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Prof. Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout :: Publications:

Organochlorine Residues in Fish in Rural Areas
Authors: Amal Abdelmordy email ; Fahim Shaltout; Saad M Saad
Year: 2023
Keywords: Organochlorine; DDT; aldrin; dieldrin; HPLC
Journal: Benha Journal of Applied Science
Volume: 8
Issue: 5
Pages: 331-336
Publisher: Benha University
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout_BJAS_Volume 8_Issue 5_Pages 331-336.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

A total of 45 samples of fish(Tilapia and Claris and Bahr Shibin )were collected from EL-Bagoria canal and EL-Menofi drainage and Bahr Shibin for detection and determination of Organochlorine pesticides (DDT, aldrin and dieldrin). Organochlorine pesticides could not be detected in Bahr Shibin while mean value of DDT in Tilapia from EL-Bagoria canal 0.37±0.09, aldrin 0.33±0.03and dieldrin 0.50±0.20 while in EL-Menofi drainage mean level of DDT 0.34±0.07, aldrin 0.40±0.08 and dieldrin 0.40±0.13. while in Claris samples from EL-Bagoria canal mean level of DDT 0.40±0.46 aldrin 0.25±0.07and dieldrin 0. 34±0.08 while from EL-Menofi drainage mean value of DDT 0.27±0.05, aldrin 0.30±0.07 and dieldrin 0.48±0.10. . while in Claris samples from EL-Bagoria canal mean level of DDT 0.40±0.46 aldrin 0.25±0.07and dieldrin 0. 34±0.08 while from EL-Menofi drainage mean value of DDT 0.27±0.05, aldrin 0.30±0.07 and dieldrin 0.48±0.10. Pesticides are one the main contaminant of water sources which are considered the natural environment of fish . on the other hand , fish could be contaminated by pesticides either directly by gills breathing or indirectly through contamination of feeding items so it is very important to analyze fish samples to detect to what extent the rate of accumulation of pesticides residues in fish flesh and organs.

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