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Prof. Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout :: Publications:

Impact of Organic Acids and Their Salts on Microbial Quality and Shelf Life of Beef
Authors: Fahim A. Shaltout, Magdy T. Gerges and Ahmed A. Shewail
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Glob. J. Agric. Food Safety Sci
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Pages: 360-370
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Fahim Aziz El-Dein Mohamed Shaltout_Fahim Aziz El-Dein Mohamed Shaltout_paper_28_agri_Dr Ahmed Shewail.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This study examined the effect of different concentrations of lactic acid (LA) (1 and 2%), acetic acid (AA) (1 and 2%), sodium lactate (SL) (2.5%( and sodium acetate (SA) (2.5%) on the chemical, microbiological and sensory quality of raw beef stored at 4°C. The results showed that these additives were efficient (P< 0.05) against the proliferation of various spoilage microorganisms; including aerobic, psychrotrophic populations, and Enterobacteriaceae. The general order of antibacterial activity of the different additives used was; AA > LA > SA > SL. The chemical analysis revealed a significant reduction (P< 0.05) in the pH value of treated beef samples. Significant differences (P< 0.05) were detected with the sensory quality, with 1% (AA), the treated samples yielding the highest scores for the color, texture, and flavor attributes. Overall, the findings demonstrate that the addition of 1% AA or 1 % LA to beef cuts can delay the proliferation of spoilage microorganisms, improve the sensory attributes and extend the shelf life of the beef during refrigerated storage. These additives have promising properties that can open new pathways and opportunities for beef preservation for using efficient, safe, and cost-effective preservatives. Keywords: beef, Acetic acid, Lactic acid, Sodium lactate, Sodium acetate and Shelf life.

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