mulches. Annals of 43(4): 1543. El-Desouky, S.A.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M.; Wanas, A.L. and Mady, M. A. 2005 Local
8 Response of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla, l.) plants to foliar spray with boron and some ntioxidant 4th Scientific Conference' Safe Agriculture products for Health & Environment by using Recent technologies' National Research Center, May 5-6, Gomaa, A. O. and Mady, M. A. 2008 Local
9 Studies on photomor phogenesis in some economical plants. I-Vegetative growth of tomato and sweet peppn plants as affected by red and far-red fight effect from colosed plastic mulchs. Annals of Agric. Sci. Moshtohor, 43(4): 1471-1496 I-El-Desouky, S.A.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M.; Wanas, A.L. and Mady, M. A. 2005 Local
10 Complemented effect of humic acid and biofertilizers on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) productivity. Annals Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 47(1): Bo. 1-12. Abou-Aly, H.E. and Mady, M.A. 2009 Local
11 Effect of boron and yeast extract foliar application on growth, pod setting and both green pod and seed yield of broad bean (Vicia faba L) . Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(2): 1240-1251. Abou El-Yazied, A. and M.A. Mady 2012 International
12 Effect of foliar application with salicylic acid and vitamin E on growth and productivity of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plant. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 34 (6): 6665-6676 Mady, M. A. 2009 Local
13 Effect of foliar application with yeast extract and zinc on fruit setting and yield of faba bean (Vicia faba L). J. Biol. Chem. Environ. Sci., 4(2): 109-127. Mady, M.A. 2009 Local
14 Effect of Naphthalene Acetic Acid and Yeast Extract on Growth and Productivity of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Plants. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 7(2): 271-281. Abou El-Yazied, A. and M.A. Mady 2011 International
15 Effect of potassium, some antioxidants, phosphoric acid and napthalene acetic acid (NAA) on growth and productivity of faba bean plants (Faba vulgaris). Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 49(1): 53-64. Zewail R.M.Y; Z.M.A. Khder and M.A. Mady 2011 Local
16 Endogenous phytohormons and feab anatomy in tomato and sweet peppen plants as affected by sed and far-red fight seffected from colosed plastic mugcges. Annals of 43(4):1497-1520. II El-Desouky, S.A.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M.; Wanas, A.L. and Mady, M. A. 2005 Local
17 Influence Of Colour Mulches On Photomorphogenesis And Productivity Of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annum cv.Baladi) Annals. Of Agric Sc. Moshtohor, 46 (4): 71 – 80 Mady*, M.A.; Schrotter, S.; El-Desouky, S. A. and Schnug E. 2008 Local
18 Plastic mulch color and potassium foliar application affect growth and productivity of strawberry (Fragaria X ananassa Duch.). Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(2): 1227-1239. Abou El-Yazied, A. and M.A. Mady 2011 International
Mohamed Fawzy Abd Elhameed Abd Elhameed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (63)
Total (63)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A comparison of different methods for estimating potential evapotranspiration. 1985 International
2 Bio- Treatment of wool fabric to enhance their dyeability to wards natural dyes. Part 1: Dyeing of wool fabric pretreated with brewer's yeast filtrate., 1st . International Con. Of Textile Research Division, NRC, Cairo. Egypt, March 2-4, 2004. 647-655. 2004 International
3 Certain internal components in some cultivated plants sown under Elsheikh zanied sand dunes stress ecosystem. Conf. Sci Resh. and its role for controlling Desertation and Sand Dunes Fixation. Sultan Qabos Univ. Oman, April 2-4, 2005, 63-77. 2005 International
4 Changes in reserve components during seed sprouting stage of safflower Carthamus tinctows, L.) 2nd Conf., Ornamental Hort. Fac. Agric Suez Canal Univ. Esmailia, Egypt, October 24-26, 120-134, 1998. 1998 International
5 Changes in reserve components during sprouting stage of specific midicinal plants (1) Black cumin (Nigella sativa, L.) Ann. Agric, Sci, Moshtohor, 35 (3) : 1325 - 1336 - 1997. 1997 International
6 Changes in reserve components during sprouting stage of specific midicinal plants (2) Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum, L). Ann. Agnic, Sci, Moshtohor 35 (3) : 1337 - 1350 - 1997. 1997 International
7 Changes in some reserve components during sprouting stage of two Hibiscuss speies, Ann. Agric., Sci., Moshtohor, 35 (3) : 1351 - 1368 -1997. 1997 International
8 Combined effect of different N x K rates. On specific available mineral accumulations and nitrate reductase activity of sisal secdlings (Agave sisalana, perrine). 2nd Conf., Ornamental Hort. Fac. Agric Suez Canal Univ. Esmailia, Egypt, Octoper 24-26, 135-150, 1998 1998 International
9 Control seed dormancy of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Ann. Agric. Sci Moshtoher, 35 (3): 1369 - 1382.1997 1997 International
10 Control seed dormancy of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Ann. Agric. Sci Moshtoher, 35 (3): 1369 - 1382.1997 1997 International
11 Control seed-dormancy of Opuntia Ficus Indica . Ann. Of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor 32 (4) : 1873 - 1888, 1994. 1994 International
12 Control The physiologic stress resulted from Cd and Pb foliage application on sager beet plant by using foliar spray with certain growth regulators. J. Agric Sci. Mansoura Univ., 28 (5): 3571-3602, 2003. 2003 International
13 Development of the fresh water phytoplankton in a fish pond eca-system. Egypt. J.,Bot. 37,2, 109-127,1997. 1997 International
14 Dyeing of Nylon, 6 fibers with natural dyes. Proc., 1st . International Con. Of Textile Research Division, NRC, Cairo. Egypt, March 2-4, 2004. 639-646. 2004 International
15 Ecological studies on sand dunes of North Sinai with special references to their native dependent plants diversity. Conf. Sci. Resh and Its Role. for Controlling Desertation and Sand Dunes Fixation. Sultan Qabos Univ. Oman, April 2-4, 2005, 1-23. 2005 International
16 Ecophysiologicar studies on sand dunes native dependent plants of North Sinai (Egypt). Conf. Sci. Resh and Its role for controlling Desertation and Sand Dunes Fixation. Sultan Qabos Univ. Oman, April 2-4, 2005, 24-37. 2005 International
17 Effect of CCC and B-9 on some cucurbitaceous plants. I- Effect on growth and yield. Abdel-HAMED.M.F 1979 International
18 Effect of CCC and B-9 on some cucurbitaceous plants. II-Effect on total hydrolysable carbohydrate and crude protein contents and their relation. Abdei-Hamed,M. F. & Abdel-Dayem 1979 International
19 Effect of Chloromequate (CCC) on growth and yield of eggplant and pepper. , 1979 . Abdel-Hamed,M.F. 1979 International
20 Effect of foliar Feeding with nitrogen and potassium on some growth characteristics, yield and chemical composition of fodder beet plant (Beta vulgaris, L.). Proc., 1st Symp. Egyp. Soci., Plant Nutri. and Fertil. September, 1997, 23-40 (Proc., 1999). 1999 International
21 Effect of foliar spray with some growth regulators and micro-nutrients on Roselle plant. Proc. of the 4th. Egypt. Conference of Botany, Suiz Canal Unvi., 16-19 April, 1985, Part II, 802-817. 1985 International
22 Effect of growth regulators and anti-transpirants on evapotranspiration by wheat plant. 1985 International
23 Effect of growth regulators and micro-nutrients on the pattern of dry matter distribution of Rosselle plant. Proc. of the 4th, Egypt. Conference of Botany, Suiz Canal Univ., 16-19 April, 1985, Part III, 1002-1019 1985 International
24 Effect of growth regulators and micro-nutrients on the pattern of dry matter distribution of Rosselle plant. Proc. of the 4th, Egypt. Conference of Botany, Suiz Canal Univ., 16-19 April, 1985, Part III, 1002-1019 1985 International
25 Effect of irrigation intervals on chemical composition of fodder beet plant. Egypt. J., Appl. Sci. 8 (5), 1993, 702-718. 1993 International
26 Effect of nitrogen and potassium on some growth characteristics , yield and chemical composition of fodder beet plant (Beta vulgaris, L) Proc, 1st . Symp., Egypt. Soci., plant, Nutri. and Fertil. September (1997), 41-60 (Proc., 1999). 1999 International
27 Effect of some elements on the chemical composition of Fodder beat. Proc. 5th. Egypt, conference of Botany, Saint Catherine, Sinia, Egypt. April 1992, 289-306. 1992 International
28 Effect of some growth regulators on carbohydrate content of fodder beet plant. 5th_ Egypt. Conference of Botany, Saint Catherine, Sinia, Egypt, April 1992, 387-415. 1992 International
29 Effect of some growth regulators on growth and yield of fodder beet plant. Proc. 5th Egypt, Conference of Botany, Saint Catherine, Sinia, Egypt, April 1992, 371-386. 1992 International
30 Effect of some growth regulators on soybean seeds during the stage of germination. Res. Bull. No. 1509, May 1981, Ain Shams University, Faculty of Agric. Abdel-Hamed,M.F. 1981 International
31 Effect of water deficit on growth and yield of fodder beet plant. Proc. 5th, Egypt. Conference of Botany, Saint Catherine, Sinia, Egypt, April 1992, 195-208 1992 International
32 Enzymes from plant sources for pretreatment of loomstate fabrics with subsequent improved dyeability. 4th International Conf. of Textile Research Division, NRC Cairo, Egypt, April 15-17, 2007. 300-308. 2007 International
33 Fiber productivity with relation to leaf mineral status of specific Agave species. Ann. Of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 32 (4) : 1839-1854, 1994. 1994 International
34 Fruit growth and development of Opuntia Ficus-indica as affected by some growth regulators. Egyp. J., Appl. Sci., 9(9) : 332-350, 1994. 1994 International
35 Growth behavior and plant water relatianslips of some cultivated plants grown under Elsheikh Zuwied sand dunes stress conditions Conf. Sci Resh. and its role for controlling Desertation and Sand Dunes Fixation. Sultan Qabos Univ. Oman, April 2-4, 2005, 38-62. 2005 International
36 Growth behavior of Agave sisalana, Perrine. seedling grown under different Egyptian soil. Menofya J. Agric. Res., 20 (4) : 1627 -1654, 1995. 1995 International
37 Growth pattern of Opuntia Ficus-indica cladode. Egypt. J., Appl. Sci., 9(9): 317-331, 1994. 1994 International
38 Hormonal picture and volatile sulphur in relation to dormancy of onion bulbs. No., 1-2, 1976 , Abdel-Hamed, M.F. 1976 International
39 Improving the germination of Opuntia Ficus-indica seeds by using some growth regulators. Egypt. J., Appl Sci,9(9):351-365, 1994. 1994 International
40 Improving the seedling emergence of Caffea Arabica, L. Ann., Agric. Sci, Moshtohor, 34 (4) 1577 - 1594 - 1996. 1996 International
41 Manganese translocation system and its role on early stages of barley (Hordium Vulgare, L.) growth. Ann. Of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 32 (4): 1823-1837, 1994.. 1994 International
42 Physiological studies on water requirements of potato plant (Solanum tubcrosum L.) II- N.P.K., Carbohydrate contents and final tuber yield. 4th. Proc. National, Conference of Environmental Studies and Research. 2nd Vo. Biotic Ecosystem Ain-Shams University. Egypt, 39-57 (1994). 1994 International
43 Physiological studies on water requirements of potato plant (Solanum tuberosum L.) III- Water relations (Water consumptive use and uptake). 4th- Proc. National, Conference of Environmental Studies and Research. 2nd Vo. Biotic Ecosystem Ain-Shams University. Egypt, . 58-74 (1994). 1994 International
44 Physiological studies on Capsicum frutescence, var. Bacotum-L), irish Plant, Pattern of plant growth and development. Ann., Agric. Sci, Moshtohor, 39 (1), 93-126, 2001. 2001 International
45 Physiological studies on fruits of some Avocado cultivars. I-Fruit growth and development. AVol. 10,1978. Abdel-Hamed,M.F. 1978 International
46 Physiological studies on fruits of some Avocado cultivars. II-Chemical changes in fruit fleshy portion. Vol.10, 1978, 171-185 . Abde-Hamed, M.F. 1978 International
47 Physiological studies on leaf mineral composition of some orange cultivars. I- Effect of leaf age and position on nitrogen, phosphours and potassium contents. Proc. of the 3th , Egypt. C Abdel-Hamed, M.F. 1982 International
48 Physiological studies on leaf mineral composition of some orange cultivars. II- Effect of leaf age and position on calcium and magnesium contents. Abdel-Hamed, M.F. 1982 International
49 Physiological studies on the nitrogen nutrition of wheat plant. I-The effect of different levels of nitrogen supply on the total nitrogen, available ammonia and nitrate nitrogen contents of various plant organs. , Vol.1, 1974, Abdel-Hamed, M.F. 1974 International
50 Physiological studies on the nitrogen nutrition of wheat plant. II-The effect of different levels of nitrogen supply on the phosphorus content of various plant organs. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, vol.1,1974, AbdelHamed,M.F. 1974 International
51 Physiological studies on water requirements of potato plant (Solanum tuberosum L.) I- Vegetative growth, photosynthetic pigments and dry matter accumulation. 4th- Proc. National, Conference of Environmental Studies and Research. 2nd Vo. Biotic Ecosystem Ain-Shams, University. Egypt, 24-38 (1994). 1994 International
52 Response of El-hamawy CV. apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) seeds to GA3 or 1AA during germination. Egypt. J., Appl. Sci, 7 (12), 1992, 422-278. 1992 International
53 Response of fodder beat to some elements. Proc.. 5th, Egypt. conference of Botany, Saint Catherine, Sinia, Egypt, April 1992,307-321. 1992 International
54 Response of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) seedlings to the interaction effects of moisture stress and some growth retardant Proc. 5th, Egyptian Botanical Conference, Saint Catherine, Sinai, Egypt, April 1992. 443-458. 1992 International
55 Response of Pomegranata (Punica granatum L.) seedlings to the interaction effects of moisture stress and some growth retardant. Proc. 5th Egyptian Botanical Conference, Saint Catherine, Sinai, Egypt, April 1992, 459-476. 1992 International
56 Seed size and planting time as preliminary factors on seedling emergnce of some legume crops. Vol.1, 1974, 171-178. Abdel-Hamed, M.F. 2015 International
57 Some environmental factors affecting the growth and N2 - fixation of Azolla under Egyptian conditions. (3) Effect of light. Zagazig, J. Agric., Res. Vol. (19)(3), 1992,1291-1297. 1992 International
58 Some environmental factors affecting the growth and N2 fixation of Azolla under Egyptian conditions. (1) Effect of nitrogeneous compounds. Zagaztg, J. Agric., Res. Vol. (19) (3), 1992, 1260 1279. 1992 International
59 Some environmental factors affecting the growth and N2 fixation of Azolla under Egyptian conditions. (2) Effect of salinity. Zagazig, J. Agric., Res. Vol. (19)(3), 1992, 1281-1290. 1992 International
60 The picture of hydrolizable Portentious amino acids of Roselle seeds as affected by some growth regulators and micro-nutrients. Proc. of the 4lth , Egypt. Conference of Botany, Suiz Canal Unvi., 16-19 April, 1985, Part III, 818-837. 1985 International
61 Tomato growth, yield and chemical composition of plants and fruits as affected by different CCC and B-9 rates. . No. 1, 1976, . Abdel-Hamed,M.F. 1976 International
62 Water used efficiency by fodder beet plant. Proc. 5th Egypt. Conference of Botany, Saint Catherine, Sinia, Egypt, April 1992, 209-224. 1992 International
63 Water relations for onion plant (Allium cepa L.) Proc. 5th_. Egypt. conference of Botany,Saint Catherine, Sinia, Egypt, April 1992, 175-194. 1992 International
Said Ali Al-Desouky El-Abd
Local Publication (27)
International Publication (1)
Total (28)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of foliar nutrition and paclobutrazol on sugar beet yield and quality. (2004).I- Effects on vegetative growth, Leaf anatomy and chemical components. Annals of Agric. Sc. Mohtoh Shahine, A. H.; S. A. El-Desouky; L. M. A. Saif and A. M. H. Osman 2004 Local
2 Effect of foliar nutrition and paclobutrazol on sugar beet yield and quality. (2004).I- Growth and Yield. Annals of Agric. Sc. Moshtohor, 37 (4): 2465 Shahine, A. H.; S. A. El-Desouky; L. M. A. Saif and A. M. H. Osman 2004 Local
3 Effect of foliar nutrition and paclobutrazol on sugar beet yield and quality. (2004).I- Yield components and Juice quality. Egypt. J. Agric. Res., 82 (3): 1269 – 1283. Shahine, A. H.; S. A. El-Desouky; L. M. A. Saif and A. M. H. Osman 2004 Local
4 Effect of some growth regulators and micronutrients on potato seed-size tubers production.Ann.of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor Vol.35(4): 2129-2143. El-Desouky, S. A.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M.; Abo-Sedera, F.A and Khedr, Z. M. A. 1997 Local
5 Endogenous phytohormones, photosynthetic pigments, carbohydrates and NPK contents during the vegetative stage. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 7 (12): 673 El-Desouky, S. A. and Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M II- 1992 Local
6 Flowering, dry weight, seed production and its organic mater content. Annals of Agric. Sc. Moshtohor, 30 (2): 755 -775. Shahine, A. H.; El-Desouky, S. A.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. and Wanas, A. L. I. 1992 Local
7 High temperature tolerability in tomato: Evaluation of some genotypes for late summer plantings. Ann of Agric. Sc. Moshtohor, 38 (1): 179 -197. . El-Desouky, S. A.; Fathy El-Sand Farid 2000 Local
8 Influence Of Colour Mulches On Photomorphogenesis And Productivity Of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annum cv.Baladi) Annals. Of Agric Sc. Moshtohor, 46 (4): 71 Mady, M.A.; Schrotter, S.; El-Desouky, S. A. and Schnug E. 2008 Local
9 Reproductive growth and fruit yield of tomato and sweet pepper plants as affected by colored plastic mulches. Ann. Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 43 (4): 1521 El-Desouky, S. A. Abd El-Dayem, H. M.; Wanas, A. L. and Mady, M. A. 2005 Local
10 Response of cucumber (cucumus sativus L) to natural palm pollen extract when applied either as foliar spray or as seed soaking materials 7 th conf. for Agric. Res. Ain Shams. univCairo special (1) 15-17/12 (1998). El-Desouky, S. A. 1998 Local
11 Response of modern wheat plants to nitrogen nutrition. El-Desouky, S. A.; Khedr, Z. M. A.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. and Madiha A. Mohamed 1999 Local
12 Response of Rapeseed plant to Nitrogen Nutrition. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ; 25 (10): 6187-6202. Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M.; S. A. El-Desouky; Z. M. A. Khedr and Madiha M. Abd El-Hamid 2000 Local
13 Response of the Egyptian cotton plant to foliar spray with some macro-nutrients (NPK) and the growth regulator paclobutrazol (PP333). El-Desouky, S. A., Khedr, Z. M.; Wanas, A. L. and Ahmed, H. S. 2001 Local
14 Response of tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum, Mill) to some growth regulators. Egypt J. Appl. Sc., 7 (3): 181-199. El-Desouky, S. A. 1992 Local
15 studies on photomorphogensis in some economical plants: I- vegetative growth of tomato and sweet pepper as affected by red and far red light reflected from colored plastic mulches. El-Desouky, S. A. Abd El-Dayem, H. M.; Wanas, A. L. and Mady, M. A. 2005 Local
16 (Response of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum Graceum L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) to foliar spray with some growth regulators. Germination, growth and Photosynthetic pigment Shahine, A. H.; El-Desouky, S. A.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. and Wanas, A. L. I. 1992 Local
17 .Response of Chlorophytum Conosum and Pepromia Clustifolia to some growth regulators Egypt. J. Appl. Sci. 7 (6): 625 Mohamed, S. M. and S. A. El-Desouky 1992 Local
18 EFFECT OF SOME BIOREGULATORS ON GROWTH, YIELD AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SESAME PLANT. AbdEl-Dayem, H. M.; Mady, M.A.; El-Desouky, S.A. and Eid, Rania, S. M. 2012 International
19 EFFECT OF SOME GROWTH REGULATORS AND ELEMENTS ON GROWTH AND REPRODUCTIVELY OF BLACK CUMIN ( Nigella sativa L.) PLANTS. 2-Flowering, fruiting and chemical analysis J Biol. Chem. Environ. Sci., 1(4): 983- 1010(2006). El- Desouky, S. A.*; Kheder, Z. M.*; Faten , H. M. Ismaeil*; Moftah, A. E.** and Hayam, A. Abd El- Gawad* 2006 Local
20 Effect of some natural materials and nutrients on vegetative growth of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum mill) plants under high temperature conditions (in pres El-Desouky, S.A.;Faten, H.M. Ismaeil; Wanas, A. L.; Fathy, EL-S. El-S. and Abd-El-All, M.M. 2009 Local
21 Effects on Reproductive growth, Anatomy of Flower Pedicel and Yield components. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 39 (4) 2109 -2125 El-Desouky, S. A., Khedr, Z. M.; Wanas, A. L. and Ahmed, H. S. 2001 Local
22 Induce cold tolerance of outdoor tomatoes during early summer season by using triphosphate (ATP), Yeast, Other natural and chemical treatments to improve their fruiting and yield J. Agric. Man Fathy, El-S. L., S. Farid and S. A. El-Desouky 2000 Local
23 Response of El-Hamawy Cv. Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) seeds to GA3 or IAA during germination. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 7 (12): 462 Abd El-Hamid, M. F.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M.; El-Desouky, S. A. and Khedr, Z. M. A. 1992 Local
24 Response of Rapeseed plants (Brassica nqpus L.) to foliar spray with some growth regulators. I. Growth seed yield and seed contents Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 7 (12): 479 -496. El-Desouky, S. A. and Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. 1992 Local
25 Response of Sesame plants (sesamum indicum L. ) to the foliar application of Paclobutnazol (PP333) and Ethrel (CEPA). Egypt J. Appl. Sc., 7 (12): 102-119. El-Desouky, S. A. and Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. 1992 Local
26 Response of squash plants (Cucurbita pepo L.) grown in winter to some posphorus compounds. Annals of Agric. Sc. Moshtohor, 39 (1): 257 El-Desouky, S. A. and Khedr, Z. M. A 2000 Local
27 Studies on growth of pecan seedlings: Effect of Bio and chemical phosphorus fertilization Annals of Agric. Sci, Moshtohor, 25 (2): 941 Gendiah, H. M., El-Gindy, F. A. and El- Desouky, S. A. 1991 Local
28 Studies on photomorphogensis in some economical plants: II- endogenous phytohormones and leaf anatomy in tomato and sweet pepper as affected by red and far red light reflected from c El-Desouky, S. A. Abd El-Dayem, H. M.; Wanas, A. L. and Mady, M. A. 2005 Local
Faten Hassan Mahmoud Ismaeil
Local Publication (12)
International Publication (11)
Total (23)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 EFFECT OF POTASSIUM AND BORON ON DROUGHT TOLERANCE OF COTTON PLANTS. a. vegetative growth and anatomical studies. Arab Conference of Soil And Water Management For Sustainable Agricultural Development 10-11 April 2007 (Conferences Hall, Faculty of Agriculture Mansoura University).141-153 Abd El- dayem and Faten, H. M. Ismaeil: 2007 Local
2 PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDIES ON SALT TOLERANCE OF SOME BANANA CULTIVARS 2- Effect of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), chloride level in irrigation water and foliar spray with some minerals on some chemical constituents. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 46(1):57-74 Abd El-Latef, F.M.; Faten, H.M. Ismaeil and Hala, I.Y. Sherif: 2008 Local
3 Studies of chemical composition on some seeds of dicotyledon plants. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 30(6): 3174- 3162 Shahine, A. H.; Wanas, A. L.; Faten H. M. Ismaeil, Abd El- Migid, A. A and M. M. Abd El –All 2005 Local
4 Botanical and physiological studies on cold tolerance of squash plants. Egypt. J. Of Agric. Res., 2(2): 545-579 Faten H. M. Ismaeil: 2005 Local
5 Effect OF SOME GROWTH REGULATORS AND MINERAL NUTRIENTS ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF BLACK CUMIN ( Nigella sativa L.) PLANTS. 1- Vegetative growth, endogens phytohormones and histological studies. J Biol. Chem. Environ. Sci., 1(4): 983- 1010 El- Desouky, S. A.; Khedr, Z. M.; Faten H. M. Ismaeil; Ansary, M. And H. A Abd El- Gwad 2006 Local
6 Effect of some growth regulators on growth and productivity of okra (abelmoschus esculentus l.) plants grown under winter condition. Egypt. J. Of Agric. Res., 2(1):101-118 Faten H. M. Ismaeil: 2005 Local
7 Physiological And Anatomical Studies On Budding Of Citrus. Atawia, A. A.; El-Gindy, F. M.; Faten, H. M. Ismaeil and Fahmy, F. I. 2015 International
8 Physiological studies on salt tolerance of two banana cultivars. 3- Effect of salt stress and foliar spray with some nutrient elements on leaf anatomical structure. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 45(2):23-34 June (2008) Abd El-Latef, F.M.; Faten, H.M. Ismaeil and Hala, I.Y. Sherif: 2015 International
9 Response of papaya plants to some chemical substances and yeast extract treatments. Egypt. J. Of Agric. Res., 2(1):119-150 Faten H. M. Ismaeil and Bakry,K. A. 2005 Local
10 surface scan and seed morphology ofsome dicot. Taxa. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 30(6):3163- 3174, june, ) Shahine, A. H.; Wanas, A. L.; Faten H. M. Ismaeil, Abd El- Migid, A. A and M. M. Abd El –All: Seed 2005 Local
11 21) Effect Of Some Growth Regulators And Antioxidants On Growth, Yield And Seed Chemical Composition Of Faba Bean Plants. Faten h. M. Ismaeil and Abd El-All M. M.: 2011 Local
12 Effect of gibberellic acid(ga3) and Stimufol fertilizer on growth and flowering of hemerocallis aurantiaca plant. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 46(1):75-86 March (2008) Faten, H. M. Ismaeil and Yossef, A. S. M. : 2008 International
13 Effect OF SOME GROWTH REGULATORS AND MINERAL NUTRIENTS ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF BLACK CUMIN ( Nigella sativa L.) PLANTS. 2-Flowering, yield characteristics and chemical analysis of seeds. J Biol. Chem. Environ. Sci., 1(4): 1011-1032(2006) El- Desouky, S. A.; Khedr, Z. M.; Faten H. M. Ismaeil; Ansary, M. And H. A Abd El- Gwad: 2006 Local
14 Effect of some natural materials and nutrients on vegetative growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants under high temperature conditions. Egypt. J. Of App. Sc., 24(6 A):312-328(2009). El- Desouky, S. A.; Faten H. M. Ismaeil; Wanas, A. L.; Fathy, E. L. E and M. M. Abd El –All: 2009 International
15 Effect of some treatments on histological features of Egyptian cotton. Egypt. J. Of App. Sc., 25(4A):143-160 (2010). Ahmed, H. S. A; Faten H. M. Ismaeil; Wanas, A. L.; Alrazaz, M. M. M. and S. A. El- Desouky : 2010 International
16 Effect of spraying with some nutrient elements on tolerance beachilyfolia pear rootstock to salinity. Journal of American Science Vol.(6 ): No.12 pp. (1647 -1654 ) 2010. Faten H. M. Ismaeil and M. T. Wahdan : 2010 International
17 Influence of choline chloride on quality and storability of peach fruits cv. EarliGrande. Journal of American Science Vol.( 7 ): No. 1 pp. (373-381) 2011. Wahdan, M. T. * and Faten, H. M. Ismaeil ** 2011 International
18 Influence of yeast extract, amino acids and citric acid on chemical components, leaf anatomy, flowers and yield of tomato plants grown in late summer plantation. Minufiya J. Agric. Res. 36(4):859-884(2011). El- Desouky, S. A.; Faten H. M. Ismaeil; Wanas, A. L.; Fathy, E. L. E and M. M. Abd El –All.: 2011 International
19 Physiological studies on salt tolerance of two banana cultivars. 1-Effect of salt concentration, sodium adsorption ratio (sar) and chloride level in irrigation water on growth and chemical constituents. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 45(4):1677-1697 Abd El-Latef, F.M.; Faten, H.M. Ismaeil and Hala, I.Y. Sherif: 2007 Local
21 Response of clivia miniata plant to light intensity and kinetin treatments. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 47(2):23-34 June (2009). Youssef, A. S. M. and Faten, H. M. Ismaeil: 2015 International
22 Response of thompson seedless and roumi red grape cultivars to foliar sprays with yeast extract and GA3. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 28(8):6321-6334, Faten H. M. Ismaeil ,Wahdan, M. T. and A. F. E l- Sheikh 2003 International
23 Response of williams banana plants to potassium fertigation; gibberellin spray and bunch sleeving with blue polyethylene grown in drip irrigated sandy soil. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 40(2):1259-1274 (2002). Bakry, Kh.A.E. * and Faten, H.M. Ismaeil** 2002 International
Hosny Mohamed Abd El-Dayem
Local Publication (30)
International Publication (1)
Total (31)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Development of the fresh water phytoplankton in a fish pond Eco- system Egypt J. Bot., ; 37(2): 109-127. Abd El-Hamid, M. F., ; El-Fouly, M. M.,; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. and Badawy, T. E. M. 1997 Local
2 EEffect of foliar feeding with nitrogen and potassium on some growth characteristics, yield and chemical composition of fodder beet plant (Beta vulgaris L.). proc. 1 Symp. Of the Egyptain Soci. Of plant Nutr . and Ferti., , Cairo. Pp. 23-40. .(1999): Abd El-Hamid, M. F.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M.;El-Sweedy, A. M. and El-Shafie, A. I. 1999 Local
3 EEffect of nitrogen and potassium on some growth , yield and chemical composition of fodder beet plant (Beta vulgaris L.) Proc. 1 Symp. Of the Egyptain Soci. Of plant Nutr. And Ferti., 1-2 September, 1997, Cairo pp. 41-60. Abd El-Hamid, M. F.,; Abd El-Dayem, H. M.,; El-Sweedy, A. M. and El- Shafie, A. I. 1999 Local
4 Effect of foliar Spray with benzyladenine and gibberellic acid on growth, yield and some chemical constituents of fodder beet plant (Beta vulgaris L.) Ann. Of Agric . Sci., Moshtohor, Vol. 37(1): 249-274. Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. 1999 Local
5 Effect of low temperature on (1-growth-2 fruit yield and quality) squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) Plant. Egypt . J. Appl. Sci., 15(10):12-54., Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M.; Wanas, A.L. and Mady, M. A. 2000 Local
6 Effrct of some growth regulators and micronutrients on potato seed-size tubers production.Ann.of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor Vol.35(4): 2129-2143 El-Desouky, S. A.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M.; Abo-Sedera, F.A and Khedr, Z. M. A. 1997 Local
7 Endogenous phytohormons and feab anatomy in tomato and sweet peppen plants as affected by sed and far-red fight seffected from colosed plastic mugcges. Annals of 43(4):1497-1520 El-Desouky, S.A.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M.; Wanas, A.L. and Mady, M. A. 2005 Local
8 Fruit growth and development of Opuntia Ficus-indica Mill. Asaffected by some growth regulators. Egypt J. Appl . Sci .,; 9(9) :332-350. Abd El-Hamid , M. F.,; Abd El-Hady, Nadia, I. M.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. and Mahmoud, E. E. Y. 1994 Local
9 Gad): Inteaction effects of benzy padenine and pix on soybean plants: II- Changes in uield chanacteustics and quality. J-Agric. Sci. Monsoura univ., 30(10) 59 59. Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M.; Amany A.Ramadan,H. A.M. Mostafa ; A.L. Wanas and Mervats S. H. 2005 Local
10 God Inteaction effects of benzy padenine and pix on soybean plants: I- Some mosphologic of and physiological Sesponses. J-Agric. Sci. Monsoura univ., 30(10) 5941-5958. Ramadan, Amany A.; H. A. M. Mostafa; H. M. M.Abd El-Dayem; A:L.Wanas and Mervat S. H. 2005 Local
11 Physiological role of some nutrients and citric acid on growth and yield quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L), Annals.Agric.sci.Moshtohor,47 (2)31-45. Abdeldayem,H.M.; Kheder,Z.M.; Mady,M.A.;Elgamal,E.S.. 2009 Local
12 Reproductive growth and Buit yield of tomato and sweet peppen plants an affected by sed and for –red light seffected from colored plastic mulches. Annals of 43(4): 1543. El-Desouky, S.A.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M.; Wanas, A.L. and Mady, M. A. 2005 Local
13 Response of El-Hamawy cv. Apricot (Prumus armeniaca L.) seeds to GA3 or IAA during germination . Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 7(12) 462-478. Abd El-Hamid, M. F., ; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. ; El-Desouky, S. A. and Khedr, Z. M. A. 1992 Local
14 Response of fenygreek ( Trigonella foenum- Graceum L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) to foliar spray with some growth regulators II- flowering, dry weight, seed production and its organic matter content. Annals Agric. Sci. Moshtohor, 30(2): 755-775. Shahine, A. H., ; El-Desouky, S. A., ; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. and Wanas, A. L.I. 1992 Local
15 Response of fenygreek ( Trigonella foenum- Graceum L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) to foliar spray with some growth regulators.I-Germination, growth and photosynthetic pigments . Annals of Agric. Sci. Moshtohor, 30(2): 739-754. Shahine, A. H., ; El-Desouky, S. A., ; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. and Wanas, A. L.I.. 1992 Local
16 Response of modern wheat plants to nitrogen nutrition. I- Crowth andYield. Ann. of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor Vol. 37(4): 2465-2478, El-Desouky, S. A.; Khedr, Z. M. A.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. and Mohamed, Madiha, A. 1999 Local
17 Response of plants (Sesamum inducm L.) to the foliar application of paclobutrazol (pP333) and ethrel ( CEPA). Egypt . J.of Appl.Sci., 7(12):102-119. El-Desouky, S. A. and Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. 1992 Local
18 Response of rapeseed plant to nitrogen nutrition. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 25(10): 6202, Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M.; El-Desouky, S. A.; Khedr, Z. M. A. and Mohamed, Madiha, A. 2000 Local
19 Response of rapeseed plants ( Brassica napus, L.) to the foliar spray with some growth regulators. I- Grpwth, seed yield and seed contents. Egypt. J .of Appl. Sci., 7(12): 476-496. El-Desouky, S. A. and Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. 1992 Local
20 Studies on photomor phogenesis in some economical plants. I-Vegetative growth of tomato and sweet peppn plants as affected by red and far-red fight effect from colosed plastic mulchs. Annals of Agric. Sci. Moshtoher, 43(4): 1471-1496 El-Desouky, S.A.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M.; Wanas, A.L. and Mady, M. A. 2005 Local
21 YGrowth pattern of Opuntia Ficus-indica Cladode. Egypt J. Appl. Sci.,; 9(9):317-331 Abd El-Hamid, M. F.,; Abd El-Hady, Nadia, I. M.,; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. and Mahmoud, E. E. 1994 Local
22 (Effect of paclobutrazol and uniconazole on growth, fiber and seed yield, oil chemical comosition and other seed contents of flax plant ( Linum usitissimum L.)Ann. of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, Vol.36(3):1419-1435, Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. and El-Deeb, A. E. A. 1998 Local
23 :Improving the germination of Oputntia Ficus- indica seeds by using some growt regulators. Egypt J. Appl . Sci.,; 9(9): 351-365. Abd El-Hamid , M. F.,; Abd El-Hady, Nadia, I. M.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. and Mahmoud, E. E. Y. 1994 Local
24 Effect of Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu nutrients on growth, grain yield and quality of three mazie varieties Annals of Agric . Sci., ; Moshtohor, 37(1) :135-157 Effect of Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu nutrients on growth, grain yield and quality of three mazie varieties Annals of Agric . Sci., ; Moshtohor, 37(1) :135-157 El-Sheikh, F. T. Z.,; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. and El-Khtib , M. K 1999 Local
25 EFFECT OF POTASSIUM AND BORON ON DROUGHT TOLERANCE OF COTTON PLANTS 1- Vegetative growth and anatomical studies Arab Conference of Soil And Water Management For Sustainable Agricultural Development 10-11 April 2007 (Conferences Hall, Faculty of Agriculture Mansoura University).141-153(2007). Abd El- Dayem, H. M. and Faten, H. M. Ismaeil 2007 Local
26 EFFECT OF POTASSIUM AND BORON ON DROUGHT TOLERANCE OF COTTON PLANTS 2- flowering , yield and chemical analysis of root , leaves and seed. Abd El- Dayem, H. M. and Faten, H. M. Ismaeil 2007 Local
27 EFFECT OF SOME BIOREGULATORS ON GROWTH, YIELD AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SESAME PLANT. AbdEl-Dayem, H. M.; Mady, M.A.; El-Desouky, S.A. and Eid, Rania, S. M. 2012 International
28 Effect of some plant growth regulators on growth , yield components and some chemical constitunts of cotton plant. Ann. Of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, Vol. 38(2):907-925, Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. and El-Deeb, A. E. A. 2000 Local
29 Improving the germination of Oputntia Ficus- indica Annals of Agric. Sci., Mosthtohor, 32(4): 1873-1888. Abd El-Hamid , M. F.,; Abd El-Hady, Nadia, I. M.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. and Mahmoud, E. E. Y 1994 Local
30 Response of faba bean plants ( Faba vulgaris L.) healthy or infected with btoad bean mosaic virus (BBMV) to foliar spray with Fe or Zn. Egypt . J .of Appl. Sci., 7(6): 27-16 Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. and Badr, Abo El-Yazide, E. 1992 Local
31 Response of rapeseed plants ( Brassica napus, L.) to the foliar spray with some growth regulators . II- Endogenous phytohormones, photosynthetic pigments, carbohydrates and N, P, Kcontents during the vegetaive stage. Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 7(12): 673-691 El-Desouky, S. A. and Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. 1992 Local
Mohamed Mohamed Mahmoud AbdElAal
Local Publication (10)
International Publication (15)
Total (25)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Ameliorating Growth Performance and Active Compounds of Moringa Plant by Integrated Nutrients Management Abd El-Aal, M. M. M. and A. A. Salem 2018 International
2 Anatomical finger print and bioconstituents as systematical tools in some dicot seeds. M.Sc. Thesis, Bot. Dept., Fac. Agric., Banha Univ. Abd-El-All, M.M. 2005 Local
3 Diverse responses for some growth biostimulants on some morphological, physiological, chemical, anatomical and yield characteristics of tomato plant (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) El-Emary F.A., Abd El-Aal M.M. 2018 Local
4 Effect of foliar spray with lithovit and amino acids on growth, bioconstituents, anatomical and yield features of soybean plant M. M. M. Abd El-Aal and Rania S. M. Eid 2018 International
6 Effect of paclobutrazol and cycocel on growth, flowering, chemical composition and histological features of potted Tabernaemontana coronaria Stapf plant.Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 9(11): 5953-5963, 2013 ISSN 1819-544X Youssef, A.S.M. and M.M.M. Abd El-Aal 2013 International
7 Effect of Pinching and Paclobutrazol on Growth, Flowering, Anatomy and Chemical Compositions of Potted Geranium (Pelargonium zonal L.) Plant M. M. M. Abd El-Aal and Y. F. Y. Mohamed 2017 International
8 Effect of Rhizobium Inoculation and Foliar Spray with Salicylic and Ascorbic Acids on Growth, Yield and Seed Quality of Pea plant (Pisum sativum L.) Grown on a Salt Affected Soil, New Valley-Egypt Esmat H. A. Noufal ; M. A. M. Ali and M. M. M. Abd El-Aal 2018 International
9 Effect of Some Antioxidants, Potassium and Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on Growth, Yield and Quality of Snap Bean Plants Grown Under Water Stress Levels Hosny M. M. Abd El-Dayem; Mohamed A. M. Mady; Mohamed M. M. Abd El-All and Rania S. M. Eid 2015 International
10 EFFECT OF SOME GROWTH REGULATORS AND ANTIOXIDANTS ON GROWTH, YIELD AND SEED CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF FABA BEAN PLANTS. J. Plant Production. Mansoura Univ., Vol.2 (11) :1563-1577,2011 Faten H. M. Ismaeil and Abd El-All M. M. 2011 Local
11 Effect of some Growth Substances on Growth, Chemical Compositions and Root Yield Productivity of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Plant EL-gamal, I.S., Abd El-Aal, M. M. M., El-Desouky, S. A., Khedr, Z .M. and Abo Shady, K. A 2016 International
12 Effect of some natural materials and nutrients on vegetative growth of tomato (lycopersicon esculentum mill) plants under high temperature conditions (in press). El-Desouky, S.A.;Faten, H.M. Ismaeil; Wanas, A. L.; Fathy, EL-S. El-S. and Abd-El-All, M.M. 2009 Local
13 Effect of Yeast Extract, Amino acid and citric acid on physioanatomical aspects and productivity of tomato plants grown in late summer season. El- Desouky, S. A.; Faten H. M. Ismaeil; Wanas, A. L.; Fathy, E. L. E and M. M. Abd ElAll. 2011 Local
14 IMPACT OF PGPR AND INORGANIC FERTILIZATION ON GROWTH AND PRODUCTIVITY OF SWEET ANANAS MELON.International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR) ; ISSN(Print) : 2250-0057 ; ISSN(Online) : 2321-0087; Impact Factor(JCC) : 4.3594,Vol. 4, Issue 3 June 2014,11-26. Abd El-Aal , M.M.M. and H. M. Abd El-Rahman 2014 International
15 Impact of the foliar spray with benzyl adenine, paclobutrazol, algae extract, some mineral nutrients and lithovit on anatomical features of moringa olifera plant M. K. Abou-shlell ; H. M. Abd el-dayem; Faten H. M. Ismaeil ; M. M. Abd el-aal and F. A. El-Emary 2017 International
16 Improvement of tomato productivity by using certain natural materials. PhD. Thesis. Bot. Dpt., Fac. Agric., Banha Univ. M.M.M,Abdelaal 2009 Local
17 Optimizing Growth, Seed Yield and Quality of Soybean (Glycine max L.) Plant Using Growth Substances M. M. M. Abd El-Aal and Rania S. M. Eid 2017 International
18 Physiological response of Keitt mango (Mangifera indica L.) to kinetin and tryptophan. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 9(8): 4617-4626, 2013 ISSN 1819-544X E1-Badawy, H.E.M. and Abd El-Aal, M.M.M. 2013 International
19 Physiological Studies on Valencia Orange Transplants Budded on Different Citrus Rootstocks I- Vegetative Growth Measurements Ataweia, A. A.; Bakry, KH. A.; Abd EL Aal, M. M. and Abo-Hamda, M. A. 2015 International
20 Rationalization of Water Consumption for Taro Plant through the Rationing of Irrigation and Expand the Plant Ability to Resist Stress Conditions M. M. M. Abd El-Aal, A. M. A. El-Anany and S. M. Rizk 2019 International
21 RESPONSE OF ANANAS MELON PLANTS TO FOLIAR SPRAY WITH SOME NATURAL EXTRACTS.Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 8(2): 201-212, 2012 ISSN 1816-1561 Abd El-Aal, M. M. M. 2012 International
22 Seed surface scan and seed morphology of some dicot. Taxa. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 30(6):3163- 3174, june. Shahine*,A.H., Wanas*,A.L., Faten*,H.M. Ismaeil, Abd El-Migid**,A.A. and Abd El-All*,M. M. M. 2005 Local
23 SHADE AVOIDANCE AND WHEAT (TRITICUM AESTIVUM L.) PRODUCTIVITY. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR), 4 (3):63-72; ISSN(Print) : 2250-0057 ; ISSN(Online) : 2321-0087; Impact Factor(JCC) : 4.3594, 2014 ABD EL-AAL, M. M. M. and ZEWAIL, R. M. Y 2014 International
24 Studies of chemical composition on some seeds of dicotyledon plants. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 30(6): 3174- 3162, june. Shahine*,A.H., Wanas*,A.L., Faten*,H.M. Ismaeil, Abd El-Migid**,A.A. and Abd El-All*,M.M. 2005 Local
25 Studies on Improving Potato Growth, Yield and Quality El-Anany A. M. A.; Yasser M. M. Osman and M. M. M. Abd El-Aal 2020 Local
Reda Mohammed Yousief Zewail
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (11)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 cold tolerability of faba bean plants for maximizing productivity Lambart academic publishing (Germany) ISBN 978-3-659-15862-9 (2012). Zewail, R.M.Y.; Z.M.A. Khder,M.A. Mady, 2012 International
2 Effect Of Potassium, Some Antioxidants, Phosphoric Acid And Napthalen Acetic Acid(NAA) On Growth And Productivity Of Faba Bean Plants(Faba Vulgaris) J. Agric. Sci. Moshtohor in press(2011). Zewail, R.M.Y.;Khder,Z.M.A. and Mady, M.A. 2011 Local
3 . Inducing cold tolerability in Faba bean plants for maximizing its productivity. Ph.D. Bot. Dpt. Fac. Agric. Benha.Univ. (2011). Zewail, R. M. Y.; Khder, Z. M. A. and Mady, M. A 2011 Local
4 Alleviation of High Temprature in Cabbage Plants Grown in Summer Season by Using Some Nutrients, Antioxidants and Amino Acids As Foliar Application with Cold Water. Mohamed, M. H. M* and R. M. Y. Zewail ** 2016 International
5 Chromium stress alleviation by salicylic acid in Malabar spinach (Basella alba) Reda M. Y. Zewail, Heba S. El-Desoukey & Kandakhar R. Islam 2020 International
6 EEffect of some biofertilizers ( pgpr, biosoal and compost tea)on growth ,yield, fiber quality and yarn properties of egyptian cotton.(promising hybrid 10229xg86). Zewail, R. M. Y.* and Ahmed, H. S.A.** 2015 Local
9 EFFECT OF SPRAYING SOME GROWTH REGULATORS ON YEALD, FIBER QULITY AND YARN PROPERTIES OF EGYPTIAN COTTON. Ahmed, H. S.A.**, Zewail, R. M. Y*and Hassan, A. A.***Botany Department, Faculty of Agric., Benha Univ. Egypt.**Cotton Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, 9 Gamaa Street, 12619 Giza, Egypt 2015 Local
10 Enhancement of Soya bean (glycine max l.) Plants Growth, Yield and Seed Quality by using Putrescine, Benzyladenine and Yeast Extract Reda M.Y. Zewail; Zakria M.A. Khedr; Faten H. M. Ismael and Elham F. Abd Elhameed Botany Department Faculty of Agriculture Benha University 2019 Local
11 Improvement of wheat productivity by using some biofertilizer.Msc thesis.Bot.Dpt.Fac.Agric.Banha.Univ.Egypt. pdf Zewail, R.M. 2007 Local
12 Interactive Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Inoculation with Nano Boron, Zinc, and Molybdenum Fertilization on Stevioside Contents of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana, L.) Plants Reda. M. Y. Zewail 1,* , Maha Ali 2 , Ibrahim S. H. El-Gamal 3 , Sherine H. A. Al-Maracy 4 , Khandakar R. Islam 5 , Mohamed Elsadek 6,7 , Ehab Azab 8 , Adil A. Gobouri 9 , Nihal ElNahhas 10 , Mostafa H. M. Mohamed 11 and Heba S. El-Desouky 2021 International
13 Micronutrients through foliar application enhance growth, yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) R. M. Y. Zewail, I. S. El-Gmal, Botir Khaitov & Heba S. A. El-Desouky 2020 International
14 Nano iron fertilization significantly increases tomato yield by increasing plants’ vegetable growth and photosynthetic efficiency Heba S. El-Desouky , Kandakhar R. Islam , Brad Bergefurd , Gary Gao , Thomas Harker , Hosny Abd-El-Dayem , Faten Ismail , Mohamed Mady & Reda M. Y. Zewail 2021 International
15 productivity of wheat plants by using biofertilizers and antioxidants Reda Mohamed youseif Zewail, S.A., El-Desouky, Z.M.A. Khder 2012 International
16 Promotion of growth, yield and fiber quality attributes of Egyptian cotton by bacillus strains in combination with mineral fertilizers Sayed Ahmed Hamed, Reda Zewail, Hala Abdalrahman, Ghazal El-Alal Fekry, Botir Khaitov & Kee Woong Park 2019 International
18 The Role of Boron and Some Growth Substances on Growth, Oil Productivity and Chemical Characterization of Volatile Oils in Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Cv. Genovese. Y.F.Y. Mohamed, R.M.Y. Zewail and Y.A.A. Ghatas 2016 International
Zakaria Mohamed Abd El-Haleem Khedr
Local Publication (15)
International Publication (0)
Total (15)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Response of modern wheat plants to nitrogen nutrition. El-Desouky, S. A.; Khedr, Z. M. A.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M. and Madiha A. Mohamed 1999 Local
2 E AResponse of squash plants (Cucurbita pepo L.) grown in winter to some posphorus compounds. Annals of Agric. Sc. Moshtohor, 39 (1): 257 – 272. l-Desouky, S. A. and Khedr, Z. M. 2000 Local
3 Effec t of some nutrients and growth substances on productivity of eeeplant (Solanum melongena var esculanta) growing under high temperature condation. Annals.Agric.Sci.Moshtohor 42 (2) 583-601. Khder,Z.M.A., Fathy,El-sl and A.m. Moghazy. 1950 Local
4 Effects on Reproductive growth, Anatomy of Flower Pedicel and Yield components. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, 39 (4) 2109 -2125. El-Desouky, S. A., Khedr, Z. M.; Wanas, A. L. and Ahmed, H. S. 2001 Local
5 Effrct of some growth regulators and micronutrients on potato seed-size tubers production.Ann.of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor Vol.35(4): 2129-2143, El-Desouky, S. A.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M.; Abo-Sedera, F.A and Khedr, Z. M. A. 1997 Local
6 Improves metabolical and agronomical performance of eggplant under higher temperature stressful condition (late summer by using some antioxidants and mineral nutrients. Conf.In untraditional tools in prod. And improvement of agriculture crops Fathy,El-sl., Khder,Z.M.A., and A.m. Moghazy. 2004 Local
7 Maxmizing sweet paper productivity during late summer ,using different calcium sources and zinc levels. Proceeding of the six Arabian conf. for horticulture, March 20-22,2005 suez canal univ.Ismailia.Egypt. Fathy,El-sl. And Khder,Z.M.A. 2005 Local
8 New techniques for effective and sfe stroing of potatoes at the ambient temprature. J.Agric. Sci.Mansura. Univ. 28 (4)4959-2973 Fathy El-S.L. Khedr* Z.M.A.; and E. m. El-said. 2003 Local
9 response of broad bean to foliar spray of different k sources and energy related organic compounds Erco to induce better internal k and sugars case towards batter growth and produtiity.J.Agric. Sci.Mansura. Univ. 28 (4)2935-2954 Fathy El-S.L. Aida M.M. Abd El-Rahim and Khedr* Z.M.A. 2003 Local
10 Response of El-Hamawy Cv. Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) seeds to GA3 or IAA during germination. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., 7 (12): 462 – 475. Abd El-Hamid, M. F.; Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M.; El-Desouky, S. A. and Khedr, Z. M. A. 1992 Local
11 Response of Rapeseed plant to Nitrogen Nutrition. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ; 25 (10): 6187-6202. Abd El-Dayem, H. M. M.; S. A. El-Desouky; Z. M. A. Khedr and Madiha M. Abd El-Hamid 2000 Local
12 Response of the Egyptian cotton plant to foliar spray with some macro-nutrients (NPK) and the growth regulator paclobutrazol (PP333) El-Desouky, S. A., Khedr, Z. M.; Wanas, A. L. and Ahmed, H. S. 2001 Local
13 Effect OF SOME GROWTH REGULATORS AND MINERAL NUTRIENTS ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF BLACK CUMIN ( Nigella sativa L.) PLANTS. 2-Flowering, yield characteristics and chemical analysis of seeds. J Biol. Chem. Environ. Sci., 1(4): 1011-1032(2006) El- Desouky, S. A.; Khedr, Z. M.; Faten H. M. Ismaeil; Ansary, M. And H. A Abd El- Gwad 2006 Local
14 salt tolerance in tomatoes (ii): ionic and metabolic behaviour. Proceeding of the six Arabian conf. for horticulture, March 20-22,2005 suez canal univ.Ismailia.Egypt. Fathy El-S.L. Khedr* Z.M.A.; and A.M.M. Abd El-Rahim. 2005 Local
15 salt tolerance in tomatoes(i): growth and dry matter accumulation., Proceeding of the six Arabian conf. for horticulture, March 20-22,2005 suez canal univ.Ismailia.Egypt. Khedr* Z.M.A.; El-S.L. El-S. Fathyand A.M.M. Abd El-Rahim 2005 Local
Amira Abdel-fathah abalu allah
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 “Physiological Studies on Azola plants growth” M. Sc. Thesis, Fac. Agric., Moshtohor, Zagazig University, Banha Branch. Amira A. A. El-Nabarawy 1988 Local
2 “Physiological Studies on the vegetative Reproduction of Some Aroceae Family plants” Ph. D. Thesis, Fac. Agric., Moshtohor, Zagazig University, Banha Branch. Amira A. A. El-Nabarawy 1993 Local
Heba Said ali El Desouky
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (5)
Total (5)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Botanical studies on some citrus rootstocks El-Desoukey Heba said 2014 International
2 Chromium stress alleviation by salicylic acid in Malabar spinach (Basella alba) Reda M. Y. Zewail, Heba S. El-Desoukey & Kanndakhar R. Islam 2020 International
3 Effects of nano, chelated and conventional iron as soil addition on growth, anatomy and early yield of cucumber plants (Cucumus sativus l). El-Desoukey, Heba1, S.;Abd-El-Dayem1, H.M; Islam2 R.K; Harker,T3.; Gao, G 3; Bergefurd, B.3;.Ismail, Faten,1 H. and Mady1, M. A. 2018 International
4 Micronutrients through foliar application enhance growth, yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) R. M. Y. Zewail, I. S. El-Gmal, Botir Khaitov & Heba S. A. El-Desouky 2020 International
5 PLANTS RESPONSE TO NANO AND CHELATED NUTRIENTS El-Desoukey, Heba said 2018 International
Rania Said Moawad Eid
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (10)
Total (12)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Application of biostimulants promotes growth and productivity by fortifying the antioxidant machinery and suppressing oxidative stress in faba bean under various abiotic stresses El-Sayed M. Desokya, Ahmed S. Elrysb, Elsayed Mansourc, Rania S.M. Eidd, Eman Seleme, Mostafa M. Radyf,*, Esmat F. Alig, Gaber.A.M. Mersalh, Wael M. Semidai 2021 International
2 Assessing Faba Bean Yield and Quality as Affected by Various Phosphorus Sources and Lithovit Levels Saad, A. M.1*; A. S. Abuzaid2 and Rania S. M. Eid 3 2021 International
3 Biological silicon nanoparticles improve Phaseolus vulgaris L. yield and minimize its contaminant contents on a heavy metals-contaminated saline soil Mohamed T. El-Saadony 1 , El-Sayed M. Desoky 2 , ∗, Ahmed M. Saad 3 , Rania S.M. Eid 4 , Eman Selem 5 , Ahmed S. Elrys 6 , ∗ 2021 International
4 Botanical studies on the effect of some antioxidants and potassium on snap bean under water stress conditions RANIA SAID MOAWAD EID 2015 International
5 Effect of foliar spray with lithovit and amino acids on growth, bioconstituents, anatomical and yield features of soybean plant M. M. M. Abd El-Aal and Rania S. M. Eid 2018 International
6 Effect of Some Antioxidants, Potassium and Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on Growth, Yield and Quality of Snap Bean Plants Grown Under Water Stress Levels Hosny M. M. Abd El-Dayem; Mohamed A. M. Mady; Mohamed M. M. Abd El-All and Rania S. M. Eid 2015 International
8 Influence of Foliar Application by Benzyladenine and Yeast Extract on Growth, Root Yield, Quality and Chemical Compositions of Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Plant Rania S. M. Eid* 2020 Local
9 Influence of Seeds Soaking with Benzyladenine, Paclobutrazol, Algae Extract, Some Mineral Nutrients and Lithovit on Seeds Germination and Seedling Growth of Moringa olifera Plant. Abd El-Dayem, H. M.; Faten H. M. Ismaeil; Abd El-Aal, M. M. M. and Rania S. M. Eid 2021 International
10 Optimizing Growth, Seed Yield and Quality of Soybean (Glycine max L.) Plant Using Growth Substances M. M. M. Abd El-Aal1* and Rania S. M. Eid1 2017 International
11 Physio-Biochemical and Agronomic Responses of Faba Bean to Exogenously Applied Nano-Silicon under Drought Stress Conditions El-Sayed M. Desoky1, Elsayed Mansour2, El-Sayed E.A. El-Sobky2, Mohamed I. Abdul-Hamid2, Taha F. Taha3, Hend A. Elakkad3, Safaa M.A.I Arnaout1, Rania S. M. Eid4, Khaled A. El-Tarabily5,6*, Mohamed A.T. Yasin2 2021 International
Amr Mohamed Soliman Ibrahim Mostafa
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of Thidiazuron and 6-Benzylaminopurine on in vitro microtuberization in potato cv. Spunta Amr M. Soliman1 , Hosny M. Abd El-Dayem1 , Mohamed A. M. Mady1 , Ahmed S. Ibrahim2 and Rania S. M. Eid1 2022 Local
Elham Fekry Abdelhamed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Enhancement of Soya bean (glycine max l.) Plants Growth, Yield and Seed Quality by using Putrescine, Benzyladenine and Yeast Extract Reda M.Y. Zewail; Zakria M.A. Khedr; Faten H. M. Ismael and Elham F. Abd Elhameed 2019 Local
Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed Abdelgawad
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Impact of the application of some Friendly Environment Materials on Tomato Plants Grown Under High Temperature Conditions Okasha, M.M.1, Khedr, Z.M.1, Mady, M.A.1, Zewail, R.M.Y*1 2023 Local
abeer mahany abdelraof
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Improvement of squash plants growth growing under cold stress conditions by using calcium and phosphorus forms Abeer. M. Abd AlRaof, Faten H. M. Ismaeil, Amira .A.E.Elnabarway and Heba. S.A. Eldesouky 2024 Local
Eman Al-Toukhy El-Sayed Gharieb
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Enhancing Growth and Yield of Sesame Plant (sesamum indicum L.) by the Amendment of Benzyladenine, Yeast Extract and Mixed Amino Acids. Eman A.E. Ghareeb; Faten H. M. Ismaeil; Amira A. El- Nabarawy and Rania S.M. Eid 2024 Local
Eman Saad Abd Elhakeem Elsaid Halawa
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Hagar Rizk Mohammed Elsayed Megahed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Hamdy Maghraby Mohamed Elkhiat
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Response of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plant to foliar spray with some growth activators hamdy elkhiat 2024 Local
Mahmoud Shahat Desouky Ibrahim
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Mohamed Metwally Ahmed Metwally
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Nourhan Ahmed Khodary Elsayed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Omar musaad abd Alfattah abd alrahman
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Shahera Hamed Salama Hamed
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of Foliar Application with Putrescine and Benzyladenine on Vegetative Growth, Yield and Its Components and Seed Oil Contents of Chia (Salvia Hispanica Shahera H.S. Hamed1; Heba S.A. EL-Desouky1; Hosny M.M. Abd El-Dayem1; El-sayed A.M. Abomarzoka2 and Rania S.M. Eid1 2024 Local
2 Effect of Foliar Application with Putrescine and Benzyladenine on Vegetative Growth, Yield and Its Components and Seed Oil Contents of Chia (Salvia Hispanica l.) Plants Grown under Water Stress Conditions Shahera H.S. Hamed1; Heba S.A. EL-Desouky1; Hosny M.M. Abd El-Dayem1; El-sayed A.M. Abomarzoka2 and Rania S.M. Eid1 2024 Local
wagdy anwar ragap hasanin
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Walaa Hemdan Elawa Aldaly
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)