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Prof. Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout :: Publications:

Bacteriological assessment of Street Vended Meat Products sandwiches in kalyobia Governorate
Authors: Fahim Aziz-Eldin Shaltot, Mohamed, A.H. El-Shater 2., Wafaa Mohamed Abd El-Aziz3.
Year: 2015
Keywords: Street Vended, cooked, Meat Products, Staph. aureus, E. Coli.
Volume: 28
Issue: 2
Pages: :58‐66
Publisher: faculty of veterinary medicine benha university
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Fahim Aziz El-Dein Mohamed Shaltout_8.pdf
Supplementary materials Fahim Aziz El-Dein Mohamed Shaltout_8.pdf

Contamination of ready-to-eat foods sold by street vendors rendering them unacceptable for human consumption and become a global health problem. This study aimed to examine the quality and safety of street vended meat products in kalyobia governorate . Eighty samples of meat products including 20 samples each of beef burger, kofta, sausages and hawawshi were randomly collected from the streetvendors in kalyobia governorate to evaluate their bacteriological quality. The results revealed that the mean values of APC, Enterobacteriaceae, coliform and staphylococcus counts (cfu /g) were 3.97×105, 5.82×103, 6.53×102 and 2.76×103 for burger , 8.51×105, 7.15×103, 9.25×102 and 5.41×103 for kofta, 1.33×106, 9.91×103, 4.38×103 and 1.23×104 for sausage , 6.76×106, 4.07×104, 1.12×104 and 6.11×104 for hawawshi respectively. Also Staph. aureus were isolated with an incidence of 40% , 45% , 55% and70% ( with mean value of 7.54×102 , 8.13×102 , 1.96×103 and 4.28×103cfu/g)from the examined samples of burger, kofta, sausage and hawawshi, respectively. Also the incidences of isolation of E.coli from the same examined samples were 10% ,15%, 25% and 30%, respectively. The obtained results were compared to the published microbiological guidelines for RTE food of center of food safety(2014) to assess their bacteriological quality and It was recommended that this guidelines may be adapted locally(for RTE Egyptian food) until more precise microbial criteria for this food type could be developed through an appropriate scientific process.

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