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Prof. Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout :: External Links:

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Editorial Board
Prevalence of some zoonotic parasitic affections in sheep carcasses in a local abattoir in Cairo, Egypt
Poultry Meat
ختم اللحوم معناه وفوائده
غش ختم اللحوم
ختم اللحوم Meat stamping
postmortem inspection فحص مابعد الذبيح
سلخ وتجويف ذبيحة عجل بقري flaying and evisceration
slaughtering of cattle ذبح عجل بقري
فحص ماقبل الذبيح لعجل بقري Ante-mortem inspection
سلامة الغذاء Food safety
meat preservation storage and stability of dressed poultry
meat preservation: salting and pickling
meat preservation: smoking
Dr fahim shaltout
chemical means of meat preservation: by other chemicals
chemical means of meat preservation: by antibiotics
meat preservation: electromagnetic radiation
معتقدات غذائية خاطئه
معتقدات غذائية خاطئه
الحلقة الثانية ضمن سلسلة مُعتقدات غذائية خاطئة
meat preservation: chilled meat
meat preservation: frozen meat
meat preservation: canning
أول حلقة ضمن سلسلة مُعتقدات غذائية خاطئة
meat preservation: drying
meat preservation: introduction
foodborne anthrax
foodborne tuberculosis
foodborne brucellosis
ذبح الحيوانات في المجازر = لحوم سليمة
food analysis : ISo 17025
سلسلة اللحوم الطازجة: الأسماك
Meat Parasites: Hypoderma bovis oestrus ovis
Meat Parasites: sarcocyst
الدواجن الطازجة ضمن سلسلة اللحوم الطازجة
Meat Parasites: fasciola
حلقة اللحوم الحمراء ضمن سلسلة اللحوم الطازجة
Meat Parasites: cysticercus bovis
Meat Parasites: cysticercus cellulose
Meat Parasites : Cysticerci Coenureus cerebralis
ازاي تشتري فيليه فراخ
كيفيه الوقايه من تلوث الغذاء في المطبخ
ازاي تشتري شرائح فراخ مدخنه
ازاي تشتري رنجه
ازاي تشتري سي فود
Meat parasites : Ascaris Lung Worms
Meat parasites : Linguatula rhinaria
ازاي تشترى سبيط
ازاي تشتري لانشون
ازاي تشتري تونه
ازاي تشتري جمبري مغلف
ازاي تشتري لحمه مفرومه
كيفيه شراء البرجر
meat parasites: Hydatid cyst
Fish parasites
كيفيه شراء سوسيس مجمد
كيفيه شراء الفراخ المجمده
Meat parasites: Trichinella spiralis cyst
Meat parasites Cysticercus cellulose
Meat parasites Cysticercus bovis
Dr fahim shaltout
الاسماك المتواجده في الاسواق
كيفيه شراء الاضحيه
فحص اللحوم
سلامه الغذاء
الفراخ المجمدة
فحص الاسماك
غذاء الفقراء
كيفيه حفظ اللحوم
الاستاذ الدكتور فهيم شلتوت
Dr fahim shaltout
Dr. Fahim shaltout
Journal of Food Biotechnology Research
Pollution of Chicken Meat and Its Products by Heavy Metals
0:38 / 1:31:53 المخرجة / عبير الحلبي و علماء من بلدى د / فهيم شلتوت- كلية الطب البيطرى 1-9-2020
0:13 / 26:42 برنامج زينه 26 يوليو 2020الطريقه المثاليه لحفظ اللحوم د/ فهيم شلتوت استاذ بكلية طب بيطرى ج/ بنها
دكتور فهيم شلتوت استاذ الرقابة الصحية بطب بيطرى ببنها يوجه نصائح مهمة لاختيار الاضحية فى العيد الاضحى
همزة وصل 13-07-2020 كيف تسهم منظومة التقاضي عن بعد في تحقيق العدالة الناجزة والحفاظ على صحة المواطن؟
Fahim Shaltout Sci Forschen Inc., All Rights Reserved
fahim shaltout academia edu
Fahim Shaltout SciRange Profile
Antimicrobial Effect of Some Essential Oils on Some Pathogenic Bacteria in Minced Meat
Microbiological status of meat and chicken received to University student hostel
Prevalence of salmonella in some chicken meat products
SciRange Profile fahim shaltout
Incidence of Staphylococci and E. coli in Meat and Some Meat Products
ncidence of Some Anaerobic Bacteria Isolated from Chicken Meat Products with Special Reference to Clostridium perfringens
Prevalence of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in Some Ready-to-Eat Meat Products
Antimicrobial Effect of Some Essential Oils on Some Pathogenic Bacteria in Minced Meat
Studying the Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Bovine Offal's Infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Bovine Type
Impact of Some Essential Oils on the Quality Aspect and Shelf Life of Meat
Molecular detection of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus in ready-to-eat beef products
Prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in some ready-to-eat meat products
Bacteriological Evaluation of Frozen Sausage
Molecular Diagnosis of Salmonellae in Frozen Meat and Some Meat Products
south valley university
خاص لجميع طلاب كلية الطب البيطري بقنا
south valley university
south valley university
south valley university
Fahim Shaltout Orcid
Fahim Shaltout
Fahim Shaltout | LinkedIn
Fahim Shaltout facebook
Food Science & Nutrition Technology (FSNT) editorial board
EC Nutrition editorial board
Fahim Shaltout Research gate :
Journal of Dairy, Veterinary & Animal Research ISSN: 2377-4312JDVAR Journal of Dairy, Veterinary & Animal Research
Benha Veterinary Medical journal reviewer
Honourable Editorial Board Member for Nutrition and Food Technology USA
Editorial Board member for Nutrition and Food Toxicology journal
Editorial Board Members Journal of Public Health and Nutrition
Honourable Editorial Board Member for Nutrition and Food Technology USA
Editorial Board (EB) member for the International Journal of Food Science
Journal of Dairy, Veterinary & Animal Research editorial board
Editorial Board Members Journal of Public Health and Nutrition
 Member of the editorial board of SciFed Journal of Public Health Journal.
 Member of the editorial board of SciFed Journal of Public Health
Histamine in Some Fish Products
current profile as an Editorial Board Member
Microbial Contamination of Beef and Beef Products
هيئة سلامة الغذاء خطوة مهمة نحو رقابة موحدة على الاغذية 13-8-2017
Slaughterhouse Inspection (Egypt). Training Manual : Guidelines for the Planning and Organisation of Training Activities
الاضحية عيد الاضحي المبارك
غذاء الفقراء
كيفية اختيار الاضحية السليمة
فحص الاسماك ومنتجاتها في شم النسيم
الذبح الصحى” يحلَّ أكل الذبيحة ويقى من تلوث اللحوم
Editorial Board journal of Nutrition and Food Processing
Microbial Contamination of Beef and Beef Products
HSOA Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Editorial board
Journal of Dairy, Veterinary & Animal Research Editorial board
Food Science & Nutrition Technology (FSNT) ISSN :2574-2701 IF :1.5216 editors
Editorial Board Confirmation & Certificate
Editorial Board Confirmation & Certificate Nutraceutical Journal
كيف يتعرف المواطن على اللحوم الفاسدة
مقال عن الفسيخ بمجلة الاهرام الزراعي 20/4/2019
Prevalence of salmonella in some chicken meat products
Fahim Aziz eldin Shaltout
one of the eminent editors of the Journal Current Trends: Food Science and Technology. The editorial board of the journal
Molecular Diagnosis of Salmonellae in Frozen Meat and Some Meat Products
Organizing Committee - Scientific Federation
Organizing Committee - Scientific Federation Mirjana Menkovska. Ss.Cyril and Methodius University Macedonia. Pingfan Rao. Fuzhou University China.
Editorial Board (EB) member for the International Journal of Food Science
Editor Biography | Science Inquest | Open Access
تعرف على "مصادر الخطر فى طعامك".. أكثر من250 مرضًا ينتقل عن طريق الغذاء و "عدم عسل الأيدى" سبب رئيسى لنقل العدوى
تعرف على "مصادر الخطر فى طعامك".. أكثر من250 مرضًا ينتقل عن طريق الغذاء و "عدم عسل الأيدى" سبب رئيسى لنقل العدوى
تعرف على "مصادر الخطر فى طعامك".. أكثر من250 مرضًا ينتقل عن طريق الغذاء و "عدم عسل الأيدى" سبب رئيسى لنقل العدوى
لقاء تلفزيوني قناة النيل للاخبار برنامج هذا الصباح التلفزيون المصري ماسبيرو يوم الخميس الموافق 16/8/2018 الساعة التاسعة والنصف صباحا للحديث عن الاضاحي
مقالة في مجلة الاهرام الزراعي عن صحتك من غذائك عدد يوليو 2018
مقالة في مجلة الاهرام الزراعي عن اختيار الاضحية عدد اغسطس 2018
21st International Conference on Food & Nutrition July 25-26, 2018 Vancouver, Canada
Professor Doctor Fahim Shaltout Professor of Meat Hygiene Food Control Department Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Benha University, Egypt.
Organizing Committee - Scientific Federation
nternational Conference on Food Chemistry and Nanotechnology 16-18 Nov 2015 ( notify new dates ) DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel San Francisco Airport, Burlingame, USA
Shaltout FA, Zakaria IM and Nabil ME.(2018): Incidence of Some Anaerobic Bacteria Isolated from Chicken Meat Products with Special Reference to Clostridium perfringens. Nutrition and Food Toxicology2(5):429-438
Dairy Science, Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Editorial Board
Dairy Science, Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Editorial Board
Advisory Board member for AS Nutritional Health
Journal of Public Health and Nutrition Editorial Board Members
Journal of Public Health and Nutrition
#يحدث_في_مصر | بعد الجدل حول الدجاج "البرازيلي".. نصائح ضرورية لضمان سلامة الدواجن المجمدة
Editorial board, Journal of Obesity and Medical Complications
Interventions in Gynecology and Women’s Healthcare Journal website.
Editorial Board SciFed Journal of Public Health
Editor in our Approaches in Poultry, Dairy & Veterinary Sciences (APDV) journal. Please go through the below link of our Editorial Board
Fahim Shaltout | LinkedIn
Images for fahim shaltout
Contamination of shawerma with pathogenic yeasts. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal 41(81): 170-176
Fahim Shaltout | Facebook
C.V Fahim(2) Fahim Shaltout - SlideShare
Fahim Shaltout - Nessa Publishers
International Conference on Obesity and Weight Loss November 6-8, 2017 | Barcelona, Spain
fahim shaltout - Google Scholar Citations
Fahim Shaltout - Google Scholar Citations
Journal of Food Biotechnology Research Editorial board member.
Fahim Shaltout - Google Scholar Citations
Editorial Board. SciFed Journal of Public Health Journal
Editorial Board for “Nutrition and Food Technology FAHIM AZIZ EL-DEIN MOHAMED
fahim shaltout
Microbial status of meat and chicken received to university student hostel
Chemical analysis of chicken meat With relation to its quality
أسماء أعضاء هيئة التدريس الفائزين بمسابقة أفضل موقع الكترونى ...
thesis supervision
Impact of organic acids and their salts on microbial quality and shelf life of beef meat.
Editorial boaed in EC nutrition Journal
Fahim Shaltout Nessa Journal
mvsc antibiotics -
Parasites in meatr
International Conference on Food Chemistry and Nanotechnology 16-18 Nov 2015 ( notify new dates ) DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel San Francisco Airport, Burlingame, USA
Fahim Shaltout Profiles | Facebook
fahim shaltout (@1Sfahim) | Twitter
- اقتباسات الباحث العلمي من Google
Fahim Shaltout - Google+
Fahim Shaltout | Benha University -
Fahim Shaltout - Nessa Publishers
C.V Fahim(2) Fahim Shaltout - SlideShare
SciForschen Online Publications
Animal Health and Food Safety - Welcome to ECronicon
Scientia Ricerca Open Access | Scientific Publications : International ...
Editor-in-Chief - Journal of Dairy, Veterinary & Animal Research
Scientia Ricerca Open Access | Scientific Publications : International ...
Benha University Staff Sites
C.V Fahim(2)
Animal health and food safety - ppt download - SlidePlayer
Shaltout - details and analysis
Prof. Dr Fahim Shaltout - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
PPT - Prof. Dr Fahim Shaltout PowerPoint Presentation - ID:6976021 Parasitic Diseases
Fahim Shaltout | LinkedIn
Detection of certain anabolic hormone residues in meat marketed in Jordan
conference opening وقائع حفل افتتاح المؤتمر الدولى للزراعه وسلامه ...
Professor Doctor Fahim Shaltout Professor of Meat Hygiene Food Control Department Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Benha University, Egypt.
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