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Prof. Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout :: Publications:

Bacteriological studies on rabbit meat affected with some diseases
Authors: M. A. Hassan, F. A. Shaltout, M. M. Arfa, A. H andMansour, K. R. Saudi
Year: 2013
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Benha veterinary medical journal
Volume: 25
Issue: 1
Pages: 94-99
Publisher: faculty of veterinary medicine , benha university
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Fahim Aziz El-Dein Mohamed Shaltout_006.JPG
Supplementary materials Not Available

A total of 125 rabbits were randomly collected and classified into 5 groups (25 of each) where the first group was considered as control one .The other 4 groups were affected with a special diseased conditions (Abscess, Snuffles, Enteritis and Mange) which recorded by clinical inspection. The collected samples from different farms at Kalubia government were subjected to bacteriological examination for evaluation of their quality. The results showed marked alteration in bacteriological examination in almost of the diseased conditions, which render most of these carcasses either unfit for human consumption in severe cases or at least the remaining parts were of very low quality. There was high significant increase of total aerobic bacterial count in case of Mange. There was high significant increase in Eenterobacteriaceae count in case of Enteritis and Mange. While the total Coliform count was high significant increase in case of Mange and the Staphylococci count was highly significant increase in case of Enteritis and Mange

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