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Prof. Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout :: Publications:

The application of omics in food quality and safety
Authors: Fahim A. Shaltout
Year: 2024
Keywords: Consumer, omics, food safety, food quality
Journal: Dietary Nourishment and Food Processing Techniques
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Pages: 1-7
Publisher: Winsome Publishing LLC -
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout_1708764491food20_02_24.pdf
Supplementary materials Fahim Aziz Eldin Mohamed Shaltout_1708764491food20_02_24.pdf

Food Safety and Quality affect economic by increasing the shelf life of the food product, increase importation and exportation of the food product, increasethe productivity of the workers,increase the nationalproductivity and give good news about the food product. Food safety means the food is free from hazards, either biological, physical and chemical hazards.Food safety and quality affect human health by lowering the occurrence of foodborne diseases, improve of the health status of the consumers and lowering the numbers of sick peoples in the hospitals. A new approach in the food quality and food safety, the progress in the analytical methods in the food processing and production brought about a novel and modern approachrelated to the food qualityand the food safety. The omics approach in the food is a recently coined expression and is an integration of relevant,omics disciplines. The application of omics in the biology and the medical domains. The food and the nutrition researchers have been interested in these omics approach research.The omics is a tool used for detection of the food constituents and the nutrients at the molecular level. Researches in the food area use the analytical techniques through different omics disciplines as prote omics, metabol omics, lipid omics, nutrigen omics, metagen omics and transcript omics. The using the different omics techniques separately or in combination not only in the analytical methods of the food constituents used also in the food authentication and for detection of the food safety and the food quality. The using of advanced analytical techniques in omics branch has empowered the researchers who studying the food and the nutrition. The analytical techniques used in each “omics”discipline and how omics approachelucidates the argumentsrelated to the food quality,the food safety,the origin of the food, man and women nutrition.

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