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Last visit: 2025-02-19 14:36:48
Under the auspices of Prof. Nasser El-Gizawy, President of Benha University, the Medical Skills and Simulation Center organized a workshop in collaboration with the Department of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care at the Faculty of Medicine.
The workshop focused on the "Basics of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid," targeting postgraduate doctors (residents, registered postgraduate students for diplomas, master's, and doctoral degrees, and Egyptian Fellowship doctors) in internal and surgical specialties.
Under the auspices of Prof. Nasser El-Gizawy, President of Benha University, the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center organized a workshop to raise awareness about the new procedures for applying for accreditation for the academic year 2025/2026, titled "Procedures and Conditions for Applying for Institutional and Program Accreditation for the Academic Year 2025/2026." This initiative is part of the university's plan to expand the accreditation of faculties and educational programs.
Under the patronage of Prof. Nasser El-Gizawy, President of Benha University, and Prof. El-Sayed Foda, Vice President for Environmental Affairs and Community Service, the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, in coordination with Prof. Ibrahim Ragih, Executive Director of the Crisis and Disaster Management Unit at the university, organized a workshop to prepare for the implementation of a simulation of the university administration evacuation plan at the "Security Administration Building – Youth Care Building."
Under the auspices of Prof. Nasser El-Gizawy, President of Benha University, and Prof. El-Sayed Fouda, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, Benha University, in collaboration with the National Council for Women, organized a workshop for the unit's members and coordinators to raise awareness of the council's services and the role of violence against women units in universities.
As part of the visual identity project for the governorates and in celebration of World Children's Day, and under the auspices of Prof. Nasser El-Gizawy, President of Benha University, the university is organizing a workshop for children and youth in collaboration with "Children's University" aimed at enhancing the visual identity of Kalyobiya Governorate for future generations, titled "The Child and the Rooting of Egyptian Identity," which will take place on Saturday, November 30, 2024.
Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the acting university president host, today's morning, the members of the scientific committee of the presidential initiative of early diagnosis and cancer tumors treatment to hold a workshop about the presidential initiative of early diagnosis and cancer tumors treatment in Benha University's hospital as the governorate is celebrating its national day.
Graduates Follow up Office at Benha University organized a workshop about how to pass interview for all students, graduates and faculty members' staff. The workshop is going to start on Monday, 3082021 under auspices of Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University, Dr. Saad Mahmoud Saad, Director of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center, Dr. Hany Mohamed Zakaria, the manager of Graduates Follow up Office.
The Faculty and Leadership Development Center "FLDC" at Benha University has held a workshop for faculty members about the scientific research outputs marketing withing the training programs provided by the Center during current August. Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs said that the workshop discussed the scientific research outputs marketing and the role of technology valleys, technological incubators and the startup companies in achieving the knowledge economy by converting creative ideas into wealth in the light of the incentives law for science, technology and innovation.
With cooperation of the National Bank for Scientific Laboratories and Equipment "NBSLE", Supreme Council of Universities; the Scientific Laboratories and Equipment Unit, Benha University has organized the online workshop about the services provided by NBSLE for young researchers in Benha University on through ZOOM application in the presence of Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Moawad, the Director of the Electronic and Cognitive Services Center; Prof. Dr. Rasha badry, the Director of NBSLE; Dr. Mohamed Basyouni, the CEO of the University Scientific Laboratories and Equipment Unit. It is worth mentioning that workshop has been organized under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Gamal El Saeed, the University President and Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs.
In the frame of Benha University 's keenness to develop the abilities of faculty members, researchers, and students in research skills at the databases of the Egyptian knowledge Bank "EKB"; an online workshop about using Dar Almandoumah databases through EKB will be held for the University members on Thursday, July23, 2020 at 10:00am
The Egyptian Knowledge Bank "EKB" will hold online workshop about Emerald Publishing on EKB website on Tuesday, June16, 2020 at 07:00PM. The workshop will discuss the way to structure and write your research. You can register through the following link: .
Post Graduate Studies Sector organized online workshop about Egypt Knowledge Bank services. The Workshop was held by cooperation with Sage Knowledge and under auspices of Dr Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President, Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gezawy, Benha University Vice-President for Post graduate Studies and Scientific Research and by participation of 52 FM staff.Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gezawy said that the Workshop aims to raise awareness of activating the use of publications and resources on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank as the biggest digital library in the world.
A workshop about how to use the Egyptian Knowledge Bank was held at Benh University under auspices of Dr Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President and Prof.Dr Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students ' affairs. The Workshop was held in presence of Dr Nasser El Gezawy, The Supervisor on Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Sector, Faculties ' deputies and students. El Maghraby confirmed that the University seeks to spread the culture of using the Egyptian Knowledge Bank as an important source for education, teaching, researchers and students In addition to helping students and researchers to get information easily.
A workshop about how to use the Egyptian Knowledge Bank will be held in the period from 27-28102019 at Faculty of Commerce, the Conferences hall at 10:00am.The workshop will be held under auspices of Dr Gamal El Saeed , Benha University President in the frame of cooperation between Benha University and the Digital Library Unit at the Supreme Council of Universities .The workshop aims to raise the level of benefits from the available information at the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.
Benha University holds a project management workshop under auspices of DrGamal El Saeed, Benha University President. The workshop is held by International Relations office by cooperation with DAAD. The dead line to register at workshops on Monday, 2/9/2019 on the following link; Project Management Workshop
Benha University participates in a workshop about the education via the modern devices at the Arab Universities in Jordan from 10-11-2018 to 13-11-2018 in the presence of prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the supervisor of the cultural and the scientific relationship in the sector of post-graduate studies and the research.
The faculty of medicine holds, today, a workshop for the nursing staff in the university hospitals. This workshop is attended by prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-kady, the university president, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abd El-Sabour, the faculty's dean, prof.Dr. Yosry EL-Saied, the general manager of the university hospital, the faculties' deputies and the faculties' members and the workshop is about medical computerization in cooperation with “Misr EL-Kheir” organization.
In the frame of Benha University's endeavor to enhance the scientific products, the post-graduate studies organizes, under the presidency of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed LE-Kady, the university president and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies, a workshop entitled “how to avoid plagiarism” under the supervision of prof.Dr. Maher Hasb EL-Naby, the university president' chancellor of scientific research in cooperation with the international company tech-Knowledge, the executive company which commercialize I authenticate program. This workshop is held on Wednesday 22-11-2017 in the faculty of commerce at 10 a.m.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president decides to invite the Egyptian Universities to participate in the workshop organized by Benha University that is about fighting terrorism in Next December. EL-Kady stresses that this forum comes in accordance with Benha university's initiatives that has been launched for one year.
There is a workshop that has been held at the university hostels in Kafr-Saad in which prof.Dr. Abdel-Kader Abdel EL-Karim, the ISO official in Benha University, delivers a lecture on how to get the ISO and he sets an example of the administrations that get the ISO 9001. The participants are as follows: prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the university president chancellor of the university hostels affairs, prof.Dr. Ashraf Awad, the supervisor of the university hostels and Mr. Samy Mansur, the general manager.
Under the auspices of prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, The university president and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research, a delegation of Benha University participates in a workshop entitled “the new open learning” on Thursday, 11-5-2017. The workshop was attended by prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the university president chancellor of IT , prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem, the vice executive manager of IT and the head of the E-learning, and prof.Dr. Ezat EL-Khiat, the head of open learning center.
Prof.Dr. Muhammad El-Nashar, The former minister of higher education and scientific research, prof.Dr. Sobhy Husseinain, the head of sport union in the Egyptian universities, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-kady, the university president inspect the workshops of the forum of developing the education which is held from 22-2-2017 to 25-2-2017. They inspect all the workshops to know what the faculties' member and their teaching assistants and the students think regarding the main topic of the forum- the development of education.
Under the auspices of prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research, Benha University holds, on Sunday 19-2-2017, a workshop bout the Egyptian Knowledge bank at the conference hall in the faculty of commerce. This workshop is held in cooperation with the Digital library unit of the supreme council of the universities, the publishers, the companies which participate in the Egyptian Knowledge bank. The workshop is held in the presence of prof.Dr. Osama Hamed, the deputy of the faculty of arts, prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizawy, the deputy of the faculty of agriculture and prof.Dr. Khalid Eid, the deputy of the faculty of arts.
Benha University organizes a number of workshops for the conference of developing the pre-university education as the participants discuss the criteria of the quality of education, suggesting the best rules for selecting the leaders in the educational edifices and presenting a plan of training the alumni of the university to be able to meet the demands of the marketplace. It has been greed that Tuesday, 14-2-2017 is the day in which the talk and workshops will be continued and the final recommendations will be also issued. This event takes place under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president and it is attended by prof.Dr. Ibrahim Fouda, the dean of the faculty of education, prof.Dr. Saad Muhammad Saad, the head of the quality management center, prof.Dr. Muhammad Selim, the vice manger of the quality management center, prof.Dr. Hend abd Allah, the vice manger of the quality management center for the administrative and the financial affairs and prof.Dr. Moshbeh El-Kehily, the general manager of the youth care department.
Benha University organizes a workshop to discuss the student bylaw and presents its recommendations in the first forum that will be held from 22-2-2017 to 25-2-2017 under the auspices of prof.Dr. Ashraf El-Shihy, the minister of higher education and scientific research. The participants discuss the possibility to change a number of provisions of the student bylaw and its impact on the educational process. The workshop is attended by prof.Dr. Ibrahim Ragah, the head of the projects development unit in the university and the deputy of community service and environment development in the faculty of medicine, prof.Dr. Khalid Esawi, the university's president's chancellor of the stduents activities, prof.Dr. Moshbeh El-Kehily, the general manager of the youth care department, the representatives of the student unions in the university's faculties, the members of the youth parliament in Qulubia governorate and number of students from the different faculties in the university.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president meets the representatives of the 15 faculties' members in a workshop to develop the education and scientific research in Egypt. The workshop is held in the presence of prof.Dr. Muhammad Abu Salim, the dean of the faculty of veterinary medicine, prof.Dr. Ezat EL-Khait, the head of the faculties' members club and prof.Dr. Eman EL-Bitar.
Benha University is honored to invite the faculties’ members, researchers and students to attend that training course on how to access the information available in the Egyptian Knowledge Bank. This workshop will be held in cooperation with the digital library unit in the supreme council of the universities, the publishers, the companies which are participating in the Egyptian Knowledge Bank from 19-1-2017 to 20-1-2017 at the conferences hall in the faculty of commerce.
Prof.Dr. Sameh Nada states that the quality management unit organizes a workshop about the suitability of the faculty curriculums to fit the demands of the marketplace.
The faculty dean adds that this workshop was attended by several representatives of the governmental sector and the private sector and experts in different fields that have to do with marketplace.
Prof.Dr. Mahmoud El-Eraqi, the dean of the faculty of agriculture in Moshtohor states that the faculty organizes a workshop about the Egyptian Knowledge Bank on Wednesday, 23-11-2016. This workshop is held under the auspices of prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-kady, the university president, prof.Dr. Hesham Abu-El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research.
The workshop is important because the university seeks to enhance the abilities of researchers, the staff members and the students.
Prof.Dr. Hesham Abu-El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research announces that the university holds workshops, in all faculties, about the research strategies in the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.
The first workshop will be held this week in the faculty of applied arts and in the faculty of agriculture next week. There will be workshops to be held in the rest of the faculties.
Benha University organized a workshop about the research plan in the university in the light of the national strategy of innovation and technology 2015-2030. This workshop was held under the auspices of prof.Dr. Hesham Abu-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research. The workshop was held in the presence of prof.Dr. Maher Hasb-EL-Naby, the university president chancellor of scientific research and the faculties' deputies of post-graduate studies.
Benha University has organized a workshop to raise the awareness and build the capacity of civil society organizations and stakeholders with cooperation of the Egyptian Sustainable Development Forum (ESDF) under the auspices and by the attendance of Prof. Dr. Ali Shams El Din, the University President.
Benha University has participated in an international workshop about the National Qualifications Framework «NQF» which organized by the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education «NAQAAE» at Hilton Ramses Hotel, Cairo in the duration from Sunday, 15/05/2016 to Monday, 16/05/2016.
In cooperation with the British Cultural Council, the Scientific Researches Fund in Benha University organized a workshop on “How to apply for Projects financed by Newton/Moshraffa Fund” under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ali Shams El Din, the University President and Prof. Dr. Hesham Abu El Enin, the University Vice-president for Postgraduate Studies and Researches' Affairs.
Prof. Dr. Hesham Abu El Enin, the University Vice-president for Postgraduate Studies and Researches' Affairs has announced the University will hold a workshop for the young researchers about “How to apply for Projects financed by Newton/Moshraffa Fund” with cooperation of the British Council in Egypt on Wednesday, 04/05/2016 at the Conferences Hall in the faculty of commerce.
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