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Last visit: 2025-02-08 20:50:23
The supreme council of universities holds its regular meeting under the presidency of prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gaffar, the minister of higher education, on Saturday, in at Benha University's premise in El-Obour city. The meeting is done in the presence of prof.Dr. Mohamed Latif, the meeting secretary and the meeting members.
The supreme council of universities honors, in the presence of prof.Dr. Ayman Ashour, the minster of higher education and scientific research, prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president for the end of his tenure as the university president in the end of the current month. He was honored in appreciation of his exerted efforts to develop the university and the Egyptian education system
Major General/ Abdel Hamid EL-Hagan, Qulubia governor hosts Ambassador/ Hisham Badr, the general coordinator and the head of the organizing committee of Smart Green Projects Initiative, Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president and Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the vice president of post-graduate studies and scientific research in the governorate main building so as to hold a meeting for keeping an eye on the execution of the second phase of Smart Green Projects Initiative. This meeting aims at shedding light on the initiative's importance and encouraging the youth to apply to such great initiative in the field of sustainable and smart development.
BU council honors, under the presidency of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president, Prof.Dr. Lofty Abu Salim, the dean of the faculty of science on the occasion of his retirement in appreciation of his exerted efforts during his tenure as a dean of the faculty in the last few years. This is done in the presence of Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the vice president of post-graduate studies, Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs and Prof.Dr. El-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, Ms. Shreen Shawkay, the university secretary-general, the faculties' deans, the council members and the assistant sectary-generals.
BU council is held under the presidency of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president and in the presence of Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the vice president of post-graduate studies, Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs and Prof.Dr. El-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, Ms. Shreen Shawkay, the university secretary-general, the faculties' deans, the council members and the assistant sectary-generals.
BU president, Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa and Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the vice president of post-graduate studies and scientific research, the faculties' vice deans of students and educational affairs, Ms. Shreen Shawkay, the university secretary-general, Mr. Rafaat Nan, the assistant secretary-general for the administrative affairs and the white collar system honor the participates who prepare the new research plan of Benha University 2023-2030. It's noteworthy that this research plan aims at developing the educational system, honing the research processes and serving the community.
Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president attends the ceremony of handing out the certificates of the youth empowerment in the marketplace and 10,000 entrepreneur students' initiatives that are held for the first time in the Egyptian Universities in cooperation with the talented center in Benha University and Misr central library.
Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs inspects the participating delegations residences in the first sport festival for Delta Universities in the presence of prof.Dr. Sayed Abdel Wanes, the general supervisor of the Universities hostels and prof.Dr. Awaad Allah Soliman, the head of the university hostels.
Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president inspects the aptitude tests of G.C.E students in the faculties of physical education and applied arts. He was accompanied by Prof.Dr. Osama Salah, the dean of the faculty of physical education, Prof.Dr. Shams EL-Din EL-Kornfolly, the dean of the faculty of applied arts and the vice deans of both faculties. It's noteworthy that the aptitude tests has started on Saturday yesterday till Thursday that corresponds to 27th of July in the faculty of applied arts, the faculty of physical education and the faculty of specific education.
Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president honors the faculties' members, the University secretary-general, the assistant secretary-generals and the employees who participate in the administrative quality management system in the presence of Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, Prof.Dr. Abdel Kader Abdel Karim, the coordinator of the administrative quality management system, Ms. Shreen Shawkay, the university secretary-general, the assistant secretary-generals, several general managers and the employees.
Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President and Ambassador Alaa Hegazi, the Assistant of Foreign Affairs Minister for the Diplomatic services and consular affairs have signed a cooperation protocol between Benha University and Ministry of Foreign Affairs in presence of the Ambassador Sameh Shoukry, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President and Ambassador Alaa Hegazi, the Assistant of Foreign Affairs Minister for the Diplomatic services and consular affairs have signed a cooperation protocol between Benha University and Ministry of Foreign Affairs in presence of the Ambassador Sameh Shoukry, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President hosts Oka Hiroshi, Ambassador of Japan in Cairo and Tsukazaki Daisuke, the Cultural Counselor at the Embassy of Japan in Cairo to discuss ways to enhance cooperation between the two sides in the fields of education, scientific research, and student and faculty members' exchange.
BU council is held under the presidency of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU President and in the presence of Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the vice president of post-graduate studies and scientific research, Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, Ms. Shreen Shawkay, the university- secretary-general , the faculties' deans, the council members and the assistant secretary-generals.
Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president congratulates Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the vice president of post-graduate studies and scientific research, Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, the faculties' deans, the vice deans, the administrative heads, the faculties' members, the employees and the students on the occasion of Eid-Al-Adha.
Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president congratulate the great Egyptian people and his Excellency Mr. president/ EL-Sisi on the tenth commemoration of the 30th of June revolution stressing that it is the uprising that triggers the will, the challenging spirit and the hope. He also wishes that Egypt is always a prosperous and great country.
Under the auspices of Prof.Dr .Gamal Sosa, BU president, Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of education and students' affairs and Prof.Dr. Mohamed Abu Arab, the acting dean, the faculty of arts (Media department) conducts discussions with the department's graduates with regard to their discussion projects (Radio section) for class 2023.
Under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, the innovation and entrepreneurship center in Benha University announces that the deadline for the Egyptian Universities' students to participate in the 2nd innovation fair entitled “Made in Egypt” will be at the end of June.
Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president issues a number of decrees to appoint new departments' heads in the University's faculties. Prof.Dr. Anwar Abdel Fattah Abdel Malak, the professor of Anatomy department is appointed as the department head in the faculty of veterinary medicine and Prof.Dr. Ayman Ali Ahmed, the professor of curricula and the methodology is appointed as the department head in the faculty of physical education.
The sector of community service and environment development organizes, under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president and Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, a ceremony to celebrate the international day of blood donation that corresponds to 14-6-2023.
The faculty of arts in Benha University holds an awareness forum entitled “the author's rights in the digital environment” under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development and Prof.Dr. Mohamed Abu Arab, the acting dean of the faculty.
Under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president and Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, the innovation support center in Benha University announces that there is a deadline extension till the end of July so as to open the way for those interested to participate in the exhibition.
The faculty of arts organizes an awareness forum entitled “Plagiarism and intellectual rights” under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development and Prof.Dr. Mohamed Abu Arab, the acting faculty dean.
Under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president and Prof.Dr. Ayman EL-Shehaby, the faculty's dean, the faculty's official page on Facebook has been verified as the first faculty to do so in order to help the faculty's graduates, students, faculty's members to keep an eye of the updates of their faculty.
The deans' selection committee, under the presidency of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president, announces that the candidature is opened for the deanship position in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra from Tuesday which corresponds to 16-5-2023 to Tuesday which corresponds to 23-3-2023 in the office of the University president.
Under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president, Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of education and students affairs and Prof.Dr. Mohamed Abu Arab, the acting dean of faculty of arts, the students of Media department continue to pay visit to the Egyptian Media production city studios.
Prof. Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President, Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students` Affairs, Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr.El Sayed Abd El Hamid Foudah , Benha University Vice-president for Community Service and Environment Affairs Sector congratulate the BU deans, deputies, students and all the staff at Benha University on the occasion of Ramadan and hope for all Egyptians peace, flourish and prosperity.
The Supreme Council of Universities announced the first list of candidates for Benha University presidency which included; Prof.Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vive resident for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs.
The Board of Directors of Benha Journal for Humanities and Social Science has announces that the First Annual Conference of Postgraduate Studies for Humanities and Science is going to be held under auspices of Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President in the period from 19 to 20 of October, 2022.
Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President and Dr. Tamer Samir, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs have inspected the third phase of Ashbal Misr Digital Initiative that submitted by Egypt's Communications and Information Technology Ministry to support 3,000 free scholarships annually for Egyptian students from 12 to 17 years old to train them in various ICT skills, as well as personal and life skills, to help them reach a better future. The Initiative was held at Electronics laboratories Tests of the University .
Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research said that the Technical Committee for examining the scientific production at Benha University under auspices of Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President has announced results of International Publication and Citations Rewards, July 2022 .For his part, El Gizawy mentioned that Citations Rewards, July 2022 comes within the framework of improving the output of scientific research at the University and encouraging the faculty members to publish their research in international scientific journals .
Prof. Dr. Gamal Sosa,Benha University President announced that Benha University has advanced 139 positions according to the Spanish Webometrics Classification that issued in July 2022, as it ranked 1225 among more than 31 thousand universities around the world that participated in the classification. At the level of Arab World, Benha University has occupied the rank 23th among 1361 of Arabian universities.
Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students ' Affairs said that the University has completed all the preparations necessary for conducting the aptitude tests for its faculties 2022/2023 and for students holding secondary school certificate, its equivalent (Arab and foreign), and the technical certificates.
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa , Benha University President ,Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research , Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students ' Affairs, Prof. Randa Mustafa, the University Vice-president for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs and Prof. Mahmoud Iraqi, the Supervisor on Community Service Sector congratulate Benha University staff on the occasion of Eid Al Adha and hope welfare, prosperity and peace for all Egyptian people.
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President congratulated Prof. Dr.Ramdan Mohamed; the Professor of Educational Psychology at Benha Faculty of Education, and the Director of the National Examination Center after assuming Position of Assistant Minister of Education for Assessment and Examination Systems.
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President congratulated Prof.Dr. Randa Mustafa, Benha University Vice- President for Community Service Affairs after after electing her as Vice-President of the Women's Region in the African Parliament. For his part, Dr.Gamal Sosa said that, this choice is an honor for Benha University that one of its professors has been chosen for that position.
Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President witnessed the final match of Football Tournament at Ramadan in the presence of Prof.Dr. Khalid Essawy, the general coordinator of the student activities, Dr. Mosbeh EL-khehily, the Director General of Youth Welfare, Prof.Dr. Hany Zakaria, the supervisor of the University 's playgrounds, Mr. Ibrahim Abd EL-Allah, the head of sports activities department, many faculties ' members and a number of employees at Benha University.
Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research announced said that the Technical Committee for examining the scientific production at Benha University announced the results of International Publication and Citations Rewards, January 2021 under auspices of Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President.
Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President congratulated all the staff and employees at Benha University on the occasion of Ramadan. During the Tour, Dr.Gamal Sosa was accompanied by Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Tamer Samir, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs , Mrs. Sherine Shawky, Secretary General of the University, Professor Refaat Nan, Assistant Secretary of the University for Administrative Affairs, and Professor Ayman Bayoumy Amin, The University 's Assistant for Financial Affairs, and Ms. Rania Moataz, Assistant Secretary of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs.
Prof.Dr.Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice President for Education and Student's Affairs inspected the second semester exams at Faculties of Shoubra Engineering under auspices of Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President and he was accompanied by Dr.Ayman El Shahaby, the Faculty of Engineering dean and his deputies .
Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research inspected the second semester exams at Faculty of Law under auspices of Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President and El Gizawy was accompanied by Dr.Reda Abd El Halim, the Faculty of Law dean and his deputies .
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President continued his inspections tours to follow up the second semester exams at faculties of Physiotherapy and Applied Arts. Benha University President was accompanied by; Prof.Dr. Walid Tallat, the acting dean of Physiotherapy faculty, Dr. Abd El Moamen Shams El Din, the Faculty of applied Arts dean, Dr.Mohamed Abd El Fattah, Electronic Test Center Manager and deputies of both faculties. During his tour, Benha University President inspected exams halls and he confirmed on applying precautionary measures such as wearing masks and leaving safe distances between students.
Prof. Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President sent a cable of congratulations on the occasion of Sinai Liberation Day Anniversary to President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, Lieutenant General / Mohamed Ahmed Zaki, Minister of Defense and Military Production and Lieutenant General / Osama Askar, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces.
Prof. Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President sent a cable of congratulations to/ the Pope Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Episcopate and the chems / Sergius Sergius, the agent of the Cathedral of Mark in Abbasia on the occasion of the Glorious Easter feast. The message has included "it gives me and Benha University family much pleasure to congratulate your Excellency on the occasion of the Glorious Easter feast anniversary.
Major Genera l Abdel Hamid El-Hagan, Governor of Qalyubia, and Dr. Gamal Sosa, President of Benha University inaugurated the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Unit at the headquarters of Agriculture Faculty in Moshtohor, in the presence of Dr. Mahmoud Maghraby Iraqi, the Supervisor of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zabalawy, Acting Dean of the Faculty, Mrs. Rania Moataz, Assistant Secretary of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and the Faculty of agriculture deputies .
Major Genera l Abdel Hamid El-Hagan, Governor of Qalyubia, and Dr. Gamal Sosa, President of Benha University inaugurated the Wheat Harvest Season at Faculty of Agriculture in the presence of Dr. Mahmoud Maghraby Iraqi, the Supervisor of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zabalawy, Acting Dean of the Faculty, Mrs. Rania Moataz, Assistant Secretary of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and the Faculty of agriculture deputies .
Benha University participated in the activities of the first forum for officials of the Universities Youth Parliament, which was held under auspices of Dr. Khalid Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Ashraf Sobhy, Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Gamal Sosa, President of Benha University, and Dr. Tamer Samir, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs.
Faculty of Commerce at Benha University organized a choral and music party for its students under auspices of Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President, Dr. Tamer Samir, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research , Dr. Samy Ghonemy , the Faculty of Commerce dean , Dr. Mustafa El Abady , the former dean , Dr.Khalid Essawy , the general coordinator of Students activities and Mr. Mustaf Abu El Dahab , the Faculty of Commerce manager .
Prof. Gamal Sosa, President of Benha University, witnessed the accreditation celebration of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education for Faculty of Education that headed by Dr. Johansen Eid, under the title “Quality Assurance and Digitization: The Way to Developing and Managing Education”, in the presence of Dr. Mohamed Latif, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Universities.
Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President honored Eng.Ibrahim El Araby ; the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Elaraby Group , President of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and the Chairman of the Egyptian-Japanese Business Council after receiving the Order of the Rising Sun from the Japanese Emperor.
Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the vice president of the post-graduate studies and research affairs announces that the sector of post-graduate studies and research, under the auspices of prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the university president, issues a booklet of the scientific production and the research projects within the field of applied sciences in the last few years.
Prof.Dr.Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice President for Education and Student 's Affairs inspected the second semester exams at Faculties of Nursing, Education and Law under auspices of Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President and he was accompanied by Dr.Eman Abd El Haq, the Faculty of Education dean, Dr. Reda Abd El Halim, the Faculty of Law dean and Dr.Marwa Mustafa, the Faculty of Nursing dean.
Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research inspected the second semester exams at Faculty of Nursing under auspices of Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President and El Gizawy was accompanied by Dr.Marwa Mustafa, the Faculty of Nursing dean. Prof.Dr. Nasser El Gizawy said that the tour comes within the framework of following up on the exams and to make sure of taking all measures that will ensure regularity of exams process.
Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research inspected the central laboratory at Faculty of Science, that visit was according to instruction of Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University president to support scientific research system .It is worth mentioning that Dr. Nasser El Gizawy was accompanied by Dr. Lotfy Abu Salim , the Faculty of Science dean , Dr. Mohamed Haikal , the Faculty deputy and Dr. Eslam Sheha , the executive manager of the central laboratory.
The First Annual Conference of Post Graduate Studies for Applied Science is going to be held in the period from 7-8 of May, 2022 under auspices of Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President and Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa , Benha University President ,Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research , Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students ' Affairs, Prof. Randa Mustafa, the University Vice-president for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs and Prof. Mahmoud Iraqi, the Supervisor on Community Service Sector congratulate Benha University staff on the occasion of Eid El Fitr and hope welfare, prosperity and peace for all Egyptian people.
Prof. Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President has approved to grant EGP750 for the University staff as a reward on the occasion of Ramadan 2022. Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa assured on finishing all procedures of granting the reward for all the staff very soon and he also stressed that Benha University Administration is keen on supporting its employees and stimulate its efficient employees.
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa , Benha University President headed the Selection Committee to Select the Educational Studio's Supervisor in presence of Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-President for Education and Students ' Affairs and Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.
Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research announced that the Technical Committee for examining the scientific production at Benha University announced the results of International Publication and Citations Rewards, January 2022 under auspices of Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa , Benha University President .
FULBRIGHT Commission announces about starting apply for its scholarships 2023-2024 for Egyptian at all specialties. For more details about conditions, please check the following link;
Benha University Biotechnology Incubator announces about launches its first incubation cycle in cooperation with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) through a program called INTILLAQ to support promising ideas that can be transferred to startups companies in the fields of biotechnology. The Camp is a step to create a supportive climate for innovators and creators of young researchers.
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa , Benha University President ,Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research , Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students= ' Affairs, Prof. Randa Mustafa, the University Vice-president for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs and Prof. Mahmoud Iraqi, the Supervisor on Community Service Sector congratulate Benha University staff on the occasion of Ramadan and hope welfare, prosperity and peace for all Egyptian people.
Prof. Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President has inspected the University hostel at Shoubra to check the provided service for students and he was accompanied by Dr. Sayed Abd El Wanis, the general Supervisor of University hostels at Benha University and Dr. Awad Allah Soliman, the general manager of University Hostels at Benha University.
Prof. Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President sent a cable of congratulations to President Abdel Fattah El Sisi on the occasion of Al-Isra and Al-Miraj Anniversary. He also sent cables of congratulations to each of;Prof. Dr. Mustafa Madbouly - the Prime Minister, Prof. Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar , Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Grand Imam Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb , Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Dr. Shawky Allam, The Grand Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Mohamed Mukhtar Gomaa, Minister of Endowments.
Deans Selection Committee at Benha University under presidency of Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President announces about starting apply for Faculty of Education deanship from Saturday, 26-2-2022 to Thursday, 28-2-2022.All applicants should hand their documents to Mrs.Neveen Mustafa at the office of Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students affairs .
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa , Benha University President headed the Meeting of the Board Directors of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center which was held in presence of Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice President for Post graduate Studies and Scientific Research , Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs , Dr.Ayman El Shahaby , Shubra Faculty of Engineering dean , Dr.Mohamed El Ashhab , Faculty of Medicine dean and Dr. Saad Mahmoud Saad, the Executive Director of the Quality Assurance Center.
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa , Benha University President has honored Dr. Hala Jamal Al Daous , the Lecturer at Health and Veterinary Care Department after winning the 2021 Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers , which provided by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). The meeting was held in presence of Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice President for Post graduate Studies and Scientific Research and Dr.Amany Abbas, The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine dean.
Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs inspected the first semester exams at faculty of Law. During his tour, Prof. Tamer Samir was accompanied by Dr.Reda Abd El Haleem, the Faculty dean and his deputies. It's worth mentioning that the visit comes within the framework of the keenness of Prof. Gamal Sosa, President of Benha University, to follow up the work of the first semester exams and to provide all means of comfort and care for students.
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha Univesrity President continued his inspections tours to follow up the first semester exams at faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. Benha University President was accompanied by Prof.Dr. Amany Abbas, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine dean and Prof.Dr. Mahmoud El Zabalawy, the Faculty of Agriculture dean.
The Administrative Control Authority has held a training program at the headquarters of the National Anti-Corruption Academy in the field of anti-corruption and governance in the period from 4-512022. For his part, Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President mentioned that corruption is the biggest obstacle toward progress, and the main undermining of development processes all over the world. Therefore, it was necessary to raise awareness of its danger, as it is the scourge that must be combated, and the disease that must be treated to get rid of its negative effects. The training program was held in presence of;
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President Benha University hospitals to check the medical service at various departments. During the tour, Benha University president was accompanied by Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs , Dr. Mohamed Gamal El Ashhab , the Faculty of Medicine dean ; the general manager of Benha University hospitals , Dr.Amr El-Dakhakhny,the Executive Director of Benha University Hospitals, and Dr. Mohamed Shaker, the general director of the hospital.
The Leadership Selection Committee in Benha University has held interviews today to the applicants for the University leadership positions which include the renewal for the following positions; general manager of Youth welfare, general manager of University hostels, general manager of Public Relation and Scientific Affairs, general manager of Engineering affairs and general manager of Education and Student Affairs.
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa , Benha University President has reviewed the annual report of the efforts of the Unified Governmental Complaints System during the last year at the level of 23 sub-units at Benha University. Benha University President assured on raising capabilities of the Unified Governmental Complaints System at Benha University to keep pace with various events and changes.
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President has issued several decrees to appoint new heads of departments at several faculties as following; Dr.Naglaa Mohamed Abd El Gawad has been appointed as a head of History department at Faculty of Arts, Dr.Ibrahim Mohamed Rida has been appointed as a head of Cardiothoracic Surgery Department at faculty of Medicine and Dr.Nasser Ali Abd El Naby has been appointed as ahead of Arabic department at Faculty of Arts.
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha Univesrity President continued his inspections tours to follow up the first semester exams at faculty of Commerce. Benha University President was accompanied by Prof.Dr. Samy Ghonemy, the Faculty of Commerce dean, Dr.Mohamed Khalil, the Faculty deputy for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research , Dr.Mustafa Rashid El Abady , the head of Exams Follow up Committee and Mr. Mustafa Abu El Dahab , Faculty of Commerce manager.
Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs inspected during his tour today the first semester exams at faculties of Computer and Artificial Intelligence and Physical Therapy. Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir mentioned that the tour comes within the framework of the keenness of Prof. Gamal Sosa, President of Benha University, to follow up the work of the first semester exams and to provide all means of comfort and care for students.
Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice President for Post graduate Studies and Scientific Research inspected during his tour today the first semester exams of Postgraduate stage at Faculty of Law. Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy mentioned that the tour comes within the framework of the keenness of Prof. Gamal Sosa, President of Benha University, to follow up the work of the first semester exams and to provide all means of comfort and care for students and to assure the regularity of exams process of the first semester at the various faculties of Benha University.
Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President has confirmed that the political leadership is interested in student talents and innovative projects within Egyptian universities. This came during the University president inauguration of the "Innovative Entrepreneurial Skills" event, which was organized by the University's Community Service and Environmental Development Sector.
Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa , Benha University President and Dr.Amira El Tohamy , the Chairman of the Medical Sector Committee for Physiotherapy at the Supreme Council of Universities have witnessed the meeting of the medical sector on the level of Egyptian Universities which has been held at Benha University .
A delegation from Benha University, headed by Prof. Gamal Sousa, President of the University, Dr. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, number of deans of faculties and students participated in the activities of the Second International Exhibition for Defense and Military Industries “EDEX”. Benha University delegation toured the exhibition pavilions, in which major Egyptian and international companies working in the field of defense industries participated with the latest equipment, technologies and security and defense systems.
Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President inspected in his sudden visit the first round of students union elections at several faculties and he was accompanied by Dr. Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs , Dr.Abeer El Rabat , the Faculty of Arts dean , Dr.Reda Abd El Haleem , the Faculty of Law dean ,Dr.Abd El Moamen Shams El Din , the Faculty of Applied Arts dean ,Dr.Samy Ghonemy , the Faculty of Commerce dean and Dr.Khaled Essawy , the general coordinator of Student activities. For his part, Dr. Tamer Samir said that 913 male and female students are competing for student union elections at the level of 16 faculties.
Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs inspected Benha University hostels at Shoubra to be sure from standard of submitted services for students, so he checked out the hostel' s restaurants and food stores. During their tour, they were accompanied by Dr. Sayed Abd El Wanis, the deputy of Benha University hostel and other employees. During his tour, Prof. Tamer Samir confirmed on completing all the necessary preparations of the new academic year and taking all precautionary measures.
Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs inspected Faculty of Education and he was accompanied by Dr.Eman Abd El Haq, the Faculty of Education dean .Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir inspected study halls and Electronic Tests laboratory. Prof. Tamer Samir confirmed on completing all the necessary preparations of the new academic year and taking all precautionary measures.
Benha University has organized the closing ceremony for the Summer School for Space Science in its Second Edition by Cooperation with Egyptian Space Agency. The Ceremony was held under auspices of Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President and Dr.Mohamed El Qosy, the Executive manager for Egyptian Space Agency. The Ceremony was held in presence of Dr.Gamal El Saeed, The previous President of Benha University and Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice President for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research and Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students 'Affairs.
Prof. Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University president has received a delegation from the Coptic Orthodox Church headed by Anba Maximus, the Bishop of Benha, Quesna, and their environs; in addition, Father Gerges Zaki, the Priest of the Church of the Virgin Mary in Benha to congratulate him after appointing him as Benha University President .
Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President received Mrs.Samia Abd El Hamid, Benha University former Secretary who visited Benha University to congratulate him for his new position as Benha University President . On the other hand, Dr. Gamal Soussa congratulated all the former leaders of Benha University for their great efforts.
Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs inspected Benha University hostels at Tukh and Shoubra to be sure from standard of submitted services for students, so he checked out the hostel's restaurants and food stores. During their tour, they were accompanied by Dr. Sayed Abd El Wanis, the deputy of Benha University hostel and other employees.
Dr. Gamal Soussa, President of Benha University, sent a cable of congratulations to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, on the occasion of Prophet's birth anniversary. He also sent cables of congratulations to: Dr. Mostafa Madbouly - Prime Minister, the Great Imam, Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb - Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Prof. Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar - Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Shawky Allam, the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar Jumaa , Minister of Awqaf and Major General / Abdel Hamid Al-Hagan - Governor of Qalyubia
Dr.Gamal Soussa, Benha University President inspected during his tours at the first day of the academic year faculties of Science and Engineering Benha. Benha University President was accompanied by Prof.Dr.Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice President for Education and Students Affairs, Dr.Abeer El Rabat, the Faculty of Arts dean, Dr.Mohamed Basyouny, the Acting dean at Faculty of Commerce and Dr.Khalid Essawy, the general coordinator of student activities.
Deans Selection Committee at Benha University under presidency of Dr.Gamal Soussa, Benha University President announces about starting apply for Faculty of Nursing deanship from Saturday, 23102021 to Thursday, 28102021.All applicants should hand their documents at the office of Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students affairs .For more details about conditions, Please keep in touch with Mrs. Neveen Mustafa, the manager of Benha University Vice President Office.
Deans Selection Committee at Benha University under presidency of Dr.Gamal Soussa, Benha University President announces about starting apply for Faculty of Science deanship from Saturday, 23102021 to Thursday, 28102021 .All applicants should hand their documents at the office of Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students affairs .For more details about conditions, Please keep in touch with Mrs. Neveen Mustafa, the manager of Benha University Vice President Office.
Deans Selection Committee at Benha University under presidency of Dr.Gamal Soussa, Benha University President announces about starting apply for Faculty of Physical Education deanship from Saturday, 23102021 to Thursday, 28102021 .All applicants should hand their documents at the office of Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students affairs .For more details about conditions , Please keep in touch with Mrs. Neveen Mustafa , the manager of Benha University Vice President Office .
Dr.Gamal Soussa, Benha University President congratulates Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Prof. Dr. Tarek Galal Shawqi, Minister of Education and Technical Education on the Occasion of new academic year 20212022. Dr.Gamal Soussa also congratulates his deputies, deans of faculties, professors and their assistants, students and all the staff at Benha University on the occasion of the new academic year and hopes for them best wishes and great success.
Dr.Gamal Soussa, Benha University President inspected during his tours at the first day of the academic year faculties of Science and Engineering Benha. Benha University President was accompanied by Prof.Dr.Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice President for Education and Students Affairs, Dr.Lotfy Abu Salim, the Faculty of Science dean, Dr.El Sayed Ali, the Acting dean at Faculty of Engineering Benha.
President Abd El Fattah El Sisi, Egypt's President has issued a presidential decree to appoint Prof.Dr. Gamal Soussa as Benha University President and hoped for him best wishes and great success at his new position.Prsident Abd El Fattah El Sisi also thanked Dr. Nasser El Gizawy for his great efforts as Acting dean for Benha University .
Dr.Gamal Soussa, Benha University President has confirmed on continuing vaccinating all the staff and student with Corona Virus Vaccine before starting the new academic year under auspices of Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice -President for Post graduate Studies, Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs, Dr. Mohamed Gamal El Ashhab , the faculty of Medicine dean , Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghany, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Qalyubia, and Dr. Amr El-Dakhakhny, Executive Director of Benha University Hospitals .
Dr.Gamal Soussa, Benha University President received Dr.Soliman Mustafa, the Former Vice- President for Education and Students Affairs to congratulate him for his new position as Benha University President .For his part, Dr. Gamal Soussa congratulated all the former leaders of Benha University for their great efforts and said that the leaders of Benha University are keen to establish a culture of institutional work and teamwork.
Dr.Gamal Soussa, Benha University President received Dr.Sayed El Qady, the Former President of Benha University , Dr .Ghazi Assassa , the former adviser for Benha University President and Dr.Sohair Sharawy , the Former deputy of the University, who visited Benha University to congratulate him for his new position as Benha University President .
Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs and Prof. Gamal Soussa, the Supervisor on Community Service Sector inspected Benha University hostels to be sure from standard of submitted services for students, so he checked out the hostel's restaurants and food stores.
The Community Service and Environment Development Sector has continued launching its medical convoys Shibin El Qanater in the framework of Hayah Karima Initiative and under auspices of Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University and Dr. Gamal Soussa, the general supervisor on Community Service and Environment Affairs.
Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs andProf. Gamal Soussa, the Supervisor on Community Service Sector inspected during his tour today the second semester exams at Faculties of Education and Physical Education. During his tour, Dr. Tamer Samir was accompanied by Dr. Osama Salah, the Faculty of Physical Education dean and Dr. Eman Abd El Haq , the Faculty of Education dean .
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