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Last visit: 2024-12-18 14:54:23
Prof. Nasser El-Gizawy, President of Benha University, inaugurated the activities of the 25th International Middle East Conference on Electric Power Systems, organized by the Faculty of Engineering in Shubra. He was accompanied by Prof. Ayman El-Shahabi, Governor of Damietta and former Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in Shubra, Prof. Gamal El-Saeed, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Benha National University, Prof. Tamer Samir, President of Benha National University, and Prof. Louay Saad El-Din Nasrat, President of Aswan University.
Prof. Nasser El-Gizawy, President of Benha University, honored the organizing committee of the third annual conference on graduate studies in humanities, in the presence of Prof. Jehan Abdel-Hadi, Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and Prof. Eman Abdel-Haq, former Dean of the Faculty of Education and the conference's rapporteur.
Under the patronage of Prof. Nasser El-Gizawy, President of Benha University, Prof. Jehan Abdel-Hady, Vice President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, inaugurated the first annual conference of the Faculty of Arts, titled "Visions for Development in the Humanities and Challenges of the Digital Age."
Under the patronage of Prof. Nasser Al-Gizawy, President of Benha University, Prof. Jihan Abdel-Hadi, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, inaugurated the student projects exhibition held alongside the Third Annual Conference for Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Humanities Sciences.
"El-Gizawy ": Emphasizes the role of Humanities Sciences in shaping human personality "Jihan": The conference is an important platform for exchanging ideas and developing research Prof. Nasser Al-Gizawy, President of Benha University, inaugurated the activities of the third annual conference for Postgraduate students in Humanities Sciences, organized by the university from October 23rd to 24th.
under the patronage of Prof. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Nasser El-Gizawy, President of Benha University, and Prof. Gehan Abdel Hady, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research. The conference, organized by the Postgraduate Studies and Research Sector at Benha University, will take place from October 23 to 24, 2024, with participation from several Postgraduate students both from within and outside the university, as well as a number of specialized speakers in the field of humanities.
Benha University holds the second Annual Conference of Postgraduate Studies for Humanities Science in the period from 16-17102023. The Conference is under auspices of Prof.Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University President. Dr. Tariq Shawky; the former Minister of Education and Technical Education and Advisor of the American University in Cairo who delivered a lecture at the Conference entitled “The Culture of Learning and Knowledge in the Current Age,” and Dr. Mahmoud Muslim, the Chairman of the Culture, Tourism, and Media Committee in the Senate who delivered a lecture entitled “The Development of the Media in Light of the Technological Revolution”.
Prof.Dr. Nasser el-Gizaway, the acting president of the university announces that the post-graduate and scientific research sector will organize the second annual conference of the Humanities for the post-graduate students from 18-10-2023 to 19-10-2023 in the presence of the keynote speakers in the Humanities.
The Board of Directors of Benha Journal for Humanities and Social Science has announces that the First Annual Conference of Postgraduate Studies for Humanities and Science is going to be held under auspices of Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President in the period from 19 to 20 of October, 2022.
The First Annual Conference of Post Graduate Studies for Applied Science is going to be held in the period from 7-8 of May, 2022 under auspices of Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President and Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.
Under the auspices of Dr. Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President; Dr. Randa Mustafa, the University Vice-president for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs and Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches' Affairs opened the events of the Annual Scientific Conference for the Faculty of Science under the title of "Applied Sciences and Sustainable Development" in the presence of Dr. Lotfy Abu Salem, the Faculty Dean and the Conference President; Dr. Nehad Elbarqy, the Faculty Vice-dean for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs and the Conference Vice-president.
Tomorrow morning, the international conference of higher education development is inaugurated. This conference is organized in Benha University from 22-1-2019 to 23-1-2019 under the auspices of prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gaffer, the minister of higher education, prof.Dr. Hussein Magraby, the acting university president and prof.Dr. Alaa Abd EL-Halim, the qulubia governor
Today's morning, the international conference of higher education development has been inaugurated. This conference is organized in Benha University from 22-1-2019 to 23-1-2019 under the auspices of prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gafar, the minister of higher education, prof.Dr. Hussein Magraby, the acting university president and prof.Dr. Alaa Abd EL-Halim, the qulubia governor
Prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the acting university president announces about launching the international conference of higher education development in Benha University from 22-1-2019 to 23-1-2019 in the presence of prof.Dr. Khalid Abdel Gafer, the minister of higher education and prof.Dr. Tarek Shawky, the minister of the education, prof.Dr. Alaa Abd EL-Halim, Qulubia governor, prof.Dr. Steven Shadwek, the head of strategic planning in Bristol University and many international experts in the field of higher education development.
The faculty of physical education holds the first scientific conference entitled” the sport is the message of peace” from 11 April to 13 April in the city of Sharm EL-Sheikh. This conference is held under the auspice of the ministry of higher education, the ministry of sport and the universities sport union. This conference will be attended by the ministers of higher education and sport respectively and there will be many foreign and Arab countries which will participate in such conference.
Benha university participates in the 11th international conference of e-learning and education technology ICT –LEARN 2017 with a delegation which includes prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the university president's chancellor of IT, and prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem, the vice CEO of IT and the head of the E-learning center in the hotel of Nile grand tower in Cairo from 5-12-2017 to 6-12-2017.
In the first day of his visit to the UAE, prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the university president's chancellor of the international relationships attend the proceedings of the third conference of scholarship in UAE.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady discusses, in the university's council, the results of the Sino-Egyptian conference that has been held in Benha University last week. He says that the success of the Sino-Egyptian conference is the stimulus of holding more international conference after Benha University has succeeding to reinforce its relationship with many Arab and foreign universities.
The Sino-Egyptian conference continues its proceedings by holding 14 scientific sessions in different aspects. The Chinese delegation efficiently participates in the proceedings of the second day in the conference. Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady expresses his joy for the continuity of the proceeding of the conference in addition to the efficient participation of the Chinese delegation and he also expects that the conference sessions will result in fruitful consequences that will reinforce the Sino-Egyptian relationships.
Suite à travailler avec succès : la Conférence chinoise égyptienne à l'Université de Banha Conclut ses travaux à l'Université de Banha. La deuxième conférence internationale chinoise égyptienne a poursuivi sa tenue de 14 sessions scientifiques en moyenne 6 recherches scientifiques dans chaque session, dans les domaines des vergers, la qualité et la sécurité des aliments, le génie civil, la microbiologie et les organismes vivants de la science, l'électricité, l'énergie, le génie agricole, les sciences de la terre et l'économie agricole, les communications et le génie informatique, où la Conférence a vu le travail du deuxième jour avec la participation de tous les membres participant à la conférence, qui comprend un certain nombre des présidents des universités chinoises et leurs vices de la délégation chinoise.
L'Université de Banha participe à la Conférence de la direction vers la construction de la société égyptienne de la connaissance et de l'innovation. Le professeur Elsayed Elkaddi - Président de l'Université de Benha a participé à l'ouverture de la deuxième Conférence internationale « Vers la construction de la société égyptienne de la connaissance et de l'innovation », organisée par le Comité de l'informatique au Conseil Suprême des Universités qui dure deux jours et se tient à l'Hôtel Sémiramis - Cairo.
Dans le cadre de rassurer sur les préparatifs de l'Université de Banha pour accueillir la deuxième Conférence internationale égypto-chinoise, et préparation de la conférence égypto-chinoise, le professeur Elsayed Elkaddi rassure les préparatifs de l'université de Benha pour l'accueillir, où il a visité les salles des conférences et inspecté le Centre d'informations.
En présence des présidents des universités chinoises participant à la deuxième conférence internationale sino-égyptienne, le professeur Elsayed Elkaddi - Président de l'Université de Benha a ouvert la foire des produits de l'Université de Benha, cette exposition de produits universitaires dans laquelle cinq facultés ont participé .. Et en marge de sa résidence, le professeur Elsayed Elkaddi - Président de l'Université de Benha a dit que le but de son séjour est de faire connaître les progrès réalisés par les facultés universitaires dans divers domaines de la science et de la recherche, notant que ces produits sont vendus pour le service des citoyens, des employés universitaires, des membres du corps enseignant et des villes universitaires. Il a ajouté que l'exposition se poursuivrait après la Conférence pour donner une définition des réalisations du développement de l'Université dans divers domaines scientifiques pour le service de la société.
Le professeur Elsayed Elkaddi - Président de l'Université de Banha a ouvert le travail de la deuxième conférence internationale sino-égyptienne pour les sciences agricoles, vétérinaires et d'ingénierie, qui se tient en 3 jours en présence du Dr / Chiweshen Deng - Président de l'Université de la Chine centrale, le Dr / Song Waimeng - Président de l'Université forestière de Beijing, le Dr / Li Fai - vice-président de l'Université de Wuhan, et le Dr / Mona Mehrez - Sous-ministre de l'Agriculture, le Dr / Maissa Shawki - Sous-ministre de la Santé et de la population.
Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president inaugurates the Sino-Egyptian conference for agriculture, veterinary sciences and engineering which lasts for three days in the presence of prof.Dr. Shiwin Ding, the president of central china normal university, prof.Dr. Song Wiming, the president of Beijing forests university, prof.Dr. Fai Li, the vice president of Wuhan University, prof.Dr. Mona Mehrez, the vice minister of agriculture and prof.Dr. Mayssa Shawky, the vice minister of health.
Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president inaugurates, in the presence of the Chinese universities presidents who participate in the Sino-Egyptian conference, the university products exhibition in which five faculties participate and they are as follows: the faculty of engineering, the faculty of agriculture, the faculty of veterinary medicine, the faculty of science, the faculty of specific education and the projects development unit. This exhibition will last for weeks after the conference.
In a morning tour, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president inspects the university's preparations of the Sino-Egyptian conference in the presence of prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin. He also inspects the faculty of commerce's preparations for the conference next October in addition to paying a visit to the training halls of the center of languages and translation that will used in the conference.
The scientific committee, under the presidency of prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of the post-graduate studies and research and under the auspices of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president to open the door to register in the second Sino-Egyptian conference till 15-9-2017 via the following link:
Sous les auspices du professeur Elsayed Elkaddi – Président de l'Université, l'Université de Benha a invité les Universités participant de l'Alliance des Universités de la Nouvelle Route de la Soie au Kazakhstan de participer à la conférence égypto-chinoise tenue à l'Université de Banha en Octobre prochain, et qui examinera les possibilités de coopération égypto-chinoise dans divers domaines scientifiques et de recherche et de renforcer les relations sino-égyptiennes.
Benha University invites all those who are concerned to its conference entitled ““the rights of the disabled in the Arab World between the legislations and application”. The conference is inaugurated by prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, prof.Dr Gamal Ismail, prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the faculties' deans and the faculties 'members. The conference discusses the disabled-related issues.
Under the auspices of prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gafer, the minister of higher education, prof.Dr. Abd EL-Moniem EL-Banna, the minister of agriculture and land reclamation, general / Mahmoud Ashmawy, the governor of EL-Qulubia, prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president, prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies, Benha University holds the Sino-Egyptian conference from 7-10-2017 to 10-10-2017.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady stresses that he invites the Universities which has participated in the Silk Road Universities meeting. He also says that the importance of the Sino-Egyptian conference lies in the great attention of the Egyptian president and the Egyptian policy to diversify the relationships of Egypt with all countries in the world.
Le professeur Elsayed Elkaddi – Président de l'Université de Benha a fait une réunion pour discuter des dernières dispositions finales pour la deuxième Conférence internationale égypto-chinoise qui est organisée par l'Université de Banha en Octobre prochaine. La réunion a été fait en présence du professeur Jamal Ismail - Vice-président pour le service de la société et le développement de l'environnement, et le professeur Hicham Abou El Enein - vice-président pour les études supérieures et la recherche scientifique, et le professeur Ghazi Assassa - Conseiller du président de l'Université pour les relations internationales, et le professeur Maher Khalil - Directeur du Fonds de la recherche scientifique, et les membres de l'organisation de la conférence. Et pendant la réunion, le professeur Elsayed Elkaddi – Président de l'Université de Benha a souligné l'importance de l'achèvement des préparatifs de la convocation de la conférence, qui vise à renforcer les relations entre l'Egypte et la Chine dans divers domaines scientifiques, sociaux et culturels.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-kady, the university president holds a meeting to discuss the final arrangements of the international Egyptian- Chinese conference which will be held in Benha University Next October. The meeting is held at the presence of prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, prof.Dr. Ghazy Assasa and prof.Dr. Maher Hasb EL-Naby and the members of the organizing committee of the conference.
Benha University's delegation participates in Microsoft conference in the Nile Ritz hotel at Cairo on Monday, 20-3-2017 where the applications of Microsoft can be used in the university campus in the educational process. The conference is attended by prof.Dr. Nabil Hasan, the executive manager of the projects management administration in the ministry of higher education and Eng. / Tarek Ali, the ICTP official, prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the executive manager of IT, prof.Dr. Lotfy Abu Salim, the head of the training project of IT, prof.Dr. Muhammad Muhammad Ghanem, the vice executive manager of IT, prof.Dr. Mazen Selim, the head of digital network, prof.Dr. Reda Omar, the Mis manger, prof.Dr.Shady EL-Mashad, the manager of the E-Portal and Eng. Ahmed Shibel, the engineer at the digital network.
The responsible committee, which organizes the second international Egyptian-Chinese conference that will be held next October under the auspices of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university, will hold its first meeting under the presidency of prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research in the presence of the dean of the following faculties; agriculture, veterinary medicine, engineering/ Benha, engineering/ Shubra in addition to the university president chancellors of scientific research , international relationships and the members of the executive committee.
The students exchange conference has begun which was organized by the Arab universities Arab union. The conference was initiated by the word of prof.Dr. Ghalib El-Refaay, the president of El-Ein university in which he stresses that the students exchange is very important among the Arab universities to help the youth stimulate their thoughts and culture.
Benha university organizes the second international conference entitled “The challenges and the solutions of the international publishing” under the auspices of Prof. Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research and the head of the conference from 18-4-2017 to 19-4-2017 at the conference hall.
The international Egyptian-Chinese conference will be held in Benha University from 7-10-2017 to 10-10-2017. This conference will discuss many scientific topics and important researches in the presence of an official delegation included many Chinese universities presidents and scientists in different majors.
Pendant les travaux de la Conférence scientifique annuelle de la Faculté d'agriculture, et lors de sa conférence inaugurale des projets nationaux dans l'agriculture de Moshtohor, le professeur Elsayed Elkaddi Président de l'Université de Benha souligne l'importance de l'investissement des capacités scientifiques dans l'agriculture et la production, comme il a affirmé sur l'importance des projets nationaux et le développement agricole en Egypte, dont cela s'est fait en présence du professeur Hicham Abou El Enein Vice-président de l'Université de Benha pour les études supérieures et la recherche scientifique, et le professeur Mahmoud Iraki Doyen de la Faculté de l'agriculture et un certain nombre des doyens des facultés de l'Université et des agents et des chefs des départements et des membres du corps enseignant.
The faculty of nursing wins the first place over the other faculties of nursing in Egypt. Prof.Dr. Howyda Sadik, the faculty's dean says that the faculty participates in the student's conference at Cairo University. Many students are honored because they win the first place in the competition that takes place in the conference. Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president congratulates the winning students on they do and heaps praise on the efforts exerted by the faculty of nursing to develop the educational process and the student activities.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed el-kady, the university president inaugurates, on Wednesday, the annual scientific conference of the faculty of agriculture that is about the national projects and the agricultural development. This conference will be attended by prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of the community service and environment development and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed el-kady, the university president inaugurates the annual scientific conference of the faculty of agriculture that is about the national projects and the agricultural development in the presence of prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Eraqi, the dean of the faculty of agriculture, the faculties' deans, the departments' heads and the faculties' members. The university president stresses on the importance of using the scientific potentials in the agriculture and production.
L'Université de Benha organise la deuxième conférence Internationale égyptienne-chinoise en octobre prochain, dont cette conférence Internationale égyptienne-chinoise est organisée par l'Université de Banha sous les auspices du Professeur Elsayed Elkaddi Président de l'Université de Benha au cours du mois d'Octobre prochain sous la présidence du Professeur Hicham Abu El Enein Vice-président de l'Université de Benha pour les études supérieures et la recherche scientifique et la présence des doyens des facultés de l'agriculture et de médecine vétérinaire et de génie de Banha et de Shubra et des conseillers du Président de l'Université pour la recherche scientifique et les relations internationales et les membres du Comité d'organisation de cette conférence Internationale.
The responsible committee, which organizes the second international Egyptian-Chinese conference that will be held next October under the auspices of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, will hold its first meeting under the presidency of prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research in the presence of the dean of the following faculties; agriculture, veterinary medicine, engineering/ Benha, engineering/ Shubra in addition to the university president chancellors of scientific research , international relationships and the members of the executive committee.
In the presence of prof.Dr. Sultan Abu Oraby, the general secretary of the Arab universities union and prof.Dr. Ahmed EL-Kissa, the head of the Arab council of Arab universities training, a delegation of Benha university under the presidency of prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady participates in the conference of students exchange from 19-3-2017 to 21-3-2017.
Benha University's delegation participates in Microsoft conference in the Nile Ritz hotel at Cairo on Monday, 20-3-2017 where the applications of Microsoft can be used in the university campus in the educational process. The conference is attended by prof.Dr. Nabil Hasan, the executive manager of the projects management administration in the ministry of higher education and Eng. / Tarek Ali, the ICTP official, prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the executive manager of IT, prof.Dr. Lotfy Abu Salim, the head of the training project of IT, prof.Dr. Muhammad Muhammad Ghanem, the vice executive manager of IT, prof.Dr. Mazen Selim, the head of digital network, prof.Dr. Reda Omar, the Mis manger, prof.Dr.Shady EL-Mashad, the manager of the E-Portal and Eng. Ahmed Shibel, the engineer at the digital network.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-kady, the university president starts his official visit to the united Arab of Emirates to attend the Arab Universities conference in Dubai. The university president asserts that the issue of developing education has been discussed with the officials of the El-Ein University in addition to discussing the students exchange among the universities. The university president announces the recommendations of the first education forum that is held in Benha University in last November.
The students exchange conference has begun which was organized by the Arab universities Arab union. The conference was initiated by the word of prof.Dr. Ghalib El-Refaay, the president of El-Ein university in which he stresses that the students exchange is very important among the Arab universities to help the youth stimulate their thoughts and culture.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-kady, the university president starts his official visit to the united Arab of Emirates to attend the Arab Universities conference in Dubai. The university president asserts that the issue of developing education has been discussed with the officials of the El-Ein University in addition to discussing the students exchange among the universities. The university president announces the recommendations of the first education forum that is held in Benha University in last November.
Benha University participates in Microsoft Developers conference 2017 at the American University in Cairo from18-3-2017 to 19-3-2017. The university is represented by prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the executive manager of IT, prof.Dr. Islam Saharawi, the head of the E- Services unit, prof.Dr. Amr El-Awamry, the supervisor of the IT units, prof.Dr. Lotfy Abu Salim, the head of the training project of IT and Eng/ Ahmed Zagzog at the digital network.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-kady, the university president left Cairo, yesterday, to go the united Arab of Emirates and attend the Arab Universities conference in Dubai. This conference discusses the student activities and the student exchange among the Arab Universities in addition to the discussing the difficulties that hinder the student exchanges among the Arab Universities.
Pendant la conférence scientifique de la dentisterie, le professeur El Sayed Elkaddi président de l'Université de Benha a déclaré la mise en place de quatre nouvelles facultés à l'Université de Benha, et que l'Université de Benha est actuellement en cours de la préparation pour la mise en place de ces quatre facultés universitaires, et qu'on se prépare à construire des études concernant les constructions des bâtiments des nouvelles Facultés et en plus la préparation des membres du corps enseignant qui vont travailler dans ces Facultés, avec prendre en considération les normes de la qualité, dont cela est venu lors de la conférence scientifique de la dentisterie, en collaboration avec les institutions de recherche spécialistes dans le domaine de la dentisterie pour mettre en place des nouvelles solutions pour les problèmes et de chercher de bien profiter du système de la qualité, et de réduire les prix pour des services fournis pour les citoyens.
L'Université de Fayoum annonce l'organisation de la deuxième conférence annuelle pour l'administration des ressources de l'eau en Egypte et son influence sur l'environnement, sous le titre « L'administration des ressources de l'eau en Egypte et son influence sur l'environnement : Le réel et l'espéré » qui se tiendra à la bibliothèque centrale de l'Université de Fayoum, dans la période allant du 23/04/2017 jusqu'au 24 / 4/2017.
Lors de la Conférence des étudiants à la Faculté des sciences infirmières le professeur Elsayed Elkaddi Président de l'Université de Benha a dit l'éducation et la santé sont les deux faces de la progression, dont il a affirmé sur l'importance de l'éducation et de la santé dans la vie des gens dont ces deux éléments importants les aident à bien travailler et à augmenter la production et l'accès au bien-être, dont cela était lors de l'ouverture de la troisième Conférence des étudiants de la Faculté des sciences infirmières de l'Université de Benha, intitulée « Vers le développement des compétences des étudiants de la Faculté des sciences infirmières ».
The participants in the illegal immigration conference recommend that the youth should be provided with the proper environment to understand this phenomenon as a social, economic and humanitarian crisis in addition to figuring out long-term solutions and fighting its causes, like poverty, unemployment, wars, catastrophes and following, instead, a national strategy for development and making use of people's potentials.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president stresses that Education and healthcare are the key factors in the people's life s they're important for progress and prosperity. This statement concurs with his inauguration the student's third conference at the faculty of nursing in Benha University.
On Thursday, 8-3-2017, there is the first international conference to develop the university leaders and the training organization, the quality assurance and institutional business under the auspices of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, prof.Dr. Hesham abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research nd prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president says that the idea of the illegal immigration isn't accepted and false dream. Going after it is not in the homeland's interest and it, mostly, ends up with the death of its seekers stressing that the youth are capable of doing what they want by work and production.
Prof.Dr. Allaa El-Din Saad, the head of the leadership development center stresses that the higher education development mechanisms, which was discussed in the education forum from 22-3-2017 to 25-3-2017, can be achieved by holding training courses to the faculties' members. Prof.Dr. Allaa El-Din Saad adds that the leadership development center will organize the first Arab scientific forum for developing the university leaders entitled “Developing the training organization and the quality assurance and institutional business” on Thursday, 9-3-2017 under the auspices of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president and prof.Dr. Hesham abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research.
Benha University leader's council honors the winning students in the sixth young researcher's conference which is held in Aswan University from 5-2-2017 to 7-2-2017. It is important to say that Benha University participates with seven researches in the fields of medicine, science, engineering, agricultural, computer and informatics. The students who participate in the conference are as following; student/ Ahmed Yasser from the faculty of science, student/ Amany Muhammad from the faculty of education, the students / Mona Red and Ayman Gamil from the faculty of agriculture, the students/ Yasser Mahmoud and Muhammad Ahmed from the faculty of engineering and student / nourhan Muhammad from the faculty of applied arts.
Benha University organizes a number of workshops for the conference of developing the pre-university education as the participants discuss the criteria of the quality of education, suggesting the best rules for selecting the leaders in the educational edifices and presenting a plan of training the alumni of the university to be able to meet the demands of the marketplace. It has been greed that Tuesday, 14-2-2017 is the day in which the talk and workshops will be continued and the final recommendations will be also issued. This event takes place under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president and it is attended by prof.Dr. Ibrahim Fouda, the dean of the faculty of education, prof.Dr. Saad Muhammad Saad, the head of the quality management center, prof.Dr. Muhammad Selim, the vice manger of the quality management center, prof.Dr. Hend abd Allah, the vice manger of the quality management center for the administrative and the financial affairs and prof.Dr. Moshbeh El-Kehily, the general manager of the youth care department.
The department of Gastroenterology holds, in cooperation with the Egyptian assembly of the Gastroenterology, the second conference next Thursday for two days. This conference will be held under the auspices of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abd El-Sabour, the faculty's dean. The participants will discuss many researches regarding the Gastroenterology, liver diseases and serious diseases as said by prof.Dr. Mustafa Soliman El-Kady, the head of the department of Gastroenterology in the faculty of medicine.
Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president announces that it is planned to establish four faculties in the university including; the faculty of dentistry and the feasibility studies to set up the new faculty's building is going to be prepared. There are faculty' members that will be hired according to the quality criteria.
Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president announces that benha university, represented in Dr. Amin Atef, the teaching assistant at the faculty of engineering in Shubra, participates at the international confernece of campaneis and initiaives in Azeribaijan. Dr. Amin Atef says that benha university's initiative meets the apprasial of the attendacne and the arbtration committee while indicating that this project seeks to qualify the fresh graduates in the egyptian universities to meet the demands of the marketplace in addition to bridging the gap between the university education and the marketplace. It has been recommaded that the counteries should adopt such non-profitable initiatives in order to develop education in the first place.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president honors the top students in the conference of youth and dialogue culture which was organized by the faculty. The conference was held in the presence of prof.Dr. Hesham Abu-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research, prof.Dr. Abeer EL-Rabat, the faculty dean, the university leaders, the faculties' deans, the professors and the students' parents.
Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president honors the top students in the conference of youth and dialogue culture which was organized by the faculty. The conference was held in the presence of prof.Dr. Hesham Abu-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research, prof.Dr. Abeer EL-Rabat, the faculty dean, the university leaders, the faculties' deans, the professors and the students' parents.
In cooperation with the National E-Learning Center (NELC) at the Supreme Council of Universities (SCU) and Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA), Human and Technology Development Foundation organizes its10th International Internet E-Learning Conference and Exhibition under the title of “ICT applications in learning towards Information society”. The Conference will be held in the duration from 12to 14December, 2016 in Helton Ramses Hotel, Cairo, Egypt under the auspices of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and His Excellency the Minister of Communications and Information Technology.
Benha University has participated in the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) Conference 2016 which held in Vienna, Austria on Monday, 09/05/2016 and Tuesday, 10/05/2016.The Conference has been organized by the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education “EURASHE” in the presence of Prof. Michal Karpisck, the Secretary General of the Association.
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ali Shams El Din, the President of Benha University; the University has participated in the 6th QS Middle East and Africa Professional Leaders in Education Conference and Exhibition “QS-MAPLE” which organized by the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) with cooperation of QS in the duration from May 10 to 12, 2016 in AL Ain.
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ali Shams El Din, the President of Benha University; the University has participated in the 6th QS Middle East and Africa Professional Leaders in Education Conference and Exhibition “QS-MAPLE” which organized by the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) with cooperation of QS in the duration from May 10 to 12, 2016 in AL Ain.
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