Publication From Year: Publication TO Year:

Faculty of Nursing: Department of Pediatric Nursing

Total number of Publications in the Department of Pediatric Nursing - Faculty of Nursing is 236

Faten Shafik Mahmoud Nasaar
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (9)
Total (16)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assess relation between eating habits among school age children 2010 International
2 Assessment of nurses' role regarding care of children with β thalassemia 2007 International
3 Effect of Clinical Pathway Regarding Promoting Quality Nursing Care of Children with Meningitis Exposed to Invasive Procedures Faten Shafik Mahmoud and Basma rabie Abd-ElSadik 2013 International
5 Effect of educational intervention on improving of quality of life for children with epilepsy faten nassar 2013 Local
6 Effect of educational intervention on quality of life of school age children with dental problems faten nassar 2011 Local
7 Effect of educational program on improving quality of life of diabetic children and adolesecents faten nassar 2013 International
8 Effect of educational program on the self-efficacy and quality of life for mothers caring children with congenital heart diseases faten nassar 2018 Local
9 Effect of high-fidelity simulation training on pediatric nursing students' knowledge, practice and attitude regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation faten nassar 2017 Local
10 Effect of nursing intervention on quality of life of children undergoing hemodialysis 2008 International
11 Enhancing the quality of life for children with cerebral palsy at Benha city faten nassar 2013 Local
12 Outcome of enhancement of maternal knowledge and practice on health status of their children with cancer faten nassar 2012 International
13 Patterns of abuse among school age children in orphanages home in kalubyia governorate 2009 International
14 The effect of educational intervention on improving quality of life for children with burn scars faten nassar 2018 Local
15 The effect of interactively virtual reality eye glasses on the pediatric nursing students' performance faten nassar 2018 Local
16 Women health : life style among young females in benha city 2008 International
Amaal Gharieb Sabbaq
Local Publication (12)
International Publication (12)
Total (24)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of Educational Program on Nurses' Performance Regarding Neonatal Palliative Care Amal Gharib Sabaq Samah M. Khalaf 2016 International
2 Comparison of Breast Feeding perceptions and practice and Associated Problems among Caesarean Section and Normal Vaginal delivery Women Rehab Mohamed AbdElhady(1), Wagida Wafik(2), Amal G. Sabbaq(3) 2009 International
3 Effect of Applying of Oropharyngeal Exercises on Sleep Problems and Quality of Life in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea post-Adenotonsillectomy Amal Gharib Sabaq& Fatma Ahmed Elsobky 2020 Local
4 Effect of Educational Program on Improving Nurses' Performance Regarding Arterial Blood Gases Sampling for Critically Ill Children Amal Gharib Sabaq, Hanan Nabawy El-aasar, Marwa Mohammed 2019 International
5 Effect of Educational Program on Nurses' performance regarding Safe Medications Administration Through Nasogastric Tube among Critically Ill Children Amal Gharib Sabaq & Khadiga Mohammed Said 2016 International
6 Effect of Peer Teaching Versus Traditional Teaching Method on Nursing Students' Performance Regarding Pediatric Cardio pulmonary Resuscitation Amal Gharib sabaq Manal Farouk Safaa Salah Ismail 2016 International
7 Effect of Preventive Bundle Guidelines on Reducing Iatrogenic Pressure Injuries among Critically Ill Neonates Amal Gharib Sabaq1 & Samah Abdalha Mohamed Amer2 2018 International
8 Effect of Training Intervention Program on Mothers' Practices, Knowledge and Concern for Care of Their Children With Febrile Convulsions *Amal Gharib Sabaq, **Assma Naser Messbeh, ***Seham Mowafy 2013 International
9 Effect of Transition Care Educational Program on Transitional Readiness, Self-Efficacy and Quality of Life among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Amal Gharib Sabaq, Samah El Awady Bassam ,Khadiga M. Said 2022 Local
10 Effect of Using Oral Bee Honey on Postoperative Pain and Wound Healing for Children undergoing Tonsillectomy Basma Rabie Abdel Sadik (1), Amal Gharib sabaq (2), khadiga Mohamed Said ( 2016 International
11 Effectiveness of Discharge Educational Program on Quality of Life and Post-operative Complications for Children after Cardiac Surgery Amal Gharib Sabaq, Basma Rabie Abdelsadak 2019 International
12 Enhancing Pediatric Nurses' Performance Regarding Selected Non-Pharmacological Techniques to Alleviate Pain in Neonates: An Educational Program Samah El Awady Bassam & Amal Gharib Sabaq 2021 Local
13 Factors affecting compliance in adolescents with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus د/ايمان ابراهيم عبدالمنعم-د/امال غريب سباق-د/لمياء السيد رندا على 2003 Local
14 Health risk behaviors among undergraduate college students: An assessment study د/امال غريب سباق-د/فاتن شفيق محمود-د/منال محمد 2009 Local
15 Impact of education on knowledge and hand hygiene practices for health care workers regarding nosocomial infection د/امال غريب سباق-د/رحاب محمد عبدالهادى 2008 Local
16 Implication of Applying Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Guideline during Second Stage of Labor on Maternal and Neonatal outcomes. Aziza Ibrahim Mohamed (1), Rehab Mohammed Abd Elhady(2)Basma Rabie Abdelsadek(3).Amal Gharib Sabaq(4). 2016 International
17 Improve Caregivers' Competency Level Regarding Care of Children Suffering from Hemophilia: An Educational Program Amal Gharib Sebaq, Safaa F. Deraz 2021 Local
18 Improve Nurses' Competency Level Regarding Care of Children Undergoing Intestinal Obstruction Surgery: An Educational Program Fatma Ismael Mohammed , Sabah Saad Al Sharkawi , Amal Gharib Sabaq ,Seham Mohammed Abd-Elaziz 2021 International
20 Nutritional rehabilitation intervention for cerebral palsy children with feeding difficulties د/ايمان ابراهيم عيد المنعم- د/امال غريب سباق-د/صافى الرافعى-د/مديحة امين-د/منى حافظ 2003 Local
21 Oral health knowledge ,practices and dietary habits among Libyan school students د/امال غريب سباق-د/نجلاء جرجس مجلع 2007 Local
22 Parent- young adolescent conflict: An assessment study د/امال غريب سباق-د/ايمان ابراهيم عبد المنعم-د/معالى ابراهيم-د/لمياء السيد 2007 Local
23 The Effect of Pre-Operative Preparation Program and Mothers Presence during Induction on Anxiety Level and Behavior Change in Young Children Undergoing Elective Surgery Amal G. sabaq1 and Samah El-Awady2 2012 International
basemh abdelrahman
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (13)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Acupressure for chemotherapy induced vomiting among school age children basema abdelrahman 2013 International
2 Adjustment oral fluids intake on Decreasing Edema Among children with Nephrotic syndrome Hewida A. , basma R 2013 International
3 Assessment of mothers' knowledge and practices regarding care of their children with otitis media at Benha city basema abdelrahman 2014 Local
5 Effect of Clinical Pathway Regarding Promoting Quality Nursing Care of Children with Meningitis Exposed to Invasive Procedures Faten Shafik Mahmoud and Basma rabie Abd-ElSadik 2016 International
6 Effect of Implementing Continuous Care Model on Psychological Outcomes in Children undergoing Abdominal Surgery and Mother's Anxiety Level 1Amal Gharib Sabaq, 2Basma Rabie Abdelsadik, 3Madiha Hassan Bayoumi Assistant professors of pediatric nursing, Faculty of nursing, Benha University 2020 International
7 Effect of Self-Management Program on Self-efficacy and Quality of Life for School Age Children with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Basma Rabie Abdelsadak, Amal Gharib Sabaq, Fatma Ahmed Elsobky Assistant professors of pediatric nursing, Faculty of nursing, Benha University Corresponding Author; Basma Rabie Abdelsadak 2019 International
8 Effect of Training Program on Nurses' Competent Practices Towards Children Receiving Blood Transfusion Samah Mostafa Khalaf, Basma Rabie Abed El Sadik, Madiha Hassan Bayoumi Pediatric Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt 2017 Local
9 Effect of Using Meditation Techniques for Children with Chronic Kidney Disease on Hemodialysis Therapy Basma R. Abdel Sadik, 2Amal A. Abd –El Salam 1Assistance Professor of Pediatric Nursing /Faculty of Nursing/Benha University 2Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing/Faculty of Nursing/Benha University 2018 International
10 Effectiveness of Discharge Educational Program on Quality of Life and Post-operative Complications for Children after Cardiac Surgery 1Amal Gharib Sabaq, 2Basma Rabie Abdelsadak Assistant professors of pediatric nursing, Faculty of nursing, Benha University 2019 International
11 Hindering factors of self-management in Diabetes Mellitus as perceived by adolescents versus mothers' perception baseama abdelrahman 2014 International
12 Impact of post natal nurse midwife role on minimizing working mothers' sleep disturbances in the first 6th months after delivery basema abdelrahman 2012 Local
13 Implication of Applying Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Guideline during Second Stage of Labor on Maternal and Neonatal outcomes. Aziza Ibrahim Mohamed (1), Rehab Mohammed Abd Elhady(2)Basma Rabie Abdelsadek(3).Amal Gharib Sabaq(4). 2016 International
14 Integrated Clinical Pathway Regarding Care of Children with Typhoid Fever Khadiga M.Said1, Basma R. Abd El-sadik2, and Faten S. Mahmoud3 Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing1 , Assistant Professor of Pediatric Nursing2&3, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University 2019 International
15 Level of Nurses' Performance Regarding Care of Infants with Protein C Deficiency: Intervention Study 1Basma Rabie. Abdel Sadik, 2Samah Mostafa Khalaf 1Assist Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt 2Assist Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt 2019 Local
16 Prevalence of Disabilities among preschool children in one selected village of Beni- suif Governorate Dr. Abeer Mohamed E. Eldeeb1, Dr. Basma Rabie Abdel sadik 2, Dr. Mohammed Meabed3 2012 International
17 Quality of Life Based Education Program for Mothers of Children Suffering from Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia 1Basma R. Abdel Sadik, 2Faten S. Mahmoud 1Assist Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt 2Assist Professor of Pediatric Nursing Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt 2019 International
Khadiga Mohammed Said Abd El- Motaleb
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (10)
Total (17)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
2 Educational Program for Nurses Regarding Management of Children with Maple Syrup Urine Disease during Acute Intermittent Late- Onset Samah Mostafa Khalaf & Khadiga Mohammed Said 2017 International
3 Effect of a Computer-Based Learning Module on Nurses' Performance Regarding Safety Arterial Blood Gases Sampling for High Risk Neonates Hoda R. Mohamed, 1 and Khadiga M. Said, 2 2020 Local
4 Effect of an Educational Program on Nurses' performance regarding Antibiotics Stewardship among High-risk Neonates Neanaa M., Fayed (1), Reda Elfeshawy(2), khadiga Mohammed Said(3) 2022 Local
5 Effect of Discharge Guide Program for Mothers Regarding Care of their Premature Infants before Discharge from Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Khadiga Mohammed Said Abd El-Motaleb Prof. Dr. Osama Abou El-Fotoh El-Fiky Dr. Ebtisam Mohammed Elsayed Dr. Faten Shafik Mahmoud 2011 International
6 Effect of Educational Program on Nurses' performance regarding Safe Medications Administration Through Nasogastric Tube among Critically Ill Children Amal Gharib Sabaq & Khadiga Mohammed Said 2016 International
7 Effect of Empowerment Program on Parents' Self-Competence regarding Caring for their Children with Eye Injuries Khadiga M. Said1, and Hoda R. Mohamed2 2022 Local
8 Effect of Health Educational Program on Mothers' Perception and Practices Regarding Care of their Children with Congenital Hypothyroidism Eman N. Ramadan, Ebtisam M. Abd Elaal,Samah M. khalaf,Khadiga M. Saied, 2015 International
9 Effect of Nursing Protocol Regarding Nasal Skin Breakdown for Preterm Infants Receiving Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Khadiga M. Said1, Rawia A. Mohamed2, Safaa F. Draz3 2019 Local
10 Effect of Pediatric Orthopedic Bundle guideline on Nurses' Performance Regarding Surgical Site Infections Khadiga Mohamed Said1 Hanan Nabawy Elaasar2, Safaa F. Draz3 2020 International
11 Effect of Transition Care Educational Program on Transitional Readiness, Self-Efficacy and Quality of Life among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Amal Gharib Sabaq1 , Samah El Awady Bassam2 ,Khadiga M. Said3 2023 Local
12 Effect of Using Oral Bee Honey on Postoperative Pain and Wound Healing for Children undergoing Tonsillectomy Basma Rabie Abdel Sadik (1), Amal Gharib sabaq (2), khadiga Mohamed Said (3) 2016 International
13 Integrated Clinical Pathway Regarding Care of Children with Typhoid Fever Khadiga M.Said , Basma R. Abd El-Sadik , and Faten S. Mahmoud 2017 International
14 Mother’s Practical Knowledge Regarding Care of Their Premature Infants after Discharge from Neonatal Intensive Care Unit "An Assessment Study" Khadiga Mohammed Said Abd El- Motaleb Prof. Abd El-Rahim Saad Shoulah Prof. Sabah Saad El-Sharkawy Dr. Abla Ahmed Ali El- Alfy 2007 International
15 The Effect of Empowerment Program for Nurses Regarding Management of Children with Phenylketonuria Evidence-Based Nursing Research 2019 Local
16 Traditional Versus Objective Structured Clinical Examination on Pediatric Nursing Students’ Performance Khadiga M. Said1 , Safaa F. Draz 2020 Local
17 Utilization of lower leg compression technique for reducing spinal induced hypotension, and related risks for mothers and neonates during cesarean delivery Aziza Ibrahim Mohamed 1, Rizk Abdel Hakeem Elazhary2, Rehab Mohamed Abdelhady1, BasmaRabieeAbd El Sadek1, Khadiga Mohamed Said1 2016 International
Madiha Hassan Bayoumi
Local Publication (3)
International Publication (16)
Total (19)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of Mothers Needs about Weaning of their Children MADIHA HASSAN BAYOUMI Prof. Abdel Rahim Saad Shoulah Prof. Mohammed Marei Prof. Sabah Saad Al- Sharkawi Dr. Soad Abdel Salam Ramadan 2004 International
2 DISCHARGE GUIDE PROGRAM FOR MOTHERS OF CHILDREN WITH BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Madiha Hassan Bayoumi Prof. Abd El-Rahim Saad Shoulah Prof. Sabah Saad Al-Sharkawi 2009 International
3 Effect of education program on nurses’ knowledge and practice regarding care of central venous line in pediatric hemodialysis: evidence-based practice guidelines Madiha H. Bayoumi, Naglaa F. Mahmoud 2018 Local
4 Effect of Implementing Continuous Care Model on Psychological Outcomes in Children undergoing Abdominal Surgery and Mother's Anxiety Level 1Amal Gharib Sabaq, 2Basma Rabie Abdelsadik, 3Madiha Hassan Bayoumi 2020 International
5 Effect of Nursing Intervention on Self Care of Adolescent Girls with Dysmenorrhea *Hanaa A, A. Yossif., ** Madiha H. Bayoumi 2016 International
6 Effect of Thermomecanical Stimulation (Buzzy®) and Cryotherapy on Children Pain, Anxiety and Satisfaction During Blood Specimen Collection Amal Abdelrazik Fathalla1 Madiha Hassan Bayoumi2 2018 Local
7 Effect of Training Program on Nurses' Competent Practices Towards Children Receiving Blood Transfusion Samah Mostafa Khalaf, Basma Rabie Abed El Sadik, Madiha Hassan Bayoumi 2017 International
8 Guideline Education Program about Nursing Ethics in Pediatric Oncology Unit: Effect on Nurses’ Knowledge and Practice Madiha Hassan Bayoumi1, Fawzia Farouk Kamel2, Amal Abdelrazik Fathalla3 2017 International
9 Impact of Range of Motion Exercise Program for Hemodialysis Nurses on Quality of Life for Children with End-stage Renal Disease undergoing Hemodialysis Therapy Abeer Yahia Mahdy Madiha Hassan Bayoumi 2016 International
10 Maternal Coping Intervention Program based on Integrated Care Pathway: Effect on Glycemic Control of their Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Madiha Hassan Bayoumi Nagwa A. Zein El DeinHanan N. Zaki 2016 International
11 Mothers' Hygienic Practices to Prevent Food Poisoning among their Children *Ebtisam Mohamed Abd El Aal and **Madiha Hassan Bayoumi 2016 International
12 Nurses’ compliance with Hand Hygiene and its Relation with Health Care Acquired Infections at Pediatric Intensive Care Units: An assessment Study Madiha Hassan Bayoumi 2016 International
13 Nurses’ Performance in Premature Transition from Gavage to Breastfeeding: Effect of Education Program *Safaa Salah Ismail, **Madiha Hassan Bayoumi 2017 Local
14 Nurses’ Performance towards Care of Neonatal Meningitis: Effect of an Educational Program Rehab Hassan Kafl1, Madiha Hassan Bayoumi2 2019 International
15 Parents’ Satisfaction toward Care Provided for their Children in Critical Care Units Dr. Madiha Hassan Bayoumi Dr. Randa Mohammed Adly Dr. Osama Abo-EL Fotoh Elfiky 2016 International
16 Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training Program: Effect on Nurses’ Knowledge and Performance Madiha Hassan Bayoumi 2016 International
17 Self Management Program for Mothers of Children with Stoma Manal Mohamed Ahmed Ahmed MedhatZaki Madiha Hassan Bayoumi AfkarRagab Mohammed 2016 International
18 Supportive Strategies Regarding Accidents Prevention for Mothers of Children Under Five Years Old Afkar Ragab Mohammed Nesreen Sayed MohammedMadiha Hassan Byoumi 2016 International
19 The Effect of Developmentally Supportive Care Training Program on Nurses' Performance and Behavioral Responses of Newborn Infants Faten Shafike MahmoudSoheir Abd-Rabou Mohammed 2016 International
Amal Abdel Aziz Abdel salam Ahmed
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (11)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Educational Training Using Transmitted Light DeviceonNurses’Performance and Pain among Children UndergoingPeripheralIntravenous Cannulation Fatma Ahmed Elsobkey 1 , Amal A. Abd El Salam2, Hidaia Morshid M. Amer 3 , Reda Elfeshawy 4 . 2020 Local
2 Effect of Applying Virtual Reality Glasses on Reducing Pain and Anxiety of Children Undergoing Chemotherapy Amal A. Abdel-Salam1 ,Seham Mohammed2 , Omayma Mustafa Abu Samra3 ,Fatma Mohamed Amin 2023 Local
3 Effect of Coaching Technique on Nurse`s Performance in Care of Children Suffering from Thalassemia Major Samia.A.Elnagar1 , Amal A. Abd El Salam2, Basma. R. Abdel-Sadik 3 2020 Local
4 Effect of Educational and Exercise Program on Blood Glucose Level Among Pre-diabetic Obese Children Mohamed O.Khalil1, Amal A. Abd –El Salam2, Seham M.Abd- El Aziz3 2016 International
5 EFFECT OF EDUCATIONAL INTERVENTION ON QUALITY OF LIFE OF SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN WITH DENTAL PROBLEMS Amal Abdel Aziz Abdel Salam Prof. Dr . Abdel Hamid El Hamshary DR. Ebtisam Mohamed EL- Sayed DR. Manal Mohammed Zyada DR. Faten Shafik Mahmoud 2011 International
6 Effect of Educational Program Based on PRECEDE PROCEED Model on Mothers’ Performance Regarding Care of Children with Asthma 1 Seham Mohammed Abd-El Aziz, 2Amal A. Abdel-Salam;3 Maha Elsayed Al arabie; 4 Sabah Mohamed El sayed Sharshour; 2023 Local
7 Effect of Educational Program on The self-Efficacy and Quality of Life for Mothers Caring children With Congenital Heart Disease AmalA. Abdel-Salam** FatenS. Mahmoud 2018 International
8 Effect of Evidence Based Guidelines on Nurses’ Performance and attitude Regarding Care of Children Undergoing Plasmapheresis Amal A. Abdel-Salam1 , Sabah Mohamed Sharshour 2 , Seham Mohammed Abd-El Aziz 3 2023 Local
9 Effect of Family Empowerment Model on Quality of Life and Self- Efficacy of Mothers Toward Children with Systematic Lupus Erythematosus Amal A. Abdel-Salam 1 , Seham Mohammed Abd-El Aziz 2 ,Maha El sayed el araby 3 ,Sabah Mohamed Sharshour 4 2023 Local
10 Effect of Health Belief Model-Based Education on Mothers’ Knowledge, Practice and Attitude Regarding Vitamin D Deficiency of their Children Samia. A. Elnagar1 , Amal A. Abd El Salam2 , Basma. R. Abdel-Sadik3 2020 International
11 Effect of High-Fidelity Simulation Training on Pediatric Nursing Student's Knowledge, Practice and Attitude Regarding Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation FatmaI. Mohamed *; FatenS. Mahmoud**; AmalA. Abdel-Salam*** 2019 International
12 Effect of Palliative Care Education on Pediatric Nursing Student’s Performance Regarding Care of Children with Cancer: An End of Life Simulation Amal A. Abd –El Salam*;Yasmine A.- Abd EL-Fatah**; Esraa Gamal Mohammed*** 2022 Local
13 Effect of Using Clinical Pathway on Nursing Care for Neonates with Sepsis Amel Abd-Elaziz Abd-Elsalam., **Seham Mohammed Abd-Elaziz 2019 International
14 Effect of Using Meditation Techniques for Children with Chronic Kidney Disease on Hemodialysis Therapy *; Basma R. Abdel Sadik **; Amal A. Abd –El Salam 2019 International
16 The Effect of Educational Intervention on Improving Quality of Life for Children with Burn Scars 1AmalA. Abdel-Salam, 2Seham M. Abd-El-Aziz, 3FatenS. Mahmoud 2018 International
17 The Effect of Interactively Virtual Reality Eyeglasses on The of Pediatric Nursing Students Performance * Fatens.Mahmoud**Amala. Abdel-Salam 2018 International
18 The Effect of Using Mobile Device with Quick Response Code on Academic Performance Amongst Pediatric Nursing Students *;Amal A. Abdel-Salam 2019 International
Fatma Ahmed Ahmed alsobky
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (10)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Educational Training Using Transmitted Light DeviceonNurses’Performance and Pain among Children UndergoingPeripheralIntravenous Cannulation Fatma Ahmed Elsobkey 1 , Amal A. Abd El Salam2, Hidaia Morshid M. Amer 3 , Reda Elfeshawy 4 2020 Local
2 Effect of Applying of Oropharyngeal Exercises on Sleep Problems and Quality of Life in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea post-Adenotonsillectomy Amal Gharib Sabaq (1) & Fatma Ahmed Elsobky (2) 2020 Local
3 Effect of Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Breast Feeding Program on Maternity Nurses, Mothers and Infants Outcomes Fatma Ahmed Elsobkey1, Marwa Ahmed Shahin2 2016 International
4 Effect of Educational Guidelines Program about Nursing Care of Neonates Receiving Continues Positive Airway Pressure Fatma Ahmed Elsobkey1, Samah Abdalha Mohamed Amer2 2018 International
5 Effect of Educational Intervention on Improvement of Quality of Life for Children with Epilepsy Fatma Ahmed Ahmed ElsobkeyProf. Dr. Ismail Abou-El Ella RamadanProf. Dr. Mirret Mohamed DarwishDr. Faten Shafik Mahmoud 2011 International
6 Effect of health education program-based on a health belief model on mothers’ knowledge and practices regarding choking prevention and management for their children Reda Elfeshawy 1 , Fatma Ahmed El Sobky2 , Farida Khalil Ibrahim Mohamed 3 Hamida Ahmed Mustafa Darweesh4 2022 Local
7 Effect of Honey or Lavender Use on Post-Tonsillectomy Pain Relieve Among Preschool Children Sanaa Ahmed Mohamed1, Fatma Ahmed El Sobky2 2016 International
8 Effect of Intervention Program on Quality of End of Life Care Provided by Pediatric Critical Care Nurses Fatma Ahmed Elsobkey1, Samah Abdalha Mohamed Ammer 2015 International
9 Effect of Purple Crying Educational Program on Mothers’ Performance Regarding Prevention of Shaken Infant Syndrome 1Mabrouka Atia Nada, 2Fatma Ahmed ElSobky, 3Rahma Soliman Bahgat 2020 Local
10 Effect of Self-Management Program on Self-efficacy and Quality of Life for School Age Children with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Basma Rabie Abdelsadak, Amal Gharib Sabaq, Fatma Ahmed Elsobky 2019 Local
11 Effect of Using Clinical Pathway on Outcomes of Children with Type One Diabetes Mellitus Suffering From Diabetic Ketoacidosis 1Rahma Soliman Bahgat, 2Fatma Ahmed Elsobkey 2017 International
12 Guidelines protocol for enhance nurses’ performance for care of children with respiratory disorders on oxygen therapy and pulse oximetry Nadia Medany Helaly1 and Fatma Ahmed El Sobky 2 2020 Local
13 Mothers' Health Education Based on Health Belief Model to Prevent Vitamin D Deficiency in Children with Cerebral Palsy Fatma Ahmed Elsobkey* , Samah Abdallah Mohamed Amer 2019 Local
14 Mothers’ Health Education based on Health Belief Model to Promote Health of Preterm Infant Related to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Fatma Ahmed Elsobkey 2018 International
15 Quality of Nursing Care for High Risk Neonate Receiving Nasogastric Tube Feeding Fatma Ahmed AhmedProf. DR. Abd El-Rahim Saad ShoulahProf. DR. Sabah Saad Al-SharkawiDR. Faten Shafik Mahmoud 2009 International
16 The effect of Mothers’ Nutritional education based on health belief model toprevent stunting among young children Reda Elfeshawy (1) , Fatma Ahmed El Sobky (2), Samah Abdallah Mohamed Amer (3), Shikhah Hussin Ali Alzahrani. (4) 2022 Local
17 The effect of pre-hospital discharge care program on mothers’ knowledge and reported practice for children after congenital heart surgery Fatma Ahmed Elsobky1, Samah Abdalha Mohamed Amer1, Ahlam Elahmady Mohamed Sarhan2 2018 International
18 The Effect of Pre-Hospital Discharge Educational Program on Preterm Infants and their Mothers Soheir Abd-Rabou Mohammed-Fatma Ahmed Elsobkey 2019 International
Hanan Nabwy Abd- El Hamed El aaser hh
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (5)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 BASNEF Model: it’s Effect on Blood Glucose Level among Children with Diabetes Mellitus GhadaA.Hassan1, Hanaa I. El Sayed1*, Hanan N. El-aasar2 2020 International
2 Effect of Educational Program on Improving Nurses' Performance Regarding Arterial Blood Gases Sampling for Critically Ill Children 1Amal Gharib Sabaq, 2Hanan Nabawy El-aasar, 3Marwa Mohammed 2019 Local
3 Effect of Nursing Intervention Program on Self-Esteem, Body Image and Quality of Life of Children undergoing Hemodialysis Faten Mohamed Ahmed, Fathyea Said Sayed & Hanan Nabawy Elaasar 2020 International
4 Effect of Pediatric Orthopedic Bundle guideline on Nurses' Performance Regarding Surgical Site Infections Khadiga Mohamed Said1 Hanan Nabawy Elaasar2, Safaa F. Draz3 2020 Local
5 Effect of Preventive Bundle Guidelines on Nurses’ Knowledge and Compliance Regarding Pressure Ulcer Among Critically Ill Children at Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed*, Seham Mohamed Abd Elaziz, Hanan Nabawy Elaasar 2019 International
6 Effect of tactile stimulation on post-operative pain of neonates having abdominal surgery 2015 International
7 Effect of Training Clinical Positioning Guidelines on Physiological Parameters of Premature Infants undergoing Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure *Samah M. Khalaf., **Seham Mohammed Abd-Elaziz., ***Hanan Nabawy El -aasar 2019 International
8 Effect of Training Program on Mothers' Self Competence Regarding Caring for Their Epileptic Children Samah M. Khalaf 1&HananNabawyElaasar2 2020 Local
9 Maternal Management of Children with Nephrotic Syndrome and their Quality of Life Pro. Dr. Ismail abou El-Ela Ramadan Dr. Ebtisam Mohamed Elsyed 2011 Local
10 Mother’s Knowledge and Practice regarding Care of Their Children with Sickle Cell Anemia Reda abd Elmohsen Mahmoud Awd,Basma Rabie Abdel-Sadik,Hanan Nabawy El-AAsar 2017 Local
Hewaida Mawad Ahmed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (17)
Total (17)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A randomized controlled trial of abdominal massage and prone positioning as a proactive nursing strategy for feeding intolerance among preterm with non-invasive ventilation Howaida Moawad Ahmed Ali 2022 International
2 ASSESSMENT OF KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE OF MOTHERS REGARDING CARE OF THEIR CHILDREN UNDERGOING CHEMOTHERAPY Hewaida Mawad AhmedProf. Dr. Abdel-Rahim Saad Shoulah Prof. Dr. Wafaa El-Sayed Abdel-Gileel Ouda 2008 International
3 Effect of Educational Module on Improving School-Age Children and their Parent’s Knowledge and Behavior Intervention about Nocturnal Enuresis hwaida.Ali 2023 International
4 Effect of Orem Self-Care Model on School-Age Children and Teenagers with Autism and their Parents hwaida.ali 2016 International
5 Effectiveness of comfort theory model based on holistic care for hospitalized children with sickle cell disease crises Howaida Moawad Ahmed Ali 2023 International
6 Evaluation of awareness and attitude of paediatric nursingstudents, nurses, and adolescents regarding type onediabetes advanced devices and virtual nursing (2) (PDF) Evaluation of awareness and attitude of paediatric nursing students, nurses, and adolescents regarding type one diabetes advanced devices and virtual nursing. Available from: [accessed Nov 03 2023]. Howaida Moawad Ahmed Ali 2023 International
7 Evaluation of Nursing Performance at Pediatric Burn Unit in Benha City: An Intervention Study hwaida.ali 2016 International
8 Feeding Protocol for Mothers Having Infant with Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate hwaida.ali 2018 International
9 Healthy lifestyle program for hypertensive adolescents with a Vitamin D deficiency Howaida Moawad Ahmed Ali 2023 International
10 Promoting Healthy Lifestyle for Survivor Adolescents with Leukemia and their Caregivers hwaida.ali 2018 International
11 Sexual Abuse Prevention Program for School Age Children hwaida.ali 2017 International
12 THE EFFECT OF EDUCATIONAL INTERVENTION ON MATERNAL MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN WITH CANCER AND THEIR QUALITY OF LIFE Hewaida Mawad AhmedProf. Dr. Abdel- Hamed Mohammed Salah El-HamsharyProf. Dr. Ebtisam Mohamed Elsayed Dr. Faten Shafik Mahmoud 2012 International
13 The Effect of Simulation Training on Nurses and Intern Nursing Students' Skill, Confident and Satisfaction Regarding Neonatal Resuscitation hwaida.ali 2016 International
14 The effectiveness of an educational program for pediatric nurses concerning acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease Howaida Moawad Ahmed Ali 2021 International
15 The Relationship between Personality Traits, Optimism of Pediatric Nursing Student and their Theoretical and Practical Achievement hwaida.ali 2017 International
16 Training program concerning employ energetic learning strategies among pediatric nursing students: developmental study Howaida Moawad Ahmed Ali 2023 International
17 Video-based and digital booklet guided program for parents of colostomy operated infants Dr. Howaida Moawad Ahmed Ali 2021 International
Rawia Abd Elghny Mohamed
Local Publication (6)
International Publication (6)
Total (12)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of administration of oral glucose solution on pain reduction in neonates undergoing venipuncture procedure 2015 International
2 Effect of Designed Guideline for Mothers having Infants Suffering from Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction Mai Gamal Mohammed , Faten Shafik Mahmoud, Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed 2020 Local
3 Effect of Implementing Educational Guidelines on Mothers' Performance Regarding Postoperative Gastrointestinal Motility for their Children with Abdominal Surgery Mervat Abd Elwaris Esmail, Rawia Abd El-ghany Mohamed, Basma Rabie Abdel Sadik and Rahma Soliman Bahgat 2020 Local
4 Effect of Nursing Protocol Regarding Nasal Skin Breakdown for Preterm Infants Receiving Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Khadiga M. Said1, Rawia A. Mohamed2, Safaa F. Draz3 2019 Local
5 Effect of Play Intervention on Anxiety and Vital Signs in Children during Preoperative Period Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed,Naglaa Fathi Elattar 2019 Local
6 Effect of Preventive Bundle Guidelines on Nurses’ Knowledge and Compliance Regarding Pressure Ulcer Among Critically Ill Children at Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed*, Seham Mohamed Abd Elaziz, Hanan Nabawy Elaasar 2019 International
7 Effect of Self Care Management Program on Pain and Fatigue in Sickle Cell Children Seham Mohamed Abd Elaziz,Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed 2019 International
8 Effect of Structured Postpartum Nursing Intervention Involving COVID-19 Precautions on Mothers' Knowledge, Practice, Fear level and Neonatal care Marwa A. Shahin ,2Hanan Morsy Salim Metwally , 3Mervat Mostafa Abd El Monem Desoky, 4Seham Mohamed Abd Elaziz, 5Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed , 1*Ghada. A. Hassan 2021 International
9 Effect of Video-Assisted Teaching Intervention on Nurses’ Knowledge and Practice Regarding Arterial Blood Gases Sampling for Ventilated Children at Pediatric Intensive Care Units Seham Mohamed Abd Elaziz1 , Ghada. A. Hassan1*, Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed2 2021 International
10 Nursing Care Adherence regarding Management of Oral Mucositis in Children Undergoing Oncology Therapy Samah Mostafa Khalaf, Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed , Samia.A.Elnagar 2020 Local
11 Quality of Life Based Education Program for Mothers regarding Their Obese Children with Intellectual Disabilities Khadiga Mohamed Said1 Rawia Abd El-ghany Mohammed2, Safaa F. Draz3 2020 International
12 QUALITY OF NURSING CARE FOR NEONATES UNDERGOING MECHANICAL VENTILATION AT BENHA CITY Prof.Dr.Wafaa El-Sayed Abdel-Gileel Ouda Prof.Dr.Abdel-Hameed Mohammed El-Hamshary 2012 Local
Samah Abd Allah Mohamed Amer
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Enhancing the Quality of Life for Children with Cerebral Palsy at Benha City Samah Abdalha Mohammed AmerProf. Dr. Abdel-Rahim Saad Shoulah Prof. Dr. Mirret Mohamed DarouishDr. Faten Shafik Mahmoud 2010 International
2 Maternal Stress Response Among Mothers of Premature Neonates سماح عبدالله محمدأ.د/ عبد الرحيم سعد شولح أ.م. د / سهير عبدالحميد ضبش 2006 International
Samah Mostafa Mohammed Ali
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (4)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of Educational Program on Nurses' Performance Regarding Neonatal Palliative Care Samah Moustafa Mohammed Ali khalafProf. Dr. MIRRET MOHAMMED DAROUISHProf. Dr. MOHAMMED HESHAM El - HEFNAWYDr. FATEN SHAFIK MAHMOUD 2016 International
2 Educational Program for Nurses Regarding Management of Children with Maple Syrup Urine Disease during Acute Intermittent Late- Onset Samah Mostafa Khalaf & Khadiga Mohammed Said Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt 2017 International
3 Effect of clinical program on nursing care for newborn infants with neonatal respiratory distress samah mostafa 2018 Local
4 Effect of Health Educational Program on Mothers' Perception and Practices Regarding Care of their Children with Congenital Hypothyroidism samah mostafa mohamed 2015 Local
5 Effect of Intervention Program for Mothers of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Samah M. Khalaf Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University Hanan A. Elsayed. Lecturer of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University. Rehab, E. Mohamed Lecturer of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Faculty 2015 International
6 Effect of intervention program on getting rid of esophageal regurgitation in premature infants 2018 Local
7 Effect of training program on nurses' competency regarding blood transfusion in children samah mostafa 2018 International
8 Nurses' performance regarding care of seriously sick children at pediatric emergency departments: a training program samah mostafa 2016 Local
Seham Mohamed Abd-Elaziz
Local Publication (6)
International Publication (7)
Total (13)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of Educational and Exercise Program on Blood Glucose Level Among Pre-diabetic Obese Children Mohamed O.Khalil, Amal A. Abd –El Salam, Seham M.Abd- El Aziz 2020 Local
2 Effect of Educational Intervention on Secondary School Students’ Knowledge, Practices and Attitudes Regarding COVID-19 Manal Mohamed Ahmed Ayed1, Amel abd Elaziem Mohamed 2, Thorea Mohamed Mahmoud3, Seham Mohammed AbdElaziz 4 2021 Local
3 Effect of Preventive Bundle Guidelines on Nurses’ Knowledge and Compliance Regarding Pressure Ulcer Among Critically Ill Children at Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed*, Seham Mohamed Abd Elaziz, Hanan Nabawy Elaasar 2019 Local
4 Effect of Self Care Management Program on Pain and Fatigue in Sickle Cell Children Seham Mohamed Abd Elaziz, Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed 2019 International
5 Effect of Structured Postpartum Nursing Intervention Involving COVID-19 Precautions on Mother's K nowledge, Practice, Fear level and Neonatal care Marwa A. Shahin ,2Hanan Morsy Salim Metwally , 3Mervat Mostafa Abd El Monem Desoky, 4Seham Mohamed Abd Elaziz, 5Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed , 1*Ghada. A. Hassan 2021 Local
6 Effect of Training Program on Nurses' Knowledge and Practice toward Care of Children with Coma at Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Seham Mohammed Abd Elaziz 2019 International
7 Effect of Using Clinical Pathway on Nursing Care for Neonates with Sepsis Amal A. Abdel-Salam,Seham Mohammed Abd-El Aziz 2018 Local
8 Effect of Video-Assisted Teaching Intervention on Nurses’ Knowledge and Practice Regarding Arterial Blood Gases Sampling for Ventilated Children at Pediatric Intensive Care Units Seham Mohamed Abd Elaziz1 , Ghada. A. Hassan1*, Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed2 2021 Local
9 Improve Nurses' Competency Level Regarding Care of Children Undergoing Intestinal Obstruction Surgery: An Educational Program Fatma Ismael Mohammed 1, Sabah Saad Al Sharkawi 2, Amal Gharib Sabaq 3, Seham Mohammed Abd-Elaziz 4 2021 International
10 Improving Nurses’ Performance Regarding Physiotherapeutic Techniques for Bed Ridden Children: Nursing Educational Intervention Nashat E. Ali***, Randa M. Adly*, Seham M. Abd El Aziz** 2021 International
11 Nurses' Competent Practices Regarding Early Detection and Management of Early Onset Neonatal Hypocalcaemia *Samah M. Khalaf., **Seham Mohammed Abd-Elaziz., ***Samia, A.Elnagar 2020 International
12 Quality of Nursing Care for Neonates with Respiratory Distress Syndrome Seham Mohamed Abd-ELaziz Prof. Dr . Abd El-Rahim Saad Shoulah Assist. Prof. Dr . Iman Ibrahim Abd Al-Moneim Dr . Faten Shafik Mahmoud 2010 International
13 The Effect of Educational Intervention on Improving Quality of Life for Children with Burn Scars AmalA. Abdel-Salam, Seham M. Abd-El-Aziz, FatenS. Mahmoud 2018 International
Esraa Gamal Mohamed
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Intervention Program for Nurses about Care of Preterm Neonates Undergoing Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Sabah S. Al Sharkawi *; Basma R. Abd_Elsadek **; Khadega M. Said***; Esraa G.Mohammed 2019 Local
2 the effect of endotracheal tube suction on oxygen saturation level in preterm infants samah,esraa 2014 Local
Fatma Ismael Mohamed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of High-Fidelity Simulation Training on Pediatric Nursing Student's Knowledge, Practice and Attitude Regarding Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Fatma.I. Mohamed, Faten.S. Mahmoud, Amal.A. Abdel-Salam 2017 International
2 Improve Nurses' Competency Level Regarding Care of Children Undergoing Intestinal Obstruction Surgery: An Educational Program Fatma Ismael Mohammed 1, Sabah Saad Al Sharkawi 2, Amal Gharib Sabaq 3& Seham Mohammed Abd-Elaziz 4 2020 Local
Hannan Elsayed Metwaly Mansour
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (2)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of Calming Techniques on Health Parameters of Children Undergoing UpperGastrointestinal Endoscopy and their Mothers' Satisfaction Rawia Abd El-ghany Mohamed 1 , Ghada.A.Hassan 2 , Hanan Elsayed Metwally 3 2023 Local
2 Effect of Designed Guidelines for Mothers regarding Care of their Children with Ophthalmological Trauma Doaa El-Maghawry Abd El-Halem1 , Khadiga Mohamed Said2 and Hanan El-Sayed Metwally3 2022 Local
3 Effect of Educational Guidelines on Mothers' Performance regarding Care of Children with Epistaxis Nora Abd El-Alim Ebrahim1 , Amal Abd El-Aziz Abd El-Salam2 , Rawia Abd ElGhany Mohamed3 and Hanan El-Sayed Metwally4 2022 Local
4 Effect of Electronic Learning Package Application on Nurses’ Knowledgeand Practice Regarding Post Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitationfor Critically Ill Neonates Rawia Abd El-ghany Mohamed 1 ,Ghada.A.Hassan 2 , Hanan ElsayedMetwally3 2023 Local
5 Effect of Empowerment Program on Parents' Self Competence regarding Care of their Children with Cochlear Implantation Hanan Mohamed Tork ,Hanan Elsayed Metwally Mansour,Rawia Abd El-ghany Mohamed 2022 International
6 Effect of Preventive Bundle Guidelines on Nurses' Knowledge and Compliance towards Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Pediatric Critical Care Units Hanan El-Sayed Metwally Prof. Dr. Wafaa El-sayed Ouda Dr. Madiha Hassan Bayoumi Dr. Faten Shafik Mahmoud 2017 International
7 Effect of Preventive Care Bundle Guidelines for Nurses on IncidenceofIntraventricular Hemorrhage among Mechanically Ventilated Preterm Neonates Hanan El-sayed Metwally (1), Reda Mohammed Abd-allah (2), Esraa Gamal Mohammed(3) 2020 Local
8 Effect of Video assisted Teaching Intervention on Nurses’ Performance RegardingVenous Blood Sampling Withdrawal from Neonates Rawia Abd El-ghany Mohamed 1 , Ghada.A.Hassan 2 , Hanan Elsayed Metwally 3 2022 Local
9 Effect of Virtual Reality Technology on Sleeping Pattern and Its Effect on Physiological Parameters among Critical Ill Children Asmaa Awad Helmy(1) , Hanan Elsayed Metwally Mansour(2) , Eman Abd-Elaziz Mohamed(3) , Manal Mohamed Ahmed Ayed (4) 2022 Local
10 parent coping toward their children undergoing painful invasive procedures in pediatric oncology hanan elsayed 2013 Local
Rasha Rady Elsayed
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (2)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of Cryotherapy on Pain Intensity at Puncture Sites of Arteriovenous Fistula for Children Undergoing Hemodialysis Therapy Rasha Rady El said * Prof.Dr.Wafaa El-sayed Ouda** Dr. Faten Shafik Mahmoud *** Dr. Basma Rabee Abd El-Sadek **** Rasha Rady El said * Prof.Dr.Wafaa El-sayed Ouda** Dr. Faten Shafik Mahmoud * 2017 International
2 Effect of Designed Eye Care Protocol on Nurses' Knowledge and Practices Regarding Prevention of Ocular Surface Disorders among Sedated and Intubated Children at Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Hanan Mohamed Tork1,*, Rawia Abd El-ghany Mohamed2 , Hanan Nabawy Elaasar2 , Rasha Rady El-Said2 2022 Local
3 Effect of Educational Guidelines on Nurses’ Performance regarding Safe Use of High Alert Medications at Pediatric Intensive Care Units Seham Mohammed Abd Elaziz ¹, Rasha Rady El Said ² and Esraa Gamal Mohammed³ 2023 Local
4 Effect of Educational Package for Mothers regarding Stunting among Children under Five Years Basma Mohamed Abdelrahman 1, Hedya Fathy Mohey El-Deen2, Rasha Rady El Said 2021 Local
5 Effect of Family Empowerment Program on Parents' Performance regarding Care of Their Children with Cerebral Palsy Basma Mohamed Abdelrahman(1), HananNabawyElaasar(2), Rasha Rady El Said(3) 2021 Local
6 Effect of Intradialytic Exercises Program for Nurses on Peripheral Muscle Cramps and perfusion among Children Undergoing Hemodialysis Rasha Rady El-Said 1 , Abrar Hamed Mohamed 2 , Reda Mohamed Abduallah 3 2023 Local
7 Effect of mobile based educational program on mother’s knowledge and practice regarding care of children with helicobacter pylori infection 1Hanan Mohamed Tork, 2Fatma Ismael Mohammed and 3Rasha Rady El Said 2022 International
8 Improving Quality of Life of Mothers and their Children with Immune Thrombocytopenia Marwa Samir Said Saleh1 , Khadiga Mohamed Said Abd El-Motaleb 2 and Rasha Rady ElSaid3 2023 Local
9 Preventive Strategies for Nurses regarding Klebsiella Infection in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Rania Ismail Fahim1 , Amal Abdel-Aziz Abdel-Slam2 and Rasha Rady El Said3 2022 Local
Reda Abd elmohsen Mahmoud
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of Leg Crossing and Hand Griping Techniques on Reducing Vasovagal Symptoms Associated with Vein Puncture in Pediatric Patients 1 Reda Abdel-Mohsen Mahmoud Awd, 2 Wafaa El-Sayed Ouda, 3 Faten Shafik Mahmoud, and 4 Hanan Nabawy El-Aasar. 2021 Local
2 Mother’s Knowledge and Practice regarding Care of Their Children with Sickle Cell Anemia Reda abd Elmohsen Mahmoud Awd,Basma Rabie Abdel-Sadik,Hanan Nabawy El-AAsar 2018 International
Reda Mohamed Abdelkader
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 ASSESSMENT OF MOTHERS’ KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS THEIR CHILDREN SUFFERING FROM HEARING IMPAIRMENT Reda Mohamed Abduallah Prof. Dr. Wafaa El-Sayed Ouda Assist. Prof. Dr. Faten Shafik Mahmoud Dr. Amal Abdel-Aziz Abdel-Salam 2015 International
2 Effect of Educational Program for Nurses on Central Venous Catheter Maintenance Bundle for Critically Ill Pediatric Patients Wafaa E. Ouda* Faten S. Mahmoud** Samah M. Khalaf*** Reda M. AbduAllah 2018 International
Yasmin Abd Elghny Behery
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 EFFECT OF NON-NUTRITIVE SUCKING ON REDUCING THE PAIN OF INFANTS DURING IMMUNIZATION Dr. khadiga Mohammed Said Assist .Prof . Dr/ Faten Shafik Mahmoud Yasmine Abdel-Ghany Abdel-Fatah Mohamed 2016 International
2 Effect of Technology Based Program on the Academic Achievement of Pediatric Nursing Students Yasmine Abd EL-Ghany Abd EL-Fatah 2019 Local
Abrar Hamed Elghazawy
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of an Educational Program for Nurses regarding Errors in Medications Administration for Children 1 Abrar Hamed Mohammed , 2 Wafaa El-Sayed Ouda, 3 Basma Rabie Abdelsadik, and 4 Rawia Abd El-ghany Mohamed. 2022 Local
2 Nurses' Knowledge and Practices toward Caring for Children undergoing Blood Transfusion Abrar Hamed Mohammed 2019 Local
Eman Ahmed Samir
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of Evidence-Based Guidelines on Nurses' Performance Regarding Care of High-Risk Neonates Undergoing Surfactant Replacement Therapy Eman A. Samir1, Faten Sh. Mahmoued2, Madiha H. Bayoumi3 2023 Local
2 Maternal Difficulties And Care During Breastfeeding And Weaning Process for Their Infants: Assessment Study Eman A. Samir1, Wafaa E. Ouda2, Amal G. Sabaq3, Amal A. Abdel-Salam4 2020 Local
Rodinah Ahmed Mokbel Mustafa Ahmed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 EFFECT OF DISTRACTION ON PRESCHOOL CHILDREN'S POSTOPERATIVE PAIN Rodaina Ahmed Mokbel Prof. Dr. Abd El-Rahim Saad Shoulah Prof. Dr. Yomn Youssef Salah El- Din 2007 International
Roqia Afifi Abdelfadel
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (0)
Total (4)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Assessment of Mothers’ Knowledge regarding Care of their Children Undergoing Congenital Club-Foot Surgery. ) Roquia Afify Abd El Fadel Afify,(2) Prof. Dr. Faten Shafik Mahmoud & (3) Prof. Dr. Amal Gharib Sabaq 2024 Local
2 Effect of Continuous Care Model on Mothers’ Knowledge, Satisfaction and the Outcomes of their Children Undergoing Congenital Club-Foot Surgery Roquia Afify Abd El Fadel Afify,(2) Prof. Dr. Faten Shafik Mahmoud & (3) Prof. Dr. Amal Gharib Sabaq 2024 Local
3 Nurses' Knowledge and Practices Regarding Care of Children Undergoing Vascular Access and its Related Complications 1 Roquia Afify Abd El-Fadel, 2 Wafaa El-Sayed Ouda, 3Khadiga Mohammed Said, 4Seham Mohammed Abd El- Aziz 2021 Local
4 Nurses' Knowledge and Practices Regarding Care of Children Undergoing Vascular Access and its Related Complications Roquia Afify Abd El-Fadel, 2 Wafaa El-Sayed Ouda, 3Khadiga Mohammed Said, 4Seham Mohammed Abd El- Aziz 2021 Local
Aliaa AbdelHakeem Hassan
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Amira Hossam Mohamed Ashour
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Amira Mohamed Saad Ibrahem
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Asmaa Mohamed Abdel Razek Morsi
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Aya Shaker Ahmed Elbadawy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Hoda Elsayed Abdelhaleem
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Barriers Faced by Mothers Caring for their Children with Leukemia during COVID-19 Pandemic Huda El-Sayed Abdel-Haleem1 , Madiha Hassan Bayoumi2 , and Rasha Rady El-Said 2023 Local
Mahmoud Refaat Desouky salem
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Mariam Abdel Rasoul Demerdash
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Moustafa Fathy Mohamed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
nihal taha
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of Educational Program on Mothers’ Knowledge and Reported Practices regarding their Children Suffering from Short Stature Nihal T. Abdelbaky, Faten S. Mahmoud and Samah A. Mohamed 2024 Local
nora abdelalim ibrahim
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of Educational Guidelines on Mothers’ Performance regarding Care of Children with Epistaxis Nora Abd El-Alim Ebrahim1, Amal Abd El-Aziz Abd El-Salam2, Rawia Abd El-GhanyMohamed3, Hanan El-Sayed Metwally4Mohamed3, Hanan El-Sayed Metwally4 2021 Local
shereen gamal abdelfatah
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Nurses’Knowledge and Practices Regarding Care of Neonates Undergoing Esophageal Atresia Surgery *Shreen Gamal Abd Elfatah,** Basma Rabie Abd Elsadik, ***Seham M. Abd Elaziz 2023 Local
Somia Sobhy Elsayed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Effect of Virtual Reality as a Teaching Strategy on Pediatric Nursing Students’ Performance Regarding Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Somia Sobhy Elsayed Agm, 2Amal Gharib Sabaq and 3Reda Mohamed Abdullah 2024 Local