Publication From Year: Publication TO Year:

Faculty of Applied Arts: Department of Sculpture and Arch and Restoration

Total number of Publications in the Department of Sculpture and Arch and Restoration - Faculty of Applied Arts is 10

Abdul Momin Shams al-Din Alqrnfeily
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (2)
Total (2)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Artistic formation aesthetics and philosophical vision for the family statues in the old kingdom abd elmoemen shams eldin elkaranfily 2015 International
2 فن النحت المصرى المعاصر بين صمت الخامة وحيوية المنتج abd elmomen shams eldin elkaranfily 2006 International
Sara Abdoh
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (4)
Total (4)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Architectural Egyptomania: A study to enhance the Revival of the Ancient Motifs in contemporary buildings Sara Abdoh 2018 International
2 Deformed Statues of Ramses II: a Study of Disruptive Restorations in Egypt in the 21st Century Sara Abdoh 2020 International
3 Revival of Pharaonic Architecture in Synagogues and Masonic Temples: Identity or Inspiration? Sara Abdoh 2020 International
4 Sculpture and Technology: A Proposed New Approach for the Amarna Artistic Style Sara Abdoh 2021 International
Nagy Mahmoud Abdel fattah
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (1)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 اثر البيئة على الفكر الإبداعي للنحاتيـن المصرييـن د. ناجي محمود عبد الفتاح 2003 International
christine mondy sadek said
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 رسالة دكتوراة بعنوان (العوامل المؤثرة في نحت وتنفيذ الميدالية في أوروبا خلال القرنين 19 ، 20 م) dr mohammed el alawey - dr eslam eada 2019 Local
sobhy hussein shalan
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Asmaa Sediek Abd el-aziz
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 معالجة خامة البينتونيت وتحسين خواصها التشكيلية والإنشائية لملائمة تشكيل النحت المعمارى والميدانى م/أسماء صديق عبدالعزيز 2022 Local
Noran Ayman Abd Al-Atty
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Ola Mahmoud Saad Barakat
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Implementing technological methods in square's kinetic sculpture (applied study for some Egyptian squares) ola mahmoud 2023 Local
hagar abdelmonem
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Lina Muhammad Muhammad Abu Al-Saud
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
shrouk hosni saed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Suhaila Hossam Mohammed Al-Taher Al-Sayed
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)