Fl/ely random samples of rabbit inca! and liver (25 of each) were collectedfrom di/je rent rabbit farms at Kalyobia governorate. Chemical constituents, pil proteolytic and enzymatic indices of spoilage of collected samples carried out. The obtained results revealed that the mean values ofmoisture, protein, fat and ash contents were 7364%, 21.16%, 3.28% and 1.19% for rabbit meat and 69.75%, 18.56%, 4.52% and 1.33% for rabbit liver, respectively. In addition, pH of rabbit meat and liver were 6.57 and 6.24, respectively. Moreover mean value of carbohydrate content of rabbit liver was 4.76% Total volatile nitrogen (TVAQ, urea, uric acid and creatine contents as proteolytic metabolites were 12.18 mg%, 1.34 ing%. 5.69 mng% and 2.06mg %for rabbit meat, and 9.93 ing %, 1.82 mg% , 7.15 mg% and 0.13mg %/br rabbit liver, respectively. Moreover, Aspartcite anunotran.sferase (21ST), Alanine amino—transferase (ALT) and Alkaline phosphatase ~AP~ were estimated to be 13.19, 4.27 and 1.08 LU / nigfor rabbit meat samples, and 25.58, 6.21 cmd 2.23 IU/mgfor rabbit liver samples, respectively. |