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BU president honors the participants of preparing the new research plan of the university 2023-2030

BU president honors the participants of preparing the new research plan of the university 2023-2030

  • 26 Jul. 2023

BU president, Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa and Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the vice president of post-graduate studies and scientific research, the faculties' vice deans of students and educational affairs, Ms. Shreen Shawkay, the university secretary-general, Mr. Rafaat Nan, the assistant secretary-general for the administrative affairs and the white collar system honor the participates who prepare the new research plan of Benha University 2023-2030. It's noteworthy that this research plan aims at developing the educational system, honing the research processes and serving the community.

BU president attends the initiative of planting the fruitful trees in the faculty of science

BU president attends the initiative of planting the fruitful trees in the faculty of science

  • 14 Jun. 2023

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president attends the initiative of planting the fruitful trees in the faculty of science so as to increase the green spaces inside the University campus.

BU President: We are keen to link the University's Strategic plan to Egypt's Vision 2030

BU President: We are keen to link the University's Strategic plan to Egypt's Vision 2030

  • 21 Aug. 2022

Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President has confirmed on importance of the University's role in the civil society and effective participation of the civil society to prepare the new strategic plan of Benha University 2030.

EJEP announces about Scholarships Plans for the Fifth Year

EJEP announces about Scholarships Plans for the Fifth Year

  • 13 Feb. 2022

The Central Administration of Scholarships at the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education by cooperation with Japan International Cooperation Agency announces about JICA scholarships plans for 2022.

BU E-Club organizes a Training Program on

BU E-Club organizes a Training Program on "How to write Smart Business Plan for Startups"

  • 19 Nov. 2020

The Entrepreneurs Club - Technology Innovation Commercialisation Office - Benha University (TICO) organized, with collaboration of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, 3 days free training program on "How to write Smart Business Plan for Startups" under the auspices of Prof. Gamal El Saeed, the University President; Prof. Tamer Samir, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs; and Prof. Gamal Sousa, the Supervisor of the University Sector of Community Service and Environment Development.

Research Study between BU and Manchester University Hospital

Research Study between BU and Manchester University Hospital

  • 17 Sep. 2020

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches' Affairs said that the Researcher/ Samar Mahmoud, the Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine has got the doctoral thesis about " Stem cell transplant" throughout a joint supervision scholarship obtained to the Researcher within the Newton-Mosharafa program, where the Researcher completed her studies at Manchester University Hospitals for Children in England.

Training Courses at Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center

Training Courses at Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center

  • 17 Oct. 2019

In the frame of cooperation between Benha University and Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center, the following courses will be held at Benha University with 50% discount; Strategic Planning , Self Evaluation ,Programs description and learning outputs and Programs accreditation. All courses will be booked at the 7th floor of faculty of Artificial Intelligence and computers. For more details, you can keep in touch with the following number; 01277347008 or the following email; .

The vice University president discusses the strategic plan and quality management

The vice University president discusses the strategic plan and quality management

  • 3 Jun. 2018

Prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the vice University president of the student and educational affairs hosts the members of the executive office of the strategic plan in the University and they discuss the strategic plan 2017/2022 and quality management

Next July is the time to assess the strategic plan in Benha University

Next July is the time to assess the strategic plan in Benha University

  • 4 Apr. 2018

The strategic planning unit has agreed upon determining next July as the time to assess the strategic plan of Benha University and its faculties and the assessment process will last for four days. This statement concurs with the meeting of the strategic planning units in the university's faculties under the presidency of prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit in Benha University.

A Chinese scientist is being hosted by Benha University to plant rice in the salty water

A Chinese scientist is being hosted by Benha University to plant rice in the salty water

  • 21 Jan. 2018

Benha University hosts one of well- known scientists in planting rice in the salty water to deliver a presentation in the opening session of the conference which is held in the faculty of agriculture next April.

Revising three faculties' plans in Benha University during some days

Revising three faculties' plans in Benha University during some days

  • 15 Jan. 2018

The supervision committees of carrying out of the strategic plans in the faculty of science, the faculty of education and the faculty of veterinary medicine starts its work to supervise what these faculties have done so far and it is expected to finish its work before the mid-term vacation.

The first workshop in Benha University to discuss the strategies of higher education

The first workshop in Benha University to discuss the strategies of higher education

  • 17 Jan. 2018

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president inaugurates the proceedings of the workshop that is held by the university in cooperation with the ministry of higher education to discuss the strategies of higher education. The workshop is held in the presence of prof.Dr. Reem Derbala, the head of the planning in the ministry of higher education, the faculties' deans, prof.Dr. Gamal Abdel EL-Aziz, the faculties'' members and the employees.

The supervising committee of carrying out the strategic plan finishes the assessment of 500 activities

The supervising committee of carrying out the strategic plan finishes the assessment of 500 activities

  • 24 Dec. 2017

The unit of strategic planning in Benha University witnesses several activities to supervise carrying out the University's strategic plan 2017-2022 under the auspices of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president. Prof. Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of the Unit of strategic planning and the head of supervising committee of carrying out the strategic plan of the University says that the committee has finished the assessment of 500 activities.

3 teams to supervise the strategic plan of Benha University

3 teams to supervise the strategic plan of Benha University

  • 12 Dec. 2017

It has been agreed to form 3 teams to supervise the strategic plan of Benha University in the fields of post-graduate studies and the computerization of the University, the field of the students and alumni, the governance of the institutional performance and the continuous development and increasing the resources and the university's capacity to accommodate more students. The teams are presided by prof.Dr. Alaa Amin, the former dean of the faculty of science, prof.Dr. Ibrahim Fouda, the dean of the faculty of education and prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the acting dean of the faculty of specific education.

A workshop at the faculty of education to revise the strategic plan of the University

A workshop at the faculty of education to revise the strategic plan of the University

  • 17 Dec. 2017

The faculty of education holds a workshop to let the attendance know the mechanisms of carrying out the strategic plan of Benha University and its faculties in the presence of prof.Dr. Ibrahim Fouda, the dean of the faculty, the faculties' deputies, the departments' heads and the heads of the units of the strategic plan and the centers' heads.

Starting to revise the strategic planning in the faculties of Benha University

Starting to revise the strategic planning in the faculties of Benha University

  • 5 Dec. 2017

The unit of the strategic planning has finished of forming 16 special committees to revise the strategic planning in the university administration and the fifteen faculties. The special committee will start from 17-12-2017 and it lasts for four days and the special committees will revise the faculties' plans in January and February.

Benha University discusses the research plan 2017-2022

Benha University discusses the research plan 2017-2022

  • 3 Dec. 2017

Prof.Dr El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president urges that there should be cooperation between the research plan of the university, the strategic plan and the quality management center , so that all the plan concur with each other's and there are no repeated plans that can waste time and effort.

Benha University discusses the research plan 2017-2022

Benha University discusses the research plan 2017-2022

  • 3 Dec. 2017

Prof.Dr El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president urges that there should be cooperation between the research plan of the university, the strategic plan and the quality management center , so that all the plan concur with each other's and there are no repeated plans that can waste time and effort.

Strategic planning forum in the faculty of veterinary medicine

Strategic planning forum in the faculty of veterinary medicine

  • 15 Nov. 2017

The faculty of veterinary medicine and central unit of strategic planning organize a forum to increase the awareness of the strategic planning. Prof.Dr. Muhammad Abu Salim, the dean of the faculty asserts that development of all sectors in the faculty concurs with the principles of faculty's endeavor to carry out its strategic planning.

Endorsing the strategic plan of the faculty of computer and informatics

Endorsing the strategic plan of the faculty of computer and informatics

  • 20 Nov. 2017

The strategic planning unit in Benha University has endorsed the strategic plan of the faculty of computer and informatics after it matches the strategic plan of the university according to what prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit in Benha University has said.

Carrying out the strategic plan of Benha University next December

Carrying out the strategic plan of Benha University next December

  • 1 Nov. 2017

Benha University's council approves, under the presidency of Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-kady, the university president, on the report that prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit presents in which it includes the accomplishments of the university that have been achieved in the last period. It has been agreed upon that the strategic plan of the university will be carried out next December and the plans of the university will also be carried out with the advent of 2018.

Carrying out the strategic plan at three faculties in Benha University

Carrying out the strategic plan at three faculties in Benha University

  • 31 Oct. 2017

The strategic planning unit announces that the strategic plan has been carried out at the following faculties: the faculty of medicine, the faculty of law and the faculty of science after the committees revise the plans that the three faculties present and these plans are a good match to the strategic plan of the university 2017/2022.

Carrying out the strategic plan at three faculties in Benha University

Carrying out the strategic plan at three faculties in Benha University

  • 31 Oct. 2017

The strategic planning unit announces that the strategic plan has been carried out at the following faculties: the faculty of medicine, the faculty of law and the faculty of science after the committees revise the plans that the three faculties present and these plans are a good match to the strategic plan of the university 2017/2022.

The organizational committee of the populations indicator holds its meeting today

The organizational committee of the populations indicator holds its meeting today

  • 22 Oct. 2017

The organizational committee of the populations indicator holds its meeting today under the presidency of prof.Dr. Hala Zayed, the dean of the faculty of computer and informatics and the membership of the deans of the faculties of arts, education and commerce, the head of quality management unit, the head of the strategic planning unit in addition to media chancellor of the university.

Le premier cours de formation de l'Unité de la planification stratégique à la faculté de médecine Université de Benha.

Le premier cours de formation de l'Unité de la planification stratégique à la faculté de médecine Université de Benha.

  • 8 Oct. 2017

L'Unité de la planification stratégique à l'Université de Banha dirigé par le Dr Gamal Abdelaziz a tenu un cours de formation à la Faculté de médecine, et a été suivi par le Dr / Mahmoud Abdel Sabour – Doyen de la faculté et le Dr / Ibrahim Rajeh - Vice-Doyen pour le service de la société et le développement de l'environnement, et le Dr / Yossri Saied - Directeur des Hôpitaux Universitaires. Au cours de laquelle le directeur de la planification stratégique à l'Université de Banha a montré l'importance de la planification stratégique dans les établissements d'enseignement supérieur et la manière de consolider le concept dans les facultés de l'Université de Banha pour que la planification stratégique être la plate-forme du travail de l'Université.

The first training course of the strategic planning unit to be held in the faculty of medicine

The first training course of the strategic planning unit to be held in the faculty of medicine

  • 8 Oct. 2017

The strategic planning unit holds, under the presidency of prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, its first training course in the faculty of medicine. This course is held in the presence of prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abd Sabour, the faculty dean, prof.Dr. Ibrahim Ragah, the faculty's deputy of community service and environment development and prof.Dr. Yosry El-Saied, the head of the university's hospitals. The head of the strategic planning unit discusses the importance of the strategic planning in the higher education institutions an how to reinforce it to be implemented in Benha University.

Carrying out the strategic plan of Benha University

Carrying out the strategic plan of Benha University

  • 26 Sep. 2017

The unit of strategic planning is very active as the new academic year begins. The plans-revising committees hold its meetings to revise the strategic plans of the faculty of law and the faculty of commerce after revising the plan of the faculty of nursing in addition to conducting many activities according to the statements of prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit in Benha University.

A committee to revise the strategic plan of the faculty of law

A committee to revise the strategic plan of the faculty of law

  • 13 Sep. 2017

Prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning in Benha University receives the strategic plan of the faculty of law and he issues a decree that this plan should be revised to know if it matches the strategic plan of the university 2017/2022. He forms a committee under the presidency of prof.Dr. Afaf Desoky to revise the plan and the committee should finish it and submit a report during one week.

The strategic plan will be translated into five languages

The strategic plan will be translated into five languages

  • 6 Aug. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president decides to translate the strategic plan into five languages as follows: English, French, Chinese, Japanese and Russian. These translations should be burned into CDs to be distributed to the universities and the international organizations that Benha University seeks to build relationships with in the different aspects.

Le Plan stratégique de l'Université de Banha en cinq langues, le président de l'université insiste sur la nécessité de commencer la mise en œuvre.

Le Plan stratégique de l'Université de Banha en cinq langues, le président de l'université insiste sur la nécessité de commencer la mise en œuvre.

  • 6 Août 2017

Le professeur Elsayed Elkaddi - Président de l'Université de Banha a décidé de traduire le plan stratégique de l'Université de Benha en cinq langues sont l'anglais, le français, le chinois, le japonais, le russe et l'arabe. Il a également décidé de mettre ces traductions sur des CD sont distribués aux universités et aux organismes internationaux que l'Université de Banha cherche à créer une coopération commune avec eux, conduisant à une coopération internationale entre l'Université Banha et diverses universités internationales dans les domaines scientifiques et de recherche.

 Spreading Awareness among employees to pay attention to the Strategic plan of Benha University

Spreading Awareness among employees to pay attention to the Strategic plan of Benha University

  • 31 Jul. 2017

Benha University's council, under the presidency of prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president, approves on the report of prof.Dr. Gamal Abd EL-Aziz, the head of strategic planning unit in the university. This report is about holding forums to spread awareness among the employees to pay attention to the importance of the strategic plan of Benha University. These forums will begin in next September.

The meeting of the executive bureau of Benha University's strategic planning unit

The meeting of the executive bureau of Benha University's strategic planning unit

  • 31 Jul. 2017

The executive bureau holds its meetings, on wendesday, under the presidency of prof.Dr. Gamal Abd El-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit. The meeting is attended by the unit's chancellors, the committees' secretaries and the heads of the strategic planning units in the university.

Benha University's investment plan to be discussed between the minister of planning and the University president

Benha University's investment plan to be discussed between the minister of planning and the University president

  • 19 May 2017

Prof.Dr. Hala EL-Saied, the minister of planning and administrative development hosts, on Thursday morning 30-3-2017, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-kady, the university president as they discuss the ways to solve the problems that hinder the university's investment plan in the presence of prof.Dr. Hazem Fahmy, prof.Dr. Saleh Abd Rahman and prof.Dr. Nihal EL-Magraby

Le Conseil de l'Université de Banha examine la création de la Faculté de l'architecture et de la planification environnementale.

Le Conseil de l'Université de Banha examine la création de la Faculté de l'architecture et de la planification environnementale.

  • 1 Juin 2017

Le Conseil de l'Université de Banha examine la création de la Faculté de l'architecture et de la planification environnementale.

Une réunion d'urgence du Conseil de la Faculté des sciences en présence du directeur de la planification stratégique de l'Université de Benha pour examiner le Plan stratégique 2017-2022.

Une réunion d'urgence du Conseil de la Faculté des sciences en présence du directeur de la planification stratégique de l'Université de Benha pour examiner le Plan stratégique 2017-2022.

  • 2 Juin 2017

Une réunion d'urgence du Conseil de la Faculté des sciences, tenue le mercredi 24 mai 2017, en présence du directeur de la planification stratégique de l'Université de Benha pour examiner le Plan stratégique l'Université 2017-2022, où il a fait un exposé sur les étapes les plus importantes et caractéristiques du plan stratégique de l'Université, comme il a fait le suivi de la mise en œuvre des activités des facultés.

The visit of the head of strategic planning in the university to the faculties

The visit of the head of strategic planning in the university to the faculties

  • 16 May 2017

Prof.Dr. Gamal El-Sayed Abd EL-Aziz, the head of strategic planning in the university pays a visit to the faculty of applied arts, the faculty of medicine and the faculty of nursing. He explains to the academic and the administrative leaders the exerted efforts to set the university's ambitious plan and the importance of carrying it out in a specified time.

La visite du Directeur de la planification stratégique de l'Université de Benha aux facultés de l'Université.

La visite du Directeur de la planification stratégique de l'Université de Benha aux facultés de l'Université.

  • 16 Mai 2017

C'est la visite du Directeur de la planification stratégique de l'Université de Benha aux facultés de l'Université dans le cadre de la déclaration sur la mise en œuvre du Plan stratégique de l'Université de Banha, dont le professeur Jamal M. Abd El-Aziz Directeur de la planification stratégique de l'Université a visité les facultés des arts appliqués, la Faculté de médecine et la Faculté des sciences infirmières. Pendant cette visite il a fait une présentation aux dirigeants de l'Université et les administratifs des facultés sur les efforts dans la préparation du plan ambitieux de l'université et l'importance de l'engagement à la mise en œuvre de ses activités pendant la période spécifiée et a souligné la nécessité d'activer les unités de la planification stratégique au sein des facultés et la préparation des nouveaux plans pour les facultés, comme il a également expliqué les mécanismes de mise en œuvre du suivi du plan des facultés de l'unité centrale de la planification stratégique à l'université. Il a souligné aussi l'importance du rôle de la direction administrative de l'université dans la mise en œuvre du plan universitaire et l'importance de la collaboration entre les organismes académiques et administratifs à l'université.

La visite du Directeur de la planification stratégique de l'Université de Benha aux facultés de l'Université.

La visite du Directeur de la planification stratégique de l'Université de Benha aux facultés de l'Université.

  • 16 Mai 2017

C'est la visite du Directeur de la planification stratégique de l'Université de Benha aux facultés de l'Université dans le cadre de la déclaration sur la mise en œuvre du Plan stratégique de l'Université de Banha, dont le professeur Jamal M. Abd El-Aziz Directeur de la planification stratégique de l'Université a visité les facultés des arts appliqués, la Faculté de médecine et la Faculté des sciences infirmières. Pendant cette visite il a fait une présentation aux dirigeants de l'Université et les administratifs des facultés sur les efforts dans la préparation du plan ambitieux de l'université et l'importance de l'engagement à la mise en œuvre de ses activités pendant la période spécifiée et a souligné la nécessité d'activer les unités de la planification stratégique au sein des facultés et la préparation des nouveaux plans pour les facultés, comme il a également expliqué les mécanismes de mise en œuvre du suivi du plan des facultés de l'unité centrale de la planification stratégique à l'université. Il a souligné aussi l'importance du rôle de la direction administrative de l'université dans la mise en œuvre du plan universitaire et l'importance de la collaboration entre les organismes académiques et administratifs à l'université.

The university council approves to issue the strategic plan of Benha University

The university council approves to issue the strategic plan of Benha University

  • 27 Apr. 2017

The university council approves, in its meeting in 24-4-2017, to issue the strategic plan of Benha University 2017-2022 (the second version). The university council thanks the strategic planning team and the head of the team prof.Dr. Gamal El-Sayed Abdel-Aziz for his efforts in issuing the university's plans efficiently.

The university council approves to issue the strategic plan of Benha University

The university council approves to issue the strategic plan of Benha University

  • 27 Apr. 2017

The university council approves, in its meeting in 24-4-2017, to issue the strategic plan of Benha University 2017-2022 (the second version). The university council thanks the strategic planning team and the head of the team prof.Dr. Gamal El-Sayed Abdel-Aziz for his efforts in issuing the university's plans efficiently.

Benha university president receives the strategic plan of the university for 2017-2022

Benha university president receives the strategic plan of the university for 2017-2022

  • 27 Apr. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, in his meeting with the strategic planning team in the university, heaps praise on the team's performance in preparing the strategic and the executive plans accurately. The team proves to be faithful for the sake of the university's and Egypt's progress.

Le plan d'investissement de l'Université de Benha dans une réunion entre le ministre de la planification et le président de l'Université de Benha.

Le plan d'investissement de l'Université de Benha dans une réunion entre le ministre de la planification et le président de l'Université de Benha.

  • 2 Avril 2017

Dans une réunion entre le ministre de la planification et le président de l'Université de Benha, le ministre de la planification Dr Hala El Saïd Ministre de la planification et du développement administratif a reçu le professeur Elsayed Elkaddi au ministère le soir du jeudi 30/03/2017, où on a discuté des solutions proposées pour surmonter les obstacles qui envisagent l'Université de Benha dans la mise en œuvre de son plan d'investissement.

 Benha University's investment plan to be discussed between the minister of planning and the University president

Benha University's investment plan to be discussed between the minister of planning and the University president

  • 2 Apr. 2017

Prof.Dr. Hala EL-Saied, the minister of planning and administrative development hosts, on Thursday morning 30-3-2017, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-kady, the university president as they discuss the ways to solve the problems that hinder the university's investment plan in the presence of prof.Dr. Hazem Fahmy, prof.Dr. Saleh Abd Rahman and prof.Dr. Nihal EL-Magraby.

 Benha University's investment plan to be discussed between the minister of planning and the University president

Benha University's investment plan to be discussed between the minister of planning and the University president

  • 2 Apr. 2017

Prof.Dr. Hala EL-Saied, the minister of planning and administrative development hosts, on Thursday morning 30-3-2017, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-kady, the university president as they discuss the ways to solve the problems that hinder the university's investment plan in the presence of prof.Dr. Hazem Fahmy, prof.Dr. Saleh Abd Rahman and prof.Dr. Nihal EL-Magraby.

“ The University hospital is the Biggest Window toward the Surrounding Community” says the University President

“ The University hospital is the Biggest Window toward the Surrounding Community” says the University President

  • 17 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president says that university hospital hosts form 1000 to 1200 patients every day, so the hospital is the biggest window toward the surrounding community. The university president asserts that the university hospital should take care of the patients and the surrounding community. This statement concurs with the meeting of the strategic planning unit at the university in the presence of prof.Dr. Gamal Abd-El-Aziz, the head of the strategic planning unit, the faculties' deans and the strategic planning team in the university.

New English language Programs to meet the Demands of the EL-Nile International Schools

New English language Programs to meet the Demands of the EL-Nile International Schools

  • 17 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president assigns prof.Dr. Ibrahim Fouda, the dean of the faculty of education to urgently prepare the teachers of the new English language programs of physics, chemistry, biology, math to achieve the strategic plan of the state in meeting the demands of the international and private schools which are in need of highly-skilled teachers.

Atelier du travail sur le plan de recherche scientifique de l'Université de Benha

Atelier du travail sur le plan de recherche scientifique de l'Université de Benha

  • 6 Nov. 2016

Sous les auspices du professeur Hicham Abou El Enein - Vice-président de l'Université de Benha pour les études supérieures et de la recherche scientifique, et la présence du professeur Maher Khalil Conseiller du Président de l'Université de Benha pour la recherche scientifique, l'Université de Benha a organisé un Atelier du travail sur le plan de recherche scientifique et la Stratégie nationale pour l'innovation et la technologie 2015-2030

Lors de l'ouverture du Centre d'Orientation Professionnelle à l'Université de Benha : Le Président de l'Université soutient le plan de l'État pour les petits projets

Lors de l'ouverture du Centre d'Orientation Professionnelle à l'Université de Benha : Le Président de l'Université soutient le plan de l'État pour les petits projets

  • 6 Nov. 2016

Lors de l'ouverture du Centre d'Orientation Professionnelle à l'Université de Benha : Le Président de l'Université a affirmé que l'Université de Benha soutient le plan de l'État pour les petits projets par l'expansion des micro-entreprises de divers types pour créer des emplois et de diffuser la culture d'auto-emploi chez les jeunes, ainsi que la création d'une vie digne pour les familles égyptiennes.

“The university supports the state's plan to reinforce the small businesses” says the University President during the inauguration of the career counseling center

“The university supports the state's plan to reinforce the small businesses” says the University President during the inauguration of the career counseling center

  • 3 Nov. 2016

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady stresses that the university supports the state's plan to reinforce the small businesses by opening various projects to create more job opportunities for the youth and let the Egyptian families live a good life. This statement concurs with the inauguration of career counseling and entrepreneurship center on Thursday, 3-11-2016 in cooperation with the international labor organization. The ceremony was held in the presence of prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment service, Mr.Peter Van, the manager of the international labor organization in Cairo, prof.Dr. Muhammad EL-Sayed, the manager of IT and research projects, the faculties' deans, the staff members, the international labor organization representatives.

A workshop about the research plan in Benha University

A workshop about the research plan in Benha University

  • 6 Nov. 2016

Benha University organized a workshop about the research plan in the university in the light of the national strategy of innovation and technology 2015-2030. This workshop was held under the auspices of prof.Dr. Hesham Abu-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research. The workshop was held in the presence of prof.Dr. Maher Hasb-EL-Naby, the university president chancellor of scientific research and the faculties' deputies of post-graduate studies.

Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector announces the Missions Plan 2015/2016

Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector announces the Missions Plan 2015/2016

  • 18 May 2016

The Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector (The Central Administration for Missions) opens the door to apply for the missions plan for the fourth year 2015/2016 from the seventh 5 years plan 2012/2017 by the competitive system from 17/05/2016 to 16/07/2016 throughout the website of the Sector:

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