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Vice President of Benha University for Postgraduate Studies Attends Sports Activities at the Sports Center

Vice President of Benha University for Postgraduate Studies Attends Sports Activities at the Sports Center

  • 12 Nov. 2024

Under the Patronage of Prof. Nasser El-Gizawy, President of Benha University, Prof. Jehan Abdel Hady, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, attended the sports activities held at the university' s sports Center.
She monitored a football match between the Faculty of Arts and the university' s international students' team.

Benha University issues Booklet about E-Portal Activities

Benha University issues Booklet about E-Portal Activities

  • 11 Feb. 2021

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University announced that Benha University has issued a booklet in Arabic about E-portal activities and services and this is a part of a series of booklets that aim to documenting the University's activities and marketing its electronic services. El Gizawy added that E-portal of Benha University participated at providing many technological services for students and the teaching staff in an easy way. In addition, it is always developed in terms of design and content to keep up with the latest electronic portals.

Ministry of Higher Education starts the Interdisciplinary Research Excellence Programme

Ministry of Higher Education starts the Interdisciplinary Research Excellence Programme

  • 19 Aug. 2020

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs said that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research with collaboration of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank "EKB" announced the launching of the Interdisciplinary Research Excellence Programme, which is a comprehensive capacity-building training programme to strengthen interdisciplinary research in Egyptian universities and to advance research integration and implementation in society to address complex real-world problems in Egypt, including achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. El Gizawy added that the programme includes interactive live sessions online which will combine expert content delivery with hands-on practical exercises and discussion through the individual and group activities. The researchers can apply through the below link: Deadline: Sunday, 23 August 2020.

BU launches the Activities of Online Workshop on NBSLE

BU launches the Activities of Online Workshop on NBSLE

  • 13 Aug. 2020

With cooperation of the National Bank for Scientific Laboratories and Equipment "NBSLE", Supreme Council of Universities; the Scientific Laboratories and Equipment Unit, Benha University has organized the online workshop about the services provided by NBSLE for young researchers in Benha University on through ZOOM application in the presence of Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Moawad, the Director of the Electronic and Cognitive Services Center; Prof. Dr. Rasha badry, the Director of NBSLE; Dr. Mohamed Basyouni, the CEO of the University Scientific Laboratories and Equipment Unit. It is worth mentioning that workshop has been organized under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Gamal El Saeed, the University President and Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs.

EL-Magraby attends the final ceremony of the students' hostels activities

EL-Magraby attends the final ceremony of the students' hostels activities

  • 24 Apr. 2019

Prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the vice president of the students and educational affairs attends the final ceremony of the students' hostels activities that was organized by the general administration of the university hostels in Moshtohor. This event was held under the auspices of prof.Dr. Gamal El-Saied, the university president, Prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the vice president of the students and educational affairs and prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the general supervisor of the university hostels.

Initiating the third level to supervise carrying out the's universities activities regarding it's the strategic plan

Initiating the third level to supervise carrying out the's universities activities regarding it's the strategic plan

  • 12 Feb. 2019

prof.Dr .Hussien Magraby, the university president meets with the members of the committee which supervise the university's activity regarding it's the strategic plan in the presence of prof.Dr. Fatma Abd EL-Wahab, prof.Dr. Muhammad Abd EL-fattah and Mr. Samir EL-qrash

The ending of the activities of the sport festival of Benha University

The ending of the activities of the sport festival of Benha University

  • 10 Apr. 2018

The activities of the sport festival of Benha University have been ended. This event is held in cooperation with the ministry of sport and there are 650 students who participate in this festival and it lasts for four days. The statement is uttered by prof.Dr. Khalid Esawi, the university president chancellor of students activities.

“The conspiracies will not destroy the nation” says EL-Kady during his visit to Benha Cathedral

“The conspiracies will not destroy the nation” says EL-Kady during his visit to Benha Cathedral

  • 8 Jan. 2018

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president visits the Benha Cathedral to congratulate the fellow Christians on the Christmas and he was hosted by the priest / Machismos and the priest / Gerges Zaki. The University president is accompanied by prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of the post-graduate studies, the faculties' deans, the University president's chancellor of the student activities, the University's secretaries, the head of the student union and his deputy.

“We heartily value the church's support to the Egyptian state” says EL-Kady during his visit to the evangelical church

“We heartily value the church's support to the Egyptian state” says EL-Kady during his visit to the evangelical church

  • 8 Jan. 2018

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president visits the evangelical church to congratulate the Christians of the New Year 2018 and wish them a merry Christmas and he is welcomed by the priest /Emil Anwar Halab. This visit concurs with the presence of prof.Dr. Hesham abu Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies, the faculties' deans, the faculties' members, the University president's chancellor of the student activities, the assistant general secretaries, the head of the students' union and his deputy. El-Kady heaps praise on the church' support to the Egyptian state.

EL-kady thanks the students for the success of the students' elections

EL-kady thanks the students for the success of the students' elections

  • 27 Dec. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president, in the beginning of the University's council yesterday noon, congratulates the students on the success of the students' elections. The students set a perfect example of democratic practices in the elections that have been conducted neutrally and perfectly. El-kady congratulates the student/ Khalid Ali, the student/ Ahmed Islam and prof.Dr. Khalid Esawi, the coordinator of the students' activities.

The vice president of community service inspects the students' elections

The vice president of community service inspects the students' elections

  • 11 Dec. 2017

Prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development goes on a tour to inspect the students' elections. He is accompanied by prof.Dr. Khalid Esawi, the coordinator of the students' activities in the University and prof.Dr. Moshbeh EL-Kehily, the general manager of youth care unit. The vice president heaps praise on the students' elections.

Benha university president hosts several students and urges them to fight corruption

Benha university president hosts several students and urges them to fight corruption

  • 16 Nov. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president hosts, in his office, several students form different faculties to discuss the future of the student activities in the university and he urges them to socialize in the university's community in addition to urging them to participate fighting corruption.

Jean Monnet Activities (JMA)

Jean Monnet Activities (JMA)

  • 21 Nov. 2017

- What does it offer?
Excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide
- Who can apply to manage a grant?
Depending on the activity, higher education institutions or other organisations active in the European integration area, or in the field of European integration studies, association of professors and researchers specialising in European Union Studies, established in any country of the world more about Jean Monnet Activities

Benha university president stresses on the importance of the student activities during his meeting with the faculties' secretaries

Benha university president stresses on the importance of the student activities during his meeting with the faculties' secretaries

  • 13 Sep. 2017

Upon his return from China, prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady holds a meeting, yesterday morning, with the faculties' secretaries, prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development and Mr. Wahid Khalawy, the university's secretary. They discuss the university's faculties preparations of the new academic year as the university president stresses on the importance of the student activities.

Benha University's competition of athletics

Benha University's competition of athletics

  • 29 Mar. 2017

The general administration of youth care organizes the university's competition of athletics among the students which includes running for 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500 meters, long jumping and the Javelin. Mr. Ibrahim Abd EL-Allah, the head of the general administration of sport activities in the university says that the faculty of physical education wins the first place, the faculty of education wins the second place and the faculty of science wins the third place.

Benha University is in the Arab Universities conference in Dubai

Benha University is in the Arab Universities conference in Dubai

  • 19 Mar. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-kady, the university president left Cairo, yesterday, to go the united Arab of Emirates and attend the Arab Universities conference in Dubai. This conference discusses the student activities and the student exchange among the Arab Universities in addition to the discussing the difficulties that hinder the student exchanges among the Arab Universities.

The beginning of the first international forum activities about technology applications in education

The beginning of the first international forum activities about technology applications in education

  • 12 Feb. 2017

On Sunday, 12-2-2017, the first international forum activities about technology applications in education has been begun in the faculty of education. The forum is held under the auspices of general/ Amr abd EL-Moniem, the Qulubia governor, Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president, prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Fouda, the dean of the faculty of education says that the forum discusses that the new studies of the faculties' members from different universities in the major of education technology and remote learning.

«Our Aim is to boost the Student Confidence» says the University president to the Student Activities Officials

«Our Aim is to boost the Student Confidence» says the University president to the Student Activities Officials

  • 28 Nov. 2016

In his meeting with the student activities officials and prof. Dr. Khalid Esawi, the general supervisor of the student activities in the university on Sunday, 28-11-2016, Prof. Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president stresses that the university leaders seek that students should participate in the different student activities in order to buff the character of Benha university's students, participate in developing his society, have many skills to help him face the requirements of life. The university president asserts that students should feel that they own the different facilities of the university in order to protect them. Finally, the university president indicates that the university wants to boost the student's confidence, get them away of the distracting environments where depression and indifference exist by increasing the student activities in all faculties.

The university's son is awarded by obtaining the highest medal of scouting in the Arab-Region

The university's son is awarded by obtaining the highest medal of scouting in the Arab-Region

  • 17 Nov. 2016

Prof.Dr. Khalid Hasan Esawi, the general coordinator of student activities and initiatives has been awarded by obtaining the medal of Arab scout: the biggest award in scouting realm. Mr. Muhammad Mustafa has won the membership of the Arab Scouting committee in addition to electing him as vice president of this committee. Egypt also will organize the Arab Scouting region in 2019.

Prof.Dr. Khalid Hasan Eisawi is the General Coordinator of the student activities and initiatives

Prof.Dr. Khalid Hasan Eisawi is the General Coordinator of the student activities and initiatives

  • 13 Nov. 2016

Benha University congratulates Prof.Dr. Khalid Hasan Eisawi, the lecturer of mathematics department at the faculty of engineering in Shubra on being the General Coordinator of the student activities and initiatives for one year wishing him great success in his new position.

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