Publication From Year: Publication TO Year:

Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra: Department of Architectural Engineering

Total number of Publications in the Department of Architectural Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, Shoubra is 548

Ahmed Awad Gomaa Awad Metwaly
Local Publication (6)
International Publication (7)
Total (13)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 آلية تفعيل دور محاور المشاه التجارية في أوساط المدن الثانوية بعواصم المحافظات د احمد عواد جمعة عواد 2016 International
2 "آلية اختيار المحاور التجارية لاعادة صياغتها كفراغات عمرانية تجارية(C.A.U.P)" د. احمد عواد جمعه عواد 2016 International
3 Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Tourism in Historical Cities (Case study: Durrat Al Nil Park, Station square and the old tourist market in the historical Aswan City – Egypt Ahmed Awad 2022 Local
4 Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Tourism in Historical Cities (Case study: Durrat Al Nil Park, Station square and the old tourist market in the historical Aswan City – Egypt) Ahmed Awad 2022 Local
5 Socially Sustainable neighborhoods in Egypt: Dr. Ahmed Awaad , Dr. Islam Ghonimi 2017 International
6 Upgrading the Inappropriate Visual Character of Urban Context of Historic Sites: A Case Study of the Avenue of Sphinxes in Luxor, Egypt A, Awaad ; M,Al-Sherbiny 2022 Local
7 آلية اختيار أماكن المراكز الحضارية داخل المدن القائمة دراسة تطبيقية: (مدينة بريدة – القصيم – المملكة العربية السعودية) إعداد د. أحمد عواد جمعة عواد 2017 International
8 ألية تحقيق الاستدامة العمرانية من خلال اطروحات منظمة الأمم المتحدة بالتطبيق علي بعض المدن المصرية الجديدة م/ سهام عبد الحليم محمد، د/ أحمد عواد جمعه 2017 International
9 اعادة الصياغة البصرية للمحاور الهامة لتحسين الصورة البصرية بالمدن السياحية التاريخية دراسة حالة: (محور المطار بمدينة أسوان) ا.م.د/ أحمد عواد جمعه عواد 2022 Local
10 الفراغات العمرانية داخل المناطق السكنية بالمدن الجديدة في إطار الحقوق الخمسة للإنسان "دراسة حالة منطقة الاحياء – التجمع الخامس – القاهرة الجديدة" Ahmed Awad 2021 Local
11 الفراغات العمرانية داخل المناطق السكنية بالمدن الجديدة في اطار الحقوق الخمسة للانسان "دراسة حالة منطقة الاحياء – التجمع الخامس – القاهرة الجديدة" A, Awaad 2021 Local
12 مدى شمولية قرارات إعلان إسطنبول لمجمل مؤشرات الامم المتحدة للتنمية العمرانية المستدامة د/ أحمد عواد جمعه، م/ سهام عبد الحليم محمد 2017 International
13 نموذج استرشادي مقترح لتحقيق التنمية الإقليمية للمساعدة في الخروج من الوادى الضيق بمصر د/ أحمد عواد جمعه عواد، د/ إسلام غنيمى إبراهيم 2017 International
ahmed abdel alhady mossod
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Ahmed Fareed Gamal Al-deen Hamza
Local Publication (17)
International Publication (0)
Total (17)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Second Satellite Airport or Terminal 3, Scientific Research Magazine, Matareya Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University. Ahmed Fareed 2005 Local
2 A Second Satellite Airport or Terminal 3, Scientific Research Magazine, Matareya Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University. Ahmed Fareed 2005 Local
3 Criteria for People Mover Systems, the International Conference of Mansoura University. Ahmed Fareed, 2004 Local
4 Criteria for People Mover Systems, the International Conference of Mansoura University. Ahmed Fareed 2004 Local
5 Critical Study of Architecture language (Modernism & post modernism era), Scientific Research Magazine, Faculty of Engineering, Azhar University. Ahmed Fareed & Islam Ghonemi, 2005 Local
6 Critical Study of Architecture language (Modernism & post modernism era), Scientific Research Magazine, Faculty of Engineering, Azhar University. Ahmed Fareed & Islam Ghonemi 2005 Local
7 Design as the product of the reaction of internal pressures and external pressures within the design method, the International Conference of Azhar University. Ahmed Fareed, 2004 Local
8 Design as the product of the reaction of internal pressures and external pressures within the design method, the International Conference of Azhar University. Ahmed Fareed 2004 Local
9 Design Framework for Out-Patient Unit Compatible With its Contradicted Components, Scientific Research Magazine, Faculty of Engineering, Azhar University. Ahmed Fareed 2005 Local
10 Landscape architecture as a function of airport planning, Scientific Research Magazine, Matareya Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University. Ahmed Fareed, 2006 Local
11 Landscape architecture as a function of airport planning, Scientific Research Magazine, Matareya Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University. Ahmed Fareed 2006 Local
12 Level of Service Design Concept for Airport Passenger Terminal (a Critical View), Scientific Research Magazine, Matareya Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University. Ahmed Fareed, 2006 Local
13 Level of Service Design Concept for Airport Passenger Terminal (a Critical View), Scientific Research Magazine, Matareya Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University. Ahmed Fareed 2006 Local
14 Modern or Post Modern? Egyptian View of Post Modernism, Scientific Research Magazine, Faculty of Engineering, Azhar University. Ahmed Fareed, 2005 Local
15 Modern or Post Modern? Egyptian View of Post Modernism, Scientific Research Magazine, Faculty of Engineering, Azhar University. Ahmed Fareed 2005 Local
16 New Buildings beside other New Buildings, the International Conference of Azhar University. Ahmed Fareed, 2004 Local
17 New Buildings beside other New Buildings, the International Conference of Azhar University. Ahmed Fareed 2004 Local
Ali Ghalib Ahmed Ghalib
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (4)
Total (4)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 تطور أساليب إدارة الترميم والحفاظ على الآثار الإسلامية فى مصر الدكتور / على غالب أحمد غالب و الدكتور / معاذ أحمد عبد الله 2003 International
2 قباب القاهرة فى عصر المماليك الشراكسة أ.د/ على غالب أحمد غالب 1988 International
3 مسحد سليمان باشا بالقلعة القاهرة ا.د/ على غالب أحمد غالب 2003 International
4 نحو منهج لدراسة التناسب فى العمارة الاسلامية أ.د/ على غالب أحمد غالب 2004 International
Eman Hanim Ahmed Afifi
Local Publication (17)
International Publication (0)
Total (17)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 - أسوار الجامعات بين السلبيات و الايجابيات. 1950 Local
2 - الامان فى المجتمعات الحضرية:دور العمارة و التخطيط فى تحقيق الامن و الامان للأفراد و المجتمعات 1950 Local
3 - البعد الانسانى فى تصميم الاسواق فى المدن المصرية. 1950 Local
4 - التحول الى العمران الرأسى بين السلبيات و الايجابيات. 1950 Local
5 - العمارة و العولمة – صراع الاصالة و المعاصرة. 1950 Local
6 - تأهيل الجامعات للمعاقين – جامعة الازهر كحالة دراسية 1950 Local
7 - ترييف الحضر: دراسة ميدانية لمنطقة العسال – شبرا/القاهرة. 1950 Local
8 - تقييم للأحتياجات الانسانية فى الحدائق المصرية " دراسة ميدانية لحديقة الازهر". 1950 Local
9 - تقييم للأحتياجات الانسانية فى مناطق لعب الاطفال – منطقة شبرا الخيمة كأحد مناطق القاهرة. 1950 Local
10 - دراسة افضليات الانسان للألوان فى الاسكان الاقتصادى. 1950 Local
11 - دراسة تحليلية لانماط التسوق المختلفة"دراسة ميدانية لنماذج مختلفة من الاسواق فى مدينة القاهرة". 1950 Local
12 - دراسة لسلوكيات الاطفال على الجسور "القاهرة كحالة دراسية". 1950 Local
13 - دراسة لسلوكيات التسوق فى المناطق السياحية و علاقتها بالتصميم العمرانى" دراسة ميدانية لخليج نعمة فى شرم الشيخ". 1950 Local
14 - دراسة لصالة التصميم المعمارى بكليات الهندسة المعمارية : المناخ العام لصالة التصميم و تأثيرة على العملية الابداعية لطالب العمارة. 1950 Local
15 - سرة القرية من 1988-2000 "دراسة حالة قرية الهجارسة- كفر صقر الشرقية. 1950 Local
16 - مؤسسات رعاية الاطفال- دور رعاية الاطفال عديمى المأوى" دراسة تحليلية لدراسة مدى معرفة الاداء الوظيفى". 1950 Local
17 School Environments: An Evaluation Study of Recreational Facilities in School Buildings. 1950 Local
kamal Raiad Morocs
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (22)
Total (22)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
2 أثر التشريعات على التنمية ورقى البيئة العمرانية كمال رياض مرقس 2000 International
3 إسكان ذوى الدخل المحدود وطرق علاجه كمال رياض 1996 International
4 المدينة المصرية وأساليب تنميتها العمرانية كمال رياض 1995 International
5 المناطق العشوائية وخطط التنمية العمرانية اللازمة لتطويرها عمرانياً كمال رياض 1995 International
6 تأثير الزلازل على مدينة القاهرة و إمكانية الاستفادة منه فى تطوير البيئة العمرانية كمال رياض 1993 International
7 تأثير الزلازل على مدينة القاهرة و إمكانية الاستفادة منه فى تطوير البيئة العمرانية كمال رياض 1993 International
8 تأثير المركزية واللامركزية فى تطوير البيئة العمرانية كمال رياض 2015 International
9 دراسة تحليلية للمشاكل العمرانية فى إطار تحقيق إستراتيجية للتنمية العمرانية كمال رياض 1993 International
10 دراسة تحليلية للمشاكل العمرانية فى إطار تحقيق إستراتيجية للتنمية العمرانية كمال رياض 1993 International
11 دور المخطط فى تنمية المجتمعات الجديدة كمال رياض 1983 International
12 8- تحليل رياضي للجانب الكمي لسوق إسكان محدودي الدخل فى مصر كمال رياض 1988 International
13 9- القرية المصرية بين الأمس والغد كمال رياض 1989 International
14 Housing Problem And Its Causes In Egypt kamal riad 1983 International
15 The Effect Of The Population Explosion On The Human Environment kamal riad 1983 International
16 أساسيات مقومات التنمية على القطاعات الرئيسية بصعيد مصر كمال رياض و محسن عزيز 2015 International
17 أساسيات مقومات التنمية على القطاعات الرئيسية بصعيد مصر كمال رياض و محسن عزيز 2015 International
18 التطور التاريخي للفراغات الحضرية فى المدينة العربية كمال رياض 1988 International
19 دراسة المناطق التاريخية فى القاهرة وتحديد إستراتيجية المحافظة عليها كمال رياض 1984 International
20 دراسة لبعض جوانب تصميم دور المعوقين kamal riad 1981 International
21 دراسة لبعض جوانب تصميم دور المعوقين kamal riad 1981 International
22 دراسة معمارية لمنطقة القلعة كمال رياض 1984 International
Khaled Aly Abdelhady
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (3)
Total (7)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 CRITERIA FOR SALVATION OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONUMENTS (Case Study, HIBIS temple) Khaled Aly Abdelhady 2013 International
3 Employing Proper Conservation Techniques for Consolidation of the Ancient Egyptian Monuments “Conservation of Saqqara Step Pyramid” Khaled Aly Abdelhady 2010 Local
4 Toward a sustainable developed plan for the urban fabric of the old Alexandria Khaled Aly Abdelhady 2010 International
5 أساليب توظيفه الحرف التقليدية كاحد الموروثات الثقافية فى اعادة تأهيل المجتمعات العمرانية بالمناطق التراثية خالد على عبدالهادى 2012 Local
6 دور التكنولوجيا الرقمية في الحفاظ على التراث المعماري خالد على عبدالهادى 2013 Local
7 رؤيه مستقبلية لإستخدام المقتنيات الأثرية كعناصر جمالية في التصميم و التنسيق الحضاري للمدن (بين متطلبات الحفاظ و متطلبات التنمية الحضارية) خالد علي عبد الهادي - منال يحي 2008 Local
Khaled Mohamed Ahmed Elhadidy
Local Publication (14)
International Publication (0)
Total (14)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A study to Develop the Efficiency of Natural Lighting of the Service Section of the Residential Building Unit. Al-Azhar Engineering Sixth International Conference, September 2000 Osama A.Latif and Khaled Elhadidy 2000 Local
2 Analytical Study for Upgrading the Efficient of Daylighting in Residential Space. Fin Art Faculty, Third Scientific Conference, April 2001 Osama A.Latif and Khaled Elhadidy 2001 Local
3 Applied Study for Usage of Computer as an Aid Tool for Evaluation of Students, Al-Azhar Engineering Eight International Conference, December 2004 Khaled Elhadidy 2004 Local
4 Architectural Identity of Urban Complexes, Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University vol. 4 No 12, July 2009 Osama A.Latif and Khaled Elhadidy 2009 Local
5 Effect of Architectural Form for Fenestrations on Natural Lighting Distribution in Residential Spaces, Sixth International Conference for Development and Environment In Arab World, Assuit Univ., March 2012 Khaled Elhadidy 2012 Local
6 Flexibility in Hospital Design. Al-Azhar Engineering Sixth International Conference, September 2000. Khaled Elhadidy, Salama El-Naggar and Nahed Fathy 2000 Local
7 Impact of Court Dimensions upon the Intensity of Natural Lighting inside Residential Spaces in Egypt, Engineering Research Journal Shoubra Faculty of Engineering NO.3 January 2005 Khaled Elhadidy 2005 Local
8 Natural Lighting Study Accordingly to the Variation of Building Codes in Egypt, Fifth International Conference for Development and Environment In Arab World, Assuit Univ., March 2010 Khaled Elhadidy 2010 Local
9 Natural Lighting Study in Residential Buildings According to Local Building Codes in Egypt, Second International Conference for Development and Environment In Arab World, Assuit Univ., March 2004 Khaled Elhadidy 2004 Local
10 Solving Architectural Natural Lighting Problems through the Practicing of the Architectural Students,Al-Azhar, Engineering Al-Azhar Faculty of Engineering Jan 15th, 2013(Accepted) vol. 4 No 12, July 2013 Khaled Elhadidy 2013 Local
11 The Architecture Education in the in Framework of Modern Period Data, Second International Conference for Development and Environment In Arab World, Minia Univ., March 2009 Osama A.Latif and Khaled Elhadidy 2009 Local
12 The Effect of the Design Module of Windows on Natural Lighting In The Drawing Studios of Architectural Department, Second International Conference for Development and Environment In Arab World, Assuit Univ., March 2004 Khaled Elhadidy, Salama El-Naggar and Nahed Fathy 2004 Local
13 The Impact of Front Barrier s Heights on the Intensity of Natural Lighting in Residential Buildings According to Local Building Codes in Egypt. Sixth International Conference for Development and Environment In Arab World, Assuit Univ. March 2012. Khaled Elhadidy 2012 Local
14 The Impact of Internal Space Dimensions upon the Intensity of Natural Lighting,Al-Azhar Engineering Twelfth International Conference,December 2012 Khaled Elhadidy 2012 Local
Mohamed Essam Shaawat
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (10)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Guide to Environmental Building Rating System for Construction of new Building in Saudi Arabia Shaawat, M. Essam & Jamil Rehan 2014 International
2 A Value-Based Index as an Effective Mechanism for Improving the Architectural Product of low-Income Housing Projects Shaawat M. & Sarhan A. & Basuiony A. 2008 International
3 An Approach to health damage management of building materials and its impact on indoor environment of buildings Shaawat, M. Essam & Al-Salh, Hashim 2007 International
4 Applying Value Engineering Concept for Minimizing Waste Materials Hazard in Construction Sites Shaawat, M. Essam 2007 International
5 Lack of Sustainability Assessment as a rating tool in the Building Industry Shaawat, M. Essam & Al-Shamrani Othman, B. Umaru Mohammed 2014 International
6 Optimum Selection of a Sustainable Lighting System for a University Class Room in Saudi Arabia B. Umaru Mohammed, M. Essam Shaawat 2014 2014 International
7 Selecting the Optimal- Glazed Façade for office Building in Arab Gulf Region; Economic Viability Based on Value Engineering Shaawat, M. Essam 2006 International
8 Sustainability Threats and Responsive Policies in Arab States Shaawat, M. Essam & AL-Hefnawey M. 2011 International
9 Sustainability Threats and Responsive Policies in Arab States Shaawat, M. Essam & AL-Hefnawey M. 2011 International
10 Utilizing E-Management to Enhance the Performance of Operation Departments in Hospitals Shaawat, M. Essam & Tarek 2009 International
Mohamed Ezzat Said Nabih
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Mohamed Khairy Amin Hamed
Local Publication (6)
International Publication (3)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Architectural Form between Cultural Identity and Building Codes. Al-Azhar University Engineering Journal. Mohamed Khairy Amin 2003 Local
2 Architectural Heritage between Authenticity and Contemporaneity. The First International Conference of the Work Program on Architecture and Heritage, Region- V (WPAHR=V). Alexandria, Egypt. Mohamed Khairy Amin 2002 Local
3 Behavioral and Environmental Arguments Concerning The Nile Water Edge (The Case Study of C. Cairo W. Bank).Al-Azhar Engineering Sixth International Conference, AEIC,September, Cairo, Egypt. Manal Abou El-Ela and Mohamed Khairy Amin 2000 Local
4 landscape as a tool in enhancing the quality of urban spaces, case study central district Al-Madina Al Monawara, Al Azhar University Engineering Journal. Mohamed Khairy Amin 2003 Local
5 The Development of the Central Area, Al-Madina Al Monawara, planning and architectural dimensions, proceedings of the 3rd college of art conference in Cairo, Egypt. Mohamed Khairy Amin and Manal Abou El-Ela 2001 Local
6 The House of Al-Madina Al Monawara (An Expression of Place Identity in Saudi Arabia), International Society of City and Regional Planners, The 37th International Planning Congress, Utrecht, Netherlands. Mohamed Khairy Amin 2001 International
7 Urban quality and designing of spaces, Case study for Nasr City, Cairo. International Society of City and Regional Planners, the 38th International Planning Congress, Athens, Greece . Mohamed Khairy Amin 2002 International
8 Urban Space between Time and Distance. Al-Azhar Engineering Sixth International Conference, AEIC, September , Cairo, Egypt Mohamed Khairy Amin 2003 Local
9 Urban Waterfronts between cultural and physical Influences” the 43rd International Planning Congress, Antwerp, Belgium. Manal Abou El-Ela, Mohamed Soliman and Mohamed Khairy Amin 2007 International
Mohsen Aziz Botros
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (8)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 "أقتصاديات تصميم المبانى السكنية" 1994 International
2 أستراتيجيات التنميه العمرانيه للمدن الجديده محسن عزيز 2015 International
3 التجارب العالميه فى التجمعات العمرانيه الجديده والدروس المستفاده منها محسن عزيز 1995 International
4 الجوانب الإيجابية والسلبيه للنمو العشوائى 1995 International
5 الجوانب الادارية والتنظيميه للإسكان- منخفض التكاليف محسن عزيز- كمال رياض 1994 International
6 الطابع المعمارى والعمرانى وملامح مدن الصعيد محسن عزيز 1983 International
7 المشاركه الشعبيه فى تخطيط وتنفيذ برامج تحسين البيئه وصيانتها محسن عزيز 1994 International
8 تصنيف المناطق المتدهورة وتحديد منهج الإرتقاء بها عمرانياً محسن عزيز 1995 International
Mouaz Ahmed Mohamed Abd Allah
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (8)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Feasibility of Building Detachment in new settlement ( Appropriation of Urban Form to Climatic Conditions ) - جدوى تباعد المبانى فى المدن الجديدة - مدى ملائمة النسق التخطيطى للظروف المناخية ‫مـعاذ ‫الجـدع‬‬ 2003 International
2 Place de l’enfant dans le pencé de L' Architecte Urbaniste maaz algada 1985 International
3 Sustainability and The Egyptian Village ( Increasing of Existing Agglomeration Capacity ) maaz ALGADA . Mohamah Awad 2004 International
4 Sustainability in traditional house maaz algada 2004 International
5 Sustainability in traditional house in egyptian villages maaz algada 2004 International
6 WEATHERING OF STONE MASONRY - التجـوية ( تضرر حجر البناء بفعل العوامل المناخية ) maaz ALGADA 2009 Local
7 تزايد حد الحماية في المواثيق الدولية للآثار PROTECTION PROGRESS IN THE INTERNATIONAL CHARTERS OF MONUMENTS CONSERVATION ‫مـعاذ‬ ‫الجـدع‬ 2000 International
8 جدوى تباعد المبانى فى المدن الجديدة ( مدى ملائمة النسق التخطيطى لظروف المناخ ) Feasibility of Building Detachment in new settlement ( Appropriation of Urban Form to Climatic Conditions ) جدوى تباعد المبانى فى المدن الجديدة ( مدى ملائمة النسق التخطيطى لظروف المناخ ) Feasibility of Building Detachment in new settlement ( Appropriation of Urban Form to Climatic Conditions ) الدكتور / مـعاذ احمد محمد عبدالله الدكتور / مـعاذ احمد محمد عبد 2003 International
9 عرض المباني الأثرية PRESENTATION OF HISTORIC BUILDINGS ( Adaptation of presentation ways to conservation measures ) ‫مـعاذ‬ ‫الجـدع‬ 2003 International
Moutaz Mahmoud Slamah Omr
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
nahed fathy mohamed
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (4)
Total (9)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 التكامل الوظيفي بين المباني ذات القيمة والبيئة العمرانية المحيطة دراسة حالة : (حي الجمالية – الوكالات التجارية اسلام نظمى سليمان، ناهد فتحى عبد الغنى محمد 2015 Local
2 التوافق البيئى بتعديل استخدام شرف الوحدات السكنية 2003 International
3 المبانى التعليمية بين التصميم والتطبيق- المعايير التصميمية البيئية للفراغات شبه المفتوحة لمرحلة رياض الأطفال 2010 Local
4 المبانى التعليمية بين التصميم والتطبيق- المعايير التصميمية للفراغات شبه المفتوحة لمرحلة رياض الاطفال سلامة مصطفى عبد الرحمن- ناهد فتحى عبد الغنى محمد- اسلام نظمى سليمان 2010 International
5 تأثير المبانى العالية البيومناخية المعاصرة فى ترشيد استهلاك الطاقة بالبيئة الحارة الجافة ناهد فتحى عبد الغنى محمد 2011 International
6 تأثير الوحدة المديولية التصميمية لفتحات الشبابيك على التهوية الطبيعية لقاعات الرسم بقسم العمارة". 2003 International
7 تاثير الوحدة المديولية التصميمية لفتحات الشبابيك على الإضاءة الطبيعية فى قاعات الرسم بقسم العمارة 2004 Local
8 تشكيل الغلاف الخارجى للمبانى للتحكم فى الضوضاء 2004 Local
9 عناصر تنسيق الموقع فى الفراغات الخارجية بالحرم الجامعى من المنظور البيئى والإنسانى والاجتماعي 2004 Local
Osama Abdel Latif Youssef Aly
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (4)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Study to Develop the Efficiency of Natural Lighting of the Service Section of the Residential Building Unit. دراسة لرفع كفاءة الإضاءة الطبيعية فى مناطق الخدمات بالوحدة السكنية Osama A.Latif and Khaled Elhadidy 2000 International
2 Analytical Study for Possibility of Penetrating Sun Rays To the Deprived Housing Suites. دراسة تحليلية لإمكانية إدخال أشعة الشمس فى المناطق السكنية المحرومة منها Osama A.Latif and Khaled Elhadidy 2001 Local
3 Architectural Education in the Framework of Modern Era Data. التعليم المعمــــاري في ظل معــطيات العصـــر الحديث Osama A.Latif and Khaled Elhadidy 2009 Local
4 Architectural Identity of Urban Complexes. الهوية المعمارية للتجمعات العمرانية Osama A.Latif and Khaled Elhadidy 2009 Local
5 Architecture underground as one of the methods of protection from the dangers of nuclear..presentationالعمارة تحت الأرض كأحد أساليب الحماية من الاخطار النووية. Osama A.Latif - Osama Elnahas 2009 Local
6 Low cost housing between latest and simples building technology الإسكان الاقتصادي بين تكنولوجيا البناء البسيطة والحديثة Osama A. Latif 2003 International
7 Methods and extra precautions to protect against the dangers of emotional behaviors In the space of the urban commercial centers..presentationأساليب وقائية أضافية للحماية من أخطار السلوكيات الانفعالية.docx 1950 Local
8 Optimizing the Utilization of Wastewater as a Source of National Income Growth..presentationتعظيم الاستفادة من مياه الصرف الصحي كمصدر من مصادر إنماء الدخل القومي. Osama A.Latif 2009 Local
9 The correlation between teaching working drawing & building construction ...presentationالعلاقة التبادلية بين تدريس الإنشاء المعماري.docx Osama A.Latif - Osama Elnahas 2009 Local
10 استخدام التكنولوجيا المتوافقة لتدوير مخلفات الصرف الصحي لانتاج الوقود الحيوي من الطحالب أسامة عبد اللطيف يوسف - م. صـلاح خليل عبد العال 2008 International
11 رؤية معمارية لمعالجة الأماكن العامة وفق المنظور الاسلامى Osama A. Latif 2010 International
osama mohamedalnahas
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (11)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Development of the Natural Protected Petrified Forests Architecture Dr./ Osama Mohamed Kamal El Nahas Dr. at the Faculty of Engineering – Shobra – Zagazig University And General Director of the Technical Affairs- Supreme Council of Antiques 2015 International
2 Development of the Natural Protected Petrified Forests Architecture Dr./ Osama Mohamed Kamal El Nahas Dr. at the Faculty of Engineering – Shobra – Zagazig University And General Director of the Technical Affairs- Supreme Council of Antiques 2015 International
3 Development of the Natural Protected Petrified Forests Architecture Dr./ Osama Mohamed Kamal El Nahas Dr. at the Faculty of Engineering – Shobra – Zagazig University And General Director of the Technical Affairs- Supreme Council of Antiques 2015 International
4 Development of the Natural Protected Petrified Forests Architecture Dr./ Osama Mohamed Kamal El Nahas Dr. at the Faculty of Engineering – Shobra – Zagazig University And General Director of the Technical Affairs- Supreme Council of Antiques 2015 International
5 Development of the Natural Protected Petrified Forests Architecture Dr./ Osama Mohamed Kamal El Nahas Dr. at the Faculty of Engineering – Shobra – Zagazig University And General Director of the Technical Affairs- Supreme Council of Antiques 2015 International
6 الأستدامة في عمارة مسجد ومدرسة السلطان حسن أسامة محمد كمال النحاس* 2015 International
7 العمارة تحت ارض كأحد أساليب الوقاية من الأخطار النووية أسامة محمد كمال النحاس ---أسامة عبد اللطيف 2015 International
8 العمارة تحت ارض كأحد أساليب الوقاية من الأخطار النووية أسامة محمد كمال النحاس ---أسامة عبد اللطيف 2015 International
9 العمارة تحت ارض كأحد أساليب الوقاية من الأخطار النووية أسامة محمد كمال النحاس ---أسامة عبد اللطيف 2015 International
10 عمارة الصحراء بين الحفاظ والتطوير والتدمير دراسة تحليلية لعمارة واحات سيوة ونالوت وغدامس Osama Mohamed kamal elnahas 2011 International
11 معايير تقييم مشروعات الصيانة والترميم للآثار أسامة محمدكمال النحاس* معايير تقييم مشروعات الصيانة والترميم للآثار أسامة محمدكمال النحاس* معايير تقييم مشروعات الصيانة والترميم للآثار أسامة محمدكمال النحاس* 2015 International
salama mustafa abdelrahman
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (7)
Total (7)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 المؤتمر العلمى الثالث كلية الفنون الجميلىة القاهرة. رسالة الفنون الجميلة فى عالم بلا حدود" فى الفترة من 17 الى 19 ابريل 2001 مشارك ببحث تحت عنوان " التهوية الطبيعية كأحد الحلول لرفع كفاءة الآداء والحفاظ على الطاقة" 2015 International
2 المؤتمر المعمارى الدولى الخامس " العمران والبيئة" فى الفترة من 20 الى 22 ابريل 2003 مشارك ببحث تحت عنوان"المفرادات المعمارية المتوافقة مع البيئة" 2015 International
3 بحث منشور فى المجلة العلمية لجامعة الأزهر المجلد الخامس العدد رقم 3 يوليو 2002 تحت عنوان" البعد الانسانى فى تصميم الأسواق المصرية" 2015 International
4 جامعة اسيوط - مركز الدراسات البيئة المؤتمر الدولى الثانى للتنمية والبيئة فى الوطن العربى فى الفترة من 23 الى 25 مارس 2004 مشارك ببحث تحت عنوان" معايير تصميم اماكن انتظار المرضى بالمبانى الصحية فى مصر" 2015 International
5 مؤتمر الأزهر الهندسى الدولى الحادى عشر - جامعة الأزهر - كلية الهندسة - قسم الهندسة المعمارية فى الفترة من 21الى23 ديسمبر 2010 مشارك بورقة بحثية " آلية جمع النفايات الطبية الخطرة بالمستشفيات العامة" 2015 International
6 مؤتمر الأزهر الهندسى الدولى السابع فى الفترة من 7 الى 10 ابريل2003 مشارك ببحث تحت عنوان " تاثير الوحدة الموديلية التصميمية لفتحات الشبابيك على التهوية الطبيعية لقاعات الرسم لقسم العمارة" 2015 International
7 مؤتمر الأزهر الهندسي الدولي السادس فى الفترة من 1 الى 4 سبتمبر 2000 مشارك ببحث تحت عنوان" المرونة فى تصميم المستشفيات 2015 International
Sayed Abd Elhaliam Mohamed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Shaban Taha Ibrahim Taha
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 The Architectural Education and Needs Of The Community In Egypt. Shaban Taha Ibrahim Taha 1984 International
2 المعمارى و رفع كفاءة المبنى Shaban Taha Ibrahim Taha 1983 International
Wagih Fawzi Youssef
Local Publication (11)
International Publication (81)
Total (92)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 تأثير الإضاءة الطبيعية علي شكل المباني Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
2 A Treatise in Architecture Beauty Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
3 Architects on Architecture Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
4 Architectural Attitudes and Motives Wagih F. Youssef 2018 International
5 Architecture Aesthetics Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
6 Architecture Aesthetics Inquiry Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
7 Architecture and Artistic Human Sensitivity Wagih F. Youssef 2018 International
8 Architecture and Civilization Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
9 Architecture and Design Education Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
10 Architecture and Eclecticism Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
11 Architecture and Problems of Urbanism Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
12 Architecture and the Desire for New Form and Expression Wagih F. Youssef 2018 International
13 Architecture and the Education of the Eye Wagih F. Youssef 2019 Local
14 Architecture and the Formation of Spatial and Visual Impressions Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2019 Local
15 Architecture and the Fourth Dimension Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
16 Architecture and the Problem of Design Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
17 Architecture and the Problem of Space and Time Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
18 Architecture and the Problems of Creative Conceptions Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2015 International
19 Architecture and the Problems of Science, Technology and Art Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
20 Architecture and the Problems of Users’ Cognition, Behavior and Stimulus Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
21 Architecture and the revolution of the Eye Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2020 Local
22 Architecture and the Sculpture Effect of Natural Light Wagih F. Youssef 2020 Local
23 Architecture and Visual Reality Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2020 Local
24 Architecture as Appearance Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2019 Local
25 Architecture Beauty and the Problem of Form Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2020 Local
26 Architecture between Function and Expression Wagih F. Youssef 2016 International
27 Architecture Complexities and Contradiction Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2014 International
28 Architecture Diversion in a World of Ideas Wagih F. Youssef 2018 International
29 Architecture Dynamics Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
30 Architecture Ideology and Politics Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
31 Architecture Sequences and Originality Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2019 Local
32 Architecture Teaching and Complications Wagih F. Youssef 2019 Local
33 Architecture when it was the concern of the Carpenter and the Stone Mason Wagih F. Youssef 2018 International
34 Architecture's Roots Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
35 Architecture: Perception and Concept Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
36 Architecture: Space, Place, and Memory Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
37 Art and the Trouble about Beauty Wagih F. Youssef 2018 International
38 Art Mind Construction Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
39 Art Technology Man and Architecture Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2020 Local
40 Art, Architecture, and Cultural Lag Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2017 International
41 Art, Tradition, and Architecture Wagih F. Youssef 2018 International
42 Art,Society and Real Value Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2018 International
43 Artistic Attitudes Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2016 International
44 Building Humane Places Wagih F. Youssef 2016 International
45 Civilization and the Spiritual Value of Art Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2018 International
46 Color as Part of an Architect's Design Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
47 Commonalities between Art and Architecture Wagih F. Youssef 2016 International
48 Contemporary Architecture in Collision Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
49 Culture and Art Criticism Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
50 Design Philosophy Wagih F. Youssef 2018 International
51 Effects of Colored Lights on Man Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
52 History of Architectural Ornamentation Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
53 Improved Housing Design for Energy Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
54 Improving Housing Design for Livability and Safety Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
55 Lost / Displaced Architecture Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
56 Man is the problem of Art and History Wagih F. Youssef 2016 International
57 Natural Light and Libraries Wagih F. Youssef 1978 International
58 Natural Light is the Cause of the Effects of Architecture Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2017 International
59 Null / Non-Architecture Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
60 Philosophy of Architecture Creativity Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
61 Post-Academic Architecture Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2017 International
62 Psycho-physical Response to Architecture Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
63 Society as a force in shaping Architecture Wagih F. Youssef 2016 International
64 The Architecture of Natural Light Wagih F. Youssef 2018 International
65 The Beauty of Architectural Expression Wagih F. Youssef 2018 International
66 The Drama of Architectural Utopia Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
67 The Plight of Art Criticism Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
68 Thinking Architecture Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
69 Towards an Ecumenical Architecture Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2016 International
70 Western Art, a Critical Inquiry Wagih F. Youssef 2016 International
71 العمارة الصامتة Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
72 العمارة القاسية Wagih F. Youssef 1986 International
73 العمارة والجريمة Wagih F. Youssef 1984 International
74 العمارة والحريق Wagih F. Youssef 2019 International
75 العمارة والدفء الكوني Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
76 العمارة والمجتمع Wagih F. Youssef 1987 International
77 العمارة والٍاشعاع النووي Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
78 العمارة والٍانسان في سيناء Wagih F. Youssef 1982 International
79 العمارة وضوضاء المدينة Wagih F. Youssef 1983 International
80 المسكن المريح Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
81 المعماري وبيوت المعوقين Wagih F. Youssef 1981 International
82 المهندس المعماري بين حضارة عصره وتقاليد الماضي Wagih F. Youssef 1982 International
83 المهندس المعماري والناس Wagih F. Youssef 1986 International
84 النقــــــــــد المعمــــــــــاري Wagih Fawzi Youssef 2019 Local
85 الٍابهار الضوئي والراحة البصرية Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
86 الٍابهار الضوئي والراحة البصرية Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
87 الٍاضاءة الطبيعية والعمارة قديماً وحديثاً Wagih F. Youssef 1981 International
88 اٍشكالية الجمال المعماري Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
89 بيت المسلم القديم Wagih F. Youssef 1981 International
90 تشابه المساكن خطر نفسي واٍجتماعي..كيف؟ Wagih F. Youssef 2015 International
91 تطور تصميم الكنائس القبطية Wagih F. Youssef 1974 International
92 دليل العمارة والطاقة Wagih F. Youssef 1998 International
Eslam Nazmy Soliman Fahmi Elsayed
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (10)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 " التكامل الوظيفي بين المباني ذات القيمة والبيئة العمرانية المحيطة- دراسة حالة : حي الجمالية – الوكالات التجارية" Functional Integration between Listed Buildings* and Surrounding Urban Environment Case study: (Elgamalia Neighborhood - Wekalas) إسلام نظمي سليمان ، ناهد فتحي عبد الغني 2015 International
2 (دراسة تحليلية للأنماط المختلفة للوحدات السكنية من طابقين(الدوبلكس Eslam Nazmy Soliman Fahmi EL-Sayed 2016 International
3 A proposed Model for Measuring the Performance of Smart Public Parks Eslam N. Elsayed, Ahmed N. Ashrry 2020 Local
4 Nodes-Connectors Network of Public Spaces as a Manifestation of Power in Cairo’s Heterotopias N E Eslam 2018 Local
5 Rehabilitation of Road Networks Inside Inherent Neighborhoods and their Impact on Residents’ Urban Quality of Life Case Study: “Heliopolis” Neighborhood-Cairo Eslam N. Elsayed 2021 Local
6 Residents’ Satisfaction at Gated Communities In Egypt Case Study: New Cairo city in Greater Cairo Region (GCR) Eslam Nazmy Soliman Fahmi El SayedEslam Nazmy Soliman Fahmi El SayedEslam Nazmy Soliman Fahmi El Sayed 2016 International
7 The Effect of Smart Sustainable Urban Spaces on Quality of Life Eslam Nazmy S. Elsayed 2021 Local
8 The Effect of Social Distancing on the Utilization of Open Spaces Case Study: "Open Social Spaces at Smash Academy Club” Eslam N. Elsayed 2020 Local
9 The Indistinct Role of Community between Architect Decisions and Design process stages "Case Study - Egypt Eslam Nazmy Soliman Fahmy 2016 International
10 الأنماط السكانية الإقتصادية وتأثيرها علي تطبيق مفاهيم الاستدامة للخدمات التجارية اليومية Demographic and Economic Patterns and their Impact on the Application of Sustainability Concepts for Daily Commercial Services. Eslam Nazmy Soliman Fahmi El-Sayed 2015 International
11 المبانى التعليمية بين التصميم والتطبيق- المعايير التصميمية البيئية للفراغات شبه المفتوحة لمرحلة رياض الأطفال سلامه النجار، ناهد فتحي عبد الغني، إسلام نظمي سليمان 2010 International
12 انعكاس التطور التكنولوجي على الإحتياجات الإنسانية والفراغ المعماري لطفل رياض الأطفال م. رشا محمد سعيد دسوقي أ.م.د. إسلام نظمي سليمان السيد 2018 Local
13 تطبيق مفاهيم التنمية العمرانية المستدامة على المناطق التجارية التاريخية- دراسة حالة منطقة روكسي بمصر الجديدة إسلام نظمي سليمان، احمد سيد يوسف 2014 International
14 دراسة التجمعات العمرانية المغلقة داخل اسوار المدن الجديدة دراسة حالة "مدينتــــي" ا.م.د/ إسلام نظمي سليمان فهمي السيد 2020 Local
15 دراسة تحليلية لأنماط التسوق المختلفة دراسة ميدانية لنماذج مختلفة من الأسواق بالقاهرة - إسلام نظمي سليمان، إيمان هانم احمد عفيفي 2004 International
16 دراسة تحليلية للتجارب العالمية لتنمية التجمعات العمرانية الجديدة المستدامة واستخلاص نموذج فكرى جديد لتنمية واستدامة التجمعات العمرانية الجديدة فى مصر إسلام نظمي سليمان، احمد سيد يوسف 2014 International
17 دراسة لسلوكيات التسوق في المناطق السياحية وعلاقتها بالتصميم العمراني- دراسة ميدانية لمنطقة خليج نعمة (بمدينة شرم الشيخ) إسلام نظمي سليمان، ايمان هانم احمد عفيفي 2003 International
18 ظاهرة السيطرة الفردية على النطاق العام وتحولاته الإسكانية في التجمعات العمرانية الجديدة دراسة حالة " مدينة القاهرة الجديدة " ا.م.د/ إسلام نظمي سليمان فهمي 2019 Local
Manal Ahmed Samir Abou El-Ela
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (10)
Total (17)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 "Urban Waterfronts between cultural and physical Influences” the 43rd International Planning Congress, Antwerp, Belgium Manal Abou El-Ela, Mohamed Soliman and Mohamed Khairy Amin 2007 International
2 A Sustainable Landscape for a Livable Urban Fabric, Al Azhar University Engineering Journal. Manal Abou El-Ela 2004 Local
3 Behavioural and Environmental Arguments Concerning the Nile Water Edge, proceedings of the 6th AUEJ congress in Cairo, Egypt Manal Abou El-Ela and Mohamed Khairy Amin 2000 Local
4 Cultural Globalization and Changes in the Urban Form of Metropolis Cities, The Case of Cairo, proceedings of the 39th ISoCaRP congress, Cairo, Egypt. Manal Abou El-Ela 2003 Local
5 Discussions Concerning the Impact of the Digital Revolution on the Environment, Will Planners Cope?, proceedings of the 5th IACA conference, Asiout, Egypt. Manal Abou El-Ela 2003 Local
6 Foucault Discourse Analysis on Informal Settlements' representation in Fiction, Garbage Collection area Manshiet Nasser- Cairo Seif El Dine Saad; Manal A. Samir Abou EL-Ela; Mona Abdel Wahab 2016 International
7 Information Settlement Development Methodology’, 42nd International Planning Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. Manal Abou El-Ela, Mohamed Soliman, and Ibrahim Sharaf El Din 2006 International
8 Preschool Children’s Environments between Playscape and Playbehaviour, proceedings of the 4th ICCAE conference in Cairo, Egypt. Manal Abou El-Ela 2002 Local
9 Recreational Spaces in Cairo through Time and Space, proceedings of the 37th ISoCaRP congress in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Manal Abou El-Ela 2001 International
10 Tactics of Resistance in Women-only Spaces The Case of Solaris Mai Aboul-Dahab; Manal A. Samir Abou El-Ela; Ahmed El Antably 2016 International
11 The Absent Presence of the Spatial Cognition of Cities in Hybrid Space Are People Still Aware of their Spatial Surroundings Manal A.S. Abou El-Ela 2018 International
12 The Development of the Central Area, Al-Madina Al Monawara, planning and architectural dimensions, proceedings of the 3rd college of art conference in Cairo, Egypt. Manal Abou El-Ela and Mohamed Khairy Amin 2001 Local
13 The Flow of Leisure Activities in and out Of Physical and Cyber Spaces of Cairo Manal A.S. Abou El-Ela 2017 International
14 The impact of urban boundaries in public spaces upon user’s perception of safety, with reference to Cairo, Egypt Sarah Samir Abou Aly, Manal Samir Abou El-Ela, Sherif El-Fiki 2018 International
15 The role of civil actors, private sector, and public organizations in the urban life of open spaces (The Cairo Case) Manal Abou El-Ela, Ibrahim Sharaf El-Din, Mohamed Khairy Amin 2010 International
16 The Role of Private Territoriality in the Social Behaviour of People and their Participation and Attitude Towards their Community, proceedings of the Regional Arab conference in Cairo, Egypt. Manal Abou El-Ela and Sadik Ahmed Sadik 2001 Local
17 المعايير التصميمية لمسارات حركة المشاة تبعاً للاحتياجات الانسانية محمد عبد التواب هيكل - د. منال سمير أبو العلا – د. حسن أحمد الزملي 2018 International
Nabil Ashry Ibrahim Abd El-Fatah
Local Publication (18)
International Publication (0)
Total (18)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Suggested Strategy Towards an Effective Management of Housing Crisis in Egypt 1950 Local
2 Academic Curricula - Work Market Interactive Systemic in Architecture & Planning Education, A Strategic Approach and Future Challenges of the 21st Century 1950 Local
3 Evaluation of the Traditional Policies Oriented to Informal Regions 1950 Local
4 Experiment of Private Universities and Challenges of the 21st Century, An Intellectual Vision of the Planning & Architecture Education in Egypt 1950 Local
5 Strategy of Rehabilitation of Archeological Sites as means of the Oriented Development Using Cultural Heritage 1950 Local
6 The Housing Policy as means of the Oriented Investment, An Approach to Develop the Occupation Rate in the New Towns 1950 Local
7 The Need for Quantitative Technique in Urban Design & Planning, An Integrated Model for Land Use Distribution 1950 Local
8 The Role of High Tech in Re-planning of Archeological Sites, A Frame Work for Co-Operation Program 1950 Local
9 The Role of Site Museum Policy as a Tool of Rehabilitation of Archeological Sites 1950 Local
10 The Strategy of Architecture & Urban Planning Education - Market needs Interaction 1950 Local
11 The sustainable urban development between conventional and alternative planning concepts 1950 Local
12 Towards an Integrated Development Policy (Case Study: A Strategic Plan of El-America) 1950 Local
13 Urban Context – Informal Region Interaction (An Analytical Study of Ezbit El-Hagana 1950 Local
14 Use of Urban Context of Archeological Sites as means of the Oriented Development 1950 Local
15 أجهزة تعمير المدن بين الرقابة وادارة التنمية 1950 Local
16 توظيف امتداد عشوائيات الاسكان الحكومى فى اتجاه التكامل مع التشكيل العمرانى لمحيط الحضرى 1950 Local
17 رؤى التنفيذ فى اقتصاديات التشييد بين التكنولوجيا المتطورة والبسيطة 1950 Local
18 منطقية التفكير ومنهجية التطبيق لاستخدامات الحاسب الآلى فى العمارة والعمران، اسلوب مقترح لانتاج تصميم عمرانى متكامل 1950 Local
Osama Saad Khalil Ibrahim
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (4)
Total (5)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Environmental Adaptation for the Development of Jizan City Coast in Saudi Arabia Osama Khalil 2007 International
2 Environmental Adaptation for Urban Patterns with New Residential Districts in Riyadh City Osama Khalil 2008 Local
3 The Coastal City Planning in the Regional Context, (Case Study: Hurghada, Egypt and El Wajh, Saudi Arabia) Osama Khalil 2007 International
4 Urban Adaptation Between Contemporary Residential Schemes and Heritage Area (Case Study: Al Dir'iyah-Riyadh) Osama Khalil 2011 International
5 Urban Planning in the Context of the Saudi Urban Identity (Case Study: Hail City) Osama Khalil 2015 International
sadikahmed saad
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Yaldiz Yehya Mohamed Eid
Local Publication (14)
International Publication (6)
Total (20)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Alterations of Middle Class Apartments in Cairo: Social and Cultural Significance. Cairo University Seminar “Towards Better Building Performance”. Cairo, Egypt, May. Housing Methods and Approaches in Developing Countries. Ministry of Culture Seminar “Urban Environments for the Middle Class”, Cairo, Egypt, March. Eid, Y. 1995 Local
2 Bi-Polarity and Interface in the Spatial Organization of Cairo Apartments. Published Ph.D. thesis, Chicago: UMI publications. Eid, Y. 1994 International
3 Community Building and the Role of the Built Environment. Engineering Research Journal, Shubra Faculty of Engineering, No. 6, Jan. Eid, Y. 2006 Local
4 Determinants of Activity Patterns in Egyptian Homes: A space syntax analysis of use. Cambridge Housing and Planning Research – ENHR 2004 Conference, University of Cambridge, England, July. Eid, Y., Shehayeb, D. 2004 International
5 Gender Roles and the Interior Organization of Domestic Space. El Azhar Engineering International Conference AEIC 1997, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. Eid, Y. 1995 Local
6 Landscape Dilemma: Nasr City as a Case Study. El Azhar Engineering International Conference AEIC 1997. Cairo, Egypt, Dec. Eid, Y. Barakat, M. 1997 Local
7 Neighbourhood Design and Community Building: A model of social interaction. In (Eds.), The Appropriate Home: Can We Design “Appropriate” Residential Environments? Proceedings of the First HBNRC & IAPS-CSBE Network Joint Symposium.. (ISBN 977-17-4798-3. pp131-144). Shehayeb, D. & Eid, Y. 2007 Local
8 Office Design – New Approaches to Organizational Change. Engineering Research Journal, Shubra Faculty of Engineering, No. 6, Jan. Eid, Y. 2006 Local
9 Office Space Planning and Productivity: the case study of the National Postal Organization. Engineering Research Journal, Shubra Faculty of Engineering, No. 5, Nov. Eid, Y. 2005 Local
10 Privacy in the Office. El Azhar Engineering Journal, vol. 1. Eid, Y. 1990 Local
11 Professional Practice Towards A Sustainable Approach in Architecture. Union of Arab Engineers Conference “The Role of Engineering Consultancy Offices and Companies in Sustainable Development”, Damascus, Syria, Dec. 17-19. Barakat, M., Eid, Y. 2008 International
12 Re-thinking Concepts of Sustainable Architecture. Sustainable Architectural and Urban Development - Cairo University First International Conference. Eid. Y., Barakat, M. 2004 Local
13 Sustainability of 19th and 20th Century Buildings in Egypt. ISMARMED 2005 - International Seminar on the Management of the Shared Mediterranean Heritage Eid, Y. 2006 International
14 Sustainable Urban Communities: History Defying Cultural Conflict. 16th Conference of the International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS), Metropolis 21st Century: which perspectives? Paris 4 -7 July. Y. Eid. 2000 International
15 The Electronic Design Studio: Between Conceptual Design and the Modern Movement. El Azhar University Engineering Journal Engineering – AUEJ (special issue) Sept., pp. 2 – 10. Barakat, M., Eid, Y. 2001 Local
16 The Interior Design Studio in Architecture Schools, Sept. 1. El Azhar University Engineering Journal Engineering – AUEJ (special issue). pp. 111 – 120. Eid. Y. 2001 Local
17 The Pedestrian Street: Socio-Cultural Influence on Architectural Design. Conference Proceedings Mansoura University International Engineering Conference. Eid,Y., El Gizawy, L. 2000 Local
18 The Spatial Requirements of the Design Studio in Architecture Education, UIA/UNESCO Architecture Education Commission, Region V, Architecture Education for the New Millenium - First International Conference. Eid, Y. 2003 International
19 The Street as an Element of Urban Design. A report presented to the High Council of Architecture. Eid,Y. 2001 Local
20 Visual Problems in the City of Cairo: Case Study of Abbas ElAkkad Street, Nasr City, Cairo. El Azhar Engineering International Conference AEIC 1997, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. Eid, Y., Eid, Y. & Barakat, M. 1997 Local
Abdelwahab Ali Abdelwahab
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Ashraf A. Gaafar
Local Publication (8)
International Publication (0)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 ANALYTICAL STUDY USING “GRAPH THEORY “ TO DETERMINE THE OPTIMAL CIRCULATION PATHS BETWEEN A GROUP OF ENTERRELATED BUILDINGS - Mansoura Third International Engineering Conference, El- Mansoura : 11-13 April Volume(1) Civil Engineering and Architecture PP: 569-584 Ashraf A. Gaafar 2000 Local
2 Enriching the Cultural and Urban Heritage Through Rural Tourism - The First Conference, Department of Architecture- Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University - Sustainable Architectural and Urban Development, Cairo: 26-28 February Ashraf A. Gaafar 2004 Local
4 Observation of Monuments Deterioration & a Tool to Guide Preservation Quality Using Virtual Reality Techniques - Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering-Shoubra, Cairo: January - PP: 24-40 Ashraf A. Gaafar 2005 Local
5 THE IMPACT OF USING AUTOMATIC EMBROIDERY CRAFT UPON ARCHITECTURAL SPACES IN EGYPTIAN CRAFT INDUSTRIES VILLAGES - Fourth Conference of Egyptian Rural Development, Shebin El-Kom : 15-17 Sep. - Faculty of Engineering Minufiya University, Volume(2) PP: 996-1010 Ashraf A. Gaafar 2003 Local
6 The Required Strategy for Human Resourses Development مؤتمر جامعة القاهرة الثالث: الجامعات فى خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة مع بداية الألفية الثالثة - جامعة القاهرة 5-7 مايو ، ص 41 Ashraf A. Gaafar, M. Fareed 2001 Local
7 Use of Virtual Reality Techniques in Interactive 3D Documentation of Pharaonic Tombs - Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering-Shoubra, Cairo: October - PP: 1-16 Ashraf A. Gaafar 2004 Local
8 Use of “Photo-Modeling Techniques” in 3d Documentation of Islamic Architecture Heritage Sites in Occupied JERUSALEM (Al-QUDS City) - Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering-Shoubra, Cairo: June , PP: 11-26 Ashraf A. Gaafar 2005 Local
Hassan Ahmed Ahmed Alzamly
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (9)
Total (16)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 " استخدام تكنولوجيا نظم المعلومات الجغرافية GIS في تطوير نموذج للنظام العمراني للمستقرات الصحراوية." " التنمية العمرانية فى المناطق الصحراوية ومشكلات البناء فيها " وزارة الأشغال العامة والإسكان – المملكة العربية السعودية – الرياض 2-4 نوفمبر 2002 الزملي، حسن 2002 International
2 " التخطيط العمراني في مصر بين النظرية والتطبيق - دراسة حالة مدينة القصير" جمعية المهندسين المصرية القاهرة 11/11/2002 الزملي، حسن 2002 Local
3 "اشتراطات المناطق وتأثيرها في تحسين خصائص البيئة العمرانية" جمعية المهندسين المصرية القاهرة 25/11/2002 الزملي، حسن 2002 Local
4 " التركيب العمراني كأداة لمستقبل افضل للمدينة المصرية"، المؤتمر الدولي للتنمية والبيئة فى الوطن العربي مركز الدراسات وبحوث البيئة بجامعة أسيوط . أسيوط 26 – 28 مارس الزملي، حسن 2002 Local
5 "دور برنامج نظم المعلومات الجغرافية في ادارة المشاريع السكنية الكبرى"، المؤتمر الدولي للتنمية والبيئة في الوطن العربي مركز الدراسات وبحوث البيئة بجامعة أسيوط . أسيوط 26 – 28 مارس الزملي، حسن 2002 Local
9 Sustainable urban mobility: Assessing Different Neighbourhood Models in Greater Cairo Region, Egypt. Dr.Hassan ELzamly 2018 International
10 Testing The Validity Of The Impacts Of Gated Communities On Urban Development In Egypt Dr.Hassan ELzamly 2018 International
11 The Contribution Of Gated Communities To Urban Development In Greater Cairo Region, New Towns. Dr.Hassan ELzamly 2011 International
13 ،" دور نظم معلومات الأراضي LIS فى تأمين الحيازة"، المؤتمر العربي الإقليمي " تأمين الحيازة /الإدارة الحضرية : محوران لتحقيق عدالة اجتماعية في المدينة " وزارة الإسكان والمرافق والمجتمعات العمرانية الجديدة- هيئة التخطيط العمراني. القاهرة 21 – 24 أبريل الزملي، حسن ، محمد عبد العزيز 2001 Local
14 المعايير التصميمية لمسارات حركة المشاة تبعاً للاحتياجات الانسانية Dr.Hassan ELzamly 2018 International
15 “Arid Zones : A New Trend in Planning Education”, AL ZAMLY, H. 1999 Local
16 “Potentialities of GIS in the Arid Lands”, Fourth International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering. Military Technical College. Cairo 14-16 May. AL ZAMLY, H. 2002 Local
hesham eissa
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (6)
Total (6)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A STUDY OF EMERGENCE IN THE GENERATION OF ISLAMIC GEOMETRIC PATTERNS Iestyn Jowers, Miquel Prats, HEsham Eissa, and Jihyun Lee 2010 International
2 DYNAMIC ADAPTIVE WEB-BASED MODEL FOR ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN EDUCATION (DAAD) An e-Learning Environment for An Architectural Design Course Hesham T. Eissa and Ji-Hyun Lee 2008 International
3 On the potential of computationally rendered scenes for lighting quality evaluation Hesham Eissa and Ardeshir Mahdavi 2001 International
4 Subjective evaluation of architectural lighting via computationally rendered images Hesham Eissa, Ardeshir Mahdavi 2002 International
5 The applications of emerging technologies in building science and its impact on architecture education Hesham Eissa 2003 International
6 Thermal Performance of a Solar Heating System Under Japanese Climate Conditions Maatouk Khoukhi, Hesham Eissa, and Shigenao Maruyama 2010 International
Ibrahim Hassan Ibrahim Sharaf El din
Local Publication (9)
International Publication (6)
Total (15)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Methodology For Evalution Of Functional Efficiency For Landscape Elements Scientific Bulletin , Ain Shams Univ., Faculty Of Engineering Vol. 38 , No. 1 Dr. Ibrahim Hassan 2003 Local
2 Community service standards & globalization / Congress at Cairo university.International society of city and regional planning (Isocrap.) Hague - The Netherlands - International planning congress / Planning in a more globalized world / Cairo/ October 2003 Dr. Ibrahim Hassan 2003 Local
3 Existing urban vision for Egyptian villages "Positive & Negative characteristics " Ibrahim Hassan Ibrahim Sharaf Eldin & Mohamed Ahmad Soliman 2009 International
4 Greater Cairo Urban Growth (Managing & Controlling).AL Azhar University Congress. Dr. Ibrahim Hassan & Dr. Mohamed Soliman 2000 Local
5 Landscape Elements Role In Maximizing The Functional Efficiency Of Services In N.H. Scientific Bulletin , Ain Shams Univ., Faculty Of Engineering Vol. 38 , No. 4. Dr. Ibrahim Hassan 2003 Local
6 New Urban Communities In Egypt (Useful Lessons) Italy – Rome University P.V.S. Periodical No.23 Ibrahim Hassan Ibrahim Sharaf Eldin & Mohamed Ahmad Soliman 1999 International
7 New Urban Communities Management As A Tool For Strategic Issues / International Society Of City & Regional Planners (Isocarp.) Management Of Urban Regions Geneva September 2004. Dr. Mohamed Soliman& Dr. Ibrahim Hassan 2004 International
8 SERVICE STANDARDS FOR EGYPTIAN NEW COMMUNITIES (TOWARDS LOCAL GUIDELINES), Conference on Civil& Arch. Eng. Military Technical College , Cairo 14-16 may Dr. Ibrahim Hassan & Dr. Mohamed Soliman 2002 Local
9 The informal settlements development methodology (Case study of the investment areas in Kuwait city), 42nd ISoCaRP Congress Istanbul dr. Ibrahim Sharaf &dr. Manal Abou ELela & & dr. Mohamed Soliman 2006 International
10 The role of civil actors, private sector, and public organizations in the urban life of open spaces (The Cairo Case) REAL CORP 2010 Proceedings / Tagungsband / Vienna, 18-20 May 2010 Manal Abou El-Ela, Ibrahim Hassan Ibrahim Sharaf El-Din, Mohamed Khairy Amin 2010 International
11 The Role Of G I S In The Management Of Large Residential Projects The International Conference For Development And The Environment In The Arab World Assiut University. Dr. Hassan E L Zamle & Dr. Ibrahim Hassan & Dr. Mohamed Soliman 2002 Local
12 The urbanization of Egyptian new towns " Suitable standards and referance parameters " (Italy – Rome University P.V.S. periodical No.6 Ezzat Said Nabieh & Ibrahim Hassan Ibrahim Sharaf Eldin 1993 International
13 Urban Management And Development Developing Of International Garden Alexandria. Menia University Congress Dr. Ibrahim Hassan & Dr. Mohamed Soliman 2002 Local
14 Urban Pattern As A Best Tool For Egyptian Cities. The International Conference For Development And The Environment In The Arab World Assiut University. Dr. Ibrahim Hassan &Dr. Mohamed Soliman & Dr. Hassan E L Zamle 2002 Local
15 Zones Legislations And Urban Development A Case Study Of Conflects Of Urban Laws Journal Of The Egyptian Society Of Engineers ,Vol.42 Issue No. 3 Dr. Ibrahim Hassan & Dr. Mohamed Soliman & & Dr. Hassan E L Zamle 2003 Local
Islam Ghnemi Ibrahim Ghnemi
Local Publication (12)
International Publication (9)
Total (21)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Tool-kit to Measure the Urban Quality of Life for Low-income Residential Areas. ibrahim magdi, sadek sadd, eslam nazmy, islam ghonimi 2023 Local
3 Architecture Manifestation of Natural Science Paradigm Shift 2012 International
4 Assessing Daylight Performance of Single vs. Double Skin Façade in Educational Buildings: A Comparative Analysis of Two Case Studies Islam Ghonimi 2017 International
5 BIOMIMICRY AS A SUSTAINABLE DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR BUILDING BEHAVIOUR a S. Aamer1, Ahmed F. Hamza2, Mohamed khairy3, Islam Ghonimi4 2023 Local
6 Identification Of Gated Communities In Egypt Ghonimi et. al. 2013 International
7 Impact of Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) on The Place Attachment in Downtown Katameya Mall ibrahim magdi, sadek sad, islam ghonimi 2023 Local
8 Post-Covid City: Assessing The Role of Urban Design in Achieving Social Distance and Coping Urban Behavior in Four Types of Neighborhoods in GCR. Islam Ghonimi 2023 Local
9 Smart City: A Question of Social Sustainability in Urban Spaces?: Assessing The Impacts of ICT on Changing Urban Behavioral Patterns in Urban Spaces of Madinaty, Egypt 2023 Local
10 Sustainable urban mobility: Assessing different neighborhood models in Greater Cairo Region -Egypt. Islam Ghonimi 2017 International
11 Sustainable Urban Quality-Of-Life in Neighborhoods: Bridging the Gap between Satisfaction and Performance in Four Types of Neighborhoods in GCR - Egypt Islam Ghonimi 2023 Local
12 Testing The Validity Of The Impacts Of Gated Communities On Urban Development In Egypt Ghonimi et. al. 2013 International
13 The Contribution Of Gated Communities To Urban Development In Greater Cairo Region, New Towns. 2011 Local
14 The Impacts of Neighborhood Land- Use Patterns on Resident's Satisfaction to Urban Development: A comparison of Four Neighborhoods in Greater Cairo Islam Ghonimi 2017 International
15 The Role of Urban Space Configuration in Maintaining Social Inclusion: A Comparison of Four Types of Neighborhoods in GCR-Egypt Islam Ghonimi 2022 Local
16 Towards Sustainable New Settlements in Egypt: Lessons Learned from a Comparison between Traditional and Modern Settlements in Greater Cairo Region - Egypt Islam Ghonimi 2017 International
17 Understanding and Formulating Gated Communities inside GCR New Towns Urban Fabric Ghonimi 2010 International
18 Urban Mobility in Post-Covid City: Assessing the Conflict between Safe and Sustainable Urban Mobility in Four Types of Neighborhoods in GCR Egypt islam ghonimi 2023 Local
19 Urban Mobility in Post-Covid City: Assessing the Conflict between Safe and Sustainable Urban Mobility in Four Types of Neighborhoods in GCR Egypt. Islam Ghonimi 2023 Local
20 “Critical study for architectural language (modern and postmodern era”, al Azhar University Engineering Journal. Hamza, A., Ghonimi, I. 2005 Local
21 “Towards Understanding Architectural Theory :The Linguistic Approach as a Theorizing Tool for Contemporary World Architecture”, A thesis submitted to the faculty of engineering, Cairo university. Ghonimi, I. 2008 Local
Magdi Hussein Zaki Barakat
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (6)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Cairo 2000 Growth and Urban Development. Egyptian Student Association Magazine, vol. 9, no. 24, Washington D.C. USA Barakat, M. 1989 International
2 Computer-Based Methods for Estimating Natural Ventilation in Building Networks. ICCEM, Beijing; China. Barakat, M. 1987 International
3 Estimation of Natural Ventilation in Buildings Using a Micro-Computer ICCEM Beijing, China. Barakat, M. 1987 International
4 Landscape Dilemma: Nasr City as a Case Study. El Azhar Engineering International Conference AEIC 1997 Cairo, Egypt Dec. Eid, Y., Barakat, M. 1997 Local
5 Professional Practice Towards A Sustainable Approach in Architecture. Union of Arab Engineers Conference “The Role of Engineering Consultancy Offices and Companies in Sustainable Development”, Damascus, Syria, Dec. 17-19. Barakat, M., Eid, Y. 2008 International
6 The Architecture Practice and Facilities Management in Contemporary Architecture.A/E/C Conference, Texas, USA. June. Barakat, M. 1992 International
7 The Electronic Design Studio: Between Conceptual Design and the Modern Movement. El Azhar University Engineering Journal Engineering – AUEJ (special issue). Sept., pp. 2–10. Eid, Y., Barakat, M. 2001 Local
8 The Interior Design Studio in Architecture Schools. El Azhar University Engineering Journal Engineering – AUEJ (special issue). Sept., pp. 111–120. Eid, Y., Barakat, M. 2001 Local
9 The Revitalization of Computer Aided Design (CAD) Drawings in the Post Design/Construction Phase. El Azhar Engineering International Conference AEIC 1995. Cairo, Egypt Dec. Barakat, M. 1995 Local
10 The Role of the Professional Community in the Development of Architecture education. ACADIA, South Carolina, USA Oct. Barakat, M. 1992 International
11 Visual Problems in the City of Cairo: Case Study of Abbas ElAkkad Street, Nasr City, Cairo. El Azhar Engineering International Conference AEIC 1997. Cairo, Egypt Dec. Eid, Y., Eid, Y. & Barakat, M. 1997 Local
mohamed farid aboelala
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (8)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 تصميم المستوى التجميعي كأحد ركائز نجاح الأداء للصناعات الصغيرة 2003 International
2 Case Study for the impact of building's orientation upon the thermal comfort Mohamed Farid Abu Ella 2015 International
3 Proposal system for quality control construction projects through I T Dr. Mohamed Farid Abu Ella 2015 International
4 احتياجات القرية الصغيرة كنواة للإستثمار د/ محمد فريد أبو العلا 2015 International
5 المخطط الإرشادي للتنمية الريفية في قرى الوادي dr. Farid Abu Ella 2015 International
6 المنظور المستقبلي لتوثيق عناصر البنية التحتية – دراسة حالة البنية التحتية بالمملكة العربية السعودية د/محمد فريد أبو العلا 2013 International
7 منهجية الأبحاث العلمية وإتجاهات التطبيق في مجال التطوير العمراني د/ محمد فريد أبو العلا 2015 International
8 نحو منهجية تطبيقية للإستفادة من التراث الثقافي لمنطقة تاريخية – منطقة الدرعية التاريخية بالرياض – المملكة العربية السعودية د/ محمد فريد أبو العلا 2011 International
Mohammed Ahmed Soliman Muawwad
Local Publication (10)
International Publication (13)
Total (23)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
2 Existing urban vision for Egyptian villages "Positive & Negative characteristics " Mohamed Soliman & Ibrahim Hassan 2009 International
3 Greater Cairo Urban Growth (Managing & Controlling) Dr. Ibrahim Hassan & Dr. Mohamed Soliman 2000 Local
4 Identification of Gated Communities in Egypt hassan el zamie ; khairy amin ; mohamed soliman ; islam ghnemi 2013 International
5 Informal settlements development methodology (Case study of the investment areas in Kuwait city) dr. Manal Abou ELela & dr. Ibrahim Sharaf & dr. Mohamed Soliman 2006 International
6 New Urban Communities In Egypt (Useful Lessons) Italy Dr. Ibrahim Hassan & Dr. Mohamed Soliman 1999 International
7 New Urban Communities Management As A Tool For Strategic Issues Dr. Mohamed Soliman& Dr. Ibrahim Hassan 2004 International
9 The Contribution of Gated Communities to Urban Development in Greater Cairo Region New Towns, Hassan E L Zamle & Khairy Amin & Mohamed Soliman & Islam Ghnemi 2015 International
10 The Role Of G I S In The Management Of Large Residential Projects Dr. Hassan E L Zamle & Dr. Ibrahim Hassan & Dr. Mohamed Soliman 2002 Local
11 Understanding and Formulating Gated Communities in Greater Cairo New Towns Urban Fabric Hassan E L Zamle & Khairy Amin & Mohamed Soliman & Islam Ghnemi 2010 International
12 Urban waterfronts between cultural and physical influences (The case of Jeddah and Alexandria), Manal Abou El-Ela, Mohamed Soliman and Mohamed Khairy Amin 2007 International
13 إدارة وتنمية العمران (تطوير الحديقة الدولية بالإسكندرية – كدراسة حالة ) Dr. Mohamed Soliman& Dr. Ibrahim Hassan 2002 Local
14 استراتيجية تنمية المناطق المحيطة بمسار مترو الإنفاق . Dr. Mohamed Soliman& En. said Hasanien 2003 Local
15 اشتراطات المناطق وتأثيرها في تحسين خصائص البيئة العمرانية Dr. Mohamed Soliman & Dr. Ibrahim Hassan & Dr. Hassan E L Zamle 2003 Local
16 التأثيرات السلبية لمترو الانفاق على المناطق العشوائية بالمناطق الطرفية وكيفية التحكم فيها Mohamed Soliman & Said Hassanien&Hassan E L Zamle 2004 International
17 التخطيط الاستراتيجي للمدينة المصرية بين النظرية والتطبيق mohamed ahmed soliman 2018 Local
18 التركيب العمراني كأداة لمستقبل افضل للمدينة المصرية Dr. Mohamed Soliman & Dr. Ibrahim Hassan & Dr. Hassan E L Zamle 2002 Local
19 الجوانب الإيجابية في نمو المناطق العشوائية . Dr. Mohamed Soliman 2003 Local
20 الرؤية المستقبلية لهياكل توزيع الخدمات في المدينة المصرية (دراسة مقارنة بين المدن التي انشاتها الدولة والقطاع الخاص) mohamed soliman 2016 International
21 منظومة تطوير التشكيل العمراني للمدن المصرية Mohamed Soliman 2004 International
22 منهج لتجميل البيئة البصرية للمدينة العربية(دراسة حالة مدينة الكويت). Dr. Mohamed Soliman 2003 Local
23 منهجية التعامل مع المناطق ذات القيمة التاريخية (دراسة حالة منطقة القاهرة الخديوية Mohamed Soliman &AHMED AWAD 2011 International
Nothiela abdul samie elhamoly
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (0)
Total (5)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 11st International Conference Cairo university 2004.' Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, an approach for sustainable development and Good Architecture ' – 2004 Local
2 1st International Conference Ain Shams university 2006. " تقنيات الإضاءة الطبيعية للمباني تحت سطح الأرض نحو فراغات عمرانية خضراء وترشيد إستهلاك الطاقة ". Day lighting Technologies for underground spaces towards a green urban Spaces and energy consumption. 2006 Local
3 2ed International Conference Ain Shams university 2008.' " إستخدام تقنيات الإضاءة الطبيعية المتقدمة في عمليات الحفاظ وإعادة إستخدام المباني التراثية وذات القيمة . نحو فراغات وظيفية متكاملة وترشيد استهلاك الطاقة " Using advanced day lighting technologies in conservation &rehabilitation Heritage and Valuable Buildings towards an integrated functional spaces & Energy consumption. 2008 Local
4 3rd international Conference Cairo University 2006-' " غلاف المباني متعدد الطبقات كأحدث التقانات والتصميمات البيئية المتوافقة " Multiple layers building envelope as latest designs technology compatible with Environmental control. 2006 Local
5 Engineering Research Journal- Faculty of Eng. Shoubra. "Façade retention Technology Contemporary Solution for Conservation and reuse of Valuable Buildings in Modern Cairo 2009 Local
Tarek Saad Elhinnawy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (4)
Total (4)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
3 ‪COOL‬‬ ‫‪BUILDING‬‬ ‫‪ENVELOPE:‬‬ ‫‪AN‬‬ ‫‪URBAN‬‬ ‫‪HEAT‬‬ ‫‪ISLAND‬‬ ‫‪MITIGATION‬‬ ‫‪STRATEGY‬‬ ‫‪Tarek‬‬ ‫‪S.‬‬ ‫‪Elhinnawy‬‬ 2005 International
4 ‪TOOLS‬‬ ‫‪TO‬‬ ‫‪INVESTIGATE‬‬ ‫‪BUILDING‬‬ ‫‪ENVELOPE‬‬ ‫‪THERMAL‬‬ ‫‪BEHAVIOUR‬‬ ‫‪FOR‬‬ ‫‪URBAN‬‬ ‫‪HEAT‬‬ ‫‪ISLAND‬‬ ‫‪MITIGATION‬‬ ‫)‪(UHIM‬‬ ‫‪Tarek‬‬ ‫‪S.‬‬ ‫‪Elhinnawy‬‬ 2006 International
Ahmed Sayed Abdel-Rasoul Ali
Local Publication (9)
International Publication (2)
Total (11)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Proposed Model for Measuring the Performance of Urban Form’s Aesthetics Omar Ashry; Eman Hanim; Ahmed Abdel-Rasoul 2022 Local
2 Intervention Strategy in Unsafe Areas in Qalyubia Governorate Ahmed Abdel-Rasoul 2023 Local
3 Nodes-Connectors network of Public Spaces as a Manifestation of Power in Cairo’s Heterotopias Ahmed Abdel-Rasoul, Eslam Nazmy 2017 International
4 Standards Ruling Allocation & Volumetric of Capital Cities Relocation Nabil Ashry, Ahmed Abdel-Rasoul, Galal Magdy 2022 Local
5 The Integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and User Experience Design (UXD) in the Design of Shared Office Spaces. Mohamed Hendy, Nabil Ashry, Ahmed Abdel-Rasoul 2022 Local
6 Understanding Publicness Degree of Cairo’s Public Spaces 2018 International
7 Visualizing Vital Public Spaces in Cairo Using Twitter API Ahmed Abdel-Raoul 2023 Local
8 استديو التصميم العمراني التفاعلي: نحو أداء أفضل لتنمية مهارات الطالب الإبداعية Ahmed Abdel-Rasoul, Marim Salem 2023 Local
9 العوامل المؤثره علي رضاء المستخدم في الفراغات الادارية Mohamed Hendy, Nabil Ashry, Ahmed Abdel-Rasoul 2022 Local
10 الفجوات العمرانية بين المدن الجديدة والقائمة: دراسة حالة شرق مدينة القاهرة Ahmed Awad, Ahmed Abdel-Rasoul 2020 Local
11 تأثير أتمتة العمارة الديناميكية للأغلفة الخارجية علي إستهلاك الطاقة Osama Elnahas, Ahmed Abdel-Rasoul, Eman Atout 2022 Local
Ahmed Sayed Youssef Taha
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (5)
Total (5)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 An analytical study of the International Experiences for the Development of new Sustainable Urban communities to conclude a new conceptual model for The develop and sustainable of the new urban communities in Egypt Ahmed sayed youssefIslam nazmy soliman 2014 International
2 Applying the concepts of sustainable urban development on the historic commercial areas A case study the Roxy in Heliopolis area"." Ahmed sayed youssefIslam nazmy soliman 2014 International
4 Real Estate Investment and Its Role in Housing Development A future vision for the Mid-level Housing opportunities under The free market economies" Ahmed youssef 2010 International
5 Transformations in housing policies and their impact on the urban development and Real estate market in Egypt Ahmed sayed youssef 2010 International
Ayman Abd Elfatah Mohamed Hassan
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Faisal Farag Elbaz Hawas
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
hossameldin hassan
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (3)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 aspects considerations as urban space for designing digging space(movement space walkers – cars Hosam Al-Dein Ateia Hassan Moemen 1990 International
2 Urban Adaptation Between Contemporary Residential Schemes and Heritage Area (Case Study: Al Dir'iyah-Riyadh) profHosam Al-Dein Ateia Hassan Moemen , prof.Osama Saad Khalil Ibrahim 2011 International
3 visual dimensions as a moral environment for designing urban space Hosam Al-Dein Ateia Hassan Moemen 1999 International
Ibrahim Magdi Mohammed
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (0)
Total (4)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Tool-kit to Measure The Urban Quality of Life for Low-income Residential Areas Mohammed, Ibrahim; Saad, Sadek; Elsayed, Eslam; Ghonimi, Eslam 2022 Local
2 Impact of Governance Networks on The Spatial Articulation of Housing Areas in Nasr City: Fourth District as a Case Study Mohammed, Ibrahim; Saad, Sadek; Elsherbini, Mohammed 2019 Local
3 Impact of Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) on The Place Attachment in Downtown Katameya Mall Mohammed, Ibrahim; Saad, Sadek; Ghonimi, Eslam 2022 Local
4 Place Attachment as an Outcome of Placemaking and The Urban Quality of Life Mohammed, Ibrahim; Saad, Sadek 2022 Local
Mohamed Ahmed Rezk Aly Al-Sherbiny
Local Publication (12)
International Publication (2)
Total (14)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Architecture and Urban Design of Waterfronts (Msc. Thesis) Mohamed Ahmed Al-Sherbiny 2015 International
2 Design Requirements for Public Parks to Reinforce their Perception through Non-Visual Sensory Stimuli Manal Abu El-Ela, Mohamed Al-Sherbiny, Mohamed Mostafa Saleh 2022 Local
3 Design Strategies of New Buildings Erected Within Historic Contexts Mohamed Ahmed Rezq Ali Al-Sherbiny 2022 Local
4 Development vs. Heritage: The Conflict that May Occur between the Requirements of Development Projects and the Necessities of Architectural Heritage Conservation Mohamed Ahmed Rezq Ali Al-Sherbiny 2022 Local
5 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Non-Visual Sensory Stimuli in the Design of Public Parks: A Case Study of Al-Azhar Park, Cairo, Egypt Mohamed Al-Sherbiny, Mohamed Mostafa Saleh 2022 Local
6 Expressive Dimensions of Natural Lighting in Historic Worship Buildings and its Employment to Serve Relegious Purposes: A Comparative Study between Ancient and Islamic Eras in Egypt Mohamed Al-Sherbiny, Aya Khallaf 2022 Local
7 Impact of Governance Networks on The Spatial Articulation of Housing Areas in Nasr City: Fourth District as a Case Study Ibrahim Magdi, Sadek Saad, Mohamed Ahmed Al-Sherbiny 2022 Local
8 Policies for dealing with buildings of value in Kuwait Prof. Nabil Ashry Ibrahim, Dr. Mohamed Al-Sherbiny, Arch. Hamad Al-Hamad 2022 Local
9 Role of Digital Technology in Conservation of Architectural Heritage Khaled Aly Abdelhady; Mohamed Ahmed Al-Sherbiny 2013 Local
10 Semiotic Dimensions of Architecture in the light of the Factors that influence Understanding and Interpretation of Meanings Mohamed Ahmed Rezq Ali Al-Sherbiny 2022 Local
12 The Impact of Socialism on Architectural form of the Egyptian Public Buildings (Nasser Era: Comparative analytical study) Mohamed Al-Sherbiny, Ayman Mahmoud Ali 2020 Local
13 Towards a Scientific Model for 3D Visual Reconstruction of Extinct Architectural Heritage (Ph.D. Dissertation) Mohamed Ahmed AL-Sherbiny 2015 International
14 Upgrading the Inappropriate Visual Character of Urban Context of Historic Sites: A Case Study of the Avenue of Sphinxes in Luxor, Egypt Ahmed Awaad Gomaa, Mohamed Al-Sherbiny 2022 Local
Ahmed Elsayed Rashiedy Ibrahim
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENTAL UNIVERSITIES - “An inductive study on the origin and reality of Egyptian governmental universities” Shaban Taha Ibrahim, Tarek Saad Alhenawy, Ahmed Elsayed Rashiedy 2021 Local
2 EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENTAL UNIVERSITIES’ OUTDOOR PUBLIC SPACES - “An inductive study on the reality of Egyptian governmental universities’ outdoor public spaces, and its impact on universities’ development plans” Shaban Taha Ibrahim, Tarek Saad Alhenawy, Ahmed Elsayed Rashiedy 2021 Local
Ahmed Salah Abdel Fatah Radwan Mansour
Local Publication (3)
International Publication (0)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Impact of Public Spaces Deformation on Walkability in Heliopolis A Salah; E Hanim; S Saad 2023 Local
2 Social Sustainability through social Inclusion in Residential neighborhood Gardens A Salah; S Saad; K Abdel Hady 2020 Local
3 إمكانية المشي بالشوارع متعددة الاستخدام بعد التحور العمراني لمنطقة مصر الجديدة Walkability in Mixed-use Streets after Urban Deformation in Heliopolis A S Mansour; E H Afifi; S Saad 2024 Local
Eman Mohamed Mohamed Balah
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 ملامح التشكيل العمراني للنسيج الحضري بالمدن الجديدة 2015 International
Esraa Mohammed Abdallah Ghoneim
Local Publication (3)
International Publication (0)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A comparative Study of the characteristics and needs of the autistic and normal child on recreational spaces Esraa Ghoneim, Sadek Saad, Ahmed Awaad, Asmaa said 2024 Local
2 The impact of cultural forces on Al-Azhar and EL-Hussein spaces esraa ghoneim; sadek saad 2021 Local
3 الأمان النفسى لاطفال طيف التوحد فى الحدائق العامة Esraa Ghoneim- Sadek Saad- Ahmed Awaad– Asmaa said 2024 Local
Fouad Mahmoud Fouad Mohammed Ali
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Indicative Model of Urban Quality of Life Indicators F Mahmoud F, a Awaad G 2021 Local
2 نموذج قياس جودة الحياة داخل البيئات الحضرية F Mahmod F, A Awaad G 2022 Local
Mahmoud Fathy Ahmed Ahmed Hassan
Local Publication (5)
International Publication (0)
Total (5)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF HOSPITAL SUSTAINABILITY RATING SYSTEMS Mahmoud Fathy Ahmed, Moaaz Ahmed Abd-Allah and Salama Mostafa El-Nagar 2020 Local
2 Building Information Modeling (The role of BIM Model in the productive dimension in the design process) Mahmoud Fathy Ahmed, Ashraf Abdelmoniem Gaafar 2020 Local
3 Developing the Egyptian rating system for green hospitals to be a system for assessing sustainability Moaz Ahmed Abdallah, Salama Mostafa Elnagar, Mahmoud Fathy Ahmed 2020 Local
4 Digital Gap in the Design Process (Comparison between degree of thought and performance in foreign and Egyptian projects) Mahmoud Fathy Ahmed, Ashraf Abdelmoniem Gaafar 2019 Local
5 The Problematic of relationship between Form & Function Mahmoud Fathy Ahmed 2017 Local
Mohamed Galal El-sayed Hendy
Local Publication (3)
International Publication (0)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 The Integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and User Experience Design (UXD) in The Design of Shared Office Spaces ashry N; Abdelrasoul A; Hendy M 2022 Local
2 التبعية الفكريه للعماره في مصر خلال القرن الحادي والعشرين خالد عبد الهادي;محمد جلال هندي 2018 Local
3 العوامل المؤثره علي رضاء المستخدم في الفراغات الادارية نبيل العشري;احمد عبد الرسول;محمد جلال السيد محمد هندى 2022 Local
Mohamed salah mansour abd el rahman
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 The Reading of The Architectural Forms of Buildings Skin in The Age of Information mohamed salah mansour 2015 International
Samah Ahmed Mohammed Khalil
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (2)
Total (4)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Proposed Model for Measuring the Performance of Urban Child’s Activity Spaces Israa Madkour, Eman Hanim Afifi, Samah Khalil 2023 Local
4 The hepatotoxic effects of mobile phone radiation (900 MHz) on male mice and the hepatoprotective potentials of architectural shapes of cages Samah Ahmed Mohammed Khalil2 Tarek Mohamed Heikal1*, Nabil Ashry Ibrahim Elnahas2, Abdel-Hameed Mohamed Fayed3, Mohamed Ahmed Rezk Ali Al-Sherbiny 2020 International
Usama Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Saleh
Local Publication (3)
International Publication (0)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
2 Towards A Contemporary Formulation Of Smart Envelopes In The Local Environment Nabil Ashry Ibrahim;Eslam Nazmy Soliman;Osama Mohamed ahmed 2022 Local
3 الأغلفة الذكية والتكيف المناخي في العمارة nabil ashry ibraheim;islam nazmy soliman;osama mohamed ahmed 2022 Local
Wael Salah Mansour Abdelrahman Mansour
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (2)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Methods of formulating spatial communication units in the era of information technology Wael Salah; Roby Morcos; Hazem Eldaly 2013 Local
2 Thermal performance enhancement for building envelope based on biomimetic optimization algorithms Wael Salah 2019 International
3 Thermal performance optimization of parametric building envelope based on bio-mimetic inspiration Wael Salah Mansour 2021 International
ahmed ezzat mohamed wahb
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Determine the best thermal insulation material in roof floor, from the perspective of thermal comfort and energy consumption using Design Builder. A Ezzat;T saad; N fathy 2021 Local
Aya Attia
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 using Smart Materials to sustain indoor building illumination A Attia 2020 Local
2 إستخدام المواد الذكية لدعم الإضاءة داخل المبانى 2020 Local
Ayman mohomud Ali Elsayed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Factors Affecting Architecture in Egypt (1965-2015) A.elsayed 2015 International
2 تأثير الفكر الاشتراكي علي التشكيل المعماري للمباني العامة المصرية (فترة الرئيس جمال عبد الناصر: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة) ayman mahmoud 2019 Local
Aza Mohamed Abd Elsalam Alish
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Doha Gouda Mahmoud Gouda
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 دور الفراغات العمرانية في بناء مدن ومجتمعات اكثر مرونة Doha Gouda Mahmoud ;Nabil Ashry Ibrahim ;Ahmed Awaad 2023 Local
Galal Magdy Mohamed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 المعايير العمرانية الحاكمة لنقل العواصم Nabil Ashry Ibrahim;Ahmed Sayed Abdelrasol;Galal Magdy Mohammed 2022 Local
Hala sayed mahmoud Aamer
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (1)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 BIOMIMICRY AS A SUSTAINABLE DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR BUILDING BEHAVIOUR Hala S. Aamer1, Ahmed F. Hamza2, Mohamed khairy3, Islam Ghonimi4 2020 Local
2 Towards Sustainable NanoArchitecture Hala S. Aamer 2016 International
Iman Fahim Shaltout
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 النظم التكنولوجية الذكية كعامل جاذب في الفراغ العام Iman fahim shaltout, Sadek Saad, Eslam Nazmy Elsayed. 2023 Local
Mai Sayed Mohamed Osman
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 دور العوامل السياسية في ظهور توجه التغريب في العمارة المصرية: دراسة حالة للناتج المعماري المصري خلال فترتي حكم محمد علي واسماعيل علي غالب, محمد خيري امين, اسلام غنيمي, مي سيد محمد عثمان 2018 Local
Manar Tarek Kamal Mahrous
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 الإستراتيجيات والمعايير التصميمية للفراغات الخارجية المفتوحة التصالحية بالجامعات المصرية Manar Tarek 2019 Local
Merna Barakat Mekhail
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 The Role of Urban Form in Maintaining Sustainable Urban Mobility: A Comparative Study for Assessing The Conflict Between Satisfaction and Behaviour in Different Models of Neighbourhoods in Cairo Region Merna Barakat Mekhail; Manal A.S. Abou El-Ela; Islam Ghonimi 2024 Local
Mohammed Mostafa Abd-El Fatah Saleh
Local Publication (2)
International Publication (0)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 المتطلبات التصميمية للمتنزهات العامة لتعزيز إدراكها من خلال المؤثرات الحسية غير البصرية Manal Ahmed Samir Abou El-Ela, Mohamed Ahmed Rezq Ali Al-Sherbiny, Mohamed Mostafa Abdelfattah Saleh 2022 Local
2 تقييم فاعلية المؤثرات الحسية غير البصرية في تصميم المتنزهات العامة: دراسة حالة حديقة الأزهر بالقاهرة، مصر Mohamed Ahmed Rezq Ali Al-Sherbiny, Mohamed Mostafa Abdelfattah Saleh 2022 Local
Mokhtar Mohamed Abd Elaty Ahmed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 The impact of technological development on commercial centers Abdelaty, Mokhtar; Sharaf, Ibrahim; Awad, Ahmed 2018 International
Osama Ali Mahmoud Al kady
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 تأثیر الاتجاھات المعماریة المعاصرة على تنسیق المواقع أسامة على محمود القاضى؛منال أحمد سمیر أبو العلا؛إسلام غنیمي ابراھیم غنیمي 2019 International
Ramy Mohamed Mohamed Abd Elsalam
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Rasha Mohamed Said Dosouky
Local Publication (3)
International Publication (0)
Total (3)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Applying Assessment Indicators of Urban Mobility Integration to Enhance the Quality of Life in New Cities م.م رشا محمد سعيد/ أ.د ايمان هانم عفيفي/ أ.د اسلام نظمي سليمان/ د. احمد سيد عبد الرسول 2024 Local
2 Integration of Smart Urban Mobility Systems م.م رشا محمد سعيد/ د. احمد سيد عبد الرسول 2024 Local
3 انعكاس التطور التكنولوجي على الإحتياجات الإنسانية والفراغ المعماري لطفل رياض أ.م.د. إسلام نظمي سليمان/م. رشا محمد سعيد دسوقي 2018 Local
Reem abd_Al-Hakim mohamed Elsrogy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 دراسة عناصر تنسيق الموقع بالحدائق الاستشفائية بمستشفيات الأطفال (مقارنة بين مستشفيات عالمية ومستشفي 57357 بمصر) 2018 International
Salah Mahmoud Mohammed Mohammed El Zayat
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Roles of Artificial Intellegence in historical sites management Salah El Zayat 2024 Local
Sherihan Essam Salem Ahmed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Yasser Adel Eid
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Studying the relationship between colors and human activities within an urban space: a case study: Carrera 48, Rionegro, Colombia دراسة العلاقة بين الألوان والأنشطة الإنسانية داخل الفراغ الحضرى حالة دراسية: فراغ كاريرا48، ريونجرو، كولمبيا Yasser Adel EEid 2023 Local
Zeinab Ahmed Mohamed Emam
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
Mohamed Fathy Mohamed Noaman Abou Samrah
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
mustafa mohamed alkholy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)