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University News Archive (Mar. - 2017)

Mar. News List

Mustafa EL-Sayed and Ali Nasr as professors in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra
29 -Mar. - 2017
40,000 L.E. to fund the University's Nursery
29 -Mar. - 2017
Eight scientific researchers from Benha University in the forum of inventions at EL-Mansoura
30 -Mar. - 2017
The certificates center is the only way to issue the university's certificates
27 -Mar. - 2017
Honoring the top women in an unprecedented tradition at Benha University
27 -Mar. - 2017
6,000 certificates are issued by the university's certificate center
27 -Mar. - 2017
Benha University's competition of athletics
29 -Mar. - 2017
Benha university council discusses many important issues in its regular meeting
29 -Mar. - 2017
The first specialized hospital in Benha University
29 -Mar. - 2017
Benha University represents the Egyptian Universities in the folklore and solo Singing
26 -Mar. - 2017
EL-Kady from the airport to the university hospital
21 -Mar. - 2017
The activities of the conference No.23 of the students exchange among the Arab universities
22 -Mar. - 2017
Benha University is in the third place in the E-Learning
23 -Mar. - 2017
1.4 million L.E for the social solidarity fund in Benha University
26 -Mar. - 2017
An exhibition of the veterans in Benha University
26 -Mar. - 2017
EL-Kady meets with the president of EL-Sadat University
19 -Mar. - 2017
Benha University is in the Arab Universities conference in Dubai
19 -Mar. - 2017
Benha University participates in Microsoft Developers conference 2017 at the American University in Cairo
19 -Mar. - 2017
“Reinforcing the cooperation between the Emirati universities and Benha university” says Benha university president
19 -Mar. - 2017
The conference of the students exchange in the united Arab of Emirates with the participants of Benha University and five Egyptian universities
20 -Mar. - 2017
“Reinforcing the cooperation between the Emirati universities and Benha university” says Benha university president
19 -Mar. - 2017
All the potentials of Benha University are at the disposal of the ministry of health
20 -Mar. - 2017
EL-Kady asserts that the university hospitals are up and running
20 -Mar. - 2017
The participation of Benha University's delegation in Microsoft conference in the Nile Ritz hotel at Cairo
21 -Mar. - 2017
“Despite the high cost of living, the employee's bonuses were decreased to 20% and the cost of the printing books increased to 100%” says the head of the open learning center
16 -Mar. - 2017
Inaugurating the exhibition of the artistic works of the students of the special education faculty
16 -Mar. - 2017
Honoring the employees in the security section for their devotion at work
16 -Mar. - 2017
An invitation to take part in the annual international QS questionnaire
16 -Mar. - 2017
A sudden visit to Kafr-Saad
19 -Mar. - 2017
El-Kady: “I'm available for anyone who gets hurt from our hospitals and we are committed to provide a very good healthcare service”
19 -Mar. - 2017
An exhibition to market the products of Benha University's students
19 -Mar. - 2017
Filling a position in the commissariat of the African union 2017
9 -Mar. - 2017
“The consistent training of the faculties' members is a major aim and I refuse to work individually” says the university president in the training conference in Benha University
9 -Mar. - 2017
Our children is a priority is a ceremony to be held at the faculty of medicine in Benha University
12 -Mar. - 2017
The Meeting of the IT managers in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra
12 -Mar. - 2017
The announcement of the recommendations of the education forum In the presence of the minster of the higher education
15 -Mar. - 2017
A Workshop to be held in the faculty of medicine entitled “Micro-devices between the past and the present”
13 -Mar. - 2017
El-Kady honors Sharawy in the faculty of medicine
12 -Mar. - 2017
Tomorrow in Benha university… an international conference to be held to develop the training organization
8 -Mar. - 2017
“Education and healthcare are the key factors for prosperity” says Benha university president in the nursing conference
9 -Mar. - 2017
“Illegal immigration destroys the youth's dreams” say the participants in the faculty of law
9 -Mar. - 2017
Benha University participates in the forum entitled” how to make my career “in Kuwait
9 -Mar. - 2017
Next Thursday, Developing the training organization and the quality assurance in Benha university conference
5 -Mar. - 2017
Benha University participates in the DAAD ceremony of the 10th anniversary of the Egyptian-Germen scientific cooperation
5 -Mar. - 2017
Tomorrow… the illegal immigration conference is in the faculty of law
6 -Mar. - 2017
Benha university president hosts the head of the Libyan student union and the Egyptian- Libyan tribe's coordinator
6 -Mar. - 2017
Postponing the meeting with the minster of higher education
6 -Mar. - 2017
“The youth are capable of doing what they want by work, production and the illegal immigration is a false dream” says the university president in the illegal immigration conference
8 -Mar. - 2017
The ISO certificates are to be given to the many departments in Benha University
8 -Mar. - 2017
“The union is the right path to safe Egypt” says the university president
1 -Mar. - 2017
A Forum to be held at the faculty of law to fight corruption
1 -Mar. - 2017
Benha University's council decides to hold an annual forum in the university
1 -Mar. - 2017
The university hospital hosts 93,000 patients in 3 months and “we don't go easy with any negligent and we are happy with the citizens' trust” says the university president
1 -Mar. - 2017
Benha University welcomes the students of the EL-Arish University
1 -Mar. - 2017
The professor has no right to determine the price of the university book
1 -Mar. - 2017
A representative of Benha university students discusses the student-related problems
1 -Mar. - 2017

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