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Prof. Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout :: Publications:

Bacterial evaluation of vacuum packaged meat products.
Authors: Shaltout, F.A.a, Zakaria, I.M.b, Lamiaa, M. lotfy c, Ibrahim, I. Ahmedd.
Year: 2016
Keywords: vacuum, sausage, luncheon, salmonella
Journal: benha veterinary medical journal
Volume: 31
Issue: 2
Pages: 189-195
Publisher: faculty of veterinary medicine benha university
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Fahim Aziz El-Dein Mohamed Shaltout_88888.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The purpose of this study to evaluate the microbiological quality of vacuum packaged meat product samples (luncheonsausage) collected from different markets in Qalyobia governorate (30 of each). The obtained results indicated that the mean values of APC, anaerobic plate count and Enterobacteriacea counts was 2.1xl06±1.5xl06, 1.5xl07±3.5xl06& 1.7xl04±3.9xl03cfu/g for sausage and 2.9xl05±2.6xl04, 2.4xl05±2.5xl04& 2xl05±2xl04 cfu/g for luncheon, respectively. Isolation and identification of some food poisoning bacteria were carried out. Salmonella, Staphylococci, and Clostridium perfringens were isolated and identified and the incidence was 10 %,6.6% and 33.3 % for sausage and 3.3, 10%&43.3 % for luncheon, respectively. Contamination of food by handlers is the most common cause of the presence of microorganisms which indicate a bad hygienic measure applied through different stages of food preparation, handling and serving.

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